Step Sister Seduction


My parents divorced when I was 10 years old and my mother took custody of me. She is a great mom who is very caring and never sheltered me from the “Facts of Life”. After a period of time she put her loneliness aside and went out into the dating world. She fell in love with Bill and they eventually married. I just turned 18 at the time of the wedding and didn’t really give much thought that Bill’s daughter from his first marriage was going to move in with us after the school year was done. I guess she and her mother had enough of each other and she decided to move. I had seen pictures of Vanessa but had never met her. I always though she was a cute girl from the pictures that I had seen of her. I guess the pictures that I saw were a few years old because I only saw a rail thin brunette with bright blue eyes. She must have only been 14 or 15 in the pictures and she looked awkward like most girls that age. She was caught somewhere in the middle of womanhood and childhood. It wasn’t until later that I learned that she was about 6 months younger than me.

I had many pressing life events ahead of me, graduation and then college. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to the state college in Albuquerque and my dreams were of studying business and maybe going to film school to learn about production. My love of film lead me to believe that I would immediately leave high school and head to N.Y.U. film-school and become the next Spielberg. My grades were good enough for the local state schools but I had to shelve my Big Apple dreams for the time being.

My mother (Lisa) is the nurse manager at the city hospital and between her and Bill they make a pretty good living. Our house is a pretty nice place, A Tri-level with a basement and 4 bedrooms and 2 nice living areas. Bill was nice enough to let me stake claim to the basement area and it was my domain. I never really had to leave. I had my own bathroom and a great office area for my computer and video editing equipment. Sometimes I would lock myself in my room and work on honing my skills as a filmmaker.

As graduation came and went I realized that I needed a source of income. Bill was a city manager and helped me get a summer job working with the parks department. I was in decent shape and my stint on the wrestling team would benefit me working out in the hot sun all summer. I came home from my first day on the job and I was beat. I parked my old, but reliable, Honda in the parking lot and dragged myself in the house. There was a note on the refrigerator noting that my mother and Bill went to pick up Vanessa and would be back later this evening. I was feeling pretty tired and the clock only read 4:30 so I decided to take a nap and wait for the parental units to arrive.

I woke about an hour later and realized that I needed to at least change clothes and look presentable for my new “sister”. I threw on a decent polo shirt and some jean shorts and ran a comb through my brown hair. I had an idea that capturing the moment on video would be just the thing. I ran to my room and grabbed my Handi-Cam, and just as I grabbed it I could hear Bill’s SUV pull into the driveway. I walked to the door and started to film. I was not prepared for what I saw next. Vanessa was stepping out of the backseat of the SUV on the driver’s side and she looked stunning. She was about 5 foot 5 and looked to be about 115 lbs, her hair was a very dark brown, almost black, and it hung in a Betty Paige bob just about to her shoulders. She was wearing a form fitting white button down shirt and some hip hugging jeans that looked painted on. The jeans were low enough to allow for a nice view of her flat stomach. She had pale white skin that looked like porcelain. She looked up and her eyes connected with me. Her bright blue eyes pierced right through me. She looked a little pissed at the fact that the video camera was filming her. I pointed the camera towards the ground in a goodwill gesture and her frown began to wane.

“Come say hello to Vanessa.” My mother motioned me over.

I turned the camera off and walked over. Vanessa smiled at me and it was a smile that I will never forget. I wished that I had left the camera on to capture the moment. She gave me a hug that was more forceful and warm than I expected. She had a smell that I also could not get out of my mind. A mixture of Calvin Klein’s Eternity and the faint scent of clove cigarettes. I thought to myself that Vanessa must have a wild side to her. I helped grab her bags and told her that I would help her unload boxes after she settled in a little. She was walking in front of me on the way to the house and she dropped her purse. She bent down to pick it up and I saw the tiniest black thong being exposed as she picked it back up. My mind started to swim at the thought.

A couple of hours later after Vanessa was shown her room, we all settled in for some dinner. Bill was kind enough to order some pizza as no one felt like cooking. Vanessa went up to change and came ready to move boxes upstairs. escort gaziantep vip bayan I caught myself looking at her a little too long to be normal. She was wearing her hair up in a pony-tail and a pair of short cut off black sweatpants that were rolled down at the waist. She wore a white tank top and the straps of her black bra were loosely moving around her shoulders. She smiled and walked out to the SUV. I was strangely silent following her and wondered how to start a meaningful conversation. She leaned into the back compartment and started handing me boxes. I stared at the muscles in her stomach as she reached further back to get the last box.

“Do you want to help me unpack after we get this stuff hauled upstairs?” she asked.

“Sure, if you want me to,” I replied.

“You can look at the rest of my underwear,” she said with a wink.

I blushed and gave myself away.

“It was kind of intentional,” she said.

“Intentional?” I stammered back.

“Yeah, you look pretty preppy with your polo shirt and all. I just wanted to check if you were gay.”

“Gay! Who, me?” I was making myself look like an idiot at this point.

We did a lot of procrastinating getting the boxes upstairs and by that time Bill and my mother already said their good nights and told us not to stay up too late. I sat on the freshly put-together bed and watched as Vanessa started to unpack. I sensed from earlier that she had a wild side and it became more apparent as she unpacked her boxes. She unrolled a “Bad Religion” poster along with a “Misfits” and “The Cramps” poster.

“You like old school punk music I see,” I asked her, sounding like the master of the obvious.

“The new so called punk music lacks balls and conviction,” she said.

“I could tell that you have a wild side the first time I laid eyes on you,” I blurted out.

“You have no idea,” she replied.

I felt brave and asked her if she had a tattoo. “Is it that obvious?” she replied.

“I can’t see one on you, but I kind of figured that you did.” I felt a little embarrassed and was sure that I was going to upset her.

“I know that you have to work tomorrow, so I will show it to you and then you have to leave. There are some things that a lady needs to unpack in private anyway,” she said.

“You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable,” I stammered.

She walked towards the part of the bed where I was sitting and started to roll down her sweatpants further. As she rolled them down I became aware that she was no longer wearing any panties and that she was clean shaven. I looked at the tiny black heart tattooed right above her slit.

“That’s fucking hot!” I blurted out without even thinking.

She smiled at me and helped me off the bed and out the room and closed the door behind me. I went to my basement room and watched her get out of the car on tape at least 20 times before I went to bed. I took out my frustration out on a gym sock and layed there confused and totally excited.

I went to work early the next day and didn’t have an opportunity to see Vanessa that morning. She was in my mind all day. She was unlike any girl that I had met before. I had recently ended a relationship and put my sex drive on the back burner. It came back with a vengeance after meeting Vanessa. We finished the job early and wound up putting in about a half days work before we were sent home. I was excited at the thought of seeing Vanessa with no else in the house. I pulled into the driveway and walked in the house and tried not to look too eager. Vanessa was doing Pilates in front of the T.V. in the den. She was wearing one of my white t-shirts which normally would have been far too large for her but she had tied the back into a ball and it exposed her stomach. She was also wearing some very tight purple boy-cut panties and had no shoes on. Her hair was in a pony-tail again and she looked like she was sweating quite a lot.

“Hello!” I said, while walking into the den.

“How’s it going?” she replied.

“I hope that I’m not interrupting anything.” I asked.

“I’m almost finished. So don’t worry about it,” she said.

“Do you mind if I sit down on the couch? I’m kind of tired even after a half day,” I asked.

“Go ahead; you don’t have to walk on eggshells on my account,” she said.

“I don’t mean to be so formal around you,” I said. “It’s just a new situation and I’m not sure how to handle it.”

She smiled and continued to stretch and move with the video workout on T.V. I pretended to read a magazine on the coffee table but I kept looking at her bending and twisting in front of me.

“I’m going back to my mothers for a few days to tie up some loose ends before settling in here for the long run,” Vanessa said.

“I’ll miss you,” I said, pretending to be over dramatic. “If you don’t mind me asking, why are you moving here to begin with?”

“It’s a long escort gaziantep yabancı bayan story,” she replied. “But to be blunt and short my mother doesn’t like my lifestyle and I don’t like her drinking problem.” She paused. “I’ll just let that statement be enough.”

“I don’t think that I ever told you that I’m happy that you moved in and I look forward to learning more about you,” I said not trying to sound to sappy.

“Thanks, I appreciate that,” she said. “I hope that you don’t mind that I borrowed your t-shirt, it was in the laundry room.”

“No problem, it looks better on you anyway,” I replied.

“Will you keep something for me while I’m gone?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said.

Vanessa untied the back of the t-shirt and let if fall just above her knees. She then pulled down her tiny purple boy-cut panties and crumpled them into a ball and threw them at me. I caught them and tried not to look too surprised.

“I’ll get those when I come back,” she said. She turned around and headed upstairs. I waited until she was out of sight to even look at the panties. They were small and silky to the touch. I could feel they were damp with her sweat. Later that afternoon she left with Bill back to her mothers and I would not see her for 3 days.

Vanessa was due back this evening and I could hardly wait. Work was a nice distraction from my new obsession. As soon as I got home I took a shower and tried to look presentable. Vanessa and Bill walked in the door and I could see in Vanessa’s body language that she was upset. She walked up the stairs without making eye contact and I felt disappointed. I looked at Bill and he smiled and said that she would be ok. During dinner Vanessa stayed upstairs and Bill did not elaborate much on the situation. He gave some hints that Vanessa’s mother had pretty much crawled into the bottle and was not coming out. I decided to head to my room and surf the web and watch some television. I guess I was pretty tired as I fell asleep for a couple of hours on my bed trying to watch a movie. I looked at the clock and it was nearly midnight.

I thought I heard a slight knock at my door and wondered who it might be. I opened the door and it was Vanessa. She was wearing her hair up again and was wearing my white t-shirt. It was not rolled up this time. I could see the outline of her body against the t-shirt. Her pert breasts pressed against the fabric and I wondered if she was wearing any panties. I asked her what she was doing up and she said that she needed some one to talk to. I asked her why she was upset and I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. She told me that her mother called her a whore and that she tried to slap her on the first night she was there. I asked her why she stayed the entire time and that I would have come and picked her up. She smiled and said that she went to her old boyfriend’s house and stayed with him until today.

I felt a little jealous hearing that but did my best to not let it show. She looked at me and said that he was an ex and that nothing happened between them. I was surprised and relieved to hear that. I was also surprised that she would tell me that nothing happened between them. She sat on my bed and we made small talk and I showed her my room.

She said that she needed to go to the bathroom and I told her that she could use mine. She walked in the bathroom and didn’t shut the door. She confirmed for me that she wasn’t wearing panties when she lifted up the t-shirt to sit down on the toilet. The sound of her peeing gave me a tremendous hard on. I was sitting on the bed thinking of a way to hide my erection. She got up, flushed the toilet and walked towards me. She smiled a knowing smile and sat on the bed next to me.

“I believe that you have something of mine,” she asked.

“Yes I do,” I replied.

I walked to my desk drawer and pulled out her panties. I handed them to her and she put placed them next to her on the bed.

“You have seen a lot of me and I have not seen any of you,” she said.

I asked her what she wanted to see and she said that I should use my imagination. I took off my shirt and jeans shorts and stood there in my boxers. My erection was impossible to hide at this point so I turned around towards her. She looked me up and down approvingly and told me to sit on the bed next to her. She leaned in to kiss me and I kissed her back. I felt her tongue enter my mouth as I grabbed her knee. She pulled away and looked at me. I felt her eyes looking me up and down.

“Do you think that this is wrong?” she asked.

“I’m not sure what to think,” I said.

“I’m not sure that I care if it is wrong anyway.”

“We are both 18, so who cares?” I said.

She smiled and kissed me again. I felt her hands on my chest and I pulled her t-shirt off. Her breasts were soft and fit perfectly in my palms. I felt her hands push me down on the bed. She straddled escort gaziantep yaşlı bayan me for a moment before moving down to the side of the bed where my legs were hanging over. I felt her tug at my boxer shorts and I lifted my hips so she could pull them off. Her hands grabbed my penis and I felt her tongue lick the entire length of my shaft. I looked down at just the right time to see her eyes make contact with mine as she took me into her mouth. The sensations of her mouth kept intensifying until I felt like I was going to cum. I grabbed her hands and pulled her up onto the bed. She straddled me with her back facing away. She moved her pussy right above my face and she continued to use her mouth on my dick. I saw the most perfect pussy I had ever seen. It was clean and smooth and her ass was amazing. I ran my tongue up and down her slit and she began to moan. I focused on her clit and she began to move her ass up and down so my tongue entered her pussy. I felt brave and licked her perfect little asshole. She moaned with delight and began to really work on my dick with her mouth. I felt my orgasm coming on and I began to spurt into her mouth. She didn’t pull away at all and consumed each spurt. As I came I kept working on her clit with my tongue. I felt her moans increase and she began to shake and tense up as her own orgasm released. When her climax ended she leaned over me and gave me a deep kiss. I could taste a little of my cum in her mouth and it excited me even more. I felt myself falling asleep and she kissed me quickly, then got dressed and left upstairs.

I woke up the next morning and reviewed the events that had occurred. I could feel my feelings for Vanessa growing. I was happy that I had the day off and wondered what I could do to spend time with Vanessa. My mother and Vanessa were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Vanessa was still wearing my white t-shirt. She looked up from her cereal and smiled at me. I smiled back but tried to appear aloof.

“Vanessa told me that you really cheered her up last night,” my mother said.

“I was glad that I could lend her my ear,” I replied, wondering what Vanessa had said to her.

“Can you take her shopping today, if it is not too much trouble?” my mom asked.

“I didn’t have much planned today, just some experimenting with my new camera lens,” I replied.

“Great, maybe she can help you with some filming,” my mom said.

“I’d love to film some stuff,” Vanessa spoke up.

“Bill and I are leaving for the conference after work. There are plenty of groceries in the fridge and money on the counter if you want to go out and eat,” my mother said.

“I’d love to eat out tonight if that’s okay?” Vanessa said while shooting me a knowing glance.

“That sounds good,” I said, looking at Vanessa as subtly as I could.

I had a quick bite to eat and prepared for the day ahead. I didn’t want to look too preppy while shopping with Vanessa so I put on a black t-shirt with some carpenter jeans and some dark work boots. I walked to the living room and found Vanessa waiting for me. She looked very sexy. Her hair was down for a change and she had on a dark shade of red lipstick that contrasted with her pale skin. She was wearing a tiny black cardigan sweater that barely covered the white tank top underneath. I couldn’t tell if she was wearing a bra at first glance. A plaid mini-skirt and with black boots completed her outfit. I looked her up and down and gave her a smile of approval. She smiled back and grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

We got in the car and I asked her where she wanted to go. I mentioned the mall and she laughed at me.

“The mall is not a good place for the clothes that I like,” she said.

“Where else is there to shop?” I asked.

“Second hand stores and clothing exchanges are the only way to shop,” she said.

“We only have one or two of those in town and they are not too far off,” I said.

We arrived at a second hand store and had fun looking at all the crap that no one wanted any more. Vanessa picked out a WHAM t-shirt that she loved and said that it would be a total statement. We were looking through a pile of clothes that had just come into the store. Vanessa found a dress that was black and had red roses on it. It looked to be about her size.

“That will make you look like a 40’s movie star,” I said.

“Really? Do you like it?” she asked.

“I love it,” I said.

Vanessa shot me a devilish grin and asked the clerk if they had any vintage lingerie. The clerk looked puzzled and pointed her to a corner of the store. Vanessa quickly game back to the counter and told me not to look at what she was buying. I told her that I would wait in the car. As she walked out I felt an uncontrollable desire to kiss her. As soon as she got into the car I leaned over and kissed her lips. She returned the favor and I could taste her lipstick.

“I want you,” I told her.

“I want you too, but you need to wait until Lisa and Bill leave,” she said.

I sighed and wished that I could move time forward 3 hours. Vanessa sensed my frustration and shot me a mischievous grin.

“Maybe I can find someway to make you feel better,” she said.

I gave her an inquiring look.

“Did you bring your video camera?” she asked.

“It’s in a case in the trunk,” I told her.

“Let’s do some filming,” she said.

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