Evie’s Family Ch. 02: Amy Takes Charge

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“Amy?” whispered Jay, in the dark.

“What is it?” I replied, still stroking his erection as we lay naked together in bed.

“Thank you.” whispered Jay. “Just, thank you.”

“For what?” I asked. “For masturbating you?”

Jay laughed softly. “For sticking with me so long. I’m sorry it took us so many years to get so comfortable together.”

“I love you, Jay,” I said. “I would have waited even longer to marry you.”

“I love you, Amy,” sighed Jay. “Would you be willing … would you like to … take me in your mouth?”

“Of course,” I said. “Jay? What do you think about when I rub you, when I suck you?”

“How good it feels,” said Jay. “How much I love you.”

“So, you think about me?” I asked. “Making love with me?”

“Oh, yes,” sighed Jay. “Making love.”

“But, maybe, sometimes you think about Evie?” I asked.

Jay was silent.

“It’s OK with me,” I said. “If you think about her.”

Jay said nothing.

“If you think about Evie, or even your Mom, when I’m rubbing you, when I’m sucking you,” I said. “It’s OK.”

Jay sighed.

“Are you thinking about Evie, Jay?” I asked, quietly. “I’m about to take you in my mouth.”

“Yes,” said Jay quietly.

“You’re thinking about Evie?” I asked. “Will you tell me what you’re imagining, as I suck you? I really want to hear.”

“I don’t know if I can,” whispered Jay.

“Try,” I said. “I’m going to take you in my mouth, and I want to hear what you’re imagining with Evie … because … I’d like to imagine it, too.”

I moved down to take him in my mouth, and I began to suck and rub at the same time, gently, with my tongue swirling around the head of his erection.

“OK,” whispered Jay. “I’m with Evie. We’re naked. And she asks me something.”

“Mmmmm,” I hummed as I sucked and rubbed.

“She asks me to lick her … and I do,” sighed Jay.

“Mmmmm,” I hummed in encouragement, speeding up my pumping hand and mouth.

“And I do … and … and … ” Jay was getting very close.

“Mmmmm,” I hummed and worked faster, sucking with all my might, my small mouth wide around his erection.

“And she wants me to come inside her, and I do!” moaned Jay.

“Mmmmm!” I could feel him beginning to jerk.

“And you’re there with us!” cried Jay, as he spurted into my mouth and down my throat. “Oh, god, you’re watching us,” he sighed breathing deeply.

I lifted my head from his softening erection, licked my lips, and said, “I’m really happy your Auntie Evie came to visit us last year. Maybe we should go visit her.”

Jay sighed, reaching out to rub his hands through my long brown hair.

The next evening. Lying in bed. I put down my book.

“I think I’d like to,” I said.

“You’d like to what?” asked Jay, putting his book aside.

“Watch you with Evie,” I said.

“Oh, my God,” said Jay. “Are you serious?”

“We’ve been together before, when she visited us,” I said. “And our sex has been so much more fun, since. Don’t you think?”

“I do think,” said Jay. “But we haven’t been together with you watching me make love to my aunt.”

“But I think I’d like that,” I said.

“What do you want to see?” asked Jay.

“You with Evie,” I replied. We were lying peacefully in bed together, naked, as always.

“You just want to watch?” asked Jay.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Probably, yes.”

“You can imagine watching me lick her, then enter her, like I do with you?” asked Jay. “You want to watch that?”

I reached for his penis and found it very hard.

“If she’d let us,” I replied. “Yes. But, first, I want you to lick me, and enter me.”

“I’ll try,” said Jay, moving down between my chubby thighs. “I don’t think I could ever ask Auntie Evie that, Amy.”

“Imagine her now,” I said.

“What?” asked Jay, looking up from my straight long hair down there.

“Imagine you’re licking Evie,” I said. “Now, when you’re licking your wife, imagine you’re licking your aunt … I know she’s hairier than me, but do your best.”

“You’re perfect,” said Jay, nuzzling into me and probing with his tongue.

“No more talking now,” I sighed, settling back to enjoy myself. “But if you do get inside me, while we’re fucking, call me Auntie Evie.”

Jay moaned and licked harder, and I could see his hand fondling himself.

I’m Amy. I’m 42 years old. I’m a college librarian. So is my husband, Jay. That’s how we know one another. I’m a short, round-shaped woman with very long, dark hair, big eyes behind glasses, and a small mouth. I’m pear shaped, and proud of it, because it’s what Jay likes. “Too little on top, too much on the bottom.” That’s how Jay’s aunt, Evie, describes herself. Jay has always had a thing for Evie, and I know he finally married me … after I pursued him for 20 years! … partly because I reminded him of Evie.

Evie is 61 this year. She and her best friend Karen own and operate a women’s clothing shop in the town where the live, half-way across the country from our place. Evie isn’t married, Karen is married, and they’ve had some beyliikdüzü escort sexual adventures in the last year or so, with family and one another. Evie pretty much seduced me when she visited us last year. She’s not a lesbian, but I think she must be bisexual. Then she and I seduced Jay, and we had a couple of very sexy days together. She got Jay to think about sex differently. Neither of us had done oral sex before we met Evie. But somehow, during her visit, Jay had never consummated his long infatuation with his aunt.

I’m not worried about his infatuation. It isn’t as if I think he’s going to leave me for his aunt! In fact, I find his interest in Evie arousing, myself. I enjoyed licking Evie. I think she enjoyed licking me. And I liked the idea of sharing Jay with her, somehow. No real risk, and it made me feel a little tingly.

Jay’s 43, tall and thin, with what I gather (from Evie) is a slightly longer, thicker penis than many men. Maybe it just seems larger because he’s fairly slight. I know Jay likes me, loves me. I know he likes my chubby thighs and big bottom. They’re like Evie, for him. Evie’s different from me, though. The hair, on her head, is short cropped and gray. The hair, on her pussy, is gray, thick, and luxuriantly curly. Evie’s breasts are small, but her nipples really stand out. Mine don’t get hard like that. And Evie is a little taller than me.

So, I called her. I called Evie. One weekday evening when Jay was at a meeting, after Evie got home from her shop.

“Hello, Amy!” came Evie’s voice over my cell phone. “How nice to hear from you! How are you and Jay?”

“We’re good, Evie,” I replied. “But we miss you.”

“I miss you two, too, Amy,” said Evie. “I really enjoyed getting to know you, and spending time together last year.”

“Us, too,” I said. “We were actually thinking we might come for a weekend visit, sometime soon.”

“That would be fun!” said Evie. “What brings you this way? Work or pleasure?”

“Pleasure, I hope,” I said. “If you’re interested.”

“Well, I’d love to show you around here,” said Evie. “You could get to know Karen better, meet David, and the rest of the family.”

“That would be great,” I said. “I’d like that. And I have a special request for you to consider.”

“What’s that?” asked Evie. “If I can do it, I will.”

“You’re super-kind,” I said. “Well, you know how Jay has always been interested in you, that way?”

“I know,” laughed Evie. “I don’t think we need to be coy about that.”

“So, this is a little embarrassing,” I said.

“Just tell me, Amy,” Evie said.

“Well, I’ve been having him pretend I’m you,” I said. “When we make love.”

“Really?” asked Evie. “How does that work?”

“I tell him to do things with me he imagines doing with you,” I said.

“Wow,” said Evie.

“And I have him call me ‘Auntie Evie’ when he’s inside me, when we have intercourse.”

“So, you’re having more sex than you used to?” asked Evie.

“Yes, thanks to you, I think,” I said.

“But Jay still likes to fantasize about me. Are you OK with that, Amy?” asked Evie.

“Oh, yeah, I’m OK with it,” I said. “I find it arousing, actually.”

“I guess I should feel flattered!” laughed Evie.

“I have him lick me, then enter me, and call me Auntie Evie,” I said. “Does that seem too weird?”

“Whatever makes you two happy, I guess,” said Evie.

“Well, that’s my special request, something I think will make us happy,” I said.

“OK,” said Evie. “I’m in suspense. Shoot.”

“I’m just going to say it then, Evie,” I said. “Maybe it’s something that would make you happy, too.”

“Just spit it out, girl!” said Evie. “Or do you prefer to swallow?” she laughed.

“Thanks for easing the tension, Evie,” I said. “And I do prefer to swallow. With your encouragement, if you remember last year.”

“I remember, and you’re welcome,” said Evie.

“What I’d like, Evie, is for you to let Jay lick and enter you, for real,” I said.

“Oh,” said Evie. “I wondered if this might come up one day.”

“Is it bad?” I asked. “Do you not like the idea?”

“I don’t really think anything is ‘bad’ if nobody gets hurt, and everybody agrees they want something,” said Evie.

“Well, I’m not going to push,” I said. “You sound hesitant.”

“I’ve known Jay since he was born!” said Evie. “It feels strange to think of him … with me.”

“But you’ve seen him naked,” I said. “You’ve seen him licking me, and me sucking him,” I said. “Don’t you find Jay attractive?”

“He’s younger than I’m used to,” said Evie. “Besides being my nephew. And he’s thinner than what I’m used to.”

“I think you liked his penis,” I said. “I watched you holding it, holding it while I was licking between your legs.”

“Oh, God,” said Evie. “That was wild. Oh, my.”

“But you held Jay’s penis,” I said. “He got hard while you were holding him. I saw. He whispered in your ear.”

“This is a really strange conversation to be having, Amy,” said Evie. “Thinking back to our time together, I’m worried bodrum escort I may have created a monster!”

“I think about our time together all the time,” I said. “I think about you when I’m making love with Jay. And I think my husband is handsome, and has a very nice penis.”

Evie laughed. “OK,” she said. “Jay is handsome and has a very nice penis. He’s bigger than I’m used to, but I like that he’s uncircumcised … ” Evie paused, then continued, “He’s like David, but bigger.”

“David?” I asked. “Karen’s husband David? You’ve seen his penis. Have you had him inside you? Does Karen know?”

“Karen knows, and she’s fine with it,” said Evie. “We’re not having a secret affair. We wouldn’t do it at all, if Karen didn’t encourage us. You’ve never been with another man, have you, Amy?”

“No, only Jay,” I said. “Did you have David in your mouth?”

“And in my pussy, yes, Amy,” said Evie. “I think you should come for a visit, you and Jay.”

“What about my request?” I pursued. “Jay with you?”

“Did Jay put you up to this?” asked Evie.

“Oh, no,” I said. “He’d be too scared to say or try anything.”

“But we know he wants it,” said Evie. “That’s what he whispered in my ear, that time, last year.”

“I guessed,” I said. “And seeing you holding his erection, knowing what he must be whispering, made me want to lick you all the more.”

“You’re getting braver and more forward, it seems,” said Evie.

“Maybe you did create a monster, Evie” I laughed. “Jay’s getting good, Evie. We’ve been practicing.”

“Well, we’ll see about that,” said Evie. “But let’s go ahead and figure out a time for your visit. Check dates with Jay and let me know.”

“OK,” I said. “I’ll email you some dates in the next day or so. Oh, Evie? There’s one more thing.”

“What’s that, Amy?” asked Evie.

“If you do get naked, make love, with my husband, I want to be there, if that’s OK with you.” I said.

Evie was quiet for a second or two, then, “You want your husband, my nephew Jay, to lick his old, fat aunt, then fuck me, while you watch us?”

“That’s what I want,” I said. “I’d really, really enjoy that.”

Evie was quiet again, then, “Let’s set the dates, Amy.”

“Can it be soon?” I asked.

“As soon as you like,” said Evie.

Three weeks later, on a Saturday evening, Jay and I joined Evie at her place. It had been a long drive, but we were all very happy to see one another. Evie had some take-out Thai for us to enjoy, and a couple of bottles of a nice dry Spanish Rueda white wine.

I spent dinner flirting with Evie and Jay. My intentions couldn’t have been more plain: I was interested in action.

After the second bottle of wine, we were all pretty tipsy. I said, “Evie, we’ve been hinting about this all evening, but are you ready for the main event?”

“So, Amy, how do you want to work this?” asked Evie.

“Work what?” asked Jay, all innocent.

“You, know, Jay,” I said. “So, since I’m going to be watching, I think I should also be in charge.”

“How’s that going to work?” asked Jay.

“I’m going to tell you both what do to, when to do it, how to do it,” I said.

“Amy in charge!” laughed Evie. “So, Amy, how do you want my nephew to do is fat old auntie?”

“Auntie Evie, you know I think you’re fabulous,” protested Jay.

“He does, Evie,” I added. “So do I. That’s why I want to be part of things, not just a spectator.”

“I’m OK with that,” said Evie. “Jay?”

“Uh, me, too, I guess,” said Jay. “You’re not going to make us do anything weird, are you Amy?”

“And if I did, would you not want to do it anyway?” I asked. “Is there anything sexual I could ask you to do with your Auntie Evie that you’d say ‘no’ to?”

“I guess not,” said Jay.

“That’s the can-do spirit!” said Evie.

“Right, here we go,” I said. “Evie, undress Jay, please.”

Evie kneeled down. She untied Jay’s trainers, and lifted one foot at a time out of his shoes. She set the shoes next to each other, to one side of where she kneeled. Then Evie lifted each foot and peeled off two white socks. She reached up and unbuckled his black leather belt, unfastened and unzipped his charcoal-grey chino trousers, and slid them down to his ankles, lifting each foot out of each trouser leg. Evie lay the socks on top of the shoes, and loosely folded the trousers to place them on top of the tidy pile of clothing she was building.

I could see that Jay was already hard, inside his loose boxer shorts.

Evie stood up, and unbuttoned the cuffs of Jay’s long sleeve blue Oxford shirt. She then unbuttoned the shirt front, from the bottom up to the collar, and slid the shirt off his shoulders and arms. She bundled it loosely and dropped it lightly on top of the other clothes. Now the vest undershirt, one hand on each side, pulled up and over Jay’s head, with him lifting his arms to assist.

Evie looked at me, and I said, “Now, remove my husband’s underpants, please.”

Evie nodded, and kneeled again. She pulled the elastic-waisted boxer shorts over Jay’s bolu escort significant erection, and down to his ankles. Jay stepped out of his underpants, hands at his sides, grinning nervously. Evie folded the underpants twice, and placed them on top of Jay’s clothing pile. She began to rise.

“Wait,” I said. “Stay down there.”

Evie returned to her knees in front of Jay. Jay was tall and slight, thin, without much body hair. His pubic hair was light brown in color, like the hair on his head. He still had his glasses on. His hard penis was only 12 inches from Evie’s face. Evie looked at me.

“Take my husband’s penis in your mouth,” I commanded.

“Here goes,” she said, and Evie leaned forward, grasped Jay’s penis with her right hand, and wrapped her lips around its head.

“Oh, oh, oh!” moaned Jay.

“Don’t encourage him, Evie,” I said. “He mustn’t come so soon. How does that feel, Jay? To have your Auntie Evie’s mouth wrapped around your cock?”

“My cock! You said cock!” exclaimed Jay. “This is unbelievable! It’s warm and wet … “

“Suck a little, Evie,” I directed. I watched her cheeks draw in, and her mouth move down Jay’s erection.

“Ahhhh!” sighed Jay. “Her mouth is bigger than yours, Amy.”

“Does she suck as hard?” I asked. “Suck hard, Evie.”

“Oh, oh, no,” said Jay. “She doesn’t suck as hard as you, Amy.”

“OK, now, Evie?” I said. “Stop now, and tell me what you felt.”

Evie lifted her head from Jay’s penis, and said, “Jay’s penis is pretty big, it filled my mouth. He tastes a little salty.”

“He tastes salty, or what’s coming out of him tastes salty?” I persisted.

“Both, but what’s coming out of him is sort of thick and slick,” said Evie.

“Did you enjoy that, Jay?” I asked.

“I did!” said Jay.

“How about you, Evie? Would you like to enjoy more of my husband?” I asked.

“If you’re both OK with this, and it makes you both happy, I’d like to continue,” said Evie. “I admit I’m a little turned on.”

“OK, Evie, stand up,” I said.

Evie stood up, wearing her light blue summer dress and slip on sandals.

“Jay? Undress Evie now,” I insisted.

“This won’t take long,” observed Evie.

Naked, still hard, Jay knelt down and slid Evie’s sandals off her feet. Then he took the edges of her dress and lifted it up as he stood, and as Evie raised her arms above her head. The light dress was quickly off. Evie wasn’t wearing a bra, but did have on a large pair of light blue panties. She was pear-shaped, like me, but with nipples standing out hard and prominent from her exposed small breasts.

“Oh, Auntie Evie! Your nipples!” exclaimed Jay, grasping his erection.

“Calm yourself, Jay, and take off Evie’s panties,” I said.

Jay took his hand away from his penis, and leaned forward to pull Evie’s panties down. She stepped out of them, and Jay dropped the panties on the floor with her dress and sandals.

Evie had broad hips, and a modest tummy. Her skin was white and unmarred. Her pubic hair was lush, curly and gray. Without being asked to do so, Evie turned in place, so that both Jay and I got a good look at her large, bouncy backside.

“So, you really like the look of your fat old aunt?” asked Evie.

“Oh, Auntie Evie!” said Jay. “You’re perfect!”

“You’re gorgeous, Evie,” I said. “And it’s nice to know that I’ll probably look the same in a few years!”

“Now what?” asked Evie.

“Evie, lie down on your back,” I instructed. “Raise our knees and spread your legs.”

Evie did as instructed, and was now looking expectantly at Jay, still quite erect, standing before her.

“So, here’s the deal,” I said. “Jay, I want you to lick then fuck Evie, just like you do with me … “

“OK!” said Jay, dropping to the floor and moving between his aunt’s big white thighs.

“Wait!” I said. “Lick her and fuck her and when you say her name, say ‘Amy.'”

Evie looked at me curiously. Jay said, “What?”

“When you lick and fuck me, you call me Auntie Evie,” I observed. “I think it’s fair that when you lick and fuck your Auntie Evie, you call her Amy. OK?”

“OK, I guess,” said Jay.

“Good idea,” said Evie.

“And you’re just going to watch us?” asked Jay, his head disappearing between Evie’s thighs.

“I won’t interrupt you now, and I may touch myself,” I said. “Just remember, that’s Amy you’re licking.”

And he was, with great vigor. I sat down cross-legged next to them on the rug, and slid my left hand under my dress and inside my panties. Evie groaned, and put her right hand on Jay’s head, pulling his face into her. She threw her left hand out towards me, found my right hand, and grasped it tight.

After five minutes or so of licking, Evie pulled Jay up by his hair, encouraging him to move up her body. It didn’t take much encouragement. Jay slid up between her legs, and used his right hand to insert his hard penis into his aunt’s pussy. It looked like a tight fit. Jays glasses, still on, looked foggy and smeared with Evie.

“Oh … Amy … you’re so tight!” groaned Jay.

“Push! Push!” said Evie. “It’s OK!”

“Oh, Amy!” moaned Jay, pushing and sinking his erection deep into Evie. Her hand squeezed mine tight.

My left hand, between my legs, was working hard. Jay pumped in and out of Evie, increasing his tempo, as Evie worked into his rhythm.

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