A Jock in the Machine Ch. 04

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Chapter 04: Head to Head, Heart to Heart

Disclaimer: All characters mentioned in the story are over eighteen years old. Most of the main cast is exactly 18, but none are younger than that.

Cassie’s skin tingled. She felt her knees getting weaker. Her breath got more irregular. If this had been due to any other reason, especially a Tim shaped reason, she would’ve loved it. It was not. Her anxiety had kicked in following her knock on the principal’s door. Every second with no response just made her worry more and more. Finally, she heard a faint “Come in” from behind the thick door. She took a deep breath and opened it, completely unprepared for what she was about to find inside.

Cassie’s day wasn’t so anxiety-filled the entire time. She’d woken up actually well-rested for the first time since moving back in town. For some reason she was on her mother’s bed instead of her own, but couldn’t quite remember, and Lara had already left for work, so clearing up would have to wait. Luckily for her, Cassie had woken up well over an hour before she had to leave for school, so she had ample time to take care of her morning needs this time, even if it did still take up most of her time before school. Still, with her morning wood fully taken care of, she could wear much better fitting clothes without worrying of ruining them with unfortunate boners in school.

Most of what time left she had she’d spent looking through her clothes. After the whole baggy clothes ordeal from the previous day she wanted the exact opposite, and quickly went through her entire wardrobe to pick out her closest skin-tight clothes. Then it was just a matter of making an outfit. While doing so, her mind went back to the events of the previous night but she quickly blocked the thoughts off. There was no point in dwelling on it, she thought. She’d have a normal, fun day at school. Well, normal by her standards meant she’d turn heads so quick that necks started hurting, but she was very much fine with that. Other eyes didn’t matter, only Tim’s. So she had to dress extra special for him.

Lost in her thoughts, Cassie didn’t feel the time pass at all. She was still in her underwear when she heard the familiar sound of the doorbell ringing, making her almost giddy with excitement. Tim was there. She practically leapt to her desk to pick up her phone and message him.

‘Be down soon, getting dressed xx’ she typed in quickly. She set down her phone and gave her clothes another quick look, sprawled out on the bed. No, no, no, yes. Yes, those would do. She picked the most form-fitting pair of yoga pants she had and quickly pulled them on. The black pants were so tight to her skin that when she finally managed to pull them up and over her shapely bubble butt, they looked and felt like a second skin. That would be more than enough to get boys at school in trouble with their girlfriends. She threw on a fuzzy, yet still skintight gray sweater next. Can’t show everything off, she thought, have to leave something to the imagination. Though with the way her enormous breasts bulged the poor sweater out, one wouldn’t need a very good imagination to picture her without it. She completed her outfit with a pair of fuzzy boots, the same gray color as her sweater. She looked like a big cuddly teddy bear, if teddy bears could have such seducing curves. She looked herself over in the mirror, and, satisfied with her look, took her bag and phone and ran downstairs, not wanting to make Tim or herself wait any longer.

The sight of Tim’s jaw nearly hitting the ground when he saw Cassie was all the confirmation she needed that she’d done a fantastic job with her outfit. He had actually stood there, his mouth completely agape, just ogling her. If anyone else had done that, they would’ve been in more trouble than they would ever realize. Tim, however, was completely safe. In fact, Cassie loved when he checked her out. Playfully she’d taken her hand up to his face to close his mouth before a fly got into it. Getting snapped back to his senses like that, and the warm smile and lifted eyebrow he had seen right in front of him were enough to throw Tim over the edge. Whereas if anyone else had caught him staring like that Tim would be incredibly embarrassed and would no doubt be profusely apologizing, Cassie’s sly grin had had a completely different effect. She’d just locked the door behind her when he’d stepped in closer, pinning her tiny 5’1″ frame between the door and his much bigger body and locking lips with hers. Her breasts had pushed up against his chest, the fuzzy sweater had worn almost tickling him, and he loved it.

They’d eventually broken up the kiss and headed for school, where much to their combined disappointment they’d had to split up for their individual classes. Still, unlike other days where the two found themselves lost without each other, this time they didn’t fall to their own thoughts. They knew they’d see each other again, and that was all that mattered. Tim had found Ben and Kyle’s usual antics actually pleasantly distracting for once, even if he did occasionally kayseri escort slip into deep thought, imagining how Cassie looked without that sweater on. Kyle didn’t miss a single chance to call him out on it, but Tim was no longer embarrassed to admit it and even shoot back at his friends. Life seemed more normal than before, which after the days they’d had, was a much welcomed change.

Cassie had also lucked out. She’d originally thought she would get bored out of her mind during class, so she sat in her favorite spot at the very back by the window. Much to her surprise, just as she was about to drift off she was nudge awake, only to find Clive sitting by her. The two had the same class, and spent almost the entire time discussing Terry and what Clive should get him for his birthday. It had felt incredibly sweet for Cassie to just have someone to talk to without any complications, and was also endearing to see Clive so deeply worried about getting the perfect present. In the end, Cassie hadn’t been much help since she had never been good with presents, but by that point the class had already ended.

The break between classes had also gone just as usual, with Tim and Cassie putting on a spectacle for all who wished to see. After all their troubles the past few days, and especially the impromptu fight they’d had the day before, Cassie had practically leaped into Tim’s arms and pushed him back against the wall, paying him back for earlier the same morning. Nothing could break the two out of their passionate trance.

Nothing except a loud message over the tannoy, calling Cassie to the principal’s office. Tim and Cassie had looked at each other in scared surprise upon hearing it, and much as they didn’t want to, the two decided it was best if Cassie didn’t delay heeding the call. They just hoped it was nothing serious. At least that’s what they hoped at first. As they separated and Cassie went to see the principal, both of them suddenly lapsed back into their very much worried selves, concerned for what was about to happen. The feelings only worsened the further they got apart. The school bell had rung just as Cassie had knocked on the door to the principal’s office, ensuring that Tim would spend the next class worried out of his mind for her. When she got called in, Cassie entered, equally as worried.


Cassie had tried calming herself down before entering the principal’s office. Maybe it wasn’t anything bad, or maybe it was something minor. All the thoughts evaporated when she opened the door and found her mom already inside, sitting across from the principal. Cassie had involuntarily gasped when she’d seen her mom, prompting her to turn and meet her daughter. To Cassie’s continued surprise, her mom didn’t look nearly as pissed as the previous night. In fact, she looked calm, almost happy.

‘Take a seat, Miss Smith.’ The principal gestured for Cassie to sit next to her mom, across the desk from him. The expression on his face was much sterner than Lara’s, and his tone of voice sounded completely emotionless. Cassie locked eyes with her principal for just a second while walking towards her seat but that second was all it took for a shiver to run across her entire body. ‘Do you know why I’ve called you here today, Miss Smith?’

‘No, sir, I don’t.’ Cassie responded, doing her best not to look her principal in the eye again, but also trying to sound confident enough to not betray how uneasy the situation was making her. As if reading her thoughts, Lara grabbed hold of Cassie’s hand in support.

‘I’ve called both of you here today to discuss your behavior on school grounds, Cassandra.’ The principal’s words cut through Cassie like a sword through butter. All of a sudden she felt incredibly scared for what was going to come next. Instinctively, she squeezed her mom’s hand for comfort. ‘It’s been brought to my attention that you have been, how should I say it, putting on displays involving a male student all over school grounds.’

Cassie froze in terror. She was scared enough about the meeting when she’d thought it would only be regarding her, but now she’d managed to drag Tim in it without ever meaning to. While she couldn’t respond to her principal out of shock, her mother slowly chuckled before full on laughing out.

‘Come now, Mr. Clavone. Is that really what this is all about? Two young and obviously in love people showing some harmless affection for each other? Surely that’s not against any school rules?’ Lara said as her laughter calmed down. She had a completely amused look on her face, almost the polar opposite of her daughter’s.

‘Ordinarily, no.’ The principal continued in the same cold tone as before. ‘However, your daughter’s displays have been going overboard frequently, and if the reports I’ve had about them are to be believed, they’ve been bordering on sexual activity, which is strictly prohibited on school grounds!’ He raised his voice for the last part, snapping Cassie out of her terror-induced trance. She looked directly at her principal, kayseridekifirmalar.com who despite raising his voice moments prior, still had a completely emotionless look on his face. Lara on the other hand looked as if she was about to burst out laughing again.

‘So a couple of teens got a bit too into it, it happens all the time, doesn’t it? It’s happened to us too when we were younger, right, Mr. Clavone?’ Lara chuckled, still taking the whole ordeal far less than seriously.

‘That is completely beside the point!’ The principal once again raised his voice, but this time a hint of frustration could be seen on his face as his brow furled. He was obviously not having any of Lara’s nonchalant attitude. ‘Once or twice is excusable, but when it’s been happening every single school break for the last 4 days, we have a problem. I’m not telling your daughter to not enjoy herself, however she does need to dial things down several notches. I don’t want to be having this meeting again.’

‘I think she can manage that. Can’t you, dear?’ Lara nodded, her voice calmer yet still betraying a hint of amusement. She looked at Cassie waiting for an answer, but her daughter was much too shocked and anxious to respond verbally. Instead, she just nodded to her mom’s question. ‘If that’s all I ha-‘ Lara begun getting up from her chair but was interrupted by the principal gesturing for her to wait.

‘There’s more.’ He put both of his elbows on his desk and interlocked his fingers. Somehow that raised the tension even more for Cassie. She really didn’t know what else she’d done that could be getting her in trouble. ‘I’ve seen reports that your daughter was involved in a physical altercation with another student on Monday.’

Shit! Sam! He was talking about her encounter with Sam!

‘According to the reports, your daughter physically assaulted one Samuel Matthews in the middle of-‘

The principal was interrupted by Cassie jumping off her seat and yelling at him.

‘That’s not true! I didn’t assault anyone!’

‘Do not interrupt me while I’m speaking, Miss Smith. Please sit back in your seat.’ The principal looked directly into Cassie’s eyes as he ordered her. She obeyed, but did so reluctantly. Even if he was her principal, he was spewing lies, and that was getting Cassie more than agitated. ‘As I was saying, according to reports you assaulted said Samuel Matthews in the middle of the hallways without any provocation on his part.’

Cassie once again jumped up in her seat. She was beyond agitated. ‘Bullshit! He assaulted me! He cornered me and Tim and then forced my hand on his cock!’ she shouted. If classes hadn’t been in session, everyone in the hallways would’ve heard.

‘Language, Miss Smith! And don’t-‘

‘So what, him doing that is completely fine?’

‘I didn’t say that, Miss Smith, and you would do-‘

‘But you aren’t denying it either!’

‘Miss Smith!’ Cassie’s anger-fueled tirade came to a sudden stop as the principal got off his chair and slammed his hands on the desk. With him standing up he now loomed over both Cassie and her mom, and the resemblance to his son Eric was much clearer – the principal was simply huge, taller even than Sam, and with the stern and angered expression that Cassie had gotten out of him he looked downright menacing. He resembled his son greatly, differing only by his graying hair and bushy mustache. ‘I told you not to interrupt me! Now sit down in your seat and do not say another word. Am I clear?’ That wasn’t a question. It was a command. One that Cassie understood reluctantly as she sat down.

‘Please excuse my daughter, Mr Clavone. She can get a bit explosive in such situations.’ Lara said calmly. Cassie immediately shot her a look of disbelief upon hearing that. She’d talked with her mother about what had happened with Sam, so why was she not supporting her? ‘Can I say a few things as well?’

The principal gestured for her to go on as he slowly got back in his seat.

‘I’ve spoken with my daughter about this before, and I can’t help but notice that the story she told me is quite different from the one in your reports. If you don’t mind, I’d like to tell it so that we can clear out which one is true.’ Lara continued. Cassie was practically drilling a hole through her mom with her piercing gaze. She’d expected to get backed up, or at the very least not contradicted. But her mom was right there… Wait. Something wasn’t right. Her mom had stood completely straight in her chair up till then, but was now bending forward quite heavily. Almost as if…

‘Of course. Go on.’ The principal responded. Cassie tried to focus her gaze on him without making it too obvious. She waited patiently, and was rewarded. Just a few moments passed when the principal’s gaze went lower for just a brief instant. But Cassie caught it. He was staring at her mom’s cleavage!

‘Thank you. What I was told is that my daughter and her boyfriend were busy doing one of their, as you called it, displays, when they were interrupted by the student you mentioned.’ Lara brought her shoulders and arms forward. Cassie noticed she was squeezing her tits in between them, making her cleavage even more pronounced. This wasn’t by accident at all.

‘Some reports have said that, yes.’ The principal’s eyes focused on Lara’s face, but the glances downward became longer and came more often.

‘He had then tried hitting on my daughter, and when she refused him, he put her hand on his own crotch.’ Lara suddenly stood up. Unlike Cassie’s earlier almost jumping out, Lara stood up a lot more leisurely, making sure to first bend over fully forward. The principal’s eyes followed the entire movement of her cleavage as it went up and out of his eyesight. ‘And then, as you’ve said, she assaulted him? Is that right?’

‘Yes, that’s right.’ Cassie could hear it. The faintest hint of uncertainty in her principal’s voice. He was getting his thoughts slowly entangled by the display in front of him. ‘There is no excuse for assaulting a boy like your daughter did.’

‘Isn’t there? What about what the boy did to her? Surely she shouldn’t have to just take her hand being forced like that?’ Cassie could hear it in her mom’s voice – she was moving in on the principal. It was incredibly hot, but also incredibly worrying. If the principal ended up rejecting her, the two of them would be in indescribable trouble. What was weird is that Cassie’s mom was fully aware of this, and still going forth with her trap.

‘She should have just politely declined him.’ Lara slowly moved in closer to the principal. She was now within an arm’s reach. His eyes never left her, but they travelled up and down her figure. ‘Not assault him as she did.’

Lara stopped for a brief moment. She turned to Cassie and winked at her. It was a very suggestive wink that Cassie immediately recognized. It was go time.

‘I’m sorry, Mr Clavone, but I don’t quite understand. Are you saying that there’s no issue in that boy forcing my daughter to touch his junk?’ Lara asked but didn’t wait for the principal to respond. From how close she was standing she could barely see the top of his head over her mountain of breasts. ‘So then it’s not an issue if I do this?’

With a quick motion, Lara took the principal’s hand in hers. Before he could realize what was going on, he found his hand firmly planted straight in the middle of Lara’s crotch.

‘Miss Smith!’ He jolted up in his chair when he felt the warmth between her legs on his palm. ‘This is entirely inappropriate!’

‘Oh, is it?’ Lara said in a very suggestive tone. ‘So it’s only appropriate when it’s done on my little girl then?’

Cassie knew that was her cue. She got up from her seat and stood closer to the desk. Her mom reached over to grab the principal’s other arm and planted it right on top of Cassie’s crotch.

‘Miss Smith! What are you doing! This is beyond ina-‘ the principal tried protesting but was cut of by Lara.

‘Inappropriate? But you had no issue with that boy doing it to my daughter. What was it you said she should have done, just pull her hands away politely?’

‘He did say that, mom.’ Cassie joined in on the trap. This was getting far too fun for her to miss out on.

‘Then, Mr Clavone, why haven’t you pulled your hands away yet?’ Lara asked. She couldn’t see his expression, but Cassie certainly could. It was one of a sudden and terrifying realization. He hadn’t moved his hands from their crotches at all, even though neither of them were holding him there. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as his entire face started going red. Her mom’s trap was sprung and was it ever successful. It was getting Cassie, and without a doubt her mom as well, hot. She felt a jolt running through her entire body, culminating in a very forceful throb between her legs. One she was certain the principal felt as well.

The principal didn’t respond. He stood completely frozen in shock in his chair, both hands outstretched. If someone was to enter the office at that very moment, they’d probably think he was taking advantage of the two women by him. The two rapidly engorging tubes between his fingertips said otherwise.

He’d felt Lara’s absurdly thick cock the moment she’d put his hand around it. While he was busy staring at her tits as she moved closer to him, he had been completely oblivious to her untucking her thick python and letting it snake its way down the right leg of her jeans. The thing was massive even soft but it wasn’t soft for long. He couldn’t see it as the side of the desk obscured his view, but Lara’s cock had gotten so big and so hard that her purple mushroom cockhead as poking out of the knee hole her torn jeans had and was leaking a steady supply of precum on the office floor.

Cassie had been more of a surprise. At first it hadn’t felt as if there was anything in his hand at all. But then a violent throb had rocked his fingers, and her cock had freed itself from its tucked position, fervourously inching its way down the left leg of her yoga pants. With how tight they were, the bulge it was making was much more pronounced, completely impossible to hide. The most frightening part however was just how thick it was getting as it continued its rapid stiffening, pushing out the principal’s fingers more and more with each heartbeat.

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