Barbie’s PrickTease PlayDates Ch. 07

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Barbie’s eyes twinkled as she openly referred to playing games with him, and her gaze was full of confidence as she stared into his eyes. She was simply adoring everything about the blatantly obvious nervousness he was displaying, and she knew exactly what to do next to lead him further along into her sticky web of naughty little games…

Dan just stared back at her, quite helpless to do anything but play along. “Oh wow, Barbie,” he said, almost breathlessly, making it clear exactly how vulnerable he was feeling. He was reacting quite predictably to her considerable feminine charms, and he practically panted like a dog as he continued, “I’ll play any games you want!”

She just smiled and held his gaze, reaching out to pat his hand gently as she said softly, “Well then I’ll let you in on a little secret, honey, in case you didn’t know.” And she paused, leaving him dangling with that thought for a moment before continuing, “The games have already begun!” And then her smile widened as she slowly took her hand away, letting her fingers slide along his and making sure their soft touch sent a tingle up his arm.

As the sensation of her gentle stimulation sank in for a moment, he just stared at her lovely hand as she withdrew it. Those shiny pink nails at the ends of her slender fingers were simply dazzling as they caught little reflections in the light, and she gave them a little tippity-tap motion on the table, one finger after the other, just to give him a little more visual titillation.

That pretty hand with those slender, feminine fingers of hers had instantly become a pleasure-giving instrument, and the way she demonstrated its power over him, just a little bit, was completely captivating. Better still, the way she took it away after giving him a little taste was devastatingly effective at making him want…MORE!

She observed how he was staring at it, just the way she wanted him to, so she playfully walky-walked her fingers back toward his, one over the other. She was touching the table with only the tips of those shiny nails at that moment, and she paused her approach when her hand got close, leaving it sitting right next to his. And then she lifted up her lovely little pinky-nail and made a slow circular motion with it, eyeing him carefully and watching completely fixate on it.

“You wanna know what I mean by that, Daniel?” She asked suggestively, continuing to make little circles with her uplifted pinky-nail, which Dan noticed had a little gold heart painted on the middle of it. She was symbolically wrapping him around her little finger right then and there with this suggestive motion, and he was playing right along with it, quite happy to walk freely into her completely irresistible man trap…

It was one of those questions with only one possible answer in his mind. “Yes please, Goddess,” he panted, still fully focused on her blatant and openly seductive fingernail tease.

“Very well,” she continued, knowing full well he was taking the bait – hook line and sinker. So she went on, “So like I said, one of my games has already begun, and it’s one of my favorites. It has to do with me just loving to be a showoff! You see, ever since I was a little girl I’ve enjoyed feeling pretty and getting attention. But it has to be the right kind of attention…”

As she spoke, she reached out with those long-nailed fingers of hers and tippity-tapped them on his hand a few times. And then she let just one fingernail fall gently onto him, the one on her index finger, touching him sensuously with it using an almost feather-like gentleness.

She made little circles on the top of his hand with it, and the circles started getting slowly larger, and then slowly smaller as she continued leading him along into her story. “You see, the trouble started in high school, when I began wearing makeup and dressing kinda sexy, and some of the boys there began giving me the WRONG kind of attention.”

“Um…” he stammered, struggling to contain his arousal as she expertly tantalized him with the simple touch of one of her fingers, “what kind of attention do you mean, Barbie?”

Dan suddenly noticed that when he asked a question, she would frequently pause on purpose, as if she was making it a point that she didn’t have to answer him right away. If and when she did answer, it would be on her own terms and in her own good time…

And that’s exactly what she did just then! She kept smiling knowingly at him as she casually made him wait for her to respond, letting the deliciously stimulating contact of her sexy fingernail on his hand continue to tantalize him. And he just sat there, letting her have her way with him, as his eyes alternated between watching her lovely, slender, feminine finger teasing him and looking into her eyes as she told him her story.

She smiled and kept him dangling from her string for another moment or two before finally continuing, “Well, you know…some boys only want one thing. They don’t know how to take their time; they don’t let me have my fun the bonus veren siteler way I like, and they forget the most important thing – that I want to be in control! So that, my dear boy, is the wrong kind of attention…”

Dan was really starting to love it when she said suggestive things like that and she let her voice trail off at the end, pausing very much on purpose to let him ponder the details of exactly what she was referring to. And listening to her tell him about things she didn’t like was so deliciously enticing, because it clearly was intended to make him think about the things she DID like, whatever they happened to be…

So as his thoughts immediately went to whatever the “right kind of attention” might be, the gentle, circular, teasing touches of her fingernail on his hand began making his head spin. And after another carefully administered delay, she went on with a further description of her attention-seeking ways, “But there are other guys, ones that don’t mind letting me make the moves, letting me be in complete control, and it’s those kinds of guys that I like to tease and play my little games with!”

Again she paused, her smile growing wider as she spelled out exactly what kind of guy she liked, and it was time to put him on the spot. So she added, “You DO know what kind of guy that is, right, Daniel?”

She held his gaze, her smile turning into a big grin, with her pearly white teeth absolutely gleaming from in between her luscious shiny pink lips. Dan’s face flushed beet red again as he stared back at her, and it was one of those comments that completely floored him and left him unable to respond.

She had openly confronted him about the things they had in common, and she made another little tippity-tappity action on his hand with that lovely set of pink nails on her fingertips. She was stating what they both already knew but she felt a need to say it out loud, just so there was no confusion on the matter. So she added, “I think you know exactly what kind of guy I’m talking about. I think…it’s a guy like YOU!”

For added emphasis she took her hand away and pointed one outstretched finger right at his face when she said the word “you”. And oh, that sticky-sweet, girly-girl tone of voice she used when she said the last few words of her sentence; she simply had Dan going wild with excitement!

Hs mouth fell open at the way she was so clearly coming on to him, revealing her desires to him using very slowly increasing levels of intimacy. He was simply paralyzed with pleasure by the way she was making references to the fact that he was the kind of guy she liked to seduce and toy with sexually. And there was a knowing confidence in the way she spoke, almost as though she already knew him better than she should just yet…

He was becoming rather desperate to divert the conversation away from what she was saying and doing for a moment, because he was so turned on he was simply going out of his mind. Inside, though, he knew she might not allow much of a diversion from the matter at hand, but he did have something specific on his mind he had been dying to ask.

So he said, “By the way, Barbie,” as he practically squirmed in his seat, “I’ve been wanting to ask you – how did your contact number get into my phone? I’ve never had that happen before, to have a number I didn’t enter myself appear Iike that, didn’t even know it was possible!”

She paused once again, knowing that he would probably ask about that at some point. As she did, she tippity-tapped her pink nails on the table as she smirked and avoided his gaze. Instead she was looking down at the teasing display of seductive femininity being performed by those sexy fingernails of hers, which of course encouraged Dan to do the same…

She was clearly contemplating her response, and Dan was on the edge of his seat, just dying to know what was going on, and again his gaze alternated between staring up at her face and then back down at those lovely fingernails putting on their little show. As his eyes moved up and down, he couldn’t help but fixate on those large breasts of hers, barely contained by her soft, pink, fluffy angora tank top…

Anyway, she soon decided that she could give him a little information about his question, but not enough to fully explain the situation, so she just smiled and answered coyly, “Well, let’s just say I have some friends with special skills, and we’ll leave it that for now.”

She winked at him as she uttered the last few words of her evasive response, and she firmly patted his hand, as if to offer him some gentle reassurance but also make it clear that he was not to inquire further about that particular topic.

Dan’s mind ran wild as he started to think that perhaps Trixi from the Tease Club may have had something to do with how Barbie’s contact number got into his phone. That kind of thing was right up her alley, and Barbie seemed to be playing coy about it, but Dan was beginning to suspect that his Tease Club girlfriends bahis were almost certainly involved in what was happening to him with the gorgeous girl sitting right in front of him…

In any case, no matter what, there was clearly a well-executed mind game going on with her that evening, one that was intensely erotic to him, and he was just eating out of the palm of her hand at that point!

Right then Barbie decided it was time to slow things down for a minute, because it was clear she had worked him right up into a fever pitch. So she took her hand away and picked up the menu, saying calmly “Let’s see now, what shall we eat tonight?” She said it so casually, like everything was completely normal, and her demeanor had Dan simply reeling from the brief but intense little ride she had just taken him on.

He picked up his menu too and found himself almost completely unable to keep his eyes on it as he saw the way his wildly seductive date for the evening was twirling a lock of her whitish-blonde, pink-streaked hair between her long-nailed claws. His cock was simply throbbing in his pants at this point, with the wonderful sex appeal of her appearance combined with the deliciously sensual stimulation of her fingers and nails on his hand causing a surprising amount of arousal.

Suddenly he noticed a young, pretty girl approaching, and she was wearing the same tight black pants and white dress shirt combination as the rest of the staff. She was Japanese, with a round face, stunningly large dark brown eyes, and raven hair cut in an A-line style framing her face perfectly. She smiled widely at both of them and jumped immediately into her rehearsed spiel, “Hi folks and welcome to La Bella, my name is Suzi and I’m going to be your server tonight. Are we celebrating anything special this evening?”

Barbie giggled and reached forward, taking Dan’s hand tenderly in hers and squeezing it gently. She looked at the lovely young server and said, “Funny you should ask, Suzi, because we’re actually on a first date!” The instant she began to speak, Dan felt her slide her foot forward under the table, and he suppressed a yelp of surprise as it nuzzled against his lower leg.

He struggled not to react physically, feeling totally self-conscious as their pretty server smiled at Barbie and then glanced at Dan, clearly noticing him responding to something. Barbie began to running the toe of her shoe lightly up and down the line of his shin as she went on, “I saw him notice me in the coffee shop today, and he was so cute, I mean, the way he just kept looking at me, he clearly liked me a lot, so I decided that I just HAD to have him.”

Barbie continued casually stroking his leg as she stared at him, clearly getting off on his helplessness. She added with a giggle, “Isn’t that right, Danny!” She had just totally outed him for the way he had been staring at her when he first laid eyes on her, and she was also referencing the fact that she knew he had been doing it.

He was so embarrassed, he felt like he was trying to hide from being publicly electrocuted! She continued to stroke her shoe against his lower leg, very lightly, and the delicious sensation of it touching him like that was making his cock strain against his trousers even more than before…

Teasing him the way she was, first with her hand, fingers and nails, and now her shoe; this girl was clearly an expert at using simple little touches, dispensed with very specific parts of her body on him, to drive him absolutely out of his mind! And doing it right there in public, first with just the two of them and now in front of another girl, was simply divine!

Dan was starting to realize more and more that this may be just the sort of thing she meant by “playing games”, and while he was half-terrified about the implications of what might be coming next, he was also incredibly aroused and exhilarated. He just had to survive this, just make it through their date there at the restaurant so he could see what else was going to happen. And after that – well maybe, just maybe, she would let him see some more, or let him have some more, or maybe even let him touch her a little bit…

Anyway, after a bit of an awkward pause, during which time Suzi watched Barbie reach out and touch Dan’s hand again, the pretty server smiled and responded, still in that slightly rehearsed tone, “Well I hope you two enjoy yourselves tonight! We’re always happy to have some new lovebirds join us for a romantic evening. Can I get you two started with anything to drink?”

She glanced at Dan, but before he could say a word, Barbie pulled her hand away from his again and plucked the drink menu up from the table, looking down at it. As she did that, she slid her shoe down the side of his leg and stepped right on Dan’s foot, pushing down on top of it and holding the sole of her shoe there.

It was a very controlling move, and somehow Dan knew not to answer when she did it. He even gasped again, this time a little more obviously, which caused Suzi deneme bonusu to stare at him for a moment. A sly smile crept across her pretty lips as she noticed his nervousness…

“Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your cocktails, Suzi?” Barbie asked, completely ignoring Dan, not looking at him and acting like she wasn’t playing footsie with him under the table. Suzi went around and stood behind her, pointing out certain selections on the menu.

As the two girls talked about the cocktails like he wasn’t even there, Barbie took her shoe away from his foot, and Dan tried to sit still as she used it to continue to explore his leg. Little by little it went higher upward, and before long it began sliding lightly against his inner knee.

Then she took the sole and firmly pushed his knee away from the other one, spreading his legs. And he felt her lift up her shoe and start pressing down on top of his knee with the pointy tip of the bottom of her stiletto heel. He squirmed in his seat, causing Suzi to pause in mid-sentence and look at him.

“Something wrong, Daniel?” Barbie cooed, without even looking at him, and Dan stammered, “N-no, ladies, nothing wrong…” with his voice trembling. He felt so secondary to their femininity, it was almost like he was invisible and only existed when Barbie wanted him to. She giggled at his utter helplessness to resist her control as she tapped his knee a couple more times with her stiletto heel, still not seeming to give him the time of day as she stared at the list of drinks.

The she proceeded to ask Suzi innocent questions about a particular drink, like she might want to order it, but then she’d change her mind and ask about something else. Through this process she continued to tap-tap-tap on top of his knee with her spike heel, sometimes harder than others. Sometimes she’d glide it back and forth over the top and down each side, back and forth, or just hold it still and let it rest right there on top of his knee.

She was clearly doing it on purpose, just to prolong his torment and establish a complete assertion of power over him! And then, to his absolute horror, he felt her heel slide higher up his thigh, slowly going up between his legs.

He was completely blown away by how she was doing this so effectively, and he almost couldn’t understand how he was restraining himself from giving Suzi any clear indication as to what was going on. But that thought was cut off as he glanced down to see just the tip of her hot pink heel pressing against his bulging erection.

He stifled another gasp, both at the sensation and the realization that her shoe was no longer hidden beneath the tablecloth. He looked down and there it was, right in his lap, and he scooted forward suddenly, adjusting his chair until he was pressed against the table so his predicament would be hidden…a maneuver that seemed to be exactly what Barbie wanted!

She suddenly smiled widely at the additional reach he had given her, and finalized her drink orders by making decisions for both of them and telling Suzi which ones they were. Meanwhile, she stroked her stiletto expertly against the ridge of his cock with almost surgical precision. Dan visibly jumped slightly at this invasion, feeling electrified as she pressed her open toed shoe against his throbbing testicles, exerting just enough light pressure to make him melt.

It seemed that his ongoing reactions to Barbie’s teasing – his gasping and the sudden chair movement – had finally built up enough to garner Suzi’s full attention, and since she had gotten their order for the time being, she picked up the drink menus and gave him a curious look, as if trying to piece something together regarding his behavior.

He smiled at her weakly, trying to look as innocent as possible. Suzi smiled back, although she had a slightly more knowing look in her eye now, and she told them she would be back in a few minutes with the drinks and then she’d take their dinner orders. Then she looked at Barbie and winked at her before turning to walk away, and the instant she left, Barbie burst into another fit of giggles. The way that his extreme panic seemed to please her so much was dizzying!

“Ooo, that was fun!” She said sweetly, adding “Did you like that, Daniel?”

She gave his hardon a firm poke with that naughty stiletto heel of hers and then took it away, smirking as Dan’s eyes rolled up into his brain and he panted, “Oh god…”

Right then seemed like a good time to transition to another topic, so she looked deep into Dan’s eyes again, completely captivating him quite effortlessly. Another little pause ensued before she continued to describe more suggestive things to him.

“Wanna hear some more about the kinds of games I like to play, Daniel?”

A big smile on her face accompanied this all-too-obvious question, and Dan was more than happy to exclaim, “Yes, of course, Barbie, please!”

“All right then,” she cooed sweetly as she reached out with her hand again to place it directly on his, “I must confess I’ve been playing this one with you already, and I do apologize for doing it without telling you, but…well, that’s kinda the point with this one. You see, it’s a little game involving knowing things about boys and keeping secrets from them…”

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