She leaned back. Part 1.


Standing close behind her in the aisle, looking at a book together, he had felt the magnetic pull. He sensed that she felt it as well. It may have been a mere inch of movement, but when her shoulder blades pressed so slightly against his chest, it startled him. So many explosive things compressed into that slight touch. It felt sensually electric. bold, and in a direct clandestine manner, even a little naughty. Here was a confident, accomplished, well-put-together adult woman subtly but clearly indicating she wanted him.He had suggested Barnes & Noble as somewhere to go after dinner. Not to buy a book, but just to talk more. Maybe that was a nerdy move, but she seemed to like it. This was their first date, and after the dinner at the little Italian place, it was clear as they finished eating that neither of them wanted the night to end yet.They had browsed the bookshelves aimlessly, talking about books they had read or heard about, being a tiny bit cerebral, and sharing opinions and thoughts on random subjects.  Underneath the intellectual and emotional connection, the sexual tension built.Magnetism. It was palpable. He had touched her at dinner, reaching across at points during their conversation to touch her hand or arm. None of it felt awkward or forced, always natural and intuitive.Outside the restaurant, as they walked to his car, he just took her hand. She told him later, it had seemed bold to her, but welcome. He had felt at ease, careless in his confidence even. Not confident of her acceptance, but sure of his attraction to her. The motion of taking her hand had been easy and natural, their fingers immediately intertwined, and she squeezed back to signal her agreement.Her shoulder blades against his chest in Sex hikayeleri the aisle of Barnes & Noble caused his throat to tighten as a profound surge of lust welled up inside him.  There was something about her movement that felt so natural, mature, and direct. He could tell that her body would just nestle perfectly into his embrace. He did not pull away, yet he restrained himself from embracing her. He knew it was better to not push too aggressively just yet.This is good, he thought, just let it build.They had “met” on the dating website, Plenty of Fish, a week earlier when she sent him a short email responding to his dating profile posting. That set off a short series of written correspondence followed by a phone call to set up a date. Her profile had described herself as fit, 5’2” and her somewhat blurry full-length photo validated that.His divorce from his wife of eleven years was not yet final, but there was no doubt about the outcome. It had been six months since she had filed, and he had passed through a dark period that fall and winter struggling to come to grips with the reality that his marriage was over. As the snowy New York winter gave way to a fresh cool spring, he felt a slight but surprising glimmer of hope.He was not ready to move on to a serious relationship and find another wife. No, no, his needs were more immediate. He wanted to get laid and have fun with someone. Did it really matter who that person was? Yes… and no. Yes, she couldn’t just be any random woman, they had to mesh well, but no, he was not trying to line up the planets of two adults for the happy ever after.He had not had any sex for almost 3 years. He took care of his sexual needs by himself in the usual way, Sikiş hikayeleri but now that was not enough. His Christian religious beliefs along with his desire to not end their marriage had restrained him from looking around during the separation, but now, 5 months after she had filed, he found that he suddenly just wanted to cast that all away.“Fuck it!” That was his attitude.His wife had not moved with him when he was transferred to his new assignment in New York 18 months earlier. Despite her convincing-sounding assurances that they were going to keep trying somehow to make it work and that their trial separation was just temporary, her decision to move to Alabama near her parents instead of going with him should have made it clear that their marriage was over. He had been, he realized later, in denial about it all.He had a hard time judging the quality of their marriage because he simply did not have that much relationship experience. Compared to his parents’ pattern of constant bickering, his marriage had not been quite so bad, but it still wasn’t all that great. He knew he had contributed to her unhappiness through the neglect accompanying his workaholism. He had taken her for granted while she was giving birth to their children and bearing the bulk of the early child-rearing duties. Following up that failure with appeasement and trying to buy her happiness with various gifts had only served to earn him contempt and cynicism.For too long he had been angry with himself and just as mad at his soon-to-be-ex, and then, in that spring, he just felt tired of the anger.  Fuck it! I haven’t been laid in years. He thought. She wanted out. That hurt, but over is over, and why waste life being with someone Erotik hikaye who doesn’t want to be with you? Learn from it, and move on.Returning to the car, he took her hand again in the parking lot. His attitude had inadvertently allowed him a more confident approach. Confidence is everything when it comes to seducing women, and he had a glimmer of understanding that his openness, honesty, and directness were turning out to be a good combination.He asked if she was ready to go home in the car, and she said she had an idea. It was late, and almost everything was closed, so she suggested the train station down by the river. It turned out to be perfect.While it was true that he wanted to get laid, he did not plan to push at all, in fact, he planned not to go for it at all, right away. He wanted to seduce and pursue her and end up enjoying a sexual connection, but he knew he had to elicit her response, and that pushiness would be counterproductive.In his POF profile, he was clear about the fact that he was moving in a few months. The Army wanted him to go to Iraq. He was also honest about his marital status. He had no intentions of using guile or deception for a simple one-time encounter. There had been a few women he reached out online to who politely declined, mentioning both his marital status and moving plans, so he knew his chances were not great, but why not try, he thought.The train station parking lot was empty except for a few parked cars. They faced the river, and the twinkling lights of the small city on the other side reflected off the water. The light from the parking lot lighting made stark shadows in the car, and he could make out her features in the dark, but just barely. He turned on the radio and found a station with some good music, romantic and yet light, like the moment. He relaxed, and they were silent for a while, occasionally talking about a song. Their conversation continued easily, almost effortlessly, and the ease itself was comforting and

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