Vision Ch. 07

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Big Tits

Sorry for the delay folks – I think one more chapter should do it for these two characters. I am trying to work on a spin-off for Lili and Max and a continuation of MM & Junius.

I Sincerely thank you so very much for reading and commenting and voting.

Happy Reading Party People!!


We fly home into Newport News and head to my place to relax for a day or two before going back to work.

I hadn’t planned on being gone so long and I know my parents are tired of looking after my dog. I just haven’t known how to introduce him to Lulu. I’ve been waiting and biding my time until the moment was right.

“It’s time you met someone.”

Putting thumb and middle finger to his lips Dax gives a piercingly loud whistle.

Impressed, Lulu is about to ask for instruction on how to do it herself when she is distracted by noise from the woods. Looking towards the noise she blinks and stares at the large streak of black hurtling towards them. She’d barely stepped backwards before it was placing its paws on her shoulders and knocking her over, sniffing her all over in a frenzy before licking her neck and cheek.

Dax of course was enjoying the scene immensely.

Scared to move she whimpered. “Dax, get this beast off of me!”

“Come Byte, down. I know how delicious she smells, but control yourself.”

She stands slowly and backs away, brushing herself off.

“Shouldn’t you be telling yourself that?”

“Byte, say hello.”

Byte barks and extends a paw to shake.

Lulu shakes it and Byte rubs a bashful paw across his face before lying down and rolling about at her feet in an unseemly fashion. I know the feeling well.

“You named your dog Bite? That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.”

“That’s B-Y-T-E.”

“Cute name for such a terrifying creature.”

“He’s barely done being a puppy.”

“Puppy my ass. What is he anyway?

“Great Dane.”

Byte and Dax play for a bit as Lou watches in amusement.

“I have a big favor to ask.”

Oh boy, here we go.

“What’s the ask?”

“He’s my dog and I need to spend time with him. Can he come back with us? I will walk, feed and take care of him, clean up and what have you.”

Lulu sighs, thinking of her scratch free floors and poop free yard. Byte sniffs her and puts his large head under her small hand looking up at her adoringly with soulful brown eyes.

“Oh no, not you too, that just not even fair.”

Byte whines for effect.

“Scary but sweetly beautiful; You do remind me of a certain someone.” She cuts an eye my way, stroking his dark coat affectionately.

I would propose spending more time here, but with my parent’s right across the way she’s not quite as uninhibited as she is on her home turf.

“OK, you can come to visit, but Dame Zora has to approve this.”

“Dame Zora?”

“Neighborhood cat, 16 pound Maine Coon – keeps the mouse, and woodchuck population down, lives in the magnolia tree in my backyard – unless the weather is really bad. Found her stuck in the sewer and fished her out. I tagged her and got her all the shots but she is happily wild and I let her be.”

“So you have a cat?”

“No, I set out food for her from time to time and see to her medical needs, but I do not do POO, remember that. I leave her right outside. She loves water so every so often I prepare a flea dip bath in Jackson’s kiddie pool. Sometimes she lets me comb her and sometimes not. I don’t force it. But everyone on the block takes care of her. She got up to 19 pounds at one point so we stopped supplementing her diet so much.”

Throwing up her hands she looks at me.

“And now a dog, even more domestication. I am really trying to figure out where I went wrong man. If I see or smell poo or pee anywhere in or near my premises or grass I am kicking the both of you OUT. I mean it Dax, that mongrel had better be house broken.”

Byte looks up at Dax worriedly.

“Don’t worry boy, you’ll get used to her.”

We settle in at her place and she is very nice to Byte who seems to adore her; so much so I have a hard time being intimate with her as he has assigned himself as her body guard.

We do meet Dame Zora an impressive black and gray cat with large golden eyes. After a brief exchange of hiss, bark and a swipe of claw, our two animal friends seem to make their peace.

It’s our third day back in the office. Its after lunch and Lou and I are in the elevator with Milton and Matt. The heavy elephant in the room though is making the elevator creep ever so slowly.

“So, Lou you going `woman in love` on me or what?”

The question earns him a sharp look.

“Flowers and chocolates delivered for you. It’s not your birthday. Not yet its not.”

Focusing on a flaw in the elevator ceiling I think that’s my soul up there. Matt snickers and Milton looks expectant.

Pressing a button she halts the elevator, and turns to address the three of us starting with me.

“You – we need to talk, big trouble.”

“Matt – stop laughing.”

“Milton, bahis siteleri he and I are dating. Is this a problem?”

With her straightened back and crossed arms – something tells me it had better not be.

He cocks his head back. “I don’t know, is it?” He looks at us both.

“It is absolutely not.” There seems to be an unspoken exchange and Milton relaxes, looking almost human.

“I am glad for you both. Your work has never been better by the way.” His lips indeed twitch with suppressed laughter

“Mmmmm hmmmm I’ll just bet.”

With a head shake, she depresses the hold button and the elevator resumes its ascent.

The doors open and without turning her head its “Dax, my office now.”

Milton shakes my hand. “Good luck soldier, your country thanks you for your service.” Dead pan expression.

Matt grins. “Dead man walking.”

I can’t believe I am in trouble behind this. I have been repeatedly warned about contact in the office, but we talked on our way home and decided to be a little more public about things, I was hoping this was one of them.

Dragging his feet. He doesn’t want to come in here. Grumbling about some alleged work something he has to attend to before he gets to my office.

His reaction to me is unintentional I do realize. And strangely enough I kinda sympathize with him, I enjoyed watching him in action today as well. I know what a chore it is for him trying to explain complicated doings to people not in the know. But he listens politely and laughs easily and goes positively bashful as they try to compliment him. That awkward yet genteel southern charm. A total turn-on. Within and without the man is a specimen.

Regardless, I cannot have him Kirking out in public. Discipline is called for. I don’t have a whip or a crop. Ever the Girl Scout, I think Junes 18 inch flexible steel ruler will suit my purposes. Going to the IT supply room I help myself to a few a of the zip ties they use to bind cables and cords.

Returning to my office I get myself ready and when done I buzz his office phone.

“Today, Dax.”

I wait behind the door and shut and lock it as he enters the room. Slapping the ruler against my palm I have his immediate attention.

Her office is really nice, more like a luxurious lounge really. I don’t have time to take much of it in as she materializes from God knows where startling me.

“You remember this outfit, yes?”

Highest black heels, garters, bustier, thong all black. Do-me red lips. I am about to enjoy my time in the principals’ office.

“This was supposed to be a reward for later this evening. But there were certain . . . Infractions today.”

She walks around me slapping the ruler in her hand again.

“Have a seat Dax.”

Looking outrageously sexy but very serious, a chill races up my spine. She can’t be seriously angry with me; those flowers came 3 hours too early, but hell!

“I guess I am -sorry – about the flowers and candy.”

“Do I detect tone?” Her eyes flash as the sharp smack of the ruler sounds again, and I receive another stern look.

“Not to worry love, today is about correction and instruction. Now, strip.”

“What?” What in the hell?

“You heard me. Take – off – your – clothes.”

She is serious. Fine then. Laughing, I fling clothes all over, pants here, shoes and socks there. Don’t know and don’t care where my shirt is right now.

“Have a seat Dax.” Turning around she places the ruler on the desk and reaches for something else and turns with it hidden behind her back.

I sit and watch her slowly approach. Circling around behind the chair, she runs a hand down my chest before kissing me on the cheek. Sliding her hands down my arms she pulls them back and quickly binds my wrists together with a zip tie.

“Lou, baby I need my hands on you.”

More kisses to quiet me. Okay well maybe I don’t need hands.

Taking me in hand my dick looks huge in comparison, her fingers barely wrap around it.

Sweet Jesus she’s on her knees between mine, her hands are gliding down legs to my ankles and just like that I am bound to the chair.

Stepping back she surveys her handiwork.

“Come on now Lou!”

This is damned uncomfortable, my balls are sticking to the leather, I can’t move or touch her and my dick is dripping like a faucet. I am positively starved for her.

Still no touching but more soul stealing kisses.

“I like having your attention Dax. But sometimes I don’t think you listen to me.”

More kisses.

“You look at me like I’m naked, practically licking me with your eyes, at a table of colleagues no less.”

I’m guessing Milton was immediately tipped off by it.

“That wasn’t my fault Lou. You bent over to slide off your heel and I saw your bra. I’m not the only one either.”

Just about every man at the table checked her out.

“Your hand on my back Dax? Just shy of grazing my ass?”

“I was being a gentleman.”

“You were drawing canlı bahis siteleri turf.” Fine, I’ve been caught, but Lou brings out the caveman in me.

“I’m going to punish you Dax. “

Hooking her thumbs in her thong she skims them down her legs before straddling me and rubbing against me.

I laugh. “This is punishment? Well sign me up every day.”

She smiles at me and then lets her face sober before smacking me sharply on the hip with the ruler, which has some padding on the back but still smarts.

“No more of this claim staking at work, Dax.”

“No, and just what is this then?”

“This is me being kind, kinder than you deserve.”

More kisses. She eases down onto me and I feel her stretching around me.

“Now, as for your punishment . . . Don’t – come.”

She looks me in the eye.

“If you come – candy and flower restriction, one month.”

She moves slowly around me and looks down to where we are connected before kissing me again.

“And Dax? I am the candy. I am the flower. Don’t come.”

“Oh God, Lulu…” Then with a sound that was a cross between a grunt and a whimper, she gives me a deep and avid kiss.

She is the fantasy. The impossible dream, there’s no way in hell I can hope to hold out. Her hands are in my hair scratching at my scalp – she knows how much I love that – before pulling my head back. No one kisses like my Lulu.

Somehow she’s standing and twirling around the tip of my dick, just pleasing herself. I’m desperate, wishing she’d come a little lower but she is off in her own little world. This is torture.

Enough of this. It’s going to hurt like hell, but I flex my wrists and pull hard, snapping the zip ties.

She stops and looks at me.

“Military training.” I rub the sting off my wrists.

Gasping she tries to back off but I have her by the waist. I mean to have her, even if my ankles are still strapped to the chair. She turns to go and I look down, I cannot believe how wet she left my dick!

“Where are you going?”

We grapple for a bit, but I manage to get into her from behind as she successfully grabs her ruler reaching back and smacking my hip and ass and thigh – whatever is within her reach. It spurs me on.

Holding her ass in my hands with the cheeks held well apart, I slow down watching carefully as I pierce the pink and brown orchid over and over again before reaching around to rub the bud. Dropping the ruler she pushes herself into me gripping the desk for support and grunting with each stroke.

Coming with a small shriek she collapses on the desk. I’m left watching the flower shiver and pulse around me. It’s such a sight I barely remember to pull out, coming on her back, ass and thighs.

“You came Dax. That’s one month – no candy, no flowers.”

I locate scissors and free myself.

“We’ll just see about that. Don’t come? After teasing like that.”

I hustle her into her private bathroom for more private instruction.

I drop Byte back with the folks, Pops likes to take him hunting. I help out with a few chores for the folks and spend a night before grabbing a few things and heading back to her place. All this driving and house switching is getting crazy, though she has been making an effort to spend more time at my place since we returned, I am starting to just want to be in one place with her one way or another.

Strange truck is parked in the driveway and as soon I walk through the door there’s an acrid burnt smell, like something charred. I check the kitchen. Nothing’s cooking or looks to have been cooked.

“Lou, Where Y’at!” I call out as I go through the house.

Entering the bedroom I am stopped by the sight of Lulu and Harry in bed. I feel a cold rage comes over me as I cross the room, but the oddness of the situation stops me. They are on top of the bedspread. She’s wrapped in an unfamiliar and rough looking blanket, her hair looks . . . dusty.

Hearing a soft snore behind me I turn to see Lenny stretched out in a chair asleep and he looks dusty as well and his right forearm is in a cast. The charred smell is pungent. I look at them again. Ok something clearly happened. But WHY is he holding her?

Harry’s awake. Watching me, he kisses her forehead and slowly strokes her back, gently caressing her bottom. I’m going to fucking kill him.

She stirs. “Dax?” She sounds hoarse, coughing wrackingly. “Dax?” Calling for me again. Harry looks at me sheepishly as I come over and take her out of his arms.

“You’re here.” She’s still coughing but hugging me like her life depends on it.

“I’m here. What happened?”

“Fire in workshop.” She starts coughing again and can’t catch her breath. I pat her back.

Gulping down about half the water Lenny hands her she takes a napkin, violently coughing up something dark and vile before finishing the water.

“Fire at the shop late last night. Someone left a micro torch near some textile swatches and one of the rooms between us caught fire. Lulu was in the front güvenilir bahis at the drafting table sketching and smelled it. I was asleep on the sofa in my office. If she hadn’t come to get me . . . I don’t know . . . She had a hard time waking me evidently I was starting to asphyxiate in my sleep so she got the worst of it. Slapped the hell out of me to bring me around.”

Lenny has the beginnings of a shiner I think.

“Plenty of people die without ever waking. Most of the people we find aren’t burned at all. They die of asphyxiation in their sleep without ever realizing anything was wrong because the sense of smell is deadened while you’re asleep. It was damned lucky she was there, even though she should have known better than rushing into a burning room,” says Harry in exasperation. He looks like he wants to throttle her and I can’t say I blame him.

“I had a fire extinguisher. What the hell else was I supposed to do? That’s my little brother right there. There was no time and no one else!” She’s coughing again and looking at Harry with mild hostility.

His face softens. “Lulu the lion-hearted.” He smiles at her and shakes his head. He turns to me.

“Just wanted to keep an eye on her until you got back.”

“Thanks for your help but I’ve got it from here.” I’m becoming more familiar with homicidal impulse by the second. I have definitive proof of intent and can act accordingly and without qualm from now on. Lulu doesn’t need to know about his pawing her as I suspect her championing of him would stop and turn violent.

“Lenny’s staying for a few days, so I can look after him.” We three turn as one to look at her because she’s coughing to beat the band as she says this.

“Fine, by ‘we’ I mean Dax and I, though in this instance mainly Dax. Eddie said she’d be by before work to look at that broken arm of yours.”

“How’d you break it?”

“Lou shoved my ass out the window and then landed on top of me. I’m not sure what caused the fracture but I suspect being used to cushion her fall didn’t help. Her little ass is heavier than she looks. Stop feeding her so much. I’m surprised it’s not broken. I’m fine, not nearly as bad off as her, even with this arm. I’d just as soon go on home.”

She looks less than pleased. Lenny sighs.

“Fine, fine.” He says.

“What can I bring you?” Harry asks him.

“My laptop, shaving kit and some clothes. In the meantime, I’m beat and am going to shower and crash on the sofa until nurse Eddie gets here.”

Coughing again, Lulu goes, “make sure you call her that, she’ll break your other arm as hard as she worked to get through med-school.”

He kisses his sister on the head and goes on down the hall to the guest room laughing all the way.

“Harry thanks for all your help but I need to get Lulu into a steamy shower.”

There was no need for that is the look on Lulu’s face.

Harry shakes his head and leaves.

After a week of days filled with steamy showers, eucalyptus chest rubs, and broths, the coughing doesn’t abate. She’s sounding progressively worse and dragging tail but still working 12 hour days, refusing to take even a day to rest. Everyone recommends she see a doctor but not liking the advice, and true to form, she digs in, refusing to go.

“Oh for fucks sake man. There’s nothing wrong with me, it’ll eventually clear up on its own.”

Fed up, I call Eddie who immediately shows up to drag her to the hospital practically frog marching her to a colleague who diagnoses an upper respiratory infection just on the edge of becoming serious. He prescribes bed rest, which makes her roll her eyes and penicillin which she hates the smell of but, seems to work an almost immediate cure, even if it does immediately give her what she describes as a raging yeast infection after only three days and now she’s on probiotic suppositories too.

“The cure is its own disease. Fucking drugs. Confined to bed with no sex.”

“You’ll keep.” This earns me a murderous look.

I’ve been ordering us takeout and with Milton’s approval, working shortened hours. I walk in around 1:30 in the afternoon to find her sitting up in bed waiting impatiently waving me over she immediately takes her messenger bag from me. She’s a bad patient but so perfectly miserable I weather the storm, indulging her as best I can.

“I know I asked June to pack the Reinhardt file, it’s not here. There’s nothing in here. Where are my papers? Bring me the phone.”

“Slow down Lou it’s only been a few days, the weekend. You’ve only missed a day of work.”

Looking at me like I have lost my mind she throws back the covers to get out of bed.

“Get your little sick ass back in that bed, Damn it! Milton belayed your orders. He and Matt are working your caseload. Says he’ll be in touch if he absolutely needs to but that you are to rest.”

“What the fuck is wrong with everybody? Tapping keys on a computer is hardly back breaking work.”

I look at her in astonishment. So that’s what she thinks is it?

“Dax, you know damned well what I mean.”

“I don’t think I do. Here, he sent this.” I hand her a folded slip of paper.

– – – Keep your ass in bed L.J. No work. I mean it. Rest. You’re no good to anyone dead.

Get Better.


Handwritten, no salutation, not a love note, but still.

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