If The Highlands Could Talk Pt. 01

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It hadn’t been long and yet it seemed like a lifetime when I finally landed in Glasgow. Our relationship had started like I’m sure so many others have before, online. Yet, it was unlike any I’d known before. There was something about his world that called me to it. Something that made me want to be a part of it and then one day I met him and it was as though someone’s voice came over the speaker box in my head and said, “Please keep your hands and feet inside at all times, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”


The trip seemed to take an eternity and I suppose in some ways it did. I had filed out of the plane and claimed my baggage in record timing and after a bit of work I made my way out of the terminal. There were too many people and as short as I am it seemed I would never find him. That’s when the crowd finally broke and I spotted him, his eyes scanned the faces that passed, and I smiled. This was our first meeting but it was like I knew him all this time but now I’d finally be able to touch him. I weaved through the scattered people in the airport. Soon our eyes locked and my heart stopped. My breath caught in my throat and for a single moment it was as if we were the only two people in the world.

I probably stood there looking like a deer in headlights for a second too long but soon enough we were standing within touching distance and without even a word he scooped me into his arms. I inhaled his scent and etched it to memory otele gelen escort for later and held tight as we stood suspended in a moment. Too soon he put me down and I had to take a look around as it felt as though the electricity between us, that I had been building from day one — even as far away as we were, had become a tangible thing that other people could see.

Alas, no one gawked our way or seemed to be paying us any attention at all. He took my luggage case and we made our way out of the airport. It had taken a full day to get here, and though I was tired, the crisp Scottish air that I had long since missed and dreamed of, rustled my hair and gave me a renewed sense of alertness. The sun hung heavy in the distance and though the air was cool my body felt hot. I had thought of this moment, dreamed of it, wondered what it would be like for so long that I was almost certain the reality couldn’t live up to it but I knew, now that I was here, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

We talked and laughed as we drove down the countryside. Our hands touched and the feeling of his fingertips along the underside of my right hand made my skin prickle. It was as though we’d been together all along. Though in some ways we’ve been more intimate, even at a distance, than I had been with anyone who could stand beside me. There were things we shared and things we did, that I never thought mecidiyeköy escort I could or would do. However, now that I was here I knew there was so much more that we still haven’t explored and the thought of it, which had brought me to climax long before now, left my panties wet in anticipation.

I wondered what he had planned for us. If we would start slow or if the mere build up of it all would have us clawing at each other the minute we were alone. Though I responded and laughed and looked out the window as he pointed out tiny houses, the animals in the pastures and that one distillery on the top of the hill that’s been open for over a hundred years, I still couldn’t get the naughty little thoughts out of my head. I supposed that was one of the things he liked about me. Always curious for what more there could be, what more could happen and though I would fight him along the way, I always gave in simply to please him.

I was only moderately disappointed when he pulled up to a little pub. It seemed like it had been here just as long as the aforementioned distillery but the small windows shone with a light that flickered as though it were fire and the smell of the food, that reached my nose as I opened the car door, before he got there to open it for me, mind you — though bless him, he tried — made me realise I hadn’t eaten for awhile. I wanted to take him and hide away from the world but things such as food might also türkmen escort be required. I enjoyed being seen with him. We ate and drank and every so often his hand would press against my back and his lips would brush my ear as he spoke something to me that only I could hear. He always managed the “little one” at the end, remembering what I had once said about how those words might affect me if he whispered them to me.

It was almost unfair. He knew what I had been thinking about, I was sure of it, and though he didn’t show it I now knew that he’d been thinking about it too. The whole drive and stopping to eat was his way of building up the tension. The more we waited, the more it would be worth it in the end. Soon enough we were back in the car. The sun had gone down and the moon was full. The sky was speckled with stars and I looked out at them as we drove in comfortable silence. He reached over and took my hand before lifting it to his lips to press a kiss there.

That move alone made my pussy clench with need but it’s what happened next that would push me over the edge. He’d requested I wear a dress or skirt and now I understood why. He told me to take off my panties and without hesitation I did exactly as I was told. He had picked them out himself the day before and after I pulled them off he took them. He pressed them against his lips and inhaled what I could only assume was the scent of my clear arousal. His eyes met mine, for just a second, and they burned with a desire that seemed to light a flame just behind his green irises. In a low voice, he commanded that I pull my dress up and position myself so that he could see what was between my legs, then he told me to begin pleasuring myself because, “I want you to be ready.”

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