Bobbie Says Ch. 02

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(Continuation of BOBBIE Says)

Sam and I had slept. For how long is anyone’s guess. The sun was low in the west and the normal sounds of the neighborhood were muted.

I looked over at Sam upon waking and saw a glimpse of heaven.

Sam’s red hair framed her face in a perfect circle. Her ‘halo’ the color of garnet, my birthstone. I was imagining the green of her eyes when she took a deep breath and saw me staring at her.

A quick kiss and a “Hello lover” were the beginning of another day of bliss.

“Hello yourself. Sleep well?”

“Oh yes, you are better than any sleeping pill out there.”

“Come with me,” I said as I extended my hand towards her.

“I did come! Several times as I remember!” Sam laughed. Taking my hand we moved off the bed and into the bathroom.

As the water warmed up, I took Sam into my arms and just held her close. I wanted our bodies to melt into one body, not two.

Samantha moaned into my ear as she thought of the last few hours of lovemaking. The orgasms she had been denied by her now dead husband due to her open heart surgery a wonderful memory.

“Let’s hop in,” I said.

“I need to pee, first”

“So do I Sam but let’s do it in the shower.”

“Oh, Mr. Kinky has shown up,” Sam teased.

“That is Mr. BOBBIE Kinky, you you young lady” I said in a mockingly gruff voice.

We stepped into the shower and adjusted the several nozzles to hit us both. “Ladies first,” I said. I knelt down so she could hit my chest, washing my open heart scar with her urine.

Sam placed her hands on either side of her pussy and directed her stream as best she could. The warmth of her piss was beyond words. She aimed for my nipples and the splashes went everywhere…shoulders, lips, ears, and down to my cock.

“My turn,” I said as she finished. Samantha knelt down and I directed the first of my stream over her head. Bouncing off the back wall of the shower I could see my golden stream hit her back, her hair, and slide down to her ass.

“Fuck that feels good! Who knew?” Sam exclaimed. “You need to expand your readings beyond campaign lit. You need to get into erotica.”

“You will have to read some to me while I finger you and myself,” Sam sighed.

I next directed my stream to her chest. The last of my urine dribbling between her thighs. Sam leaned closer and took my soft cock into her mouth. It was a kiss, a caress of affection for opening another door of sexuality.

“Turn around, stud, Samantha commanded.

“Yes, sir, ma’am,” I chuckled.

Sam took the bar of soap and started washing the back of my neck. Suds and her firm hands washed the last of sleep away. Moving to my back, she scrubbed, making sure to get every spot.

Sam knelt down onto the tile of the shower and skipping my butt, started on my legs. Up and down she smeared the soap. I started to get hard. Lifting my right foot she scrubbed it clean. Then the same treatment to the left.

“Turn around, my male slut,” was commanded next. I obeyed for Momma never raised a fool.

Washing the tops of my feet lead Sam to my shins. Soap was cascading down between my toes, tickling me. Her hands went to my thighs and I got harder still. “Glad to see I still have your attention,” Samantha grinned.

“You had my attention by breathing this morning, afternoon or evening. What ever time it is.”

Sam washed my butt while giving my cock little kisses. She then turned her attention to my cock and said she was done with washing it much too soon for me.

Reaching between my thighs, Sam scrubbed ever harder while watching my semi-hard cock bob up and down.

“Oh, look!! White guys CAN dance!!”

“Only with you, lover. Only with you.”

“Oh yeah? What about those fantasies you have?”

I took Sam’s face in my hands and lifted her gaze to mine. “There is no one on Earth that makes me happier than you…now and forever. My fantasy is to spend eternity with you.”

Was it a tear or just the shower water that dripped down her cheek? With a quaking voice, I had my answer. “Bob, you are my life now, too. As I said last night, you can do anything and everything to me from now until the end of time. I meant that and still do. You have made me feel things I never knew were possible.”

I bent down into the spray of the shower and kissed Sam with all the tenderness, love and caring that I possessed. “You complete me but I will do anything and everything to you and with you, only if you are okay with it. Remember, I am a gentleman and a gentle man.”

Sam shoved her tongue into my mouth. Fucking my mouth got me harder still. “Love doesn’t cover how I feel for you, Bob. I idolize you, I cherish you. Fuck me now, please.”

“As you wish.”

I picked up the soap from the floor and quickly washed Sam from neck to the back of her thighs. I then proceeded to soap up my hand and placed it between her ass cheeks rubbing her puckered hole.

“Are you gonna butt fuck me?”

“Someday but not now, my love.”

I placed my hands on her mardin escort shoulders and turned Sam around. She bent over, placing her hands on the wall. I knelt on one knee and licked Sam from pussy to asshole and back.

“Oh God, you made me cum with two licks!”

“Don’t forget to add that to the notches on the headboard.”

“You are gonna buy me another headboard ‘cuz this one will be whittled away this weekend.”

I stuck my tongue as deeply as possible into her pussy and placed my nose into her asshole. “Oh fuck!! Another one!!”

Licking and moving up and down caused several more orgasms. I was in heaven as Sam tasted slightly musky but unlike the other women I had been with. The juice from her pussy washed down my face and chin. Licking and drinking her all in was my mission for the day.

“You are licking, not fucking!” Sam said with a smile in her voice.

“Yes, mistress. Your wish is my command.”

“Then fuck me now or lose me forever!”

I stood behind Samantha and looked at her beautiful ass. No sag, no stretch marks, just the heart shape that begs to be fucked.

I took my semi-hard cock and rubbed it between her ass cheeks down to her waiting cunt. Sam’s moans got me harder still. I went to enter Sam and was denied.

“Fuck, shit, and hell’s bells!” I yelled.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t enter you. I want to with everything I am but I can’t. Shit!”

“Wait a minute,” Sam said. “Let’s finish up this shower and get something to eat. We’ll try again very soon.”

“Why are you so damn understanding?? I want to fuck you, you want me to fuck you and I can’t! Shit, Sam, you could have any guy you wanted with that body and mind. Why settle for damaged goods?!”

“Mr. Kinky is MINE! I will be with you even if your cock falls off. I want to be in your company. I want you in my thoughts and bed. If we never have sex again, I will be eternally grateful for how you have made me feel over these last few hours. Those other guys are just boys in adult bodies. They may have a soul but they won’t let you see it. But I don’t think they would know a soul if it bit off their dicks!”

We stepped out of the shower and started to dry off. “Bob, you were open to me and allowed me to be open to you. You cried and I cried. I was with Mike for all of my adult life and I never saw him cry. Movies like “Love Story” or “Brian’s Song” or “Old Yeller” never got even a sniff from him. You did it in the first minutes we were in bed. Why does that affect me so? I don’t know but I have never loved anyone or anything as I do love you right now.”

Taking Sam’s hand in mine, I kissed her. A kiss that said thank you and I love you too. A kiss that said you are stuck with me now. A kiss that I had never known before. “The hell with food,” I said.

We crawled back into the rumpled bed. I held Sam as tightly as I could and she hugged me back. When at last we separated a bit, I noticed the tear streaks as Sam noticed my own.

Sam raised up on her elbows and looked at me with a look that cut through all the BS that may have tried to enter into my mind and stopped any words I had.

“When you entered Kari’s porch and we met for the first time, I thought ‘Here comes another dolt that thinks with his cock and only his cock’. But we talked and connected on a level that I’ve never experienced before. You were honest with me and tho you may have wanted into my panties when we met, you were real. You were vulnerable. You are my soulmate. You are the part of me that I didn’t know I was missing.”

“Damn you, stop it,” I said quietly. Tears streaming down my cheeks. Sam moved and kissed the tears away. “I love you, Bob.”

I sighed and then we both laughed out loud and hard. My stomach growled loudly.

“Ok, let’s eat,” we said together.

Scrambled eggs, toast and juice were the menu for that time. We ate as if it was to be our last meal. Sitting naked on the couch, we sipped our coffee.

“Let me be honest with you, Sam.” I said. “You are the epitome of the woman I would want if I could make one. Intelligent, sexy as hell, intense in your beliefs, you know what you want and obstacles had best get out of your way. You care to the core of your being. Kari said that when you two were together, you cried saying you thought you would never find a man to share life with. I am here for you. I wish to make every dream of yours a reality. I wish to show you the world as the little girl, hiding inside of you, needs to see it. I want you to take the little boy in me and show me things through your eyes and my new ones.”

Sam rolled over onto me. My cock now at full staff. Tears rolled from her eyes unto my face. “Loving you is so very easy, Bob.”

I positioned Sam so I could enter her. My cock slid in effortlessly. And we just lay there. After several minutes, Sam moved so our groins mashed together. Slowly we made love. Fucking this angel had never entered my mind. We were to make love now and forever more. We melded our souls together as completely as if marmaris escort we could not determine where pussy ended and cock began. We became one. Never to part.

Words were no spoken as they were not needed. I knew when she needed a thrust or a hand on her breast. Sam knew when I needed a kiss or a tongue fucking. We stayed in bed until morning. I came twice, something not done in a decade. Then fell fast asleep.

Upon waking, Sam said, ” God you are the best. Now what is your favorite fantasy?”

“You and Kari here with me. Tho I will not enter Kari with my cock. That belongs to you.”

“Ve have vays for you to fuck us both,” Sam smiled.

“I told you I will make love to you and you only”

“And I will get off watching you fuck Kari as I lick her pussy and your cock together!”

“Well, it is the start of the new year so set something up for late August so I can get ready,” I laughed.

“But in the mean time, you need to introduce me to someone.”

“And who is that?”


I sat up on the bed and looked around. The scarves from just last night (?) were within reach. I rolled over to get them and Sam put her finger onto my asshole. My cock jumped to full attention as I jumped back and onto her.

“Oh, sir, whatever do you have in mind,” Sam asked in a little girl voice.

“I’m going to tie you up and have my way with you!”

“But I might cum if you fuck me. And I’ve never cum before, sir.”

“Well, get used to it, slut. You are under my control and will do all that I say. I will not ask, only command.”

“Can we have a safe word, please sir?” Sam asked seriously.

“If you say the word, “Yellow” we will slow down for a moment. If you say “Lafayette, Indiana” we quit. 100% quit forever and ever.”

“How did you know I was born in Lafayette?”

“Kari talks and never shuts up. She probably talks with Kyle’s cock in her mouth.”

“She is a motor mouth, that’s for sure,” Sam said.

As our banter continued, I tied Sam’s hands together then onto the headboard. Her breasts were taut over her chest and heaved in time to her breathing. I took her legs and spread them to be tied to the footboard. Her pussy already wet.

I grabbed another scarf and placed it over her eyes. “Oh, Mr. Kinky has returned. I thought he might have left the building.”

“Mr. Kinky has designs on you, my dear.”

“Pray tell.”

“There is no tell, only do!” I repeated her words from last night back to her.

“Comfy?” I asked.

“Well, I’m missing you between my legs.”

“I be back in a moment,” I said as I got off the bed.

“WAIT!! Fuck me! Make love to me! Don’t leave!!”

“I’ll be gone less than a minute, my love. Be calm.”

I walked into the kitchen and gathered a few supplied. Carrying the tray back to the bedroom, I noticed Samantha had resigned herself to the fate of her own choosing.

Sam’s legs were spread wide. Her pussy glistening with sweat and her natural wetness. The trimmed pubic hair formed an arrow pointing down to her heaven. Sam’s abdomen was nearly flat and I could see it pulse with her heartbeat. Her breasts were sitting atop her chest, her nipples erect, moving with her jagged breathing. I looked down at my cock and saw it to be filled with blood. Had it ever been this hard, I wondered. On either of my wedding nights? I thought not even the first time I fucked my first wife.

Thoughts of bygones days were erased by a shake of my head. I silently walked closer and took an ice cube in my mouth. I leaned carefully as not to disturb the bed and touched it to Sam’s left breast and nipple.

“Oh, fuck! I’m cumming!!!”

Taking the ice from my mouth, I placed my lips on her tit and sucked. The cube being rolled around her right tit.

“Oh GOD!!!!! That feels so fucking good!”

I placed the cube back on the tray and warmed her right breast with my mouth. “Want more of this or something else?”

“Surprise me, Bob. I love everything you do.”

I picked up the jar and removed the lid. I stuck my finger into the jar and removed a cherry. “Open your mouth, Sam”

She did as I had said and I took the cherry and rolled it around her lips. “DO NOT LICK YOUR LIPS, yet.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That is Mr. Kinky to you!”

“Yes, Mr. Kinky!”

“OK, bite it.”

“Hmm, a cherry. Thank you it is delicious.”

I picked up the jar and poured a small amount onto Sam’s breasts. “Oh God, that is cold!”

“Ve have vays to make your tits even more delicious!” I laughed. My tongue began to lap up the juice as it flowed between her breasts, over her scar. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The girls in the porn mags or films don’t hold a candle to you.”

“Careful or I will blush.”

“Go ahead and blush. Your lips and tits are red already.”

I took another cherry from the jar and rubbed it hard into her pussy. The shock of the cold and the motion without warning caused Sam to jump against her restraints. “You rat bastard!! I’m nevşehir escort cumming again!”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“Never but I want cock! NOW!”

“It looks to me you are in no position to demand anything. Plus I’ve never had a woman’s cherry before.” I popped the mashed cherry into my mouth and chewed it noisily. “God, that is hot, Bob. What’s next?”

I moved to kiss Sam hungerly. I rammed my tongue into her open mouth. Our tongues danced back and forth.

“More, please, kind sir.”

I moved my hand to her breast and pulled lightly on Sam’s nipple. Moans escaped from her throat. “You know the two woman I’ve been with, don’t you?”


“Well, I’ve never been with a woman of color so I wondered what a chocolate pussy tastes like.” The syrup then hit her crotch and spread out.

“Damn you, you motherfucker! That is my cunt you are smearing up!”

“I’ll clean it up if you wish.”

“Oh, shit yes, I wish!”

I moved between her slim legs and the thought of teasing her never entered my mind. Up and down, left and right my tongue moved. Sam’s hips bucked up to get me deeper inside of her. Moans and incoherent speech was all I heard. I licked as deeply as possible. Then attention was turned to her clit. A drop of syrup was at the top of her hood and I placed my lips around it and sucked for all I was worth. Hips bucked and bucked. “Oh, fuck, STOP! Let me catch my breath.”

I obeyed but my fingers swirled through her pussy hair to keep her on edge.

“Damn Bob, you are so fucking hot. I have no idea how many times I came.”

“Well, the sheets aren’t talking either but I think I see them smiling.”

“You are such a shit!” Sam laughed.

I moved up and kissed Sam deeply. Letting her taste herself which was a big turn-on for me.

“You are gonna make me cry again. Tears of happiness and contentment, Bob.”

“As long as you never cry tears of hurt or anger or resentment, I think we’ll get along ok.”

I hugged Sam tightly as I know that is what I would have wanted in that situation. I kissed her nose, her ears, her brow. I poured out my love and understanding with each little kiss.

“Will Mr. Kinky come and fuck me now?”

“Is that what you want or should I introduce you to BOBBIE?”

“Oh, BOBBIE please, please, please. Then fuck the hell out of me!”

“There is no hell in you. Only love!” I kissed her mouth hard. Sam responded my thrusting her tits into my chest. Had her nipples ever been this hard?

I turned into a 69 position but kept my cock away from her face and hungry mouth.

The vibrator was easily reached and I moved it to within an inch of her cunt. I licked her clit and moved down to her slit. I moved the vibrator to just touching her. My hand with the fake cock moved in tandem with her so it was not inserted. “So you like plastic cocks, huh?” “I’ve never had one but I want something in there even tho your tongue is wonderful and talented.”

“So you would like this?” I asked as I slid it in.


“Just you wait my lovely. Just you wait.”

I began fucking Sam with the bright pink cock. Her hips and my pushing matching motions. Then I turned it on to a medium setting.

“Oh, stop! STOP!”

“You’ll get used to it.” I fucked her hard and with long strokes. I pulled it out so it could vibrate against her clit. Then plunged it back into her pussy.

Moans and squeals come from her mouth along with every swear word I had ever heard plus a few new ones.

My hand was wet with her drippings. I slowed down on the fake fuck to let Sam come back to Earth. I kissed around her thighs and pubic hair. Sam turned away from me so I moved toward her. Suddenly she turned back the other way and was face-to-face with my cock. Her mouth sucked me into her. The warmth of her mouth get me the hardest ever. “Keep that up and your tummy will have a cream covered cherry to digest.”

Sam moved slightly but kept me in her mouth. “Promises, promises.”

“You asked for it!”

I rolled up on top of Sam and began to fuck her mouth while moving the vibrator to high. The moans from her throat buzzed along my cock, increasing the pleasure if that was possible. Sam began to suck my cock as she had done last night. The feeling was supernatural.

We moved in tandem and then against the others movements. We fucked, licked, sucked, and then came together. How much cum I exploded will be unknown forever as Sam swallowed every bit. I had placed my mouth over her cunt and was rewarded with a bath of hot juice. The smell and feel of her cum made me cum again. Something that had never happened.

I turned off the vibrator but left it in her pussy. Sam’s lips were kissing the head of my cock lightly. Sweat was pouring off my body onto Sam. I rolled over and moved to Sam’s head. I removed the blindfold and scarves. Sam rolled over onto me and sobbed. Minutes passed as I felt the cries slowly subside.

“If you ever leave me, I’ll have to become a nun.”

“You are not a religious person,” I countered.

“Maybe I’ll enter the convent of the Flying Spaghetti Monster,” she laughed.

“I’ll come back to life as the head priest and have my way with you in a room full of warm spaghetti.”

“Shit, Bob. Everything you say turns me on.”

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