The Extra Mile

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“Hello, Sophia Adams here ” I say into the headset “How can I help you today?” I can hear the caller on the other end of the phone waver for just a moment. There’s something in the tone of my voice that gives them cause to take pause, I know what it is too. Lust pure and simple. I know the feeling well, being single can be hard on a girl especially after about six months, I wanted to be fucked and that carries over in my voice and in the swing of my hips when I walk.

The caller on the other end responds with a low silky “hello” and my thighs automatically tighten beneath my desk. “Miss Adams is it?” The voice asks and like a moron I nod my head as if she can see through the phone. “Yes” I say realizing that she can’t see my head moving.

“What do you do?” She asks.

“I sell magazine subscriptions.” I tell her, not bothering to go into the fact that the magazine in question was owned by my father or that he thought I should work from the bottom up before magically ascending to the family throne and taking my rightful place among the executives. First off that’s what qualifies as too much information second of all I knew the call was being monitored by the floor supervisor Edwin Carls.

“Do you like your job?” She asks me.

I have to put the phone on mute for a few seconds while I laugh out loud but then I’m all decorum and professionalism. “Oh I love it!” I exclaim.

“Mmmm-hmm.” she purrs into the phone. I try not to melt and slide out of my chair like. My supervisor is shooting me dirty looks so I sit up straight, and get down to business. The supervisor is a huge dick and he’d love to tell my father how I fucked up something as simple as a subscription sale. I wouldn’t give the comb-over king the satisfaction. I got all of her vital information without a problem and she even agreed to a two year subscription and wanted to pay the full balance out right then and there, no installment plan for this lady.

“Okay, sure no problem Mrs. Ramirez, please hold just a moment while I process your credit card.”

Of course her card goes through without a problem and when I glance over at the old man Carls he’s beaming like he made the sale himself. Taking the caller off of hold I advise her that everything is all set and that delivery should begin the following week as it’s a monthly magazine. She says “great” like she really means it before hanging up. The rest of the day passes by and sales are made and lost, I see by the obnoxious little sales counter Carls insists on keeping hanging on the entire wall that I’m in the lead, I know there’s rumors of nepotism flying around the office but I also know it’s the sex in my voice that’s selling the magazines.

Months and months pass by without a single woman in my bed and I’m ready to fuck anything in a skirt, I compensate for my lack of a social life by working longer hours, hell if I can’t get any ass I might as well make progress right? I’ve managed to be moved from just selling subscriptions to being the floor supervisor, Carls got promoted to being the section manager so we were both happy I didn’t have to interact much with him and he had finally started making three dollars more an hour. I could feel the resentment at my promotion from the other workers but all I could do is shrug it off. I knew my father didn’t promote me as a show of favoritism hell if that was the case he’d have promoted the girl he’s been screwing, the only reason I got moved up is because I made the most sales. I may not have been a business guru but I could talk and persuade my ass off, and lets face it sometimes a little vacant giggle goes a long way.

Anyway I’m sitting at my desk ( a real desk this time not just a cubicle) when one of the newly hired reps approaches me looking more than a little scared. She’s small and timid and I want to lunge at her and scream BOO just to see what happens. The poor thing would probably have a heart attack. I don’t lunge at her instead I sit back without a word and wait for her to speak, it’s a few moments before she gets around to it.

“Um Miss Adams?” She’s stammering and twisting her fingers.

“Yes Laurie? What is it?” I ask her already losing patience but keeping my voice pleasant.

“There’s a woman on the phone and she’s really mad and she wants to speak only with you and…”

The girl spoke quickly running the words together like water without even a hint of audible punctuation, at least not any that I could hear.

I held up my hand to stop her gibberish and put on the headset that sat on my desk. “Just put her through.” The girl nodded and started to walk away.

“Oh and Laurie?” she stopped.

“Yes” she asked turning around.

“What’s the customer’s name?”

“Carmen Ramirez.” She said before hurrying back to the safety of her cubicle.

The name seemed slightly familiar but I couldn’t place it. Not until çanakkale escort I heard the voice.

“Hello Sophia Adams here, how can I help you?”

“Miss Adams, just the woman I was after.” She laughed and I felt a definite tingle, her laugh was low and rich and would never by any stretch of the imagination qualify as a giggle.

“Mrs. Ramirez, how are you? Are you enjoying your subscription to our fine magazine? I hope there isn’t a problem.” I said, knowing full well that there had to be a problem or else she wouldn’t be calling me back six months after she had paid for two years worth of magazines.

“There is a small problem and I was hoping you could help me. You would like to help me wouldn’t you Miss Adams?”

With a voice like that I’d have done damn near anything she asked but I kept that information to myself and said a sedate “Sure” into the receiver.

“Well I enjoy the magazine very much but sometimes it comes weeks late and once not at all.” She explained, I tried to listen and not get lost in her subtle accent. It didn’t work because a few moments later she asked, “Did you hear me?”

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” I asked.

“I said do I need to cancel my subscription or are you going to take care of the delivery problem?”

I would almost swear there was a hint of knowing laughter in her voice but of course it could have been my imagination.

“I’d be happy to look into the problem Mrs. Ramirez, I’ll make sure your editions of Rhythm get to you on time.”

“So you’re going to deliver it?” She asked

“No actually that’s not my position, but I will make sure your name gets on the delivery list if I have to pencil it in personally.” I told her smoothly.

“That’s the problem with businesses” she said no one ever wants to go the extra mile, no offense Miss Adams but you say you’ll straighten everything out and I believe that you intend to but you know what they say about good intentions.” The line went dead and I sat there knowing what I was going to do but hardly believing it myself. Leaning forward I pulled my key board toward me and accessed the customer database. Typing in the name I wanted to look up I waited for less than 30 seconds before the numbers I was looking for sprang up on the screen. Before I could rethink what I was doing I dialed.

“Hello.” The sound of her voice sent a tremor through me

“Mrs. Ramirez it’s Sophia Adams from Rhythm I’m sorry I think we were disconnected.” I said knowing full well that she had hung up on me.

She didn’t say anything so I went on before logic could rear its head and intercede.

“I’d be more than happy to go the extra mile for you and so I’m prepared to deliver this month’s edition personally, after all the customer is our most valuable asset here at Rhythm.”

This time I know I could hear a smile in her voice as I verified the address. After I hung up the phone I rose from my desk and pulled down my skirt which had ridden up my thighs as I slouched in my chair for most of the day. In an office full of people dressed in what could very loosely be defined as business casual I was the only one wearing a full suit complete with stockings and dangerously spiked heels. My father had always said if you want to be important dress as though you already are. I didn’t take the advice to heart as much as he seemed to think I did. I just liked dressing up and any excuse would do to buy a new designer suit. Crossing the open room that was the sales office I tapped one of our leading sales associates on the shoulder. He looked up at me with a smile. “John I’ve got to go take care of some company business so for the next hour or two you’re the acting floor supervisor.” He logged out of his phone and walked over to my desk. “You got it boss lady” He said.

It wasn’t an unusual request really as John always acted as the supervisor when I was out of the office granted that was usually only during my lunch hour but special circumstances called for special measures.

With all the bases covered I grabbed this month’s copy of Rhythm and headed to the elevators. In the parking lot I took a deep breath before getting into my car and pulling out of the exit and onto the street. It was a glorious and cloudless sunny day in California and I was sorely tempted to take the scenic route through the side streets but I was in too much of a rush to meet the woman behind the voice. Entering the 101 freeway I manage to get to my exit within fifteen minutes, it’s the middle of the afternoon and there’s not nearly as many cars on the freeway as I’d expected, still because I was busy day dreaming I almost missed the off ramp and had to cut across three lanes of traffic to get off. I left the blaring horns and obscene gestures behind, saying a silent apology to God for having contributed to the beast that was road rage. çeşme escort

It seems like hours later when I pull up in front of her house. The start and stop of residential Beverly Hills traffic was making me want to scream, I suspected it was penance for my three lane antics earlier. In truth it only took me an additional twenty minutes to pull up in front of the gated drive of the low Mediterranean styled mansion but my nerves were on edge and my panties were suspiciously slick and they slid against the waxed lips of my pussy as I moved my foot from the gas to the brake.

Pulling up I pressed the buzzer that would alert anyone inside the interior of the house that there was someone waiting in the driveway. More minutes ticked by and I was on the verge of leaving when a voice finally sounded through the speaker.

“Yes?” I couldn’t believe it, it was her. I thought sure I’d have to deal with a butler or a maid or something, I mean you hardly ever came across women who lived in houses like this that did anything for themselves.

“Yes?” After all the minutes she’d made me wait in less than a moment of silence she seemed to be growing impatient.

“Mrs. Ramirez its Sophia Adams from Rhythm and as promised I’m here to personally hand you your magazine.”

“Come around to the side”

she said then without another word the gates began to open slowly and silently. I drove up the winding driveway slowly, parking my car in front of what had to be a five car garage before turning off the ignition and grabbing my keys.

I walked along the driveway to the stone path that lead to a pretty little side door with flower pots full of African violets edging the white wooden stairs of the tiny porch. I raised my hand to knock on the door but when my fist made contact the door opened, it had been slightly ajar. I walked into the house trying to dismiss images of every horror movie I’d ever seen. “Come on Sophia this is a customer I doubt she’s going to jump out and axe you to death where you stand.” I told myself under my breath.

I inhaled and swallowed my misgivings, putting one hand on the wall to steady myself I made my way deeper into the house. It was dark for the most part, and the bright sunshine was obscured by dark heavy drapes drawn across all the windows.

I kept my palm flat on the wall as I walked, the cool tile beneath my fingers offering a tiny bit of comfort as I made my way through the hall.

I nearly tripped over a stack of magazines that were sitting on the floor right in the middle of the hallway. I bent to restack the magazines as I had accidentally kicked some of them over. I saw more than a year’s worth of Rhythm spread across the wood floor including the issue I was holding in my hand. I staked the magazines as I’d found them right on top of at least seven more copies of our magazines that hadn’t been knocked over.

“What’s going on?” I murmured to myself standing up again.

I felt a hand on cupping my ass at the exact same moment as a perfectly manicured light honey brown hand covered the hand I still had resting on the wall. I gasped because she had scared the hell out of me but I also leaned back into her as she caressed and squeezed my ass.

“It’s all about the going the extra mile.”

Her breath drifted over my earlobe as she spoke.

I turned around to face her pulling both of our hands from the wall as I did so. I was shocked to see that she was almost completely naked. Every inch of her skin was even and smooth.

Her dark brown hair fell in gentle layered waves around a beautiful face, her brown eyes sparkled and there was a smile on her full lips. I wanted to lick her mouth and nibble on her bottom lip but of course I didn’t. Instead I ran my eyes over her barely covered body. I started from her high heeled feet and let my eyes linger on her long shapely arobesized legs and thighs before focusing on her crotch. She had on a pair of sheer hot pink panties with a tiny black bow resting several inches below her belly button. God bless whoever invented low-rise panties I thought as my eye continued their upward sweep over her gently rounded stomach, I loved that she didn’t have a set of rock hard abs I hated that on a woman. Her bra was made of the exact same material as the panties with a bow between her full breasts. I could clearly see her dark brown nipples and large areoles through the material. I wanted to tear the flimsy lingerie off and pull one of her thick hard nipples into my mouth but again I held back. A small miracle considering my recent wave of forced abstinence.

She wrapped her arms around my neck when I had finished appraising her and then she pressed the full length of her body against me. Her hands traveled downward as she looked into my eyes. I shivered although I was fully clothed as I felt her fingernails through the material diyarbakır escort of my suit jacket, she traced small intricate patterns as she moved her hands lower. I moaned when she suddenly grabbed my ass and pulled my hips hard against her.

She laughed, a deep low almost animal sound somewhere in the back of her throat and stepped back pulling me by the hand. I would have followed her anyway.

She leads me through her maze of a house and we end up in the sitting room of what seems to be her bedroom suite. She smiles and kisses me hard on the lips. I try to kiss her back but she pulls away slightly and smirks when she manages to evade me. Again she’s all over me caressing me through my clothes and teasing me, every time I try to initiate some contact of my own she moves away and laughs.

She’s taunting me but I’m not the kind to be toyed with under the best of circumstances and certainly not when I’m this bad off. Tired of playing cat and mouse with Mrs. Carmen Ramirez I move quickly. Before she has a chance to evade my touch I kneel in front of her and grasp her round hips digging my nails lightly into her flesh. For a moment I’m taken with the aesthetically pleasing contrast of dark and light brown, then my mind wanders to the pussy that’s only inches from my face. I can smell her heat and I want to consume her and when I see something I want I do whatever it takes to make it mine. Who says I’m not business minded?

I press my head between her thighs, she’s trying to close her legs but I edge my body forward stopping her. She moans when my lips touch the sheer pink material of her panties and that’s all the encouragement I need. I’m can feel her opening and swelling for me and I want to moan my damn self it’s definitely been way to long since I’d had the salty-sweet taste of a woman in my mouth.

I pull at her outer lips nibbling and sucking them through her panties, hints of her flavor are soaking the material now and I suck hard trying my damndest to suck her dry. It doesn’t work in fact she’s getting wetter by the second. I know my lips and chin are shiny with her passion and I’m fine with that, but not satisfied by any means. I move my hands from her hips to pull her panties off, I inhale the flimsy fabric for a moment before tucking them into my jacket pocket. “What are you…”


efore she can get the rest of the words out I spread her wide open and press my tongue into her wet folds. The rest of her question is swallowed up in a moan that sounded very much like a growl.

I could feel her muscles gripping my tongue as I pulled it out and licked the perimeter of her hole before plunging my tongue back into her center. Her nails dig painfully into my flesh, one hand gripping my shoulder blade the other sending painful little shocks through my scalp. I am still intent on my task and the pain doesn’t make a bit of difference.

I pull my tongue back again and press my lips tightly against her opening sucking nice and hard. I can feel her thighs trembling under my palms and the both of us are definitely sweating. I pull away and look up at her, her breasts are naked and heaving and I wonder briefly what happened to her bra but it doesn’t matter not really.

I press my lips to her again intent on making her scream my name or if she’s forgotten that then I at least want her to scream for me. I open her lips wide again and flick my tongue hard and fast over her clit alternately licking and sucking while I plunge two fingers into her. I can feel her spreading for me as I press a third finger into her curling the digits in search of her g spot.

She moans louder this time and I know she’s close to losing control. I fuck her harder and faster and circle her clit in tight strokes before sucking the little bit of flesh between my lips nibbling it lightly.

She screamed then, nice loud and ear shattering, and she definitely remembers my name.

She’s trembling under my palms and her pussy clenchs my fingers, as she orgasms all over my lips and face.

I give her one last hard lick before standing. Before she can move away or even try to I grab her wrist and pull her fully against me kissing her soundly and making her taste herself on my parted lips. When I let her go she tries to slap me across my face.

I grab her hand and shake my head

She pouts but I can’t tell whether it is because I had cut her down to size or if it’s because I’d broken her control. It doesn’t matter to me, not then.

I walk past her without looking back, “Call me when you want to go the extra mile Mrs. Ramirez.” I say with a little laugh of my own.

As I was walking out I picked up the magazine I had brought along with me. A quick search of the living room yeilds a pen and I write my cell phone number on the front of the magazine so huge she’d have to be blind to miss it.

I leave then opening the gates before I walk out. I know she’ll close them. As the gates close on her stately driveway my cell phone rings.

I answered and spoke into the hands free attatchment on my phone. “Sophia Adams here.” I purred into the mouth piece with a little smile.

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