The Lab Rat Pt. 02


New Beginnings

Robin was already up and dressed for the day wearing feminine styled blue jeans with a soft white blouse. You could tell she was braless. When I woke up and was talking on the phone. It was already eight in the morning. I was surprised because I normally did not sleep in that late.

I slipped into the same slip that I had worn last night to find that it felt very heavy on me and it seemed to irritate my skin. After using the bathroom, I realized that I did not have to shave. It seemed that even my facial hair had been removed. That explained why the hairnet and goggles had to be worn by me.

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” Robin said with a smile that would melt a heart. “Coffee is ready.”

I went to pour myself a cup but before I did Robin planted another deep long kiss on my lips. Her eyes were sparkling brighter than I had ever seen and she was extremely happy.

“After you pour your coffee best call, my sister-wife,” Robin said with a grin. “She wants to hear your version about what happened last night.”

Robin set the two pink pills in front of me to make sure I took them.

While I was on the phone talking to Anna a delivery arrived and Robin signed for. She took the two boxes into the bedroom. It took me about half an hour to give Anna the details about last night. Mostly I was answering questions about what Robin had told her. I learned that going forward there would be no secrets between my two wives. By the time I was done talking two more deliveries had arrived.

“Honey why does what I’m wearing seem to irritate my skin?” I asked.

“Since you started taking the pills,” Robin said. “One of the natural herbs in it is causing that. It could be the Saint John’s Wort. Until your body adjusts to the new medication, we just have to deal with it. Take your pills and climb into the shower. As soon as we get you dressed, we are going out for breakfast. I have a couple of special friends I want you to meet.”

I used an unscented hair shampoo and the baby’s only body wash she had set out. The soap seemed to have a softness to it that seemed to help cool down my skin. As soon as I was out, she was there to dry me off and wrap the full-length towel around my mid parts. Since my hair had a bit of length to it, she used a curling iron to shape it. With the use of four bobby pins, it was all tucked behind my ears to allow my facial features to shine.

She shaped my eyebrows, thickened and lengthened my eyelashes, before adding a touch of blush and non-smear lipstick. I had to pucker up my lips as a woman did so she could apply it. By barely doing anything major the change in my appearance was stunning because when I looked in the mirror I started to tear up because I was looking at my sister as I remembered her in our teenage years. It was an emotional moment for me. Robin got concerned because she saw how I was feeling.

“They say a twin is a mirror to one’s inner soul,” Robin said. “She is still a big part of you as you can clearly see. You can embrace her in you and proceed or we can stop it for good now.”

I had known that being a twin was special but seeing her in me this way was quite unnerving. Until now I never really appreciated how much we were actually a part of each other. I just stood there thinking about it all and the changes that had come because of it. I asked myself if I wanted to go back before speaking.

I smiled and responded, “Let’s go forward with this experiment. There’s no real reason not to.” Much to her delight.

Robin had me step into a pair of white silk panties with a hidden zipper in the front which she had already undone. She knelt down as I stepped into them. Before she started sliding them up, she spent a few minutes softly kissing my rear cheeks as she played with them.

She saw me as I blushed and commented, “It’s nice to know that my girlfriend gets turned on by touched like this because most girls do. It’s going to be fun tonight when we get home because I plan to spend a lot of time exploring my girlfriend’s sweet inviting tush.”

I watched as she brought the small very feminine panties up my legs. I would describe them as a half thong, but I would learn later that I was wrong. They when slipped on, separated my penis and balls with a faint layer of very soft and feminine silk. It felt soft, sexy, and warm. When she zipped it back up it pulled everything down tight into my frame giving me the very same natural look that every female had. I was really impressed by that.

Next came the matching white garter which she fastened from the back working from the bottom up. Once it was tight, she added the long white stockings which she had to attach to the garter once they had been pulled up. The blouse was a light yellow with two embroidered red roses planted on the front of each shoulder. The feminine white slacks hugged my frame tight. The white slip-on loafers finished it all off. When I looked in the full-length mirror there was no doubt that I came across porno indir as a female with no breasts. I blushed because I could see a faint trace of my pantie line through the slacks. I knew when a man saw the way l looked, I would be more than sexually attractive in their eyes.

Robin stood beside me as I checked myself out in the full-length mirror. Her hand was resting gently on the curves of my tush which she was touching in a loving way.

“You have a thing about my ass,” I said.

“Girlfriend don’t you know it. So does my sister-wife because we wish ours was as sweet and ripe as yours,” Robin said. “When you have grown your breasts that is when you will know how really feminine you will be. I bet your sister had lots of both sexes chasing after her. You will be fighting male suitors off just like her even though you are married to your two wives. This weekend is designed to give you an idea of how easy it is for you to pass in public when needed as our girlfriend.”

Robin using her cellphone took a picture of me and sent it to Anna with a text message saying our new girlfriend is ready for her first girl’s day out. I slipped my thin wallet into my back pocket.

Anna sent back a text about me, that said promise me that our new girlfriend will be dressed to the nines when I return. Robin showed it to me and said I guess we better make sure we give your first wife what she wants.

“Jaden remember,” she said. “When pretending to be a girl try to speak like one. For example, use tush instead of ass, rosebud instead of an anal channel, and less manly speech in general. Quite often it’s not the voice but the words we use that give one’s true identity away. Men are expected to be a bit vulgar at times young ladies are not. Another thing that gives most transgender away is their Adam’s apple. It surprised me to learn that as a man yours is completely hidden.”

I drove us in Robin’s car as she directed me to a small quaint neighborhood restaurant that I had never heard of. It was owned by a lesbian couple that she had gone to university with. The outdoor court part was full of couples and families enjoying their breakfast before the heat of the day as we walked in hand in hand.

Robbin and I had just ordered champagne and orange juice when one of the owners spotted us. After getting her wife they came over to our table.

“Hi Nora and Cora, it’s been a while,” Robin said with a great big smile.

Just then our drinks arrived so Nora said, “Okay girlfriend whats the celebration.

“Cora, Nora I want you to meet my wife Jaden,” Robin said. “We got married on Thursday and will be taking a proper honeymoon when things settle down for me at work.”

“That explains why you are glowing,” Cora said as she pulled out a chair and sat down. “How did the two of you meet?”

“Through a mutual lady friend that she works with, “I replied while being thankful that I had a soft voice. “at one of their office parties.”

The four of us talked while Robin and I ate. When they saw our wedding rings, they like the idea that she had one ring and I had two.

“We did that to establish who would take the lead in our home life going forward,” Robin explained. “In the bedroom though we’re both equal partners.”

When we were ready to leave, I asked for the bill. They said it’s on us. It’s our way of congratulating you two. I made sure to give them a butterfly kiss on their facial cheeks. I must have done something right because Robin was bursting out in pride.

“Jaden you treat your wife right,” Nora said. “It’s been a long time since we have seen her so happy.”

We were walking back to the car with our arms locked around each other.

“Those dear friends can spot a phony a mile away,” Robin said. “If they had of thought we were playing games they would have told us. They had no doubt you were a female in every way.”

I stopped and pulled her into my arms. Robin lowered her head to mine, and we share a deep lovingly tender kiss. I guess Cora saw us because she yelled ‘get a room you two.’

“We have to head over to Century 21 because we’re going to look at homes with an unfinished third floor,” Robin explained.

“Why?” I asked.

“So, we can turn it into three bathrooms, three walk-in closets, and bedroom big enough for a king-size bed,” Robin said. “Unless you plan to sleep in two queens.”

“Perhaps that should be discussed between the three of us, going forward,” I said. “So, no more secrets between any of us.

Robin turned and kissed me before saying, “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

We looked at four houses that afternoon that was the right size but had no privacy. The fifth both Robin and I thought was perfect. It was on the edge of the city came with twenty acres. It was an old huge stone brick home that had the first two floors completely remodeled with the wanted open floor design, but the third floor had been stripped but never finished.

As rokettube we toured it, we found it had lots of possibilities. Thankfully it was still structurally sound. As we walked around it, I said with leveling off the slope of the land we could lay a firm-wide thick sidewalk around it and place pillars every four feet to support the expanded third floor if we decided to do that.

The added plus for me it had a huge twenty thousand square foot unheated metal building on a concrete slab that was sitting empty. It had a fifteen-foot high ceiling. I could see the possibilities of saving thousands in shipping costs and wholesalers markups by shipping to the retailers directly from this one location.

The couple had decided it was time to retire and wanted a smaller house. He had built the metal building as a huge storage center for his tractor collection that had been auctioned off. Since Robin had listed her place that day, she suggested that if they each traded homes that she would pay the difference in cash.

The realtor suggested that when he dropped us ladies off to pick up our car, he could take them over to look at the house. The older couple agreed and followed us back to his office.

When we got to the office I had to ask if I could use the lady’s room. I was grateful that the zipper was easy to use, and it didn’t take long. I noticed Robin checking everything with her eyes when I came out. We got the realtor to take a picture of Robin’s cell of us together. During this time Robin kept her hand on my tush.

After leaving the realtors office we headed out for supper about an hour’s drive away at a restaurant where she was well known. I learned that they had early dancing. As we walked in Robin kept her hand on my tush and whispered in my ear what she was going to do to me when we got back home. If she was trying to keep me blushing, she was doing a good job.

“When going into an alternate lifestyle restaurant like this,” Robin whispered. “My hand on your tush lets everyone know that I’m the dominant in our relationship. Anyone wishing to get to you has to deal with me.”

After dinner, we had a few dances and I had to let her lead. When we were slow dancing her hand was always on my tush. She proudly told some of her acquaintances how much she was in love with me. Robin got really upset when a man I was dancing with put his hand on my tush. She came on to the floor and slapped him silly saying ‘keep your f—king hands off my wife. No one touches that but me.’

We left early because we had one more stop to make before heading for home. Robbin took me to a woman’s clothing shop. I helped her pick out a couple of dresses because I saw them as being very alluring from a male’s point of view. Robin even got me to try a low pair of high heels on. I knew the two dresses if worn would ooze of that one’s femininity and sexuality quite well.

I was driving us back when our realtor called to inform them the couple was willing to trade so Robin agreed that we should meet them at one pm on Sunday to work it out. She when finished with the call, Robin called Anna.

Robin told Anna about the man who was copping a feel and how she had blown up in jealousy. Anna asked about how well I had done dressed as a girl. It resulted in Robin explaining about the lesbian couple and how it had gone. By the time I pulled into the driveway Anna had been caught up with everything that we had done. Anna seemed really excited about the three of us getting our own home.

After parking the car, we went in. Robin took in the bags and hung the dresses up. I made sure to take my pills.

Robin joined me in the kitchen as I was making her and I an iced tea and said, “Is your skin still irritated or is it a bit better?”

“It’s still bothering me but it’s not as bad,” I said, “I think the soft nature of the clothing is helping me make it tolerable. Any idea how long it’s going to be like this?”

“I’ll ask on Monday and let you know as soon as I find out,” Robin said. “Let’s partly undress you to see if there are any red marks. Let’s remove your slacks and undo the blouse so it hangs free and see how it goes from there. We might have to buy short shorts for you to wear around home.”

I stepped out of the slip on’s. Then Robin pulled down my slacks and panties before taking them to be the bedroom. She had told me not to do anything until she returned.

I laughed and said, “I’m quite capable of undressing myself.”

“Don’t you dare girlfriend,” Robin said. “I’ve been thinking about undressing you all day.”

She quickly came back and started undoing the blouse I was wearing one button at a time as she kissed my upper chest softly over and over again. She was treating my man titties as she would want hers treated. Once the last one was undone Robin let it fall to the side.

After checking my body over she said, “No red marks so it’s more internal than anything.”

After sipping a bit of her seks filmi drink, she went down on her knees and brought her face to my crotch area. She started licking my shaft and balls using her tongue to tickle and tease my most private area. She started planting butterfly kisses on my growing shaft as has her hands moved towards the bottom of my rear cheeks. Using one finger she explored the curves of my bottom cheeks.

“Men don’t realize how a woman wants her tush to be appreciated and that she begs for it to be used in the proper way,” Robin said. “As a part of sensual foreplay, there is no match if it’s treated the right way. Your about to discover that point for yourself. Jaden turn around for me please.”

I did as she asked. I felt her kissing each side of my tush as she slowly moved in and began kissing and touching the fold with her tongue. The sensations I was experiencing for the first time was mind-boggling. My knees seemed to buckle when Robin pushed her tongue into what she called my rosebud causing me to moan. I could not believe something like this could be so erotic. Robin was proving by doing that it was. My moans got louder.

When she heard it Robbin giggled and said, “I must be doing something right because my girlfriend is loving it. She’s responding just like any woman whose lover is treating her tush right would.”

Robin asked me to turn around again and as I did, I saw her slipping her index finger into her mouth to moisten it. My babymaker as she called it was now stiff, erect and standing out in all its glory. Robin opened her mouth’s lips drawing it bulging head in. At the same time, I felt her moist finger slipping into the folds of my rosebud.

My second wife was talking possession of me in two ways at the same time. I stood there lost in a flush of emotional sensual feeling that I was experiencing for the first time in a new way. It made me appreciate how lacking and unfulfilling as a lover I must of being.

It surprised how my tush was responding to Robin’s finger sliding in and out of it as she drew me into her mouth and out. I was realizing that both my wives were using this time to teach me how to be a better lover for their personal needs. Being treated as a woman was a unique experience. It was shocking to me that I had to admit that in general, I had a lack of knowledge of what a woman really needs sexually. I decided at that moment to enjoy the journey until the test was completed and use the knowledge, I gained by experiencing this as a woman to make myself a better lover down the road.

My cock’s head could feel the top of her throat as it opened up to allow me farther in. My first wife had cleaned me up often, but this was the first time I was experiencing this. Robin pulled back until I was completely out of her mouth. She kept sliding her index finger in and out of my tush.

I could see a smile on her face as she whispered to herself, “My hubby’s movements are natural and not forced as if he was trying to please me.”

Jaden’s body is telling me that their more woman inside of him that wants to find a way to come out, she thought to herself as she continued to use his pussy to draw his newfound femininity out. It’s was his natural reaction that’s was trying to draw more of her finger in because his body was trying to consume as much of it as possible.”

She opened her mouth and used her tongue to play with my heads hole causing me to moan loudly before she drew me into the warmth of her mouth once again. It wasn’t long till I was shooting a load into her throat. When she was done, she stood up and shared the remnants with me. It was the very first time I had tasted the full flavor of my semen without it being diluted by my lover’s juices.

We sipped on our iced tea. Robin left the room and when she came back, she was wearing a flimsy slip. It was my turn to pleasure her. I started with her tush planting butterfly kisses over her inviting flesh working the outsides of both her rear cheeks before moving in towards her fold. Slowly I moved up her fold first with tender kisses then with my tongue tip until I found her rosebud. I teased it mercilessly trying to push my tongue’s tip into it. It was fun to hear Robin squeal in delight. I took my time trying to make love to it with my tongue.

Moving around to the front of her I stuck my finger into my iced tea which I had set on the floor and took out a large ice cube which I stuck in my mouth. As I pushed my moist finger into the tightness of her rosebud. I softly blew cold air into her mound from my mouth. Keeping the ice cube close to the front of my mouth a began kissing her lower lips as I pushed my finger further into her rear channel. Robins moans got louder as I developed a rhythm within her rear entry.

I knew her body was on fire, the coldness of my tongue as I spread her mounds lips caused to scream in delight.

“It’s so good baby,” Robin moaned over and over.

I kept the ice right against her mound as I used my tongue to spread and enter her slowly as I searched for her man in the boat. When I found it, I blew as much cold air on it as possible. It caused her to have a major mini organism causing her to grind her pussy further into my mouth. My second wife was now a mass of flesh in heat.

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