The Confessional Ch. 01


I would like to thank Sexy_Curves for all her help with this story. Enjoy!

Tommy O’Rourke would probably need to go to confession for this sin, someday, but not today. His mother worked at their Catholic church and school. On a dare from some of his buddies, he had stolen the church key off his mother’s key ring and snuck into a confessional (the one he knew Father Clooney wouldn’t be using) about an hour before Confession was scheduled to start. He had a buddy out in a pew, who sent him a text message when Father Clooney entered his room, at which point Tommy flipped on the little light above the door to the confessional he was in. He was sitting behind the screen so no one could tell who he was, and he planned on speaking with a bit of a lowered voice.

He also had a tape recorder. That was the point of the dare. None of his friends thought anyone would ever come into the confessional and confess to anything dirty or sexy. Tommy was convinced otherwise. In fact, he was so sure that people did that all the time, to the point where that was the only reason he could think of for anyone to ever want to become a priest.

On a completely separate but relevant note, about a month ago, Tommy had finally mustered up enough courage to ask out a girl he’d had his eye on for at least a year. She was in his History class. He had asked her out in the hallway after class one day. Not only did she say “no”, but did so in a way that made certain that everyone within earshot knew he had been rejected by her. People pointed and laughed. He’d turned bright red and run off. Tommy wasn’t popular at all or good at sports or even good at school. He was pretty shy and quiet, even amongst his group of friends (who were themselves a bit of a motley crew).

Regardless, it had been pretty embarrassing.

Which was why Tommy’s buddy nearly flipped out when Andrea Cooper walked into church and went straight to his confessional.

Tommy heard the door open. He pressed record on the tape player.

Andrea Cooper had never been much of the religious type. Despite growing up Catholic, she slept through Sunday mass more often than she went, and she hadn’t gone go confession since the 4th grade, when she made her first reconciliation. It was hard to have much of a religious life when her nights were spend with sex, drugs and alcohol. She was one of the best-known girls at school. Her blonde hair fell straight and a few inches past her shoulders, and her toned body was perfectly tanned. She always dressed nicely, but modestly everywhere, except to parties where she let her inner bad girl out to play.

A week after a wild party one night where she’d hooked up with the captain of the football team, she realized she was late. She wound up being eleven days late, and the night before she finally got her period, she had a terrible dream, where she’d wound up in hell.

It was that dream that made Andrea realize she needed to change her wild, slutty ways. After school the next day, she went to her family’s church during confession. She knew, despite never going, that Father Clooney always chose the right confessional, and when they had a visiting priest, he took the left.

She saw the green light above the left confessional and walked in, kneeling behind the screen. She took a minute to gather herself, and began.

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was 8 years ago”

Tommy’s eyes grew wide when he heard her voice. Andrea Cooper. He recognized her immediately. He’d only been crushing on her through most of high school. Gaziantep Konak Escort He couldn’t believe his luck. His mind raced, wondering what had prompted her first confession in eight years.

He deepened his voice a bit. “Welcome back, my child,” he said. “Eight years is a long time. But God is patient and has been waiting for you. But it’s very important that you confess all your mortal sins if you want to get back in God’s good grace. Let us take a moment to pray.”

Silence. Tommy knew that Andrea had gotten around a little bit. He’d heard some stories, rumors, really. He had a feeling they might be in here for a while. Slowly, silently, he flipped off the switch on the light outside above the door. His buddy, kneeling in the pew, understood the sign. Shaking his head in disbelief, he crossed himself and left the church.

Back in the confessional, Tommy asked Andrea: “Now what has brought you here today, my child?”

Andrea knelt behind the screen, her head bowed as the priest welcomed her back, offering a moment of prayer before they began. She was silent, reflecting on all of the sins she had to confess today. She knew it would take a while, and wondered how many rosaries she’d need to pray to absolve her sins.

Her attention was drawn back to the moment, in the confessional as she heard the priest address her, asking what had brought her back after so long. She paused for a minute, wondering how she should begin.

“Father, I’ve done many things that I’m not proud of, especially lately. I’ve partied too much, and skipped out on mass most weekends. Until recently I haven’t really suffered any consequences, but I had a big scare a few weeks after a party, and a dream that I was going to Hell.” She paused for a minute, pressing her head against the wooden frame of the screen. “And it scared me Father, it really made me want to change.”

“I understand, my child,” Tommy said. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was right! Taking these dirty confessions had to be the best part of being a priest! “God welcomes you back with open arms, but it is very important that you confess to all of the terrible ways that you have turned your back to your Father’s love. Tell me, child, what have you been doing at these parties? And just what do you mean by ‘scare’?”

Andrea hesitated for a minute, deciding just where her confession should begin. Losing her virginity was probably where the majority of her sins began. She thought back about how it had happened as she slowly closed her eyes, beginning her confession to the priest.

“Father, I’ve had sex, with various partners. My first time was with my boyfriend I’d been with for two years. “

Flashback to that night

Andrea and Josh, her boyfriend, had spent the day together, like they did through most of the summer. It was a perfect day, which they spent by the lake drinking a few beers, smoking a little, laying in the sun together.

Both Andrea and Josh had fallen asleep, only to be woken up by a sudden downpour of rain. They grabbed their things and quickly ran to an empty boat house, to wait out the storm together.

It was a rickety little shack that hadn’t been used in years. There were empty beer bottles and cans lying about, a few old folding chairs. There was no lock on the door. There were holes in the roof, so some rain got through, but it was good enough shelter for the time being. Outside, lighting flashed and thunder rolled over them.

Josh shut the door behind them, and the two dripping wet teens looked at each other and smiled. “I guess there’s not much to do now but wait it out, huh?” Josh said. Needing a distraction from the way that Andrea’s wet white tee-shirt was clinging to her curves, he took his pipe and weed out of his bag and loaded up a bowl, and they spread out their wet blanket on the dirty floor to sit on, facing each other as they smoked.

Andrea shivered as they sat on their towels, sharing Josh’s pipe. She moved closer, leaning against him, kissing him lightly before taking one last hit from the pipe. She smiled as his arms moved around her, their lips meeting as Josh’s tongue slid into her mouth.

She looked up at him as his hands moved down her sides, resting at her hips, giggling as his tongue flicked at her lips, her hands moving to his shoulders, slowly moving to the back of his neck.

Josh slowly laid Andrea down on their towels, staying on top of her as they kissed, their bodies sliding over each other. Her breath caught in her throat as the lightening flashed outside, Josh’s hands holding onto her trembling body as she kissed and nibbled at his neck.

Josh groaned, her kisses and nibbles sending electric shocks up and down his spine. He felt her legs spreading underneath him, her short skirt riding up her thighs. His cock was getting hard in his swimming trunks, and he let out another low groan as his hardness pressed against her wetness, under that skirt, against the skimpy bikini bottoms she was wearing underneath. His hands moved down to her thighs and then up to her butt as his lips found hers again and he pressed his cock a little harder against her.

Josh wasn’t sure what to expect. They’d messed around before, quite a bit, feeling each other up in the backs of movie theatres and cars, making out, stealing kisses, copping feels, but the farthest they’d gone when they were really alone was oral sex. They’d certainly done their fair share of grinding on each other like they were right now, but Josh was sensing a new kind of lust in Andrea’s kiss.

Andrea looked up at Josh as his hands moved down her body, his hardening cock pressing against her as he kissed her again, both of them grinding against one another’s torso. She moaned softly, laying back as his hands roamed all over her body. Her heart was pounding as they continued, moving farther with one another than they ever had.

“Josh” Andrea whispered between kisses, “I want to…” taking another deep breath, “here, now,” she whispered, knowing he’d understand what she was saying in her broken phrases, her eyes locked with his as she wiped his shaggy hair from his eyes.

Josh knew exactly what she meant. He looked right back into her eyes and then kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding over hers, and then broke the kiss and peeled the wet white tee-shirt off her. They got each other naked as quickly as they could. Josh’s tee-shirt joined hers, and she pulled down his swimming trunks, exposing his hard cock to her. Her hands were immediately around it, jerking him up and down as he untied the top of her bikini from around her neck and behind her back, letting her large, firm breasts fall free. Her skirt came off a moment later, and he untied her bikini bottoms, and then they were truly naked together for the first time.

He laid on top of her, savoring the feel of their naked flesh pressed together. Her tits felt so good pressed against his chest, and the heat that was being generated between their legs was impossible to resist! The shaft of his cock rubbed along her wet lips. Slowly, a little awkwardly, they used their hands to guide the head of his dick to her hot, hungry entrance. “I want this so bad baby” she whispered.

“I want you so bad,” Josh groaned, as he felt her heat, her wetness pulling his cock inside her. “God, Andrea, I love you…” he said, whispered in her ear, as the head of his cock pushed inside her. They moaned together at the feeling of it, electricity coursing through their nerves. He worked his cock in and out of her, just that couple of inches. He felt the barrier, her maidenhood, when his cock pressed against it. He slid in and out of her, the head stretching out her virgin lips a bit, before he pushed against her, into her, his hands holding her hips.

He knew there would be some blood… he broke through and pushed into her virgin pussy, taking her… she was so tight, so hot, so fucking amazing, and there it went, their virginity, gone. Her body trembled as the head of his cock rubbed against the thin piece of tissue, and she leaned back against the towel, looking up at him. She whimpered softly as he pushed past it, thrusting further into her no longer virgin pussy. Josh groaned, feeling his balls clench as he slid in and out of her, not sure he could keep from coming right then and there! He pulled back out of her, pushed himself off her, holding himself above her, looked into her eyes again. Slowly, he slid back into her, his impending orgasm delayed for the moment. Their foreheads pressed against one another as he held her against him. “I love you too Josh, so, so, much” she whispered.

Her hands moved to the back of his neck as his stayed on her hips, holding her as he gently fucked her. “Oh Josh,” she moaned, looking up at him as they shared this moment together.

Back in the Confessional

Andrea finished explaining her first sin, and lowered her head. She was silent, waiting for instructions from the priest.

Tommy listened as Andrea described how she lost her virginity. He had a raging hard-on at this point. He had only been planning on getting some funny shit to listen to with his buddies… what he was really getting was blackmail material on a girl who had treated him like shit. He knew there would be more, juicier stuff on the way, if he could only draw it out of her.

“I see,” he began. “You have allowed alcohol and marijuana to cloud your judgement, and have turned away from your Lord. Sins of the flesh are grave indeed, my daughter. You will have to atone for each one of them. The first step is admitting them all. Are you still together with this boy at least?” he asked her, knowing full well that she wasn’t.

Andrea cringed at the question asked of her by the priest. She waited before she answered, thinking about Josh, about what had happened between them, which involved countless other sins. She realized that it was her fault she wasn’t with him, the love of her life. “No Father, More sinful acts on my behalf are the reason we’re no longer together,” she admitted, her forehead against the screen as she listened to the silent, long pause before the priest spoke to her again.

Tommy grinned a wicked grin. Oh, he was going to get some dirt on this slut, all right! His mind already boggled at the possibilities, the things he could make her do as he held this information over her head!

“Accept the grace of God, my child, and confess to Him what happened,” Tommy said with his deepened voice. “If you do not, there is little I or God can do for your soul.”

Andrea nodded, “Yes Father” she said obediently. Her breathing was shaky as she thought of the details of the night she lost the love of her life. “Josh and I had plans to meet at a party my friend was throwing while her parents were gone,” she began.

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