Boy Friday

Big Tits

I work at The Girl Friday Agency, which is a flesh peddling office staffing service. There are two divisions, one for new, young flesh and the other for the mature, technical flesh. I work for the latter.

So; there’s this really cute new young thing that started working in the other division and I decide, in a lightning flash, that he’s the only one worth knowing in the whole office. He’s got that firm young body and flashing dark eyes that has always been a weak spot for me. On Friday I invite him out for a “get to know you/me better beer” and, I was pleased to note, he had the same idea.

My plan was to tease and titillate and wait. I really do find that a big turn on. But, when dealing with the male animal do not under estimate his sex drive. I did, much to my chagrin.

We Escort Kız had too much to drink for a start. (Tsk, tsk, girl you know better than that). Then too many cigarettes and too much loose talk about how do you like your sex; over easy or hard-boiled?

So he looks me deep in the eye and starts licking his lips and tells me he wants to slowly run his tongue over my clit till I shake with anticipation, and then move up to suck my nipples till they’re hard. WELL! What horny old thing can resist a come on line like that?

Later, we run out to hail a cab. The night is dark and wet, with glistening snowy streets. He steals a kiss and holds me tight. I feel like I’ve been whisked to Paris and we are walking along the Seine, it feels so different from the here and now

When was the last time you kissed with fresh found passion in a public place, when you lose your breath and seriously consider doing IT right there?

The cab is warm and dark and smells Mid-Asian exotic. We snuggle in the back and he tells the driver his address just to get his car so he can drive me home. (Yeah right.) I decide this is a perfect opportunity to explore and find the “jewels in the crown,” also know as pocket pool. We laugh and giggle all the way while the driver is giving us questioning eyes in the rear view mirror.

His place is the total bachelor pad–messy, disorganized, and with a rough stab at the bare essentials of decorating. He is going to get changed into jeans and drive me home … but first a little light necking … then petting…

He’s got his hands inside my panties and I recall the wet, pink, so smooth tongue, and the line about slowly running it over my … can’t think now, just feel and touch and react and he feels so good that I can’t resist.

I think of all the warnings and sad stories I’ve heard of office romances going awry. “Screw it,” I think, and that’s the last thinking I do for the night.

Monday at the office and I see him at the coffee machine. He winks and smiles. My pussy lips slowly starts to tingle.

“How about Friday, after work,” he says, edging closer, raising my temperature, “shall we go for another drink…you know…umm…to discuss business.”

I can’t resist and he knows it now. I agree and walk to my office with the secret satisfaction of knowing I was right all along. He really was the only one worth knowing; my Boy Friday.

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