Over Fifty Housing – Carole


I am a mature bi woman. I hope you enjoy my stories and comment on what you liked and perhaps didn’t like to help me improve my writing. Be warned, I sometimes, to better frame the scene, include passages from stories I have previously published here.

In this series I write as Doris Sweeney, a widowed, bisexual, 53 year old woman.

A little background……

“Over Fifty Housing” the ad read. What the hell does that even mean?

I’m sorry. I’ve noticed that I am using the word “Hell” a lot more these days. My grandchildren seem to use it in every sentence, well they actually use worse words, but I didn’t until recently. I never use it out loud but it is always in my thoughts. I’m just getting old and grumpy I guess.

Now what the hell was I saying? Concentrate Doris, concentrate. Oh yeah, about this Over Fifty Housing, how am I supposed to know what they are selling if they can’t even use correct English? Are the houses over fifty years old? Are all the people living in the houses over fifty years old? The old farts who live here even call the place OFH like everyone knows that stands for Over Fifty Housing.

On my first drive thru it appears that it is really neither of my guesses. I’m told by friends that it is a neighborhood exclusively for people over fifty but that would mean those children on bicycles are really very young looking old people. The houses are all new with many still under construction. I later learned that those were grandchildren visiting.

I took the walking tour and it turns out they are lovely, moderately priced, new homes on small lots designed to have little or no landscape maintenance. Did I mention how much I detest landscape maintenance and gardening?

I have lived in my home in a neighboring town for over thirty five years now. John and I raised our four children in that house and today it’s just too damn big, too damn empty, and too damn expensive. Now there is another word I have started to use a lot.

I learn that I can buy a new two bedroom two bath home in OFH for three hundred thousand dollars. I can sell the big house, a realtor tells me, for seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Realtor lady mumbles something about location, location, location. Who would have thought when we bought it that one day it would be worth three quarters of a million dollars?

With the money from the sale of the old house, my pension from teaching, Johns residual pension, social security and Johns life insurance I can easily live comfortably for the rest of my life and travel, something John never wanted to do. It’s time to move on. The children will go ballistic but with the right planning it can be done before they know and can object.

I have lived here for three years now and love it. OFH has opened my eyes to many aspects of getting older that people seldom talk about and I hope to explore many of them in this in this series.

My part time job in the sales/leasing office at OFH has made my social life interesting and allowed me to meet people I would otherwise have never known.

Over Fifty Housing – Carole

I met Carole when she first looked at homes in OFH as a place to move to after her husband died. Nice enough person, curiously short, perhaps five foot one, with a large bust and a perpetual smile, but buttoned up and very reserved and shy. Nothing ever came of our meeting until she called me a several months after she moved in. “Just some questions about OFH and your experience here,” she said. Lunch and she’ll buy. I’m in!

At lunch I’m a little surprised by Carole’s appearance. She seems to have, and I hate cliches, ‘let her hair down.’ Much more casual and relaxed than I remember. Don’t know why but I remembered her as matronly, very modest and reserved. Today she is dressed in stylish navy blue skirt and a cream colored button blouse with rather tall heels. We meet at the golf club dining room so she fits right in. Although I personally date both men and women it seems these days that I’m more easily distracted by women than men and Carole is unexpectedly distracting. Oh well.

As I sit across from her I notice that accidentally or deliberately her blouse is buttoned up just one button too low exposing a lot of cleavage, almost flaunting he breasts. Her chest below her neck has freckles that end where the flesh of her creamy white breasts begins. I am very distracted. Did she do this deliberately as a test? No, she could not know my turn on’s. I’m just being silly.

All our initial conversation is about the usual things, moving in, getting settled, the weather, nothing important. Carole seems nervous. She asks if I am dating anyone. She knows I’m a widow so where is this question coming from? I kiddingly ask her if she is asking if I’m available. She says, “Well, no, it’s kind of about that but….. look, I heard when I first moved in that you were living with a woman but had been married to a man and if that is not true I need to start this whole lunch over.”

Not knowing where escort gaziantep bayanlar this is going I answer as honestly as I’m comfortable with. “Carole, I was married for thirty years to the only person I had ever had sex with, my man, when he died and I moved here. Shortly after arriving I met a woman and we became friends. She challenged me and opened my eyes to what she called the ‘soft side’ of sex. We became lovers and lived together for a while. She is gone now. Since then I have had brief relationships with both men and women, nothing that lasted, no one right now.”

Carole look relieved, “Doris, that is exactly what I hoped you would say. I hope you don’t think I am ‘coming on’ to you. I just hope you can give me some advice.”

I had not heard the phrase ‘coming on to you’ in a long time and just smiled and asked, “Carole, I’m not someone who assumes much especially when it comes to relationships. Tell me what is going on and I’ll help if I can.”

Carole took a deep breath and started, “OK, so here goes. When I first moved here a neighbor invited me to join the OFH Social Club.”

I stopped her, “It wasn’t what you expected was it?”

Carole continued, “No it wasn’t. It’s a group of people who get together for sex. No feelings, no romance, no chemistry just sex. It wasn’t at all what I was looking for.”

She hesitated, then continued, “Well the truth is that I was looking for romance and maybe sex but not that way. After that I decided that if I was going to have a better social life here it was going to be up to me. I started dressing up a little more, shorter tighter skirts and more open blouses, more attention to make up and going out more often. My husband always said God gave me a good body and I hid it too much so I was determined to use it.”

At about this point I realized that Carole was a high volume person and that maybe people at other tables were listening so I suggested we go for a walk on the Golf Clubhouse grounds.

She agreed and we stopped at her car to change shoes as we started out. As she sat and removed her heels and put on her sneakers she seemed unaware of the views she was giving me of her lovely inner thighs and even glimpses of her red panties.

As we walked she continued, “After a while I got a few dinner and theater invitations from what I thought were attractive men. Well they were attractive men but none even tried romance, barely a goodnight kiss. One did kind of rudely and awkwardly ask for oral sex but he was only interested in receiving not in giving. I did as he asked, gave but received nothing and I love being licked.” She paused. “Sorry, I didn’t need to add that last part.”

She continued, “Doris, I know by now you are wondering where all this blah blah blah is leading. Hold on I’m getting there.”

Another pause, “So I was getting nowhere and the ones I was attracting were duds. All were failing the chemistry test. Then I noticed in the supermarket one day that a woman, a very attractive younger tall woman was, I thought, checking me out. I caught her at an awkward moment I think because when she saw me I smiled and she turned away. I continued shopping thinking it was my imagination.”

“One aisle over I saw her again and this time she approached me, didn’t say a word but smiled and handed me a card with a name ‘Carla’ and a telephone number. She mouthed the words ‘call me.'”

I wanted to say something about that encounter but Carole wasn’t done.

“So, I finished shopping and got in line to check out behind a woman I had seen in the supermarket earlier that same day and had said hello to casually. I had also seen her before a few times at OFH events. Now I found myself looking at her, yes, checking her out I guess, in line to pay. Very pretty woman, about my age, with very casual, wild, dirty blond hair that hung all about her face. She was wearing jeans with old fashioned high top basketball sneakers. I remember thinking that she must be fun. What I did notice earlier in the store aisles was that she was braless under a rather thin white mans dress shirt. Now in the check out aisle with the sun in the windows behind her those same large breasts were highlighted and outlined by the sun shining through her shirt.”

“We talked in line about nothing in particular but I think she saw me trying to catch a peek at her as she bent over her cart and loaded her purchases on the cashiers conveyor belt. When she did, and I’m sure she did, she winked at me and introduced herself. I was somewhat embarrassed that I got caught doing something I would never have done before or at least never got caught doing before. I was also aware that I felt more raw sexual attraction toward this woman than I had felt in a long time toward anyone, man or woman.”

Carole continued, “Her name is Julie, and she waited as I finished paying and walked out with me. As we walked she told me she had seen me around OFH and I always looked ‘delicious’. eskort bayan gaziantep I thanked her but thought ‘delicious’ was an odd choice of words. As we walked I mentioned my bad luck with men at OFH and as we approached her car she asked me if I had considered dating women. I wasn’t thinking and mumbled something about never having really thought about dating women. She also gave me a card with her name and number. What is it about everyone having cards with their names and telephone numbers?”

“Doris, the truth is that I have really always, as long as I can remember, been sexually attracted to some women. I think, like you said, it was that chemistry thing. I never acted on those feelings except once just after I got married when a girl friend kissed me and fondled my breasts, in the bathroom, at a party in her home. I always wondered about that but never followed up with her.”


Finally she was done, “So Doris, when I got in my car I realized that what I thought was just flirting with Julie had made me wet and now because you have been through this I’m here for advice.”

I had listened carefully. “So Carole, I think you really told me three things. That you are curious, maybe more than curious, about having sex with another woman. That you met a younger woman and you now wonder if you should call her. That you were possibly asked out by a woman you know, at least casually, and wonder if you should have said yes. That sound right?”

She replied, “Yes Doris, you did listen, thank you.”

It was my turn to talk, “When I first moved here I had never really thought about sex with other women. When my husband died I thought sex was over for me. Then over time I started dating men and like you found it disappointing at best. Socially it was ok but there was no real sex or intimacy involved. Then I met Valerie and over time she convinced me to test my limits. Just a little at a time and slowly over time it opened a whole new world for me, one I wish I had experienced when I was much younger and even with a woman and my husband together.”

“But, Carole I cannot tell you what to do, what is right for you. I can tell you however that you probably should not be asking a woman who is interested in you herself what to do about other women.”

Carole smiled and started to speak but I had more to say, “I can tell you two important, I think, things you should know. In the OFH office we have been getting warnings about a scam going on in retirement communities. Younger people preying on older lonely seniors for money in exchange for what seems like romance or even sex so unless you know someone who knows this Carla woman, I would stay away.”

Now I wasn’t done, “Now Julie is much more complicated but I’m sure I can share this with you. There is an informal group of women in OFH and other retirement communities. The group has no officers, no meetings. I call it ‘the sisterhood’ but it does not have a name really. It’s just a informal group of mature women who agree to use the code word ‘delicious’ to signal a desire to have sex with another woman.”

I continued, “If you know the code word and agree, magic can happen. If you don’t know the code or chose not to participate no one is hurt. Julie was telling you she found you attractive and that she felt there was good chemistry. You just didn’t know the code word. If you want to, now that you know, you could call her.”

I was almost finished, “Carole, back to my first point, everything about you has changed since I first met you. As I sat across from you at lunch I was wondering how I missed this beautiful woman, you, when we first met. I feel real chemistry with you. If you want, we can go to my house today and find out if and how much you want women in your life.”

Carole looked at me and smiled and I think nodded yes. As we approached our cars she reached out and took my hand squeezed it and said, “I changed the sheets on my bed this morning hoping something like this might happen. Shall I drive?”

As we drove, we talked about the women’s group. I think she was nervous and filling the drive time. Carole was curious, how it came to be, and had I been approached?

I told her, “I was told that the group was started by just a few women who experienced what we have. They became widows and moved to an OFH like community and learned that as a woman ages and especially in retirement, real, loving sex is much more difficult to find. They found it in each other. All are caring, loving women who actually want to make love not just have sex. So Carole, it’s not at all like the OFH Social Club.”

“I have been with four women since Val left. All four are women I met casually and knew a little before they approached me. With all four I felt the chemistry that I think is necessary for great sex and with all four I had a great one time only relationship. One was the first Black person I had ever been intimate with, an incredibly erotic experience gaziantep bayan eskort for me. One was a Chinese woman who had recently moved here from another state also a wonderful experience. Just loving, caring women meeting the sexual needs of other women.”

As I spoke, at some point I put my hand briefly on her leg just above her knee, I think to emphasize making love without being in love and not just having sex. As I started to pull it away she put her free hand on top of mine and squeezed my hand. I looked at her and she was smiling but looking at the road. When I again tried to gently pull it away she used her hand to pull mine up under her skirt slightly and down a bit to her inner thigh. Her thigh was warm and firm and it took all my concentration to return to what I was saying.

I asked her, “Carole, do you masturbate?”

She hesitated and then said, “Do I masturbate? Yes I have always masturbated since my teens but it filled in when my husband was away or otherwise not interested. Since my husband died I have become an expert.

Why? Is that important?”

I answered, “Not really I guess, but if you think about it, if you can please yourself, a woman, you know how to please another woman. One of the women I met in the group put into words what I feel is most important. She told me that, ‘great sex is about being able to make love without being in love and not needing tomorrow.'”

Carole just answered, “That sounds right. That is right.”

I asked her another question, “Tell me about your husband, what you liked about sex with him.”

Carole was quiet for a moment then she said, “What I liked about sex with my husband?” Carole was again thoughtful.

After a moment more, “He was fun. Oh sure there were serious passionate times but everything we did was fun, nothing was out of bounds, not possible. He made me try everything, anything I think, except bringing other people into our bed.”

It seemed like I had opened an outlet she needed because she continued, “When we got married I was a virgin. I was from a very religious family and I think that no one could have been more reserved, modest or timid sexually. I kind of reverted back to that after he died. That is the person you met Doris, when I first moved here. In between my marriage and his death my husband changed all that, at least inside our home, I became a different person. My husband wanted it all sexually and I came to enjoy what he wanted and never said no. That is the person I am right now, today, the person I want to be.

She did talk a lot, “What I liked best? Three things, him being demanding, telling me what he wanted, what to do, oral sex and spanking. He demanded oral sex in every possible way and gave me the same on every possible part of my body and then he would sometimes spank me for tempting him to do it. I never told him but I think he knew that I had orgasms from both the sex and the spanking.”

Carole’s story so closely resembled my own. Married as a timid, modest, virgin to a demanding man I remained a lady and happy wife as far as anyone would guess. In our bedroom, however, in private, over a year I became his slut, his whore and loved the release, the freedom and yes the orgasms that role gave me. There was little he did not demand from oral to anal sex and there was nothing I did not willingly do if he wanted it. Over the years as he became less interested and capable of real intimate sex I, like Carol, turned to masturbation. Like Carole, I never cheated on him, no other man offered the same domination I by then required.

When I met Valerie here at OFH she was the domineering, sexually demanding person I needed but in the form of a woman. More importantly she showed me I could play both roles and get equal sexual pleasure from each.

We were pulling into Carole’s driveway.

As she turned off the car she turned and looked at me and said, “Doris, you know I’m nervous about this. Please understand if I can’t.”

I just looked at her and kissed her gently on the lips. What I hoped was a nice light invitation to more.

As the kiss ended, Carole smiled and said, “Well ok then, let’s go in” as she turned and stepped out of the car and I followed.

We entered a beautiful very contemporary kitchen and she suggested we have wine in her den. She retrieved a previously opened but full bottle of nice chardonnay from the refrigerator, showed it to me and asked, “Is this ok?”

I said, “Of course.” What else could I have said?

Carole took two wine glasses that were waiting on the counter and holding them by their stems in one hand and the bottle in the other hand she smiled and said, “this way.”

She walked away and following her, I really saw, for the first time, her slim muscular calfs on legs that could have belonged to a thirty year old. I want to kiss the backs of her knees.

The size of her butt and curve of her hips, that might not have been obvious before, were now clear as her butt cheeks moved independently with each step under her clingy skirt. I could see the lace design of her bra strap through the fabric of her blouse.

When we enter the den I can see her bedroom, her bed, through the doorway on the opposite wall. Carole starts to put down the glasses and bottle on the coffee table but before she does she turns toward me and says, “D, do you think the wine can wait?”

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