Family Secrets – New Orleans Pt. 02


“So you think I didn’t notice the way you were looking at my Sammy,” Charlotte said in a husky voice, “that we wouldn’t see the sexual energies that surround you when you think of him?” Her thumbs circled around Marie’s areolas stealthily pouring her magic into Marie’s body. “But it isn’t Samuel’s magic you’re going to feel,” she said with a sneaky smile.

“That’s right,” Kelly said her fingers trailed along Samuel’s jaw as she passed, “it’s ours that you will feel. My baby needs to feed,” she said her lips curled into a sensuous smile.

“Please I didn’t…,” Marie began to say only to feel a sudden wave rushing through her body. “Oh God!” she cried out as her body became infused with sexual energy she has never felt before.

“Please what? We both know what you’re after, and we can’t blame you Samuel is one of a kind,” Kelly said nibbling along Marie’s jaw, “it’s only natural for you who has never experienced what true sex magic is to wonder just what he can do. Trust me, my brother is a storm within a storm, and I wonder just how long that little pussy of yours will stay dry the moment you feel his true magic,” she said running her finger down Marie’s chest as she poured her own sexual energies into Marie’s body. “Samuel why not give her a taste, a small one to sate her desires,” Kelly said flashing her brother a seductive smirk. Only to be stopped by the knock on their door.

“Samuel it’s your aunt,” Joan said through the door, “may I come in? I really wish to speak with you, it’s urgent?!”

“Seems we must postpone this,” Charlotte pouted, “and I was so wanting to know what you moaned like,” she whispered seductively into Marie’s ear.

“Mmmhmm,” Kelly nodded giving Marie’s nipple a little pinch.

“Please Samuel, may I come in?” Joan pleaded through the door.

“Forgive me Joan,” Marie said trying to contain the heat that Charlotte and Kelly had started as she opened the door. “But we were in the middle of an important discussion that couldn’t wait,” she said feeling how saturated her panties were just from a minute underneath their spell. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to finish this tomorrow?” Marie asked looking back at them, her fingers curled as she fought back an orgasm that she suspected Charlotte had placed on her the moment their lips touched.

“Sure,” Charlotte said her tongue flicking against her teeth. “Obviously, you know where to find us,” she said as her hand trailed up her chest.

“Well, Mom probably needs a change by now,” Kelly said offhandedly as Joan entered the room.

“And I’ll unload the car,” Charlotte said moving passed her sister without a word, “Sammy when we go to bed tonight, I got a little something for you,” she said waving seductively at him as she closed the door.

“So, what is it?” Samuel asked walking over to one of the numerous chairs that were pushed against the wall to make room for their bed.

“I need your help,” Joan said, her feet carrying her across the floor in a rush.

“Okay, why?” Samuel asked resting his arms on the armrest as he leaned against the back of the chair.

“Where to start,” Joan mumbled with her chin in her hand. “For two years now me and your uncle have been trying for another baby, the doctors don’t know why we can’t conceive another child. From all the test they ran, all the fertility drugs they had us on, every spell we tried nothing works!”

“Again I ask why I should help you?” Samuel asked in a cold indifferent tone.

“Listen I get that you’re mad at us, truly I do,” Joan said walking over to the chair beside his, pulling it out so she could speak to him without appearing to be loitering over him. “But I’m a good mother, I love being a mother. I want to feel life growing inside me again,” she said somberly as her hands rested over her stomach.

“My mother was a good mother too, yet that didn’t stop you from abandoning her when she needed her family the most,” Samuel said his eyes flickering over to her, “you weren’t there when Mom was going through chemo. You didn’t see how sick it made her. How I had to watch as that toxic shit burned my mother from the inside out. Tell me why I should help you when you didn’t even help your own sister?”

“Because…,” Joan stopped herself, racking her mind for something to say to get him to agree with her plea. “I’ll offer myself to you if that’s what you want as payment,” she said her brown eyes were set in her determination to have another child.

“Please,” Samuel said waving his aunt off, “I can barely keep up with Kelly and Charlotte as it is, why do you think I want to have sex with you?”

“Because I look like Wendy when she was this age,” Joan said with a confident smirk, “and all boys always have a special place in the back of their minds for their mother’s, don’t they?” she asked using her powers of seduction to curb some of her nephew’s anger at her and Rick.

“Well, you got me there,” Samuel said aloofly as he scratched his left cheek, “you do look like Mom, that doesn’t necessary çanakkale escort mean I’m going to have sex with you.”

“Please!” Joan cried out knowing she was losing, taking hold of his hand to keep him rooted. “I’m not asking for much you can hate me all you want. I don’t care! Just please, please help us,” she said getting down on her knees. Her hands cupped his as she brought it to her left breast. “Samuel touch your aunt,” Joan said pressing the palm of his hand against that heavenly orb. Hoping he saw how willing she was to pay the price for his magic. However, as Samuel’s fingers pressed into her milky flesh, a sharp sudden surge of the most purest sexual magic flooded her body. Crying out in sheer bliss as her womb instantly clenching once Samuel’s magic touched it.

“Oh, you weren’t expecting that now were you aunt Joan?” Samuel asked pondering if she would make a good test subject while he figured out this particular spell.

“S-S-Samuel,” Joan said trying to gather breath from her explosive orgasm.

“How about we make a deal,” Samuel said. Noting how his aunt was sensuously biting her lower lip, her cheeks grew to a soft rosy hue as he continued to fondle her.

“Y-y-yes, what kind of deal?” Joan asked trying to still her quaking body.

“Oh, nothing much, you help me I’ll help you,” Samuel said adding a tad bit more energy to his spell. Smirking as his aunt released a cute little moan.

“O-o-okay, whatever you want I’m willing to pay,” Joan said peering at her nephew through half-laden eyes.

“Can you stand?” Samuel asked slowly lifting his hand off of her breast only to have his aunt’s hands shoot out, pressing his hand back against it.

“No,” Joan said slowly shaking her head, “I…umm, feel too good to let go,” she said in-between moans.

“Then I’m going to need my hand back,” Samuel said with a pointed look.

“Okay, but I’m going to borrow it some more later,” Joan said biting her nail, “Damn, whatever that was I want another taste of it,” she thought to herself watching Samuel’s hand running down her chest, slipping underneath her shirt coming to a rest on her stomach.

“I’m going to need you to stay as still as you can,” Samuel said before fully engulfing his aunt in his magical aura. The moment his magic touched her ovaries he could feel Norman’s hex still alive and kicking. It wouldn’t be hard for him to break it, yet he needed the new moon to do such a thing. Nevertheless, Samuel wondered why Norman would go after Joan when she hasn’t been to her hometown in years when Kelly and Charlotte were more accessible than she was. Could it be that Kelly and Charlotte had warded themselves once they found out about the hex? Was that why Joan fell underneath his spell? “Seems I can help you,” Samuel said only to find his aunt breathing in a very lewd manner. His nose wiggled catching the scent of her arousal in the air as his hand left the confines of her shirt. “I keep forgetting to not get distracted and zone out the world around me when I do that,” Samuel berated himself for not noticing that his aunt came once again when he was scanning her body.

“O-o-okay, what do we need to do?” Joan asked wondering how her nephew’s mouth would feel on her sex, so she could feel his magic filling her the proper way.

“Oh? And what do we have here?” Charlotte cooed as she entered the room dropping their bags at the door. She knew that look on her sister’s face she has seen it far to often on Kelly’s face not to know that her younger sister was sexually aroused.

“Samuel is going to help me have another baby,” Joan said breathlessly.

“Is he now?” Charlotte asked keeping her annoyance hidden. She so wasn’t going to share her nephew with her sister. Joan always wanted what she had when they were children, and it seems that her sister was the same now as she was then. “Tell me Samuel, am I not enough for you?”

“What?!” Samuel asked confused knowing a minefield when he saw one.

“You’re going to have sex with your aunt, how else are you going to get her pregnant?” Charlotte asked with a pointed look at her nephew. Crossing her arms, arching an eyebrow waiting for his answer.

“Who said anything about me fathering her child?” Samuel shot back. “All I did was agree to help in return she helps me,” he said sitting back in his chair. He wasn’t about to face off with his aunt’s attitude not when he hasn’t done anything wrong.

“Then why is she like that?” Charlotte asked nodding towards her sister.

“Well, I had to infuse her with my magic,” Samuel said shrugging his shoulders, “even you know what that does.”

“True,” Charlotte said looking away feeling her cheeks heat.

“Samuel do it again,” Joan said reaching for his hand again only wanting to feel that surge of magic once again. “You need to practice more to get it right, no?”

“No, if he needs to practice than he can do so on me,” Charlotte said sliding into his lap. Taking hold of Samuel’s left hand she wasn’t çeşme escort about to be outdone by her little sister. “Oh fuck!” she cried out as she felt the surge of magic. “Samuel!” Charlotte howled glad that the room was soundproofed because if it wasn’t all of those within that house would have heard her cumming. “What the hell!” she said as she gathered breath. She so wasn’t expecting that. “Mmmhmm,” Charlotte moaned grinding her hips on his leg, biting her lower lip as his magic saturated every cell of her body.

“She can’t be the only one nephew,” Joan said with a sultry look.

“What’s going on in here?” Aurore asked startling the women. She tried not to be affected by the sight before her, but unlike the rest of her family members she was more in tuned with sex magic than they were. She could feel it permeating the room.

“Nothing,” Joan said dwelling in the magic that flooded her body.

“Is there something we can help you with?” Charlotte asked not looking at the girl as she shyly rubbed her mound on Samuel’s knee. Her eyes telling him not to stop whatever he was doing.

“Yes, umm, my mother would like to speak with him,” Aurore said pointing at Samuel.

“Why?’ Samuel asked not wanting to leave just yet when he was finally making head way with the spell.

“She wants to know what you meant by your inquiry of our altar,” Aurore said looking at the floor trying not to see how the two women were lost in their lust.

“Oh, I guess whoever she is would be,” Samuel said moving the palm of his hand over Charlotte’s nipple. Smirking when she released a soft moan.

“My mother isn’t whoever!” Aurore said growing red in the face.

“Aurore, there’s no need to get upset. Samuel here hasn’t meet Ines yet since she was at work the moment they got here,” Joan said arching her back. Pressing Samuel’s hand harder against her breast thinking it would make his magic sink deeper into her.

“Charlotte,” Samuel whispered sensuously into her ear.

“Hmm?” Charlotte mumbled lost in the bliss of whatever he was doing to her.

“I need you to find a fertility spell that works on the new moon, can you do that for me?” Samuel asked before tugging gently on her earlobe knowing it was one of her special areas to turn his aunt on.

“O-okay, but you aren’t fucking her right?” Charlotte whispered.

“No I’m not. I have you and Kelly that is far more than I can handle,” Samuel said running his lips along her neck.

“You shouldn’t say that, after all you never know what might happen between now and when you leave,” Joan shuddered as she came once again. She was sure that by now her crotch was fully soaked and visible through her blue jeans and yet she didn’t care. “You may never know, I might just get a chance to ride your cock, nephew.”

“We’ll see,” Samuel said patting Charlotte’s ass telling her to get up. “Alright, show me to your mother,” he said straightening out his clothes.

“You might want to come along too Joan, cousin Marie wants all the house present when Samuel answers Mom’s questions,” Aurore said looking to her left as someone tapped her on her shoulder. “Sorry,” she said moving out of Kelly’s way.

“No worries,” Kelly said flashing Aurore a smile as she entered the room with her mother sound asleep in her arms. “She’s had a long day,” she said looking over at Charlotte and Samuel. “Mind helping me setup her portable crib?” she asked looking over at her brother.

“Your brother is busy at the moment, but I’ll help you,” Charlotte said rubbing Samuel’s back.

“Why bother, the moment I go to bed Mom is just going to crawl onto my chest and fall asleep there,” Samuel whispered so not to wake his mother.

“True, than you’re okay with leaving it in the car?” Kelly asked laying Wendy down in the center of the king size bed.

“Yes.” Was Samuel’s only answer.

“Wait, she does that?” Aurore asked studying the man before her. Wondering if all sex witches were as strange as the man before her was.

“Oh yeah, every night since we started living together,” Samuel said as he closed the door behind him.

“So you’re this Samuel my husband has spoken of?” Ines asked waving her hand over to Michael. Her blue eyes ran up and down Samuel’s body studying him. She could sense something strange about him, yet she couldn’t put her finger on what it was. When she got home from running the occult store (one of the many stores their family owned.) Her family bombarded her phone with texts about the spell he had performed the moment they had arrived. While she was all for finding their lost relatives, she, however, was apprehensive about opening up their home to people they didn’t know. Nevertheless, she did sense the magic barrier that now protected their home when she breached the threshold of the property. So, that only told her one thing — that this man before them was extremely powerful and someone to be weary of no matter if he was their cousin or not.

“So I’m on everyone’s minds, diyarbakır escort hmm?” Samuel asked looking around the room.

“Please take no offense Samuel,” Rick said glancing at his sister noticing how she was eyeing their nephew, “they aren’t used to seeing or feeling our type of magic. You’ve made quite the stir,” he said slyly nodding to Aurore.

“It’s not like I asked to be like this uncle. I was quite content on a normal dull college life, and not having a goddess whispering in my ear twerty-four-seven,” Samuel said shrugging his shoulders.

“Wait. Back up,” Ines said arching an eyebrow, “you have a goddess whispering to you all day long?”

“Yeah, how else is Hekatê going to speak with me?” Samuel asked with a quizzical look.

“So this Hekatê does she like only pertain to your type of magic or…?” Aurore asked intrigued that her distant cousin wasn’t as power hungry as she first thought he was.

“No,” Samuel said shaking his head, “she’s the goddess of all magic and the crossroads; but I’m sure you already knew all that,” he said looking at Marie.

“We call her something else in hoodoo,” Michael said speaking up. “My question is why did she send you here?”

“To save you, thought I made myself clear on that matter,” Samuel said coldly. “I don’t like repeating myself.”

“But, why?”

“Because he was ordered to,” Joan said cutting in seeing Samuel nod.

“Yes, otherwise I doubt my grandson would be here,” Martha said looking around the room.

“Well, grandpa did ask first,” Samuel said scratching his cheek.

“Okay, so this Hekatê…,” Ines began to say.

“I wouldn’t use that tone if I were you,” Samuel said cutting in, “you might not want to see what she’s like when she’s angry.”

“Is that from personal or…?”

“Personal experience,” Samuel said looking over at Ines. “She makes her displeasure known fairly quickly.”

“I see,” Ines mumbled.

“Is that all you wanted?” Samuel asked the woman with a pointed look.

“No,” Ines said shaking her head.

“We were wondering what was your interest in our destroyed altar,” Marie said from the chair in the middle of the room depicting her role as the head of their household.

“Oh, umm, I think I can remake it,” Samuel said scratching his head.

“How?” Ines asked intrigued by the possibility.

“Transmute the ash,” Samuel said in a matter-of-fact tone. “However, it will have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Of course, you mustn’t have recovered from the spell earlier,” Marie said. This Samuel didn’t correct the woman on, he had recovered quite nicely thanks to his aunts. He no longer needed sex to recharge his batteries per say. His magic had evolved enough where the sexual energies released during their orgasms were enough to feed his need. That didn’t mean he was going to stop having sex with Kelly or Charlotte. Samuel had grown to enjoy it immensely.

“The question you must ask yourselves is do you want to join this sect of magic,” Samuel said sternly. “As you know we can’t have sex with just anyone and have our magic work, well except for me but I’m different. You should think on that before the full moon.”

“Why? What’s so important that we must decide by then?” Aurore asked confused.

“That is when you must make your pack to Hekatê, so you can practice our form of magic,” Samuel said slowly opening his left hand red arcing bolts of electricity sparked off the tips of his fingers as his fingers uncurled. “And every year after that.”

“And if we don’t want to?” Magdalene asked flanked by her husband Eric.

“Then I’ll pack up my stuff and leave, and the offer will never be presented to you ever again including your offspring,” Samuel said plainly.

“What of the children?” Marie asked.

“Those already born will choose on their eighteenth birthday, those born after the pack is remade will be like us,” Samuel said gesturing to his grandparents.

“So then those of us not born into your family will we…?” Eric asked slyly glancing at Aurore.

“Yes, you too will be inducted into the sect,” Samuel nodded.

“And just how are you going to induct us into your sect?” Joan asked pondering on if it would mimic how the old text described the very first ceremony.

“Haven’t figured that out yet,” Samuel admitted looking over at her. “I was half expecting to find this family being harassed by the non-magic born instead of a voodoo group, and that you would turn it down. So I haven’t delved into the spell all that much. However, I do know you,” he said pointing at Marie, “will be at the center of it.”

“Me?!” Marie said sitting straighter in her chair.

“Yes. You,” Samuel said with a nod.

“Why her?” Paul asked relaying a question his own son whispered to him.

“Because she is the head of this house, is she not?” Samuel asked arching an eyebrow. “It falls to her as your high priest,” he said nodding to Marie, “that if this branch of our family so wishes to rejoin their brethren. Then on the night of the full moon, the head of said family, shall be the anchor that brings you back to the fold.”

“So, then what does that mean for us?” Marie asked a chill ran up her spine at the thought of being underneath Samuel’s magic.

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