The Kidnapping : A Fantasy


The Kidnapping: A Fantasy

It had been weeks since I received his email. I’m not really sure why I kept it. He was nice when we first chatted, but I chat with a lot of guys. Chatting has always been a good outlet for me. Nothing too serious since I’m married, just some harmless fun to make my mind go spinning. I’ve always liked feeling wanted and sexy and somehow meeting the right man, under the right circumstances, and with the right guidance I can still feel like that. People tell me I’m sexy sometimes but it gets hard to believe if I’m not actually shown! I guess some guys are just more about action than words … although their words mesmerize me as well…

I’ve been bored. I guess that’s why I looked up the email again. Not the kind of bored you get when you have nothing to do. I always feel like there’s something I can do. It’s more like the type of bored you get when you don’t feel like doing anything. Nothing you have to do inspires you. It’s the same old rat race as they say. Go to work, get home – eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat sleep – poof! The weeks go by like seconds.

So when I was filing through my old emails – incredibly boring task – I came across his. “Feel Sexy Today” was the subject. Honestly I hadn’t read the whole thing because it was kind of long but today that’s exactly what I wanted. I want it all the time but today – the combination of desire for sexiness, and the funk of boredom, it was the perfect idea. Today I wanna feel sexy.

Reading through the email I quickly understood that it was a shopping list. I love shopping! Especially clothes shopping when someone else picks things out for me. Really I’m no good at deciding what I like to wear or what looks good on me, but I love it when someone knows how to dress me up. If it were up to me, I’m sure my wardrobe would be full of t-shirts, hoodies, and pants/shorts. How boring! I’m boring! I need to get out of the house! I need to go shopping.

With his e-mail printed out, I left the house for the mall – my happy place. Growing up I spent so many fond hours with my parents in the mall. Movies, books, shopping and eating. All fond memories. It’s a little weird going to the mall right now without anyone else. It’s usually a social affair for me. But I have his e-mail. And with it, his instructions:

“Go to your favorite store. I want you to seek out and try on these things. Only try on the things that are described. Don’t add or take away. Find a changing room and wear the outfits as though you mean to go out in them. Imagine yourself out in them. Imagine me sitting in the waiting area, giving you my approval or disproval – depending on how well the clothing suits your beautiful body. Take pictures if you like. Remember how it feels to dress sexy. If you wish to buy something, you may, but if you do buy one of the outfits, you must wear it all the way home. This is your fashion show:…”

He proceeded to give me series after series of outfits to try on. It looked like he thought of every detail – right down to the type of jewelry, shoes, lingerie … and, I noticed, sometimes a distinct lack of the same!

I knew I wouldn’t find all he wanted in one store so I committed to making a day of it. I could barely wait to get to the mall. I must have been speeding the whole way!


At the mall, I parked far away from the entrance to give me the option to back out if I wanted to on my walk over. I didn’t back out. I marched right into the first department store. I was on a mission.

I wanted to gather all the clothing at once and try on outfit after outfit – imagining where I’d go in each one of them – but, the stores wouldn’t let me do that of course. Limit of 6 items per customer into the changing rooms. I’d have to try on each outfit one at a time.

The first one was easy and I love where it started: Spaghetti strap black cocktail dress. Strapless black bra, red bikini bottom panties, and 4 inch black heels. After gathering all the clothing I trotted hastily back to the changing room. I couldn’t wait to put on the outfit that would have me nestling up to a James Bond type at a Vegas casino playing craps (or at least that was the image I had in my head). I put on the outfit and even a little red lipstick that I had brought with me for the occasion. I looked in the mirror. He was right! I looked hot. I closed my eyes and imagined the bravado of the casino. The sly stranger next to me. My black dress bringing him good luck. Instantly I wasn’t bored anymore!

Next was a strange turn. From the black cocktail dress, I was to next try on a white baby tank – braless, and a light pastel colored pair of pj bottoms – again with the red panties underneath. Finally I needed a pair of slippers, a book, and a pair of glasses! I put the cocktail dress back on the “not for me” rack and went out looking for my next adventure. It was pretty easy, actually, all except the book. I had to hunt for a children’s book in a different part of the store. People don’t read in department stores I guess. Again I changed my clothes. The baby tank was tight and the pj bottoms ballooned out on me a little. I put on the glasses and slippers and held the book and did a little spin, checking myself out from all angles.

The braless look was a little shocking because it wasn’t hard to figure out what was under there, and I didn’t really like how the tight shirt looked on my stomach. I noticed from the back that you could see right through the pj bottoms to the red panties and it hit me! I’m a sexy law student studying for an exam in the library at 2 am and I just don’t give a shit what people think of me! How fun! Being this sexy, powerful woman completely enthralled in her work while intelligent men would get turned sideways looking at me – and afraid to talk to me lest I bite their head off! Ha ha! I was having too much anadolu yakası escort fun!

I changed back into my regular clothes and kept on with the next one … and then the next … and the next … I spent hours wandering the mall and trying on all sorts of fun crazy things.

One outfit made me feel like a sexy adventurer with long stockings and boots, short little booty shorts, a short sleeved patterned button down tied at my belly instead of buttoned and a bright floral bra underneath. A large knife was strapped to my hip!

Another had me feeling like the belle of the ball with a long backless red dress with white slippers and no underwear. I kept wondering what prince would have the honor of unzipping that dress.

There were some weird ones too: In one store I wore a short gold skirt and sandals. I was topless but for 10 gold chains and 5 gold bracelets around each arm. I also wore a pair of high fashion sun glasses, a black belt, and tied my hair back in a braid. I felt like a modern day Cleopatra! I could almost feel the sun on my skin!

Then there was the Greek inspiration: A loose fitting white plunging neck halter dress and sandals with a rope belt. Instead of wearing the dress like a halter, I was supposed to tie the straps together and put one arm through the hole and over my head. This made the dress look much more like a single white cloth tied over my shoulder, but also left half of my chest entirely exposed. Again I felt powerful and I wondered if the women of ancient Greece were all so bold.

In one request I was to go to a mens store and wear a men’s sport jacket. Thats all! Just the sport jacket. I imagined greeting my high powered banker husband in that when he came home to me at our Central Park view flat.

Through his words, he made requests and demands and I attempted to fulfill each one: Hats, earrings, watches, glasses, necklaces, dresses or not, shirts or not, bras or not, pants, skirts, shorts, panties … or not. Piles and piles of shoes and all sorts of accessories! I was having a blast. I even took some of those pictures he suggested. Particularly of the outfits that seemed most not like me – daring, powerful, amazing! I wanted to be those people that I saw in the mirrors.


Not halfway through my own personal fashion show I realized that I was completely and hopelessly turned on. Not surprisingly, this influenced my decision when it came time to selecting an outfit to actually purchase. From the top down, it included a bandana around my head – slightly sideways and pulling my hair up a little. A pair of cheap sun glasses. Skull earrings, and a skull bracelet. A black lace choker with a fake jewel on the front. A zip up the front black sports bra 2 sizes too small that left me popping out all over the place – cleavage, under, side … everywhere. A white cotton button down shirt – similar to before, tied, not buttoned. My midriff is mostly exposed. I got some cheap steel rings in the shapes of spiders, skulls, and, my favorite, an axe! I have on a black denim skirt that looks like it it torn off at the thigh hem – and the kickers – black fishnet pantyhose and white military looking boots. I look like a sexy badass!!!

I feel like everyone is watching me as I leave the mall. I take the long way around so everyone can take a look. Normally I would feel very shy with this kind of attention but after what I’ve done today, I’m a badass! I can feel my breasts bounce, my butt wiggle, and the cool air on my belly and I don’t care! Because today, I’m a badass!

As I strut back to my car, I feel a little ashamed that I have to get back in my Honda Accord looking this way. I wish I had a truck – no a jeep – no a motorcycle – a Harley! Yeah! That’s what I should be taking home. A Harley!

Sadly I don’t own a Harley but as luck would have it there were three of them parked in one space right next to my Accord. I spent a few minutes drooling over them. Big pipes, chrome, wild colors, controls, pedals, leather, they just screamed freedom and power. I can’t help myself. I throw one leg over the prettiest bike and straddle it – forgetting that I’m wearing a short skirt and fishnets with no panties.

I put my hands on the handle bars, close my eyes and take a deep breath of air. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this untouchable before…

“Well, well…”

My eyes snap open and I’m staring at the bluest eyes on the toughest looking character I ever remember talking to me. He’s standing right at the head of his bike, eyeing me from top to bottom.

“You know it’s not right to get on a man’s ride without permission?” He accuses.

“Oh! I’m sorry” I nearly stumble to the ground as I dismount the bike and scoot over to my car.

Before I’m able to find my keys and open my door he has me cornered – with my back to my passenger door. He’s right on top of me, pressing his wide chest into mine. His eyes look even deeper blue from this close and I can see the top of the sleeved tattoo that goes down his right arm and finishes at his neck.

“So tell me baby, when was the last time you got to ride?” His words were slow and deep in his throat. Deliberate and disarming. I no longer felt like a badass.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see what must have been one of his biker friends coming our way.

“Um… I don’t know … I mean … I don’t remember … uh … I guess never…” I stuttered.

He leaned in closer. I was a little afraid, extremely excited, incredibly turned on, and I had no idea what I was going to do. What would my husband say? What was this strong attractive man going to do? I didn’t want to know and I wanted to know everything all at once. He pressed more of his body into mine – his hips and thighs. I nearly fainted. I could feel a large strong bulge in the front of his pants and his lips were inches from mine anadolu yakası gecelik escort before he spoke again.

“Well, Baby, how would you like to try my ride?” Before I could answer he planted his mouth on mine. At first I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t kiss him back. It had been 5 long years since I kissed any other man! What would I do?

His arms wrapped around me and I couldn’t help myself. I let my mouth open a little and my face soften. I let him kiss me. I put my hands on his hips as he turned me to the side away from my car.

Still kissing me deeply he walked me backward step by step. I hadn’t taken notice of the large white van that had pulled up behind us. The bikers friend had opened the sliding door and there was another man inside. The biker kissed me and hugged me so tight I couldn’t have resisted the next thing that happened if I wanted to.

All at once I was flung backward into the open van door, the biker and his friend hopped in behind me, they closed the door, and the driver peeled off out of the parking lot.


Inside the van I looked around quickly. It was carpeted in soft shag and there were box seats on rear side and the back. There were no windows except for the front and rear windscreen. And most ominous of all, there were 2 sets of black straps with cuffs on them – one pair hanging from the ceiling, and one pair splayed out across the floor.

My first reaction is fear.

“Oh my God! What are you doing???!!!” Before I finish my plea, the three men in back are already grasping at my limbs and working to bind them in the cuffed straps. I almost forget to struggle, but by the time I go to move, both arms and one leg are already bound in the cuffs. I’m kneeling, sitting back on my heels with one ankle still free. My arms are out to the side and bent to 90 degrees. I kick my free leg away at the last moment.

“Easy, Baby,” rumbles the biker’s voice as he grabs my free ankle and easily binds it to the last strap,”… You’re gonna love this ride, believe me!”

Before I can speak one of his friends grabs my hair, yanks my head back and plants his lips tightly into mine. My whole body tenses at first and I try to struggle, but the bindings won’t come loose. Within moments I feel hands caressing my body harshly – partially to keep me from struggling and partially to turn me on. It’s working on both fronts.

I feel two hands sliding up and down my legs and over the fishnets. I feel another on my belly and a fourth on my shoulder kneading it deeply. The man kissing me reaches down and grasps the sides of my skirt and lifts it up above my waist. I’m exposed through the fishnet without panties!

I let out a little squeal and he plunges his tongue into my mouth to stifle my hapless cry. I feel the looseness around my waist as the zipper to my skirt is undone and the garment is yanked from me. Immediately I feel large warm fingers press in between my legs and rub side to side over my already warm wet lips.

“Mmmmm yeah, Baby, you wanted this ride … for sure!” He’s right. My clit is on fire and I’m already starting to gasp air. The finger between my legs drives into my welcoming pussy and curls under, massaging the front walls. I can’t help it. My body lurches and I yank myself away from the lips kissing me to gasp for air.

I can feel my inner thighs start to tense as the finger pumps in and out of me with mind blowing fury. I continue to gasp little breaths but now with squeals on top of each and my pussy quivers and tightens with delicious orgasm. That was fast. I can feel my clit throbbing but the finger won’t stop. In and out it glides, pummeling my neglected pussy. The orgasm won’t stop. It builds and builds each time his palm slaps at my aching clit.

I can feel my shirt being torn from my shoulders as my legs begin to quiver and I feel a great release between my legs then incredible wet warmth streaming down the inside of my thighs. I can barely get enough air as I gasp and whimper. The hand between my legs slides away and I begin to regain consciousness – little shock waves lurching through my body randomly.

I open my eyes and I see one of the biker’s friends kneeling before me with his pants down. His incredibly hard cock pulsing in front of me. It bounces a few inches in rhythm with his heart beat.

I feel a hand on my back and I’m pushed forward. Not painfully but it lowers me so that I am still kneeling but my upper body is horizontal. My butt is in the air.

“Lets see those tits.” The hard man before me announces and he reaches forward slowly unzipping my extremely tight sports bra that at this point is actually making it a little difficult for me to breathe. At the last tooth of the zipper, my breasts explode from the top and clap together with a lightly audible slap before settling and hanging heavy toward the ground. He sticks his hand between them, bats them around a little and squeezes one before pinching my nipple tightly. As he pulls on my nipple and gives it a little twist, I feel another lurching shock between my legs.

“Now…” He smiles as he shifts his hips toward me and rests his cock on my mouth, still bouncing slightly. I gladly open and suck the whole head inside. I lick it like a popsicle and around the head like a blowpop and then suck it in farther still. I can feel a large hand on the back of my head and another down squeezing and playing with my breasts.

“Try out that soaking pussy, man. I bet it tastes like sweet wine!” I hear the biker growl and within moments I feel his friends tongue lapping between my soaking wet lips from under my legs.

I can feel my insides pulling and pushing, pulling and pushing as I bob my head on over the shaft in front of me. I feel my breasts shake and bounce and I get a hard slap on my right anadolu yakası sınırsız escort butt cheek making me squeal through my nose.

I can’t help it. Within moments of that hot tongue on my blazing clit I start cumming again. I squeeze my knees together and make fists with my hands as shockwaves of orgasm fly through my body. I pause sucking for a moment to catch my breath and then return to it as quickly as I can.

“Oh yeah, she’s ready!” I hear the bikers voice again. This time from slightly behind me. I’m still sucking hard on the member in front of me when I feel a familiar soft pressing at my begging, soaking lips.

I can feel the cock head slide in and although it is thick, I can feel his hard shaft slide all the way into me before his hips bump up against my ass. I can feel hands on my hips and with long slow strokes he slides in and almost all the way out of me before crashing deep again.

I keep sucking harder and longer as I can feel myself clenching around the cock inside me. Warm strong hands tease and squeeze my breasts and back as I suck at one and and get fucked at the other.

The man in front of me changes his speed. I can hear him groaning. He’s getting close. The man behind me is grinding now – staying deep inside me and just thrusting his hips in rhythm with mine. The feeling of fullness is divine.

I can barely think when I hear a groan in front of me and the dick in my mouth thrusts a little further than I expected. I can feel the pulsing then taste the slightly bitter saltines spewing forth in my mouth. I suck harder and lick a little under the tip to get more out. I can feel his body lurch six or seven times completely releasing himself down my throat. Finally he falls back away from me – gasping through his teeth.

“Ohhh ho ho fuck yeah…” I can hear him mutter. I close my mouth and swallow hard.

The man behind me suddenly changes his pace. Extremely fast and hard he pounds into me now and within seconds I wail out, cumming around his thick fullness. The orgasm crushes my legs and I can barely feel anything below my hip bones. He pulls out suddenly as I collapse forward – still suspended in my bindings.

Before my position becomes painful my shoulders are lifted enough to get me kneeling upright again and I blink open my eyes. The biker still has his pants on! It wasn’t him behind me at all but his other friend. I see the biker kneeling before me now as his newly released friend did and he unzips his fly. An incredibly large, strong boner stretches his boxer shorts out and to my right.

He pulls the waist band of his boxers out and over his hard member and it stands there at attention like a royal guard before me. It’s hot and thick and red with a strong curvy vein down the back and obvious ridges up the sides. The head is nearly 4 inches around and he must be 8 or 9 inches long. I’ve never been this close to one this size before! I sit there just staring at it for a moment.

“Now… You ready for your ride, Baby?” I lean forward to try to get my mouth to it but he lies on his back. I’m confused, I can’t get to him from there…

Then he slides his legs between mine and I understand. He scooches down under me, holding his big rod in his strong right fist and positions himself and my now quivering and delicate entrance. He shifts his hips up slightly and his cock head parts my pussy lips yet again.

I let myself sink down from kneeling upright. I can feel every millimeter of his hardness stretching inside me as I slowly take him in. Shockwaves sent to my breasts make them feel like they are going to explode and right on que, he sits up a little and sucks them into his mouth one by one.

I let his incredible cock slide in and out of me and I dance slowly from my knees. My head falls back and my eyes close. I’m going to cum again. Soon. I bounce up and down faster now, shifting my hips forward and back. The action has him drilling over spots inside me I’ve never felt before. My pussy clenches. I begin to cum. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me down on top of him. He starts driving his hips into mine and his amazing dick, strength, and power keeps me cumming in waves and waves.

As the waves of orgasm start to die down, I feel a lubed finger rub around my anus and then inside. My pussy squeezes again and the waves increase instead of subside and I begin to moan and heave with every thrust into my luscious depths.

I feel my anus stretched. It’s a penis. I’ve never done this before. One at a time maybe but never both. The man beneath me slows his pace and I can barely feel any part of my body that isn’t being touched, sucked, or fucked. The penis slides slowly deeper into my back entrance. I’ve never felt this full. Never felt this desired. Never felt this vulnerable and alive before.

They both start to move. The fullness is overwhelming! My whole insides pucker in a vain effort to feel less but I just feel it more. I don’t know if I’m orgasming or even awake but my whole body is giving way. I grip the straps holding my wrist bindings tight and cry out with each thrust – over and over from the front and the back.

I hear groans and without much warning the man in my butt pulls out and grunts. I feel warm splatters up and down my back and over my butt cheeks.

The pace below me pounding my pussy quickens. I come to from my orgasmic stupor just long enough to feel strong hands grasp at my hips and pull me as far down on this amazing hard cock as I can go. My body lurches again as I feel flutters of orgasm deep in my gut, my breasts and clit are on fire. It almost feels as though he thickens inside me as he lets out a loud:


And I can feel the rhythmic pumping and pulsing of cum being exploded into my desperate pussy. Moments later I collapse on top of his chest and pass out.


When I awake I am in my Accord. I’m half dressed and I reek of sex. I immediately return to my regular nervous thoughts:

Oh my God, what did I just do? What if my husband finds out? What if I get pregnant? What if … what if… What if…

What the fuck … That was AMAZING!!!!

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