My Wives Ch. 04


We all piled into the SUV and headed home. Tina rode in the front with me and Tracie and Tanya chattered away gaily in the second seat. Tanya told her sisters all about the happenings and events back home, including how cool their parents had been when the light went on about the three of us and how totally cool they were with the idea of Tanya joining our little family.

She said that their dad had said that he admired me because the girls seemed to be happy. Tanya said she missed her sisters and wondered if she would be welcome for the summer and her dad had said that since I am such a stud she might even be welcome to spend the nights in the same bed, or however we had worked that out. She asked if he meant it and he said “why not, the more the merrier.” She said that she meant the bed part and he repeated “the more the merrier”.

She said that they weren’t thrilled about the magazine. The girls’ dad was cool with it, but their mom was very concerned. She was okay with the fact of what Tanya had done in the photo spread, but not that it had been photographed and then published for national and maybe even international distribution. And the internet potential kind of blew her away too. She was upset that it could ruin Tanya’s future and that sometime those pictures and that magazine spread would come back to haunt her. Tanya was not too concerned, she had made very good money for the work and pointed out that her hair had been colored and that she had worn colored contact lenses to change the color of her eyes. She also pointed out that the magic of the photo lab had enlarged her already 36Cs to look more like 40Ds and that the winged fairy tattoo across the small of her back and the barbed wire tattoo around her thigh and the one that said “HOT BOX” just above her pussy had all been temporary, applied by a very skilled artist. She could always get a little plastic surgery if things got so bad that she couldn’t live with that bit of scandal.

“My body is perfect and pristine!” She declared.

“Yes.” I agreed. “It certainly is perfect.”

“Hey!” Tina said. “I thought you said my body is perfect!”

“Yeah!” Tracie jumped in. “You said the same thing about mine!”

“Yes, I did. All three of you have perfect bodies.” I felt a bead of sweat on my forehead as I realized how close those bullets had come. If this rivalry thing was going to be a problem, the whole utopia of my life might quickly fade into a distant memory.

When we got home, there was a call on the machine from one of the workers up on the mountain. He needed some direction and, since the message was only a few minutes old, I called him and we agreed to meet. I headed out, kissing each of the girls as I left. During my drive back from the meeting, I decided that I needed to confront the girls about rivalry before things got too out of hand.

When I came into the house, it was quiet. I looked all around but there was no sign of anyone. Tanya’s bag was on the bed. I got a beer and sat in my easy chair to relax a little in the quiet house. In a few minutes, I was asleep.

The next thing I knew; the three ladies were bursting into the room with sacks of groceries and three matching Golden Lab puppies. There was barking and yammering and rustling of groceries being unpacked and pots and pans crashing. Two of the puppies started fighting over a toy that looked a lot like my baseball glove and the third one was busy digging a hole in the carpet by the fireplace. The girls were arguing about whose turn it was to cook and who was going to do dishes and who “had to” entertain me tonight. Tina viciously spat out that she was first and that Tracie and Tanya were really just guests in our house who had overstayed their welcomes. Tracie said that maybe they should ask me and Tina said that I had nothing to say about it since I was so completely pussy whipped and that only my cock and balls were in control anyway. I realized as the puppies got closer that it really was my glove they were fighting over and I reached down to take it away from them. In the process, I accidentally spilled my beer. The girls all seemed to see it at the same time and they all started yelling at me for being such a clumsy, good for nothing piece of…and then the dog that was digging began to bark at me and then the two with my glove lunged at the same time and bit me on the hand. I yelled out.

And then I woke up.

I was sweating and my heart was pounding and my hand was shaking as I reached for the beer that I had carefully placed on the little table next to my chair.

“Not good.” I thought. “Not good at all.”

The house was still quiet. I reached up with a shaky hand and wiped the sweat from my brow. I tried not to interpret the dream. I tried not to even think about it.

An hour later the ladies arrived. They did have groceries, but no puppies. They were fairly quiet as they unpacked the take-out chicken dinner and set the table. There seemed to be a little tension in the air. Tina looked me straight newcratos in the eye and said. “We gotta talk.”

We all moved to the dinner table and Tanya went around the table pouring some wine. I watched her firm titties jiggle as she moved. The tight little nipples poked against the thin fabric of her champagne colored camisole. She smelled great as she leaned close to my shoulder to pour for me. I even felt the warmth of her body as her ribcage leaned slightly against my arm. When I looked up, I noticed Tina was watching us closely. The bottle was emptied at the last glass, so Tanya took it to the kitchen and dropped it in to the waste can.

Tanya quickly took her place and sat quietly. Tina cleared her throat.

All of a sudden the three beauties, all at the same time, slid their chairs back from the table and whipped off their shirts. Three luscious, succulent pairs of breasts jiggled and bounced into view. The golden tan skin matched and except for the sizes, there was no discernable difference in the shape or firmness of the delicious sights before my eyes. It seemed like I was seeing triple. The three beauties smiled at me but didn’t say a word. Because Tanya was seated directly across from me, I found myself admiring her a little more than the others. I raised my eyebrows and quietly thought “Wow!”

The sisters acted like nothing was going on. Mr. Summer Sausage hoped they were wrong. We all shared a toast to our little family and then ate quietly. I had the distinct feeling that more was in store for the night.

Next Tracie got up to get another bottle from the kitchen. When she returned to the table, all she had on was a pair of ankle socks. Again, everyone acted like nothing strange was happening. As she approached the table I admired the thin landing strip and the tight firmness of her thighs as she walked. She accidentally (?) dropped the corkscrew so she had to turn her back to the rest of us and bend down to pick it up. Again, Larry Libido and his friends, Tom and Harry, somehow figured that it would be appropriate to show their appreciation as Tracie moved around the table filling wine glasses.

No sooner did Tracie take her place at the table when Tina excused herself to check on the dessert in the oven. When she returned she was as naked as her sister had been. She smiled at me sweetly and went back to eating, like this was all common-place.

“Fine!” Tanya almost shouted. She jostled the table, making her boobs shake and bounce as she leapt to her feet. Without delay or pretense, she dropped her little skirt and slipped her skimpy little thong down her legs. She raised her left foot, bringing the light garment up with her toes, and also opening her sweet nude pussy to my view in the process. She took the wisp of fabric from her toes and threw it in my face. She stood with her hands on her hips, barely able to contain a giggle.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked. Truly, I was baffled.

“We’re demonstrating how ugly one-upmanship and competition can get.” Tina said coolly. “We know all about sibling rivalry and how nasty little girls can play.”

“Ugly?” I thought, silently. I didn’t think it was anything but beautiful so far.

“Yeah.” Tracie joined in. “We have promised with all our hearts that we won’t get into these games. When the subject of Tanya’s perfect and pristine little body came up and then we all started vying for your attention, we were setting you up.”

“They made me promise before I could get on the plane that I wouldn’t spoil this beautiful little thing the three of you have going by introducing rivalry and I did promise.” Tanya said. “We truly, deeply love and respect each other and you and the last thing any of us want is to compete with her sisters.”

“But we need you to keep us in line too.” Tina continued. “First, you have to promise to be careful not to set up comparisons and competitions. Second you need to be strong and let us know, individually, if you think one of us is not playing by these rules. If you think it is getting out of hand, you need to let that one know and she will have to go. We have discussed it and we all agree that these are the rules we have to have to survive. Do you agree?”

“What if I don’t?”

“Well, then either you will have to go, or you will find yourself all alone in this big house on this big mountain.”

“Oh, well, if you put it that way, I agree!”

“Yea!” They all broke into cheers at the same time and all three of them rushed to me with big hugs and kisses. Six tight naked boobs, six firm pointy nipples pressed into me. Three sweet bare pussies brushed my thighs. I was in heaven after all.

“Okay, that’s settled now!” Tina said with a big smile. “Now we have to plan your weekend camping trip with Tanya!”

“My weekend with her? Aren’t you and Tracie coming along too?”

“Nope, it’s like tradition. You get to take your new wife into the back country alone the first time. I’ve arranged everything with the crew at work. newcratos giriş All of us will go camping later in the summer, it’ll be just the two of you this time. You leave tomorrow.”

I looked at Tanya and she was smiling from ear to ear. Her nipples were pointing at me like two bullets. I licked my lips.

* * * * *

That night we all stayed up and drank a little too much wine. At some point we made it out to the hot tub and started serious mellowing. The girls continued to catch up and I sort of drifted off for a few minutes.

The next thing I knew, someone had stuck a nipple in my mouth and there are two bare pussies rubbing against my submerged thighs. My hands sprang to life and I quickly grabbed two hands full of tight firm ass cheek. My tongue swirled the nipple and I could feel it become a hard nubbin in my mouth. My hands found the sweet puckered assholes and gently probed in and out of the tight little rings of muscle. The ladies were responding beautifully. Their thrashings told me that I had gained the offensive.

Then the girls moved so they were next to me. Still my vision was completely blocked by hot steaming flesh. Their naked bodies were pressed against my ribcage now and the nipple in my mouth had been withdrawn and replaced by another. Then a pussy lowered itself onto my raging hard cock. Although I couldn’t see a thing, I could tell that the new wife had asserted herself by sitting on my schlong.

She began to raise and lower herself on my meat pole in fast little jerking thrusts. I moved my hips to meet her. I didn’t last long. My dynamite stick felt like it was going to explode and suddenly, it all but did. I felt the familiar churning deep in my balls and then jets of ropey cum filled her to overflowing. I was spent. I closed my eyes and basked in the sensual warmth of the water and the afterglow. She bounced on my lap a few more times and then slid off of me. Slowly, the other ladies moved away. I realized when I opened my eyes that I didn’t know for sure who had been in which position. The girls were certainly in different places than they had been when I dozed off and I really couldn’t tell for sure if it had been Tanya who had been fucking herself so energetically on my stick just a few seconds earlier. They all sat on the far side of the tub smiling.

“That was fun.” Tina announced as she took a long drink from her wine glass.

* * * * *

Once we decided to call it a night, Tina, Tracie and Tanya came to me with towels and we all dried each other off. Tanya worked on my front, from my waist down. She worked hard to be sure that my cock and balls were well taken care of. She even did a quick taste test.

Then we moved to the bedroom. The huge bed was going to be a little more crowded now. Luckily all of the girls were about the same perfect size. We got into the bed without any form of planning or arranging. I was on the left with Tina pressed between me and the edge. Then it was Tanya and Tracie took up the far right position. Tina wrapped her legs around my thigh. Her head rested on my shoulder and I used my hand to fondle Tanya’s shoulder. Tina kissed me and I heard her sigh. In just a few minutes she was breathing evenly and slowly.

All was quiet for a few more minutes and then I heard the unmistakable sound of kissing. I could hear Tracie and Tanya whispering and then more kissing. Then there came soft moans and the sounds of the sheets and blankets being carefully moved aside. I wished my eyes would quickly adjust to the darkness as I searched in the overhead mirror to catch a glimpse of whatever action was taking place. Next, I heard more kissing and a little giggling and then more moans and heavy breathing. On my! Tracie and Tanya were going at it! In the dark room it was not hard to imagine the hot scene taking place right next to me.. I’ll have to install some sort of nightlight. I could see the naked beauties moving around as they rubbed themselves against each other. Tanya was on top of Tracie and she was avidly stroking her pussy against her sister’s bare thigh.

“Oh Tracie, it has been sooooo long since we did this.”

More kisses punctuated the silence of the dark room.

“Yeah, baby, I’ve really missed you. I’m so glad we could be together again.” More kisses and feverish moans.

Oh Tracie, suck it! Suck it harder!”

“I love sucking your nipples baby. They are so sweet. And I love it when you play with my clitty like that…oooooh, keep doing that.”

“Tracie, I’m gonna cum!”

Good baby, go for it. Cum all over my fingers!”

The grunts and moans that followed told me that Tanya had done just that. There were stifled groans and moans and then more giggles.

“I love your hot little body!” More kisses.

“Shhhhhh. We gotta be quiet or we’ll wake up Jason and Tina.”

“Yeah, if we haven’t already.”

I faked a soft snore.

“Maybe we should wake them next time. I know Tina would like to join in and Jason would probably want to watch, at least for a little while.”

I was glad it was dark and that Tina was part way on top of me. That way they couldn’t see my rampant boner and they wouldn’t know of my perverted voyeurism in the dark.

“Good night sweetie.”

“Good night baby.”

The sweet smell of sex filled the room and then all was quiet. There were a few more kissing sounds and then only the soft sounds of steady even breathing.

* * * * *

The last few things were tossed into the bed of the truck and I called for Tanya.

“Come on darlin’ we’re burnin’ daylight!”

To my surprise and delight, she came into the hall totally naked. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she looked about 15 years old.

“Hey come on. We have a long drive yet.”

“Well, let’s get this show on the road then. I’m ready.”

“You’re ready? It doesn’t look like it…come on…let’s get out of here!”

Tanya smiled as she grabbed a small back pack and walked out to the truck in all her radiant naked glory. All she had on was a pair of little white sneakers.

Tina and Tracie came out too. They were also nude. They gave us hugs and kisses and then Tina unbuttoned my cut-offs and pulled them down.

“You won’t be needing these, stud!” She kissed me again, grinding her nudeness against mine. I felt my horny body begin to respond.

As we climbed into the truck I was glad I had opted for the fabric seats rather than the leather or vinyl covers.

I loved watching Tanya’s tits bounce freely as we jounced over the many potholes and rocks and ruts in the dirt road. She commented that I was doing it on purpose to make her jiggle and I agreed. Like most teenagers, Tanya chattered away about many things and nothing at all. Her hands were constantly in motion as she talked, mentioning friends and places that were unknown to me. I loved watching her tits jiggle.

After a while, she became quiet. I looked over at the eighteen year old beauty. She was asleep. The sun was at such an angle that she was completely illuminated in striking detail, except for her face. We were on a smooth section of the trail now, and the jostling of the ride had pretty much stopped. A small bead of perspiration trickled down from her neck and glided down the soft valley between her sweet golden breasts. I could see the light fuzz that everyone has glistening as she breathed slowly.

We were now near our campsite on the meadow, so I let the truck coast to a stop so as not to wake her from the peaceful nap she was enjoying. I didn’t even apply the brakes as I turn off the engine. Once the truck and rolled to a stop, I very carefully set the parking brake, being as quiet as possible. I did take a couple of pictures though.

As soon as I was done with all of the quiet work I could do setting up camp, I quietly climbed back into the cab and looked at Tanya again. She was now sitting with her back against the door. Her left leg was bent at the knee and up on the seat. Her right leg was extended with the foot against the base of the shifter. Her right hand was in her lap, the fingers were delicately brushing the sweet lips of her pussy. The little man in the canoe was fully awake and there was a hint of dew between her petals. The sweet looking opening was invitingly pink. Again I felt my manhood responding to the visual delights. I took a few more pictures.

A few minutes later, Tanya emerged from the truck. She stood stretching, loosening her muscles and joints. She reminded me of a cat right after it wakes up from a mid afternoon nap.

“Hey, sleeping beauty! Welcome to paradise!” I said, sweeping my arms across the panorama of our alpine meadow.

“Oh, Jason, this really is like paradise.” She yawned and surveyed the area. I admired her lithe firm young bare golden body for a few seconds. She seemed so innocent and perfectly at home and natural in her nakedness.

Tanya and I walked to the pond to gather some water. On the way back to camp I made a point to linger slightly behind her to take in the view of her sweet ass as she walked ahead. I also made a point to take a good look at the fleshy lips of her pussy from behind as she carefully picked her way through the rocks and rubble. It looked like a beautiful fresh peach as she bent over to catch herself on a bolder one time that she slipped.

“Jason? Where is our bathroom? Are there no bathrooms in this paradise?”

“Having no bathrooms is one of the few downsides of this paradise. You just take a roll of paper and head downwind a few yards.”

“What about tinkle?”

“Just anywhere you want…find a convenient bush and go for it.”

She found a bush about a foot from me and stood in front of it. Squatting slightly, facing me, then let out a strong stream. My magic wanger sprang to life as I watched the slightly golden liquid jetting from between her thighs.

“Oh!” She said. “That feels nice and kind of nasty. But I see that you like it.” Then she stood up.

“How do I wipe?”

I reached between her thighs with my fingers flat and gathered the little liquid that was still on her bare pussy lips. Then I brought them to my mouth and licked them.

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