Isobel’s Instructions


Isobel leaned heavily against the wall. She was so bored! She needed the stimulation of interesting sex. The ‘wham bam thankyou ma’am’ technique that James displayed was getting tedious. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had actually made her orgasm. She could do it herself, in fact she frequently did, but the touch of a man causing the electric sensations was far more exciting. She yawned and made a decision. If James wouldn’t satisfy her voluntarily, he would do it involuntarily and she grinned a secret smile to herself, and planned a trip to the shops for the next day.

The following evening:

Isobel was already tingling in anticipation of her planned evening, she loved her husband but knew in her heart, if the marriage was to succeed then the sex had to be right too. She hoped this wouldn’t be too much for James, rather an awakening of untold desires, feelings he didn’t know he felt and sexual excitement he didn’t know was possible. Her shopping trip had been a huge success, and a large box, hidden under her bed concealed a bounty of treasures!

She looked around the warm bedroom and hurried downstairs at the sound of her husband’s keys in the door. James opened the door and smiled gently and lovingly at his wife, jeez he loved this woman, but lately he sensed a problem. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something was wrong. He feared an affair, but was unsure. She always seemed to be where she said she would be when she said, and there were no telltale phone calls or notes. Maybe it was his imagination.

Isobel walked over to James and took his hand gently “I want to show you something darling” she whispered. Dear God! thought James, this was it, she was going to confess her affair and end the marriage. He was cold at the thought and his mouth was dry but he followed his wife meekly up the stairs. They entered the bedroom and he sat on the edge of the bed. Isobel perched herself on James’ lap and snaked her arms around his neck. Why was she being so cruel? Why tell him in this most loving position he cried in his mind.

Isobel had planned this in her mind and gently leaned her weight against James until he eventually fell backwards onto the bed. “Lets lay properly so we can chat James” she suggested. Still mute with confusion James allowed himself to be told. Isobel was pleased, he was showing his own subservience already. She began to trust her instincts. James settled back and waited for her to speak, no words came though and his mind was racing. Suddenly, as quick as a flash he realised Isabel was placing a cuff around his wrist. His confusion made him slow, and by the time words came he was chained by one xslot wrist to the bed. The other didn’t follow far behind.

“What ar…a…are you doing?” he stammered, the puzzlement clear in his voice. Isobel simply grinned a cool smile. Then she gave him ‘The Speech’

“James, I love you dearly, but our sex life is stagnant. I really don’t mean to hurt your feelings by telling you in such a blunt fashion, but subtle hints could take years! Tonight I’m punishing you for not being adventurous, let it be a lesson to you! Tonight you give me my first orgasm from you………. Whether you like it or not!” the words were delivered in a cool and calm fashion. James looked hurt but there was curiosity in his face too. Isobel was so right. She could sense it deep down.

She sat next to the confined James and told him of her plan. Tonight she would assume the lead, and he would follow instructions. He nodded in silence, a tingling feeling spreading through him, as he waited in anticipation for this woman to make love to him. Isobel stretched her long legs to the ground and made her way to the bathroom. James waited …….. and waited. By his estimation 15 minutes had passed by the time she emerged again. But oh god it was worth the wait! His usually conservative wife had reappeared as his dream goddess. Her long red hair spilled down her back, rippling over the black basque she wore. Lower he looked…… and found thigh high leather boots with a sharp heel. Her make up was heavy and exotic, finishing the effect flawlessly. She could have walked straight off the pages of a glamour magazine. He felt his cock starting to rise.

Isobel smothered a grin, knowing the effect she was having on him, she uncuffed her man and had him undress for her, slowly and deliberately. A faint hue crossed his cheeks, as though he knew he was being used as an object for her pleasure. But he really had no idea how much so yet. He would find out soon. He would discover pleasure and pain and the heady sensation when one crossed over and became the other. That was Isobel’s lesson for this evening.

As soon as he was undressed, Isobel laid him face down on the bed, reattaching the wrist cuffs to the bed, and this time pulling his legs apart and fastening them too. His smooth back invited her to tease and she gently dragged a fingernail all the way down the centre of his spine. He shivered an involuntary shudder and sighed. This was going to be good! He felt cool air whisper up between his legs and touch his exposed bollocks and a shadow of fear crossed him, he was so exposed!!!

Isobel moved away from him and went to her box under the bed. From his position he couldn’t see xslot Giriş what she was pulling from it. Her hands touched the skin of his arse cheeks and massaged them, moving all the time, causing his cock to swell painfully beneath him. His sighs became groans as she gently parted his ass cheeks and moved a finger in to play with the outside of his ring piece. Dear God!! The feeling was exquisite, he loved it! No-one had ever done it to him before, he thought only gays played with their asses. But this woman was proving him wrong! She tickled and tormented his ring and his cock got harder and harder, til he thought it would lift him clear off the bed.

As soon as it had started it stopped, and he found himself disappointed. But within seconds she was back, this time he felt something cool and sticky being massaged in around his ring. Then a finger started to gently push against the tight hole. He tensed, but was told to relax by Isobel, so he did as best he could and the tip of the finger slipped in. She ran it around the skin under his ring and he felt no pain! It was amazing, sensations like he had never had before raced through his mind. The finger moved in deeper, and with no warning another joined in. He felt pressure now, but not horrible pressure, a gentle stretching as his virgin ass worked open. Suddenly a third, and almost immediately a fourth popped through the tight muscle. Now it hurt!

“Take some out Isobel!” He demanded. An icy laugh answered him.

“In your dreams, tonight you’re mine and I am going to show you how to behave like my sex slave. “

James was horrified, where was his gentle quiet wife? Where had this hedonistic and arrogant bitch come from? The pain in his ass was strong, but as she moved her fingers she located his prostate and started to manipulate it. The pain started to fade and began to be replaced with a more sensual feeling. He groaned, in shame, pleasure, pain or ecstasy. He couldn’t decide! He was so close to cumming now, and his dick hadn’t even been touched! Isobel sensed this, and unceremoniously pulled her hand from his ass with a pop. He gasped in pain.

“Now my sweet, I’m going to plug you” Isobel explained. He had no idea what she meant so laid quietly awaiting whatever followed. He soon found out. Isobel started to push a butt plug into his ass, and very soon he had swallowed all but it’s base. ‘Not too bad he thought to himself’ Then he felt it………. It was growing! The bitch had bought an expandable one! She giggled out loud and he was shocked at her coldness. She stood back to admire her handiwork and was pleased at what she saw. He needed some colour though! She reached xslot Güncel Giriş under the bed and pulled out a brand new cane. Without a seconds hesitation she brought it down across his naked ass. He howled with pain, the slice of the cane cutting into him deeply. He flinched away, but that seemed to drive the huge butt plug in further. There was no way out, this bitch had him well and truly caught. A second stroke caught him unawares, and he screamed again.

“Quiet slut boy! Or I’ll use my shiny new gag on you too!” she warned. He knew by now she wasn’t joking. So he bit down into the pillow as the next few strokes cut into him. But suddenly he wasn’t feeling the pain, he was overwhelmed with sensations! He was aware of them all individually, but the combination was like a drug, pulling him towards an orgasm. His cock throbbed painfully against the bed as his wife, and he supposed ‘his mistress’ dragged his pain ridden body onwards into oblivion. The butt plug was being removed now, before fully deflated and released with a pop. Then he felt his ring being opened again, but he felt the warmth of human contact too. His ass began to open again and Isobel spoke.

“Feel my strap on Honey? It’s 8 inches long and I’m gonna fuck your ass so hard with it. But first I want to hear you beg for it. Tell me how the little queer boy wants his ass fucked.”

“Oh God Mistress, fuck my virgin ass so hard, make me bleed, I’m a little queer boy that needs his ass fucked like a bitch” He couldn’t believe he’d said it, but he knew he wanted it, or needed it even. He felt it then, her ‘cock’ started to slide into his body and pump him. Slowly at first, but building in speed and intensity. Pretty soon she was fucking his ass like it was a wet sloppy cunt and all the time he was begging her for more. She was panting and reaming his ass so bad, and then he realised…… he was going to cum! He groaned and shame filled him. He was being fucked like a queer but it was going to make him cum. His orgasm came suddenly, exploding like a million fireworks inside of his head, and the thick goo creamed all over the bed underneath him, making it sticky and wet.

Isobel withdrew, leaving his ass feeling empty and needy again. She moved gently and quietly, unshackling him and ordering him to kneel in front of her, she spoke to him calmly,

“Next time James, you will be made to lick my cock clean before and after I fuck you. You will also be made to clean up your own mess with your tongue. Understood?”

“Yes Mistress he replied” Isobel removed her strap on and lay on the bed.

“Now pleasure me, I want to cum in your mouth” and tonight she was sure she would.

James started to comply with his new mistress, stunned at the night’s events, looking forward to the next chapter, and looking forward to writing a few chapters of his own! Payback was going to happen, and he knew Isobel would love it!

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