Bougeotte Ch. 05


Can I handle it?

I exhaled deeply and smiled. Good question, I thought. Can I? I really wasn’t sure if I could, but I went ahead and responded anyway. I know, believe me, I know what you’re thinking. You stupid silly woman. I can’t agree with you more. Just like I can’t explain the pull that he had on me. It defied all common sense and rational thought. I was getting more confident each time we came together again and after being apart for a few months I felt stronger. I had my role-play stories and was more settled than I had ever been.

But- still fully aware of what happened in the past, multiple times. Michael disappearing, “poof” like smoke. Did I want to go through that again? No, of course not. But could I ignore him? Not answer his email? Really, there was no decision to make. This was going to play out again and again, until either he would tell me to leave him alone permanently, or I would finally wise up.

“You didn’t answer my question,” I replied.

“You’re not asking the questions.” he returned. I laughed, slightly shaking my head. There was the Michael I knew and….ahem. So typical, and yet this is why I kept coming back to him.

“LOL, I can handle anything you give, or not give me. I’m still here, aren’t I? Still evolving, stronger….deeper…..darker. SOooooo…..were those kisses from You?”

“What are you wearing?” he asked, totally ignoring me.

“A black lace bra, royal blue thong with rhinestones, and just 2 drops of perfume.”

I asked him if he would accept my invitation to get on messenger to make it easier to chat, and after several frustrating attempts, it finally connected.

“Take a deep breath,” he said.

“I’m breathing just fine, thank you,” I replied, totally lying through my teeth.

“I’d like to see that.” Ohhh dear! He was so erotic to me..I could hardly stand it. “I like your new profile,” referring to our chat/cam site.

“Yeah? What do you like about it?”

“I like how it still centers around me,” he replied confidently, noticing most of the pictures I had posted were previous tasks he had given me.

“LMAO, Oh, really?”

“Denying it?”

“So, did you send me those kisses?” I asked, going back to my original question.

“No, I didn’t send them.”

“Oh, someone must have been playing with me- I have to go,” hearing my husband pulling up in the driveway. It was a good thing though. I wasn’t going to message him again. If he truly did not send those kisses to me, well then, I was not going to be an afterthought. If he wanted to chat on Monday, he knew where to find me.

So I was pleasantly surprised and thrilled when I logged on to my email Monday morning. “Hard to get those rhinestones out of my head. I’d like you to choose an outfit and wear it for me today.”

Here we go. It’s on. The question is….for how long? I started to chant a mantra in my head- “He’s going to leave you. He’s going to leave you. He’s going to leave you.” Maybe if I told myself that enough times, I wouldn’t be so devastated when he did. I scooted upstairs, showered and picked out something that might please him.

“I love to dress for you,” I replied, “I’m wearing a black pencil skirt above the knee, turquoise satin shell with black lace and a black blazer. Along with thigh high stockings and black heels. And in return…?” hoping he would be pleased and reward me.

“On your knees. You’ve done well. How do you feel mon petite tentatatrice? Going out somewhere nice? Perhaps in return I should lecher ton petit minou?” Ohhh, his French! My stomach turned over as I tried to translate it online. His little temptress? Lick my little kitty? Kill me, kill me now.

“Gladly…love to be on my knees. I feel sexy, and naughty, and….wet, very wet. Be careful- don’t make promises you can’t keep. Although I would love to watch and feel you between my legs, lapping up my heat.”

“I enjoyed your writing,” he offered, “It made me want to get my claws out again. But perhaps I’m not as heartless as you make out — I resisted.”

“My writing, do you mean Bougeotte? Love the thought of your claws coming out….you resisted what? Writing to me? Because?” Though he always maintained a cool composure, I knew- deep down inside, he was thoughtful. There were so many times over the year that I had known him, when he could have torn me to shreds- but he never did. “I think under that impervious exterior lies a compassionate heart- not heartless.”

“I resisted writing to you because I thought it might do you good to have a break from being toyed with… I can scratch very deeply if I’m not careful.” The newly healed scars on my heart tingled with remembrance.

“I see you’ve become a lot more confident,” he added, “Perhaps I should reward you or maybe I should punish you — teach you your place. Perhaps you think you’ve already found your place and have nothing more to learn. I wonder.”

I loved this little dance back and forth. Me, acting as if I had some power, which, maybe in a way I did. But ultimately, like two wolves trying to determine the adana escort Alpha, I knew very soon I would be lying on my back in submission -his jaws clamped tightly around my neck.

“More confident yes, that’s true. You know that I like to provoke you, poke you….more hostility, lust each time. As for reward or punishment, that’s not up to me to decide. As for learning, I have so much to learn. So much more….” I exhaled.

“Taste yourself and describe it to me. For your next lesson, I shall teach you humility. I have decided that you need to remember how to obey. Will you submit?” he asked, the gauntlet thrown.

“My taste….warm, exotic, sweet, vanilla melting on my tongue. As for your scratches, they seem to have disappeared. My fair white flesh is begging. I submit.” And there it was.

Get ready…..Wait for it…..

“Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it,” he returned, “I want you to take some fruit, chop it into pieces, rub each piece all over your sex and devour it. Then I want you to come for me, screaming my name. I’m glad those scratches have vanished. Maybe it’s time to cause some new ones. Then, with the addition of a little salt, you’ll have an education. Lessons you won’t forget.” he responded darkly, in true Michael form. “I have a task for you — within the next two days I want to see you in a satin blouse. A gold one I think unless you prefer another colour? Also, I’d like to know if you still have your wedding dress?”

Whaaaaaat? Cut up fruit? Rubbed all over my body? I shivered. It’s not only “on”; it’s full speed ahead- no polite build-up this time. He had launched an emotional speed ball and I sucked it all up -like a word slut junkie.

The next morning, I went to the grocery store to pick out what I needed. This was an absolutely delicious task and the orgasm that followed was one to remember. I sent him a narrative of my experience and pictures of me lying on my bed, my naked body adorned with strawberries and cherries.

“How beautifully you fulfill my expectations ma petite esclave,” he replied. “Which taste did you like best? Les cerises? Les fraises? As you know, the sweetest taste for me is the flavour of your “submission.”

“The flavor of my submission….” I sighed, his words seeping into my every pore.

He asked me to meet him on video chat and I had a feeling of absolute dread! All I could think of was my previous failures on cam. I knew if I didn’t try to relax and give in to his requests, I would lose him. So, I poured myself a glass of wine. Yes, I was still ‘working’ and it was two o’clock in the afternoon, but I was going to do whatever I had to do to hold on to him.

I did as he asked. He played with me like a toy and told me to undress. Starting to feel a buzz, I was actually enjoying it for the first time. Somewhere during the chat, he mentioned that he would call me.

Pause. Rewind.

Did I read what I think I just read? A call?

“Michael, how are you going to call me?” I gasped.

“You sent me your phone number.” I had forgotten-I had sent him a formal work email for fun, and my contact info was included.

“If you want to call me, I have a secret number.” I bought one of those pay as you go phones just for this reason, but never expected it could actually happen. The video chat got hot and heavy, and I finally surrendered to him, completely.

I wasn’t sure what I would wake up to the next morning. I had bared everything and I mean- EVERYTHING- on cam the day before and even though I didn’t regret it, it was one of those moments where I was feeling embarrassed to face him, not knowing how he would feel about me now. However, a lovely email awaited me.

“Delicious memories of yesterday. I tried to call your number from my office, but I wasn’t able to make it work. I am going away for the holidays but will contact you when I return. I look forward to seeing you in a gold blouse, I know you won’t disappoint.”

During the break, I went out of my way to take beautiful pictures for him. Wearing a black satin blouse with backgrounds of gold satin material, thigh high stockings and his initial in rhinestones adorning my pussy.

He was pleased. “You look sensational, as always. I’d like you to tell me the story behind the photos and also to explain why there isn’t one of you buttoned up. Perhaps I should punish you?” he said.

My stomach fluttered wildly. Starting to feel the pull, I gently reminded myself that he was on his way out.


We were at the end of a long, enjoyable chat one day and with trepidation I asked, “Michael, consider this….leave me a phone message before you leave work? We don’t have to chat. I just want to hear your voice.”

“What would you like me to say?”

“Anything….anything would sound delicious with your beautiful accent.” I was literally sitting on pins and needles, waiting to see what he would say.

“If the phone rings, I insist you pick up and say, ‘This is Jennifer.'” he said.

“Okay, but why?” eskişehir escort Oh my God, we’re going to chat?? Fuck!

“Because I also want to hear your voice and I am in control.”

“Mmmm, yes you are.” I can’t even tell you how nervous I was waiting for the phone to ring. How very high school! I had bared my body and soul to him but the thought of actually speaking to him on the phone was terrifying!



“You haven’t done as I asked,” he chided in a beautiful British accent. Michael’s tones were deep and masculine. He had the sexiest voice that I had ever heard. Can I faint now?

“This is Jennifer.” I said quickly.

“What are you wearing?”

“Jeans and a blouse.” I started to sweat and paced the floor.

“I’d like you to slip those jeans off for me. How do you feel?”

Like my fucking brain is going to explode. “Excited…”

“You can do better than that.”

I giggled, “Well, I AM excited to hear your voice, finally.”

“So what does it make you want to do?”

“Lay on my bed…” my voice becoming softer.

“Is that where you are now?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Strip.” I quickly removed all my clothing.

“I’m completely naked,” feeling so nervous it was almost an out of body experience.

“Cum for me.” he demanded.

“Are you hard Master?”


“Ohh my God….” I couldn’t believe it was happening. My brain couldn’t catch up with the now. I was listening to the voice of my online obsession for the first time- almost a year and a half from our first chat.

“Cum for me, my little slave.”

“Say it in French….” I begged.

“Ma petite esclave….” he thundered.

“I want you…” I exhaled softly; my head was swimming in ecstasy.

“Say my name.” Is this fucking happening? I was so turned on by his dominance, my eyes were quivering.

“Michael…Michael….Oh God, I’m going to cum for you.”

“Finish it,” he demanded.

“Ohh God Oh God…Michaelllllll!” I gasped over and over as the orgasm overtook me, my body twisting in the rumpled sheets on my bed. I sunk into the mattress in absolute rapture and tried to catch my breath.

“Now, was that so hard?” he asked playfully.

“No,” giggling.

“Did you like your reward?”

“Yes…” I cooed, “I loved hearing your voice.”

“Did you think you deserved it?”

I laughed, “I don’t know, did I?”

“I think so…keep pleasing me and perhaps I shall reward you again. I have to go… Goodbye.”

“Bye…” I was high, and floated down the stairs in a dream-like state. I heard his voice. He called me. From London!

Something started to happen. Was it the lengths I went to please him? Dominating me completely on cam? Deeper and deeper it went-chatting online almost every day. The intensity was rising steadily and I felt the end was coming soon. I had to do something!

“Master, I have a suggestion. I will complete the next task, and we can enjoy each other for the next day or so, then we can take a break. This will keep things fresh and we can have something to look forward to.”

The intensity of our liaison had so much fire, that a break was necessary in order to maintain it. Did I want that? No, not at all. But if I didn’t initiate a break, I was going to end up getting one anyway. He agreed and of course totally took over the who, how, when, why, and what of the whole thing but that suited me just fine. After all, I wanted him in control.

He decided it would last a month with the conditions as follows. I would dress with him in mind every day. I could come by myself on cam twice a week in the open chat room, saying nothing, just announcing when I came with the cam pointed at my pussy. I would suck my husband off every Saturday, fully clothed in an outfit he chose. Other than that, I could have sex with my husband as usual. And on the day we returned from break, I would provide a picture for him of my choice.

The week of the reunion was the 14th of February, so I took several sexy pictures in whites and pinks for his first Valentine’s presents. Pictures sent, and no word from him. Hmmm, this was concerning. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed and hurt. Finally at the very end of the day, an email arrived.

“Well, well, pretty in pink. I look forward to more presents.”

What? Something was off. The next day, I woke to an abrupt email. “Ma petite esclave, I can’t chat today but that is no reason to be idle. I enjoyed the fruits of your labor. Today, I’d like you to wear your fanciest dress today for me, as if you were going to the opera.”

My teeth clenched hard. You can only put yourself out so much before it starts to wear on you. Usually when I had taken beautiful pictures for him, he greatly showed his appreciation. Now, not so much. He actually seemed irritated and put off.

“Why? Are you taking me to the opera?” I scoffed.

“Did I say I was taking you there? Perhaps I just want you dressed that way.”

“I think you sakarya escort are forgetting something.”

“What am I forgetting?”

“You liked the fruits of my labor? Quid pro quo. To elaborate Michael, I would like a picture of you, one of your face and not from 20 ft away. Do you think it terribly outrageous? I hope not, I want to see you.” Literally with no exaggeration, over the last year and a half I must have taken and sent him almost one hundred pictures.

Just as I expected, no reply.

Two weeks passed, but my anger didn’t. In the meantime, I was still active on the cam website and started to post my sexual role-play stories. I liked to share it with everyone, but of course, I had an ulterior motive. He never showed the least bit of jealousy but it couldn’t hurt to try. Oh, the games! Finally, he started to appear available on instant message. After a few days of ignoring him, which was terribly difficult for me to do, I put on my light.

“Intriguing.” he began.

“Hello Michael. How so?”

“I enjoyed your story.”

“Thank you.”

“How have you been?” he asked casually.

“Fine, thank you. And you?”

“Not too bad, snowed over in work, this is a rare breather.”

I loved this non-conversation that had to happen before someone was going to give. “Well, I hope it gets better for you soon.” I replied, tossing the ball over the net again.

“Thank you.”


“Why did you log onto your Gmail?” he asked. Okay-here we go.

“Because I saw that you were online.”

“So you were hoping I’d chat,” he said smugly.

“I made myself available; it wasn’t up to me to get in touch.”

“And what were you hoping for?”

Damn it! He was an absolute master at this. “Well, I would hope you would say hello, yes.”

“Good, I’m glad. I have to go soon, but should be in chat much later.”

“Do you want to chat with me?” I asked.

“How do you feel?”

I could have lied or still played it cool, but I didn’t want to play games- I still felt so connected to him. “Michael, I missed you.”

“How much?”

“…….You’re in my dreams.”

“On your knees.” he commanded.

“Ohh God…”

“Are you?!” he asked angrily.

“Yes..” I whimpered.

“If I decide to reward you, I will. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. More to say about that though.”


“Yes, may I speak?”

“Pinch the skin on your inner left thigh.” he said.

“Yes, Sir.”

“You may speak.”

“I don’t ask for things to be equal, but I do think there needs to be some give and take.” Even though he didn’t acknowledge it, I knew at some basic level he did understand.

“Pinch your right thigh.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Slap your face.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“If you beg, I may choose to reward you.”

“Please please Master, please reward me with a picture of you, I so want to see you, just as you have seen me.”

“What are you wearing?” he asked.

“Black pants, white buttoned shirt, black heels.”


Oh my God…”Yes, Sir.”

“Pinch your clit.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Harder ma petite esclave.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Open your email,” he said finally.

And there it was…a close up picture of his beautiful face. He was absolutely breathtaking, but we’ll get to that in a second.

“Thank you for sending it Master- I love it!”

“I will also be looking for a present in the meantime. Good-bye for now.”

“Good-night. Smiles.”

Okay, back to his picture! He was more gorgeous than I had imagined. His hair was dark brown and fell between curls and waves- just begging to be tugged. Icy green eyes, perfectly shaped lips, and a full beard of trimmed hair, very trendy- like a scruff, that was brown with glints of red. He was so fucking hot. It was hard to believe he had waited this long to show me.

I called my best friend immediately. “I have a picture of his face…..” I sang.

“No! Send it to me immediately!”

“Okay, did you get it yet?” I asked.

“O-M-G, Jen! He is so hot! Ohh, that hair!”

“I know! Can you believe it?” My face was on fire.

“He’s a baby!” she gushed, in reference to our age difference.

“I know,” giggling.

“You know you’re going to pay for this! He is absolutely furious that he had to send you that. Expect to be punished,” she predicted.

Our dangerous liaison continued over the next few months, with small breaks here and there. It was torture at times, and there was never a guarantee of contact. Was it becoming more than just a sexual release for him? We often spoke of how much we would like to meet (read: fuck) each other in person. With him being in London and me in the US, it was almost an impossibility. It didn’t stop us from talking about it though, especially when he saw me on cam, when he really opened up to me. What once was something I dreaded was now when I felt closest to him.

At the end of a long cam session after we both came he asked casually,”So, New York is somewhere you could get to?”

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. What? What was he saying?

“Y-Yes,” I replied, my body paralyzed with shock. He could tell.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.” he said.

I paused. “Are you teasing me?”

“I never tease.”

“Are you coming?” feeling ready to jump out of my skin.

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