Unhappy Ending


The front door opens. Just a crack. The gold-plated security chain pulls tight. A face peeks past the edge tilted at a forty-five-degree angle. A waterfall of straight, black hair rushes down several inches past her shoulders angling away from her face. Her deep, dark eyes intriguing in their blackness.

“Brandon?” she quizzes.

“Yes. Brandon Beasley. . . Diana?” I respond, hypnotized. Her black lipstick and multiple ear piercings, especially the sterling silver skull and crossbones catching my attention.

“Just a sec,” she says closing the door.

Several seconds of metallic scraping sounds later the door opens fully, her face still poking around the edge.

Unsure of stepping onto her spotless white shag doormat with my wet sneakers I hesitate but she invites me to come in. Directly in front of me is a beautiful natural wood, oak stairway with a white shag runner. Parallel to the stairway the Oak floored hallway runs to the kitchen.

On my right side an archway leads into the living room with its exquisite white, wall to wall deep shag carpeting, far too pristine to have ever hosted a human foot. The Maple coffee table, the overstuffed sofa and love seat and the matching Maple chairs with hand their carved armrests appeared virgin as well.

Closing the front door, she engages the lock and the deadbolt before sliding the security chain into place.

Extending her right hand, she offers a more formal greeting, “Hello Brandon.”

Standing there she has a powerful witching power over me. Her black satin shift dress flows freely off her shoulders and over her tall, slim, small breasted frame, its scalloped hem hanging just below her knees. Her black spike heels sport crisscross black lacing all the way up her calves.

Mesmerized, I stare into her dark eyes while reaching out to shake her hand.

“Please remove your shoes and leave them over there,” she says, pointing toward the corner. “Then head on up the stairs and turn right at the top,” she continues.

Removing my wet sneakers, I start up the stairs noting that she is following about four steps behind, her eyes level with my butt I cannot help but wonder if that is intentional. Halfway up I get my answer. “Stop. But keep facing forward.”

I comply, just a bit confused.

Closing the distance between us she places her hands on either side of my hips. Sliding her hands ever so slowly down the outside of my hips she traces the lower curves of my butt cheeks before running her thumbnails up along the center seem of the seat of my jeans.

“Oomph!” I exclaim startled as she unexpectedly grabs and pinches both butt cheeks. But inside something else is happening and I think to myself, ‘Whew!’ as there is a stirring in the front my jeans.

Turning back to look at her, she smiles and says, “O-o-o. . . Kay. Continue.”

Turning right at the top of the stairs she tells me, “First doorway. That one, right in front of you.”

I can already see part way into the room. There is a low dresser with a mirror, and two high back, padded seat, wooden, high back chairs. The dresser has some items on top but not sure exactly what they are. In the middle of the room is a freshly prepared massage table with white sheets.

As we enter the room, soft, serene, soothing music is playing at a low volume. She instructs me, “Undress. . . To your level of comfort. . . You can place your clothes on either of the chairs.” Pointing sivas escort to the face cradle at one end of the massage table she continues, “Once undressed lie up here, face down and place your face in the cradle and the sheet over you to keep you warm.”

Acknowledging her instructions, she then continues, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” I respond and she exits the room closing the door behind her.

Undressing, I look around the room. Several bottles of lotions and other accessories are arranged on a mirrored tray on top of the dresser. In the far corner of the room a small wooden phone stand has a number of small, rolled up hand towels on the lower shelf. On the top of the stand is the source of the music. . . a small CD player.

Along the front wall there is a window. The mini-blinds are partially open, angled upward allowing the sun to bathe the room in bright, soothing warmth while blocking visibility into the room from the street.

Next to the window stands a carved wooden stand, matching the design of the chairs, with a dozen or so larger towels, rolled up on the lower shelf. On the top is an odd-looking device. Unzipping my jeans, I pull them off, walking over to get a closer look. It is a towel warmer/steamer. The see-through lid is mostly steamed up but through the inner condensation I spy several towels already warming.

I am now stripped down to my boxers. I would prefer naked but I am just a little uneasy about going all the way since have never done this before. Climbing onto the massage table I pull the sheet up over me and get comfortable staring at the floor, my face resting in the cradle.

A few minutes pass and there is a knock on the door. It immediately opens. In walks Diana followed by another woman. While Diana is tall, thin and bewitching, this other woman is short, outgoing, slightly overweight and very, very curvy. Mmmmm.

“Brandon, this is Valerie,” Diana says.

“Hi Valerie,” I respond.

“Hi, Brandon. Valerie Boyman Curtens. You can call me Val,” she replies as we carefully study each other’s faces.

Diana slides the sheet down off of my back. Snapping the waistband of my boxers with her finger she says, “I think you might be more comfortable with these off.”

I reach down to remove them but she says, “Just relax,” pushing my hand back down onto the table. Turning to Val she continues, “Val, can you remove his boxers? Please?”

“Certainly,” Val replies.

In an instant Val’s hands are on my feet, working their way under the sheet and up my inner thighs. Reaching the legs of my boxers her hands slip inside continuing up, brushing against my balls and cock in search of the waistband. Finding the waistband, she grasps it and slowly slides my boxers down my legs, stopping when she gets to my knees. Reaching back up between my legs she gently grasps and repositions my half-hard cock, maneuvering it into a more comfortably position before pulling my boxers the rest of the way down and placing them on the chair with the rest of my clothes.

Diana picks out one of the lotions from the dresser. Squirting some lotion onto her hands she closes the lid and places the bottle on the massage table next to me. Rubbing her hands together she starts talking to me, “The lotion can be cold if I just squirt it on your back so I warm it in my hands first.” Letting some of the lotion drip onto my shoulders she asks, “It that too cold?”

“No. https://sivashabersitesi.com Absolutely not. It feels good,” I reply.

Massaging my shoulders for a minute or so she says, “Wow! Your shoulder muscles are really tight,” and begins working them harder and deeper.

As she works my muscles relax as the toxins are released. Honestly, at this moment I am not sure which was more pleasurable, the shoulder massage or Val grasping my cock!

Val begins working my left arm as Diana moves to my right arm. Together they massage from my shoulders to my wrists before Diana moves to my spine, on down to my tailbone, loosening up and adjusting each vertebra.

Val takes two warm, moist towels out of the steamer. After placing two more in to warm she drapes them over my totally relaxed back.

“Ooooo, that feels so good,” I moan.

Throwing the sheet onto the chair Diana and Val begin massaging my butt cheeks, one on each side. They provide me with a totally new and incredibly exciting sensation as they push down hard against my butt cheeks while synchronizing the circular motion of their hands, alternately squeezing and stretching my butt cheeks — and butthole as well.

Then a warm, oiled finger presses gently against my open butthole — and gets trapped as my cheeks are squeezed together. As my cheeks pull apart again the finger presses more firmly and Diana suddenly lifts her hand and gives my butt a sharp slap with a loud, ‘Crack!’

My butt reflexively jumps in response. In an instant the finger is inside me and I cry out, “Ooooo! Mmmmmmmm!” at the unexpectedly erotic mix of pain and pleasure.

“Oh, you like that, do you,” Diana says landing her open palm a second time.

I jump again burying the finger deeper while managing to stay silent this time.

Val slaps my other cheek and they begin alternating, Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. On and on and on, my cheeks get hotter and hotter and then Val says, “You are so red. I can even see the outline of my fingers!”

“And your cock is getting harder and jumping around a lot,” Diana adds.

Finally, Val removes her finger and retrieves another warm towel to place over my butt. My butt is on fire — two hot embers glowing red — and the hot towel stings as it makes contact.

The two ladies move to the foot of the table, spread my legs slightly and work on one of my personal erogenous zones, my inner thighs, two hands on each thigh, while my cock responds, poking uncomfortably against the table.

Noticing my discomfort Val nonchalantly wraps her fingers firmly around my cock and gently eases it into a more comfortable position.

I am in heaven as they continue working my inner thighs, occasionally brushing teasingly over my balls and cock as if by accident.

Moving down my lower legs they attack my feet.

My feet are extremely ticklish and it takes all my strength and willpower to not pull away as they kneed and roll out the soles and arches. But they seem to instinctively and quickly learn my limits and expertly push me right up against but not beyond those limits. Repeatedly!

“So how are you doing,” Diana asks.

“I am feeling sooo good,” I moan. “Relaxed and excited all at the same time!”

“Well good,” Diana says. “Now it’s time to rollover onto your back,” she instructs, “Slide all the way over to the left edge of the table. Then raise yourself up and roll to your right and onto your back. . . Slowly. And be careful not to fall off the opposite side of the table.”

Rolling onto my back, my cock is standing at full attention! I am somewhat embarrassed but it is not apparent because my face is already bright red from being face down in the cradle for the past twenty minutes.

“Now slide down until your head is on the table,” Diana says, seemingly oblivious to my erection.

I wiggle down and she removes the face cradle from the head of the table and places it underneath the table.

Val is at the foot of the table, hands resting on my feet. It is quite obvious that she at least, is very much aware of my full erection — she is staring at it intently!

“I can see that you are REALLY ENJOYING your massage,” she says with a smile.

Apparently, Val hasn’t been ignoring my erection!

She moves to the head of the table and massages my scalp, ears, around my eye sockets, chin and base of my skull. Next, they work my chest, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and fingers, popping each finger joint as they get to them.

Massaging my torso, they lighten their touch as they go below my ribs, being sure not to damage any internal organs.

“It’s time for more foot work,” Diana says as she works the bottom of my left foot, the more ticklish one; Val get the right one. As I squirm and wiggle about Diana says, “Relax, Brandon,” while flexing the bottom of my toes upward toward my knee. At the same time driving me tickle-crazy by slowly dragging her long fingernails along the bottom of my foot!

Moving to the head of the table Diana cradles my head in her hands, massaging my neck, releasing any remaining tension.

Val, still at the foot of the table, gently spreads my legs and scrapes her long nails up my shin bones and around my knees. Continuing she caresses my inner thighs ever so lightly — so erotically. Bending at the waist she leans forward, her hair electrifying as it brushes over the tip of my cock. She turns her head from side to side; a thousand tiny fingers scintillate my cock, setting it to dancing about wildly.

Lifting her head, looks me straight in the eye and opens her mouth wide. Waggling her tongue at me, she eases her wide-open mouth down over my cock. . . but without making contact!

Breathing out a long, “Haaaaaa,” as if steaming up her glasses to clean them, my cock twitches, her hot, moist breath swirling round its full length. Lifting up to look at my face she makes a suggestive licking gesture with her tongue. Dragging her nails across my balls they draw up tight turning into a wrinkled walnut! Giving me a big smile, she opens her mouth and goes back down on me, mouth wide open. Lots of arousal! But disappointingly absolutely NO contact!

“Please,” I beg.

She lifts her head and curls her index finger, scratching the wrinkled walnut and it pulls up tight again and my cock leaks — just a single drop.

“More! Please, more!” I beg.

“What kind of girls do you think we are?” Diana asks. “Were you expecting a ‘Happy Ending’?”

“Well. . . Yes. . . I was,” I answer sheepishly.

“Well that aint happnin today!” Diana responds.

“Diana loves cock and gets extremely jealous when I have all the fun,” Val chimes in.

“Diana!” Val demands, “I can finish up here. Why don’t you go downstairs and prepare our tea?”

Dejectedly, Diana turns and stomps out closing the door behind her as Val continues in a whisper, “I would be more than happy to finish,” giving me a wink and a gentle, teasing pinch. “Whadda ya say? Ya wanna ‘Happy Ending,’ today? Yes or no?”

“Well. . .,” I start. . . . .

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