Something Mutual Between Friends


This is my first Literotica story. My fist erotic story—period. I have never written anything like this before, but have always wanted to. Longtime fan of the site and reader of erotic fiction, this is a huge deal for me to finally write something of this nature for the site, so I hope everyone enjoys it. Open to feedback, hope to write a follow-up story that is even better. Thanks for reading.

All characters are over the age of 18 and fictional.


Chris heard the familiar ping of his cell phone and knew that Katrina had finally texted him back.

He had sent her an earlier text that simply stated: Can’t stop thinking about you, with a winky face adding some hoped for intrigue at the end.

Finally, she had messaged him back and he couldn’t wait to read what she said.


The night before, Chris and Katrina had been chatting on messenger, just a typical chat between two very close friends, when things had suddenly gotten a little steamy without either participant really meaning it to go that direction. Nothing, quote-unquote, happened, really, but something had definitely been started, and Chris thought that Katrina knew it too.

They were both twenty-one and had been friends for awhile. Nothing between them previously had ever leaned too dangerously close to “more than friends” during all of that time—until now, they had just been close friends who got along really well. Chris had played football and Katrina had been one of the team managers for the team, so they had that in common; they shared friends A few friends; they dated each other’s friends on occasion, forming something of a fun if not slightly incestuous group, but neither had somehow ever really considered the other as anything more than a comrade.

Chris was tall and lanky but carried his fair share of muscle after playing varsity football for four years as a tight end in high school.

Katrina was short with dark hair, same as Chris, and well-proportioned for a girl so small. Her breasts were slight but on a girl her size, they were the equivalent of a C-cup: a good solid handful for the lucky guy able to cup them.

Chris and Katrina were both hot, in their early twenties, who happened to be single at the moment, who kept in touch after starting college at different locations, and kept each other company through the first tumultuous year of college (starting a little late but both at the same time). Chris was going to a local community college in his hometown, seventy miles south of the university that Katrina was attending, so they didn’t really see each other in person anymore, but they liked to chat on messenger just about every night and through text messages when they were on the go.

The night before, in the beginning, their conversation in messenger had been pretty tame and ordinary by most people’s standards. They had discussed how tired they both were, how much work college was, how they never had time to do anything fun anymore; basically, the usual list of things to chat about between friends who are both going to school. After they had gotten those few pleasantries aside, a long silence dropped in the middle of their conversation.

That was when Katrina had suggested they chat while using their webcams.

At first, Chris was a bit confused at her asking to do such a thing. You see, Chris associated talking to girls on webcam as mostly a sexual thing. Not something two friends do to keep in touch. On multiple occasions, Chris had used a webcam on his laptop to cam with girls on porn sites (something he had never shared with Katrina despite their recent closeness as friends) as something to do when not seeing anyone else. He found the act to be extremely arousing, but at the same time, it was something he was sort of ashamed of.

So when Katrina asked, Chris couldn’t help but feel conflicted. How could he keep his idea of “camming” separate from what Katrina more than likely expected from a webcam conversation?

He hoped he could.

He typed.

CHRIS: Oh, you have a webcam?


CHRIS: Cool. I didn’t know that.

KATRINA: I’ve never used it though. Just thought it’d be fun to actually see you for once. We talk all the time but never actually see each other anymore.

CHRIS: I agree. Excellent idea haha

KATRINA: You use yours at all?

Chris hesitated for a second before answering—trying to think of how to respond without giving too much away while still being honest.

CHRIS: A few times, yeah. Not on the regular.

That was a complete lie; Chris had used it just two nights ago in a mutual masturbation chatroom.

KATRINA: Hold on. Still trying to figure it out.

CHRIS: No prob.

KATRINA: What did you use it for? I just now realized I even had one a few minutes ago. Haha Decided it would be cool to use it for once. See how the thing works.

Oh, boy. She had gone there. A pretty direct question that Chris knew would require something of a direct and honest answer, for the most part. Chris just couldn’t give the whole answer.

CHRIS: Well…I Escort bayan have this cousin in Ohio that I still keep in good touch with—we’re like brothers—and I’ve chatted with him on a webcam once or twice since I moved away from my hometown.

It wasn’t a total lie. He had spoken to his cousin on his webcam, but only once, and it was at his cousin’s insistence so he could show him a new Johnny Manziel signed mini football helmet he had recently acquired. The whole webcam session on that occasion had lasted maybe two minutes at the most.

Not the average webcam session he was accustomed to that was for sure. Not in the chatrooms he visited.

KATRINA: Oh, nice. Okay. I think I got it figured out.

Chris received a web cam invite. He hesitated for only a second before accepting it. A new window opened up on his laptop screen, black at first, then slowly gaining focus. And there she was.

He had to admit, he had somewhat forgotten how beautiful Katrina was. It had been awhile since he’d laid eyes on her. Her small, rounded face was framed pleasantly by her long, dark hair. Her grey eyes penetrated the distance with surprising alacrity. She was wearing a red, low-cut tank top that gave Chris a wonderful eyeful of her rather impressive cleavage. He found it hard not to look there as the webcam gained more focus.

KATRINA: Hello! Wow! Almost forgot what you looked like. Haha

He had forgotten that as soon as he had accepted her invite, his own webcam had come on; he had been too mesmerized with her beauty-and that cleavage. He looked up at the top of his laptop screen and saw the little light, now on, next to the small lens.

CHRIS: Same here. Man, you look good haha a sight for sore eyes if I’ve ever seen one.

Katrina looked down bashfully. She seemed to notice then what she had been wearing before sending the webcam invite. She abruptly stood up and retrieved a small pink zip-up hoodie from her nearby dorm bed, and put it on.

Chris saw her do this and tried to reconcile in himself why it bothered him that she felt the need to cover herself up. He realized that he was having trouble separating that part of his webcam experience—being turned on and wanting to see flesh—with what he was actually doing with the webcam right now: Talking with an old friend.

Chris wasn’t exactly turned on, but he noticed his brain’s pull towards that end of the spectrum ever since he saw Katrina in that little window of his screen.

KATRINA: So, what’s up? It’s…different typing on here while seeing you at the same time.

CHRIS: Isn’t it? But still, good to see you and actually feel like we’re talking to each other normal for once. Like old times.

KATRINA: True. That’s the whole point of me suggesting it.

CHRIS: I’m glad you did.

KATRINA: So, what’s on your mind?

CHRIS: It’s not what’s on my mind; rather, it’s what I want off of it. Haha mainly polynomials at this point, I can’t stand them.

KATRINA: How is that math prep class going?

CHRIS: So far, so good. Just can’t wait to be done with it.

KATRINA: I know what you mean. My freshman comp class is kicking my ass too.

CHRIS: Not a fan of the English?

KATRINA: I’ve never been a big fan of reading I am ashamed to say, as you know.

CHRIS: Yes, I do remember something along those lines. Haha

KATRINA: Well, that’s not totally true…

CHRIS: What do you mean?

Chris watched Katrina on the webcam and noticed she seemed nervous about something, her movements seemed hesitant.

KATRINA: Oh, I don’t know…I’ve never told anyone this before, it’s something I’ve only recently gotten into, so, I guess it counts as reading haha. But I’ve never told anyone from back home so you can’t tell anyone. Promise?

Chris began to get incredibly curious.

CHRIS: Well, of course, I promise. Anything you say definitely stays between you and me. You know that.

KATRINA: Okay. Well, I have recently gotten into those Fifty Shades of Grey books. Erotic Fiction. I do enjoy reading that stuff.

Chris was mesmerized by this last message. The slightest twitch occurred somewhere in his briefs—which was all he was wearing under his desk.

Katrina had just admitted something rather sexual to him or at least it could be really sexual, if that was what brought her to those books. He seriously doubted it was the storytelling.

CHRIS: I had no idea you read those books. Man, I’ve heard a lot about them. They’re supposed to be really sexual—S &M stuff, right?

KATRINA: Yeah, haha, they’re pretty hot actually. They go for broke. I had no idea I’d like those kinds of books, but my dorm mate was reading them and recommended them to me, so I started the first one just out of curiosity and a desperate need to do anything but school work for a bit. I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

The temperature in the webcam session definitely seemed to have been raised, according to Chris, and he had a distinct impression that maybe it was for Katrina too.

After confessing her interest in reading erotic Escort fiction, Chris was looking at Katrina in a way he had never considered before, and it was getting him kind of hot.

KATRINA: You don’t think that’s stupid? That I read those kinds of books?

CHRIS: Of course not, Kat. Why would you think that?

KATRINA: I don’t know…I know it’s not good literature or nothing, and I know how much that stuff means to you. Haha

Chris was majoring in English at his community college and was well regarded for his passion for books and all things fine literature.

CHRIS: No way. I’m not like that, you know that about me. I like what I like and others like what they like. I definitely can appreciate erotic fiction—nothing wrong with getting a kick out of that stuff at all, in my opinion.

Katrina smiled broadly on the webcam.

KATRINA: Thanks, Chris. I appreciate that. I have no idea why I even told you haha

CHRIS: I’m glad you did. It’s cool to learn things like that about you.

KATRINA: What kind of stuff? That I get horny reading erotic fiction?

She winked on webcam and Chris felt his face get red. He noticed that she had never zipped up her pink hoodie and that it had been left open fairly wide; Chris saw the lovely cleavage once again.

CHRIS: Well, haha, yeah, I guess. I think that’s cool. We all have our little things that turn us on. I, of all people, definitely appreciate that the written word can get you horny. I’m the same way. I haven’t really read erotic fiction per se but I get a little turned on when reading a sex scene in novels if it’s well-written.

KATRINA: Oh, wow, really?

CHRIS: Definitely.

KATRINA: So we’re in the same boat then?

CHRIS: I’d say so.

On cam she seemed to pause for a second, looked over her shoulder.

KATRINA: Are you alone?

CHRIS: Yeah, you?

KATRINA: Yeah, but I think my dorm mate is going to be back soon. I was just nervous for a second that I heard her coming back.

CHRIS: Why were you nervous?

Another pause on the cam, Katrina hesitated before typing back.

KATRINA: I don’t know, because of what we were talking about I guess. Haha

CHRIS: We’re not being bad, Kat. At least I don’t think we are.

KATRINA: No, I guess you’re right. We were just talking about stuff that gets us horny haha that was sarcasm.

Chris smiled on his end of the webcam.

CHRIS: Okay, fair enough. I guess I can see why you wouldn’t want your dorm mate reading something personal like that over your shoulder when she gets back.

KATRINA: No, I most certainly wouldn’t. Though I’m sure she’d understand why, after telling you about those books, she certainly seems to get off on them.

CHRIS: Whoa, haha, what do you mean?

KATRINA: Well, haha, I’d hate to share this with you but, I guess you’d know to keep a lid on it, but when she thinks I’m asleep, that girl masturbates, like, all the freaking time.

Another twitch in Chris’ briefs, all this talk of erotica, horniness, and masturbating dorm mates was making it very hard for Chris to keep his thoughts away from what he would like to see Katrina doing on the other side of that web cam.

CHRIS: Damn! Oh my God! What do you do?

KATRINA: What do you mean, what do I do? I held my breath and waited for her to stop so I didn’t alert her that I was still awake. That would’ve been beyond embarrassing.

CHRIS: I can’t believe that. That’s kind of amazing. Too funny.

KATRINA: Oh, I know. This girl really gets it too. She’s into the third book and I think that had to have something major to do with it.

CHRIS: I guess that’s just a by-product of reading good erotic fiction, huh?

Chris added his illustrious winky face for good measure.

KATRINA: Ummmm…haha…maybe?

So she added one of her own right back at him, and then seemed to do the same on her end of the web cam.

KATRINA: Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Haha

Then she took off the pink hoodie, revealing her low-cut, red tank top once again with all of its glorious cleavage.

CHRIS: Now it is.

KATRINA: Oh, stop it.

CHRIS: No, seriously. You’re hot. Haha Haven’t I told you that before?

KATRINA: Maybe once. I’m not sure. Haha Just kidding.

CHRIS: This talk has seriously started to get me discombobulated.

Katrina titled her head to an extreme angle and seemed to size Chris up like a cat.

KATRINA: What do you mean by that, huh?

Chris hesitated for only the briefest of moments. The air seemed to be charged with erotic fusion and he decided to just go with it.

CHRIS: To be perfectly honest, I am extremely horny right now after talking to you about this stuff. I can’t help it. You’re super sexy and hearing about something that turns you on like that, well, I know we’ve never really gone that route before, but damn, it’s got me looking at you in a whole new way.

Katrina smiled and scooted up closer to her laptop.

KATRINA: Okay, confession time. This convo has gotten me pretty horny too. I Bayan escort can’t help it.

CHRIS: Phew. I’m not the only one. Haha

KATRINA: No, haha, you’re not the only one.

CHRIS: Wow, we’ve never been here before.

KATRINA: No, we haven’t.

CHRIS: I kind of like it.

KATRINA: Me too.

On cam, Katrina looked sultry and warm, as if the conversation had somehow transformed her into a new person that Chris had never really seen before. Her breasts looked bigger and more tantalizing. Her lips looked redder with a shiny sheen of wetness to them that suggested she had been wetting her bottom lip excessively all of a sudden with her tongue. The thought of wetness and Katrina suddenly turned Chris’ slight twitch in his briefs to full on movement. He felt himself begin to get hard; his penis edging away from his thigh where previously it had been laying peacefully.

CHRIS: Oh, man, haha, I’m kind of at a loss for words now.

KATRINA: Hahahaha Not you! Of all people. English Major!

CHRIS: I know, I know.

KATRINA: Haha just kidding. I’m at a loss for words too. Never really talked to anyone like this before, as far as admitting things about what turns me on and my private moments.

CHRIS: Your private moments? You never really got into the details there too much. Haha

KATRINA: I guess I didn’t. HA! I just assumed you knew.

CHRIS: I guess I do know, really. But it’s way hotter if you tell me about it.

KATRINA: Tell you what specifically?

Chris looked at her on cam and she was smiling, almost radiant. Katrina was enjoying herself and he felt like it was okay to just say what was on his mind.

CHRIS: That those books you read made you masturbate.

Katrina smiled big before burying her face in her hands. She looked back up at Chris.

KATRINA: Yes, it made me masturbate.

CHRIS: I knew it! Haha

KATRINA: Shut up! Haha

CHRIS: I’m just kidding. That’s superhot. I think girls who masturbate are seriously hot. Big turn on for me.

KATRINA: Really?

CHRIS: Oh, yeah.

KATRINA: We’re really learning a lot of new stuff about each other tonight, aren’t we? Haha

CHRIS: Yes, we are.

Chris thought for a second, and then decided something.

CHRIS: I’ll tell you what, Kat. You shared with me, so I’ll share something with you. Something no one knows.

KATRINA: Ooooo what is it?

CHRIS: I like to watch girls masturbate.

KATRINA: Well, duh, that’s no big surprise.

CHRIS: No, I mean literally, as in: I actually watch girls masturbate.

KATRINA: How do you do that?

CHRIS: In mutual masturbation chatrooms.

KATRINA: How do those work?

CHRIS: I get talking to a girl in a room, well now I have certain girls that I do it with all the time, but when I met them, it was just chatting together in a room then agreeing to turn on our webcams and watch each other.

KATRINA: Oh wow, so you would masturbate too?


KATRINA: That’s really hot, Chris.

CHRIS: It’s my favorite thing to do when I’m single and I’ve never told anyone about it before.

KATRINA: It’s got to be weird seeing me on a webcam knowing what you are used to using it for.

CHRIS: haha funny you should say that because I was thinking that when you had first suggested it.


CHRIS: It’s cool though. Well, it was, until we started talking about masturbating and erotic fiction and all that. Now my mind has gone one-tract.

KATRINA: Oh yeah? Haha

CHRIS: Very much so.

KATRINA: Still horny over there?

CHRIS: Yes, I am.

KATRINA: Me too. I bet you’re hard.

CHRIS: I really am.

KATRINA: What are you even wearing under that desk, can’t see?

CHRIS: Just some briefs.

KATRINA: I like that.

CHRIS: They’re snug now.

KATRINA: I bet they are. That is so hot.

CHRIS: Yes, it is.

KATRINA: I love that you’re aroused right now.

CHRIS: Are you?


CHRIS: I kind of what to say things to you right now.

KATRINA: Like what?

CHRIS: Like, what are you wearing under your desk?

KATRINA: Some shorts.

CHRIS: I wish you could take those off for me.

KATRINA: Oh yeah? Haha

On cam, Katrina winked, but Chris could tell she was really excited to play along.

CHRIS: Yes, I’d love that.

KATRINA: You’d have to take something off for me.

CHRIS: I would. Like what?

KATRINA: Those briefs definitely have to go.

CHRIS: I’d take them off for you.

Suddenly, Katrina whipped around in her seat and looked behind her.

KATRINA: Shit, my dorm mate is back. I gotta go, Chris.

Chris slunk back in disappointment.

CHRIS: Okay, Kat. I understand. We’ll talk later, okay?

KATRINA: For sure. Text me. Sorry it had to stop like that, I was really enjoying it.

CHRIS: Me too.

KATRINA: To be continued. Laters.

And she winked once again into the webcam before her image blinked out of existence.

Chris settled back in his chair with a raging hard on and sighed. He was beyond excited thinking about what Katrina might be willing to do with him on a webcam, because he knew already what he’d be willing to do for her if she only asked him to.

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