Sam’s Saga 01: Sam’s Sloppy Seconds

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Sameena pulled up to the car park of the Sploshwood Studios and parked right in front of the building. It was just getting dark and the place was deserted. Filming was done for the day and Sam — as she liked to be called — was the solitary cleaner. She had only been on the job for a week and this was her first time visiting the studio. The company had warned her that Sploshwood had the potential to be a rough night but she needed the money and it was paying time and a half.

She got out of her VW Golf and pulled the hefty collection of keys out of her handbag as she approached the front door. She smoothed out her skirt, found the right key and took her first steps inside a film studio.

In fairness to Sam, only her dowdy attire indicated that she wasn’t one of the actresses. In her early 30’s, she’d kept her looks and was definitely MILF material. Even under the awful red pinafore she was made to wear it was impossible to hide curves that would make anyone stop and take notice. In her younger days she had been offered modelling contracts but her parents had quickly put paid to any ideas like that. Still, Sam maintained her stunning looks and had jumped at the chance to work in a studio, even if only as a cleaner.

Inside, the place was deserted. She had been told by her company that the studio staff would leave a note regarding what needed to be cleaned. Sure enough, a notice board in the lobby was addressed to her. In rushed handwriting it read:

Studio 4 is quite a mess. Sorry. Everything else is fine so just deal with 4. Thanks

Maybe this wouldn’t be such a long night after all, Sam thought. It’s not like Sploshwood was used for any sort of huge blockbuster movies. How much mess could they have made?

She found the cupboard with all the cleaning equipment in a small, dingy room that smelled strongly of chemicals. There was no trolley so she scooped up the bottles in her arms and set off down the corridor in search of studio 4. Squeaking her way along the pine flooring, she noticed there were pictures of various actors and actresses lining the walls. She recognised only a few of them — minor stars from soap operas and reality TV. There were noticably more women than men in the pictures and, as she reached the door marked 4, Sam noticed that the women framed here were quite a specific kind of actress.

Not that Sam minded that. Her parents mind have frowned on any kind of modelling but Sam loved the idea and kept a very open mind. She once did a naughty but tasteful photo shoot for former boyfriend of hers but nobody else knew about it.

There was nothing tasteful about what she found on entering the studio, however. She had expected dim lightning, perhaps a bed, maybe even some bondage equipment or some such. What she discovered was a green screen and a blue tarpaulin-covered floor which was covered entirely in a thick puddle of multi-coloured gunk.

Sam just stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what had been going on here. Not that it was really any of her business but she was curious — nosy, you might say. The photos on the wall outside made it clear that this was used for filming adult entertainment ilginç porno but inside was just a mess. Even the cameras in front of the scene were splattered with mostly-dried up sludge. The puddle in the floor was far from dry. Sam could see from the doorway that it still shimmered in the light. Where would she even start cleaning a room like this?

She put her cleaning products down and moved closer to assess the scene. It was no good standing around wondering what had made the mess. She was being paid to clean it so she might as well get on. She crouched down at the edge of the floor covering and gave it a tug, hoping perhaps she could shift it in one go and pour the puddle outside. She noticed there was a back door to the studio which must lead outside the building. But the covering was too heavy and she could barely move it. The puddle of gunk shifted too much anyway and nearly oozed onto the floor so she would have to clean it first and move it afterwards. She sighed — this would take a while after all.

She headed back out to the corridor to go and fetch a bucket. Her shoes squeaked irritatingly on the well-polished floor and by the time she had returned to the studio itself — bucket in-hand — she couldn’t stand the sound any more. She kicked off her shoes and slid around the place in nylon silence.

Placing the bucket at the edge of the tarpaulin, Sam crouched and began the arduous task of soaking up the gunk and emptying it into the bucket. She wondered if it was some kind of special effects thing — alien slime or some ghostbusters knock-off. But the smell was sweet and as it inevitably dribbled from the cloth over her hands she could feel how incredibly sticky it was. There was no way to avoid it, though. The only vacuum cleaner she found in the store room wouldn’t touch this mess so she was going to have to get her hands dirty. Literally.

As she scrubbed, soaked and wrung the cloth she found herself wondering again about what they’d been filming in here today. She looked around for clues but there were seemingly no props, just the cameras and a few empty buckets which had presumably contained this mess at some point. Her mind wandered but was she was brought back to reality when she felt something sticky at her feet. She looked down and realised her mistake immediately — in her daydreaming she had forgotten about her bucket entirely and had been wringing the cloth right in front of her, creating a second, much smaller puddle which had now begun to soak through her tights.

Sam squealed but it was a playful one. She couldn’t help but giggle at how sticky it felt, seeping through the thin material and clinging to her well-pedicured feet. She wanted to recoil in disgust and get out of her tights but she found that she couldn’t. In fact, she felt an almost childlike urge to make herself even more of a mess. There was something quite satisfying about the way the slop squelched beneath her feet as she took a few inquisitive steps on the spot. In no time at all she was eyeing up the huge puddle that she was supposed to be cleaning and idea started to form.

Am I really even considering this? She japon porno thought to herself, but she knew she was. Indeed, she was already checking to make sure the cameras were off. She couldn’t really tell, in truth, but there didn’t seem to be any green lights and she already knew from the job brief that there was no CCTV. She slid her nylon-clad feet through her own little puddle one more time, grinning to herself — her mind was made up.

She removed her pinny and placed it carefully on a desk in the corner. She made sure that all the cleaning goods were out of harm’s way and then she stepped onto the blue sheeting, inches from the huge puddle of gunk that had been left for her to clean. She could feel her heart racing at the idea of what she was about to do next but noticed just in time that her weight on the plastic was just enough to make the puddle begin oozing slowly towards her. She had been about to step into the mire but now, she thought, it might be more fun to let the mire come to her.

Sam was eager now — her initial reservations completely dissolved. She watched with baited breath as the thick puddle crept slowly towards her dainty, red-nailed toes. She closed her eyes as it finally reached her, washing over feet and immediately saturating her tights. She gasped again. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before — thick, unrecognisable goo seeping through her tights and utterly coating her pretty feet. She stamped gently, savouring the feeling of the slop moving around, squelching beneath her. Her whole body shivered with excitement and the juvenile naughtiness of it all. This wasn’t supposed to happen but now that it was she didn’t want it to stop.

As the puddle started to reach the ends of the plastic sheeting Sam realised she had to do something about it. Clearly there needed to be more weight in the centre so that gravity would pull the slop back in that direction. There was only one thing to do, Sam realised, stepping into the centre of the huge puddle with a huge grin on her face. The slime started to recede and Sam found herself standing in a much deeper puddle, much less thinly spread. It covered both her feet completely. She wriggled her toes to get the muck in between them but as fun as it was to coat her feet in slime she knew she wanted more.

Almost without conscious thought she began to lower herself till she was crouched over the yellow-brown puddle. Her bum was an inch away from the surface when she realised that her skirt was in the way. She was too in the moment to stop and take it off properly, so she paused for a mere moment to hike the hem up above the waistband and expose the seat of her tights. She immediately sat down heavily into the puddle, purring happily as the gunk began to seep through the nylon. It coated the backs of her shapely legs and seeped into the back of her knickers. Sam was in heaven.

She wriggled on the spot, almost involuntarily — she couldn’t help herself by now. Seconds later she found herself scooping up handfuls of mess and smoothing them over her thighs, making sure the fronts of her legs got covered too. It was as if she was luxuriating in warm bath latin porno — she lifted her right leg, pointing her toes to the ceiling, and let slime fall from her cupped hands along the entire length of her well-toned leg.

Still, something was missing. Sam knew what level she was enjoying this on but she wasn’t ready for that just yet. She wanted to ruin herself completely before she finished up here. After all, it wasn’t likely she’d get another opportunity like this. As she lay back into the slime she knew what it was: her back, and her legs were completely drenched but her front was nearly pristine except for a few bits of collateral splash damage here and there.

Easily solved, thought Sam, rolling over like a happy pig in the thickest mud. The slime was in her hair now as well and it splashed out in all directions as she turned onto her stomach, splattering the walls, but she was long past caring about that. Now it seeped through her uniform issue white t-shirt and pressed against the caramel skin of her flat stomach and chest. A 32DD bra protected her breasts from getting to slimy but Sam soon saw to that. She rolled over again, the flimsy t-shirt matted, clinging to her chest, and sat up. Reaching behind herself, it took just a moment to unfasten her bra and fling it to one side. The t-shirt, she left in place, however. She looked down at herself and loved the way the cotton clung to her breasts, accentuating her natural curves and highlighting her jutting nipples.

After a moment’s admiration she rolled back onto her front and sunk her breasts into the gunk once again. This time, with no bra in the way, they were soaked completely. Her saturated t-shirt offered no protection. She wriggled and writhed on her front now, shifting the slime around, playing in the mess without a care in the world. Finally, a little awkwardly, she reached a hand between her thighs. Still on her front, she shifted her hips up a little so that could reach inside her tights and knickers. This in turn forced her face into the slimy puddle — something she had so far tried to avoid. But having her features completely obscured, feeling the clinging gunk on her face pushed her over the edge. She had been holding off her gratification as long as she could but it was time for the dam to burst.

Normally Sam could spend ages teasing herself but right here, right now she needed to cum. Her fingers moved easily over her clitoris. The slime was thick and sticky, but also viscous and worked excellently as lubricant. She rubbed it vigorously with two fingers, breathing heavily and noisily. Face-down in the slime, she used her left arm to support her body. It didn’t take long in the state she had worked herself into. Her whole body soon tensed and she let out one final gasp as she peaked. Her fingers continued on, pushing through the waves of pleasure until, finally, they subsided and she allowed herself to slump forward into the puddle once more.

Sprawled face-down in the sticky puddle, it dawned on Sam that she still had to clean this all up. On the other hand, nobody would be here till eight in the morning and it was just hitting ten now. She decided she had time to bask in the afterglow and enjoy the cool stickiness of her surroundings for a little while longer. She rolled over onto her back one more time and simply lay there, almost perfectly still, slathered in slime from head to toe. She only hoped they had shower somewhere on-site.

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