Lightgirl’s First Adventure Pt. 06


Kitty woke up feeling sore and tender all over. She sat up straight on her bed wondering just how late it was, but something was wrong. It took her several seconds to notice she was still wearing the thick blindfold Black Whip made her wear last night.

She sighed as she thought back to the humiliating encounter. That cruel woman teased her so much she ended up begging for more. All the while talking about her future as Matters personal assistant and fucktoy. She almost gave in last night. But now, with her rapists gone for now she could think more clearly and her resolve returned. She still had one more chance today and she owed it to herself to give it her best shot. A shot at keeping her dignity.

Yuck! She was sticky with dried semen and sweat all over. Her butt and furry tail were all wet from the unusually big puddle of love juices she had slept in. Quickly, before anyone had a chance to come get her and drag her toward the show she jumped under the shower. It took some repeated scrubbing to get out the offending grime. The worst part was the dried cum clumping her luxurious, overly long hair together. Carefully she aligned the showerhead with her abused pussy to wash out any residual cum. When the hot stream hit her insides she almost fell to her knees from the intense sensation. She had forgotten how sensitive her tunnel was now. Barely keeping from seizing the opportunity and masturbating right then she repeated the procedure with her sore ass and ended her shower session.

To Kitty’s relief it was her usual caretaker that came to serve her breakfast and not Black Whip. This way at least she didn’t have to eat it off of somebodies naked body.

The time to leave for the stage soon arrived and Kitty donned her superhero “suit”. It was almost worse than wearing nothing at this point. A mockery of her status and degradation of her person.

Overnight they removed the ASJ written on the chest and replaced it with a picture of a tiger… a pink one.

Even more fabric was missing. What was left barely covered her big breasts and where her ass and hips were mostly covered before, only a thin string held the skimpy bikini bottom, that became of her suit, in place now.

“Looks great on you sweetie. And you don’t even need time to put on your makeup now, how convenient.” Kitty shot her a sour look.

“Don’t give me that look. In a few hours you’ll be our slave so you better get used to wearing nothing. Anyway it’s about time we got your ass on stage.” With that she pulled Kitty along. The guards outside her room slapped her on the ass as she passed them.

When Kitty arrived on stage the next “challenge” was already prepared. A chair was placed in the middle of the stage, facing the publicum. Upon closer inspection she could see it wasn’t just any chair. It had several straps hanging from it to hold someone down. The surface of the chair looked like it could open up, hiding who knows what beneath.

“Welcome! Welcome to the last day of the first episode of “Fallen Superheroines”.

Our catestant’s very last challenge, her last chance to show us she deserves to be more than a mewling slut, will test her ability to suppress exactly that nature. She will take a seat in our special chair. Then it will stimulate her with increasing intensity. Kitty has to hold out for ten minutes without cumming to win. The time marks for penalties are at five and at seven and a half minutes.

If you’re ready and have no objections please sit down Kitty.”

“I have an objection. How am I supposed to hold out when they’re all going to scream those Keywords again.” she said gesturing to the publicum. As if on cue it broke into a chant of “Kitty! Kitty!”

“I will disable your Keywords for the duration of the challenge. But in exchange you’ll take a penalty of my choosing.”

Kitty whirled around. She hadn’t noticed Matter himself stepping on stage behind her.

He must have come here to witness her last challenge in person.

“Well? Will you take my offer. I doubt it would make a difference anyway. Maybe you would rather try retaining more of the original you and refuse?”

“Uggh. No I-I’ll take it. And what about the tunneling ecstasy one? Will you give me the same offer there?”

Matter smiled at her. “If you ask me with that sweet voice how can I refuse. Very well, we’ll disable it for a few minutes.for another penalty.” He said something to Blitz who nodded and turned to her. “Now if that’s all please sit down.”

Reluctantly Kitty walked over to the chair and sunk down. As soon as her ass touched the surface the straps came to live and wrapped around her arms and legs. They tightened holding her limbs in place and trapping her in the chair. One more strap just under her boobs forced her back straight and made her face the spectators in the rows.

Kitty froze for a second when she saw who sat in the first row. Apparently Matter wasn’t the only one who decided Gaziantep Kavaklık Escort to watch her last day. All the villain’s that raped her during the last few nights were present. Umbra, Cobra, Olaf and Hellheel were all there watching her intensely but most of all Kitty’s attention was on Black Whip. Some strange feeling stirred inside her stomach at the sight of her. The leather clad villainess winked at her knowingly. Before Kitty could make sense of the strange feeling, tingling in her pusssy and head distracted her. Blitz’s voice sounded behind her again.

“Everything is finally ready Ladies and Gentlemen., no more distractions. Now, ready or not, leeeet’s begin!”

A whirring sound suddenly came from the chair. Kitty couldn’t see what was happening below her but after a second she could feel it. She was still wearing her bikini bottom but something was teasing her through the fabric with small vibrations and spinning motions. It felt nice but they would have to do a lot better than that if they wanted to make her cum. She lifted her hips away from it as far as her bindings would allow. That eased the sensation a bit but she couldn’t escape it completely. One minute passed like that, with Kitty trying to concentrate on anything not to do with sex. This way she could also minimize the effect of the publicums dirty requests and catcalls. She could not block it out completely however and even with the Keywords disabled the jeering still affected her.

Suddenly the thing pressing against her drenched panties sped up as the difficulty increased. Kitty groaned once in surprise before she quickly returned her thoughts to the boring forms she used to fill out at the academy.

After another minute mechanical arms slid her suit bottom out of the way allowing the torturous device to rub against her directly. She stifled a moan. Holding back suddenly became a lot harder.

Small droplets of her cherry flavoured juice were flung away by the rotation now and landed on stage where they glistened in the spotlights.

Kitty couldn’t manage to concentrate enough to envision boring forms anymore so she switched to counting backwards from one thousand.

1000…999… Like this she made it all the way to the the first light “Ding” announcing the 5 minute mark. A glimmer of hope rose in Kitty at the passing of the halfway mark but she quickly suppressed it. Any happy feelings like that would only serve to bring her closer to orgasm.

Instead she quickly returned to counting. 844…843… The infernal machine wouldn’t make it that easy on her however. Something hard suddenly prodded at her entrance. She gasped and looked down just in time to see the last bit of a blue dildo disappear into her cunt. It even was pre heated to slightly above her own body temperature so it felt pleasantly warm inside her.

Slowly the dildo started pumping in and out of her dragging along sensitive flesh on the way.

Meanwhile the vibrations on the outside didn’t relent but rather only intensified. The combined sensations caused her to momentarily lose herself. Her hips slipped lower and she gave a long, low moan. The pumping of the mechanical dick mashed up her pussy so wonderfully and the grinding on her cuntlips sent tingles up her spine all the way to her brain.

She was so close her hips now subconsciously grinding back and forth. She was ready to cum at any second. Before she did however she opened her eyes and noticed the smug grin on Blitz’s face. That reminded her of her situation. She couldn’t cum yet. Mustering all her willpower she stopped grinding her hips and lifted them instead. That still didn’t stop the mechanical invader in her pussy however. She returned to her counting. Where was she again?

Ding! Not much longer now. She was almost there but from her position even two minutes seemed like an eternity. She wasn’t sure she could keep suppressing the feelings welling up in her lower body any longer. Especially not since the the dildo sped up inside her now, pumping in a fast steady rhythm. She lost track again and gave up on counting. Instead she simply focused on trying not to cum. She moaned freely now, her voice not restricted as long as all she did was moan. Her mouth hung open and she regarded the audience with a blank stare. A small trickle of saliva ran down her chin but she had no braincells to spare to do anything about it. The pleasure she felt was so intense now she was if she didn’t give in and cum she would black out instead.

She was just about to conclude it wasn’t worth the effort when she noticed a screen showing a countdown. Fifty Two seconds. That was all that was left. The sight of the numbers slowly ticking down gave her another confidence boost. She concentrated on the screen. Every second seemed like an eternity to her. Forty seconds was still too long she realized. She couldn’t ignore the waves of pleasure emanating from her crotch any longer. Holding back was almost painful now.

But just as long as she kept concentrating on the screen she still has a chance.

Maybe what went on in her head was a little too obvious however, because suddenly Matter stepped in front of the screen and smiled down at her with a knowing look.

This wasn’t good. Kitty could feel her belly muscles contracting. It was a matter of seconds either way. She had to find a new distraction. Now! Desperate she scanned the publicum for something. That turned out to be a colossal mistake. Her gaze landed on Black Whip sitting in the first row. She froze when her eyes met the villainesses. A second later Black Whip gave her a wink and smile. It was a small gesture, but it was enough to make all the memories of yesterday come back. All the sweet promises and lewd prospects Black Whip had whispered in her ears while she was tied and helpless in her grasp.

She pictured herself as a sexslave to her and Matter and all the other ones sitting in the rows in front of her and the mental image finally sent her careening over the edge.

All the feelings she held back during the last ten minutes came crashing down on her now in a single mind shattering orgasm.

She opened her mouth wide as if to scream but at first no sound came out. Every muscle in her abdomen contracted continuously while she thrashed wildly in her bindings. She pushed back down on the dildo as hard as she could and it pushed back letting her ride out her orgasm to the fullest. Her voice suddenly came back to her and her loud moans mixed in with the deafening cheer from the audience.

It was by far her longest and best orgasm she ever had and it left her a panting mess slumped in the chair. In that moment she couldn’t bring herself to regret giving in to the pleasure or think about it much at all but as her reasoning slowly returned she recalled the gravity of the situation.

The timer had stopped at 19 seconds and Blitz was busy announcing her loss to anyone who might have have missed it.

A firm hand suddenly grasped her shoulder and the bindings fell to the side.

Kitty looked up to see Matter’s face. A slight smile played across his lips like he was pleased, but not surprised, with the way things turned out.

“So sorry Kitty, but it looks like your Superheroine days are over. But there is no need to worry, I’m sure you’ll find a lot of enjoyment in your new life.”

If his words were meant to cheer her up it wasn’t quite working. Still there also was a part of her that got excited by his words. The same part that couldn’t wait for this show to be over so they could go somewhere more private.

For now however the reluctant Lightgirl held against her will still prevailed.

“Even if I lost I’m still not giving up. Someone will come rescue me eventually.”

“Perhaps, but when that happens will you still want to be saved? You said you haven’t given up but the way you gave in when you looked at Whip makes me wonder if you’re not just lying to yourself. In any case I’ll need to remember to thank her. It looks like you could have just might made it if it wasn’t for her.

Now what do you say we wrap this up. I have four points to go over with you.”

With that he took over the moderation from Blitz and spoke to the publicum.

“It seems our lovely contestant has lost and thus she will now become my subordinate. But first she has earned herself one more Perk from the remaining time. Up in the rotation is a publicum vote. So please vote on the following: Obey!, Careful touch, or Oral Delight.”

Kitty squirmed in her seat. This part again. What could they do to her this time. She sighed. At least this time would hopefully be the last.

“Voting time is over and we have a clear winner. Oral Delight it is.”

Kitty’s mouth suddenly started tingling all over and she closed and opened it a few times trying to clear the feeling. It lasted longer than usual and when it finally faded from her mouth instead of disappearing it only crept deeper into her throat. While she was still distracted by the irritating feeling Blitz started explaining the effects.

“Kitty’s newest perks actually consists of three components all focused to make sure giving blowjobs becomes her new passion. Her throat is becoming an erogenous zone right now. Giving head will feel almost as good as sex to her now. She will have to be careful not to cum just from eating. Something the second effect will help her with. Her tastebuds have been restructured so any food that isn’t cum will taste bland and boring to her. On the other hand cum will taste delicious to her. Soon she will crave it any time she gets hungry. Lastly of course her gag reflex is completely gone.”

While she was listening to him Kitty’s hand had snaked to her throat. She slowly massaged it from the outside to see if it felt different than before. Oh god, did it ever! She stifled a moan and wrenched her hand away. It felt like someone just thrust in her pussy once then withdrew again, only her pussy was her throat.

Was it finally over now? Were they done warping her body to their liking? She hopefully glanced to Matter but he continued.

“Did you forget about the deals we made Kitty? I believe I still have two Perks to give you. Also I’m reactivating the ones I disabled before.”

The tingles returned to her pussy and her head. After they stopped this time it was clear Keywords and Tunneling Ecstasy were back but there was something else too. Suddenly when she looked at the leering audience she became acutely aware of a hundred eyes on her exposed flesh. In response she started blushing furiously and pulled her arms in front of her. What was this? She thought she was used to it by now. But as they kept looking, her sudden desire to stand up and hide behind her chair only grew stronger.

“W-What d-did you do to m-me?” Kitty cringed after she spoke. Not only did she discover that even talking felt way too good in her throat but her bedroom voice also attracted even more unwanted attention.

“Simple Kitty. As my first choice I chose PC: Shy. I told you I would make you my shy little sex kitten didn’t I?”

“B-but this is…” She stopped talking with another glance at at the assembled audience.

“As for my last choice…hmm I’m really not sure. How about another oral one? Long and sloppy for example.”

Kitty only looked at him worriedly before her tongue suddenly tingling again. This time however she felt more than just tingles. She could feel her tongue expanding inside her mouth, growing longer and longer. Before too long it grew too big to hold in her mouth and she had to open up and let it hang out. After it was finished it hung all the way into the valley of her breasts.

This time the stares and jeers her new tongue earned her were too much and she gave in to her impulses. Quickly she lept up and ran over to Blitz to hide behind his broad frame.

There she desperately tried to pull her barbed tongue back inside her mouth and even had some success.

After about half of the length of it disappeared inside her mouth she had to use her hands to stuff the rest back in.

“As you can see Kitty will need some getting used to her new dextrous tongue.” Matter said

“In no time at all she will be able to completely retract it and more like, say wrapping it around something. Talking will get more difficult for her as well but I’m sure she’ll manage. Additionally her salival glands will be more productive now to make sure her tongue stays slippery and doesn’t dry out.”

Only now Kitty noticed the strands of saliva dripping down her chin and quickly wiped them away.

Blitz suddenly took a sidestep leaving her in the open. Before she really realized it or could make a conscious decision she gave a squeal and clung to his back again. That got the audience cheering and laughing. Kitty glared at the back of his head. He did that on purpose!

“Now, I have two points left to go over. The first is what’s going to happen after any loss in this show. It’s less of a Perk and more of an insurance for me. It will make sure you won’t disobey any order I give you. Don’t worry it won’t make you blindly obedient but I have to be sure you don’t try to escape or killing any of my men. Especially after the gift I’m about to give you.”

Kitty only sighed and nodded her understanding. That much was about to be expected. But what was that gift he was talking about? A small burst of tingles exploded in her head and disappeared. Apparently simply making someone loyal wasn’t difficult for this man.

“Now, show me your hands.” He came closer and held his hands out.

Kitty couldn’t look him in the eyes as he took her hands in his and inspected her palms. Her face turned red at the touch and she turned her head away.

“This gift I’m about to give really is more of another asset for me but maybe you can still appreciate it. This isn’t something the nanobots could do, it’s coming from my own power.”

Suddenly a stabbing pain exploded in both of Kitty’s palms. She screamed and fell to her knees.

It felt like someone was repeatedly driving long needles through her hands.

Even though the pain was much worse than the tingling before it only lasted about the same time. Afterwards Kitty slowly came to her feet and regarded her palms through teary eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw it.

The crystals in her hands previously clear and transparent had turned inky black with a dark blue swirl in the middle. She was so stunned by the change she even temporarily forgot to be embarrassed by being watched.

“Mmat mmis thss?” She asked as best as she could with her tongue filling her mouth.

“When you first met me I told you I could give you power didn’t I? Don’t believe me? Try burning your way through this wall.”

Kitty looked at the wall he had pointed at, It was solid concrete. No way she could do that.

“Go on. Try it.” Matter encouraged her.

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