Hot Sex Instead of Dancing Ch. 18


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Instead of suffering through looking more like a man dressed as a woman, Tiffany helps Walter look more like Wendy by doing his hair and applying his makeup.

In exchange for giving Tiffany the three pair of shoes, the black pair of Jimmy Choo shoes, the Nike sneakers, and the Prada sandals, Tiffany offered to style Walter’s wig. A kind offer for her to make, she also offered to show him how to better apply his makeup. Had she not had a friend who was a cross dresser, she never would have understood what Walter went through as a cross dresser. Had she not had a prior lover who was a cross dresser, perhaps she wouldn’t have volunteered her help in making him look pretty.

Before leaving the attic together, Walter grabbed a pair of blue high heels that he’d like to wear when dressing as a woman for Tiffany. Tiffany climbed down the attic stairs first for Walter to turn off the light and close the trapdoor in the ceiling behind her. Walter showed Tiffany to his bedroom filled with mostly Linda’s things and decorating touches. It looked more like a woman’s bedroom than it did a man’s bedroom but with Walter being a cross dresser, he was okay with frilly, pink things. He reached in the back of his closet to retrieve his makeup case before making himself comfortable sitting on his bed while watching Tiffany style his wig with his hair brush and comb.

“This is a nice brush Walter. Is it real?”

“Yes. It’s boar’s hair bristle,” he said.

“I can see the humor in that. A pig brushing her hair with a pig’s hairbrush,” she said with a laugh. “Now you know what to buy me for Christmas.”

“You’re hardly a pig Tiffany,” he said. “You’re a good woman. You’re nobody’s whore.”

“Thank you Walter,” said Tiffany laughing. “But I was talking about you watching me clean my kitchen while masturbating yourself.”

“Very funny. If I’m a pig than you’re a little slutty,” he said laughing.

“Fuck you. I’m only slutty for the right man, you and Bill. Besides women have more fun being a little slutty,” she said returning his laugh. “What’s that?” She stared at the blue velvet case that he placed on his bureau.

“It’s my makeup case,” he said looking from his makeup case to her. “Don’t you have a makeup case?”

She looked at him with a raised eyebrows and a frozen smile.

“That’s some makeup case. If Liberace had a makeup case, it would look like that. I have all of my makeup in a shoe box,” she said with a laugh. “That’s something you can buy me for my birthday.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said with a loud yawn. “I could take a nap right now. You exhausted me,” he said stretching out on his bed.

She gave him a sexy eye.

“We could do it on your bed,” said Tiffany with a sexy smile. “I’d love to fuck you where you fuck Linda.”

Walter made a sour face. He didn’t want to think of Linda when he was in his bedroom with Tiffany. With more danger of that when having sex with her in his bedroom and in his bed, he didn’t want to think of Linda and make obvious comparisons when he was in bed with Tiffany.

“We can’t do that,” said Walter sitting up in bed. “I’d have to wash and change the sheets,” he said making an excuse. “Linda wouldn’t like that I had sex with you on our bed.”

Giving him a look that would melt ice, she put a hand to her hip and flashed him the attitude of a diva from Detroit.

“How is me having sex with you in your bedroom and on your bed any different from Linda having sex in your bedroom and on your bed with Jim, Henry, and Tom in your bed? How is me having sex with you in your bedroom and on your bed any different than you having sex in my house, in my bedroom, and on my bed?”

“You have a point there,” said Walter suddenly afraid she was going to hit him with his own brush.

“Is it because I’m black?”

Walter laughed.

“You’re black? Seriously? Are you kidding me? I can’t believe you’re black. I didn’t notice,” he said laughing. “Don’t be ridiculous. Linda loves your black ass as much as I love your black ass, only not in the same way,” he said standing to reach his hand around her to grab a whole handful of her beautiful, black ass.

“Then what’s the problem?”

Wondering if he was exchanging a white bitch for a black bitch, Tiffany looked at him in the way that Linda sometimes looks at him. Only where Linda couldn’t beat the crap out of him, Tiffany, no doubt, could.

“First of all, I’m exhausted. Secondly, I haven’t even talked to Linda yet to tell her that we’re having an affair and to ask her if she’d have sex with Bill,” he said.

Tiffany turned to look at him with an icy stare that she reserved for customers who expected more from her than her just stripping off her clothes.

“Say what? You haven’t told Linda that we’re having sex? You better not be fucking with me. You better not be using me Walter.”

“I’m not fucking with you and I’m not using you. I just haven’t had the chance to tell her with her staying overnight at her sister’s house and with her mother there too,” said Walter looking mersin escort at her for understanding. “Other than Linda, you’re the first women I’ve had sex with in more than twenty years.”

“I see,” she said. “So, you haven’t told Linda what Bill is in love with her white, skinny ass?”

“No, not yet,” said Walter.

“Call her,” said Tiffany pointing to the phone with the end of the hairbrush. “Call her now,” said Tiffany picking up the telephone from the nightstand and handing it to him. “If you don’t call her, I’ll call her. I’ll tell her that not only are you a cross dresser but also that you have a panty and shoe collection.”

* * * * *

In the way she stared at him he could tell that she meant it.

“Okay, okay, I’m calling her. Only, this is something I’d much rather do in person than over the phone,” said Walter.

“Now Walter. Call her now,” said Tiffany.

“I’m calling.” Walter dialed the number. “It’s ringing,” he said. “I don’t think they’re home. They’re probably still out shopping,” he said. “Hello?”

“Hi Walter? How are you?”

“Hi Linda. I’m fine,” said Walter rolling his eyes and making a face. “How was shopping?”

Tiffany pushed his shoulder for him to get to the point.

“We’ve been shopping all day. I’m having my second glass of wine,” said Linda before obviously picking up on Walter’s pause. “Is there something wrong?”

“Um, well, Linda, actually…”

“What is it Walter? Tell me. Whatever it is, you can tell me,” she said like the good wife that she is most times.

Walter inhaled a big breath to blurt it all out without hesitation.

“I’m having an affair with Tiffany, Bill’s wife,” said Walter.

“I know who Tiffany is, Walter. She’s my best friend,” she said with a giggle. “You? Having an affair…with Tiffany? You barely keep me interested in sex. If it wasn’t for your three friends licking me and fucking me, I’d have no sex at all.”

“Ha, ha, very funny,” he said. “Yes, it’s true. I’m having sex with Tiffany.”

“Seriously? No way? You are? You are not. I don’t believe you,” she said.

“I am,” he said.

“Tell me and be honest, this isn’t something that you’re fantasizing about doing while masturbating yourself when watching her clean her kitchen in her sexy, little nightgown,” she said laughing. “Is it?”

Kathy looked at her sister with shocked interest.

“He masturbates himself while peeping on your next door neighbor?”

“Who’s there with you?”

“Kathy and my mother,” said Linda. “You remember my sister Kathy, don’t you? The woman you had sex with last night after you had sex with my mother, Mary,” said Linda with a laugh. “You remember my mother Mary, don’t you? The older woman with the big tits.”

“Walter doesn’t remember me?” Mary looked from her daughter Linda to her daughter Kathy before returning her look of interest to Linda. “Does he have a head injury? Is he getting Alzheimer’s?

Linda made a sour face at her mother for her to be quiet.

“Geez, Linda, I know who your mother and sister are. You’re not making this easy for me to tell you all that I need to tell you,” said Walter.

If it wasn’t for Tiffany persuading him, he never would have called Linda. He’d much rather tell her all that he had to say in person. He’d much rather spread things out than confessing all of his sexy secrets all at once.

“Is he in trouble? Was he arrested?” Linda’s mother, Mary, looked from Linda to Kathy. “Do we need to bail him out?”

Mary was starting to panic while Linda rolled her eyes and sighed.

“No mother. Everything is fine,” said Linda to her mother before returning her attention back to her husband. “You’re not calling me because you were arrested again for drunk driving, are you?”

“No,” he said. “It’s nothing like that. I, um, just needed to talk to you. I, um, just needed to tell you about Tiffany.”

“Was he in an accident?”

Mary pulled on her daughter’s sleeve for her to answer her.

“Mom, may I talk to my husband in private? And no he wasn’t in an accident,” said Linda.

“Stop beating around the bush and just tell her Walter,” said Tiffany.

“Who’s there with you?”

“Tiffany,” said Walter.

“Tiffany? Hi Tiffany,” said Linda.

“Linda said hi,” said Walter to Tiffany.

“Hi Linda,” said Tiffany louder for her to hear.

“Well,” said Linda with an obvious attitude to her voice, “what do you know about that?

“Well do I know about what?”

“You and Tiffany a thing. I never she would be having sex with you when she has someone like Bill in her bed.”

“Yeah, well the sex is always hotter when in someone else’s bed,” he said.

“Other than you having an affair with Tiffany after you had sex with my sister and mother and after I had sex with your friends, Jim, Henry, and Tom, what else could you possibly have to tell me?” Linda laughed. “Walter’s having an affair with our next door neighbor, Tiffany, a beautiful ex-stripper,” said Linda to her mother and sister.

“I know who Tiffany is. kocaeli escort She’s wicked pretty and wicked sexy. I’d be willing to be a black woman if I had her beautiful face and shapely body,” said Kathy. “But she’s so young. Why would someone who looks like her want to have sex with someone who looks like him?”

As if just being insulted, Linda made a face at her sister in defense of her husband.

“The same reason why you agreed to have sex with my husband,” said Linda to her sister while shooting her another look.

“Who’s Tiffany?”

Mary looked from Kathy to Linda.

“Bill’s wife,” said Linda.

“Bill? Bill the cop? Your next door neighbor?”

“Yes, Walter is having sex with his wife,” said Kathy.

“But she’s black,” said Mary.

“Mom, what’s wrong with you?”

“In my day we didn’t mix the races,” she said stiffening her posture while shaking her head as if she needed that extra bit of negativity to convince her daughter that it was wrong for a white man to have sex with a black woman. “In my day—”

“Shh mother please. I can’t hear Walter,” said Linda.

Linda gave her mother a dirty look while Kathy sighed and rolled her eyes over her mother’s racist comments.

“Times have changed Mom. If I knew an attractive black man who had a big cock and who wanted to have sex with me, I’d be having sex with him right now,” said Kathy with a dirty laugh.

“Me too,” said Linda slapping her sister a high five.

“Actually that’s convenient having sex with your next door neighbor,” said Kathy loud enough for Walter to hear. “Way to go Walter. You’re the man. First you have hot sex with your MILF of a mother-in-law, then you have hot sex with me, your sexy sister-in-law, and now you’re having even hotter sex with your next door, ex-stripper neighbor,” laughed Kathy.

“What’s a MILF?”

Mary looked from Kathy to Linda.

“MILF means a mother he’d like to fuck,” said Kathy.

“Oh, my,” said Mary. “Walter wants to fuck his mother? That’s so wrong. That’s just so nasty.”

“No, Mom. You’re the MILF that he wanted to fuck and did fuck,” said Kathy with a laugh.

“Oh,” said Mary with a smile. “I’m a MILF. I like that. Only, if you don’t mind, I prefer using the word making love than calling what we did fucking.”

“Does Bill know that you’re fucking his wife, Walter? He’s much bigger than you and he does carry a gun and have handcuffs,” said Linda.

“Yes, he’s given us his blessings to have sex with one another,” said Walter.

“Handcuffs?” Kathy looked at her sister with enough sexual excitement to bulge out her eyes and raise her eyebrows. “Do you think Bill would handcuff me to my bed, strip me naked, and have his wicked sexual way with me?”

“Shh,” said Linda to her sister. “What else aren’t you telling me?”

Walter let out a loud, long sigh.

“There’s so much to tell? How do I begin? Where do I begin?”

Tiffany shoved his shoulder.

“Tell her about Bill,” coaxed Tiffany.

“Okay, okay, yeah,” he said to Tiffany.”

“What?” Linda waited for Walter to answer her and when he didn’t, she pressured him to tell her. “Start from the good part,” she said with a laugh. “Tell me more about Bill allowing you to have sex with his wife.”

Other than to come right out and say it, Walter didn’t know how to say it. Different than his friends having sex with his wife, Bill, according to Tiffany, was in love with his wife. It’s one thing for him to be fooling around with Tiffany while thinking that he may be in love with her but it’s quite another thing to know that Bill is really in love with Linda. Getting all that he wished for, with him with Linda for more than 20 years, he wouldn’t know what to do if he lost his wife to another man.

“Bill is in love with you,” said Walter. “Maybe love is too strong a word but Bill wants to have sex with you. He’s in lust with you. In the way I’ve been lusting over Tiffany, Bill’s been lusting over you.”

“This is way better than a soap opera,” said Kathy leaning her ear to listen to the earpiece on the phone.

“I like soap operas,” said Mary. “I watch them every day. All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital, As the World Turns, The Bold and the Beautiful, Guiding Light, The Young and the Restless, and Days of Our Lives.”

“Mom, some of those soaps aren’t even on the air anymore,” said Kathy.

“Reruns,” said Mary. “Something I didn’t have in my day, thank God for cable TV.”

“Shh. What? Sorry Walter. I have my sister and my mother talking about soap operas and distracting me. It sounded like you said that Bill is in love with me and wants to have sex with me,” said Linda with a nervous laugh while fluffing her brown hair with her hand. “Is that what you said? If that’s what you said, I can’t believe you said that.”

“Yes, you heard me correctly. Bill is in love with you and wants to have sex with you,” said Walter again. “He’s been in love with you since he first moved in next door to us. He’s been watching you from afar while masturbating samsun escort himself in the way that I’ve been watching Tiffany while masturbating myself,” said Walter.

“Seriously?” Linda seemingly melted while swooning at the obvious thought of her having a sexual affair with Bill. “He’s been watching me while he masturbates over me? Wow! Other than Jim, Henry, and Tom, I don’t think I’ve had any man masturbate over me.”

“Jim, Henry, and Tom?” Mary looked from Linda to Kathy. “Who are they?”

“Who’s been watching you while he masturbates?”

“Quiet Kathy, I can’t hear my husband,” said Linda.

“Just curious but has he seen me naked?”

“I don’t know if he’s seen you naked Linda but he’s been watching you doing your gardening. Tiffany told me that he told her that he’s seen your panties in up skirts and your bra and cleavage in down blouses,” said Walter.

Seemingly getting sexually aroused, Linda pushed her chestnut brown hair back with her hand while running a slow hand down the side of her face, down her neck, and along her breast.

“I’m just curious. Has he seen me topless? Whenever I sit out back, I remove my top,” said Linda to Walter while nodding her head to her sister. “Even though Bill could see me from his bedroom window, with him working the graveyard shift, I figured he’d be sleeping while I was out back sunning myself. I wonder if he’s seen my tits.”

“Linda wants to know if Bill has seen her topless,” he said to Tiffany.

“Several times,” said Tiffany shrugging while cupping her big D cup breasts and before making her hands smaller to mock Linda’s much smaller breasts.

“Yes, he’s seen your tits,” said Walter. “Anyway, Bill wants to have sex with you.”

Without any hesitation, Linda answered her husband.

“Being that you’ve already had sex with Bill’s wife, sure, I’d love to have sex with Bill,” said Linda.

“Wait, there’s more,” said Walter.

“More?” Linda laughed. “Is there someone else who wants to have sex with me too?”

Walter put a hand to his head as if he had a headache.

“No, the only men I know who want to have sex with you are Jim, Henry, Tom, and now Bill,” said Walter.

“Then, what is it Walter? You can tell me. I’m your wife,” said Linda.

Walter looked at Tiffany for courage.

“I’m a cross dresser. I enjoy dressing as a woman,” said Walter.

“I know that,” said Linda with a little laugh. “I mean, I suspected you that were.”

“What?” Kathy nudged her sister’s shoulder. “What? Did I hear him right? What did he just say? Did he just say that he’s a cross dresser?”

“Yes, Walter just confessed that he’s a cross dresser,” said Linda to her sister.

“Kinky,” said Kathy.

“What?” Mary looked totally confused. “What’s a cross dresser?”

Mary looked from Linda to Kathy.

“Walter enjoys dressing as a woman,” said Kathy to her mother.

“Oh, my,” said Mary. “Now that I recall, I thought he was staring at my clothes funny. After I stripped myself naked and deposited my clothes in a neat pile beside the bed, instead of staring at my naked body, he continued staring at my discarded clothes as if he wanted to wear them.”

“Is that it? You sleeping with Tiffany, Bill wanting to sleep with me, and you being a cross dresser?” Linda paused. “Are you gay? Tell me you’re not gay Walter.”

“No, of course I’m not gay,” said Walter. “Do you think a gay man would have given your mother and sister orgasms?”

“Is Walter gay?” Kathy stared at her sister while waiting for her to answer.

“No, Walter’s not gay,” said Linda.

“I’d never call Walter gay, not in the way his cock was so hard when he stuck that thing in my mouth before plunging it in my pussy,” said Mary. “Unless you mean that he’s gay the other way, as in happy. He’s never been a happy man. He’s always been a sad, disgruntled man, the type that would kill co-workers at the Post Office,” said Mary nodding her head.

“Mom, really. Please stop talking. I can’t hear Walter. We’ll discuss this later after I get off the phone,” said Linda.

“You don’t have to be rude Linda,” said Mary.

Linda sighed her impatience with her mother.

“Yeah, well, I know you. There’s something else you’re not telling me,” said Linda. “What is it? You may as well tell me everything.”

There was a long pause on the phone that seemed like minutes but was only seconds before Walter answered her.

“I have a panty and shoe fetish,” said Walter blurting it out.

“Well, that’s something I didn’t know about,” said Linda. “Where do you hide your collections?”

“The panties are in the chest in the back of my closet behind my hunting clothes and the shoes are in boxes in the attic,” said Walter.

“What?” Kathy nudged her sister’s shoulder again. “What’s he saying?”

“Walter has a panty and shoe fetish,” said Linda to her sister.

“Ask him what size he collects. I can use some new panties and shoes,” laughed Kathy.

“Kathy wants to know what size shoes and panties you collect. She needs new shoes and panties,” said Linda with a laugh.

“I’m not giving your sister my panties or my shoes,” said Walter.

“Am I hearing this right? Not only does Walter enjoy dressing like a woman but also he collects panties and shoes too? Well, as if I’m some sort of trophy, he’s not going to get my panties or my shoes,” said Mary with a haughty attitude.

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