The Twins Ch. 07

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Authors note:-

Hello again, well I have to be honest. I was a bit upset by the response to my last chapter and was feeling down.

However, I have decided to try and show you where I was going. Some might like it, some won’t.

As always, please comment or give feedback, I DO listen. Even if I do also exercise my right as an author to bend what you ask for.

Thanks as always.


The Twins Cpt 7

Jack held his sisters hand as she sat opposite him, she sobbed quietly and refused to look at him for a long time.

Patiently he waited, knowing her and letting her cry it out. She would explain eventually and while his mind was reeling around in worry, he still let her take what time she needed.

Slowly and with painstaking patience he got the whole sequence of events from her.

When she finished telling him what had happened she finally looked into his eyes, searching for love, support and even forgiveness.

She saw anger, rage and something that made her blood run cold… accusation.

Unlike most couples, she could actually feel a little of what he was, just as he could with her.

Rachel was in no state to wait for him to fully understand or even to try and make him. The look on his face was like a knife in her heart.

The one person she could trust and loved above all others had let her down so badly she didn’t think she could ever recover.

“Get OUT, Get OUT NOW.” She hissed through clenched teeth as she turned her back on him, unable to look at him for a second longer.

Jack stood up and made to reach for her.

“Don’t….. please, just don’t.” she sobbed. She had no need to look at him, she had ‘felt’ him reaching for her.

Jack looked at the floor, he knew he shouldn’t feel the way he did, that it was his sister that had been wronged. Yet in his anger, all he could see was some blank faced man doing to her what was only meant to be him.

He wanted to find and hurt whoever it was, yet she couldn’t tell him that, denied any way of releasing and focusing his rage, he had turned it upon her.

He blinked his eyes, he had always felt like the one that needed her, now she needed him and he just didn’t know what to do, not realising all she had needed was him to say he loved her and nothing more.

Silent and unconditional support was what she needed, he didn’t know that, not even with his close connection to her.

He stood there for a while, rage still burned in him, but also shame for not being what she required. For letting her down, for being stupid and dense.

“Rach…?” the heat of her rage ran through him and he stopped what he had been about to say.

He turned and walked out the door, closing it quietly behind him, with head down and emotions high he left her.


Rachel sat alone for a long time, the corridors grew silent as the other students found their beds and blissful sleep.

She stood up and showered slowly and automatically, not really thinking. Done with cleaning herself she left her hair wet and rummaged through the back of her closet and found her favourite bear, Winnie the Pooh.

Jack had bought him for her when they were twelve, he had used all his pocket money, carefully saved for the whole year, just to get her the birthday present he knew she wanted the most.

Holding the stuffed bear to her chest, she crawled into her small bed and curled up into a tight ball with Winnie in her arms.

She dozed in and out, not really sleeping.

Her alarm went off, Katy Perry’s voice filled the room with her number one selling ‘Roar’.

Rachel listened to the words as she remained in her tight ball. She let out a final sob and hiccupped.

It wasn’t the song or anything türkçe bahis trite like that that inspired her or ‘lifted her up’. It was herself. Alone and feeling betrayed by the world she opened her eyes and stared at her wall.

She was a strong willed young woman, she had overcome quite a lot already and in her darkest hour she found herself and willed herself to get up.

Tired to the point of exhaustion, she still got out of bed and dressed for class. She placed her bear on her pillow, no longer caring if anyone saw it, they could think what they liked.


In Crissy’s class she pushed herself to the limit, even bitching at a few of the others that didn’t keep up.

Crissy had as good as told her that what had happened was her own fault. She had to do better than everyone else and prove she wasn’t some stupid wash out.

“AND AGAIN.” Shouted Crissy as she watched her class, noticing Rachel’s new attitude with approval. She didn’t care that Rachel was being a bit of a bitch to the rest of the class.

As far as she was concerned it was a good thing. Crissy had seen too many talented young men and women fold under pressure, never being hard enough to push the envelope or step over their less talented competition.

She nodded in approval as Rachel deliberately side stepped into Sally, Sally was out of place and deserved it. She even smiled a little as Rachel pointedly refused to apologise and instead told Sally to ‘GET IT RIGHT.’

Crissy felt justified in telling the young and innocent Rachel that getting fucked was her own fault. Right here and now, she was seeing a future star being born.

Gone was the nice girl that did as everyone expected, here was the talented woman she could be, a great dancer and from what she had heard from the other teachers, a very good actress.


Jack sat through his classes and wondered what Rachel was doing, he couldn’t ‘feel’ her at all, it was as if she had built a wall around her emotions that even he couldn’t penetrate.

For over a week now, she hadn’t accepted his calls or returned his texts.

He loved her more than life itself and had replayed every second of their last moments together. Over and over, he thought about the way he had acted.

Time and again, he realised how badly he had betrayed her.

Katrina Gilmont watched him with predatory eyes, every day becoming more certain he had split up with his pretty blonde girlfriend.

He hadn’t said anything, but the fact that he wasn’t talking about her was a good indication and Kat felt absurdly happy about that.

He was far too good looking to be left lying around like that, she was very determined to be the one that picked him up.

She wasn’t a knockout, but Katrina had sex appeal, at five six and with a large bust and hips, she was very curvy and most men seemed to drool over her.

Her self-confidence and determination made her sexy and she used it without discrimination. What Katarina wanted, she usually got.

Her grades shouldn’t have been great, but she manipulated those around her, including her teachers with an ease that only the truly sexually uninhibited had.

Show a bit of leg?…no problem, lean that bit too far forward and give them cleavage? … absolutely. Hell, suck a cock or two? …Yeah, it’s an ‘A’ I want.

She had wanted Jack from the moment she saw him, blonde, tall and nicely toned with a very nice smile and cheerful blue eyes. He was fucking perfect.

Kat wasn’t stupid, not by any measure. She had known it was pointless as long as he was mooning over his distant girlfriend. Others had tried and failed, which now effectively put them out of the running if she played it right.

Class over, she casually iddaa siteleri walked past him and gave him a small smile. The kind that usually had a boy running after her, but with Jack she knew it would just prick his interest.

She wanted him to remember her, anything else would be a bonus.

The fact that he nodded at her was enough. He had noticed her and that was good.

She played it cool for the next two classes, but made sure he got a good view of her body, showing off her curves in a subtle way that no nineteen year old should understand how to do. Yet she did. Her daddy had taught her well.


Jack was getting annoyed with himself, Rachel needed him and while she was refusing to let him in, it was madness that he was actually thinking or looking at Kat Gilmont.

But she was pretty and seemed to be almost displaying herself for him. Or was she? He wasn’t’ sure, yet she kept coming into view, looking very sexy.


Rachel ran through the show with determination and perfect moves, her balance and technique was amazing, her body contorted through the dances in a way that left the audience breathless.

The finale part was well rehearsed, but she threw herself to the left and commenced her own routine that left her supporting dancers trying to show they could improvise.

Crissy would have thrown a fit, but Rachel pulled off an amazing routine and interpretation of the dance, ripping open her own top right at the end.

Her bare breasts jiggled and heaved up and down as she knelt with knees apart and head thrown back. Breathing hard from her efforts as Jason and Janet flung themselves on the floor as if in supplication.

The crowd erupted in applause and lept to their feet. It was a first for the Dance and Drama school…. An actual standing ovation.

Stage left, by the lighting technicians, Crissy clapped slowly but loudly with a beaming face.

“That wasn’t the routine.” Growled out the Dean.

Crissy whirled on him and grabbed his lapels in her fists, she physically shook him as she screamed in glee.

“ARE you FUCKIN kidding Me?… That was Ammmmmazzzing, Call RADA, call the PRESS, call everyfucking one, WE have a FUCKING STAR.”

She pushed him aside and ran out onto the stage to hug her newborn star.

Rachel was crying, tears ran down her face as Crissy pulled her into an embrace.

“You were FANTASTIC.” She whispered into Rachel’s ear as the young girl tried to close her top and cover herself.

Crissy planted a kiss on both of her cheeks and held up Rachels hand, turning her to the crowd and bowing.

Rachel bowed too and felt the adoration of the crowd wash over her.

It felt wonderful. Unexpected and yet so fulfilling.

“encore …encore.” They screamed.

Crissy and the rest bowed again and Crissy had to shout to be heard over the noise.

“That was improvised, can you do it again?” she asked as the crowd yelled for a repeat.

Scared but excited, Rachel nodded, “yeah, I CAN.” She said with determination.

Crissy pointed to the Musicians and signalled them to go again.

She motioned the other dancers off stage, sure that Rachel would pull off something special if not exactly like what she had just done.

It started slow, she moved in waves, her body language telling the audience she was an innocent.

They sat and watched in rapture, it wasn’t exactly the same dance…. It was BETTER.

The music quickened and she danced like a woman lost, abandoned. The audience felt her pain as she showed them her emotions, they held their breath and gasped in sorrow as she ripped open her top again and this time gyrated as if in painful orgasm.

Tears in their eyes, deneme bonusu veren siteler they stood as one, the applause so loud it reverberated around the small theatre.

Crissy had a moment of doubt, the dance was too true. She dashed tears from her eyes and pelted onto the stage, pulling off her shawl as she did and flinging it around Rachel.

They stood up together and accepted the adulation of the crowd, a crowd of students, parents and a few art lovers.

They performed their bows and ignored the shouts for another encore.


Kyle Rivers wasn’t really pleased when his young girlfriend insisted on going to her student body’s theatre show.

She was much younger than him and made him feel great, but as one of London’s top art critic’s he really thought the prospect of sitting through another student show was beneath him.

As good a shag as the tight bodied girl was, he had seriously considered bailing. That was until she started to suck his cock and then stopped.

“Gotta GO big daddy, we don’t want to be late.” She had said.

He had sighed in annoyance and frustration, as compliant as she usually was, Felicity liked to see her fellow students perform. He knew he wasn’t going to get any unless he went.

He had half dozed through the first part, he’d perked up a bit as Felicity fondled him.

Then the small blonde had started to dance.

He wasn’t overly impressed right then, but she was good.

The set went on and he watched her a bit more closely, there was emotion in her.

The curtain closed and he felt up the young and willing Felicity, she was always willing.

It raised again and he didn’t watch at first, more occupied by his slutty girlfriends large tits and wet pussy.

She gave him a gentle slap and excused herself to go to the ladies room.

Kyle turned his attentions to the lithe dancers on stage.

He smiled, the blonde was pretty much carrying the performance as far as he could see, the rest were okay. She was exceptional.

As the tempo changed, she lept stage left and danced her heart out. Kyle was experienced enough to see a improv act.

She had given the finger to her less talented students and gone it alone.

Suicide for most performers.

Yet she pulled it off and he stood with the rest and applauded in excitement.

He shouted along with the rest, ignoring the return of his hot girlfriend as the girl bowed and seemed to agree to an encore.

Mesmerised, he watched her solo dance. It told of true emotion, hurt, rebirth and yet more pain, then Joy and then a sorrow so deep yet sexual that he wanted to run up and hug her.


The next day.

Kyle Rivers wrote a rave review of a new talent.

Rachel will give Broadway and the West End something it badly needs.

Was just one of the things he wrote.


Jack was kissing Katarina in her room. She moved sensually against him and whispered comfort in his ear when their mouths weren’t locked together.

“You’re so nice and good.” She whispered.

“kiss me more, I love the feel of your lips.”


“I wish I had someone as understanding as you.”

Her words were soothing, she hadn’t pushed him. She had so very gently immersed herself into his life.

He had felt lost without Rachel, then Kat had helped him, she hadn’t tried anything like the other girls did. She had given him space and friendship.

He had even told her about Rachel’s date rape. Explained how bad he felt, his rage and feeling of utter uselessness.

She hadn’t judged him. Kat had been soft and kind.

Being this close to her, in her bedroom was much more than he had thought things would go between them, she was a friend and had said right from the start she wasn’t interested in him as anything more.

Her top came off easily and he nuzzled her large breasts, it felt so very different from his sisters. It was intoxicating though and he let her guide his hand down to her cleft.

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