My Wet Neighbour Ch. 9 (Final)

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Disclaimer: This story is a work fiction. None of the characters or events herein is based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that you are NOT a city, county, state, or federal law enforcement officer, a law enforcement officer of the United Kingdom, and that, to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

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The very day after I had allowed by son to fuck me in the arse, I found myself calling on Anne. I just had to tell her what Frank and I had got up to and to tell her that I had promised Frank he could fuck me in my bottom any time he liked just as long as he did it WITHOUT asking. I thought the risk element of that would appeal to Anne’s sense of fun.

As soon as I arrived I started to tell my tale whilst Anne fixed us a drink. She showed me out onto her garden patio, where we sat and I finished my story in all its glorious, filthy detail. As I expected, and hoped, Anne was engrossed and thoroughly approving of my decision to let Frank fuck me, although she couldn’t quite understand the fact that I wouldn’t let him fuck my pussy on the grounds that that would be disloyal to my husband.

Whilst it didn’t surprise me that Anne started to masturbate as she listened to my adventure, It did surprise me that she was so cool about doing such a thing out of doors. There, in view of at least two other houses that overlooked her garden, she stood, brazenly pulled her shorts and panties down to her ankles, sat back down and played with herself as I spoke. Her dark skin look just so beautiful in the morning sunshine, the pleasure of watching her enhanced by the site of her glistening pussy, as she worked herself up. I remember looking around and thinking just how easily someone could be watching her from another property. All right, it was mid-morning and most people would be at work but she couldn’t possibly have been certain. I guess she just loved the thrill of such situations.

Anne spread her legs further and moaned with pleasure as I recounted each stage of yesterday’s adventure with Frank. As she did so, I couldn’t resist rubbing myself too but I hadn’t dared follow her lead in undressing at all. Not until she started to encourage me.

“If you’re enjoying telling me your story and watching me play with myself, which you obviously are, why don’t you show me a little more?” she asked.

“What out here! You must be joking. What if anyone is watching from one of those windows.” I said looking at the neighbouring properties.

“Well if they are they have already seen me and seen you happily sat in front of me, watching me masturbate. So what do you think they are thinking already.” She replied with a logic that I hadn’t really thought about.

“Well yeah…erh…well, I suppose so. God, you don’t think they are do you?” I said, suddenly worrying.

“Calm down Mary. Of course it’s possible but not really very likely is it. Is there anyone in at your house?”

“No,” I replied.

“Well then, that only leaves one other house that overlooks my garden and they’re probably at work and even if not, what is the chance that they spend their day watching me. People have better things to do, I assure you.”

Anne’s sensible advice did the trick. I realised I was worrying unnecessarily and relaxed a little more. Enough, to pull my skirt-hem up and to open my legs to Anne’s view. Then pulling my knickers to one side I too started to openly frig myself as I continued with my story and both Anne and I discussed how we might try new adventures together. As our chat got hornier and dirtier Anne suggested that we get a little more risky.

“Listen,” she said, “Since you’ve taken the chance to masturbate out here in my garden with me, why not go a little further.”

“What have you in mind?” I asked.

“Well, we both agreed that the chance of anyone watching us right now is slight, but what if they were? What if a man or indeed a woman was watching our masturbation? What do you think they would be doing?” she said.

“Bringing themselves off,” I replied, “or phoning the cops!” I added, laughing.

“…and what do you think they would want us to beylikdüzü escort do?” Anne continued.

I thought for a moment putting myself in the place of this virtual voyeur we were imagining. “I think they would want to see more.” I said.

“So why not please our imaginary friend?” Anne answered, then continued, “strip yourself off Mary!”

“What totally? Out here?” I exclaimed.

Anne, remaining totally cool, simply said gently, “Yes Mary, totally naked, right here and now!”

I recognised Anne’s tone and knew it was how she spoke when obliging me to do something. She was expecting my submissiveness and knew I couldn’t refuse her. I stood from my chair and dropped my skirt to the floor, followed by my T-shirt, bra and then finally my panties. All the time imagining that we were indeed being spied on. Reality kept reminding me hat here I was, a grown woman, acting as a sexual submissive to my neighbour, performing on demand and yet I didn’t care. I just loved Anne and everything we did together. I would go along with anything she wanted and she knew it.

Before I could sit back down Anne said, “Right Mary, that’s a good girl! Now I want you to remain standing, turn your back to the neighbouring property and touch your toes. You may spread your legs a little if it makes it easier, but make sure you keep them straight.

I did as I was told, turning my back to face the neighbouring house and reached down to my toes. I was fairly agile and didn’t need to open my legs to do so which obviously wasn’t what Anne wanted.

She said, rather sternly, “Don’t be coy Mary! I think you know what I expected, so open your legs and make sure your pussy is on full view. I would remind you that our imaginary friend would wish to see everything you have, wouldn’t he…or she.”

“Sorry.” I said quietly as I spread my legs and continued to touch my toes. The feeling of public exposure was utterly fantastic. Alright, I knew it was really only Anne watching but the very thought that maybe, just maybe, a stranger was also seeing me made me start to just drip with juices.

“Now that’s better Mary! Now you will remain in that position and start to bring yourself off. I want to see your pussy spread wide and for you to orgasm as quickly as possible. Nothing gentle! Fast, furious and dirty is what I want to see. Anything less will not please me.”

I understood and didn’t need to say anything. I was, at one and the same time, turned on by the situation and worried that I was doing such a thing outdoors but the thrill overcame my fear. I spread my pussy as wide as possible with my left hand and immediately bought my right hand into play. As instructed, I went to work on myself at full speed, determined to please Anne with a quick show. If truth were told, it wasn’t going to take long for me to cum anyway, since the nature of my exposure was making me so horny. In no more than two or three minutes I was shouting obscenities, rather too loudly, and groaning with pleasure as I reached my peak. “I’m cumming, god, yes…I’m cumming Anne. Is this okay? Are you pleased with my show Anne? Oh yeah, oh yeah…fuck…fuck me ..yes, yeeesssss!”

I was spent and went to sit down on the ground to rest myself when Anne spoke, “Remain standing Mary! If our imaginary ‘friend’ is watching they must be near to cumming themselves watching you being so dirty, but now you must send them over the edge Mary. Show them something they won’t have seen before Mary. You know…”

I knew exactly what Anne meant. She meant for me to pee and I was more than happy to accommodate her wishes. By now I had any and all inhibitions I may have harboured about outdoor sex. If anyone could see me, what the hell! I returned to my position of bending to touch my toes, with my legs straight and slightly apart. Then I let go a most fantastic stream of pee and pussy juice. It sprayed backward from me in a huge flow onto the patio. As it did so I couldn’t resist rubbing myself and causing the flow to spray out around my hand, onto my legs and over my feet. Simply glorious!

Anne obviously approved of my little show. As I looked backwards between my legs I could see her reaching her own, first orgasm as she frantically dug at her cunt with both hands.

When she had finished, I stood straight and then returned to my chair.

“How was that? Was I good?” I asked.

“Your performance was excellent Mary, you were so dirty. I just love to watch you when you get so carried away. I think you have the makings of a great exhibitionist. I shall remember that for future adventures.” She replied with a grin. “Now for act two!”

“What do you want me to do now Anne?” I asked.

“It not so much what I want you to do, it’s what I want to do” She said.

“and what’s that?”

“I want to fuck you Mary. I want to fuck you, out here in my garden and given you obvious enjoyment of Frank arse fucking you yesterday, I too shall bolu escort fuck your arse!”

“You’d do that out here!?” I exclaimed.

“Oh yes,” she purred, “now go inside to the kitchen and fetch my dildo. The strap-on one. You know where it is don’t you?”

“Yes, yes I know,” I replied submissively and went to fetch the dildo. Anne kept it at the back of one of her kitchen cupboards. I remembered from a previous visit and the fact that it seemed an unusual place to keep sex toys. One always assumes they kept in bedrooms, I suppose. When I reached into the cupboard and pulled out the box of toys there were two dildos in it, both strap-on but very different in size. One was pinkish, around six inches long and not too wide. The other was black, much longer, maybe 9 or 10 inches and much, much wider. I was glad I had been sent in to fetch one rather than Anne getting it herself. For a proper fuck I may have been prepared to try the large one, but there was no way I was going to get that monster in my arse and no way I was going to let Anne try. I knew, when she got carried away, she could be a little rough and wasn’t about to take the chance.

I returned to the garden with the smaller dildo.

As soon as Anne saw my selection she grinned, “playing it safe are we? Didn’t you fancy the black one?”

“Oh, no Anne, its too big for my…” I started to reply.

Anne interrupted, “Okay, don’t worry. I’ll go with your selection for today, but don’t think you’ll escape my black monster forever. Now lean over the table for me, Mary.”

I walked over to the garden table and bent forward, just I had had done so for my son the previous day. Without being asked or instructed, I reached back and held my arse cheeks open for Anne who had already got the dildo on. She approached me slowly, spat on the dildo to lubricate it and then, after rubbing it up and down my arse crack a few times, positioned its head against my hole. Then she put her hands on my shoulders, as if to hold me down, and thrust her hips forward. As she did so the dildo sunk into me, easier than I imagined it would. Even though, I was glad I had chosen the smaller of the two.

“Oh that’s good! that’s real good Mary, so smooth,” Anne said as she started to fuck me bottom with steady, deep strokes.

I was in heaven. The cool breeze all over my body, the thrill of outdoor nakedness and the dirtiness of being arse fucked by Anne. For her part she was obviously getting the same level of enjoyment from the situation and the fact that she clearly liked to dominate her lovers.

Mary had been pumping into me for a couple of minutes. A couple of minutes of sheer pleasure when suddenly came a loud voice, “What the fuck is going on here?” It was the voice of a man and made me jump with shock. I immediately tried to stand but felt Anne respond to my movement by holding me down. I could just turn my head enough to see a man in his late thirties and coloured.

“Hi love, didn’t expect you home at this time.” Anne replied coolly.

The man was obviously her husband. By now I was in blind panic. Stretched over the table with Anne still slowly fucking my arse with her dildo whilst she started a calm conversation with her husband! I just couldn’t believe it!

“Obviously not,” he said, “and who have we here?” he continued looking at me. “Isn’t that Mary from next door?”

“Yes it is, I didn’t think you would recognise her from this angle.” Anne replied.

They were talking about me but not in anyway to me; like I was just an object lying on the table being fucked. I should have been cross but I found it, strangely, a turn on. I suppose it was the humiliating aspect of their attitude.

Martin continued, “and what are you doing?”

“What does it look like Marty! I’m fucking her backside. Mary here is one of my friends and I’m simply giving her what she enjoys.” Anne said.

“Is that so and when did you add Mary to your list darling?” Marty enquired.

All this time Anne kept up her slow, rhythmic strokes of the dildo into my bottom.

“Oh we’ve been friends for a few weeks now.” She answered and at the same time started to fuck me harder, making me cry out.

Martin, who was obviously aware of his wife’s sexual activities, ignored my sounds and, finally directing the conversation to me, asked, “and do you like my wife fucking you Mary?”

“Oh Yes!” I whimpered submissively as my body was thrust forward on the table with each stroke of the dildo inside me.

He went on, “and what if my wife told you to stay in that position, whilst I replaced that toy in your arse with a real cock in your cunt?”

Anne cut in, “Oh no dear, Mary is a good girl. She doesn’t let any man but her husband fuck her pussy.” she said mockingly.

I thought it was a bit cruel but Anne was in her role of dominant and I knew when she was like that she could be quite harsh.

She went, “But she really likes bursa escort her arse being fucked so why don’t you please her that way. I would love to watch.”

Again, I felt the humiliation of Anne offering me to Martin, as if I had no say in the matter. Of course I could have just got up and left, but she knew, as well as I did, that it was just that sort of treatment that I had come to find so exciting, so I said nothing.

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Martin said, “do you want to finish with her first?”

“No, no that’s alright,” Anne said pulling the dildo out of my arse and helping me to stand up. She then took my hand and led me indoors, still with the dildo on and bouncing in front of her. Martin followed us into the lounge and started to strip as soon as we were inside. I stood and watched has he revealed his gorgeous body and gasped as he dropped his shorts. His cock was much bigger than my husbands or Franks. It was nearly as big as Anne’s monster dildo that I had so carefully avoided and now I was going to get a real live one that size in my arse!

He spoke, “Kneel on the armchair Mary and make sure you get your bottom high in the air.”

I did as asked and knelt in the large armchair. Anne stood to one side and started to massage my tits whilst Martin positioned himself behind me. I felt his cock on my arse and as he tried to push it in but it just wouldn’t go. I think I was too nervous and tight.

“Anne, get some olive oil from the fridge and get Mary lubricated.” He said.

Anne went into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of oil, which she proceeded to pour from onto my lower back so a stream of the oil ran down my arse crack and onto my pussy hair. Martin then rubbed it into me with his hand and then once again positioned his cock at the entrance to my bottom. This time he sank in more easily than I had expected but God, I could still feel just how big he was. I clung onto the chair and gritted my teeth in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

“Oh this is beautiful,” he said, “real smooth and tight.”

“I know, isn’t she just wonderful, but don’t fuck her slow darling. Mary likes it quick and dirty just like me. So come on, lets see some effort. Fuck her hard!”

Marty immediately responded by thrusting his cock deeper into me and started to pump in and out much quicker. At the same time he started to gently slap my arse cheeks. I cried out as the sensational feelings of lust, and risk and humiliation mixed together and rushed through my body.

“Oh yes, oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me Marty, fuck my little arse hard, yeah, yeah, please fuck me,” I begged.

I felt myself starting to come and asked Anne to do something with my clit. She reached under my stomach and down between my legs and started to rub the olive oil into my pussy lips and over my clit. Then she started to pinch and rub and massaged my clitoris with the one hand whilst rubbing my tits, as best she could, with the other.

“She’s going to cum, darling, she’s ready to cum.” Anne called out.

Marty responded by slapping my arse harder and going for what were obviously to be his last few thrusts before cumming himself.

I cried out in orgasm and Anne shouted to her husband, “pull out darling, I want to see you cum on her. Cum on her face, please cum on her face.”

Marty hesitated for a moment, clearly wanting to cum inside me, but then pulled out of me sharply. Grabbing his cock in his hand he quickly ran round to the back of the chair and grabbing my hair held my head up. Immediately he started to spurt his load into my face and hair. Three or four good spurts and then the remaining, smaller shots, fell onto the floor round his feet. There was not as much as I had hoped or expected from such a large cock but nevertheless I was pretty well covered. As he came, Anne was busily bringing herself off as she watched.

Then he did something that no one had ever done to me before. He put his hand on my face and spread his cum all over. Just like it was soap and he was washing my face. Nothing extraordinary, I grant you, but nevertheless I found it a real turn on and noted the fact that it was something I would get both my husband and Frank to do to me in future.

It was a full hour latter that I eventually returned home. A full hour more of fantastic sex with Anne and Marty.

Once home, I ran a bath, slipped into the warm water and took stock of my recent adventures. From meeting Anne who had by now become a close friend, being introduced to pee play, taking on a cleaner who was prepared to satisfy me on demand, my new friends, Claire and Lisa at the boutique, Anne’s husband and last but by no means least, my own son Frank. I had come a long way in a few weeks and new my adventures had only just begun. I was fulfilled and happy – sheer bliss!

The End

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The Phantom likes feedback on his stories; it makes writing/publishing worth while. So please feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think – good or bad!

Tell me when you read my stories, where you read them and if you cum whilst reading them – ‘cos that’s why I write them! Above all enjoy my work, remember its fantasy and practice safe sex!

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