A Painful Visit Ch. 1

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She slowly opened her eyes as the soft ding of the intercom pulled her from the peaceful dream she had been having. The rehearsed voice on the speaker was letting passengers know that we would be landing soon, and the sleep cleared from her mind instantly as she realized she hadn’t finished her instructions yet. She quickly unbuckled her seat belt and stood, then remembered the silent headphones still on her head. The tape had probably quit long ago. She dropped the headphones and cassette player into her empty seat and hurried to the bathroom. She stepped inside the tiny cubicle and smiled at her reflection in the hazy mirror before lifting up her short sundress, and slipping her shaking hands inside the thin strap of her panties and pulling them down.

She hesitated just for a second and thought about leaving them on. The prospect of wearing nothing under her dress filled her mind, but she made a quick decision when she thought of how He would react, and stepped out of them. She began to fold them neatly, and then realized she had nowhere to put them until she got back to her seat. She felt her face go warm when she thought of having to carry them to her seat with her, in plain sight of everyone there. “Oh well,” she thought, and took a deep breath before turning the handle and walking out.

She plopped back down into her seat and buckled her seatbelt again, waiting anxiously for the plane to land. The thought crossed her mind that there was still time to back out but she knew she wouldn’t do that either. No, this was something she wanted to experience. Something she needed to experience. She wouldn’t back out – couldn’t back out and she knew it.

Half an hour later she stepped from the terminal and looked around. It took her a minute to find Him amidst all the people coming and going, but when she did, her heart leapt into her throat. The way He was looking at her sent chills down her spine. She stood there, not quite sure what to do. His eyes traveled over her body, slowly, drinking in the image before Him. He smiled and nodded His approval and she realized she’d been holding her breath waiting for His nod of satisfaction. She slowly let it out and smiled at samsun escort Him. Even from across the room He had a hold on her. Something she couldn’t resist, something she didn’t want to fight. He was moving towards her, but her feet felt glued to the ground. “I’m glad you made it all right.” His voice was so deep, so sexy. She could feel her sex moisten and grow hot. His strong arms came around her body, pulling her into a tight embrace that would leave her breathless. His hands traveled down her back until they rested on her ass, cupping it in His hands.

She felt her face flush as He spread her ass cheeks in the middle of this busy airport, searching for the small butt plug He had asked her to wear. She had forgotten she even had it in until she felt Him give it a small push through the thin material of her dress, sending tingles of pleasure through her. “Very good,” she heard Him whisper to her, and her heart melted at the simple praise. Now she remembered why she couldn’t turn back. He patted her ass gently and picked up the one carry-on she had and started away. “We had better get you home.” She watched him walk away, His shoulders moving gracefully beneath His shirt, and she was filled with uncertainty. Of what was ahead of her, what she would have to face and go through for this Man she cared so much about. He turned and saw her still standing where He had left her and his face darkened a bit. “We don’t have all day, My pet.” There was something in His voice that seemed to be the solvent for the glue that held her feet, because instantly she was following Him, always just a step behind.

After picking up her one small bag they started toward His car. He had no difficulty carrying both of the bags, they were pretty small as He had told her she wouldn’t be needing much clothing. This had embarrassed her at first, she had simply sighed, and packed only the essentials. Arriving at the car, He tossed her the keys and asked her to open the trunk and she fumbled for a minute, finding the right one. She could almost sense His impatience as He waited behind her. Finally finding the right one, she let out a small sigh of relief as the trunk popped open, and she urfa escort stepped back so that He could drop the bags in.

She could feel His gaze on her and looked up to find Him watching her with an expression she couldn’t quite place. She found, she couldn’t look him in the eye and after a few seconds she let her eyes drop and her head lower. He stepped toward her and kissed the top of her head, pulling her body close to His before releasing her, slamming the lid of the trunk down, and walking around to the drivers side.

They were near silent as He drove them to the little cottage, comfortable in the quiet. Occasionally His hand would drift over to rest on her knee, then travel up her thigh. The tight squeeze that followed would always trigger a sharp breath from her, and He would chuckle quietly to Himself before removing His hand once again. She could see the excitement dancing in His eyes and she imagined how He must feel right now. Like finally being able to take His toy home to play with, if even for a short time. The realization of her thoughts struck her hard, and she leaned her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes. She was afraid of what might lie ahead. Worried, that now that this day was actually here, she would not please Him as much as He had hoped for in the beginning. His voice cut through her thoughts and now she was sure the excitement was there. She could hear it. “Yes. Rest, little one. I think you’ll find you’ll be needing your strength.”

The loud slam of the trunk jolted her from her sleep, and she sat up quickly. The car wasn’t moving anymore and she could just see Him disappearing inside the beautiful little house. It wasn’t very big. Judging from the outside, probably no more than 2 or 3 bedrooms. But it was set out seemingly in the middle of nowhere, nothing but nature surrounding them. It donned on her suddenly that she had no idea how far they’d driven. She didn’t know even where she was and this brought a wave of panic to her stomach. She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down, telling herself not to worry. That she trusted Him. She stepped out of the car just as He poked His head back out the door. “Good sinop escort morning sleepy head!” he called. She smiled back at him and took one more deep breath and headed towards Him. He opened the door for her, and stepped back, followed her inside and closed the door solidly behind Him.

The living room was set up very modestly, a television, VCR and stereo filling a small entertainment center and in front of that, a couch, and two comfortable looking recliners, all three done in rich leather, with two end tables positioned between the furniture. She didn’t know He was there until she felt the blindfold being slid over her eyes. She willed her muscles to relax and she slowly adjusted to being without her sight. She stood there, long after His hands had left, not knowing what she was waiting for.

She didn’t move, or even turn her head when she heard Him across the room and was feeling quite proud of herself when she felt her dress being tugged up. She obediently lifted her arms and felt the smooth cloth gliding over her bare tits. Her nipples instantly hardened as the cool air attacked them and she brought her arms up to cross over her chest, but was quickly rewarded with a sharp sting on her ass. She cried out and brought her hands instead, to cover her injured bum only to have the next lash come down on the backs of her hands. She knew she had to get control of herself and brought her hands back down to her sides as the third lash landed squarely on the backs of her thighs. She stifled a moan and heard the approval in His voice as He calmly thanked her for putting her arms back down where He had left them. She could feel the tears behind her blindfold, but remained perfectly quiet, and still, while He finished whatever it was He was doing.

The next thing she felt were His hands on her elbows, roughly pulling her arms behind her, then the sensation of rope being wrapped around her wrists, and tied rather tightly, holding her arms at an uncomfortable angle. She knew better than to protest, but still couldn’t help wincing. She heard Him laugh softly to himself and realized for the first time that He was actually enjoying watching her in the small amount of pain He had caused her this far. The revelation sent a cold ball of fear straight to her stomach and she started to tremble as she anticipated what He had in store for her for the next couple of days.

She would later find she had much to worry about.

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