Fox and Hounds


Jerry owned a large house in the country which had a vast estate surrounding it. The group of twenty men had returned from another successful fox hunt and they were having a celebratory dinner. Jerry stood with his crystal glass, and gently tapped the side of it with a fork to get some quiet. The room soon fell silent and all eyes were pointed at him.

“Well gentleman, another superb result again today,” Jerry said as he stood and raised his glass of wine. “A toast to another great success!” he said as he waited for the other men in the room to stand and copy him. They all raised their glasses and had a sip from them before being seated once more in front of the large banquet that had been laid out for them. However, Jerry did not sit.

He placed his glass on the table, and looked to the room who were all still gazing at him. “I have been thinking about our hunts, and would be interested in your thoughts as I have had a rather unique idea,” he said to the room. He left a small silence at the end of his sentence as everybody became curious about what he could possibly mean.

“We all enjoy going out each Sunday morning and taking part in such a British tradition and I thought it might be a nice idea to just take this a step further. I thought that we could put together some of the most important things to us – women, hunting and of course sex – and have a special treat. So I have placed an advertisement in the local paper advertising for young, pretty, slender females to take part in a special kind of hunt. The winner for the girl would be a cash prize, but for us, gentlemen, it would be an open invitation for some great fun and frolics!”. He once again paused while the room digested what he had said.

There was some twittering, and a lot of smiles. Jerry found this to be very encouraging. “So does anybody have any questions?” he asked, pleased he had come up with such an original idea. The first question was asked.

“When will this take place?” a young man said, seated at the back of the large table and very interested in his unique plan. Jerry smiled. “I thought the first hunt in October. Yes, it will be a little chilly for the ladies, however they will be taking part for a substantial cash prize. I should also tell you gentleman that I intend having each of the contenders dressed very appropriately for our typical English weather, and especially as we know how blustery it can be in October. So, I thought that they could each wear a different brightly coloured bikini,” he said, watching as faces all about the room lit up. Small chuckles echoed around the large room and imaginations began to play out at what he was suggesting.

“Also we will have some rules within the hunt, to make it a little more interesting for us, though they are not finalised as yet. I will let you know as and when I decide,” he concluded, happy to see everyone so thrilled. He went to sit back down but changed his mind and stood once more.

“Oh one more thing gentlemen, I will be interviewing for this tomorrow afternoon and I can tell you there has been a great response to the advertisement that has been placed in the paper, so I will need some help if anyone would be free?” Jerry asked glancing his eyes around the room. There was a lot of grumbling, presumably from people who would like to help though were unable, and four raised hands.

“Right well if you will be here at 1pm sharp tomorrow, we will choose our contestants together,” Jerry finally concluded. The four gentlemen that had offered their services were ecstatic to be in the privileged position they were in, as they knew that what they would have to do would include the ladies at least stripping off. The banquet continued not much else being spoken about other than the first hunt in October.

The following day the men arrived at the huge estate, and were shown to the study. The car park had been full of cars, obviously from the would-be contenders for the special hunt. Jerry appeared and addressed the four men there to help him.

“Ah hello gentlemen, the girls are all in the library waiting. Now, do you think we should invite them in one by one or in small groups?” he asked them, unable to make a decision on his own. They all conferred for a few seconds.

“I think small groups, at least we can compare them then,” one of the other men in the room said. The rest all nodded in agreement.

The anticipation in the room was apparent, they were all eager to begin. Five chairs had been placed behind a table and a piece of paper and a pen in front of each one, with a large whiskey glass next to that, and a couple of bottles of whiskey in the middle of the table. Jerry did not want it to be totally formal, and wanted his friends to feel relaxed.

Once the men were all seated the first five ladies were shown into the room. They each stood next to each other while the men scrutinized them. All of them were pretty, and all slender, some had long hair some cropped shorter. Jerry asked each of them their Anadolu Yakası escort name and age, and why they were there. The answers all varying, but each as important as the next.

“Ok ladies, you all look very nice in your daytime clothes. However, if you do get chosen for this you will be required to wear a bikini for the hunt, and as you can see there are two different sizes of each colour on the table. Please take one and put it on,” he said knowing that there would now be some that would want to back out.

The girls looked between themselves, and then to the five men sat in front of them. “And where do we try them on?” one of them asked, a little frown on her face. Jerry smiled to her. “Just in here will be fine,” he replied, waiting for at least one or two of them to walk out at his sentence.

He was not surprised when a shy young lady on the end of the line did exactly that. Meanwhile, two of the girls hurried to the table, wanting to have first pick of the bikini’s, both eager to look good. Unfortunately they both wanted the same one.

“Take your hands off it, I had it first!” the first of the girls said, glaring at the other one in the eyes. The second was not afraid of her, and she was used to getting what she wanted.

“No, you take your thieving hands off it, I want this one!” she replied back, facing her full on now, and puffing out her chest a little. The men looked on with amazement, as did the other two remaining girls. The whole room was eager to see how it would be resolved.

The first girl pulled her hand up and grabbed the second one’s hair, ripping it hard down to the side. In her awkward bent over position the second girl grappled about trying to get a grip on the first, deciding that the only thing accessible now was her tit.

She reached over and squeezed it hard, causing the first girl to cry out. “You bitch, get off my fucking tits, you lesbian!” she shouted at her, twisting her hair around her hand as she yelled at her. The second girl kept a firm grip on her full breast; she would not be bullied, and certainly would not shy away from a fight.

“Let go of my hair then you ugly slapper!” she shouted back, squeezing her hand around her boob with all her might. They were soon on the floor, rolling around like a couple of schoolchildren, until finally the first girl had managed to pin the second down. The second girl was struggling fiercely, her anger and frustration reaching boiling point.

“Get off me!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, as the rest of the room looked on – the other two girls in horror, the men very much enjoying their little show. The girl on top just laughed very loudly down at her victim.

“What’s the matter, don’t you like the fact I am stronger than you?” she said, taunting her and feeling extremely powerful. Jerry had an idea. The girl on top certainly was determined; he thought he may have a special job for her.

“Excuse me ladies, when you have quite finished. Would you please get up off the young lady, and if you are going to try on your bikinis you had better get a move on,” he said peering down at the pair of them on the study floor. She got up off the girl, and snatched the bikini out of her hand. The other girl clambered to her feet, huffing and puffing while straightening her clothes out that she was about to remove. Jerry beckoned for the other two girls in the room to take their pick.

The five men watched in pure delight as the four girls began to peel their layers off. It was a man’s dream to watch them slowly become naked, three of them trying to cover themselves as much as they could, the tough girl uninterested who saw her body. In fact she actively flaunted it for the gentlemen.

She turned her back to them and bent far over as she slipped the bottoms up over her naked arse cheeks. Her cunt was fully visible from behind, as was her arsehole. She was the tiniest of the four girls in the room, but very tenacious as well, and that had impressed them all. She repositioned the bottoms so that half of them were nestled up between her cheeks, showing her firm round buttocks out at the sides. The pure white of the bikini against her olive tanned skin was a sight for sore eyes. She looked stunning.

“Right back into a line then,” Jerry said watching them all filter back to where they were stood, the men writing scribbles on their paper. They twittered amongst themselves for a few moments. The two girls at the centre of attention scowled and glared to each other.

“Thank you ladies, you will be informed in due course. Would you and you, sorry what are your names again?” he asked, pointing his finger to the pair of entertainers. The exhibitionist girl jumped in first, wanting to be centre of attention.

“I’m Summer,” she said loudly, and smiling a large false smile to them. She ran her hand up and down her leg, hoping to draw their attention to her body. The girl next to her then took over.

“I’m April,” she said, Anadolu Yakası escort bayan standing a little more awkwardly in her bright yellow bikini. The other two girls left the room, leaving the seven of them together.

“Well you have certainly impressed us with your strength of character, both of you. On this very special hunt, there will of course have to be a ‘Top Fox’ and you two have certainly stood out. Though we will find it very difficult to decide with only the information we have so far on you. Is there anything else you could do to swing our decision one way or the other?” Jerry asked them, hoping they would each try to outdo one another somehow.

Summer shifted her body position around and shoved April backwards with her hand, then paced to the table of five men and spread her arms wide either side of her. Leaning far over so her tits were plainly visible, she knew that not many men had ever been able to resist her.

“Well fellas, how can I possibly show you that I am the woman for the job, eh?” she said as she moved her index finger to her mouth, sucked on it provocatively and ran it down the length of her neck down in between her cleavage, and all the way to her bikini bottoms, where she hovered around the top of the waist band teasing them. The men could not take their eyes off her; she was literally dripping in sexual exuberance. Three of the men picked up their glasses and swigged back the brown bitter liquid contained inside them, revelling in the show.

April watched on, not at all surprised at what the slut was trying to do. She had seen this kind of manipulation a hundred times before. She sighed and lifted her eyes into her head, deciding that if she was in with any kind of chance, she was going to have to knock Summer off the pedestal she had put herself upon.

While Summer continued teasing the men with her stunning figure, April paced over to a small stereo and pressed the ‘on’ button, and a dance beat immediately blared out into the room. She danced her way back to the middle of the room and began her routine. In a very raunchy fashion, she ran her fingers through her hair and gyrated her hips all the way to the floor, before swinging them back up again.

The men’s attention soon turned to her, all looking past Summer who was not happy at all. She watched on feeling extremely annoyed that April had taken the focus off her. April looked to her and gave her small wink. She might well have been stronger, but there was more than one was to skin a cat.

As April removed her tiny bikini top, she teased the men by covering her pert tits with her arm and began to fully get into her own little show. Summer moved her way behind the men, who had not seen her move at all, as they were paying all their attention to April, who swung her arms above her head and thrust her hips back and forth, while slipping her bikini bottoms off.

Summer was stood behind Jerry massaging his shoulders, knowing he was the big-wig in all this; it was only him she needed to impress. She leaned over and nibbled on his ear lobe, sending shivers up his spine, his interest now focusing back on Summer. It had been a long time since he had been seduced, and he was going to enjoy every second of it. She ran her hands over his manly chest, just slipping her hand into his shirt between his buttons, rubbing it over his soft wiry hair.

“Ooh, I just love a man with a hairy chest,” she whispered into his ear, spinning his chair about, so he now faced her. The other four men stopped looking at April, who was on the floor seductively dancing and making a sexual spectacle of herself. She caressed her hand up and down her cunt, making horny groans all the while.

Summer could see her out of the corner of her eye, and though she was really good at what she was doing, she felt far superior to her and was sure she could gain the top spot, by pushing things a little further.

Glancing over at April, she slowly lowered herself to her knees, gliding her hands up and down Jerry’s thighs. She leaned forwards so her tits lay on his chest and undone the buttons on his shirt. Jerry’s cock was waking up; he wondered how far she would actually go in her efforts to get what she wanted.

April was now the one unhappy that she did not have their full attention, and paced to the long solid mahogany table. She perched her ass on the edge before swinging her legs up on to the hard surface. The cold solid feel of it underneath her startled her a little, but she only had one thing in mind. She stood up, and carried on with her provocative dance , all eyes firmly on her now, checking out her particularly smooth cunt.

Her tits bounced in time with her movements, she was reeling them in nicely.

Taking a bottle of the whiskey that was on the table, she opened it and took a swig from it, not ready for the strength of the liquid that was now burning her throat. She coughed, and without putting the lid back on she placed it to escort bayan her feet.

Circling her hips in a hula motion, she began to lower herself down on the glass bottle. The men were on the edge of their seats with anticipation, and all were very hard now; one of the men on the end had his cock out and was openly wanking, relishing every moment of what was taking place.

The bottle inched into April’s cunt, the neck disappearing inside her as she played with her tits. Summer was infuriated, how dare she take the glory like this! She stopped what she was doing with Jerry, and climbed up onto the table with April. Shuffling around the back of her she placed her hands on each of her shoulders and gave her an almighty shove.

“You want to fuck the bottle, then fuck it properly!” she yelled at April, holding her on it. April felt a shooting pain fly through her cunt and she tried with all her strength to get up, but had no leverage. It stretched her wide far too quickly to become accustomed to.

“Get off you’re killing me, please, get off me!” April shouted back, needing to move her position immediately. Summer let her up, and taking the bottle, she took a large gulp from it herself, the same fiery liquid not affecting her at all.

She took the neck of the bottle into her mouth and simulated a very convincing blow job on it, tasting all of April’s juices; she was determined to show the men that nothing would put her off. She was seriously ready for anything they could throw at her.

April could only watch as the pain throbbed in her cunt. She was no match for this hardened bitch, but she was not about to give up now. She got down off the table and paced to the two gentleman sat to the left of Jerry, who was semi naked himself. With no warning she took out the man on the ends cock and sucked it all into her mouth, the thickness and the taste a nice one.

Her arse was facing the other man next to him, and she wiggled it about for him, hoping he would take the initiative and start to play. No sooner had she thought the thought, his large warm hands were feeling her silky soft skin on her arse cheeks.

She pushed back and lifted her arse higher, making it easier for him to access her. She let out small moaning noises, indicating her pleasure, though she could have really done without this as her cunt felt like it was on fire.

The man playing with her manoeuvred behind her, his cock in hand ready to sink into her. April continued to give the other man the full works on his cock, taking care to include his balls. Gliding her wet tongue over the top wetting them up, and taking them each into her mouth, one at a time at first and them both together, her mouth overflowed with his hot balls.

A large cock suddenly entered her cunt. She jumped not ready for the intrusion and another pain became apparent. Doing her best to ignore it April concentrated on her blow job. Flipping her tongue all the way up his sensitive vein, and then over the top of his frenulum, the gentle rocking sensation aided her in her efforts.

Summer was still on the table. “Come on fellas, I don’t just want two of you, I want all three!” she exclaimed to the remaining men. It did not take long for them to establish themselves on the table with her in their preferred positions, Jerry obviously taking precedence over her arse. She also sucked cock with gusto, giving them each the pleasure of her mouth for a little while, the dribbly precum indicating to her they were suitably turned on.

“I’m ready guys, help yourselves to me, use me for the slut you want me to be for you, now and when the games begin,” she said loud enough for April to hear, and hoping that it would give her an advantage over her. With one man between her legs slipping up into her tight cunt, and one to the side enjoying the fruits of her labour with her mouth, Jerry was behind her and able to see her very inviting arsehole and was eager to try it out.

“Lean over Summer, far over, so I can fuck you hard,” he told her as the blow-job man moved back on his knees for her to oblige him. She felt the normal stabbing on her clenched hole, and knew that it would be uncomfortable before it was nice. He persisted, gingerly, opening up her hole a little at a time, not wishing to experience any pain himself.

A few seconds later his end was in, and she felt divine. Holding his own balls, and pushing a little harder, his cock slowly disappeared until his balls rested near her very wet cunt. Summer also groaned, happy that the hard bit was over. She rocked her body gently up and down for the cock in her pussy, and sucking enthusiastically on the rod slipping in and out of her throat.

The competition was now on, they knew they would both have to be spectacular to gain the ‘Top fox’ position, and they both wanted it as much as each other. So the five men and the two girls were all engaged in a very arousing scene for all of them. The girls who had turned from complete stranger to rivals in the space of twenty minutes were making plenty of arousing noises.

The man behind April was screwing her hard and fast, revelling in the warm tight sensation of her cunt. April sucked on the man in front’s cock, and he forced her periodically down onto his shaft, receiving the best blow job he had ever had.

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