Fantasy Girl


Every guy has his fantasy girl. Teresa Cartwright was mine. We’ve known each other for almost seven years now and I wanted to fuck her since the day we met. Call me shy, call me an idiot, call me what you like, but I never made a serious play for her.

Stunning is the only way to describe her. She’s petite and curvaceous at the same time. At 5-3, her long, shapely legs give you the impression she’s a much taller lady. Her hourglass form is complemented nicely by a flowing mane of red hair that extends just below her shoulders and she captivates you from across the room with the sexiest pair of emerald eyes you’ve ever seen. To top it off, she’s got a voice that can make any sentence sound like “somebody fuck me right now.”

I know what you’re thinking, with looks like that she probably can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Well, if you think that, you’d be wrong. She’s sharp, witty and a hell of a lot of fun to talk to. In short, she’s got the whole package and any number of guys would walk barefoot across broken glass just to spend one night with her.

When we first met, we were both single and living fairly close to each other. We were in the same line of work and a mutual friend introduced us at a business seminar. At the time she was living in Chicago and I was in Milwaukee. The distance being what it was (and Chicago being the city it is), I had no trouble finding excuses to visit the Windy City and we went to dinner whenever I was in town. I knew early on that I wasn’t “her type of guy” but that didn’t matter to me and she seemed to genuinely enjoy my company as well.

Now I’m a fairly good looking guy, about 5-8, 190 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes that women seem to be attracted to for some reason. I played small college football and I still work out so I’m in pretty good shape. But Teresa liked ’em big. And she had no shortage of GQ studs lining up to date (or should I say, fuck) her.

But I didn’t care about that. I was just happy to have her attention from time to time. Maybe deep down I was doing it to slowly win her over, I don’t know, but over time we became pretty close friends (I know, I know, I must have been out of my mind…).

Now Teresa had a bit of reputation and because we moved in some of the same social and professional circles I heard a lot of stories about her. Very interesting stories. Like the story about how she met two guys in the bar at the Michigan Avenue Marriott and did them both in one of their rooms upstairs that night. Or the time she fucked one of her boyfriends in the men’s room when they were at the top of the Sears Tower. She just followed him into the bathroom and did him in one of the stalls. Yanked down his pants, hiked up her skirt and just rode the guy til he came.

Needless to say, these stories provided me with plenty of jerk off material at night. But in MY stories, I was the guy she was fucking in the bathroom, or the hotel room, or on the beach, or…, well, you get the picture. Each fantasy was the same though, just the location changed. It always started with her telling me she’d always wanted to fuck me and that “tonight’s the night.”

In my fantasies she always pushed me back onto a couch or a chair or something and knelt between my legs. She would smile up at me as she tugged my pants off. “mmmm, baby, I knew you had a nice cock,” was what she always told me right before she ran her hot tongue around the head and lapped up the precum oozing from the tip.

After a mind-numbing blowjob she always stood and undressed in front of me, teasing me by playing with herself as she stripped. In my mind she always wore business attire but the skirts were always a little short and the heels a little high. She wore thigh highs and no panties and her bras were sheer lace.

When she undressed, she always left on her heels and thigh highs (hey, it’s my fantasy, that’s what I like…) and climbed on the couch, straddling me. She would lower her pussy to my mouth and I would feast on her hot slit. Cupping her tight ass and pushing her down onto me as I nibbled on her clit and sucked on her swollen pussy. She would moan and grind on my face, tugging on my hair with her hands as she came all over my face.

Then she slid down my body and impaled herself on my cock. The fantasies usually never went much farther than that though (a guy can only hold out so long, and it was only a fantasy after all…).

Over time we became pretty close friends and she would confide in me about her relationships. I never got to hear the steamy details of her love life (damn…), but I did hear about everything else. Like how the guys always seemed nice but ended up cheating on her or going back to their wives, etc. I started to think there was a possibility my fantasy might come true when fate intervened and everything changed.

She got transferred out of Chicago to Dallas. I was devastated. I still had my fantasy girl in my mind but I didn’t have her in the flesh. We kept in touch over the phone but the distance ended any hopes I had of getting my wish.

About Alanya Suriyeli Escort this time, I met a girl in Milwaukee and we started to date. Six months later we were engaged. Nine months after that we were married. At the time we were in love, or at least I thought we were. Turns out she really wanted to get married but it didn’t matter to who. I thought I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Turns out I really didn’t. We were divorced in two years.

The sex between us had always been good, not great, but good. But I always found myself comparing her to Teresa, or at least to the Teresa of my fantasies. That may have been part of the problem.

Teresa and I had stayed in touch and I continued to hear about her endless hook-ups and break-ups. Each time she met somebody she was sure he was “the guy”. But each one of those “guys” eventually dumped her after he’d had his fun. And each time that happened I got a phone call or e-mail, at work of course since my wife didn’t know about my “friend” in Dallas.

But when my marriage fell apart Teresa was one of the first people to call. I was surprised and aroused all at the same time. We talked for quite a while and as we hung up she told me, “If you need to get away, I can always show you Dallas.”

Now, my mind heard “If you need to get away, I can always show you Dallas.” But my cock heard “Come on down to Dallas big boy and I’ll fuck you into a coma.”

I began making plans for a trip to Texas that day.

Our work schedules were pretty hectic but we eventually settled on the last weekend in October. I initially offered to stay at a hotel but Teresa would have none of that.

“Don’t be silly. We’ll spend all our time in the car. You’re staying with me.” Being the gentleman that I am (yeah, right), I felt it would be rude to turn down the offer.

Needless to say I was more than a little nervous when I finally boarded my flight for “Big D.” How did she feel about me? What was going to happen? How do I handle this? Do I make my move? These and a thousand other thoughts raced through my mind on the trip down.

Adding to the tension was the fact that I was worrying about whether or not I would “measure up” if I my fantasy started turning to reality. I hadn’t been faithful to my wife mentally but I had been physically so I wondered if I had what it took to please a goddess like Teresa.

Arriving in Dallas, I searched for Teresa in the baggage claim area. Spring break had just started so there were a lot of people streaming through DFW that day. I was seriously starting to worry she’d changed her mind and wasn’t going to show up when I finally spotted her.

My stomach started to flip-flop (holy shit…she’s hotter than I remember!) and I swallowed hard a couple of times as I watched her move across the crowded terminal. Her lively green eyes were scanning the crowd, looking for me I hoped, and she was totally oblivious to the men (and women) who stared at her as she passed.

Finally, she saw me and her eyes lit up. I nearly melted right there. Did I mention how she was dressed? Apparently she had come straight from the office as she had on a business suit that showed off her long, toned legs, which were encased in sheer (what I told myself were) thigh-highs atop a stylish (and sexy) pair of black heels (how did she know that’s what I like???). Her hair was pulled back in one of those big alligator clips but a few wisps of her red locks had escaped which, to me, only improved on perfection.

I mentally ran through all the lingerie possibilities I could expect to find under her clothes and willed myself (how I don’t know) not to greet her with a stiff cock poking her in her midsection.

“God, it’s so good to see you!” she said as we hugged (is she hugging me longer than we used to? Nah…) and she kissed me softly on the cheek (Friends? More than friends?). “How are you?” “How was your flight?” “Sorry I was late, traffic is a bitch on Fridays here.” I guess I was overwhelmed by the moment because I could only stammer. “Uh, well, I’m…” “It was, uh.”

“Oh, listen to me, I’m just rambling on…” she said. “You ready to have some fun?” (what does she mean by that?)

Tooling down the freeway on our way out of the airport, Teresa filled me in on what was going on in her life. She was just coming out of a rough relationship with a guy who had dumped her for a “slut who was dancing at The Gentleman’s Club” (her words). “She’ll just use him until she can find another somebody with a bigger cock and more money.” The words came out kind of matter-of-fact, like this had happened so many times before that it didn’t bother her any more.

I had met a few of Teresa’s boyfriends when she lived in Chicago and the one thing they all had in common was lack of brains. Teresa was, more often than not, the intellectual superior in her relationships. For the first time I thought that this was part of her problem with guys. The ones she picked weren’t very bright. Eventually, that had to get old for the Alanya Türbanlı Escort guy and he found for somebody like Teresa who was dumber than dirt and moved on.

“Well, if the guy’s not smart enough to realize what he has, then you don’t need him,” I said (point for me!).

“That may be the sweetest thing anybody’s ever said to me,” she said as she glanced over at me and gave me one of her devastating smiles. “But then you always knew how to cheer me up.”

My cock started to stir again (I did?).

“So where are we going?” I asked, desperately hoping the answer was to her place and quickly.

“Well, when you told me you were coming down, I decided that your first night here you should eat at my favorite restaurant.” (Damn!!). “But then I changed my mind and decided we should just have a quiet meal at my place tonight so we can catch up.” (Thank you God!)

I made some blockheaded comment about how she didn’t have to go to all that trouble for me but she just smiled and gave me a mischievous grin, “It’s not a problem, and besides, I want you all to myself tonight.”

I didn’t have a whole lot to say to that and once my heart started beating again we rode along in silence for a little while. Being the analytical (and somewhat insecure) guy that I am, I broke down every single thing she had said to me since we met at the airport. I came to the conclusion that she was just being overly friendly because she was glad to see an old friend, nothing else.

Her house was actually a small bungalow near SMU, just north of downtown. The homes in this part of town were older but lovingly cared for as it was one of the pricier neighborhoods in town.

Teresa’s place was a two-bedroom with a high-celinged living room that had large floor to ceiling windows looking out to her backyard. The patio doors opened up to a deck that had a hot tub sunk into it. More fantasies raced through my mind.

“Can you tie me up?” she said.

“Huh?!!” my head snapped around.

“Can you tie me up?” she said again as stood next to me slipped an apron over her head. “I need to heat up the spaghetti and I don’t want to get sauce on my clothes.” She had removed her jacket when walked in and I was treated to a better look at her through the creamy blouse she was wearing.

“Oh yeah, tie up your apron, sure.” I fumbled with the drawstring and eventually got it tied, resisting the urge to let my hand wander over her tight little ass when I finished.

She asked me to open a bottle of wine and as I did that I heard her say, “Dammit, why do I always do that?”

“Do what?” I asked.

“These glasses, I can’t reach them. Do you mind?”

Now, as I said before I was just about in a state of total arousal at this point. A good stiff breeze would have got me off so what happened next shouldn’t have been a surprise.

“When I put these up I used my little stool to set them up there but it’s out in the garage,” Teresa said as she turned to show me that she couldn’t reach them now. I stepped behind her and rested one hand on her hip. As I reached for the glasses, I brushed against her.

“Wellll…somebody’s glad to see me,” she said with her back still to me.

Realizing what had just happened, I backed away quickly and leaned up against the island in the middle of the kitchen.

“I, um, uh, I don’t know what to say,” I stammered.

Teresa still had her back to me and I waited for the ass chewing I was sure I was about to get. Seven years of friendship had just gone in the toilet.

“Well, I do,” she said as she turned around. “What took you so long?”

“Wh-what?” I asked.

“I know how you feel about me. I’ve known for a long time.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, I did.”

Dumbfounded, I just stared at her.

“I’ve always thought you were the sweetest guy I’d ever met,” she said as she reached behind herself to untie her apron. “But I was never attracted to sweet guys, even cute ones like you,” she smiled as she tossed the apron on the counter.

“I’m really good at picking the wrong guy. I always go for the looks and it’s fun for awhile. But it never works out.” She undid the alligator clip and let her red hair cascade down around her shoulders.

“Each time I broke up with a guy, you were the first person I thought of.” She moved to me and rested her hands on the edge of the island on either side of me.

“After this last guy, when I found out you were divorcing, I started thinking this was happening for a reason.” She leaned into me and pressed her firm body against mine.

“When I invited you down, I was afraid you wouldn’t come. I was afraid I sounded desperate. I really did feel bad for you and I did want to help. But I also knew I needed to have you here.” She looked up at me and I got lost in those emerald eyes.

Now, I do have an insecure streak, but I never had problems talking to women, except Teresa. Words failed me at the moment. I was drowning in her eyes. The woman I fantasized about, desired for Alanya Ucuz Escort so many years, was in my arms. And I didn’t know what to do.

The feeling of her fingers running through my hair brought me back to reality. “So I guess I only have one question,” she said.

“What’s that?”

“Is tonight the night?”

I stared at her for what I thought was a second or two until I realized what she was asking. I must have stared at her for longer than that because a brief moment of fear flickered across those gorgeous eyes before I finally leaned down and kissed her.

Her mouth was warm and inviting. Our tongues dueled, probing, tasting and teasing one another. Our hands roamed across each other’s bodies. Her hand slipped between us and she massaged my cock through my pants.

I groaned at the touch and knew I wouldn’t last long. Every nerve ending in my body was on fire. I cupped that firm ass I’d drooled over for so many years and gave her a squeeze. She squealed delightedly and started grinding against me. I tugged at the zipper and when her skirt fell to her feet, I was pleasantly surprised to see I was right about the thigh-highs. That aroused me even more and a dark spot began to form on the front of my pants.

Teresa dropped to her knees in front of me and expertly removed my belt and undid my pants. I nearly came when she took the zipper in her mouth and lowered it with her teeth.

She tugged my pants down and helped me out of them. Looking up at me she pressed her face against the bulge in my briefs and bit down softly. I groaned and rested my hand on the back of her head.

“Yesssss,” I hissed through clenched teeth as I grabbed a handful of that flaming red mane.

She continued to lick and nibble my cock through my briefs as her fingers slipped under the band and folded it over. At last I felt her hot breath on my exposed head. The feeling of her tongue lapping at the precum coating the tip sent shockwaves through my body. Her long, exquisitely manicured fingers caressed my thighs as she lowered my briefs to the floor.

Quickly unbuttoning her blouse, she shrugged it off, revealing a pair of perfect tits encased in a creamy lace bra. Smiling up at me she rubbed my cock against her breasts, smearing my precum on them. Stroking me slowly with one hand, she reached up with the other and undid the front clasp on her bra, freeing her breasts.

“I love the feel of a cock between my tits,” she said as she slid my shaft into the valley between her mounds. Cupping her breasts in both hands, she jerked me slowly up and down. Flicking her tongue at my cockhead on each upstroke.

I couldn’t bear much more. “Suck my cock, Teresa, suck it now!”

One hand caressed my balls as she slid my cock into her mouth, swallowing slowly, she took me all in and nearly sent me over the edge as she grazed my shaft with her teeth as her head started to bob.

That did it. I’ve always loved the feeling of a woman’s teeth grazing my cock. Grabbing a fist full of hair, I started to pump my hips, matching her bobbing head.

Teresa started moaning and I knew I was close. She gripped the base of my cock and started to stroke me faster. Her hot mouth found my balls and she rolled them around with her darting tongue.

I groaned, louder now, almost there. She returned her attention to my cock, tonguing the head as she stroked faster. “Cum for me baby, cum for me!” She moaned. Hearing those words coming from her mouth was all it took. My balls twitched and let go. My cock spasmed in her hand and the first jet of cum caught her on the cheek. Taking me in her mouth, she swallowed every drop of my juice greedily. Drinking me in and draining my cock.

Standing now, she tore at my shirt like the tigress I knew she would be. Having removed the last of my clothes, I stood naked before her. Tugging on my cock she said, “I’m not done with you yet.” And led me into the living room, still holding my shaft. I grabbed her hand and said, “uh uh, now it’s my turn.”

With that, I pushed her down on the couch and knelt on the floor in front of her. She still had her stockings and heels on and was wearing a tiny cream-colored thong. I ran my hand over her mound, still encased in its lacy cocoon and was rewarded with a moan that came from deep inside her. I could feel her moistness through the thong and paused to taste it on my finger before letting her do the same.

I lifted her legs and rested them on my shoulders. Leaning forward, I ran my tongue along thighs at the top of each of her stockings. Avoiding her mound with each stroke. She moaned in frustration as I tasted every bit of her but her pussy. Her hand gripped the back of my head and she tried to guide me to it.

Knowing I had tortured her long enough, I pulled the thong up and off her legs and resumed my position. Her pussy was just like I dreamed. Tight and wet with a small patch of dark hair at the top, her little love button already peeking out from its hood.

Smiling up at her, I leaned forward and ran the tip of my tongue up the edge of one of her already-swollen lips. Pausing at the top to look at her for a moment, I licked back down the other side. My tongue meandered back up and I teased her clit ever so briefly a move for which I was rewarded with a gasp and yank on my hair. “Eat me,” she begged. “Eat my pussy, pllleeaaasssee!!”

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