At Last I Come Home


I have wanted to make love to my mother for the last 25 years. I am 45 and my mother is 65. Although she has long been a grandmother and well into her “older years”, she is fit and still remains a sexy woman who entices the most erotic fantasies for me. I was married for 20 years and had a son, but the marriage was not good, and doomed from the start. My mother also divorced my father 10 years ago in a surprise to all the family.

I am not sure if the bad marriage helped fuel my incestuous lust, but I do know that most of the time I fucked my ex-wife, I was fantasizing about my mother. I have had 4-5 affairs since the divorce 3 years ago, and although 2 of these women (including my current lover) were absolute knockouts & half my age, I still often fantasized about seducing my mother!

I used to believe this incestuous lust was only because I was not getting enough (or any, when a teenager) sex, but since I now fuck my 23 year old girlfriend 6-10 times a week, I am now sure it is a desire and need that will never go away.

On my last trip home, I was to find my desires so powerful that it was time to play on them and see what would happen. In past visits, my mother was always very proper and the only things she did that fueled my lust, I assume where innocent and meaningless. She would dress for bed in a light half gown, which I would get to see when she moved from her bedroom to the bathroom. I always thought it strange that she let me see this and wished I could make this a case of her trying to seduce me. She also would occasionally ask me things like memories about our first house, such as asking me if I remember the upstairs bathroom, (where I first saw her naked) but then only asked if I remembered the remodeling job we had done on it. Was this an attempt on her behalf to see if I would bring up the wonderful sight I had of her in the tub? I always told myself I was reading things into her innocent acts and comments.

As my mother never dated after the divorce, I once asked her years ago if she didn’t miss being held and kissed, and she blushed and quickly replied no and changed the subject. At the announcement of their pending divorce, my father had told my older brother, who confided to me, that my mother did not like sex and that my father left because he needed more love in his life. This did not support my fantasy of seducing my mother, but I always used it to my advantage as in fanaticizing that I could make her love sex, or my father was not a good, considerate lover as I would be. In thinking about my mother’s innocent questions and night dress, I often had to dismiss any possibility that she would want her son due to the “cold wife” comment made by my father, and her statement that she did not miss hugs and kisses. Lately though, I have begun to wonder if her subtle actions and the quick and embarrassed reply to my question of holding and kissing may not have been her refusal to admit to me that she did want to held and kissed, and by me!

I arrived at her house after not seeing her for over a year due to my overseas assignment. Of course we hugged and kissed the way mother and son usually would, but I did start to get hard at the feeling of her in my arms, and I wondered if she noticed. I tried to keep my hips away from hers to keep from being blatant about my desires. We settled in for a seemingly normal visit, except for my plans for some very subtle testing of the feeling I might draw from her.

I had found a book on psychology that had some large sections on incest, and brought it to fuel some discussion on this subject if the time and atmosphere seemed right. I commented on my mother’s beauty and fitness many times in the first couple of days. She accepted the comments well and seemed pleased. I then worked my way into a conversation on her being alone all the time and how I wished she had remarried or had boyfriends. She scoffed this off and said she was happy. I then told her that if she had been my wife, I would not have let her go and that I would have made her so happy, she would die at the thought of being alone. She smiled and only replied that she thought that was probably true. I wanted to take her right then and show her, but it was all still simple and innocent discussions.

Later we talked about my post divorce life and she asked about my very young lovers. I replied that the two young ladies were indeed very sexy and pleased me, but the best (this is true) was actually the 55-year-old Swedish woman I had dated for about 6 months. She was surprised at this and asked some details on the woman and of our time together. I told her that this woman played no games and was the most beautiful lady I had ever made love to due to her mature and self-confident nature. My mother seemed genuinely interested in this particular affair. I was, as always, struggling to read my mother’s mind and not play erroneously into anything out of lust.

After the first two days of our usual bantering and getting to know one another again, I decided it bakire porno was time to push this to a new level. I sat in her living room reading the Psychology book, knowing she would ask what I was interested in now. My family knew I always read the widest range of topics and I actually subscribed to “Psychology Today” magazine for years. This book was not an unusual book for me to read, but I also knew, that she would ask what I was reading about if only out of the desire for conversation.

Finally she asked, and I replied that I was just reading the whole book but at this point I was on a section about incest. She looked embarrassed and just responded “Oh”. I was not to let this end though. I let the silence sink in for a few minutes, hoping that her mind might wander in what I consider the right direction. Then I looked up and asked her if I could ask her opinions on some facts I just read. She looked a bit uncomfortable, but of course told me to go ahead.

I told he that according to the text, all children and parents thought about incest at one time or another, and did she think that was true. She squirmed a bit and said she doubted that “all” did, but probably many did. I let that drop for now and moved on to sharing some statistics with her. I told her that the text advised that the strongest attractions were between young boys and their mothers. She perked up at that and replied “really?” I was not prepared for her question that followed, “Did you feel that when you were young?” I looked at her and smiled, and told her that I did and that it was a very strong desire. She smiled pleasantly and said “that’s sweet”!

I was now motivated and moved on to new areas to play and test. I told her that the experts advised that incest could be particularly damaging if forced, or if the child as too young to understand the significance and social implications. I further told her that they found that if the physical and mental age were “appropriate” then there was no evidence that incest was harmful and actually was a healthy and loving action between “adult” participants. I continued that studies had shown many mothers and sons and had relationships well into their middle age period that appeared to be nurturing and happy. Mother seemed to be listening intently and lost in thought while absorbing this info.

I told her I found this very curious and interesting and asked her again if I could get her opinions. Again she agreed, although I could see she had an idea what the questions were to be and was not real comfortable with this.

I decided to go for the gold, and I asked her if she ever thought about her two sons in this way. She looked at me and said that she was like most woman and had fleeting thoughts, but she would always banish them from her head and felt ashamed whenever the thoughts came to her. I pressed a bit harder, and asked when she last thought about me making love to her. She blushed and only replied that she did not want to discuss that intimate of a detail.

Not expecting this to go much further, but deciding that I had her thinking and wanting her to think more about this later, I decided to get us on a closing line of thought that would be the most provocative for her if the idea was ever to be one she would consider.

I looked at her and almost shyly asked her “Do you want to know my thoughts on this”? She looked long at me and responded ” I thought you already told me you had these desires and strong ones when you were young”?

I looked at the floor between us and replied “Yes they were strong when I was young, but I have never gotten over them and still to this day have constant desires to make love to my mother”. She gasped ” oh my goodness” and began to fluster a bit. I said ” I’m sorry mom, but you seem so lonely and I have always wanted you and still think that I could make you happy, instead of you remaining alone and untouched for all these years”.

My mother looked long at me and repeated ” oh my goodness” and then rose as if to leave the room. She paused and said, ” I think it is time we went to bed and stopped talking about this. A mother and son should not talk about these things in such detail. I am touched by your concern for me and that you still find me attractive is most endearing, but we cannot let our minds go in that direction. Let’s go to sleep and tomorrow we will forget this and decide what we are going to do for the rest of your visit. OK?”

I answered here sheepishly “OK mom, I am sorry if I upset you” As I got up to go to the guest bedroom, she came to me and took me gently in her arms saying “honey, you did not upset me, I am just a bit embarrassed by all this. I am very pleased that you love me and desire me, but that is where it must end.” With that she gave me quick kiss on the cheek and hugged me closer for a second before turning and going to her bedroom.

I lay in bed for hours wondering if I had offended her, or screwed anything up between us. At the brazzers same time I was incredibly excited at the conversation we had had. She did admit to having incestuous thoughts, and I wished I could enflame them in her again. I of course pounded my hard cock to orgasm with renewed fantasies.

It must have been three hours later that she knocked on the bedroom door. I told her to come in and she came close to the bed and stood there looking at me for a few moments. She said she couldn’t sleep and was concerned about our discussion earlier.

“Doug, I am worried about what you are thinking and want to be sure that we are clear on the fact that incest is wrong and while your fantasies are OK, we should not talk about them openly like that. I feel you are trying to seduce me and I am appalled that you would think that of me. But I also want to be sure you understand I am not upset with you over it”.

“Mom, it was a discussion, nothing more. As long as you are not upset with me, we can let it drop.” But I still am genuinely concerned that you have no desire to be held and kissed, even in a platonic manner, by a man.”

The she asked me if she could stay with me for a while. She told me I had made her think of being hugged and kissed, and while she wanted it to be clear that she was not thinking of us in sexual terms, she wondered if I would mind holding her and kissing until we fell asleep.

I lay back the blanket and silently invited her into my bed. I was on fire at the thought of holding her in my arms while we were in bed. I also had to keep telling myself that that is all that is going to happen, but the possibilities kept creeping up in my mind.

Mom snuggled in close with her back to me and I wrapped my arms around her. My now erect cock was lightly pressing against her ass and I wondered if she felt it. I was so concerned about offending her, but at the same time all I wanted was to pull her close and feel my cock press against her hard! I kissed the nape of her neck and inhaled the scent of my mother. I have never been so aroused in all my life. She sighed softly and melted back into my arms. I continued kissing her for what seemed like hours until we both fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, my dear sweet mother was still in my arms and my hard cock was still pressed against her ass. I tightened my grip on her slightly and felt her stir and press back into me. As I resumed kissing her neck, she woke fully and softly said “umm, that’s nice”. I realized that my right hand was cupped on her right breast as my arm was snaked around under her body holding her to me. I must have gotten my hand there in our sleep, and she had not made any move to make me take my hand away. I very gently began to move my fingers, not so much kneading her breast, but just letting the fingers move bit to ensure she knew it was there and to see her reaction.

I was just beginning to think that the lack of reaction was an indication that this was not a welcomed action and was pulling my hand down form her soft tit when she shocked my by putting her hand over mine and pressed it firmly onto her breast. I was overjoyed and immediately began to gently knead her inviting breast while reveling in the soft sighs and very quiet moans that this brought to her lips. I increased the kisses I was planting on her neck and bright my left hand up to her left breast to join in the pleasure. I could feel her nipples harden and press into my palms through the sheer fabric of her gown and it was driving me insane.

I the same time, I began to press my hard cock insistently against her lovely ass, and she responded by moving back against my hips. I thought I was in heaven and thought this was going where I had hoped for all these years.

I was brought back to reality when she whispered softly and with a bit of difficulty between her moans “this is all we can do, don’t get any ideas, just hug me close and kiss me. You make me feel so good and so desirable, but we will not fall victim to animal lust and let this get out of control”.

I resigned myself to this and let my hands and lips do their bidding as I thought about the fantastic load I would get to unleash later in private, masturbating and thinking about her in my arms like this.

We lay together for at least an hour before she said we need to get up and started to pull from my arms. She rolled over and looked me in the eye and said, “I am sorry if I have led you on, I hope you understand and can let it be like this”. I said I did and leaned in to kiss her on the lips. She let me kiss her long and softly, but I felt no parting of the lips like I would have dreamed of.

When we pulled apart, she looked me deeply in the eyes and asked if this was teasing too much and was she being mean to me. I told her I would do anything to please her and I would take care of myself. Mom blushed at this comment, but then got a devilish look in her eye and said, “I think I heard you doing that last dede porno night before I came in. I could hear the bed rocking in here.”

I smiled sheepishly and said I was sorry.

“Don’t be, you make an old lady feel desirable by wanting her that much. I just wish we weren’t mother and son for this one reason, and then I could make you happy and not feel guilty about teasing you”.

I then told her that she should not worry, that if this was all there was to be, I wanted to at least have this and did not want this hugging and kissing to end. She said thank you for understanding and slipped out of bed, and out of my room. She stopped and looked back at me, “have fun, I hope I am good for you in your fantasy”, she smiled and quickly left.

I grabbed my cock and soon blasted the biggest load of my life in the dreamy thoughts of what I had felt all night.

There was a strange serenity between us all day. No embarrassment, no discomfort, just a pleasure at our newfound closeness. We hugged more and chatted easily. We played together like youngsters on a first date. Later that evening, we sat together on the couch arm in arm and watched TV. As it got late I began to worry that I was going to sleep alone tonight, but mom finally said “I am ready for bed and looking forward to your holding me all night again, is that OK with you”? I happily replied, “Lets go”!

As with last night, mom snuggled into my arms spoon fashion and my hard cock pressed into the soft ass I so wanted to feel. This time I made no attempt to hide my erection and I enveloped her in my arms with my hands cupping her breasts and my hips pushing insistently into hers.

After about an hour of my kisses on her neck, she pulled from my embrace and rolled to face me. I was disappointed in the loss of my arms around her and the glorious feeling of my cock against her ass. I did not know what was coming, and I was worried that what I had was about to be lost.

Mom looked at me deeply and said, “you are so sweet to me and I still feel I am doing you no good, or worse, I am teasing you”. I replied, “It’s OK mom, just let me hold you, I’ll be happy”. She kissed my lips and stroked my shoulder. “It’s not OK, she said, I feel I need to make you as happy as I am, but we cannot make love, do you understand”? I looked at her quizzically and asked “I understand we cannot make love, but what do you mean – make me happy”? She kissed me again on the lips and replied, “I don’t know, what can I do to help you be as satisfied as I am? Should I leave you alone after these hugging sessions to let you take care of it? I could go back to my bed for the rest of the night.” My mind was now reeling with possibilities. I told her the truth in what I wanted. “Mom, I don’t want to let you leave, ah, would you mind if I took care of myself with you here? I would love to have you here to for me to look at while I do it. Better yet, could you take the gown off and let me look at you and touch you while I take care of myself”?

“Oh God, she said, I don’t know how good an idea that would be. I might as well be making love to you”. “Ever since I saw you in the tub years ago I’ve wanted a closer look at you. I have thought about you for so long, and I just want to have the pleasure of your real beauty before me, as I take care of myself. Mom, it will be harmless and you will be giving me pleasure beyond imagination”. “Don’t worry mom, I will not push myself on you, I will only do what you are comfortable with and not a thing more, you can trust me, I promise”.

She took a long look at me and then lay back on the bed as she pulled the gown over her head. I almost came at the sight of her beautiful breasts being unveiled before me. Although her breasts did sag a bit, they were still beautiful and the nipples were prominent and made me lust for suckling and touching. I took her back into my arms and felt her nipples burn against my chest. I kissed her neck and face with fervor that I have never felt before. Mom melted into my arms and we held each other tightly together.

After 30-40 minutes of this hot necking, I reached down to push my underwear off in preparation of my self-gratification. As I kicked my underwear under the covers, my hard cock brushed repeated against the soft hair of my mother’s pussy. Again I was surprised that I did not shoot my load right there.

As I kissed her face and undulated my naked body against her exposed flesh, I could tell that all this was also affecting her. Her eyes were closed and her hands tugged on the skin of my back with her breath coming in gasps. “Mom you are so beautiful and so sexy. I want to hold you and kiss you like this forever”.

All mom could manage was a deep throated moan as I ground my chest against her engorged nipples. I reached down and took my cock in hand as I began to become super aroused. This broke my embrace, but allowed me to look at her lovely body before me. Without asking, I leaned forward and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth. Mom only moaned more loudly and offered no resistance so I reached up with my free hand and began to run my fingers over her skin as my mouth and lips explored on their own. I was covering her face, neck and chest in kisses and caresses, as I madly pounded on my erect cock between us.

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