The Man of Sin: The Series_(0)


Chapter 1:

Berlin, Germany:

The young man climbed up out of the bed, leaving the naked woman to silently cry. He looked out the window at the rainy city, chuckling to himself in both satisfaction and anticipation.

“What in God’s name are you?” the woman hissed as she curled up in the fetal position.

She was beautiful in body but broken in spirit, her inner thighs red from the blood of her torn hymen. Her virginity had been taken from her to the ssephound of her twisted cries of pain and lust, caught in both sexual humiliation and fulfillment. The young man’s smirk gained a bloodthirsty curl and he flicked his finger as if to say that there was something he needed to show her. The woman was dragged out of the bed as if an invisible hand had grabbed her by the throat. She hit the wall beside the man and crumpled to the floor, gasping for air with a welt worn into her neck from an unseen force. He grabbed her chin as if to steal a kiss, forcing her to look up at him.

She had spoken to him in German, so he answered in kind. His voice was deep and commanding, undeserving of someone so young, yet the power he wielded and the twisted depths of his soul were unlike any other human.

“In God’s name you ask? In this room, I am God. To you, I am God. As of now, you are a broken toy. I’m leaving tomorrow, and while you’ll never see me again, you’ll never be free of me. You will spend the rest of your life with a heart filled with both fear and love, terrified of my touch but also longing for it. What man could ever want this impure body of yours after the things I have done to it? What man could ever fall in love with your soul after I’ve bent it to my will? Once I’m gone, you’ll think you are free, but the cage I’ve put you in will never disappear. Until the day you die, you are my property. But now it’s time for me to find something new to play with. I’ve become bored with you and this city and it’s time for me to move on once again. I need some new feeding grounds.”

Rome, Italy:

The book bag hit the delinquent’s head like a flail, knocking him to the ground while his friends watched in shock. Standing over him was a seventeen-year-old girl, her face flushed with rage in a red as bright as her hair, the skirt of her school uniform gently swaying in the breeze, and the crucifix hanging around her neck gleaming in the morning sunlight.

“Wretched punks! You do not deserve the mercy of God!” she shouted, pointing to the graffiti being spray-painted onto the alley wall.

The boy got to his feet with blood pouring from his nose. “You damn bitch!”

He charged towards her with his fist rocketing towards her face, but she caught his arm and twisted it, forcing him to bend back and letting her knock him in the Adam’s Apple. As he fell back to the ground, one of his friends lunged with a knife in his hand. Forsaking her pride and hoping nobody would see under her skirt, she spun around and delivered a kick to his temple, knocking him out into the street like he was a soccer ball. The last delinquent stood, shaking like a leaf and holding out two cans of spray paint like they were mace.

The girl shot him a dirty look. “If you even think of getting a single drop of paint on my uniform, I swear in the name of Heaven that not even God will be able to find your remains.” His small flicker of courage extinguished like a candle, he turned around and ran away. “Oh no you don’t!”

Tossing her book bag aside, she sprinted after him. Down the winding streets of Rome, she chased him while trying to ignore the building pain in her ankles from the uneven cobblestone ground. It didn’t help that her school shoes weren’t meant for running. Regardless of this, she zeroed in on him like a missile, following him around every turn and across every open street. She saw him swerve into an alley and skidded past it, grabbing a piece of a brick jutting out of the ground. Getting back to her feat, she took careful aim and hurled the square stone at the fleeing vandal, striking him in the back of the head and sending him tumbling.

“Just goes to show that you can’t escape your sins. You’d better pray for your immortal soul when you wake up…”

Catching her breath, she looked at her watch and swore. She had gone out to get breakfast off campus but she had wasted what little time she had and her first class would be starting in a few minutes.

“Helena, have you been fighting again?”

The redhead looked up at her blonde roommate, Sophie, standing by her desk. The classroom was filled with students all the same age, male and female. The girls were all dressed in plaid skirts with white blouses and knee socks, the boys wearing black pants and white clergy shirts with student clerical collars. Everyone carried a cross with them, either around their necks or on rosary chains. Helena had just managed to get back to school before class started and now all the students were waiting for the teacher to arrive.

“How can you tell?”

“Because you’re wearing that unmistakable face of self-righteousness.”

“I was just putting some sinners in their place.”

“Ephesians 4:32, you must remember to forgive.”

“And I did forgive them, after I gave them a taste of the torment that awaits them in Hell if they do not open themselves up to Jesus Christ and renounce their sinful ways,” she shot back.

“Well I certainly hope you’ll remember to go to Confessions when you get the chance.”

“Don’t worry, Sophie. I will. Or at least the Disciplinary Committee will force me to before I can on my own.”

The door opened and a nun stepped in, sending all of the students scurrying to their desks in fear. Their teacher, Sister Olivia, was strict beyond measure. She was nicknamed the Sphinx, as in the Sphinx that the enslaved Jews made while being whipped and yelled at. She had short blonde hair and glasses, a woman in her late twenties who would be very beautiful if she wasn’t always scowling.

“Now class, we will continue where we left off yesterday in translating Leviticus. Marcus, we had stopped at Book 6, Verse 1. You may begin.”

She spoke sternly, as if hungry for something to be mad about. One of the male students nervously stood up, holding his bible and reading off the verse in Latin. If he got a single word wrong, she would assail him like locusts. One by one, the students took turns reading off verses from the bible, translating them from English to Latin. Whenever someone made a mistake, they would be ordered to make the death march to Sister Olivia’s desk, outstretch their hands, and let her slap her trusty meter stick against their knuckles, each audible slash of the wood making everyone shudder.

Against her better judgment, Helena allowed her eyes to wander and look out the window at the sunny campus of Rosewood University. The school had originally been developed to help deal with Italy’s high orphan rate while spreading the Christian faith, starting out as a Christian academy for children. Eventually, other countries began shipping in their orphans after seeing the great results, and then families started sending in their kids. It was now the largest and one of the most prestigious Catholic schools in the world, boasting a student body ranging from preschoolers to college students and with armies of new priests and nuns being marched out every year, ready to spread the word of Jesus Christ. Joining the clergy wasn’t any kind of requisite for the school, but after 12 years, it became engrained in the souls of most of the students.


Helena’s head perked up at the sound of her last name being called and her face became red in embarrassment. It was her turn to translate but she had been too busy daydreaming to pay attention to the class. She had no idea which verse she had to translate, and if she asked… Sister Olivia would practically crucify her.

“Helena O’Connor, come to the Disciplinary Committee’s office immediately.”

The announcement from the PA system let her release a sigh of relief. Punishment had saved her from punishment. All the students shrugged, well used to hearing this commandment.

“Sorry, Sister Olivia, but I must leave,” she said sheepishly.

The teacher scowled at her, knowing that Helena hadn’t been paying attention. “Go, but I still expect you to translate when you get back.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Taking her book bag with her, Helena stepped out of the classroom and began walking as fast as she could down the hall. Running was against the rules, but with how large the school was, she needed to put in some speed and reach the committee before they sent out another announcement. Stepping out into the open campus, she allowed herself a moment to enjoy the sunlight, breeze, and smell of grass, and then took off in a run. She passed by many other students in her rapid dash, both male and female. Normally Catholic schools like these had gender segregation, but with how many students were joining the clergy, Rosewood Academy used the coed population as a way to help the students prepare for their vows of celibacy. By having all these teenagers learning side-by-side in this holy school, it was simply a matter of teaching them to ignore temptation. Dating was strictly forbidden, and if they could graduate without ever giving in to their sinful desires, they would be ready for the clergy.

She at last reached the building with the Discipline Committee, and after climbing two flights of stairs, arrived at the entrance to their office. As she approached the door, she took a moment of catch her breath and straighten her hair. She stepped through an open doorway into a waiting room, with an assistant behind a desk, a corridor lined with doors, and several chairs and a couch in the corner of the room. Sitting in one of the chairs was a young man, though from the very brief glimpse she gave him, she couldn’t quite tell his age. He looked to be as old as she was, but he could have older, since unlike the other male students in this school, he was dressed in the black clerical jacket of an ordained minister. Though he lacked the official collar.

She strode past him to the assistant’s desk.

“Hello, Helena. Same as usual?” the woman asked with a wry grin.

This was FAR from Helena’s first meeting with the Disciplinary Committee. She sighed with a tired smile.

“Hello, Mary. I guess they’re waiting for me?”

“Go right in.”

Helena nodded and walked down the corridor, reaching the second door. She entered a conference room, where five teachers sat behind a long table, glaring at her with judgmental eyes. Two of them were priests and another two were nuns.

“Ms. O’Connor, I’m sure you know why we called you here,” the oldest teacher grumbled.

“I have an idea.”

A female teacher cleared her throat. “Three young men are being treated at the hospital, one coughing up blood with a broken nose and the other two suffering from concussions. When speaking to the police, they described you in clear detail. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Helena straightened her posture and her eyes became steely. “I was doing God’s work, helping to cure this city of its sin. Why should I have gone easy on them when they will face far worse in Hell?”

One of the priests slammed his hand on the table. “That is not your decision to make! That is the job of the police, not a student of this school. Every time you act up like this, you give us a bad name. We cannot condone your actions, violence can never be tolerated from someone who claims to fight in the name of Jesus Christ!”

“I will repent for what I did and ask God for forgiveness,” she said defiantly, as if to tell them that she did not recognize their authority.

“You’ll do more than that. On top of fifteen Apostle’s Creeds and ten Hail Marys, you are going to go and apologize to those boys before the end of the day, understood?”

He handed her a sheet of paper with their addresses and Helena bit her tongue, working to keep her temper in check.

“Yes, Father Brian.”

“Good, and to lighten your soul with a good deed, we have something else for you to do…” The old priest pressed down on the button of a nearby intercom. “Mary, please send him in.”

The student Helena had seen before stepped into the room, letting her at last get a good look at him. He was quite tall and very handsome, with a square jaw, blue eyes, and brown hair cut very short but still kind of spiky. She actually felt her heart flutter at the sight of him but shook the sensation away with a retightening of her moral corset.

“This is Xavier Michaels, he just transferred in. Show him around and help him get settled. The two of you will be sharing several classes together. Xavier, this is Helena O’Connor. If you need anything, ask her.”

‘Great, just what I needed. Now Sister Olivia is going to beat me like a mule because I have to miss class and show this guy the ropes. No, no, it’s not his fault. I shouldn’t be mad at him.’

Forcing herself to wear a smile, she held out her hand to shake his. “Nice to meet you.”

He took her hand and looked at her with confident eyes. For a moment, she thought he was going to lean down and kiss her hand. “The pleasure is mine.”

Helena suddenly felt her face go red, but she had no idea why. “Ok, follow me and I’ll give you a tour.”

About to step into the hall, she was stopped by one of the teachers calling her name. “Helena, remember: every time you cause trouble, you make it harder for yourself to achieve your goal. You’re facing a monumental task already. Don’t ruin things for yourself.”

She nodded and departed with Xavier trailing after her. Leaving the waiting room, they started down the hall.

“I’ve never met a Catholic school girl who could fight.”


“My apologies, but I could hear the conversation you and the teachers were having. You sent three people to the hospital and called it “God’s work”, meaning that you were engaged in a combative situation with them. Considering that I don’t see any scratches on you or even a mark on your uniform, you’re clearly skilled enough to not get touched. Impressive.”

People normally condemned her for fighting, but there was no judgment in his voice. She tried not to blush at the praise, never expecting him to just reveal her true self with such intuition. “As the teachers will tell you, it is not one of my best features. I’ve been training myself since I was a child in martial arts and other fighting styles. They come in handy when I find an unapologetic sinner.”

“I take it those skills are for the goal that Father Thomas mentioned?”

Helena giggled. “You catch on pretty quick.”

“I hope I’m not intruding.”

“No, it’s ok. The truth is that my goal is to join the Swiss Guard and serve His Holiness.”

“I thought the Swiss Guard didn’t allow female members.”

“They don’t, but I’m going to be the first. If I can prove myself, then I’m sure the Holy Father will allow me to serve him. What about you, do you plan to become a priest or do you have other goals?”

“As it so happens, it’s my dream to become Pope.”

They both stopped at the top of a staircase, Helena looking at him in shock. “Really? You intend to go that far?”

“Indeed,” he said as he brought up his hand and lifted her chin. “So maybe someday, you’ll serve me.”

Helena again felt her face go red and for a moment she couldn’t move. She stared into his eyes, confident and ambitions, with her own eyes suddenly trembling and meek.

He then stepped back and moved down onto the first step. “Shall we continue on?”

She nearly jumped from the question, as if awoken from a trance. “Oh, y-yes. Of course.”

She hurried down the stairs past him, and as she walked, he watched her and licked his lips. “And that day will be soon,” he said under his breath.

Helena pushed that strange moment out of her mind as she showed Xavier around the campus. She found herself curious about this newcomer. “So where are you from? You speak English clearly as a first language but I can’t place your accent. You certainly aren’t British, but you don’t quite sound American.”

“I’m from a little bit of everywhere. I’ve been traveling since I was born, so while English is my first language, I’ve picked up accents and mixed them all together. I can certainly tell that you are Irish, from that hair and name, but I can also tell that you’ve worked to try and hide your accent. So why would a ruby beauty from the emerald isle try to hide her heritage?”

She turned around quickly, her face flushed both in annoyance and undeniable pride from the flattery. “Now you listen here, relationships among students are forbidden, both by this school and God himself. Don’t go thinking that some compliments will win me over.”

Xavier stepped back, shocked by her outburst but still maintaining that small smirk. “You misunderstand, this is how I talk to everyone. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable, I just find honestly and politeness to be the best policy.”

Helena’s face paled and she turned away from him. ‘Why did I get so worked up right then? Something is wrong with me today…’ “A-anyway, let’s keep going. I’ll show you the cafeteria now.”

She brought him to a large brick building, the sides caked with ivy and moss that were basking in the sunlight. Through the large oak doors, they stepped into an expansive cafeteria. Long tables were set out with enough seats for hundreds of students, but now all were empty, save for the few kids who came to study during their free period.

“This is where we come for our meals at 9:00 am, 3:00 pm, and 9:00 pm. Because of how many students we have, there are three shifts for each meal. The older you are, the later you eat. The school does it to accommodate with the students’ circadian rhythms. Come on, we’ll cross over through here to the science wing.”

Marching past the empty tables, they made their way to the back of the dining coliseum. Halfway through the room, they came across a girl sitting alone, nobody on either side or across from her. She looked about fifteen but was small for her age, with brown hair cut short and her head low as if someone had just tried to tickle her neck. She didn’t have any books or even food with her. She looked very forlorn, very fragile. As they passed by her, she looked up at Helena and Xavier. He smiled and winked at her, making her tense up nervously but with sparkling eyes. She had caught his interest.

Reaching the exit, they stepped back outside. Just as the door closed behind them, Helena’s stomach let out a loud grumble. She quickly turned away, knowing that Xavier would chuckle. “I… uh… I missed breakfast this morning.”

“Why didn’t you grab something to eat in there?”

“Because I’m trying to get us to our homeroom before our next class starts. At lunch, I’ll have to go and apologize to the three punks I beat up. Hopefully I can get something in the city.”

“Would you like me to come with you?”

“Thanks, but it’s not needed. Let’s just get to class.”

“You’re late. Detention, both of you.”

Helena tried with everything she had not to curse at the sound of Sister Olivia’s voice. She and Xavier had just entered the classroom, barely a second after the bell for the next period sounded. She put on a brave face and turned to the nun. “Sister, this is Xavier Michaels, the new—”

“I know who this is, do not talk to me like I am an ignorant fool!” She then turned to him. “Being new to this class is no excuse for tardiness. You two will be here at 10:00 tonight. You’ll need to wear some short pants for what I have planned.”

The whole class watched, praying for God to have mercy on the truants’ souls. Helena watched Xavier, waiting to see his reaction, and to her shock, she thought for a moment that he was actually smirking. “Spare the rod, spoil the child,” he simply hummed, stepping away and making his way to one of the few empty seats in the classroom.

“And Helena, I still expect you to translate that verse.”

‘Damn it.’

The following classes continued on without anything out of order. As usual, multiple students got a hard smack from Sister Olivia’s meter stick for small infractions. Helena got it twice when her stomach growled. Both times, she held a defiant scowl on her face, refusing to show any pain. Several times, the teacher directed the hardest questions to Xavier, but with his usual confident smirk, he answered everything with perfect accuracy and detail. Luckily they got a reprieve when the class had to a different building for Biology Class.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come along? I could help you keep your temper in check.”

Xavier and Helena were standing at the entrance to the cafeteria with students from grades 9 through 12 streaming past them to eat.

“I’ll be fine. You go eat. I’m more worried about the time. There is no way this will take less than an hour, meaning of course that I’m going to once again be late for class.”

“Well maybe there is something I can do to convince Sister Olivia to give you a pass this one time.”

Helena laughed and began walking away. “Nice try, but that won’t work. You’ll probably just anger her even more. Relax; I’ll be fine. She can’t break me.”

Helena looked at the address above the door and then back at the list the Discipline Committee had given her. This was supposedly the home of the guy that she had knocked out with a strike to the neck. After the injuries he had received, he would be home, but considering the graffiti she had found him doing, it probably wasn’t like he had school to go to anyway. The house wasn’t much, or at least any better or worse than the other pale brick houses lining the street. Above the door was the window to a bedroom, currently open.

Back at the university cafeteria, Xavier sat alone. There was a tray of food in front of him, but he wasn’t eating. He was merely spinning his fork around his thumb, smiling.

Sighing and resigning herself to her fate, Helena stepped off the sidewalk and knocked on the door. She just had to be polite, apologize, and get out of there without snapping. How hard could it be?

Xavier continued to spin his fork, while under his breath, he whispered something in a continuous prayer. Throughout the room, students grimaced as their food lost all taste and became like ashes in their mouth.

No one came to the door, so Helena knocked again. Damn it, could someone please answer?! A hiss drew her eyes downward, where a stray cat stepped out of the nearby alley and hissed at her. Rome was full of them, considered by many a nuisance. Helena normally would try to pet them whenever she could, but the way this cat was staring at her sent a shiver up her spine. It looked both fearful and enraged, crouched with its hair on end and a low growl in its throat. Without her hearing, there was the sound of wood creaking above her.

Xavier began to chuckle to himself, his small laughs interrupting the white noise he was seemingly muttering, but not stopping it. Across the cafeteria, random students were standing up, claiming that they were feeling sick and needed to go the infirmary. Finally, the fork he had been spinning around his thumb slipped free of his fingers and fell with a loud clatter.

About to knock a third time, Helena was sent tumbling the ground by something heavy slamming down onto the top of her head with tremendous force. She fell on her back, her vision blurred, her mind spinning, and her skull somehow both numb and racked with pain. As she hit the ground, something else landed on her, something hot and wet, like a giant pot of spaghetti had just been dumped on her. At her feet, the sound of something metal striking the stone ground rang out. Wincing in pain, Helena slowly sat up, waiting for the throbbing in her head to dull before opening her eyes. At last, she gazed around to see whatever it was that had struck her. The sight that met her pierced her heart like the Lance of Longinus stabbing Christ.

The young man from that morning was hanging above her, having jumped from the second story with a noose around his neck and hit her. It was more than that; there was a massive cut going down his torso with most of innards missing, as if he had undergone an autopsy. The sound of metal on stone she had heard was the knife he used to cut himself open slipping out of his hand when he reached the end of the line. With a waterfall of blood pouring from his open chest, realization struck Helena and she looked down at herself. The young man’s organs had spilled out of him when the rope snapped tight, either ripped free from the inertia or severed when he gutted himself. Her white blouse was completely red with the boy’s blood, sitting in her lap were his stomach and liver, and draped across her head like cobwebs were his intestines.

At that moment, everything became white for Helena, as if she had buried her face in flour. Her mind and all thoughts blurred after that. The only thing she remembered was screaming louder than ever in her life.

The police questioned Helena for several hours after that, but it took time for her to even become responsive, having been completely petrified from what happened to her. Only after she was cleaned off and given a fresh change of clothes did she start talking. The boy who hung himself was not the only casualty. The police found the young man she had kicked propped up in a chair at his stove, having drowned himself in a pot of boiling water. By the time they got there, his face had melted off. As for the boy she had hit with a brick, they were still counting how many times he had stabbed himself, turning his body into a dish sponge and bleeding himself dry.

No foul play was suspected in the deaths; at least no evidence could support it. Everything pointed to suicide, regardless of how outrageous it was. Once they were certain they had gotten everything out of her, they released Helena into the custody of the school. As expected, she didn’t attend any classes for the rest of the day, merely going to her room and never leaving her bed. At least she was protected from Sister Olivia. No one but the staff knew anything about her presence at the scene, and she prayed it would stay that way.

“Hey, where were you today? You disappeared before lunch and I never saw you again.” Helena’s roommate, Sophie, had just stepped through the door. Helena was pretending to be asleep, keeping her back to her friend. Sophie shrugged and began to get ready for bed. “Hmm, must be sick…”

Back in the homeroom, Xavier was kneeling with his nose two inches from the wall, enduring his detention. As Sister Olivia had ordered him, he was wearing short pants. His punishment was to kneel for an hour with frozen peas beneath him, digging into his skin until he bled. It was one of the favorite methods of punishment by nuns. Regardless of the ticks of the clock, he showed no pain, and unbeknownst to Sister Olivia, he felt none.

“So, have you learned your lesson yet? Rule breaking will not be tolerated in this school, especially by me. If you are late, you will suffer.”

“Suffer?” Xavier turned his head to her, a gleam to his eyes that she had never seen to before. His lips curled back, revealing his bleach-white teeth. “You have no idea what suffering is,” he laughed.

In the hours that passed, Helena waited for sleep to come, but it never did. She didn’t quite expect it to, of course, after the day she had. She had gone the whole day without eating, but she wasn’t sure she would ever have an appetite for the rest of her life. She swore she could still smell it on her hair, the smell of blood and entrails, no matter how hard she had scrubbed in the shower. At 1:00 am, she finally sat up, unable to stay in that bed any longer. On the other side of the room, Sophie was sleeping peacefully, even snoring.

Being as quiet as she could, Helena got dressed and left their room. Students weren’t allowed to wander the dorms at night unless they had to go to the bathroom, but at this hour, who was going to stop her? With her eyes long-since adjusted to the dark, she made her way out of the dorms and into the cool night. Crossing the campus and sneaking through two other buildings, she at last reached the place she wanted to go: the university church. It had been built when the school first came to be, and since then, had gone through renovation after renovation to try and accommodate the always-growing student body. Every Sunday, students had to be organized in shifts with sermons going on late into the night.

Reaching the front door, she silently thanked God when she pulled on the handle and felt no restraints. Trying to keep the hinges from squeaking, she opened it just wide enough to slide in and closed it behind her. The vast church was dead silent and still, barely lit by the moon and stars shining through the glass, though in a way, that made it even more beautiful. The air rich with the smell of bible pages and incense long-since burned, she wiped some holy water on her forehead from the nearby basin and walked down the long aisle.

Coming out past the pews, she knelt before the giant cross on the back wall, the statue of Jesus looking down at her while she clutched her own crucifix. “Lord, please, if you can hear me, I need your help now more than ever. I… I don’t what to do. I thought I had prepared myself for violence in order to join the Swiss Guard, but after today… please… give me strength.”

“He won’t answer you.”

For the second time, Helena felt a blade pierce her heart, this one colder than the icicles that would hang outside her window in Ireland during the winter. She turned around, seeing Xavier moving down the aisle towards her.

“Xavier, what are you doing here?”

“Following you. It seems I went a little too far when I crushed those three insects.”

His voice was different from before. It was much deeper but very dry and even soft with certain words. It barely sounded human, and there was a force behind it, one that weighed down on Helena in way she had never before experienced. She wanted to step back but found her feet seemingly glued to the floor.

“You? You killed them?! H-how? Why?!”

“I told you, didn’t I? I wanted to do something to convince Sister Olivia to spare you punishment. I’d say I did better than expected, considering I was alone at detention tonight.

Tell me, how does feel to pray for something and be ignored? How does it feel to beg for something from God and have your desperation go unanswered? I just don’t understand why you humans cling to hope when you have no reason to have it in the first place.” He reached out and caressed her cheek. “I guarantee you, here in this “house of God”, there is no one else here but me. God is not listening to you.”

Breaking free of the weights holding her to that spot, Helena stepped back and held out her cross. “I don’t know what you are, but no enemy of God will speak such blasphemy in front of me and in this holy place! I’ve accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I know he will protect me!”

“Oh please, look at that foolish token you’re holding, at the broken man nailed to that cross. Does he look like he is in any condition to help you? To protect you from me? You foolish humans think that those crosses will keep you safe, but it’s the opposite. What you carry is the symbol of the pathetic and defeated Son of God, dying like an animal in the wilderness with a broken leg. I saw him go up on the cross, I heard his cries of agony, and I saw the spear blade pierce his chest. You carry with you a reminder of the darkest day of mankind, the day when even the power of God was helpless against human madness. You think that crucifix will protect you, but really…” Xavier reached out and touched the rosary, causing it to melt away and fall to the ground as squirming centipedes. “It just makes me stronger.”

“You… you’re the Devil, aren’t you?”

“Bless dear old Dad, but no. I’ll give you a hint.”

Xavier opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, and even with only the moonlight shining through the church windows, the circle of three sixes was clear as day, like a brand.

“You’re the Antichrist…”

“In the flesh, and I’ve decided it’s time to make my move. These last two thousand years have been fun, but I’m ready to start thinking about my future. There is a whole wide world just waiting to be conquered.”

He stepped towards her and Helena yelped as she felt an invisible force grab her wrists and hold them behind her like handcuffs. She was then spun around and pulled to Xavier, pressed with her back to his chest. He embraced her, running his hands across her supple body. She whimpered as she felt him fondle her breasts with one hand and move south with the other.

“Feel free to scream all you want, your voice won’t reach anyone. You know, I lied to you when I said I wanted to become Pope. That’s too small, I’m ready to become the king of this world. Of course, I’ll need a queen…”

He snapped his fingers and Helena gasped as she was suddenly basked in flames, her uniform being burned off her body like flash cotton. It didn’t hurt; it felt more like a hot bath than actual fire. Had she been exposed to those same flames under natural circumstances, she would have suffered severe burns across her entire body. But while the flames hadn’t hurt her, they had touched her, not only destroying her uniform, but also burning away every hair on her body. From the neck down, she was essentially porcelain. Xavier never let go of her, not a single singe being left on his clothes.

“And I must say, I’ve come to taking a liking to you. I find that fire in your eyes rather charming, that fighting spirit. Not to mention this beautiful body of yours.”

She shivered in humiliation, now feeling his palms on her bare flesh. He had one hand on her breast, squeezing her tightly but also using his fingers to probe the most sensitive nerve endings. Whether it was his experience with women or his unholy powers, he was intentionally trying to arouse her and expose her to as much focused pleasure as possible. He moved his other hand down her flat belly, admiring her smooth skin. She clamped her thighs together, but with the slightest touch of his fingers, he wrenched them apart as if there were shackles on her ankles. He traced the entrance to her womanhood with his middle finger, savoring what was to come.

“As my queen, you’ll live a life of luxury. You’ll rule the world at my side, with your every desire being satisfied. You’ll eat the finest food, wear the most elegant clothes, and practically bathe in gold in jewels. At night, I’ll make you moan like an opera singer as you have orgasm, after orgasm… after orgasm. All you have to do is swear your loyalty to me.”

She cried out as he ran his finger between the lips of her pussy, lightly stirring the soft flesh before entering her. Helena had been taught that self-pleasure was one of the greatest sins. She had never touched herself the way Xavier was touching her now, never probed her insides the way he was. She stood, completely helpless as violated her, working his fingers in and out of her ripe, adolescent flower. She could feel it, the intrusion of his fingers stimulating her and making her wet. But this wasn’t the first time she had felt this, and it was that familiarity that made her sick with dread.

‘No! Not again!’ “No! I won’t do it! I’ll never turn my back on God! I’ll never join you!”

While she tried to sound strong, her voice cracked and she whimpered from the undeniable pleasure being felt from him molesting her. His hand was slick with her wetness and she could feel drops running down her inner thighs.

“Are you sure? This is you last chance; become my queen or suffer the consequences.”

“I’d rather die than be your queen!”

Hearing her resolute voice, Xavier at first sighed in annoyance, but then began to laugh. Helena screamed in agony as she felt something burningly hot sear her skin. He had his tongue pressed to her neck, and after a few moments he pulled away, with the same circle of sixes branded onto her with her flesh smoking. Glowing red lines stretched from the brand, encircling her before all disappearing into her skin.

Xavier released Helena and she fell to her knees, but before she could try to crawl away, he outstretched his hand and closed it. From his clenched fingers, a coil of light seemingly materialized, stretching down to her with a glowing ring appearing around her neck. The two lights joined and she gasped as she felt Xavier’s power weigh down on her. She wanted to scream, but couldn’t, as she felt like she was at the bottom of the ocean, being crushed from every angle with incomprehensible force. She looked up at him, realizing what he had just done. The coil of light was a leash and the ring around her neck was a collar. He had just made her his property.

“You think that by denying me, I’ll just let you go? Oh no, things are not that simple. The moment I set my eyes on you, you lost your freedom. You lost the right to run away or to even die. If you will not be my queen, you will be my slave. Every inch of your body now belongs to me. Your entire existence is nothing more than a toy in the palm of my hand. At this very moment, I could rape you with savagery never before seen and there would be nothing you could do to stop me. But don’t worry, I won’t take you like that. No, I’ll bend you to my will until you beg me to rip away your virginity.” He then pulled on her leash, forcing her up onto her knees with her mouth open. He lifted her chin, moving his thumb across her pursed lips and then pressing down on her tongue. She wanted to pull away, to push him back, but her whole body had gone limp. “This collar will keep you from telling anyone about who I really am. Even if you try to write it down, that seal will stop you.”

“I’ll never give in to you,” she hissed with tears streaming down her face.

“Oh, you will. But please continue to resist, that makes it all the more fun for me.”

Chapter 2

Helena woke up with a scream, reaching up to the ceiling as if to grab a lifeline thrown to her. She was back in her bed but looked around fearfully for Xavier, finding only her concerned roommate.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah… I’m ok, just a bad dream.” ‘After the day I had, it’s no surprise that I would have some kind of nightmare.’

Seeking comfort, she turned to her bedside table to retrieve her crucifix, but did not find it. Had it fallen in the night? She reached under the bed and table but felt only the carpet. As she continued to lean over, she felt something that made her feel like an ice sculpture. She had woken up in both bra and panties, so she was certain that the encounter with Xavier had been a dream (considering he had burned them off her), but as she shifted her legs, she could feel the soft cotton pressed to her virgin flower. That’s right… those flames had shaved her like a lamb.

She tried to swallow the lump in her throat but something made it difficult, a pressure holding her on all sides of her neck, like a hand… or a collar. She could feel it under her skin, that invisible restraint that Xavier had put on her. It didn’t feel like any kind of material, but it was THERE. It was real. Everything that had happened last night was real. Helena began to hyperventilate, feeling like she was still in his embrace, one of his hands being used to fondle her breasts and the other penetrating her slit.

“Sophie, there’s something I need to tell you. Last night, I—”

Helena gagged as her throat closed with a stinging burn appearing on her tongue. She was unable to breathe and Sophie rushed over to see what was wrong. Her throat cleared after several seconds and Helena gasped for breath.

“What in God’s name is going on with you lately?! And what were you saying about last night?”

Helena turned to her, having never felt so helpless in all her life. She couldn’t tell her friend anything, and when she went to class, or even just breakfast, HE would be there.

“I… I, uh… lost my crucifix last night.”

“Oh… well… I’m sorry to hear that. I could help you look for it.”

“No, I’ll just look for it myself later. Let’s go get breakfast.”

Even with all of her fear and anxiety, Helena’s appetite had returned with a vengeance and she shoveled down her breakfast like she was in an eating contest. Her friends all watched her, wondering what had happened to make her so ravenous. After returning from the kitchen with seconds, her face paled as she heard her friends mentioning the suicides from the previous day.

“What do you mean “unnatural”?” one of her friends asked Sophie.

“Well from what I heard, they all killed themselves in horribly gruesome ways. Supposedly, one them drowned himself in boiling water, another stabbed himself to death, and the third gutted and then hanged himself.”

All the girls gasped in revulsion and crossed themselves, praying to God to protect them from whatever evil might have influenced the boys’ deaths and to have mercy on their souls. Helena stared at her food, no longer able to eat. If Xavier had really killed them, or made them kill themselves, then what else was he capable of? Could he really be the Antichrist? Was his coming a sign of the Apocalypse? And could he really be in this room with her?

‘I need to be strong and have my faith in God. I’ve spent my whole life training to join the Swiss Guard and protect His Holiness. I won’t let this Devil-spawn scare me. With God on my side, he will never beat me. Lord, please grant me the strength to fight this evil, to purge him from this holy city. Let me be the shield for this school, let me be an instrument for your divine will.’

Repeating those words over and over again to herself, she regained her confidence. She could do it. She could stand against this threat. She would not give in.

Of course, the closer she got to the classroom, the more nervous she felt. Xavier would surely be there. Would he arrive there before her? After? Or would they end up walking side by side down the same hallway? She didn’t know if she had the strength to face him. She arrived at class, and stepping through the front door, she felt her heart stop. Xavier was at his desk, eyes closed and chin rested on his hand, as if asleep. Just like before, he wore the black coat of a priest but without the collar, standing out from the other male students. She moved slowly past him, like a mouse trying to avoid waking a snoozing lion.

“Good morning, Helena.”

He spoke the words, his voice sounding normal to everyone else in the room, but to her, it was different, having that same commanding depth from the night before. There was more to it, though. It was as if in the microsecond between the words being vocalized and reaching her ears, time seemed to come to a sudden crawl. She felt Xavier come up from behind her and grab her by the arms with her clothes vanishing off her body. He ran his tongue up the length of her back, making her shiver as he sampled the taste of her smooth skin. He came up to her neck and then the back of her ear, and just when she thought he was going to whisper something to her, the illusion vanished and his words reached her.

A few people looked over, wondering what her reaction would be. Helena’s zealotry and affinity for stirring up trouble made her an uneasy person to get close to.

“G-good morning…” she mumbled, unable to even turn and face him.

Her heart beating wildly, she reached her desk and sat down, resting her head and quietly praying for strength.

The day continued on without anything strange occurring. All of the classes were normal and went by simply. Sister Olivia was brutal as usual, though she did let Helena off with a warning when she caught her daydreaming. She had to wonder if Olivia was doing to out of the goodness of her heart or if the Headmaster had told her to go easy. Either way, the reprieve was nice. Xavier didn’t say anything to her for the rest of the day, never even looked at her. What was going to happen?

Helena stood in the university school supplies store, looking at the plastic jewelry box with nervousness. Along with notebooks, pencils, and all manner of tools a student would need, the store sold rosaries and other religious talismans. The one that Helena was looking at was a medallion with the Triquetra symbol¬–the circle entwined into a three-sided loop, also known as the trinity knot. It was a Celtic take on the Holy Trinity, with the three corners representing the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Normally she would have gotten another crucifix for the one that Xavier destroyed, but she had to believe what he told her about it. It did make sense, the Antichrist would only grow stronger against the symbol of his enemy tortured and executed. If she was going to fend off this monster, she couldn’t give him anything to use.

The only reason why she was hesitating to buy it was because of its origins. It was Celtic, deriving from her homeland and still popular there. She had long since abandoned her culture and her past. If she were to wear this, it would mean giving in to everything she had turned her back on when she left home.

‘No, I can’t let my feelings of home get in the way of this.’

She stormed over to the cashier and slammed the transparent box on the counter. “I’ll take it.”

Helena was lying in bed, reading the bible. She felt safe, each turn of the pages acting as like an audible pulse that shook away her worries. Hanging around her neck was her trinity necklace, the weight and shape it new to her when compared to her old crucifix, but comforting nonetheless. Nearby, Sophie was sitting at her dorm room desk, working on homework. A loud slam of her textbook told her that she had gotten it all done.

“Praise Christ, it’s finished. Ugh, that was brutal!” she groaned while stretching.

“Yeah, Father Samuel doesn’t make algebra any easier for us.”

“I can’t wait for the weekend, I need to decompress after all of this work.”

For the first time since yesterday, Helena laughed. “You say that every week.”

Their teeth brushed and alarm clock set, the two girls said their evening prayers and went to bed.

Of all things, it was an attempt to yawn that woke up Helena, and the realization that she couldn’t open her mouth. Her eyes bolted open and she tried to sit up, but she couldn’t move from her spot. Her entire body was paralyzed, as if she were under anesthesia. She was incapable of even flexing the muscles in her body or moving her tongue. With tears in her eyes, she tried to call out to Sophie, but her roommate ignored her. That pathetic whimper was all she could do. An ominous shadow appeared in the corner of the room and from it appeared Xavier. He wasn’t wearing any clothes and he was erect. He slowly stepped towards Sophie, licking his lips in lustful hunger. Helena tried to scream, but only produced a shrill hum.

“Helena, can you keep it down?” her friend grumbled.

Leaning over her bed, Xavier grabbed Sophie by the throat and squeezed. Shaken awake, Sophie screamed and flailed her limbs, but he held her tightly and climbed on top of her. Releasing her throat, he grabbed her wrists and held them up to the headboard. Appearing out of thin air, a pair of shackles locked on and cuffed her to the bed. Her throat free, Sophie screamed as loud as she could, but her voice merely bounced off the walls of the room, as if they were inside a bank vault.

‘Is he using he powers to keep her voice from escaping? Will anyone be able to hear her?’

“I just love that sound. Go ahead and keep screaming.”

“Helena! Save me!”

“Oh, she can’t help you. She’s just here to watch as I turn you into a broken toy!”

Xavier then placed his hand on her legs and lines of black thread appeared as if growing from his palm. The threads wrapped around her ankles and bound them to the back of her thighs, then wrapped around her knees and pulled them apart, putting her on display. Xavier laughed to himself as he ran his hand across her body.

“I know this is Europe, but this “all natural” thing is a turn off.”

He snapped his fingers and Helena closed her eyes, momentarily blinded by a bonfire of flames erupting from Sophie’s bed. It was the same flames Xavier had used on her, but for some reason, Sophie gave a bloodcurdling scream as if she was being burned at the stake. Why did it hurt Sophie so much more than Helena? The flames vanished, revealing the bed and Sophie completely unharmed. Her clothes and every hair from the neck down had been burned away. While her skin was undamaged, she cried and moaned in pain, feeling like she had suffered third-degree burns.

“Why are you doing this?” she whimpered.

“Because it’s just so easy.”

Xavier held out his hand behind him and a large cross flew into his hand, having originally hung above the door. Cackling, he turned it around in his hand, holding the short end so it was like a dagger. He pressed the other end against her vagina and Sophie began thrashing.

“No! Please! Anything but that!”

Ignoring her pleading and the resulting screams, Xavier forced the cross deep inside her, violating her with the symbol of her faith. Helena had never heard anyone cry like that, that mix of pain and humiliation. Oh God, was Xavier going to do that to her as well? There had to be something she could do, some way to help her friend! She put all her strength into moving, but it was like she was trapped in concrete. She wanted to at least open her mouth, but it was like she had used superglue for mouthwash.

Xavier pulled the cross out and crouched down, watching the blood of her torn hymen dribble out. He ran his tongue between the lips of her pussy, lapping up the blood as if it were honey. Helena watched in revulsion, sickened by this monster’s depravity but not surprised. He was the Antichrist; of course he would have a thirst for her virgin blood. As he continued licking, Sophie’s reaction changed. What Helena had thought to be sobs of pain were becoming pants of arousal, with tears continuing to pour from her eyes as she whimpered with each flick of his tongue. Between her legs, Xavier was playing her like a saxophone, licking up every sweet drop of her nectar and teasing her lips with his own, while his tongue slithered back and forth inside her. He moved up an inch and put all of his focus on her erect clitoris, stimulating her in ways she never thought possible. Sophie’s small whimpers became shameful moans as he sucked on the small nub and twirled his tongue around it. He even began fingering her, sliding back and forth effortlessly with her sleeve becoming more and more slippery by the second.

Without even realizing it, Helena was no longer watching in just horror, but also in interest. She had heard about this kind of thing, “oral sex” as it was called. Did it really feel that good? No, no! She couldn’t let herself be enticed by such horrific sins! How could she even think of such things while her friend was being raped! But she again relapsed as another scream was released, this one making her shiver. She had heard it before as a child, coming from her mom’s room when she had visitors over. Had Sophie… just had an orgasm? Sophie certainly thought so, as she was trying to cover her face while crying fresh tears.

Xavier sat up and laughed. “Why are you crying? You have no need to feel shame. You are nothing more than an animal after all; a lowly, pathetic creature that spends its existence searching for pleasure. God isn’t here to judge you, so reveal your true nature and enjoy this.”

He leaned down and began sucking on her breasts, again making her whimper from unwanted sexual bliss. He moved back and forth, painting the succulent hills with his tongue, then securing his lips around her nipples and pulling upwards.

“You’re skin is so soft, Sophie. It’s only right that I taste it.”

His head then darted forward and he joined his lips with hers. She tried to resist him, squirming and turning her face from side to side, but he grabbed the back of her head and stopped her. He infiltrated her with his tongue, licking every corner of her mouth. This was her first kiss, and it was French. When she didn’t reciprocate, Xavier grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed brutally hard, making her scream until at last giving in. It was a half-assed attempt, but she began kissing him back, even sending her tongue into his mouth. All the while Helena watched them, and once or twice, she shuddered as he would look directly at her, staring into her eyes.

He sat back up and kneeled between her spread legs, resting his cock on the lips of her pussy.

“Please, God…” she cried.

“You think God will help you? You’re wrong. Nobody can help you. Nobody can save you. I am going to take you now and nothing will stop me. Your God isn’t here.”

Guiding the head between the lips, he grabbed her waist and forced himself into her. Sophie cried out in physical and emotional agony, but not as loud as when he violated her with the cross. She could feel him inside her, his manhood barreling inside her untouched slit. He buried himself inside her up to the base, pulled out, and then slammed into her again. With centuries of practice, he got into his well-used rhythm and began thrusting like a rodeo bull, slamming against the entrance to her womb with enough force to make her cry. He leaned over, supporting himself with arms.

Sophie refused to look at him, feeling his hot breath on her face. “Helena…” she begged, turning to her friend.

Helena could do nothing but watch as her friend was raped without mercy, Xavier using her body as his own personal sex toy. She cried with her, unable to even open her mouth and say something. It went on like that for another fifteen minutes, Xavier never having to catch his breath. At last he stopped, shivering with a savage grin on his face and making Sophie whimper in shame.

“Can you feel it? Feel all of the seed I just sprayed into your womb? You’re nothing but a pathetic cum dumpster, a rag for me to wipe off my cock with after I fill you up with my semen.”

Both women thought that he would stop then, but the torment continued. For another two hours, he raped her almost nonstop, hammering her with brutal force and ejaculating into her over and over again with reserves beyond the limits of normal humans. Several times, Sophie would give a tearful moan from a forcefully induced orgasm, which would make Xavier give a booming laugh of conquest. The only times he really stopped was to climb up to her face and force his cock into her mouth, making her drink up the mix of his semen and her pussy juice.

At last, with an hour before dawn, he climbed up off her. Sophie’s pussy was bruised and battered with a huge puddle of semen beneath her. Her insides had been pumped full of his cum, slowly draining out of her. Her legs were bloody and lined with cuts from the bite of the wires he restrained her with. Her face was red and swollen from all the tears she had cried, her voice hoarse from the hours of screaming.

Stretching, Xavier gave one final laugh. “That was fun, I’ll see you both later.”

He snapped his fingers and the wires binding Sophie disappeared and Helena felt her paralysis wane. Even while free, she couldn’t move. Her body was devoid of strength, as if she were drugged. She and Sophie did nothing but close their eyes and drift to sleep.

“Sophie! Sophie! Wake up!”

“Huh? What’s going on?”

The alarm was ringing, and as soon as she heard it, Helena woke up and bolted to her friend’s bed.

“Are you ok? Are you hurt? Come on, we have to get you to the hospital!”

“What are you talking about? I’m fine!”

“Fine?! Don’t you remember what happened last night?!”

Sophie looked at her, a look of annoyance mixed with a total lack of patience. “Helena, did you have another nightmare?”

Helena stared at her, wide eyed. Standing there, she realized that Sophie didn’t have any scars or signs of her assault. She staggered back, falling onto her bed. “Yeah, I guess I did…”

“For the love of God, you need to speak with one of priests and confess something.”

“I don’t know if any priest can help me with what I have…”

Helena stood in a hallway overlooking the school sports field. She had a free period, while outside Sophie and several other students were running laps in gym class. Nothing Helena had seen since waking up told her that her friend had been harmed in any way, even any signs that she had noticed what Xavier’s flames… had done to her body. Had it really just been a nightmare? Was her fear blurring her sense of reality?

“Did you enjoy the show?”

The whisper in her ear sent Helena spinning around, finding herself staring at Xavier with that same evil smirk on his face.

“So that was real? You really did that to Sophie?!”

“Oh, the way I’ve been limping all morning should tell you that. I’m still completely drained.”

“You’re pure evil,” she hissed.

A savage gleam to his eye, Xavier grabbed her wrists and slammed her against the window, his lips again to her ear. “Now that’s not true, even I have a drop of decency. After all, I did erase her memories and restore her body to its original condition. I even gave her back her virginity. There is absolutely no proof in the world that I raped her.”

Biting her lip, Helena brought up her knee to try and slam him in the groin, but before the strike could connect, she felt her strength vanish as if all of her tendons had been severed. Around her neck, her collar was glowing and the end of the ethereal leash was wrapped around his fingers.

“Oh, bad girl. I’ll have to punish you for that.”

He turned her around, making her look out the window. She could see Sophie down below, sitting on the grass with her friends, all of them panting and laughing while emptying their water bottles.

“Look at her, so innocent. She remembers nothing of how I brutalized her, how I tore away her virginity with that cross, how I raped her for hours and emptied myself into her womanhood. I said to her last night that she had become my personal cum dumpster, well I’ve decided I’m going to keep her around. When I get bored and long to feel the flesh of a woman, I think I’ll creep into your room and put on a show for you. I wonder which would be more entertaining, to let her remember every scene so that she can spend the days dreading my arrival, or to heal her and wipe her memory whenever I’m done with her, so that every night, she gets to experience the horror of some stranger coming into her room and taking her Christian chastity, to lose her virginity to her rapist over… and over… and over again.”

“I won’t let you hurt her, I’ll find a way to stop you!”

“Oh, you’ve done enough already. Don’t you realize why I’m doing this? It’s because she’s YOUR roommate. You dragged her into this by being a part of her world.”

“You’re just trying to trick me, I won’t give in!”

Xavier yanked on her leash, pulling her back against him. She clawed at her throat, gasping for air.

“I honestly prefer you don’t, that would be too boring. That fire in your eyes, that rebellious spirit… that is what drew me to you. Pray to God to protect you, try and shield your friends. I want you to rebel against me. I want you to keep hope alive and dream of a day when this collar with be broken. Hope is the belief that things will change, that even the most horrible situation will come to an end. People cling to hope because they have no choice but to believe that they can outlast their Hell or that something will happen to change all the rules of the game. But every time the sun rises on their bleak world, every time they feel the strike of the whip or club when someone was supposed to catch their tormentor’s hand, that hope turns on them.

I want you to keep hoping, because that will make your suffering all the more terrible. Every time I crush your hope, you will be overwhelmed by heartbreak, by disappointment, by abandonment and even betrayal by God and the world around you. Reach for the sun, my little flower, so that I may clip you and send you falling back to Earth. Wait for someone to come and rescue you, so that every time you feel my touch, you realize that you are all alone. Make this a glorious and eternal battle of wills, make me fight to win your heart.” He grasped her trinity necklace and held it up to her face. “Keep this close, so that you can learn again and again how useless it is.”

He then vanished, leaving Helena to fall to her knees, her throat sore and her body weak.

‘Don’t cry, don’t you dare cry,’ she told herself, feeling tears hanging from her lashes.

Having left Helena, Xavier was in a sinister mood. He was looking for someone, using his powers to track her, and as luck would have it, she was alone. Timing it perfectly, he rounded a corner just as a girl did. She was fifteen, small for her age, with short brown hair and a fragile look to her. She had been carrying several books and papers, and bumping into him, she fell and everything dropped into a mess.

“I’m sorry!” she squeaked, getting down and frantically trying to pull everything together.

“No, no, it’s my fault. I should have watched where I was going better.” Getting down on one knee, he helped her gather her books and papers. “Oh, I recognize you! I saw you in the cafeteria the day before yesterday,” he said cheerfully.

She looked up at him and her face turned red. The last time she had seen him, he smiled and winked at her. “You… remember me?”

“Of course. How could I forget those pretty eyes of yours?”

Not used to flattery, she ducked her head and tried to contain her nervousness. She wasn’t even picking up papers anymore.

“I’ve Xavier Michaels, and I see you are…” he picked up a homework assignment. “Lily Traiton, a beautiful name.” The worksheet he had retrieved had already been graded and it was dotted with red marks. “Having trouble with stoichiometry?” he asked, looking down through the problems.

“Give that back!” she cried out in embarrassment. He gave it to her and she stood up, all of her possessions in a messy pile in her arms. “Thank you,” she said nervously with her face downcast.

“I could help you.”

She looked up at him. “What?”

“I remember stoichiometry being the worst part about chemistry, but it’s not too bad once you figure it out. I could tutor you if you’d like.”

She averted her gaze, less nervous than before, but now feeling shame. “Why would someone like you help someone like me?”

Xavier put his hand on the top of her head, making her look up at him with eyes full of wonder. His smile was warm and kind. “Because something tells me you’ve always been afraid to ask for help. Listen, I’ll be in the library today at 6:00. If you’d like some help, come find me.”

Just as Xavier had planned, Lily came to find him in the library. They were sitting at an isolated table in the corner of the library, where no one would bother them. They had finished Lily’s chemistry homework and now he was checking it over.

“Very good, I can’t see any problems. You did a great job with this.”

Lily was trying to hide a bashful smile while she squirmed in her seat, unsure of what to do when complimented. “T-thank you.”

“I’m happy to help you. I’ve definitely found that the work at this school is difficult. Do you like it here?”

She lost her smile and turned away. “I don’t know.”

“Well we get to go home for a few weeks for summer break, just hold out for a month and you can spend some time at home.”

Lily brought her hand up to her mouth as if to chew her nails, but was really hiding away behind it. “This school is my home.”

A moment of silence passed between them.

“I understand.” She looked up at him and saw the same kind smile as when they met in the hall, but with sadness mixed in. “I know that this school still acts as a home for kids to have no other home to go to. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

“It’s ok, my parents left me here when I was nine.”
She covered her mouth in the hope she could stop the words from coming out, but they had already been spoken. Why would she say that? She had never told anyone that!

Xavier held his hand out to her. “I’m sorry. Nobody, especially a girl as sweet as you, deserves to be abandoned like that. I won’t make the same mistake they did.”

“Do you really mean that?” He nodded and Lily slowly outstretched her small hand and rested it on Xavier’s palm. “Thank you.”

Helena stood before the doors of the university church, trying to work up the courage to touch the handles. It was in here that Xavier had revealed himself as the Antichrist and placed that collar on her. To her, this church had lost the feel of protection, as well perhaps as all churches. But there was someone here, someone who may be able to help. Pushing aside her fears, she opened the doors and stepped inside. At the end of the church, by the podium, a priest stood while facing a group of elementary school students, pointing out different aspects of the structure and giving them a mechanical understanding. He was Father Hauser, a young priest, early thirties, and at this school he was a professor of architecture, namely churches as to be expected. He was also a good friend of Helena.

Seeing her step into the church, he grinned and waved her over. A nervous smile, she approached and stood next to him in front of the young children.

“Boys and girls, this is one of my best students, Helena O’Connor. She has a noble path before her, one that was handed to her by God, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. You always had brilliant imagination for cathedrals, you could have been one of the greatest architects in Catholic history,” he beamed. He then looked at the children. “Now that I think about it, on a day as beautiful as today, not even a church is good place to keep you all. We’ll end this lesson, go out and enjoy the greatest architecture in the universe: the world that God created for us.”

The young students cheered at the prospect of getting out early, and as they swarmed out into the sun, Hauser turned to Helena and hugged her. “It’s been too long since we last spoke, how have you been?”

“Oh, uh… I’ve been ok,” she mumbled, suddenly more nervous than before, but comforted to have the care of someone she so respected.

“Come, take a seat. Normally when you come to me, it’s because you did something bad and need a Confession. Tell me, how many sinners did you punish this time?”

He sat down on the pew and Helena sat with him, but she couldn’t make eye contact. Her palms were sweaty and she was wringing her skirt.

“Uh, none. It’s not about that. It’s… it’s something different.”

“What is it?”

She looked at him, her eyes trembling with fear. “Everyone in this school is in danger.”

The calmness on Father Hauser’s face vanished. “What do you mean?”

Helena could feel the collar beginning to awaken. If she was right, then if she tried to reveal Xavier’s secret like she had with Sophie, the seal would close her throat and stop her from speaking. But perhaps, if she chose her words very carefully, it wouldn’t be triggered.


Helena’s throat tightened, cutting her off. She broke out into a coughing fit, struggling to breath.

“Helena!” Hauser exclaimed, trying to keep her from falling over.

Her throat relaxed but she could tell the brand could have done worse. That was a warning. She couldn’t mention Xavier even ambiguously.

“I’m ok, just allergies.”

“Helena, what were you saying about everyone in school being in danger?”

She took a moment to think, trying to come up with a way to fool the brand. ‘Maybe I don’t have to tell him, maybe I can tell the truth by lying.’ “Last night, I had a dream. It was more than a dream, I’m certain beyond doubt that it was sent to me by God. There is going to be a war.”

“What kind of war?”

Helena glanced up at the large crucifix on the back wall of the church. “A war that will… show… the truth. Father Hauser, everyone in the school is in danger.”

She then got to her feet and began hurriedly walking down the aisle.

“Helena, wait!” She stopped and looked back at Hauser. “Don’t go, we need to talk about this.”

“I’m sorry, Father, but my next class is about to start. If I say anything more, I’ll be late. Do you understand? I can’t tell you anything else right now because of class.”

Leaving the priest bewildered but concerned, she rushed out of the church.

The student stared at the entrance to the school, deep in thought. He was a senior, but he had been gone for a while. His hair was long and unkempt, his shirt was undone with rolled up sleeves, and he even had a tattoo on his neck. To strangers, he looked like nothing more than a punk that didn’t belong in a strict Catholic school, but above all, he was a man of faith, and the scowl he wore was one of stoicism. He had finally come back to school after taking care of business back home, but now he was hesitant to step onto the premises.

“There’s something evil here.”

Chapter 3

“Your teachers sure weren’t happy about you not coming in. You were supposed to be back for class yesterday. Did things back home take longer than expected?”

Father Hauser was in his office, pouring a cup of tea for a student. He was a senior, taller and more muscular than others in his grade, and while he had high grades, he was often punished for his disregard of dress code and proper appearance. His long hair was unkempt, his shirt a mess, and he had a bandana around his head. He took the cup of tea but sat it down on the table beside him.

“Not exactly, I just didn’t quite feel comfortable coming back to school. I still don’t feel comfortable here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Father, has… has anything strange been going on?”

“Such as…?”

“I’m not sure, but when I came here yesterday… something felt wrong to me. I stood at the entrance to the campus and I had the feeling that I had to turn around and leave.”

Sitting behind his desk, Father Hauser leaned back in his chair. “Was this like the other times? Did it feel like the investigations?”

“Much worse. Normally when I come to a scene, I can feel something watching me, always one or at most a handful. I can feel their presence and their desire to keep me out. Here, it’s like I’m being ignored but I still feel the evil. There is something in this school, and while it isn’t aware of who I am, the weight of its presence is more intense than anything I’ve ever felt.”

“Thane, do you really believe there is something at this school? A spirit? A poltergeist? A demon?”

“None of those. This is something new.”

“And you’re sure?”


Once again, Hauser leaned back in his chair, deep in thought.

“You know something, don’t you?” Thane asked.

“A few days ago, there were three suicides in the city. They weren’t our students, but it was very unusual. They were performed simultaneously at different locations and in very gruesome ways. Then yesterday, a student came and told me about a dream she had of a coming war. She told me that everyone in school was in danger.”

“Who was she? What was her name?”

“Thane, do you really think I can tell you that? I don’t want you bothering her. She’s clearly stressed and I want her to be able to put this whole matter behind her. I don’t know what kind of dream she had, but if it really was just a dream, then it’s better that she forget it.”

The anxious student sighed. “All right, I understand. Just please keep a lookout for anything unusual.”

“I will, as soon as you get to class.”

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

Xavier was facing Lily, the two of them standing in the shade behind the school gymnasium. The small girl was even more nervous than before, but she seemed less mournful.

“You said you wouldn’t abandon me, right?”

He gave her a bright smile, one that warmed her heart. “Of course I would never abandon you. You’re too precious to me to ever leave you behind.”

“There’s something I really need to tell you. Xavier… I… I l-lo…”

She turned away from him with her hands over her face, overwhelmed with embarrassment. He stepped forward and lifted her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Relax, you can tell me anything.”

He put his other arm against the wall behind her, sealing her in.

“Xavier, I l-love you,” she murmured with a blush of fear on her cute face.

Xavier worked to suppress a wicked grin. ‘She’s even easier than I thought. I originally figured it would take at least two weeks for her to progress this far. Hell, I probably won’t even need to use any powers to shape her into the perfect little slave.’

Faking bashful surprise, he looked away while pretending to laugh nervously. “Wow, really? No girl has ever told me that before, especially one as pretty as you.”

That compliment sealed the deal.

“Yes, I really love you. You’re the first person who’s ever been nice to me. When I was with you, I felt for the first time in my life that I wasn’t being a burden to anyone.”

“Well, to be honest, I love you too. I fell for you the moment I looked at you and saw those bright, beautiful eyes. You have such a soft and gentle soul. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Lily wiped away tears of joy. “Really? Then we can be together?”

“Of course, but we’ll have to be careful. Dating is strictly forbidden here and we can’t get caught. It will be a secret love, understand?”

In his mind, Xavier was cackling at the look of happiness on her face. A secret love? Even to him it sounded ridiculous.

“Yes, I understand! I’ll keep it secret!”

“Ok, but if we’re going to be together, we need to set some rules. They’ll help protect us and make sure we can be together forever.”

She nodded eagerly, as if not even hearing what he said.

“First rule: You have do everything I tell you without question. We can’t be in a relationship if I don’t have your complete and total trust. You do trust me, don’t you?”

“Of course I trust you! I’ll do anything you ask me!”

He rubbed the top of her head. “I know you will, because you’re such a good girl. The second rule is that you can’t talk to anyone unless I give you permission. Other people won’t understand our special bond, so we can’t let them get close. Do you understand? If anyone were to find out about us, we wouldn’t be allowed to be together. At this school, all we have is each other, nobody else.”

She ate it up, willing to agree to anything in return for some scraps of affection. He then got down on one knee, but never dropping below her eye level. Reaching out, he placed his hands on her cheeks.

“The third rule is simple, we have to love each other more anyone else possibly could. Nobody on this earth will ever love you as much as I do, just like I know nobody could ever love me as much as you do, understand?”

She nodded and he took a moment to wipe away more tears of joy. He then changed his tone, putting on the façade of desperation. “And the fourth rule is that if you break any of the other rules, you’ll need to be disciplined. You have to follow the rules, no matter what, so if you break them, I’ll be forced to punish you. I don’t want to have to punish you; it would break my heart. Please, I beg you, don’t force me to do it. Do you understand?”

She again nodded, the slightest twitch of unease in her eyes at the mention of punishment, but her heart easily convinced. She had to never break the rules. She couldn’t allow herself to be so cruel as to make Xavier punish her.

“Good, then how about we consummate the relationship?”

Shock flashed across her face. “What?”

“Well we know that we’re going to get married someday, so we might as well make love now.”

She looked around nervously. “You mean… here?”

“Well we can’t do it in your room or mine, not with our roommates always around. We have to be clever about where we do it so that we’re not discovered. Besides, wouldn’t it just be so lovely? To fulfill our bond outside, the fresh air to our skin? We’re doing what nature intended us to do, so doesn’t it seem the most fitting that our first time be out in nature instead of in some dark bedroom? We could do it here in the cool shade or out in the light and feel the warmth of the sun on our entwined bodies.”

He could tell he had won her over, but she was still very hesitant. She was wringing her skirt, unable to look at him. “I… I don’t know how to make love,” she soft softly.

Xavier smiled and again rubbed the top of her head. “Don’t worry, I know how it’s supposed to be done. I’ll show you the way; just do whatever I tell you and don’t resist anything. First thing’s first, take off your clothes and let me see that beautiful body of yours.”

Trembling like a leaf but desperate to keep Xavier happy, she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled off her skirt. He then took the next step for her, sliding her panties down her smooth legs and unfastening her bra. While she was scrawny for her age, she was showing signs of development, with a small patch of pubic hair above her slit and modest B-cup breasts. Her skin was like the flesh of a ripe peach, porcelain white and as soft as flower petals. She tried to hide herself, not from Xavier, but from the world around them.

“You are so gorgeous,” he said as he kissed her hand.

The touch of his lips to her soft skin relaxed her and she allowed her muscles to untwist. Down on one knee, he traced his fingers around her bright pink areolas, making her shiver.

“Your nipples are very sensitive erogenous zones. Do you know what that means? It means that they provide sexual pleasure when stimulated.”

He then began to kiss her breasts, taking time to tease her small buds with his tongue. Lily leaned against the brick wall behind her, panting from the blissful sensation of such intimate contact. Whichever nipple he wasn’t sucking on, he pinched with his fingers to make her whine. He came up and started kissing her, showing her how to move her lips and touching her tongue with his. With their tongues wrapped around each other, he placed his hand between her legs and rubbed her virgin gate with his thumb. She wanted to push his hand away, suddenly feeling scared as things progressed, but she obeyed Xavier and allowed him to tease the tight lips. He inserted his thumb into her, making her whimper with the alien experience. He moved back and forth inside her, loosening her up and making her whole body flare with a fever of arousal. It was when he started rubbing her clit that her voice really began to leak out.

“This is your clitoris. It’s incredibly sensitive, and if I touch it enough, it’ll make you have an orgasm, otherwise known as “cumming”. Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

Instead of answering, Xavier slipped his index and middle finger into her, struggling to fit them in so tight a slit. Lily released a stifled moan and Xavier’s movements changed, now becoming rapid and indifferent. He was jamming his fingers deep inside her at frantic speeds while using his thumb to work her clit like the action button of a videogame controller. She leaned on him, gagging from the overwhelming sensations. With all of her willpower, she held onto Xavier’s collar with her teeth, trying not to let her uncontrollable moaning escape. Xavier continued his assault on her pussy, fingering her so hard and fast that she raised one leg to try and lesson the extreme sensations. He grabbed her other leg and lifted her off the ground, putting her whole weight on his hand as he pumped his fingers in her like the firing pin of an uzi. Her body was trembling from the force of his thrusts, her tiny ass jiggling with her inner thighs wet from her spilling wetness.

At last, she gave the signifying moan that she had achieved her first orgasm. Waves of pleasure swept through her, filling her mind with fireworks while every muscle simultaneously convulsed. She collapsed on his shoulder, panting like a marathon runner. He sat her down on the ground, leaning her against the brick wall. While he waited for her to catch her breath, he licked his fingers clean.

“Your fingers are so big,” she whined as he kissed her neck.

“Oh, you are in for a big surprise.”

He then stood up and unbuckled his pants, letting his cock jump out like a springboard. She stared at it with wide eyes, having never seen an actual penis in her life. To her it was terrifyingly large. What was he going to do with it?

“Now for the next lesson, oral sex. This is my cock and I want you to suck on it. Think of it as a big lollipop. Can you do that for me?” She stared at it in uncertainty, unable to answer. “Put your hand on it and stroke it first, just to get used to it.”

Her small hand trembling, she slowly reached up and wrapped her fingers around his member. The feel of it was almost scary to her, both the incredible heat it seemed to give off and the pulsating muscles beneath the skin. She moved her hand back and forth, using that touch to familiarize herself with it.

“Ok, now bring your face up close to it.”

Looking up him for confirmation, she leaned forward and he rubbed the head against her lips, smearing them with precum. It felt so hot to her, like it would actually burn her. He put it between her lips, letting her kiss it.

“Open your mouth and take in as much as you can. Whatever you do, don’t let your teeth touch it.”

She opened her mouth wide and he slid it in, taking his time to rub the head against her tongue. She closed her lips around it and he slowly pushed it in until she started to gag.

“There you go. Doesn’t it feel good to have that in your mouth? Now start moving your head back and forth. Suck on it like a vacuum, use your tongue and cheeks.”

Desperate to obey, she began bobbing her head while using the softest parts of her mouth to pleasure him. He sighed with a smile as she diligently worked, her confidence and skill rising with each passing second. He put his hand on her head, breathing heavily from the efforts of the young woman.

“You’re such a good girl. Now let’s see just how deep we can get it in.”

Holding the sides of her head, he pushed himself in to her throat. Immediately she tried to push him off her, feeling her gag reflex firing up and trying to expel the mass.

“No, don’t fight it. You’re supposed to choke on it. Just relax your throat and let it happen.”

Tears were streaming down her face and saliva was pouring from her lower lip and making a mess on her breasts. He managed to bury himself in all the way, with his testicles resting on her chin. Lily looked like she was about to pass out, wordlessly whining that she couldn’t breath. He at last pulled out of her, letting her take a desperate breath of air, then smeared his cock across her face and put it back in her mouth. Knowing that she couldn’t disobey him, she powered through with the tears and saliva drying off her face.

“Ok, I think I’m about to cum. Open your mouth and stick your tongue out.”

Glad to have it out of her throat, she opened wide while he stroked himself, breaking the seal of his orgasm. The first shot of semen went across her face, shocking her, and the second and third covered her tongue. The second she closed her mouth, she shuddered in revulsion and tried to spit it out, but Xavier stopped her.

“No, swallow it all. Do you know what is? That’s the liquid form of my love for you. Are you really going to just spit it out?”

Her eyes watering, she gave in and forced it down her throat, feeling like she had just swallowed a spoonful of salty honey. He then wiped the semen off her face and held her hand out to her. Having developed an instinct for obedience, she started licking his hand clean like a cat, making sure that every last sperm ended up in her mouth.

“You’re doing perfect, just to be expected from the world’s best girlfriend. Now onto the main dish: intercourse.”

“What’s that?”

Xavier motioned to his re-hardening manhood. “I’m going to put this inside of you. What I did with my fingers, that was just practice.”

Fear filled her at the prospect of such an act. That big thing was going to go inside her?! “I can’t do it, it’s too big! I’m sorry, but it just won’t be able to fit.”

Xavier turned away from her and sighed. “I shouldn’t be surprised. This kind of thing is for mature adults and you’re just a little kid. I guess you and I can’t be together after all. I’ll just have to wait four or five years until you can handle it.”

Lily scrambled to her feet. “No! Please! I can do it! Please don’t go!”

Xavier smiled. “That’s my girl. Ok, turn to the wall and bend over with your legs spread. Put your hands on the wall.

Getting into position, she shivered as Xavier stood behind her and picked her up by her hips, needing to do so due to the difference in their heights. With one arm wrapped around her, he used his free hand to penetrate her. Lily whined as the muscular mass pushed through her lips and entered her body. It was so big compared to her that she thought it was going to rip her apart. Xavier didn’t hesitate to rupture her hymen, simply pushing himself until he was buried inside her up to the base. She was so tight around him, her tiny body struggling to accommodate his cock. Lily was pushing against the wall with tears running down her face. She couldn’t show Xavier any weakness. She had to prove she loved him.

Loving the feel of wearing yet another deflowered girl like a condom, Xavier chuckled to himself and pulled out, letting her virgin blood drip off the shaft of his dick. Then thrust back into her, making her yelp, and then just as quickly pulled out. He began pumping her with a steady but building rhythm, slamming his manhood against the entrance to her womb, pulling out, and then repeating. With every thrust, Lily gave a small cry of pain, but with the passing seconds, that pain became mixed with pleasure. Their position was awkward and soon had to be reworked.

Xavier had Lily pressed against the wall like he was arresting her, holding her off the ground with one of her legs raised so that he had easy access. She could smell the mortar in the wall, and her nipples were chaffing against the cold brick. Was this was love was supposed to feel like? Did everyone do it this way? Getting mounted from behind with their face against a wall? No, she couldn’t let herself think like that. Xavier loved her, he told her so. Besides, he was the only one that loved her; she had to remember that. She had no one but him.

Eventually the position further devolved, Xavier now holding Lily like a wheelbarrow, continuing to violate her small body with her trying to hold herself off the ground. An increase in the roughness of Xavier’s thrusts told her that he was cumming again, and proving her right, he suddenly stopped and she could feel jets of hot sperm being emptied into her womanhood. The white syrup overflowed from her tiny pussy, running down her belly, between her small breasts, and dripping off her chin. Xavier lowered her to the ground, the young woman curled up and panting. He picked up her discarded panties and used them to wipe off his deflating manhood.

“Can you feel that? Can you feel how much love I just shot into you?” She silently nodded, not trusting her voice. “Good, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together. Your body belongs to me now, got it?” She nodded again. “Good, and make sure you shave yourself down there before our next meet. Hair is a real turnoff for me.”

The pages were flipped with anger and impatience, but refused to give up the secrets Helena was after. She was in the library, looking for any information she could get on the Antichrist. She couldn’t find much; every mentioning was about what would happen with the Apocalypse and told her nothing that she didn’t already know from reading the bible: a charismatic guy would appear, a genius of politics and economics, who would use fake miracles and lies to turn people away from Christ. Then Jesus would show up and the Apocalypse would happen.

But nothing told her how to beat him herself, or how to at least fight him. What really concerned her was that he wasn’t following the biblical prophecy. He claimed he witnessed Christ’s crucifixion and had been wandering the globe ever since. So why hadn’t he made his move yet? Why was he still pretending to just be a high school student? Had he always had his current appearance? Or could he change the way he looked so that he could better assume identities and positions of power? He had mentioned earlier that he was thinking about his future, that there was a whole world just waiting to be conquered. What was he really planning?

She closed the book she had been reading and leaned back in her chair. ‘This isn’t getting me anywhere. If I’m going to find his weakness, then I’ll need to do some investigation.’

Father Hauser sat in his small office, deep in thought. The things Helena and Thane had told him were very concerning. He had known Helena since she first came to Rosewood University and regarded her as a very brave and spirited young woman. She often came to him for help when she did something bad, both in search of guidance and for help escaping the Discipline Committee’s wrath. But when she spoke to him in the church… that was the first time he had seen her truly frightened. Why would she say the entire school was in danger and then just run off?

He thought back to what she said, searching for clues. ‘She said that there was going to be a war that would show the truth. Show… the truth… What truth? What was she talking about? If there were a war, why would everyone in the school be in danger? Would it happen here? If it did, then that would mean everyone in Rome is in danger. Thane said that there was something dark in the school as well, something different from the other cases. Maybe… Helena is a victim of possession and what she saw was a nightmare brought on by whatever is haunting her? Thane told me to keep a lookout for any strange phenomena, maybe I should try looking at Helena…’

“Excuse me, are you Chad?”

The pudgy student, studying at a sunlit table on the grassy campus, looked up. “Yes, can I help you?”

“My name is Helena, and I was hoping I could ask you something.”

“Ok, shoot.”

She sat down next to him at the picnic table, setting her book bag beside her. “You’re Xavier’s roommate, right?”

“Uh… yeah.”

“Is there anything you could tell me about him? Anything weird you might have noticed about him?”

Chad looked around in confusion. “Why are you asking? You do know that dating is forbidden in this school, right?”

Helena groaned in annoyance. “I’m not curious in that way. I met him the day he first came here and he seems like kind of a weird guy. I’m just wondering if it’s something only I’m noticing or if he just seems quirky to everyone.”

“He doesn’t seem weird to me. He’s quiet, doesn’t talk to me much, but he’s always very polite.”

“Does he have any weird stuff in your room? Anything that might give a clue as to where he’s from?”

“Nope, or at least I haven’t seen anything. He did have a duffle bag with him that he keeps under his bed, but I don’t think there is anything weird in there.”

‘A duffle bag? There may be some clues in there.’ “Ok, well I guess it was just a strange first impression he gave me. I should get going. Thank you.”

Hooking her arm around the straps of her book bag, she stood up but intentionally threw herself off balance and into a fall. “Whoa!”

Swinging her arm, she “accidentally” struck Chad in the face with her book bag, breaking his nose and sending him to the ground, howling in pain.

‘Lord, please forgive me for that. I’m only doing what I must.’ “Oh my god, Chad! I’m so sorry, are you alright?!” He only gave a muffled cry, trying to stop the blood pouring to his nose. “It’s ok, I’ll help get you to the infirmary.” Taking advantage of his pain, she pulled him to his feet while sneaking her hand into his pocket and taking his dorm room key. ‘And please forgive me for that too.’

There was hushed muttering in the cafeteria as Thane made his way to the kitchen with an empty tray for dinner. He was well-known in this school, more than just for his untidy appearance.

“Who is that guy?” a sixteen-year-old girl asked her friend, the two of them watching from their table.

“That’s Alexander Thane, he’s a senior. From what I’ve heard, priests will ask him for help from time to time.”

“Help? Help for what?”

“Exorcisms. Supposedly he’s got some really sharp sixth sense and is able to free people from possession faster than any other priest. I think he once said that he was going to become a priest and just do exorcisms as a specialist. He’ll probably be recruited into the Vatican pretty soon.”

Thane got in line in the kitchen, moving his tray down the metal slide. Someone got behind him. At that moment, his entire body froze and became suddenly drenched with a cold sweat. Around him, the paint peeled off the walls, the food became rotten, the metal rusted, and everyone in the kitchen turned to skeletons and crumbled. The ceiling above his head was ripped away, revealing a hurricane of fire overhead. Feeling a blaring heat on his back, he turned around. The school was gone, all of Rome swept aside as if by a nuclear explosion. In its place was a literal mountain of skeletons, with flames streaming up through the eye sockets of the skulls and between the bones. At the top of the mountain sat a figure on an obsidian throne, surrounded by naked women with collars on their necks, swooning at his feet and clambering for his attention.

The figure was twenty feet in height with a very muscular build. In the literal blink of an eye, the figure disappeared and reappeared in front of Thane, their faces so close that he could see nothing but the bloody flames churning in his eyes. A colossal hand closed around his throat and a monstrous roar slammed into his eardrums, making him nearly pass out in agony.

“Hey, are you ok?”

Thane was shaken from the hallucination, finding Xavier standing in front of him. The hand that had been around his throat was instead on his shoulder. Everyone in the kitchen was staring at the two of them.

“Can you hear me? Are you alright?”

Thane nodded and Xavier stepped by. The senior stared at him as he walked away, picking up food laid out by the cafeteria workers and setting it on his tray.

‘What in God’s name was that?’

Xavier was thinking the same thing, while on his face, his lips had curled into an insidious smirk. ‘Interesting, very interesting.’

Helena looked down the hallway both ways for the umpteenth time, scared out of her mind. Completely ignoring the fact that girls were forbidden to enter the boys’ dormitory and she was essentially breaking into a dorm room after stealing a key from a student she assaulted, she was entering the Antichrist’s bedroom. She was sure he would be at dinner, but for all she knew, he could be lying in his bed, waiting for her. All of the dorm rooms in this corridor were empty, but the clicking of the key seemed louder than it should have been. She opened the door and stepped inside, feeling her heart beating in her ears. The room was empty, prompting a deep sigh of relief.

‘Ok, the first thing I have to do is figure out which is his bed.’

There weren’t any pictures or anything on the bedside tables and no posters on the walls. She crouched down beside the bed on the right, about to reach under and see if there was a duffle bag underneath. She stopped, suddenly realizing that it was in fact his bed. It smelled like him. For some reason, she found herself enjoying the scent.

Feeling her heart flutter, she slapped herself. “What the hell are you thinking?!”

Reaching under the bed, she grabbed his duffle bag and pulled it out. Unzipping the bag, she opened it wide but found only spare clothes. She dug through them, having to be careful and make sure that anything she touched was put back in its rightful place. Her patience wore thin though, and she merely emptied the contents on the floor. Moving aside the clothes, she found his wallet and passport, but found nothing of importance inside. According to his ID, he was from New Zealand, but considering his age, she knew that to be a lie. Underneath a discarded coat, she found a small photo album, about the size of a pocketbook. She was scared to open it, having a good idea of what was inside. They were probably pictures of women, either before or after he raped them, but they might also offer a clue as to his origins. She opened it up, feeling the knot in her stomach immediately unraveling.

The first picture was the Pyramids of Giza, taken from what looked like the balcony of a hotel room. The next one was a selfie, with Xavier standing… no… it couldn’t be… at the summit of Everest?! He was looking at the camera, not wearing any winter gear, completely unaffected by the cold. He was smiling. The third picture was very old, black and white even, and it showed the Eifel Tower. The fourth looked like it was from an old Polaroid camera. It showed Xavier, sitting on the grass at Stonehenge, with a big St. Bernard sitting next to him. Was that his dog? Or had the owners allowed him to take a picture with it? He wasn’t the one holding the camera, and like at Everest, he was smiling.

Helena slowly flipped through the photo album, keeping her eye on the clock but also taking her time on every picture. There was no telling what he had been doing before the creation of cameras, no kind of documentation of his actions, but could it be possible that he had always been like this? Traveling from place to place like a tourist? Had he really spent these last two thousand years like a college student backpacking around the globe? He was never with people in these pictures, never in a group photo, but there were plenty of pictures of him with dogs. She had seen Xavier smile, such as the fake one he wore when around people, and the sadistic smirk he had when he showed his true colors, like when he raped Sophie. These were different. He looked… happy. Was it possible for even the Antichrist to feel something so innocent as happiness without hurting someone? Was his appearance not his only human quality?

These pictures proved his age, some of them looking like they dated back to the nineteenth century. If she showed them to someone, she could convince them of what he was. She put his clothes back in his bag, arranging everything the way they had been before, but kept the photo album with her. About to leave with it, she pulled her hand off the doorknob as she felt her collar activate. It seemed that Xavier had predicted something like this and made rules regarding certain possessions. She finally had what she needed to break free of Xavier’s control and save Sophie and the rest of the school, but it was out of her reach.

She looked at the small leather book in her hand. It was the seal that had stopped her from taking it, but for some reason, a small part of her felt glad that she couldn’t. She had been so desperate for proof of what he was, proof that she could use to reveal him and free herself, but this wasn’t the kind of proof that she wanted. She wanted to use his evil against him, to reveal his crimes to the world so that he could be stopped and hopefully even destroyed. As much as she hated him and as much as she wanted him dead, it didn’t feel right to use his one piece of innocence as a weapon. She wanted the smoking gun that would show the world that he was a monster, not the one cherished possession that proved that even a monster like him was capable of joy.

She pulled his duffle bag back out from under his bed and returned to photo album. Xavier may have won this round, but she would find something she could use against him, something that would end his reign. With everything just as it had been since before she arrived, she made her escape from the dorm. She kept the key with her, hoping she could use it again sometime.

That night, Xavier came to her room to have his way with Sophie again. This time, he had her on her knees, bent over with her wrists bound to the headboard like before. He laughed as he raped her, thrusting into her deflowered pussy like a jackhammer. Every time he pushed in, his thighs would clap against her ass and make it jiggle. Sophie was crying nonstop, her anguish heightened when he would reach down and strangle her bouncing breasts. Paralyzed in her bed like before, Helena could do nothing but watch, crying tears of her own. The second time around was no less awful, the pain of watching her best friend being brutalized feeling like an icicle going through her heart. She just had to hope that Xavier would again erase Sophie’s memory and restore her body.

‘Just hang on, Sophie. I’ll find a way to save you.’

Chapter 4

Lily whimpered with her face to the ground, feeling more humiliated than ever in her life. She felt like she was doing something wrong, something dangerous and unwholesome. She was with Xavier behind the university gym, enjoying the privacy. Buzzing inside her were two large vibrators, one in her ass and one in her pussy, with Xavier stirring them to further intensify the tidal wave of sensations sweeping through her. He was training her in anal play, having convinced her that it would be a great method of bringing her joy and physical pleasure, as well as let them break down the physical and emotional barriers between them.

In reality, he was doing this to weaken whatever resistance she might have to his will. The more he humiliated her like this, the more accustomed she would be to following his orders. But this covert abuse wasn’t all that was in their relationship. Over the weekend, he had taken her off campus for a couple of dates, the first being lunch and walk around the park and the second being dinner and a movie. Never in her life had Lily smiled so much and been so happy as when she clung to Xavier’s arm, and her love for him only grew stronger. This concoction of affection and abuse was turning her into the perfect slave.

“So how does your ass feel?” he asked while licking his lips.

“I-it f-feels… really… w-weird!” she whined.

“But you must enjoy it, don’t you? The feel the toys buzzing in your naughty parts? I bet it’ll really feel good if I do this…”

He revealed another vibrator, about the size of a dime and worn on his finger with a small strap. He pressed it to her clitoris, making Lily’s voice jump in volume. The expression on her face, it was like she was melting. She couldn’t take it anymore; the three toys were too much. Covering her mouth with her hand, she cried out as she had orgasm after orgasm, cumming so hard that the toy in her pussy was pushed out with a splash of her liquid arousal. Her small body heaving from her desperate panting, she shivered as she felt Xavier’s tongue replace the dildo in her ass. After all the time with the vibrators inside her, her interior was incredibly sensitive, but that didn’t stop him from licking every corner. He moved back and forth between the two orifices, sending his tongue so deep inside her that should have almost sworn that he was part snake.

“I can still smell the soap from how hard you scrubbed down here in the shower. You’re such a good girl. I love going down on you, you have a delicious and beautiful body.”


“Oh course, you’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world.”

He pulled away and got to his feet, proceeding to unbuckle his pants and let his manhood break free. “Make sure you get it good and wet so that it will slide in easy.”

Sitting up, Lily took his cock in her mouth as if it had become second nature. They hadn’t been dating long, but Xavier had quickly taught her what her duty was as his woman. Several times during their dates, and every time they were able to meet up during the school day, he would have her suck him off until she had mastered it. She had even learned how to deep-throat him without nearly throwing up or suffocating. Her head bobbed back and forth with the end of his cock rubbing against the back of her throat. He made sure to stroke her hair and give her a loving smile, as well as tell her what a good girl she was and what a perfect job she was doing.

After a few minutes, he had her stop and then sat down on the ground, motioning for her to get on. Knowing what he wanted, she crouched over his lap and spread her cheeks, letting him set her down on his cock. She yelped as she felt him enter her, his member being larger than the dildo he had used on her.

“Can you feel it? Our bodies are joined together, just as they should be.”

“Yeah,” she murmured, “I can feel it.”

With her back to him, Xavier had her put her feet on his knees and started bucking his hips, thrusting up into her with centuries of experience. Lily had to work to keep her voice contained, feeling her body wanting to convulse from the sensation of Xavier’s manhood slamming into her back door. She often wished he could be more merciful with how hard he fucked her, especially since this was her first time being sodomized, but as long as he loved her and as long as she got to cum, she could hold in her complaints. Besides, she was beginning to enjoy it.

“Your asshole feels so nice around my cock, it’s so warm and soft. Do you feel good?”

“Yes! It feels good!”

“Then I’ll make you feel even better.”

He wrapped one arm around her legs and lifted them, curling her up with her knees to his chest. While continuing to send his cock deep into her asshole, he used his other hand to finger her dripping pussy. It took less than a minute for them to both cum, Lily soaking Xavier’s fingers and Xavier sending spurt after spurt of semen into her asshole.

“Can you feel it? Feel how much love I pumped into you?”

“I can feel it, it’s so hot inside me,” she whimpered.

Xavier had engraved this into her mind: semen equaled affection. He had brainwashed her into thinking that it was the physical manifestation of his love for her. She would lick it off the floor if any drops were to fall and would beg him to pour it into her.

“Ok, time to suck it clean.”

“B-but it was in my…”

“I still have more semen, don’t you want to drink it up? Besides, you have to clean me off.”

She wordlessly obeyed, getting off his lap and turning around. She winced at the taste but did as she was told and began sucking on his cock. As she stirred his manhood around in her mouth, she suddenly shuddered. Xavier had just inserted a small butt plug in her rear end.

“There. That way it won’t leak out and go to waste. I want you to keep it inside you until we can meet up tomorrow. Do not take it out, got it?”

She gave a sad nod and crawled over to her pile of clothes. Xavier quickly stopped her and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re beautiful, you know that? You’re as beautiful as you are sweet.”

She smiled, her unease removed.

Thane crouched down in the hallway, duct-taping a battery to the wall. He had done this well over a hundred times already, taking advantage of his free period to try and shed some light on what was going on. He had to be quiet when he moved around like this, as while the school did give him some allowances, there were classes going on all around him. Making sure he couldn’t be seen through the small window in the door of the classroom at his side, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a compass. The needle jiggled from the movement, but did not spin, something that would normally occur in an area of paranormal activity. What was going on? He was sure there was something evil in these halls, but if the compass wasn’t showing any signs, then this really was something different.

He put the compass back in his pocket and replaced it with a voice recorder.

“Elementary School Building, Wing 5. April 17th, 2015.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.”

He stopped the recorder and moved to the end of the all. With a camera in hand, he snapped a picture of the empty corridor.

Likewise, Father Hauser was doing research as well. Hearing Thane’s words had made him curious about something. He had told the student about the three suicides, but now he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe there was a connection between them and whatever it was that Thane was sensing. He was in his office, looking over every newspaper and tabloid he could get his hands on. The three suicides had made the news with their unusual and gruesome behavior, but the information he was able to glean was limited. He knew their names and what school they went to, but nothing personal. There was plenty of speculation of course; different sources claiming that they had been on drugs, that it was a Satanic ritual, or that they had done it simply to get their fifteen minutes of fame.

He had considered speaking to the parents of the victims, but that wouldn’t work. He was a priest, not a detective. He wasn’t even the priest from their church. They had no reason to answer his questions and were probably sick of the inquirers, not to mention that as a Catholic priest, he had to keep a distance from the families since the boys had committed the sin of suicide.

Wait, there was something. On one of the tabloids, he saw that the boys had been admitted to and released from a hospital that very day. Why did they all go to the hospital? Did it have something to do with their deaths?

Helena watched Xavier have his way with the crying Sophie, as he had done time and time again. She had lost count of how many times she had been forced to watch. She had no idea how many hours he had spent raping her best friend in front of her. These long, restless nights were sapping her strength, making it difficult to stay awake during class. When she did sleep, she had nightmares of Xavier. He would be in her bed, fondling her, whispering in her ear. Some nights, he wouldn’t show up, and she would lie awake, waiting for him out of dread. She wasn’t sure why he’d skip, thinking that maybe he was doing it just to mess with her. The other possibility was that he had gotten his fill of the flesh of a woman, finding some other poor girl to use.

Hours later, he stood up, panting with semen dribbling out of Sophie’s pussy and asshole. He then turned to Helena, still paralyzed. A small smile, he strode over to her, making her heart race with each step he took. What was he going to do to her? Was she next?

He sat down on the bed, licking his lips while he stroked her hair. “What do you think? By now, you must have developed a taste for it.” He reached under the covers and Helena struggled against her paralysis, feeling his fingers reach her moist panties. “My, my, you’re so wet. Are you aware of how horny you are? What goes through your mind while I violate Sophie? Is it the fact that I’m brutalizing her that turns you on? Do you enjoy seeing her suffer? Do her screams of pain and humiliation make you shiver? Or do you feel left out? Do you envy her for being able to feel the manhood of her master thrusting deep into her slit?”

With her lips stuck together, she could only give a muffled rejection.

“Ah, I love that wrathful fire in your eyes. Let’s put it to the test, shall we?”

With a flick of his hand, he drew a notecard from nonexistence, holding it between his fingers. He slipped it under her pillow. “Time for things to start moving between you and I. Goodnight.”

He then kissed her on the forehead and disappeared.

Helena slowly stirred to the sound of her alarm clock. The events of last night were blurred to her. She remembered Xavier brutalizing Sophie… then coming over to her. Wait, the notecard! About to look for it under her pillow, she realized it was clutched tightly in her hands, the way she would clutch her medallion in prayer. Making sure Sophie didn’t see it, she faced the wall and read the card.


Helena’s heart dropped into her stomach. Oh God, what in the world was he going to have her do?!

“Helena, aren’t you getting up?” Sophie asked as she got dressed.

She took a deep breath. “I really just want to lie in bed for a little while longer. Go on to breakfast without me, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“Ok, but please don’t fall back to sleep. You don’t want to miss breakfast AND be late for class.”

“I’ll be fine, just go on ahead.”

Sophie left and Helena immediately sat up in bed. She looked over the card again, studying every millimeter. There was no fine print she could find, no other instructions or clarifications. If she said the words “punish me”, then she would be given some kind of task for the day, and in exchange, Sophie would be free from torment for that night. But could she believe Xavier? Would he keep his word? Would this task really only last for a day or would this be the submission he claimed he would win from her? She knew… she had to do it. What kind of friend would she be if she allowed that monster to have his way with Sophie when she had the chance to protect her? And if Christ was willing to give his life for the sins of all mankind, she could put up with Xavier’s cruelty for the sake of her friend’s safety.

She stood up out of bed and took a deep breath. “Lord, give me strength.” She looked down at the card. “Punish me.”

Her collar immediately activated, turning into a ring of light around her neck. From the ring stretched black ribbons, wrapping around her torso over and over again in complex knots. Known as the tortoise shell formation, they formed a net across her body like a spider web. She didn’t feel anything from the ribbons; they were fairly loose. It was awkward and embarrassing, sure, but not painful or even very unpleasant. About to think that she had lucked out, she gagged as the ribbons merged with her skin, turning into tattoos. It wasn’t the sensation of them merging with her that had nearly brought her to her knees, but what happened on those lines. Invisible ropes bound her, following the pattern of the lines etched into her skin. They were so tight, digging into her skin and making it hard to take full breaths. Her breasts were being squeezed as if with zip ties, while one segment of the rope went between her legs. Not only was had it settled in her ass like a thong, but there was a knot right against her clitoris.

She fell to her knees, blushing from the sensation of the bonds rubbing against her most sensitive spots. No matter how she moved, she felt the rope slide between her legs and around her breasts. She moved her hands across her body, feeling real invisible ropes tied around her, as if she could cut them off and them use them for mountain climbing. Or was it the lines on her skin making her feel like they were real? What was the point of this? To make her feel helpless? To inflict pain? It was certainly working. She had heard that people liked to be tied up like this for sexual pleasure, but she just failed to grasp how anyone could enjoy it. Though with the way the ropes were touching her, she could definitely feel stimulation…

She looked down at the card. The words had changed.


That son of a bitch.

“Good morning, Helena. Oh… wow, are you ok?”

Helena had arrived at the usual spot where she ate with her friends, and they immediately noticed how flushed her face was. It had taken a lot of courage to leave her room. Her clothes didn’t show the invisible ropes on her body, confirming for her that it was really the black lines on her skin that were binding her. Getting dressed had been difficult and going down the stairs had been even worse. The ropes weren’t chafing or leaving any marks. It was more like she was feeling intangible pressure and her nerve endings were being tricked into thinking they were really there.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

She sat down at the table, trying not to wince from the feeling of the rope grinding against her slit. The longer she was bound, the more sensitive she was becoming.

“Hey, look over there. It’s Thane. I heard he’s been missing a lot of classes.”

Helena looked to where her friend was pointing, spotting the disheveled student. “So what?”

“If Thane is missing class, it means he’s busy, and considering the work he does with the priests, it’s important. He’s an exorcist after all. Rumors say he’s been snooping around the school, looking for some kind of demon or something.”

Helena stared at him with wide eyes. ‘Wait, he’s looking for a demon? Is it possible that he knows Xavier is here? Maybe he can help me!’

Father Hauser sat in the waiting area by the entrance to the tabloid building. He had managed to convince the chief of the magazine to see him, and hopefully he could get more information on the suicides. Behind her desk, a receptionist got a call through her intercom.

“Father, he’ll see you know.”

He nodded in gratitude and walked over to the closed office door, which had a window of blurred glass with the chief’s name and title. He stepped into the office, the walls lined with framed headlines from the magazine. Working at his computer was the chief, an overweight balding man.

He stood up and shook Hauser’s hand. “Ah, Father Hauser, what can I do for you?”

“Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Elan. I’m here because I wanted to ask you about the story you posted last week, about the three boys who killed themselves.”

“Father, I’m sure you know I can’t give up my sources, even to a man of the church.”

Hauser sighed. “Well then I was hoping you could tell me any other pieces of information you might have. I’m worried that there may be something going on with these deaths.”

“Oh please, you think you’re the only one? We weren’t the first paper to say they were doing Devil worship. Every media outlet is being hounded by zealots.”

“Well what I’m curious about is the fact that they were coming from a hospital. Can you at least tell me what you know about that?”

“Well from what we heard, they got assaulted that morning.”

“Wait, do you know by who?”

“Now I certainly can’t just give you that information. I do have—”

“I hereby absolve you of all your sins.”

“There we go. Supposedly it was a girl from Rosewood University.”

“Come on, O’Connor! Try to keep up!”

Regardless of the coach’s barking, Helena struggled to keep up with the other girls. It was gym class and she was swimming in the university pool. With the invisible ropes binding her, any kind of physical activity was a nightmare. She never realized how much she moved her torso when swimming, and every time she gasped for air, she felt her breath being halved from the tightness of the restraints. Then there was the humiliation she was feeling. Everything she had seen and experienced so far today told her that the ropes were invisible, but when wearing nothing but a school swimsuit, she felt like the whole world could see her in this shameful straightjacket. Then there were the lines, the black lines on her skin, as wide as her fingers and clear as day. Luckily, swimsuits at a Catholic school were as modest they could be. They were more like wetsuits but with shorter sleeves and pants legs and covering her throat like a turtleneck, so her collar and the binds around her shoulders were covered.

The class was supposed to do five laps, but by the time all the other girls were done, she had only accomplished two. She was more tired than any of them, feeling the ropes sap her strength. The sensation was different in the water. They felt almost like fingers brushing up against her flesh, like a full-body massage. It wasn’t nearly as blissful as a real massage, but the stimulation was just as potent. The tightness around her breasts like they were being fondled, the friction of the rope between her legs, and the grip on her shoulders and stomach left her a blushing wreck, clinging to the edge of the pool with the other girls and gasping for air. The water was cool but she felt so damn hot. Her classmates all looked back at her and whispered amongst themselves, wondering what was wrong with her.

No surprise, the coach stormed over. “O’Connor, what’s the matter with you? Normally you would have been the first to make the fifth lap, but now you look like a half-dead dog out there.”

“Sorry, Ms. Edwards. I’m feeling sick today.”

“Well you can’t do much if you’re sick. Go hit the showers and wait for class to end.”

Nodding in gratitude, Helena slowly climbed out of the pool and made her way to the locker room. This was actually the best possibility for her. She had been forced to change into her swimsuit before class in the privacy of the bathroom, wearing it under her uniform so that no one would see the tattoos. Now, she could shower and get dressed without anyone seeing her. She stepped into the showers and turned the hot water on, panting as she removed her swimsuit. She looked at the tattoos, feeling them pressing down on her. They looked so strange on her, but also seemed to compliment her figure. Now that she thought about it, the look was kind of cool. Perverted, sure, but ignoring that, the bible forbidding tattoos, the pain of getting them, and the cost, this wouldn’t be half bad to get permanently. She’d just need a less sinful version.

She released a gasp of euphoria as she stepped under the shower, feeling the hot water wash away the chill and the chlorine of the pool and ease her muscles. She ran her hands across her naked body, rubbing the tattoos to try and ease the tension of her binds. Why did this feel so good? She leaned against the wall, letting the water pour down her unclothed frame while she massaged herself. Her eyes bolted open when she realized what she was doing, discovering that she had started squeezing her breasts and was sliding her fingers between her legs. She held her arms out to her sides and shook her head like a dog, trying to free herself of these sinful sensations.

About to turn off the shower, she stopped and nearly fell to her knees. Her breathing became haggard and she clutched herself. The bonds, they were… changing! The tattoos rearranged themselves on her body taking a new pattern. Originally, amongst the different knots and webs on her chest and stomach, she had had a rope going between her legs like a thong, tucked into her ass with a knot against her clitoris, as well as two choking bonds around her breasts, as if they each had collars of their own. Now, she had two spider webs on her breasts, the arranged binds converging on what felt like two rings, pressing down on her areolas with her nipples poking through, making them swell and stand erect. The rope between her legs had now become two, but they were wrapped around her thighs like a harness. They had settled right in the creases, between the sides of her pussy and her inner thighs, squeezing the plump lips and making them pucker as if expecting a kiss.

Helena could barely stay on her feet. With how sensitive the first pattern had made her body, the changing on the bonds had almost invoked an orgasm, the first orgasm she had ever had. Catching her breath, she at last turned off the shower and staggered out. She sat down on one of the benches amongst the lockers, nearly yelping as the bonds tightened from the movements.

‘Oh God, how much longer am I going to have to suffer through this?’

Once her heartbeat had slowed, she dried herself off and changed back into her uniform. Just as she finished buttoning the top of her blouse, the door to the locker room swung open and her classmates strolled in. How long had she been in the shower? As she got her things together, her classmates all cleaned themselves off and came to the lockers to get dressed.

“Hey, loser!”

Helena rolled her eyes at the sound of the shrill voice. It belonged to someone she hated more than anyone else in the world, second only to Xavier: Daphne Brooke, one of the bitchiest girls in the school, and before the Antichrist’s arrival, she had been Helena’s nemesis. Their mutual hatred was understandable: Helena was an uptight child of God with a pure heart and soul (minus her violent temper and affinity for violence against heathens), and Daphne was a sinful delinquent with a hobby of “convincing” priests in training to break their vows of celibacy. In order to get her off drugs and put the fear of God in her, her parents had dumped her at Rosewood University. From day one, the two women had been at each other’s throats, always snitching on each other and badmouthing each other.

“What do you want, harlot?”

Helena’s rule was to never swear and she wasn’t going to break it because of Daphne. The worst she would ever call her was a whore, and even then it was only because it was a word used in the bible.

“I’m just enjoying the sight of the high and mighty “Saint Helena” falling behind everyone else. Let me guess, you’re still sick from throwing up this morning? Do you know who the father is?”

All the other girls watched and whispered amongst themselves, while Helena, having yet to even face Daphne, gave an annoyed sigh.

“I’m not pregnant, but knowing you, I’d be surprised if you could say the same. And even if I was, I would go through with childbirth and give that baby a wonderful life, unlike you with your trusty coat hanger and favorite dumpster.”

The other students all covered their mouths and silently laughed in shock from the brutality of Helena’s response.

Daphne just gave a smug sneer, tying her wiry black hair back into pigtails. “As if any man would be willing to put up with a girl who’s on her period 24/7.”

“Yeah, well, I at least I still get mine.”

Shutting her locker, Helena strode past Daphne, drunk on prideful triumph for getting the last word and making it perfect. Even the invisible binds couldn’t dampen her spirits after that righteous beating.

Xavier glared at Lily, cowering in shame before him.

“You took it out, didn’t you?”

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t sleep with it inside me. But I have it in me now!”

“That’s not the point! I trusted you with this task and you betrayed me! How am I supposed to believe in you?”

Lily kneeled down in front of him, her eyes filled with terror. “You can trust me! Please! I’m sorry! Please don’t leave me!”

Xavier put his hand on her head. “I’m not going to leave you, but you clearly don’t respect the rules and understand how important they are. You have to be punished. I don’t want to, but you’re forcing me to do this.”

“What do I have to do?”

“Follow me.”

With Lily behind him, Xavier entered the gymnasium and made his way to the storage room. There weren’t any classes going on, and while the teacher was in his office, Xavier was using his powers to put him in a brief coma. While he walked, it took all of Xavier’s willpower to keep from grinning. It was time to see just how devoted this stupid girl was. Would she leave him after this, or would her submissiveness only become more deeply rooted in her soul? Plus it would let him quench his thirst for malice.

He brought her into the dark storeroom and closed the door behind them. “Ok, take off your clothes.”

Lily did as she was told and Xavier had her stand under a low-hanging pipe. Taking her blouse, he looped it over the pipe and then tied the sleeves around her wrists, keeping her bound like shackles with her arms raised. Standing naked while tied up, Lily shivered with embarrassment and fear. This was different from all her other moments with Xavier, there would be no fun or pleasure. She had broken the rules and now she had to be punished. He was standing behind her, what was he doing?

The whiplash of a belt across her lower back made her cry out in pain unmatched by anything in her life. She could feel a red welt forming on her vanilla skin and she tried to hold back her tears.

“What are you doing?!”

“I’m punishing you. You broke the rules and brought this on yourself.”

He whipped her again, this time on her thighs. She screamed and pulled at the blouse binding her wrists. A third strike was delivered, landing across her rear end.

“I’m sorry! Please stop!” she sobbed.

“I thought you loved me,” he scolded while whipping her across the back three times.

“I do! I love you!”

He whipped her several more times, crisscrossing her back and ass with long bruises. He then had her turn around and face him, her eyes puffy and red from crying. But when she saw him, her eyes widened. He was crying as well, crocodile tears of course, but she didn’t know that.

‘He’s suffering too, this probably hurts him more than it does me! He really does love me!’

A strike to her flat belly robbed her of the smile that was about to appear.

“Every choice has consequences, this is how the world works. I gave you love and the promise of a beautiful future, but apparently that didn’t mean anything to you.” His belt slashed her inner thigh, just inches from her pussy, then twice more. “I thought you were a good girl. That was what made me love you.” She continued to cry, trying to lean back to lesson the pain when he whipped her between the legs. “Bad girls get punished because they hurt the people that care about them. Are you a bad girl? Good girls do whatever they’re told and follow the rules. Are you a good girl?”

Lily’s scream reached new heights of volume once he started whipping her breasts. Her nipples stung as if wasps had stung them and the nerves felt like they were on fire.

“I’ll never break the rules again! I’m a good girl! I’m a good girl! I’ll never disobey you again!”

“Good, then it seems the punishment did what it was supposed to.”

Xavier untied her and she collapsed to the cold concrete floor, her body lined with bruises. She looked up at him, her head shaking slightly as if she were drunk.

“I’m sorry I made you punish me. Can you forgive me?”

He got down and kissed her. “Yes, I forgive you.”

Lily then lied back and spread her legs. “Please give me your love, put it in all my holes.”

Xavier grinned and took out his cock, not hesitating to penetrate her tiny pussy and mount her like an animal.

‘It’s just so easy!’

Helena walked down the hallway in between class periods. She was exhausted, unable to ever get comfortable with the invisible binds stimulating her flesh every second. She was counting down the minutes until the end of the day, wondering when this curse would finally be lifted. Her panties were soaked, the rubbing of the rope between her legs made her vagina feel like a runny nose. Looking through the crowds of students, she came to a sudden stop and felt her heart drop. Walking towards her was Xavier, that usual smirk on his face, like he had the whole world in the palm of his hand. In his presence, she could swear that her binds tightened, leaving her gasping for breath. He passed by her, and in that fraction of a second, their eyes met. His gaze was piercing, inhuman, peering into her soul. With a lazy swish of his hand, he reached around to her lower back. His fingers passed through her blouse as if it was a hologram and he pulled up on one of the ropes and let it snap back. She shuddered, feeling like he might as well have just sodomized her in front of everyone. The hallway was full of people, but no one had seen the movement. He walked away, leaving her to stand there with people passing by like spawning salmon.

“Ah, Helena, there you are.”

She spun around, finding Father Hauser behind her. He immediately noticed the frantic look on her pretty face. “Are you all right, dear?”

“Y-yes, I’m fine.”

“Good, then I was hoping we could have little talk.”

“I’m sorry, Father, but I’ll be late for class.”

“I’ll tell your teacher that I held you back, you won’t get into any trouble.”

He then grasped her wrist and led her into an empty hallway. This was strange; he was never this forceful before. He was being polite and gentle, but he had never laid a hand on a student like this. Away from prying ears, he turned to her, a cautious look on his face. “On the 10th, did you get into a fight with three boys in the city?”

The image of the dead boy flashed across her mind, his body hanging from a noose with his organs spilled out.

“What? Why do you ask?”

“I’ll take that as a yes. Helena, did they do anything to you? Something that you might have thought silly or just shrugged off? Did they say anything that you didn’t understand? What were they doing when you found them?”

“They were just spraying some graffiti on the wall of a building! No, they didn’t do anything! I saw them, I punished them for their sins, and then I left! Please tell me why you’re asking me this.”

“I’ll tell you if you tell me more about that dream you had. You said that there would be a war that would show the truth. What did you mean?”

Helena bit her lip, knowing her collar would activate if she used the wrong words. “I saw a valley where the fighting would take place. But it would all start in the school.”

“And what is the truth that will be shown?”

“I don’t know. I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. I really wish I could, but I just can’t.

Hauser’s brow furrowed. “One more thing. What made you think God sent you this dream?”

She looked up at him, hoping he would understand what she was trying to tell him. “Because we need His protection. I’m sorry, Father. I really need to go.”

She turned around and ran off, leaving Hauser to ponder over what she had told him. He was now certain from that desperate look in her eye that she was holding something back, probably even lying. She repeatedly told him that while she wished she could tell him more, she was unable. What if it wasn’t because of a lack of information on her part? Maybe someone was keeping her quiet. The police? The school? Or maybe something evil had had actually latched itself onto her and was trying to stop her from spilling its secret. It was time to consult someone on this matter, should the worst be true.

The day at last came to an end, and once Helena went to bed, she felt the invisible bonds disappear. The black lines on her skin vanished, and last, she could breathe and stretch fully. If Xavier kept his word, then he would not come into their room and Sophie would be safe tonight. She still had the card with her. She’d have to see if the deal would continue on the following day. If it did, what would happen? Would it be the ropes again? Or would it be something else? It didn’t matter; she had won this round. Her pride remained intact. She and Sophie said their evening prayers and went to bed, and finally, Helena got a good night’s sleep.

Chapter 5

The red-haired lass took a deep breath, holding the card in her hand. She was alone in her bedroom, just like before.
“Punish me.”
Nothing happened to her body, no ribbons or ropes sprouting from her collar. However, the text on the card changed.
She stared at the card, waiting for some horrible detail to emerge. Really? That was it? She just had to go skinny-dipping in the pool? Hell, that was barely even a trial. That was more like a summer camp dare. Sure, it would be awful if she got caught and being up so late on a school night wasn’t very appealing, but screw that. This would be easy! It seemed she had finally caught a break.

For once in what felt like ages, school seemed to pass by without dread or worry. Sure, Xavier was using Sophie as a hostage against her, but all she had to do was just go swim naked in the school pool. As long as she did that, Sophie would be fine, and hopefully, Xavier wouldn’t do anything to mess with her. That certainty was a huge weight off her shoulders. As the day wore on, she found herself imagining the night to come more and more and even thinking that maybe, just maybe, it would be a little fun.

Helena thought it would be difficult to keep from falling asleep, but instead she was incredibly restless. She hated the idea of breaking the rules and getting caught, but she was actually kind of excited. At quarter to 12:00 with Sophie out like a log, Helena put on some spare clothes and snuck out of her dorm room. Strange, the last time she had done something like this was when she went to the church and Xavier revealed himself as the Antichrist. She made her way across campus, being as quiet as possible and avoiding any signs of staff or students awake like her.

She reached the gym, and as the card had promised, all the doors were unlocked. She entered the poolroom and smiled. The sides of the pool were lined with lights that she had never noticed before, creating shifting hues that painted the dark ceiling while the air itself was heavy with night’s shadow. It was beautiful, stunningly even. The chlorine pool that she had swam in hundreds of times before now looked like a glimmering spring from the Garden of Eden, or some crystalline oasis deep beneath the earth.

Standing at the edge, she slowly took off her clothes. She felt incredibly nervous, unable to stop imagining the bleachers being lined with spectators. It took a dozen looks around the room for her to gain the confidence to slip out of her bra and panties. Completely naked and shivering in anticipation, she looked to the clock up on the wall. Both hands struck 12 and her collar activated, telling her that the time had come. Taking a deep breath, she took a step back and then jumped. She hit the water in a perfect dive, sliding in like a dagger. The feel of the water against her naked body shocked her like a bolt of lightning and she writhed beneath the surface, overcome with this new, blissful sensation.

Surfacing, she gasped for air and clutched her naked form. After all the time she had spent in this pool, the water had never felt so good. The freshening chill shocked her system like peppermint, and unlike a bath, she was able to stretch and move. She began swimming to the other end of the pool, relishing the sensation of the cool water kissing her breasts, tickling her stomach and back, and licking between her legs like a paintbrush. She moved at her own pace, her speed decided only by how fast she wanted the water to roll over her skin.

Reaching the shallow end, she rested her chin on the edge of the railing below the surface and let her body float up. Her eyes bolted open as she heard someone enter the water nearby. Covering herself, she looked back to see Xavier, settling in the pool like it was a hot tub. Like her, he was naked, and she was almost tempted to look down.

“What are you doing here?!” she hissed.

“I wanted to join you. You were having so much fun.”

She blushed and looked away, embarrassed from the joy she had felt just a moment ago. She readjusted her arm across her breasts and Xavier sighed.

“Honey, we’re a little past that. Relax; I know what you look like. Besides, I’m in the same boat as you are.”

She refused to meet his gaze. “Stop that. I’m not an exhibitionist like you. I’m nothing like you.”

Xavier anadolu yakası escort moved over to her and she screwed her eyes shut, afraid of how he was going to molest her. She could feel the movements in the water, reaching for her covered breasts. But instead, he gently grasped her hand.

“Do you think people cover themselves because they really believe that nudity is sinful, or because they are afraid of the world not accepting their true selves? Be proud of who you are. You don’t have to hide your beauty, especially from me. I’ll accept you for everything you are.”

The way he spoke, that gentle and soothing way, it would have made her heart flutter if coming from anyone but him, though that wasn’t to say Helena didn’t feel something when he spoke to her. He gently pulled on her arms, and as if forgetting why she had held them there in the first place, she dropped them and let herself be exposed, under the water at least. Xavier moved past her to the wall, then pushed off and began swimming across the pool in the backstroke. Helena kept her eyes shut, not wanting to find out whether or not “it” would float.

“Come on, just standing there naked doesn’t count as skinny-dipping. You’re allowed to enjoy yourself, just like you were a minute ago.”

“Why are you doing this? Why make me do this things?”

Having reached the other end of the pool, Xavier turned back to her. “Sorry! I can’t hear you from all the way over there!”

Muttering curses, Helena swam over, feeling like she might as well have been crawling on all fours. She reached the end and growled, “So why?”

“So that you’ll have a little fun for once. Stop taking everything so damn seriously and live on the wild side.”

“Oh, so that rope thing was fun? And I shouldn’t take the rape of my friend seriously?”

Xavier sighed and began swimming back to the shallow end, this time with Helena following. Only once they both touched the wall did he answer. “Sophie doesn’t seem very upset. Hell, she hasn’t even had her first kiss yet, let alone lost her virginity. Admit it, being bound was the most thrilling experience you’ve had in a while, even more than when you beat up punks. You felt alive when you were tied up. You sensed everything like never before as if you had just rediscovered your own body. The exciting possibility of getting caught, the erotic feel of the ropes clutching your body like hands, you were high as a kite on endorphins. And this whole day, you were looking forward to coming here. You didn’t care about breaking the rules. If anything, it made this more exciting for you. You’re having fun, enjoy it.”

Helena lowered her head below the water and blew bubbles in frustration and embarrassment.

Xavier looked over to the clock. “Tell you what, swim with me for twenty minutes and then you can go.”


For the next twenty minutes, she tried to push Xavier out of her mind and simply enjoyed the pool. She did slow laps and lazily floated on her back, her exposed breasts pointed at the ceiling. He mostly left her alone, swimming off on his own. It felt so strange to her, to be swimming naked with a man, the Antichrist of all people. It was like this pool really was from the Garden of Eden.

‘No! No! Don’t make that comparison! He’s evil! He’s a monster’

“Helena, watch this.”

She followed his voice, spotting him on the diving board like the statue of David. She yelped and looked away, afraid of seeing him so boldly displayed. But a part of her wanted to see. Even after all the times he had been with Sophie, Helena had never gotten a look at him nude. It had always been too dark. He was very masculine, almost buff. It filled her stomach with butterflies for a reason she didn’t understand.

“I’m serious. Watch this.”

He did a few quick jumps on the board to build up energy and then leapt off. In midair, he spun around and curled his body into a flip, simultaneously. Even Helena couldn’t hide her surprise at the sight of the stunt. She had seen Olympic divers perform similar maneuvers from the high jump, but never off the diving board just a meter above the water. To think he could do it with so little room and time.

He surfaced, sputtering but with a grin. “I learned to do that from a monk when I swam in the River Ganges. Do you want to try?”

Narrowly stopping herself, she turned up her nose at him and looked away. “As if.”

“Come on, you’ll be happy that you tried it. Even when you are at your lowest, you should always try to make happy memories. However this ends between us, whether we live our lives together or our paths diverge, don’t you want to say you had the courage to get up on that board and make yourself smile?”

This was strange, why was he being so nice to her? Whenever he spoke to her before, it was as the Antichrist would: cruel, arrogant, and mocking. But now it was like he was a completely different person. When she saw him speak to others, he was always kind and charming, but she had learned to see through that false persona, sense his deceit. She wasn’t feeling it now. This wasn’t the mask he wore to cover his evil; this was a whole other side to him. She had felt this before, when she saw his photo album. Helena tried to resist, but any willpower she built up just poured out of her like a colander.


She moved to the edge of the pool and climbed out. Walking to the diving board, she realized as if for the first time that she was naked. Sure, she had been naked this whole time, but at least she had to water to hide herself with! But on the other hand, Xavier was right when he said that he had already seen her like this.

‘I guess it really isn’t that big a deal.’

She stepped onto the diving board and again felt a small twinge of nervousness, realizing she had basically put herself on display for Xavier like a trophy. She shook those thoughts away and cleared her mind, trying to focus on how she was going to do this. She dared a glance at him. The smile he was wearing was warm, supportive, and sent a rush through her. She again tried to push these strange feelings away, and after a quick hop to built up energy, she leapt off the board. She was far from graceful and hit the water before she even knew what she had to do.

‘Ah damn it. Now he’ll make fun of me for sure.

Preparing herself for Xavier’s ridicule, she surfaced, but couldn’t find him anywhere. Had he left? “Xavier?”

The reply came when she felt his hands on her back and rear end. He burst from the water beneath her like a missile, picking her up and tossing her a few feet away with a splash. She gave a shrill yelp when he sent her airborne, and upon rising to the surface, she splashed him. She didn’t do it out of rage or frustration, but out of some kind of childish instinct. Laughing, Xavier splashed her back, and the two of them began fighting in this manner. They moved around in the pool, trying to avoid getting hit with each other’s waves while sending their own, all while the clock left the original deadline in the ancient past. For that time, Helena could not stop herself from smiling. She didn’t want to admit it, but she really was having fun.

Once she got tired, she called for a time-out to catch her breath and check the time. It shocked her how late it was. Had she really been so preoccupied to lose track of time to that extent?

“Uh oh, I really need to get to bed.”

“Hold on. Before you go, I have a proposition.”

She turned back to him. “What?”

“Well I heard that you’re the fastest on the girl’s swim team. How about a quick race? One lap? We can even make it interesting.”

She looked at him suspiciously. “How?”

“Let’s see… How about if you win, you can give me one free kick to the testicles any time and I can’t stop you. Hard as you want, no collar to hold you back, and I won’t even use my powers to block the pain. You can save it for the next time you’re angry.”

“And if I lose?”

“You have to return to your dorm without your clothes. Let the night air dry you off.”

Helena’s whole body tightened up at the prospect. On one hand, the idea of getting an unhindered kick to Xavier’s nuts was a dream come true, but on the other hand, getting caught running naked across the campus would easily be an instant expulsion, but she really was the fastest on the swim team, but then again, she wouldn’t have shoes and the run back would probably be freezing, although…

“No powers, right? You swim like an average human?”

“Of course.”


“Damn you, Xavier!”

Helena sprinted across the university campus, naked as a jaybird. Somehow, he had beaten her by a hair, regardless of how hard she swam. He had teleported her clothes to her room and she had showered, so all that was left was to get back to her dorm room without getting caught and ruining her life. She could only move at a certain pace without shoes, and every drop of water on her unclothed body felt like the prod of an icicle. She also didn’t like the feel of the cold air on her naked form, or to be more accurate, she didn’t like that she liked it.

Xavier was walking back to his dorm, whistling to himself with his hair wet from the shower he took after swimming. That had gone even better than expected. He could see it in Helena’s eyes, her conflicting feelings towards him, caught between hating him for what he was and what he had done, and being drawn to him for his rare kindness and the sexual pleasure he forced her to experience. It was that conflict that strengthened her emotions. He knew precisely how to manipulate her thoughts and feelings and pull her closer to him. Bending girls’ hearts had always been second nature to him, as well as a way to kill time and indulge his thirst for sadism, but she was different. He wasn’t lying to her as he would to any other girl; he wasn’t holding anything back. It really excited him to see the results of his work. It made him… happy… to see her smile, to know that he had made her smile.

The sound of spray paint being released and its stinging aroma interrupted him from his thoughts. Who could possibly be out this late? He followed his nose to the back of the gym, his favorite place to screw Lily. There was a girl there, about Helena’s age. She had wiry black hair, tied into pigtails, with a cigarette between her lips and a can of spray paint in her hand. On the wall was a crimson pentagram, lopsided and runny like egg yolks.

She turned to him and took a drag on her cigarette, the end almost as bright as the flame that would have lit it. “What the fuck do you want?”

Xavier sighed. “Satanist? Really? Is that your real belief or do you just do it to be a rebel? Are you just some poser that wants to look cool to the Catholic schoolgirls? Why don’t you just paint that big A for anarchy while you’re at it.”

“Fuck off.”

“You people always make me laugh. You’re more delusional than the Christians and the easiest to mess with.”

“Hey, I told you to fuck off!”

“Or else what? You’ll blast me with some heavy metal?”

She turned and sprayed him in the face with the paint can, yet not a single drop ever landed. Her eyes widened as the crimson paint simply swirled around him like flames. Her jaw hanging slack, the cigarette between her lips fell to the ground.

“You should be careful,” said Xavier as he picked it up. “You have to make sure you put it out or else it could start a fire.”

He held it up to his face and stabbed himself in the eye with the lit end, extinguishing the ember without even the slightest twinge of pain.

The girl staggered back. “What… what are you?”

“That depends on your level of faith. If you are just a fake Satanist, then I am the man who is about to turn your life into Hell. If you truly believe in the Antichrist’s arrival, in MY arrival, then I am your new Master.”

“You’re the Antichrist?”

Xavier’s eyes lit up like burning coals and she was brought to her knees by the weight of his power, crushing her from all sides like the ocean. A wide smile crossed her face, when any normal girl would have been crying in terror.

“I’ve been waiting for this day my entire life, the day when I would finally meet you. It’s been my dream to take part in the end of the world, to help bring about the destruction of mankind.”

A cruel smile crossed Xavier’s lips. “It seems you may be of some use to me. Very well, I will let you serve me from this point forward. What is your name?”

“Daphne, Daphne Brooke.”

“Daphne, do you swear to do anything I tell you and obey my every command?”

“I swear!”

“Do you swear to give yourself to me, mind, body, and soul? For every cell and hair to become my property?”

“I swear!”

“Do you swear to be whatever I command you to be? To be my servant, my apostle, my slave, my disciple, the toy to bear the wrath of my lust and hunger, as well as my second in command?”

“I swear!”

Xavier began to chuckle and then leaned down. He pressed his tongue to her forehead and branded her with the three sixes, while around her neck, an ethereal collar formed. She screamed at first from the pain, but soon settled once he stood back up.

“Then from this point forward, you are mine.” He then reached down and unzipped his pants, hefting his manhood in front of her face. “Time for you to pleasure your new Master.”

Without hesitation, she lunged forward and began sucking on his cock, eager to please him and begin her life at the Antichrist’s side.

It was a very long and tiring day for Helena. After being up so late the previous night, staying awake in school was a nightmare. She had to admit, while she had been angry when she went to bed, she had slept very well. It seemed some late-night swimming had allowed her to relieve some of her stress. When she arrived in class for first period, she felt nervous around Xavier when she should have felt fear and hatred. Last night, he had made her smile when they swam together.

He looked at her and grinned, giving her that same smile he wore when he watched her jump from that diving board. She averted her gaze, feeling a tightness in her chest. That smile lacked any sort of wickedness, and that’s what scared her the most. She was also worried, as there had been no task written on the hard he gave her. Even when she gave the order for her punishment to begin, nothing happened. Was he going to go back to Sophie? Or did he have something more insidious in mind?

Thane moved through the school, checking the batteries he had laid out earlier. He carried a device with him that would gauge the amount of power they had, and if they had lost their charge, it meant that something supernatural had passed through the area and caused an energy distortion. The batteries were untouched, all reading full charges. That was three failed tests, the first being the compass and the second being the voice recorder. He had gone through the school and used it to record himself saying prayers from the bible. If there were anything around, it would certainly react to the sound of praying and hopefully respond. The recorder had picked up nothing. The only evidence he had was his own gut feeling. But was that just a fluke? Had he been wrong about the school being haunted? Or was it possible that he was dealing with something too powerful to be detected by such simple tricks? He still had one thing left: the pictures he had taken, waiting to be developed.

“So what is your first order for me?” Daphne asked, walking with Xavier down the hall.
He was preoccupied, looking around at the batteries taped to the walls of the corridor. “I’m not sure yet. Tell me, how long have those been there?”
She looked at them in confusion. “What are those, batteries? I’ve never seen those before.”
“Very interesting. That’s a trick paranormal investigators use to detect the presence of spirits and demons. Is there some kind of ghost hunter club in this school? Any groups or individuals known for doing this kind of thing?”
“I can think of one person. Alexander Thane, he’s a junior exorcist who does work for the Vatican.”
“And it seems he’s looking for something here. It’s quite likely that I’m what he’s after.” He began to laugh. “This could be fun.”

The second that Helena lied down on her bed, she knew something was wrong. There was something underneath her pillow. With Sophie working at her desk, she dared a look. It was a portable DVD player with a red ribbon and the card taped on. Sitting next to it was a pair of new headphones, high quality. What in the world…?


‘Oh jeez, what now? Knowing him, this may be a snuff film or something else awful. Oh well, this could be worse. Hopefully Sophie will go to sleep soon and the episode will be quick.’

As usual, Sophie was passed out within minutes of hitting the pillow, and once she heard snoring, Helena pulled her blanket over her head and turned on the DVD player. She had never used one of these before, but it was easy to figure out. Oh goody, it was porn. Yep, Xavier was making her watch porn. From just the opening page, it looked like kind of miniseries about college kids screwing each other in between scenes of poorly-acted drama, and not for a second did she believe that anyone in this series was under 25. Praying for God to forgive her and protect the innocence of her soul, she put on the headphones and selected the first episode.

For the next hour, she watched the story unfold. When the first sex scene started, her collar activated and held her still, fighting her desire to rip off the headphones and cover her eyes. She had seen Xavier rape Sophie so many times before, but this was different. The consensual aspect spared her the fear and anguish she felt during those times, leaving only an instinctive reaction. The scene had one of the secondary female characters fucking her teacher for a better grade, and as she watched them rip off each other’s clothing, she felt her body shudder with nervousness. This sensation, it was almost impossible to describe. It was like the dread she felt when she was called to the Disciplinary Committee’s office, but so much more intense, and even… pleasurable. The sight of the woman’s breasts made Helena’s stomach twist with jealousy. Sure, hers were a good size, but this woman’s were like melons. Were those the implants she had heard of?

She watched as she started sucking him off. The way she looked up at him as she did it, that lustful grin when she pulled it out of her mouth and stroked it, it brought Helena to a statuesque pose, so fixated on the movie that she was barely even breathing. Sure it was all acting, but to see that expression of depravity, to see someone experiencing sexual bliss, it was actually making her curious. Then when he went down on her, Helena’s curiosity grew. What did it feel like to have a man do that? The woman was shaved down there just like Helena. Was this why Xavier had used those flames? Because he was planning on doing… that… to her?

Then the real action started. As Helena watched the professor make that initial penetration into the student, she held her breath. To actually see it slide in like that, she didn’t understand how someone could moan like the woman was. Wouldn’t it hurt? To have such a big thing pushed inside her? From there, it progressed as every porno did, and while Helena had originally been disgusted by the very idea of watching this, now she couldn’t look away. She tried to ignore the way her body was heating up from her arousal and the moistening of her panties. She couldn’t pretend that this wasn’t exciting her, but her physiological interest wasn’t as intense as her scholarly interest.

Strange as it may sound, she was actually paying attention to this porno the same way she would an important lecture in one of her classes, with completely undivided attention. She was looking at this from the perspective of a student, not unlike the student currently being bent over the professor’s desk. Every time they did something, be it kiss, engage in oral, or change positions, she studied it closely, her mind hungry for the information. It was the mechanics that she found so interesting, the way they would move their bodies. Hell, she hadn’t been this curious in a subject since she started taking martial arts lessons in preparation for joining the Swiss Guard.

There were two more sex scenes in the chapter, much longer than the dialogue and plot development between them. Once the episode stopped, Helena’s hand reached out with a will of it’s own to start the next one. Her collar stopped her. It seemed that Xavier wasn’t just going to make her watch porn; he was going to embarrass her by keeping it from her when she finally became interested. With her arousal now replaced with shame for how fixated she had been, Helena turned off the DVD player and pulled the blanket off her head. The fresh air felt as cold as ice to her, at least in comparison to the oven of her aroused breath under the covers. She stashed the DVD player under her bed and lied down. It was a little bit late, but she wouldn’t be as tired the following day. Though with her mind replaying the entire porno, she wasn’t sure how easily she’d be able to fall asleep.

Thane stood in the darkroom of the school’s photography club, having finished developing the pictures he had taken. Normally he would be forbidden from using this room or any other at this hour, but with what he had just discovered, rules didn’t matter. He was gripping the table, trembling with dread at the picture before him. He had snapped it of a corridor between classes, when it was most crowded with students. Unbeknownst to him, Xavier and Helena were in the picture, caught at the very moment that he used his powers to reach out and pull on one of the invisible ropes that had bound her. Deep in the sea of people, he could see someone, a figure eclipsed in darkness, as if the picture had been stained with ink.

“So that’s it. It’s not just a demon or spirit that I’ve been sensing, but something pretending to be a student. That’s why it hasn’t been setting off any of my traps; the malevolence is compact and hidden in the body to the point where even I can barely sense it. This is beyond anything I’ve ever encountered before. Everyone in the school is in danger.”

The next trial Helena faced was to watch the rest of the DVD before 5:00. This one would be a little bit difficult. She had one study hall during the day but two hours left on the DVD. Classes ended at 5:00, so if Xavier had just given her one more hour, she would have been fine. No doubt he planned it this way. Her only option was to eat a quick lunch, leave to watch the last episode, and accept being late to the class afterwards. What a drag.

At 1:00, Helena’s schedule opened up and she came to the classroom where she had her study hall. She signed out to go to the library and left in a hurry. She had forgotten the time it would take to tie up the loose ends and find a safe space, so no matter what, she was going to be late to her next class. She arrived at the library and quickly found the quietest and emptiest spot. She hid out in the corner of the audiotape section of the building. With the new computers that the school had bought, the only life this area saw was the janitor. Sitting down on the floor, she opened up the DVD player and turned it on with her headphones secured.

The story picked up from the night before, with the cliché college drama continuing to play out. Helena tried to ignore the bad acting and focus on the plot, if only to stave off boredom. The first XXX scene came and Helena blushed with shame and revulsion. It wasn’t a sex scene, just one of the college girls masturbating while murmuring the name of a male character. The disgust Helena felt was different from the previous night when the first sex scene started. At least then, she could shrug off the unavoidable sensation of lust by telling herself that her body would naturally react to the sight of two people engaging in intercourse. Back then, she felt like just the observer, like she was a simple student watching a movie in health class. Watching the busty brunette stir her fingers around in her slit removed that mental buffer. This felt much more intimate, as if she were being recruited to fill the role of the second person. The woman might as well have been right in front of her, knees spread with her chestnut hair scattered across the dusty library carpet, murmuring Helena’s name.

Helena could feel the collar preparing to intervene every time she tried to avert her gaze. She had to watch it all the way through. This felt more sinful than the earlier porn, which in turn made Helena feel more ashamed for watching it. Soon enough, though, she gave in and let her guard down, trying to clear her mind so that while she was watching it, none of it was actually sticking. Try as she might, her scholarly curiosity had returned. Having such a close-up view of that woman’s slit, smooth as a Barbie doll and dripping with arousal, it invoked an interest in Helena as to the mechanics of self-pleasure. She watched every movement of the woman’s fingers, whether she rubbed them against the puffy outer lips or plunged them into herself. On one hand, she was disgusted to be looking at another woman like this, but on the other, she was curious as to what it felt like. She refused to let herself say it or even think it, but she actually wanted to try it herself.

The woman soon climaxed, but unlike the other female orgasms Helena had seen so far, this woman… went the distance. A stream of clear fluid spurted from her pussy, transforming into a continuous splash as she desperately rubbed her clit with her hand blocking the way. The shrillness of her voice made Helena check over and over again that her headphones were plugged in. She was utterly amazed. If she ever experienced an orgasm, would she squirt like that? Not that she wanted to, of course! She would never do something so sinful! Either way, the scene was not over.

From her bedside table, the woman drew a vibrating dildo, big and pink. Helena’s eyes widened in shock as she heard it buzz and saw the tremors in the rubber. Was she really going to…? She did! The woman plunged the dildo into her pussy, moaning as it rumbled inside her. Helena’s curiosity was now mixed with fear. How could something so big not hurt? Especially when vibrating like that? It didn’t seem to be painful, as the woman moved it back and forth inside her like a sex-crazed zombie. She did this for a couple minutes, switching back and forth between violently fucking herself with it to simply rubbing it against the entrance and teasing her clitoris.

After her second orgasm, she pulled out another dildo. Helena watched with eyes as wide as dinner plates as she turned around and jammed the second into her asshole. From there on, she double-teamed herself like a pro, switching between moving them in and out together and having countering thrusts and pulls.

‘No way, is it really possible for a woman to be able to do that? But why put something in there? That spot is gross!’

This time, Helena didn’t bother trying to keep from wondering what that felt like. While she was certain she never wanted to do that ever in her life, she at least allowed herself to have that curiosity. Soon enough, the scene ended and returned to the story line. Helena’s collar allowed her to check her watch. The study hall was half over, and just as she had predicted, the episode would end at least ten minutes after her next class started.
For fifteen minutes, the story went on, with the cast of acting school dropouts dragging the plot along. Helena actually wanted to get on to the sex so that she wouldn’t be bored. Soon enough, that wish was granted, and the scene became a locker room with two girls in it.

Oh God, please, not this…

Now Helena felt truly guilty for her curiosity. As she watched the women kiss, she slapped herself over and over, trying to keep her body from reacting. Never in her life had she even looked at a woman with lustful eyes, but to see two of them together with their tongues swirling was giving her a forced perspective, as if she were wearing tinted goggles that showed her some hidden truth. She had always been taught that the human body was sinful and that homosexuality was an abomination, but now she was beginning to see the sensual elegance in the feminine form. The beauty of their faces, the softness of their skin, the youthful maturity of their developed bodies. Regular porn was about highlighting the anatomic link between men and women and the way in which nature had designed their bodies to come together. To Helena, the joining of these two women seemed to reinforce the individuals, the two of them reflecting each other and giving separate views like butterflies on a mirror.

The previous scene had put a woman on display, for her body to be viewed like a museum piece, but with these two women together, it was like they were being scrutinized with all of their feminine attributes put in the spotlight. Their physical incompatibility made it so that Helena didn’t see the union itself, but the sexual potential of these women being fulfilled without being restrained by regular intercourse. It was like neither woman existed when compared to the other, except to compliment them.

Helena watched as the two women did everything together. They kissed, sucked on each other’s breasts, went down on each other, and so on. To her, it was like seeing women in a level of detail unlike any other. When the episode finally ended, she nearly jumped in surprise, having been so deeply hypnotized by the sight and her own thoughts. She was sore all over, having sat in that position against the wall with the focus of a Buddhist monk. She checked her watch. Yep, she was late.

As soon as she got up, she shuddered with embarrassment. Her panties were wet.

“Father Brian, thank you for seeing me.”

“Please, Peter, we don’t need to stand on ceremony.”

Father Brian and Hauser were in the former’s office, just down the hall from the Disciplinary Committee conference room. The two priests sat down on either side of the desk.

“So what can I do for you?” the old priest asked.

“Kurt, I wanted to ask you about Helena O’Connor.”

Father Brian sighed with his hand over his face. “Oh Lord, who did she beat up this time?”

“No, it’s nothing like that. I’m worried—and this is going to sound ridiculous¬¬¬—that she might be under the influence of something supernatural.”

Brian gave him a stern and concerned look. “What do you mean?”

“She came to me the other day, talking about a dream sent to her by God of a war that will destroy this school. When I tried to press for details, she was unable to, as if someone had bought her silence. Kurt, I’ve known her since she was a little girl, and I’ve never seen her scared the way she was. Also, when Alexander Thane returned to school, he spoke with me and said that he sensed an evil presence here, unlike anything he’s ever encountered. You know of his gifts. He’s never been wrong.”

“And you think it’s a sign of some kind of possession?”

“Or something along those lines. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think it was serious. I’m asking if she was in trouble recently, perhaps made an enemy with an unchristian nature or was at an unholy place, anything that might mean something sticking to her. I heard about those three boys, the ones she fought who killed themselves, but she said nothing happened and I haven’t heard anything unusual about them. They went to another school and there weren’t any reputable rumors that they were involved in Devil worship.”

“Didn’t you know? Didn’t anyone tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“Peter, she was at the scene of one of the suicides. The boy who gutted and hung himself, they found her at his doorstep, covered in blood and organs and screaming at the top of her lungs. If what you’ve told me is true, then what happened to them is no coincidence. There is something evil following her.”

Helena left the cafeteria just as she finished eating her lunch. She had told her friends she was meeting with a teacher for makeup work. The closest and safest place she could think of was her room, so with her keys already in hand, she sprinted across one of the grassy lawns surrounding the cafeteria and entered her dorm, hurrying up the stairs and down the corridors. Arriving at her room, she unlocked the door with shaky hands, closed and locked it behind her, and lied down on her bed. She had to finish this final episode as quickly as possible and get to her next class.

“Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Hurry up.”

She muttered this nonstop, wishing for the actors to move on to the sex so that at least she’d feel like she was progressing through the story. Soon enough, that time came, but just like with the second episode, she didn’t get what she had expected. The scene was the locker room of the university football team, with a slutty cheerleader looking back and forth at the half-dozen men standing around her, all with prominent erections.

‘Oh God. This porn just has everything, doesn’t it?’

After everything she had seen, Helena had become a little bit numb to perversion, or at least she hoped she had. As the sex began, she realized just how weak she really was. The cheerleader was on her knees, naked, with saliva rolling down her breasts and her head surrounded by cocks. Loudly gagging, she ran a chaotic cycle of sucking on the dicks in her face and manually stroking off others. She would deep-throat one man while with her hands she jacked off two others, then another man would step forward and she would let him plug his cock into her mouth like a power socket. The actress had a ravenous look on her face, begging the men for more, but Helena still felt fear in her heart, like something terrible was about to happen.

To be surrounded by so many men while in such a vulnerable position, being passed around like a basketball and abused, it was her definition of Hell. Would any woman really put up with this or even want it? Wouldn’t she be terrified? All one of them had to do was say “I’m not done yet” and this kind of situation would turn into a horror story. Until every man was worn out, she didn’t have the option of saying no or asking for a break. She had to let them all use her to their hearts’ content.

That anxiety escalated when the real sex started and the men plugged all her holes. At any time, she had one cock in her pussy, one in her ass, and one in her mouth, and if she wasn’t using her arms to balance, she was giving handjobs. There were always a couple men in the background, jacking off just enough so that they wouldn’t lose their erections. In time, Helena calmed and a mixture of boredom and shameful curiosity bubbled within her. Just like when she had watched the woman masturbate with the two dildos, seeing this woman getting fucked in both the ass and pussy at once made her wonder what it felt like. Never in her life did she want to try it, but she wouldn’t mind seeing or hearing a description of it.

As expected, many of the shots were from behind when she was getting double-teamed, and Helena wasn’t sure if it was the sight of the woman’s rear end with both holes stuffed or the two ball sacks at the top and bottom of the screen that actually made her chuckle while she thought to herself, ‘What the hell happened to my life that would make me end up watching this garbage?’

Eventually, the scene boiled down to the money shot. All six men were taking turns, blowing their loads into her mouth and on her face, making the woman look like a glazed donut.

‘Yuck, that stuff looks so nasty. How can she stand being sprayed with it from so many different guys? I don’t even want to know how hard it will be to get it all out of her hair.’

Once it returned to the normal storyline, Helena readjusted her position in bed, her body again sore from not moving a single centimeter. She checked her alarm clock, seeing that lunch was just about over and the episode was only half finished. Blah blah blah, more dialogue. Ugh, was Xavier really going to make her watch this crap as well? Eventually the next sex scene came, and this one made Helena laugh bitterly. It was the main character in a reverse gangbang. It was in his dorm room with the three lead female characters, deciding that they would all have sex at once to determine which girl he should be with.

“Xavier, you bastard. I bet this is your fantasy.”

This time, Helena wasn’t shocked or surprised by anything she saw. If anything, she was still bored. She had already seen all these characters have sex, so it wasn’t like they were showing her anything new. It was also hard for her to take this seriously because she felt like of all the scenes, Xavier had picked this porno just for this one event. She didn’t know why she thought that, but it was funny, as if she finally had something to laugh at Xavier for. As the women moaned and cried out how much they were enjoying themselves, Helena’s mood continued to lighten, now realizing just how hilariously ridiculous this all was.

‘Right, like any women would willingly devalue themselves and become some loser’s mindless harem.’

The sex ended and at last there was the closing scene. The main character was facing one of the members of the harem, the girl that Helena knew from the beginning he would end up with. The episode was almost over, and with it, this whole laughable series. But strangely, Helena found herself tense. The two characters had yet to even begin speaking, but to her, the piss-poor acting seemed to have quadrupled in quality. Just the looks on their faces showed true dramatic depth. Even the lighting and camera work seemed a hundred times more professional.

“But why would you pick me?” the woman asked. Helena had watched this woman pine for the lead male’s attention from the very beginning, and found it curious that the character seemed almost angry that she had been chosen. “Lindsay was better that I was. It looked like you were having a lot more fun fucking her than me. Even Chloe was more into it than I was.”

The man stepped forward and Helena could not deny that he was very handsome; a strange thing to think after the scenes she had seen him in. He lifted her chin and kissed her. “Sex doesn’t mean everything. I’m tired of running around, chasing strangers. I want someone I can spend my life with. Lindsay and Chloe were simply more used to doing that kind of thing. It was second nature to them. That kind of wife is only good to have on a birthday, if you get my drift.”

Helena’s chest tightened up.

“But you and I are polar opposites. How can we be together if we have nothing in common?”

“Why are you looking for reasons why this won’t work? You never cared before about anything like that. You certainly didn’t care about compatibility last night when you let go of all your worries. Let yourself be happy. Get what you want and enjoy it instead of looking for an excuse to push it away.”

Helena’s chest continued to tighten. Of all the pornos in the world, was there any significance to this scene that would make Xavier pick it to be the subject of her trial? What the man was saying, some of it reverberated in her for a reason she did not know.

The woman looked up and gave a beautiful smile. “Ok, I’m ready.”

The scene then ended and the credits began to roll. Helena slowly closed the DVD player and sat up. Chuckling to herself, she stowed the device under her bed, feeling like she had just finished a good book. She felt relaxed, lighthearted, barely caring how late she was for class. Wow. Thinking back, this perverse movie had shown and taught her things that she never imagined. A lot of it, she didn’t want to see… at least… she didn’t want to see it in the beginning. It was a sinful and disgusting world, but even with terrible acting, it was still a very honest one. Maybe… it was a good thing she had seen this. Her innocence had taken a heavy hit because of it and she felt ashamed of herself for watching, but she was proud to say that it had expanded her parameters. It was a learning experience unlike any other.

Oh well, she should probably get going. But she decided it would be a good idea to change into some dry panties first.

“I was right.”

Thane slid the photograph across Father Hauser’s desk. The young priest took the picture and closely examined it. The sight of the dark figure chilled his blood, but the hallway was too crowded to determine the identities of any students who might have been around at that time.

“And you’re positive that this isn’t some error in the development process?”

“95% certain. However, what concerns me is that this is the only sign of a supernatural presence. I haven’t heard any rumors of strange phenomena happening in the school, which would coincide with a traditional haunting. Had I not been here, it’s possible this entity could have gone completely unnoticed for God knows how long.”

“So do you know what this is?”

“Something new. I believe it to be some kind of demonic entity masquerading as a student. Its evil is far more compact and stable than in a regular paranormal case.”

Hauser didn’t respond, simply continuing to stare at the photograph. None of this was making sense. He and Father Brian had both come to the conclusion that Helena was possibly the victim of some kind of possession, but if what Thane was saying was true, then this was far more complicated. On the other hand, that could actually be Helena in that picture and the blackness was the result of the demon clinging to her. Either Helena was possessed or the entity was something other than a regular demon.

“Since I was able to get it on film once already, that will be my strategy from this point forward. I already told the headmaster about this and he’s agreed to let me take pictures of all the classes under the guise that I’m doing it for the yearbook.”

“Very well. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“You are a teacher, meaning that you have access to student files. Try to find something that doesn’t belong.”

Chapter 6


Helena stared at the card in horror, feeling like she was going to scream. That bastard! Bad enough he put her in those awful ropes the other day, now he wanted her to violate herself in sinful vanity! And even worse, he had forbidden her from just skipping school and hiding away from everyone.

“God, I swear to you, I will kill this monster if it’s the last thing I do!”

Her collar then activated, appearing around her neck and rumbling. Xavier wanted her to… touch herself? Right now?! This was too sudden; she had never done this kind of thing before! But she was in her dorm room, which meant she had privacy… at least until Sophie came back. She had given her the same excuse as the morning before yesterday and bought herself some time. How long did she have before her friend came barreling through the door and caught her in the midst of her shameful act of hedonism? The collar’s heat and power increased, telling her that she was running out of time. She had to do it now or else the deal would be broken and Sophie would be served up to Xavier on a silver platter.

“All right, I’ll do it! Just… give me a minute.” ‘And now I’m asking this collar for mercy. Oh how I love my life…’

Resigning herself to her fate, she climbed back into bed and lied on her back. How was she supposed to do this? She had certainly gotten an orientation from that porno, but all the details seemed be slipping out of her mind. If she just… started, maybe she would be able to figure it out. Taking a deep breath and praying for God to forgive her, she slipped her hand into her panties. Her flesh was still as smooth as glass from Xavier’s flames, as if her body was incapable of producing new hair follicles, and she had to admit, the softness of her skin didn’t feel half bad. She slowly traced the petals of her virgin flower with her fingertips, feeling that gentle touch reverberate through her lower body. It was like a tickle, one that didn’t make her laugh but instead made her feel warm. She did this for a couple minutes, letting herself get used to the sensation. Her breath fluttering, she pushed it further and moved her finger between the lips, stroking the pink interior. She could feel herself becoming wet, her body reacting to the stimulation.

She continued on like that for five minutes, the guilt of her sin being washed away by the liquid arousal clinging to her fingertips. She could not deny the pleasure she was feeling, the soft bolts of electricity crackling through her body. But she felt stagnant, knowing that there was more she had to do.

‘How will I know when I’m done? Do I really have to have an orgasm? I’m not sure I’ll get one at this rate, considering what I saw that woman do. Should… should I try going inside?’

With her eyes screwed shut, she slowly inserted her middle finger into her slit, making her shudder in the sudden wave of strange bliss. It felt good. She began moving it back and forth, her finger sliding effortlessly through her velvet sleeve. Her fluttering breaths became deep pants, with her muscles expanding and contracting and making her writhe and stretch.

‘Oh God, oh God, oh God!’

She couldn’t help it; she needed more. She inserted her index finger as well, while her left hand struggled to find something to grab onto. At first she clutched her shoulder, then her arm, but at last settled by grasping her breast. Her hand was under her bra, her palm massaging her womanly shelf. Had her skin always been so soft and smooth? Had her breasts always been this large? She experimentally gave her nipple a soft pinch and gasped, feeling as if a bolt of lightning was stretching between the soft nub and her pussy. Her whole body was becoming tense and hyper, like Restless Leg Syndrome. She started arching her back and then curling up, her voice beginning to slip free between her frantic pants.

A memory flashed through her mind. Xavier had done the very same thing to her in the church. He had embraced her, using one hand to fondle her breasts and the other hand to finger her pussy.

‘No! I can’t think about that now!’

She tried to push the memory out of her mind, feeling it contaminating the pleasure she was feeling. Regardless, it crept in, her imagination syncing up the past and the present so that her hands became his.

‘Get out of my head! I want nothing to do with you!’

She tried even harder to keep the thoughts out, focusing solely on the pleasure and the physical aspects. She was so close; she could feel it. But she could see Xavier’s arms around her, this figment of her imagination flashing in and out of her mind’s eye like a strobe light. She could feel his breath and lips on her neck and smell that masculine scent that his bed shared. Her will broke, those thoughts of Xavier momentarily flooding her mind, and in that moment, she came. Waves of euphoria, indescribable to her innocent soul, submerged her body in a hot bath while billions of tiny massage therapists gave every muscle a deep rubdown. Her voice slipped free, a single moan echoing through her room, while she could feel drops of her arousal splattering against her palm.

Soon, the bliss ended, and she was left gasping for air with her chest heaving and her mind dark. What in the world had become of her? She dreamed of becoming the first female member of the Swiss Guard, but now found herself the captive of the Antichrist, rolling in bed while pleasuring herself like a common heretic. The collar was calm now that she had satisfied the command. With a full day of school and five more sessions to go at random times, how in the world would she do this? Wait, people wouldn’t be able to see it, would they? She sighed. There was no point in worrying about it. She could do nothing but wait for the collar to reactivate and then come up with a plan.

After taking a moment to ask God to forgive her for her sinful act, she got dressed and left her dorm room for the cafeteria. There was still plenty of time before breakfast ended. Once there, her friends all began complimenting her, claiming that she had never looked so vibrant and full of life.

Xavier glanced back, hearing the clicking of a camera. He was in a crowded hallway, and holding the camera was a student he had seen before. Tattooed, disheveled, and with a bandana around his head, Xavier remembered seeing in the kitchen. He had also gotten a strange vibe off him. Was he the exorcist that Daphne had told him about?

‘What was his name? Andy Cain? Andrew Bane? No… Alexander Thane. Yeah, that was it. With him taking pictures like that, I can’t use my powers around him. Or wait… what do I look like when I have my picture taken? Wow, the years are starting to take their toll. Oh well, I might as well give him something to chase.’

Trying to maintain her dignity, Helena left the classroom and walked down the hall. The collar had activated and was buzzing around her neck. Luckily, it didn’t seem like anyone had seen or heard it. She was off to commit the sin again, this time in the bathroom. How horrendous. She entered the lavatory and checked each stall to make sure they were empty. Finding herself alone, she locked herself in the corner stall. Muttering curses, she removed her skirt and panties and left them folded on the toilet paper dispenser. She sat on the toilet, her face in her hands, contemplating her shame. The heat of the collar increased, telling her that it was now or never.

Sighing in reluctance, she reached between her legs and began toying with her slit. Her fingers found their way into her much easier than the first time. She leaned back against the tank, letting the pleasure steadily build with the sliding of her fingers. This was only her second time masturbating, but in a sense, it already routine, like she had mastered it years ago and was now just going through the motions.

Hello, what was this? At the top of her vagina, she had found a bump in the corner between her lips. She had seen it before in the porno, but she didn’t know what it was for. It was very sensitive, with the strokes of her fingers sending jolts through her body. She recognized this feeling and location. The other day, there had been a knot in her invisible bonds, pressed to this very location. The more she touched it, the more noticeable it became, soon feeling like one of the frozen peas that Sister Olivia would have her kneel on during detention. She rubbed it with her thumb while working her index and middle finger inside her, liking the sensations she was being blessed with.

The opening of the bathroom door hit her like an invisible punch. Two girls had just stepped in. They were standing by the row of sinks, just talking and complaining about the school. Just by their tones, she could tell these girls were of the same ilk as Daphne. She stopped her hand, waiting for them to leave. Not ten seconds after she pulled her fingers free, the collar reactivated, telling her that if she didn’t resume masturbating, the deal would be broken and Sophie would be put back in danger.

‘Please! Not now! Just wait a minute and I’ll get back to it after they leave!’

The collar didn’t stop and she reluctantly continued pleasuring herself, now using her free hand to cover her mouth and stop her pants from being heard. The girls’ conversation didn’t end quickly; they continued to vent about how much they hated the school. Every word they spoke sent a shiver up Helena’s spine while she pleasured herself. These girls were having a conversation, while not ten feet away, she was stirring her pussy like a biblical whore. What if they were to find out she was there? What if they caught her in the act?! She could get expelled from the school for this! She would never be allowed to enter the Swiss Guard! If she wasn’t careful now, her whole future would be ruined!

One of the girls leaned against the stall door, her shoes right in Helena’s view. Oh god, she was so close! Fear was pumping through her veins like her blood, but that fear was quickening the thrusts of her fingers and strengthening the reaction she felt. Beneath her, the toilet gave the slightest creak from her shifting wait. To Helena, it was like the roar of a buzz saw, but luckily, the other two girls didn’t seem to hear it. She adjusted her position and kept going. She could feel it bubbling inside her, her next orgasm. Just a little more! A little more! A tidal wave of pleasure at last swept through her, making her whole body writhe as if she were suffering a seizure. But while her hand was over her mouth, her voice managed to slip through.

The two girls heard it, the small squeak, that human whimper. The girl leaning against the door stepped back and turned around. “Hey, is someone in there?!”

For a second, Helena’s mind shattered like glass as her whole ruined future flashed through her mind, but ingenuity immediately struck her. Holding her tongue out tightly between her lips, she blew, imitating the noise of a loud and wet fart.

“Sorry, I was trying to hold that in until you two left.”

Swearing in disgust, the girls rushed out. Helena sat there on the toilet with her fingers still inside her, wearing nothing but a bra and blouse, once again alone. She didn’t know if it was the aftereffects of her orgasm or pride in her brilliance, but she burst into uncontrollable laughter, easily the hardest she had laughed in years.

Helena was now in class, listening to Sister Olivia give a lecture on famous pieces of art in the Catholic world. The day of her third trial was still going and she had already masturbated three times. Her eyes were on Xavier, sitting two rows away in the middle of the room, a look of boredom on his face as the lesson progressed. Slowly, he brought down his arm, letting it hang with his hand below his chair. Helena’s heart began to race. What was he doing? He was up to something! He snapped his fingers, so gently that it wasn’t even audible. The collar around her neck activated, heating up and buzzing against her flesh. She could not see it, but he had grown his trademark insidious grin.


She raised her hand, but Sister Olivia had her back turned and was writing on the board. With a twirl of his finger, Xavier increased the activity of the collar. Time was running out, she had to make her escape.

She gave a small cough. *Ahem* “Excuse me, Sister Olivia? May I please be excused? I’m feeling sick.”

The nun turned to her, an annoyed scowl on her face. “No, you may not. If you’re feeling sick, that’s the Lord punishing you for being a bad student. Don’t you dare interrupt my lesson again.”

The collar was still active and becoming more intense, telling Helena that the deal was about to be broken. It was time for something drastic. Turning in her chair, she buckled over and began pretending to dry-heave, causing everyone to look at her with concern. Hiding the movement and acting like she was trying to keep her mouth from opening, she jammed her finger down her throat and triggered her gag reflex. In that moment, every muscle and vein in her head tightened like piano wire, making her feel like her skull would be crushed under the pressure. Her half-digested lunch was poured out onto the floor, sending a rush of disgust through the entire class.

“Out! Out!” Sister Olivia screamed.

Spitting out the disgusting remains, Helena got to her feet and staggered out of the classroom, clutching her now aching stomach. Behind her, the rest of the class was herded into the hallway until a custodian could come and clean up the mess.

Xavier watched her run off, chuckling to himself. ‘Impressive. I’ll have to reward her for that.’

Helena certainly felt better coming back from the bathroom. Her stomach was still a little sore, but she had flushed her body with endorphins when she rubbed one out. Unfortunately, after a stunt like that, she would be the subject of ridicule and gossip for a while. She returned to the classroom, now cleaned up and with the windows open to remove any lingering odor. The other students all tried not to look at her.

“O’Connor, you’ve earned yourself a week of detention.”

The nun’s declaration brought Helena to a dead stop, her face flushed red and her mind rebooting from the indescribable rage now flooding her.

“Excuse me? Are you being serious right now? Did you not just see me throw up after telling you that I was sick?”

Xavier was also looking at Sister Olivia, his eyes lit with anger unbefitting of his character.

The nun exploded, having never before been questioned like this. “Don’t you dare take that tone with me! You interrupted my lesson and defiled my classroom! One more word and I’ll put the fear of God in you!”

The words came out before Helena could stop them. “Fuck you.”

Everyone in the room became as pale as corpses, all feeling like someone was squeezing their innards in a vise. Practically foaming at the mouth, Sister Olivia rushed towards the defiant student, her trusty meter stick raised to beat that spiteful look off Helena’s face. Helena put her right foot back, readying herself to deliver a punch if the nun went through with it. She could easily get expelled for this, but she was too pissed off to care. The flash of a black coat swooped between them with one hand grabbing Sister Olivia’s wrist and the other seizing Helena’s shoulder. Xavier had gotten in the way, leaping over a row of desks like an acrobat. He held her shoulder with his thumb pressing down on her arm, using his ungodly strength to keep her from moving that joint or bringing her arm forward. He wasn’t just keeping her safe from Sister Olivia; he was actually stopping her from doing something reckless.

“As a student, I have no right to speak, but I can no longer condone your cruel and draconian means of discipline. No teacher worth their salt would ever lay their hand on a student. Helena was sick and you denied her a chance to recover from her illness discretely. This is your fault, not hers. You have no reason to punish her.”

“I’ll see you both expelled for this! You ungrateful, belligerent maggots!”

With lightning speed, Xavier snatched the meter stick out of her hand and began spinning it. “And I’ll see you fired. If you want us punished, get on your knees and beg the Disciplinary Committee to take action.” He then snapped the meter stick with his fingers, sending splinters flying and making all the students shiver. “Because I certainly won’t answer to you.”

Whether it was the strength of his words or some kind of unholy power, Helena wasn’t sure, but whatever it was, it made Sister Olivia storm out of the classroom to find the Disciplinary Committee.

“Helena,” said Xavier, making her look up at him though unable to see his face. “I suggest you go back to your dorm room and get some rest. The sick belong in their beds.”

Once again, Helena didn’t know if it was the way he spoke or the effect of his powers, but she wordlessly retrieved her book bag and left.

“What can I do for you, Master?”

Smiling, Xavier pulled Daphne close and kissed her. Her eyes rolled back into her head, her Satanic heart overwhelmed with the happiness of being kissed by the Antichrist. But wait, there was something entering her mouth from his, other than his tongue of course. She could feel it running down her throat and filling her whole body. It felt like death. He pulled his lips away, revealing a black miasma flowing into her throat from him. The vaporous stream ended and Daphne fell to her knees, gasping for air.

“Ugh, disgusting. I’m from Hell and the taste of those menthols is making even me sick. Seriously, girl, cut down on the smoking. That’s what you can do for me. In all seriousness, I have just given you a bit of my power. That guy, Thane, he’s been taking pictures in search of me. If you use that power when he snaps a picture, you’ll appear as a black specter. I want you to cause trouble around the school that will send him running. Accidents, injuries, you know, just act like a poltergeist.”

She sat up straight and bowed to him. “I’ll do your bidding. Is there anything else?”

Xavier’s smile gained a sadistic twist. “Yeah, be at my room at 6:30 tonight.”

The redheaded lass was lying in bed, doing everything she could to not think about Xavier. She didn’t even know why she was in her dorm room, she wasn’t actually sick. Oh well, she only had another two classes that day, and after hearing what happened, her teachers would probably be lenient. She could at least use this time to study. About to reach for a textbook, the buzzing of her collar drew a sigh of annoyance. Damn it, this was the fifth time. Oh well, might as well just do it and enjoy the privacy.

She reached into her panties and began massaging her clit, playing with it like a tiny joystick. Her heart began to race, her breathing becoming shallow. She worked her fingers inside herself, relishing the feel of her interior. It was so soft and wet, and hot enough to make her feel like her fingers were melting. With her free hand, she started squeezing her breasts, knowing just how to stimulate herself for the best results.

‘I will admit this does feel wonderful, but this is seriously becoming a chore. Stupid Xavier, that black-hearted devil spawn. Making me sin like this so that my friend doesn’t get raped, how twisted can one man be? And what the hell was that stunt during class? Who is he trying to fool?’

Memories of that scene flashed through her mind, the sight of Xavier jumping in front of her and protecting her from Sister Olivia’s swing, and the feel of his powerful hand on her shoulder, completely immobilizing her with that simple touch.

She rolled on her side, her fingers continuing to slither through her pussy. ‘He was just showing off, cocky bastard. The next time I see him, he’ll probably say something lame like “nobody punishes you but me”. He’s possessive enough as it is, I don’t need him fighting my battles for me.’

She then pulled the blanket of her bed over herself, finding something comforting in the weight on her body and the way it rubbed against her when she moved. ‘Not to mention it was his fault that I’m in this mess. Sister Olivia wouldn’t have been mad at me if he hadn’t put me in that situation. What the hell is he trying to get at with this anyway? Does he think that tying me up or making me touch myself with turn me into some kind of harlot? As if!’

She had her eyes closed with a blush on her face. She was chewing on her thumbnail, while under the blankets, the movements of her other hand increased in speed. ‘The next time I see him, I’ll break his nose. I won’t let this damn collar slow me down. That’s right, the next time. I’ll punch him in his smug face so hard that he’ll go crying back to his daddy.’

She continued fantasizing about beating the crap out of Xavier the next time she saw him, but every time, the dream just got shorter. At first she imagined torturing him like a Spanish Inquisitor, then it shrank down to just beating him up, then to just punching him once, and then just to the moment where she would see him in the hall or bump into him at a corner. Her fingers were moving at their maximum speed, her body exponentially close to an orgasm, while in her mind, his face occupied her imagination. She finally came, while at the same time, her mind flashed her back to the church when he had fingered her.

She came to a stop, panting heavily with the blanket around her feeling like Xavier’s arms. ‘I won’t lose, I won’t let him beat me. He’ll never win my heart.’

Lily stood in front of Xavier’s dorm room, afraid to knock. He had left her a note inviting her, saying that his roommate would be gone and they could spend some time together. It wasn’t the rule forbidding her presence in the boys’ dorm that left her petrified, but the sounds coming from inside. She could hear panting, moaning, and the squeaking of mattress springs. With her eyes wet, she knocked on the door.

“Come on in.”

She opened it and stepped inside, the sight before her hitting her in the chest like a car. Xavier was on his bed with an upperclassman that Lily didn’t recognize, some girl with black hair. He had her on all fours and was thrusting into her dripping cunt with his whole body weight, making her moan as her pale ass clapped against his thighs. He looked at Lily, a smile on his face, as if unaware of the presence of the girl he was fucking.

“Don’t be shy, come on in. Take a seat, make yourself comfortable.”

“Y-you’re cheating on me?!” she cried, stepping closer as if to make sure her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her.

“What? Of course not! How could you even ask me that?! You know I love you!”

He denied it without ever stopping his thrusts.

“But you’re making love to another girl!”

“Her? Oh no, you misunderstand. This is Daphne, a good friend of mine, and this is a game we’ve been playing since we were kids. We’re not making love, just goofing around. It’s only sex. It doesn’t mean anything. I only make love to you, Lily. I love you with all my heart. Remember the rules? We both have to love each other more than anyone else possibly could? I still love you more than anything, and I guarantee you you’ll never find someone who loves you more than I do. Understand? I would never cheat on you because I love you. Take a seat, relax.”

While Xavier tried to calm Lily down, Daphne was intoxicated with sexual pleasure. This was the best fuck she had ever had. Xavier was brutal, knowing which spot to hit and slamming it like a sledgehammer. He didn’t give her any rest, any mercy, or even a moment to think between thrusts. She felt like a porn star. “Oh yes! Harder! Faster! Fuck me more! Shove your cock deep into my slutty pussy!”

Lily’s mind was screaming at her that this was wrong, that he was tricking her, that he didn’t love her, but her heart was too terrified to believe it. He had always told her he loved her, why would he lie? He loved her, that’s all that mattered. He wasn’t cheating on her, just playing with a friend of his. It was ok, she had no reason to doubt him. She couldn’t handle losing him; no one would love her as much as he did. Yes, it was better to just agree and not rock the boat. If she made the fuss, she would have to punished, and that would hurt them both. She had to be a good girl.

She sat down on the floor, switching her gaze between Xavier and Daphne and the floor over and over again. No matter how much she rationalized it, seeing Xavier thrusting his manhood into another woman made her feel sick, but she didn’t have the will to disobey him. She would look down at the rug, telling herself that everything was ok, but then a moan or grunt would draw her eyes back up and she would see the two of them drenched in sweat, their naked bodies pressed together, sucking on each other’s tongues, and doing all the things that he did with Lily.

The knot in her stomach tightened as Xavier grunted, telling her he had just ejaculated. He pulled out of the girl with a string of semen still connecting her pussy to his deflating manhood.

“You… you came inside her. You gave her your love! You’re only supposed to that with me!”

“Lily, darling, relax. It was just a physical reaction. Besides, it’s still yours. Daphne, give it to her.”

She got to her feet and approached Lily. She stood over her and spread the lips of her pussy, the girl’s tear-streaked face inches from the dribbling semen.

She gave a coy smile. “Come on, this is what you want, right?”

Lily stared at it with shock and terror. How could she be expected to do something so revolting? Xavier had convinced her to do a lot of things that scared and embarrassed her, but this was too much. She couldn’t…

“Lily, what are you waiting for? Don’t you want my love? I thought you didn’t want to be alone anymore.”

The words broke what little will she had left, and with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks, she leaned forward and hesitantly flicked her tongue against the exposed labia. She could taste Xavier’s semen, and it gave her the courage to continue licking. Daphne giggled and put her hand on the back of Lily’s head, pushing her deeper. She didn’t resist the girl’s hold on her, she simply continued licking the semen out of her pussy while trying to ignore the vileness of the act. She could taste it, her female essence. It made her own body shiver as she realized that this was how she too tasted. Once Daphne’s pussy was cleaned out, Lily licked up the white streams that had run down her thighs.

“Ok Daphne, you can go.”

She wordlessly obeyed, picking up the heap of her clothes and stepping naked into the hallway.

Lily remained on the floor, overwhelmed with disgust. Xavier got up and stepped over to her, standing over her as Daphne had done. She looked up at him, staring at his hardening manhood.

“I still have lots of love for you if you want it.”

Her eyes blank, she nodded and took his cock in her mouth, sucking it clean of semen and the other girl’s wetness.

Xavier rubbed the top of her head. “See? Good girls get rewarded.”

“So what do you think is going to happen when Sister Olivia shows up?”

Helena perked up, turning to Sophie. She was eating breakfast with her friends and the mood had suddenly turned sour.


“You didn’t go to detention last night. She’ll probably burst in like the Four Horsemen and behead you with a flaming sword.”

A flare of spiteful anger allowed Helena to regain her composure. “Well unless she tells me that I’ve actually been expelled, I don’t care about what she has to say. I’m done being afraid of her.”

“You sound like Xavier,” said one of her friends.

The words sent a bolt of electricity up her spine.

Sophie began to giggle. “Yeah, you really do. Lord, forgive my sinful feelings, but when he jumped between you two and broke her ruler, it was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. I could have almost fallen for him.”

The other girls all squealed and laughed, but Helena had to contain her look of disbelief and terror. She had seen Xavier rape Sophie for hours on end, and even if her memories had been erased, to hear her say such a thing about Xavier made her want to throw up. Then there was her other reason to be concerned: Xavier hadn’t yet given her a task for the day. The card had just told her to wait, but it was the waiting that was truly killing her. Regardless of her fear, the memory of him shielding her from Sister Olivia flashed through her mind as it had again and again, and for the rest of breakfast, she couldn’t get it out.

Helena sat at her desk, waiting for the first class to start. Everyone was anxious, unsure of what would happen when Sister Olivia arrived. Neither Helena nor Xavier had attended detention the night before, both because they weren’t sure they still had it and as a sign of protest if they did. The door opened and the nun stepped inside, looking far more tired than usual. She avoided looking at the class and simply began writing at the bored. Helena’s tension increased, almost wishing that whatever was going to happen would just happen already. The class progressed without any incidents. Not once did Sister Olivia raise her voice, scold anyone, or even look at the class. What was with her? Was she so angry that she had actually snapped? Or was there some other reason for her behavior?

Ten hours earlier:

Olivia looked around, wondering whether or not she was dreaming. She was standing in the university church, but she couldn’t remember how she had gotten there. She remembered going to bed, she was even wearing her nightgown. The look of the church… was different from what it would usually be. All the candles were lit, but instead of the beautiful light they usually cast, they instead produced an ominous, almost bloody radiance.

“At first I thought it was simply anger issues, but I’m pretty sure I have you figured out. Your strict rules and itchy trigger finger when it comes to punishment, it isn’t regular nun cruelty. You simply love to inflict pain.”

She turned around, spotting Xavier walking down the aisle. Like the church, there was something different about him. His eyes were wider than before, bloodshot, and his grin was savage.

“Xavier?! What in the Lord’s name are you doing here?! Students aren’t allowed in the church after hours and you’re in enough trouble as it is! Get—”

Her limbs and torso burst in a chain of small explosions, splattering her blood across the pews, as if she had just been hit with half a dozen deer slugs. She was thrown back, pouring blood from her wounds and mouth, but when she hit the ground, her body was completely intact. She lay on the floor, panting like she had just run a marathon as she tried to fathom what had just happened to her.

“But that is a problem. You see, when two sadists meet, there is an unavoidable fate…” Xavier stood over her, his face having lost the mask of humanity. He grinned at her with his teeth looking like the cartridge of a nail gun. He had his hand over his face like a mask, with his tongue now several times its original length and wrapped around his wrist, and razor claws at the tips of his fingers, one of which he dragged across the surface of his eye and tore open. “When two sadists meet, one inevitably devours the other, and you are way out of your league.”

She stared at him, all courage and strength robbed from her soul at the sight of his unholy creature. “What in God’s name are you?”

“I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked of that question. In a way, it’s flattering, but now I’m kind of sick of hearing it.”

With a twirl of his finger, he materialized a ball gag that wrapped around her head and secured itself in her mouth. She tried to pull it out, but from the rafters of the church, a rope reached down and snapped around her wrists. It locked her arms behind her back and pulled upwards, forcing her to her feet and threatening to dislocate her shoulders.

“Normally I would let you have your fun. After all, there is nothing I love more than watching others suffer. However, when you start hassling Helena, I become annoyed. I don’t blame you for not knowing, but that girl belongs to me. She is my property. I have plenty of other toys that I would happily let you abuse, but she’s special. I’m the only one who gets to torment her, and since you got in my way, I decided it’s time for you to face some punishment of your own.”

He snapped his fingers, summoning his malicious flames to burn away her clothes and all of her body hair. The church was filled with the sound of her screams, but nobody would ever hear her. The flames receded and she whimpered in pain, but her rage allowed her to overcome her embarrassment. She glared at him, as if to ask “how dare you?”

“You are not the first sadist I’ve encountered in my long life. I’ve tortured plenty of others, and I must say, they can be the most entertaining.”

Xavier strode past her and gave a lazy swish of his hand. Without even touching her, he opened four long cuts across her belly. She screamed through her gag with her blood running down her legs and dripping on the carpet.

“You see… it is not quite pain that sadists are after, but the power of inflicting pain. They seek the knowledge that they can do whatever they want to someone and face no repercussions from it. They enjoy the power difference between their victim and themselves and want their victim to be as aware of it as possible.” He began whisking his claws against her back, one finger at a time, each one drawing forth more blood. “They remind their victim of this with every… last… scratch.”

He came around to her front and dragged the claw of his index finger across her collarbone, sending trickles of crimson running down her chest. Leaning down, he laughed and gluttonously licked the blood off her melon-sized tits, taking extra time to suck on her nipples. She shuddered in revulsion, feeling him tickle her areolas with his tongue and lips.

He then moved up, licking away her tears while whispering in her ear. “But when the sadist is the victim, they realize just how powerless they really are. All their life has been spent in trying to maintain absolute control over every facet of their world, but now, what little authority they have is taken away from them. Beyond the pain, beyond the humiliation, they are forced to suffer from their greatest fear: the reality that they are mere insects, unable to do anything at all if something steps on them.”

His claws disappeared and he jammed his fingers into her pussy while pinching hard on her clitoris. Sister Olivia screamed at the top of her lungs, having never known that sensations such as these even existed. The brutality invoked pain in her, but the stimulation drew a physiological reaction of a pleasurable feeling. With his other hand, he grabbed throat, leaving her struggling for every breath.

“Tell me, how does it feel? In your classroom, you were a queen, a god even. Your students were terrified of you and you handed out punishment like it was second nature, released it like your breath. Here, you are nothing. Look around. There are no students following your every word, no one is here trying to stay in your good graces. Has it hit you yet? The authority you thought you wielded was nothing more than an illusion, a mere quirk of your position as a teacher. ‘You’re fired’, all you needed to hear were those two words, and in a month, you’d be sucking cock on the street corner to pay your bills. You are nothing more than an insignificant human, clinging to titles and bureaucracy so that you can give meaning to your life through the pain you inflict on others.” He turned around and took a few steps away. “Through my cruelty, I shall teach you kindness. Your body is beautiful, very sexy, and it shall serve as the canvas in which I will paint a portrait of horror. But let’s not rush things; we have all night after all. First things first, I want a taste.”

More ropes reached down from the rafters, this time wrapping around her knees and lifting them up. She cried out from the pain in her shoulders as she was pulled off her feet, using all of the strength in her arms to keep the joints from dislocating when her body was turned horizontal. The ropes then pulled her legs apart, as if the binds were threaded through invisible pulleys. One final tether wrapped around her shoulders and neck, keeping her from tilting all the way over. Xavier approached, running his fingers against her labia. She struggled against her binds, outraged from his violating touch. Smirking, he kneeled down and ran his tongue between her lips. The blood from her cuts had congealed like hot fudge, mixing with the taste of her womanhood into a delicious dessert for the black-hearted Antichrist.

Sister Olivia doubled her efforts to break free of her bonds, struggling not just to escape, but to ignore the sensations pulsing through her. His tongue was slithering inside of her like an eel, several times longer than the tongue of an average human. It almost felt like it was lined with hundreds of tiny suction cups, latching onto every nerve ending in her vagina and pulling on it. He was drinking in her wetness, savoring it like nectar. The nun’s spine locked up, her entire body going rigid as she felt him insert his fingers into her asshole. He began to laugh, continuing to stir his tongue inside her pussy was thrusting his fingers inside her anus. With each push, he could feel her cunt getting wetter and wetter. Olivia’s whimpers of pain and humiliation began to change, becoming shrill whines as undeniable pleasure soaked through her whole body. She could feel something coming; she could feel cracks in the ice beneath her feet. He could sense it as well, prompting him to double his efforts.

Leaning her head back, Olivia cried out through her gag, squirting like a squeezed lemon. Xavier got to his feet, licking his lips in satisfaction. “I thought you would hold out longer. Look at yourself, a couple fingers in your back door and a tongue in your pussy and you turn into a waterfall. Pathetic. Oh how I would love to bring in all of my fellow students and parade them past you, let them see you now. Let them see what even the strictest sister of the church becomes when she meets a force greater than herself. This is true power, the ability to reveal humans as the lowly animals they really are.”

He undressed, revealing his erect manhood. Olivia squealed at the sight of it, knowing what was coming. He stood between her legs, letting his member lay draped over her pussy like a fallen tree.

“A woman’s virginity is a funny thing. Its value changes depending on the age. A little girl’s virginity is priceless, but not in a way that makes it desirable. It is so a part of her body that to take it is an act of pure defilement. To take it when she doesn’t have the maturity or age to know what it is… is like winning a fight by kicking a man in the balls. It’s just a low act. No one but a pedophile would be willing to take a little girl’s virginity, because it would mean destroying the purity and innocence that makes her such a treasure.

When a girl reaches adolescence, it becomes valuable. She is now aware of herself, of her sexuality. She is still young, her sexual essence still pristine and pure, uncontaminated by the world around her. If she feels lust, men will want to satisfy her, to feel her gratitude in welcoming her to the adult world. They want to unleash the vixen, see the energy of youth and help her to explore. If she is shy, men will want to teach her, show her the world she hides from, and see the beautiful cascade of expressions from her pure soul: fear, pain, regret, fulfillment, enjoyment, and finally sexual bliss. They want to know the joy of holding that small, nervous creature in their hands, of having complete control over her and bending her to their will so that they can witness the transformation of shy innocence into sexual self-actualization.

When the girl becomes a woman and leaves puberty, her virginity gains a unique beauty. She becomes like a candy: hard on the outside but soft on the inside. Her mind has grown and adapted to the adult world. Her body has fully developed into the perfect union of youth and maturity. But her heart is still like that of a child, untouched. Her hymen is like an anchor, that tiny handhold that she clings to in order to maintain her innocence. Her virginity is the mountain summit that no man has ever reached. We as a culture expect it to be gone by this time, but the fact that it is still there makes it a true gem. It is a fruit, a “cherry”, that has fully ripened and is ready to be plucked.

Then when she gets older… it gets kind of creepy. After 35, you kind get the feeling that there is something wrong with her. You know that there is some reason why some other man hasn’t sealed the deal, and your instincts tell you to keep your distance. Virginity after that age is just sad.

But I digress; you’ve reached the age where your body has ripened while maintaining that precious innocence. Are you ready to finally become a real woman? To feel a man take you as his own and peel away your defenses?” She desperately shook her head, terrified of what he was about to do. “That’s the spirit!”

Guiding himself in, he buried his cock up to the base in a single thrust of cruelty and strength. Sister Olivia cried out, her voice bouncing among the rafters and between the pews. She could feel him, his phallus having pierced her like the Lance of Longinus. But it wasn’t just her body, she felt as if her very soul had been ripped open like an orange and something toxic and evil was being poured on her exposed insides. She felt dirty, she felt defiled, and she felt broken, crippled almost. Xavier licked his lips to the sound of her screams and the sight of the agony in her eyes, both physical and emotional. He pulled out of her, the blood of her hymen matching the splatters and stains left behind from the cuts he made earlier.

From there, he turned into a machine, grabbing her by the hips and using the head of his cock like a jackhammer on the entrance to her womb. Her untouched womanhood was being turned into a receptacle for his abusive thrusts; her body, created by God, turned into the Antichrist’s toy. She looked back, staring at the crucifix on the back wall of the church, upside down from her perspective. She begged and prayed for God to save her, to protect her from this monster. Her eyes were locked on the statue of Jesus while tears poured from her eyes. The statue remained unmoving, the cast brass proving to be nothing more than that.

Xavier’s thrusts never slowed or faltered, he never stopped to catch his breath or readjust his stance. Olivia’s second unwilling orgasm came ten minutes after the initial penetration, a fountain of her arousal splashing across Xavier. He didn’t stop, he continued barreling into her. If anything, his speed and ferocity increased. His smirk changed into a savage grin, his teeth gleaming in the light of the candles. From there, the floodgates opened, with Olivia cumming again and again, having an orgasm almost every minute. She sobbed harder than ever in her life, humiliated not just because of what was happening to her, but because of how good it felt. Every orgasm was beyond euphoric, shaming every good feeling in her life.

Xavier soon came, shooting so much semen into her with so much pressure that she almost felt it push her back. He pulled out, admiring his handiwork. Olivia assumed it was over, hoping that he would untie her while trying to ignore the feeling of semen and pussy juice trickling out of her. Once again showing the depths of his cruelty, Xavier forced himself into her asshole, sodomizing her while using his semen as a lubricant. For the umpteenth time, she screamed, receiving no pleasure from the anal rape. This time, instead of holding her by the hips, Xavier squeezed her breasts brutally hard, strangling them while he violated her asshole. It continued on like that for hours, Xavier raping her with inhuman stamina, brutalizing every hole to the point of bleeding. He would ride her until he came and then move on to another spot, switching between her ass and pussy without ever stopping to clean himself off, save for when he would skull-fuck her.

Two hours before dawn, Sister Olivia was at last lowered to the floor. Her body was etched with cuts from head to toe and she was wallowing in a puddle of blood and semen. Her glasses were broken, her eyes blank. Xavier stood over her, tired and satisfied. He put his foot on her head, pushing down as if to crush her skull. “How does it feel to be broken? To be powerless? I’m going to make sure you never forget it.”

Sister Olivia bolted up in bed, sobbing and drenched in sweat. She looked around wildly, expecting to see the church. She was in her bedroom, still wearing the same underwear and nightgown she had worn to bed, and there wasn’t a single cut on her body. She grasped her crucifix on her bedside table and began feverishly praying, asking God to protect her from whatever evil had evoked the worst nightmare of her life.

For the rest of the day, Sister Olivia was unable to face her class, but it was Xavier she was the most terrified of. She knew it had just been a bad dream, but it had scared her to the point where she couldn’t look at other students, even classes that Xavier wasn’t in. But in truth, what had happened to her had been real, and just as he had done to Sophie time and time again, he had simply removed all traces of her torture. The only difference was that he hadn’t erased her memories of the night, leaving her with no choice but believe that everything had just been a terrible nightmare.

Chapter 7

The panel broke free of the ceiling and struck a student, the corner cutting him from his temple to the middle of his forehead and sending blood pouring onto the floor. Everyone in the hallway was either left petrified or frantic, hearing the crash and the cry of pain. Thane was there, still taking pictures of the school and now finding something to photograph. This was no coincidence. In the crowd, Daphne licked her lips in sadistic ecstasy. She had dreamed of having power like this since she was a little girl, the power to cause havoc and inflict harm. She could feel it bubbling within her, the Antichrist’s energy, like a fetus developing in her womb. Down the hall, Thane raised his camera above his head and snapped a picture, and once it was developed, he would see a dark figure amongst the students, unidentifiable but unmistakable.

This was the second accident today, but the only that the school would pay attention to. It was time to move on, and she knew exactly who to victimize.

Screaming and clutching her hand, Helena fell off her stool with the whole class watching. She was in Chemistry, doing a group experiment with the other students at the table, when the glass beaker atop the hotplate had suddenly shattered and sprayed her hand with boiling water. With her skin molting into stinging blisters, Helena tried to look through her tears as the teacher rushed to her aid. While all the students in class were whispering amongst themselves, Daphne sat in the back of the room, trying to hold in her laugh as black sparks crackled around her fingertips.

Nearly delirious from the pain of her burns and trying not to cry, Helena staggered into the infirmary with the help of the teacher. Seeing the state of the student, the school nurse bolted up from her desk.

“Sister Ellie, Ms. O’Connor has been badly burned!” the teacher exclaimed.

The nurse hurriedly began applying burn ointment to Helena’s hand, making her gasp in relief. Just the feel of the cool cream sent shivers up her spine from the decimation of her agony, but the pain was still intense. As the nun began wrapping her in bandages, she looked around at the row of beds in the student ward next door. There was only one other student there, currently asleep on a cot, but her sleeping face hit Helena like a punch to the gut.


Pulling herself away from the nun, she ran through the small auditorium to her unconscious roommate, leaving beyond a trail of ointment-soaked bandages. She grasped Sophie’s hand with both of hers, wincing from the agitation of her burns. “Sophie! Sophie! Are you ok? Wake up!”

Sophie stirred slightly but didn’t open her eyes.

Sister Ellie strode over and gently pulled her away. “She just fainted, she’ll be fine. We’re going to have her sleep here tonight so we can keep an eye on her. Come on, we need to finish bandaging your hand.”

Helena reluctantly let go of Sophie and returned to the office so that her hand could be wrapped up. As the end of the cotton line was taped, the entrance to the infirmary opened and Xavier limped in. Seeing him, Helena’s hair nearly stood on end from her rage. Had he done this? Had he done this to her and Sophie?!

“Excuse me, nurse? I slipped down the stairs and I think I sprained my ankle.”

“Oh Lord, I got students dropping like flies. Both of you pick a bed and get some rest. Lad, I’ll bring you an icepack and something to dull the pain until you can move.”

Shooting him a dirty look, Helena strode past Xavier and lied down on the bed next to Sophie’s, cradling her burned hand. Xavier picked a cot on the other side of the room, and the nurse brought him an icepack and some pills. As soon as she returned to her office, Xavier snapped his fingers. A metaphysical black curtain sealed off the room, separating the nurse’s office from the auditorium, then vanished. Xavier had just soundproofed the room, and to anyone looking in, nothing would look out of the ordinary. His movements hidden from the nurse, he climbed out of bed and walked over to Helena, discarding the limp he had used earlier.

“Let me see your injuries.”

“Fuck off, I don’t want you admiring your handiwork.”

Since she had already cursed Sister Olivia, she saw no point in keeping a civil tongue around Xavier. Besides, God would forgive her.

Sighing in annoyance, he sat on the edge of Sophie’s bed. “You idiot, why do you think I’m here? I sensed you were hurt and wanted to make sure you were ok.”

This was the last thing Helena had expected Xavier to say. This concern, this kindness… Before, he always seemed to be in control of every situation, but now he seemed like he had been completely blindsided. The look on his face and his gentle tone made her blush, regardless of her feelings.

“Well… what about Sophie? Did you do that as well?”

“Yeah, but relax. It’s just slight case of anemia. She’ll be right as rain tomorrow. Now let me see your hand.”

Normally, Xavier’s confession would leave her struggling to contain her rage, but it was the fact he had been so bluntly honest that left her fury unable to ignite. Plus, if it was really nothing more than anemia, there wasn’t much of a point of getting mad. There were plenty of other ways he could have knocked her out. It seemed he just needed her out of the way, rather than hurt. She slowly sat up and held out her hand, letting him gently unravel the bandages that the nurse had just put on her.

“So what exactly happened? Judging by the way it’s wrapped and the ointment applied, I’m guessing that you were burned somehow.”

“I was in Chemistry and hot beaker broke. Considering all the things you put me through, I’m surprised you’d care about something like this.”

Having removed the bandages, he gently wiped away the ointment, holding her delicate hand like an icy rose. Clutching her hand in his loose grip like a butterfly, he brought it to his lips and blew on her blistered fingers as if to warm them with his breath on a cold day. Helena gave a small moan of relief as she felt the burns disappear, as if the molted tissue was being blown off like dust and revealing untouched skin underneath.

“Helena, I am a twisted man. Your mind, body, and soul belong to me and I enjoy making you suffer in my little games. I love that look on your face when you’re bound in ropes, I love the sound you make when I violate you, and I love the heartache of guilt and revulsion you feel when I make you do things that you consider sinful.” He then kissed her hand and looked into her eyes, wearing the same kind smile as when she had jumped off the diving board. “But of all the terrible things I’ve done to you and will continue to do until you finally give in to me, I will never, ever hurt you, aside from maybe the seal I left on you, but that’s the exception. After all, I still intend to make you my queen and my bride, and when I do, I will protect you and make you smile for the rest of your life.”

Helena pulled her hand away from Xavier’s and stood up. The fluttering of her heart scared her more than his words. She looked at her hand, completely undamaged, with her skin still as soft as silk. Should she… thank him? No, not after everything he had been through.

She looked back at him, using her anger and impatience to quell the strange feelings now burning within her. “What is my task for today? The card told me just to wait. What am I supposed to do?”

Xavier smiled and turned back to Sophie. “Well since Sophie will spend the night here, I want you to sleep in her bed tonight.”

“So you’re Lily? It’s nice to meet you.”

Lily didn’t immediately respond, unable to look up into Daphne’s eyes. She had watched her boyfriend fuck this girl and now she was just talking to her like it was nothing? Not only that, but this woman had stood over her and smiled as Lily licked Xavier’s cum out of her pussy.

“Yeah… it’s… it’s nice to meet you.”

“Xavier talks about you all the time. He says you’re the prettiest girl in the world and the perfect girlfriend. You’re the most important person in the world to him.”

The knot in Lily’s stomach loosened. Strange as it was, finding someone who knew about her relationship with Xavier was comforting, and it helped to have someone else tell her that Xavier loved her.

“Really? He does?”

“Of course, and I just think your relationship is the sweetest thing ever. Xavier told me that you were a little tense after our first meeting and asked me to come and clear the air. How about you and I find somewhere private where we can talk?”

Taking Lily by the hand so that she couldn’t resist, she pulled her across campus to an isolated spot behind one of the elementary school buildings. Daphne gently pushed her against the ball, tossing her and Lily’s book bags aside.

“Xavier and I have been fucking for years. You know, just to play around. What you to have is serious, so I’m a little curious about you.”

She started fondling Lily’s underdeveloped body, making her whine in embarrassment.

“Stop! What are you doing?!”

“Come on, haven’t you ever wanted to try it with a girl? Besides, you’ve already licked Xavier’s sperm out of my cunt.”

Keeping Lily pressed against the wall, Daphne hiked up her skirt and jammed her hand into her panties. She cried out as the stranger molested her, inserting her fingers into the place only Xavier was allowed to touch. She tried to push Daphne away, but the upperclassman had a firm hold on her, plus Lily could not work up much strength while she was being fingered.

“No! Please!”

“Come on, you know you like it. Take it like a good girl. You are a good girl, aren’t you?”

Lily stopped resisting, though she looked no less miserable. The phrase “good girl” had triggered her submissive obedience to Xavier.

‘Wow, Xavier wasn’t kidding when he said he had broken her spirit. He’s got her trained like Pavlov’s dog.’

Daphne grabbed Lily’s face and began kissing her, her fingers pumping back and forth in her pussy while her tongue slithered in her mouth. Even after going down on Daphne back in Xavier’s room, Lily wanted to scream in revulsion from kissing a girl. Her body was reacting to the molestation, but she held no attraction to women. Daphne didn’t care. Like Xavier, she loved violating girls, and the more unwilling they were, the better. Getting more aggressive, Daphne pulled her fingers out of Lily and jammed them into her mouth, forcing them so far into her throat she almost gagged. “Yeah, take it, you little slut.”

She then stepped back and ripped off her shirt and her bra. Grabbing Lily, she forced her face into her chest, smothering her with her tits. Once again, Lily tried to push Daphne off her, overwhelmed with the sensation of the fleshy water balloons against her face and desperate for air.

“Come on, suck on them.”

Tears streaming down her face, Lily wrapped her lips around Daphne’s nipples and began pulling on them, all while Daphne slapped and spat on her. Once her breasts were thoroughly painted with Lily’s saliva, Daphne forced her to the ground and fully undressed. With Lily on her back, Daphne settled on top of her, sitting on her face. Openly crying, Lily began licking Daphne’s pussy just like before, while struggling to find room to breathe. She hated herself for what she was doing, how this woman was degrading her. She tried to remain brave as Daphne ripped off her skirt and panties, revealing her tight little slit, wet and glistening from being fingered. Daphne began smacking her pussy, making Lily tense up and cross her legs from the stinging pain. She was aiming straight for her clitoris, striking it like she was trying to kill a fly.

Loving her control over the pathetic whelp, Daphne changed her position, getting into a crab walk and rubbing her ass against Lily’s face. “Come on, lick my asshole! Lick it!”

Not having the will to fight back, Lily began swirling her tongue around Daphne’s anus, working it inside her while Daphne played with herself. She could barely breathe, but at this point, she wouldn’t mind dying. After a minute, Daphne got up off Lily. Without her victim watching, she used the powers Xavier had given her to materialize a large strap-on dildo. Securing herself in the harness, she flipped Lily onto her stomach and got on top of her. “Let’s see how well you can take a cock.”

Lily murmured a small plea for mercy and then screamed as Daphne forced the dildo into her asshole without any kind of lubrication. Daphne pushed it in all the way and then lifted herself up. Pushing Lily’s face into the ground, she began heaving her body and dropping it, fucking her asshole with obvious cruelty. Lily whined with each brutal thrust, her tears blurring her vision and her mouth filled with the taste of dirt and grass. Over and over again, her small body shook with each insertion of the toy, making her feel like her asshole was going to tear open. But beyond the pain, it was humiliating, getting brutally sodomized while face down in the dirt. She didn’t know how long Daphne raped her, it felt like hours listening to her laugh in her ear while she herself cried in pain, but she eventually got up, removed the strap-on, and forced it into Lily’s mouth like a pacifier.

“Wow, you really are a good girl. I wish you and Xavier a long and happy life together.”

Giggling sadistically, Daphne got dressed and left Lily there, curled up in the fetal position with the dildo still in her mouth and her anus bleeding. Crossing the campus, Daphne was spun around as Xavier angrily grabbed her wrist and pulled her aside, just as she had done to Lily.

“What is it? What did I do? If this is about that girl, you said I could play with her!”

Xavier glared at her, a look of anger on his face that she never wanted to see again. “You and Helena have Chemistry together. Did you cause that burn on her hand?”

The question made Daphne give a double take. “O’Connor? What does that bitch have to do with this?”

“Answer the question!”

“Yes! I made the beaker shatter! You told me to cause trouble, so I thought I’d give her what she had coming!”

“Don’t you dare hurt her again! Ever!”

Daphne’s face became red with anger. “Why?! Why would you care about that stuck-up psycho?”

“Because I have chosen her to be my queen when I take over this world! She is the one I will make my wife and you will bow to her when that day comes!”

Forgetting who she was talking to, Daphne exploded. “Never! I’ll never bow to her and I’ll never accept her! This is bullshit! You can’t just—”

Xavier swung his arm and sent four chains bursting from the ground, made of the same ethereal light as her collar. Securing themselves to that shackle, they pulled her to her knees.

“I think you and I need to clarify our relationship. You are not my partner or my equal. You are my servant and I am your master. You don’t get a say in what I do and you don’t get to question me. Whether you like it or not, Helena will be my queen and you will obey her just as you obey me. If I tell you to you to kiss her feet, you will do it like it’s your favorite thing in the world. Understood?” Daphne simply glared at him. “Understood?” he asked again, his face inches from hers with his eyes literally burning.

“Yes, Master.”

Helena stared at Sophie’s empty bed like it was a dead animal on the side of the road. The sheets and blankets had all been changed since the last time Xavier had been there, but still… a lot of things had happened in this bed, none of them good. But this was the easiest trial Xavier had given her. She didn’t have to do anything but lie down and sleep. Sighing in resignation, she removed her skirt and blouse and climbed into bed. The dorm rooms at this school were perfectly symmetrical, so it felt a little strange to be sleeping on the other side of the room with the wall to her right. The bed smelled like Sophie, but Helena didn’t mind.

The lights turned off and her alarm clock set, Helena lay on her back and waited for sleep to come. Easier said than done. Her mind refused to settle and her body would not relax. She stared at the ceiling, telling herself again and again that this was the same view Sophie had whenever Xavier raped her. Her friend would look up and cry, seeing that exact same section of plaster tiles while the Antichrist had his way with her. What had she thought about? What were the thoughts and feelings rushing through her mind during those horrific nights?

She knew exactly why Xavier was making her do this: he wanted to make her curious as to what Sophie had gone through, but she couldn’t help but follow with his plan. Just like when she had watched that porno, she wondered what it had felt like to have sex, even if Xavier’s way with Sophie had been violent and horrific. Taking away all the bad stuff, all the fear and pain from being violated, what did it feel like when Sophie had intercourse with Xavier? If Sophie had been willing or even eager let Xavier use her body, what would it feel like?

‘Oh God, please don’t let Xavier come here tonight. That’s what he’s going to do, isn’t it? He’s going to show me what Sophie experienced by doing the exact same thing to me!’

She could already picture it, him holding himself over her, that sadistic smirk of conquest on his face. She swung her arm at the empty space he would have occupied, dispelling the figment of her imagination like it was a puff of smoke. She suddenly stopped, her body so still it was as if she had been flash-frozen. She was staring at her hand, outstretched before her and wrapped up. Since everyone knew she had been burned and she couldn’t simply say that the Antichrist had healed her, she would have to keep it bandaged it for a while, simply for appearances. What he had told her in the infirmary was ringing in her mind like church bells.

‘He’s done a lot of bad things to me, but it’s true that he’s never actually hurt me, aside from maybe that brand collar. Sophie always screamed in agony when Xavier used his flames on her, but they weren’t painful at all to me. Did he do that on purpose to protect me? He said that he would never, ever hurt me. That’s right, he won’t just rape me like he did to Sophie. He wants to win my heart and have me give him my virginity willingly. I will never love a twisted monster like him, no matter what… but at least I can say that he could be worse.’

Yawning, she tightened the blankets around herself and rolled onto her side, her hands to her lips as if in prayer, at last falling asleep to the smell of the bandages.

Sister Olivia kneeled at her bed, praying for God to protect her from the horrible nightmare she had suffered the night before. Dream or not, she didn’t know if she could survive being raped like that again. Hopefully, after a good night’s sleep, she would regain her nerve and put her students back in their place. Certain she had secured her soul against evil, she climbed into bed and went to sleep. Xavier soon retrieved her for another night of fun.

Helena zoomed through the water of the school pool, passing by her fellow students like they were dogs swimming for the first time. Her task for the day was to watch another porno and masturbate to it. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but she had to remind herself that it could always be worse. Besides, unlike the ropes, that DVD player stashed in her book bag wasn’t hindering her movements in the pool. She had managed to convince the coach that swimming wouldn’t agitate her “wounded” hand, and her burns or ointment wouldn’t contaminate the water. Having slept well through the night and now enjoying one of her favorite hobbies, she at last felt like things were right in the world.

Two rows down, Daphne was watching her with truly indescribable rage. Of all people, why did Xavier have to pick Helena to be his queen?! ‘She doesn’t deserve it, that uptight bitch! He already fucked me and gave me his power! I should be the one he marries! Me! ME! I should be his queen! That zealot cunt should just drop dead!’

The class soon ended, with all of the girls herding back to the locker room to shower off and get dressed. Daphne was the last to go in, her eyes lit with bloodlust. All of the other students had already left, but with only a study hall after this, Helena was allowing herself to enjoy the shower and thoroughly wash off the chlorine.


Helena turned around and Daphne slammed her against the wall, squeezing her breast brutally hard. She cried out in pain and tried to push Daphne off her, both girls naked.

“Ah! What the hell are you doing?!”

“Stay away from Xavier, you bitch! He’s mine!”

Helena’s eyes widened. “What did you just say?”

“I’m going to be his queen, not you! I’ll show you what happens when you get in my way! If Xavier hasn’t popped your cherry, I’ll break you in for him!”

Daphne began working her fingers into Helena, and at that moment, every cell in her body seemed to line up, making her feel like she was made of Kevlar.

“Don’t you dare touch me! Don’t you ever touch me!”

Pulling back her arm, she punched Daphne in the face as hard as she could, sending her sprawling back with a broken nose. Pushing off against the wall, Helena hurled herself at her long-time nemesis and began beating her wildly with her fists. Hitting the opposing wall of the shower room, Daphne ducked to the side to dodge Helena’s punch.

Helena stood over her, cracking her knuckles. “Of all the girls in this school to pick a fight with, you picked the wrong one.”

Daphne’s eyes became black with unholy energy. “Right back at you.”

She tackled Helena, knocking her to the slippery ground and sitting on top of her. Helena shifted her head to the side, barely dodging a downward punch. Daphne’s fist smashed the concrete floor like it was Styrofoam.

‘Oh my god, she’s not human! What did Xavier do to make her like this?!’

Grabbing her arm, Helena pushed against Daphne’s elbow to force her to roll off to the side. Helena got to her feet and spun around on the slick floor to deliver a kick to Daphne’s jaw, sending her staggering out of the shower and crashing one of the benches. She stood up, her body rippling as the dark power began to destabilize from her rage. Her face contorted, her teeth becoming like needles and her cheeks disappearing. She sent her arm rocketing towards Helena, the limb stretching like rubber with claws at the tips of her fingers. Helena ducked out of the way, gaining a large cut across the shoulder but otherwise avoiding damage.

With blood running down her chest, she bolted up and charged towards Daphne. Any normal human would run or be utterly petrified, but Helena was too pissed off to feel anything but the ravenous desire to beat her opponent. She had known since the night Xavier enslaved her that she would have to fight a battle like this someday, so there was no point in feeling fear. Her mind had become as focused as a laser, blocking out the pain in her shoulder and the absence of her clothes. She saw only openings in Daphne’s transforming body and variables in the locker room: slippery floors, hard lockers, and benches occupying space.

“You’re not Xavier, but you’ll do! I’ll purge this school of your unholy existence!”

She sent her fist rocketing towards Daphne and struck her in the eye.

The mutating girl shook off the injury. “I’LL KILL YOU, YOU STUPID CUNT!”

Grabbing Helena by the arm, she picked her up and tossed her at the nearby row of sinks. Helena nearly blacked out from the impact and could feel the mirrors shattering against her back. Daphne charged and delivered a wall-crunching punch, but avoiding the strike, Helena lashed out and slammed a handful of mirror shards into Daphne’s face, blinding her in one eye. Staggering back, Daphne gave an inhuman cry of pain, and taking advantage of the opening, Helena unleashed another barrage of punches, striking Daphne over and over again with her bleeding fists.

After the sixth punch, Daphne swung her arm and delivered five cuts across Helena’s stomach, almost deep enough to rip open her torso cavity. This was an injury that Helena could not ignore, and distracted by the pain, she could not stop Daphne from again grabbing her and hurling her across the room, this time into a row of lockers. The metal crumpled easily against her body, but Helena was spitting up blood when she hit the ground. One of the lockers opened up and something fell out, landing on her back and making her wince in pain. Wait, it was a floor hockey club!

Feeling her second wind coming on, Helena got to her feet with the club in her hand. Daphne lunged with a monstrous scream, but Helena knocked aside her mutating arm and struck her upside the head with the club, hitting her so hard that the hooked end broke off. Undeterred, Helena spun the broken end around in her hand and stabbed Daphne in the side of the neck with the broken end. A kick to the stomach sent the she-beast back, but the wounds inflicted were meaning less and less with each passing second as the darkness within her continued to twist her body into an abomination.

Screaming like a banshee, Daphne leapt across the room towards Helena, but before she could deliver her strike, an invisible power slammed her against the wall with enough force to crush half her skeleton. Xavier was standing in the doorway of the locker room, his coat now a curtain of black flames surging around him.

“DAPHNE!” he snarled.

He strode over to her, the pathetic retch raising a hand and begging him to mercy. His eyes dark with cruelty, he kicked her arm aside and began stomping on her. “How dare you lay so much as a finger on her?! I warned you! I told you what she meant to me! A rabid bitch like you isn’t worthy to be my servant!”

The black flames around him then vanished as Helena tackled him, clutching his arm for support while in her injured state. “No! Don’t kill her!”

He looked down at her, confused. “After what she did to you? I can’t allow anyone who would hurt you to live.”

Tears were streaming down her bloodied face. “She was always mean, but you’re the one who made her into a monster!”

Xavier sighed. “As you wish.”

He snapped his fingers and Daphne’s body began to return to normal, the dark powers he had given her stabilizing while he healed her body. He then turned to Helena. “I swear to you, I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted you to be harmed.”

She glared at him with indescribable fury. “Yeah, well, even you can’t always get what you want, especially when you pull shit like this!”

Swallowing her pride, Helena reluctantly allowed Xavier to heal her, at which point, she got dressed and left the locker room without so much as a glance or word to him. Having told Helena he wouldn’t kill Daphne, he gave her one last chance and allowed her to resume being his servant. For the next few days, things continued on like this. Daphne continued on causing trouble around the school and around Thane, and Helena performed every trial Xavier assigned her, though he did give her the gift of space.

Standing at his desk in his dorm room, Thane looked through the hundreds of pictures he had taken, collecting all of the shots with the dark figure. Ever since he had started photographing the school, a lot of accidents had been occurring, and there was plenty of variance among the victims and the locations. One morning, an elementary school student could accidentally lose a finger to the paper cutter, and in that same afternoon, a college student could fall off a ladder in the university library. The largest percentage of victims was the high school students, and those accidents often occurred when he was nearby.

‘I can’t accept this as coincidence. This being must be aware that I am looking for it and is trying to make me chase it. But if I wonder if they know how close they’ve allowed me to get.’

He again looked through the photographs of the entity. Since every picture only displayed a black figure, Thane had begun trying to take mental photographs of every scene before taking the actual photograph. With all the pictures he took and the problem of crowds, it was next to impossible to remember individual faces, but one thing he had at least accomplished was memorizing the uniforms. He remembered there being a female student standing in the position of the dark figure every time he took a picture, and even with the large margin for error considering the holes in his memory, he was certain the figure was a girl.

But there was a problem with that. Half of the accidents occurred between classes, when the hallways of every building were flooded with students. The other half occurred randomly throughout the day, during classes. He was certain that this entity was masquerading as a female student, but what if it wasn’t a student actually enrolled? He had originally assumed it to be some kind of human that was causing it because of how well the evil was contained and hidden, but it could also be some kind of demonic entity, new to him or at the very least more powerful than the kinds he regularly dealt with, and could disguise itself as a student however it wanted like a chameleon.

If this was true, then it meant trouble. If the perpetrator weren’t a real student, but merely a wolf in sheep’s clothing hiding amongst the herd, then it would be all the more difficult to hunt it down. It wouldn’t have an identity that could be discovered and lead to its finding. But there was another possibility. Just because classes were in progress didn’t mean students were chained to their desks. In just the high school buildings alone, there could be a hundred students in the halls for bathroom breaks or trips to the infirmary, not to mention truants who skipped class all together.

He turned to a manila envelope beside him, given to him by Father Hauser. It contained the attendance records for the last several days. Looking through it, he saw a name that caught his eye. She had been absent or late quite often lately, many times when an accident took place, and had even been the victim at one point, though for all he knew, she could have done it to exclude herself from suspicion.

“Hmmm, Helena O’Connor. I think it’s time for you to have a talk with a few teachers.”

“Helena, are you ok? You look really sick.”
The question was asked by one of her friends in the cafeteria during breakfast the next morning. Helena was blushing, her breathing was quick, and her movements were slower than usual. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
The reason for her condition was the trial of the day that Xavier had set up for her. Her panties had some kind of curse on them that would make them vibrate with extreme intensity against her pussy, making her feel like she had a silenced phone hidden in her underwear and it was being called every minute. This continuous tickle was driving her crazy, making her wish she could touch herself and break that orgasmic threshold. Every time she tried, her cotton panties would become like steel, keeping her fingers out as if she were wearing a chastity belt. The stimulation was torturous, too strong for her to simply ignore, but too weak to trigger the orgasm she so desperately wanted.
‘I’d give my right hand to be able to masturbate right now. Oh God, what the hell is wrong with me?!’

She looked around and spotted Daphne a few tables away. The two women made eye contact and Helena could sense the bloodlust, as well as the fear. If she did anything to Helena, anything at all, Xavier would kill her very slowly. Helena also liked to think that she had shown Daphne that even without some unholy powers, she was not someone who could be killed easily.

“Helena O’Connor, please come to the Disciplinary Committee office. Helena O’Connor, please come to the Disciplinary Committee office.”
The announcement of the intercom shook her from her dazed attempt to focus. She was sitting in math class, not even bothering to pay attention to the teacher, but working to just keep from losing her mind to the haunting stimulation of her vagina. She didn’t know if it was really her panties vibrating or something else, but if it continued on any longer, she was going to pass out.

‘Goddammit, what now?’

Grumbling in annoyance, she got up from her seat and walked to the door, and as she passed him, she made eye contact with Xavier. It was one of the classes they shared. She could see a clear reaction in him, just from looking in his eyes. He didn’t appear alarmed or even worried, but he was intrigued. He knew something was going on and he was eager to see what would happen. She could hear him talking to her, as if he was inside her skull. It was the collar, connecting them.

‘Don’t stray too far.’

Hearing him speak to her in this manner did not surprise her. After the things she had seen and experienced, she just considered it another aspect of this rivalry.

The walk to the disciplinary office was long and difficult. Helena’s legs felt like jelly, and she had to stop at the bathroom to clean herself from the… “runoff”… of her unwanted arousal. She wondered what it was that the Disciplinary Committee wanted with her. She hadn’t caused any trouble in the past few days, not since her fight with Daphne. Xavier had fixed up everything in the locker room, so she was sure it wasn’t about that. Was it because she still hadn’t settled things with Sister Olivia? Was she going to be suspended or even expelled? But then… why wasn’t Xavier called in with her?

She soon arrived and in the waiting area sat Thane. He was staring at her intently, having known that there was something about her from the moment she entered the room. The receptionist directed her to the meeting room. Before stepping inside, she took a deep breath and put all of her effort into ignoring the vibrating sensation between her legs and maintaining her composure. Inside, she found Father Brian, Father Hauser, and a priest she didn’t recognize. The furniture had all been removed but a single chair, set out for her.

“Uh, what’s going on here?”

“Helena, thank you for coming. Please, take a seat.”

She shot Hauser a wary glance. “I think I’ll stand.”

Father Brian stepped forward. “Helena, we know things have been hard for you lately. First there was the terrible incident with those boys, then your failing health, that incident with Sister Olivia, and now that burn. We wanted to tell you that you aren’t in trouble and that you can ask us for help whenever you need it.”

The unknown priest extended his hand with a smile. He wore a stole of the clergy. “Ms. O’Connor, I’m Bishop Nelson from the Vatican, and Father Brian asked me to come. He thought that a group prayer would help you raise your spirits and remind you that you have God’s protection.”

‘Do they know? Have they figured it out?’ “Ok, if you want to.”

The three priests stood around her and Bishop Nelson began to speak with Hauser and Brian repeating him. “Lord God, from the abundance of your mercy, enrich your servants and safeguard them. Strengthened by your blessing, may they always be thankful to you and bless you with unending joy. We ask this through Christ our Lord.”

Helena stood between them, unsure of what she was supposed to do. For the first time, she wished her collar would activate. She needed something, anything, anything that they would notice. If they could invoke some kind of reaction from her collar, then they would know she needed real help.

“Lord, let the effect of your blessing remain with your faithful people to give them new life and strength of spirit so that the power of your love will enable them to accomplish what is right and good. We ask this through Christ our Lord.”

They continued to pray, their voices growing in volume. Helena couldn’t feel anything as she listened to them. There was no uplifting sensation or spiritual release. She felt no different from before entering the room.

“Lord, may the blessing they long for be the strength of your faithful people, so that they will never be in conflict with your will. May your blessing always prompt them to give thanks for your favors. We ask this through Christ our Lord.”

‘God, please rescue me from this evil. Protect me from the son of the fallen one and give me the strength to eradicate his evil from this world,’ She thought this to herself desperately, putting all her effort into reinforcing her faith. It was the only thing she could do to fight back against the doubt slowly seeping into her mind.

“Bless your people, Lord, who wait for the gift of your compassion. Grant that what they desire by your inspiration they may receive through your goodness. We ask this through Christ our Lord.”

This wasn’t working. Why wasn’t this working? Was it because she was not in a church? No, Xavier had proven that his powers worked even in the house of God. Did she need someone higher in the church? The pope himself? Or was it possible that no human could help her?

“Lord, we, your people, pray for the gift of your holy blessing to ward off every harm and to bring to fulfillment every right desire.”

Wait, she could feel something. Her collar was beginning to warm around her throat. Was it visible? Would they see it? She wanted to speak out and warn them, but she was left mute.

“May God, who is blessed above all, bless us in all things through Christ, so that whatever happens in our lives will work together for our good. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

In the waiting area, Thane struggled to stand up, feeling like he had just been stabbed through the heart with an icicle. Something was there, darker than anything he had ever encountered. Helena too realized that something was in that room with them. Time seemed to have stopped, the three priests frozen in position. She could feel him behind her, Xavier, but he was different from before. The air in the room pulsed from the stretching of two great wings. He lowered his face and sniffed her head the way an animal would, lifting up half of her hair from the powerful inhale. She was standing in his shadow, eclipsed, her heart beating wildly in her chest. A hand closed around her arm, massive and scaly, but also gentle with its movements. His other hand gently wrapped around her throat with claws being dragged across her skin, sharper than razors but not leaving even the smallest scratch. He wasn’t holding her neck to strangle her; it was more like he had just given her a necklace and was admiring the way it looked on her.

She felt his breath on her ear as he bent down to whisper something. “My queen…”

He disappeared and time continued, the three priests ending their prayer. They looked at her, startled by the look of terror on her face. She was practically shivering. “Sorry, but I have to go.”

Turning around, she rushed out of the meeting room. Passing through the waiting area, she glanced at Thane. The look on his face told her everything. He could see it now without the camera, the massive shadow burning behind her, the two red eyes gleaming within the darkness, and the powerful hand resting on her shoulder. The moment she was gone, he staggered into the meeting room.

“So? What did you sense? Is she the one?” Father Brian asked.

Thane swallowed the lump in his throat. “We’re out of our league.”

Helena lay in bed, waiting for sleep to come but knowing it wouldn’t. It was almost midnight and the vibrations between her legs had not stopped. Was Xavier punishing her? Was she going to have to go the whole night with her pussy basting itself? She just wished she could touch herself, insert her fingers and break through the final barrier holding her back from cumming. She was clawing at her panties, but she might as well have been trying to scratch through steel. Finally, when 12:00 flashed across her clock, it stopped. She took a deep, shuddering breath, almost crying in relief. Finally she could—

A hand closed around her wrist, as in the blink of an eye, Xavier appeared in her bed. He was beneath the covers with her, naked with his body pressed to hers. She could feel his erect manhood pressed to her rear and she wanted to scream in revulsion.

“I couldn’t help but want to see you. It’s been too long since we spent any time together.”

“Get away from me! Don’t touch me!”

For several minutes, she pushed against him, trying to break free of his grip, but his hold on her was like a squid’s. She screamed and fought against him, hoping that someone would hear and come help, but Sophie never even woke up. As usual, Xavier was using his powers to control the movement of sound. Against all her fear and her rage, her body was weak from the tiring day and her strength at last left her. Panting and drenched in sweat, she tried to hold in her tears while Xavier kissed her shoulder and neck, holding her in the spoon position.

“I’m serious, I wanted to come see you. After the day you had, I knew you were desperate to have an orgasm, so I thought I would come and take responsibility as your master.”

He slid his hands into her panties and began massaging her oiled labia, now sensitive beyond measure. Helena again tried to break free, screaming at the top of her lungs, but in seconds, she was again still. She could only cry silently as he ran his fingers through her. She was so miserable that she couldn’t even describe it, physically ill with frustration, humiliation, anger, and helplessness. But what infuriated her more than anything was how good it felt, every stroke of his fingers feeling like the rays of the spring sun after a brutal winter. Her exhausted body was submitting to him, her mind unable to deny the pleasure he was invoking. In the dark, she blushed from his touch, her tearful sniffs becoming pants of arousal. In the arms of the man she loathed more than anyone on Earth, her back pressed against his chest, she found herself feeling joy, not just physical, but dare she say… emotional. After a minute, Xavier stopped, and Helena had to bite her tongue to stop herself from begging him to keep going.

“Can you feel it? The bliss permeating your flesh? Your body is learning to take pleasure from the touch of its master.”

“You’re not my master, you’ll never be my master!”

“Why do you continue to fight against me? I am the only true force in this world. Let me be the anchor for your soul. Admit your feelings and this nightmare will end. The pain you feel is brought on by your refusal to accept the pleasure you feel.”

“What happened in the Disciplinary Committee office? They were trying to bless me, why didn’t it work?”

“Oh please, you really thought three foolish men could break our bond? Your bible is nothing more than ancient stories rewritten over and over, your crosses are reminders of Christ’s torture and death at the hands of mankind, your “holy water” is mortal men claiming to be blessed with the power of God, your prayers of sacrament are less effective than the notes in fortune cookies, and your churches are shacks of wasted money where people congregate like hypocrites. God isn’t here. There is no holy power in this city or this world. The men you look up to, the men you idolize, they are nothing more than fools deluded into believing they have been blessed with the power of the almighty.

Haven’t you realized by now that your faith is just a parody of itself? Even your Sacred Relics are self-defeating. The Lance of Longinus, the Shroud of Turin, the Nails of Helena, the True Cross, the Crown of Thorns, and the Holy Grail are all just souvenirs of your savior’s wretched fate. No one in the world can help you and God isn’t listening to your prayers.”

“Even if you say that, I still have my faith.”

Xavier resumed fingering her, and it only took half a minute for her orgasm. She was silent as the euphoria flooded her, hating herself for cumming by his hand. He was the Antichrist, her enemy, and he had just taken advantage of her womanhood and used her own body against her.

“I’ll never let you break me.”

“Oh, my darling ice queen, I don’t have to break you…” He pulled his fingers free and then jammed them in her mouth, forcing her to taste her own feminine essence. “You’re already melting.”

Chapter 8

As usual, Helena’s friends all noted the sudden lack of vitality on her face. She had been fine recently, but today, it was embarrassment that had left her despondent. The previous night, Xavier had snuck into her room and molested her until she climaxed. The man she hated more than anything else on the planet had invoked indescribable pleasure in her. Even worse was when he jammed his fingers in her mouth, forcing her to taste her feminine essence. It made her want to throw up in revulsion, not from the taste, but from the sinful knowledge of what is was. But she was also terrified, as the card Xavier had left her was blank. Was there no trial for her today? If there wasn’t, did that mean he was going to resume raping Sophie at night? She looked at her friend, terrified of what new horrors awaited her.

Sophie’s footsteps were the only sound in the hall. She was on her way to class, third period. She was in good spirits, and aside from her worrying about Helena and her stagnant mood, all was right with the world. No warning was given and no presence was sensed when the hand grabbed her face and the arm wrapped around her waist. It took her a moment to actually process what was going on, at which point she screamed as loud as she could through the stranger’s hand.

“Oh settle down, you act like this is the first time I ever had my way with you. Time for the next stage of the game.”

She didn’t recognize the voice speaking in her ear. It was deep and dry, yet somehow soft like a whisper. The voice was almost inhuman and it made her feel like her skeleton was made of ice. Who the hell was holding her? The answer came with a rush of searing pain, as if her neck was being sprayed with a blowtorch. From that branding, a storm of memories overtook her, with hours of horror being snatched from the darkness and played out for her in a single moment. All the times she had been raped, she was now remembering, and the face of her tormentor was now clear as day.

Xavier dropped to her the floor with the circle of sixes smoldering on the side of her neck where he had licked her. Sophie vomited on the beige tiles, purging herself of her half-eaten breakfast. It was all she could do as her soul was stabbed with the returning memories of her ongoing sexual assault. The ethereal collar now spinning around her neck had broken the seal on her mind, and with it, her body regained all of the scars from Xavier’s torture that he had mended.

He pulled on her leash, dragging her over to him. “I told you before that you are nothing but my cum dumpster, a toy for me to use and abuse as much as I want. You need to fulfill your role.”

He snapped his fingers, wrapping the two of them in a shroud of darkness and teleporting them to Sophie’s room. Once there, he threw her on the bed and began tearing away at her clothes. Sophie struggled against him, her face buried in her pillow as it had been time and time again when he assaulted her.

“No! Please! Please don’t rape me!”

He laughed and handcuffed her to the headboard, finishing by tearing away the last of her clothes and leaving her naked. He undressed and climbed on top of her, reaching under to squeeze her breasts until she screamed. “Strange, isn’t it? To finally do this in the daylight? Now I can see the look of terror in your eyes with perfect clarity. If I remember correctly, it was sodomy that made you cum the hardest.”

He moved his attention from her breasts and began striking her ass until handprints had been worn into her lily-white skin. Sophie cried and begged him to be merciful, but her tearful pleading just excited Xavier further. No matter how loud she screamed, her words and the sound of him smacking her would never be heard. Wanting to drive her even crazier, Xavier wetted his fingers in her mouth and used her saliva as lubricant, pushing them into her asshole. She cried out as his fingers penetrated her, slipping through her defenses no matter how hard she clenched. This was not the first time he had violated her anally; she knew that now, but the fact that he was able to do it to her made her sob in shame.

“My, my, you’re so tight. It seems I’ll have to start training you to be a good ass slave. Let’s see how many fingers I can get in.”

One at a time, he slipped in the digits while thrusting with his arm, trying to force them in as deep as he could. Sophie shrieked, continuing to beg him to stop. Her pleading simply convinced him to keep going and to fit in more fingers. He was unable to go in past his knuckles, but he was able to wedge in all five fingers and slide them inside her easily. She put all of her strength into her rectal muscles, clenching to try and keep him out, but no amount of force could stop him. He waited for her to tire herself out, her asshole finally becoming loose and awaiting what was to come. Just as he had done to Helena the night before, he jammed his fingers into her mouth, forcing her to taste the sinful flavor of her ass.

“Don’t worry, I know that you were on your way to class. I’ll make this quick. You can just shrug off being late.”

Spreading her ass cheeks, he spat onto her anus and slowly forced his cock in. Sophie was sobbing uncontrollably, writhing in desperation to lessen the pain of being sodomized.

Xavier buried himself in to the base, taking a moment to admire the sight of his victim’s asshole forming a perfect seal around his manhood. “I don’t know why you insist on crying, this isn’t the first time I’ve used your back door.”

He leaned over, holding himself up with his arms as if doing pushups. Bobbing his lower body, he began slamming himself into her without mercy, punishing her asshole with his cock, each thrust being delivered with his full weight. Sophie continued to cry and scream in pain, feeling like she was going to get ripped open any second. She was remembering the other times he had sodomized her like this, the sealed memories overlapping and perfectly replicating the awful sensations Xavier was inflicting on her. Every time he drove into her, she could feel a pulse ripple through her pelvic region, with undeniable pleasure beginning to bubble within her. This anal rape was agony, but it was invoking a physiological reaction in her, one that refused to obey her will and disappear.

Xavier could sense it and pulled her hair. “Go ahead and cum. You love getting raped in your asshole, don’t you?”

“No! No! Please stop!”

“Not until you cum. You can’t leave until you have an orgasm! Come on, say it!”

Whether it was the effect of his powers or just some twisted reaction to her situation, the floodgates opened for Sophie after just a couple minutes. She screamed into her pillow, soaking it with her tears of humiliation. “Oh God! I’m cumming! I’m cumming from my ass!”

Xavier grinned as she felt her tighten down on his cock, refusing to let him go. Her whole body was trembling as an almost masochistic euphoria was flushed through her system. No longer needing to hold back, Xavier emptied himself into her, filling her asshole with semen. He pulled out of her and replaced his cock with a butt plug, the toy seemingly appearing in his hand out of thin air.

“There, now it won’t leak out of you. Don’t even try to pull that out, only your master can remove it. Do you understand? Answer, slave!”

Her face puffy and red from crying, Sophie nodded. “I understand.”

Xavier snapped his fingers and they were teleported back to the hallway, their clothes returning to their bodies. Sophie had a dead look her in her eyes, with her anus sore from the rape and the sex toy still inside her.

“From anadolu yakası anal yapan escort this point forward, consider yourself my property. I can do whatever I want to you and you’ll never get to say no. I suggest you do everything you can to avoid raising suspicions, because if anyone should learn about me, I will kill them, I’ll make you watch, and then I will violate you on top of their butchered carcass. Your teachers, your friends, your family… I’ll slaughter them in front of you and then cook them up for our dinner. Do you understand?” Sophie nodded, unable to look him in the eye or even speak. “Good, then get to class, because if you aren’t there in five minutes, I’ll have to torture you.”

She slowly got to her feet and began to limp away. Xavier stormed over and grabbed her breast from behind, squeezing it with cruel strength and making her cry out. “You forgot to bow, a slave is supposed to bow when leaving their master.”

Sophie stepped into class, Social Studies with Sister Olivia. She didn’t have this class with Helena or Xavier, a small blessing in this new Hell she found herself in. There was no question that Helena would be able to see that something wasn’t right, and if she started asking questions, it would put her in danger. Normally, being late would terrify Sophie, as Sister Olivia would beat any truants in front of the class. However, neither woman was in their usual state of mind.

While Sophie was trying to recover from the rape just minutes ago, Sister Olivia was traumatized by her continuing “nightmare”. It felt so real, she almost thought that she was still dreaming, as the lack of the injuries inflicted on her made her almost question reality.

The previous night:

Sister Olivia hung in the university church, her wrists bound above her head and with a gag in her mouth. She was sobbing as Xavier threw the needle, striking one of the minor pressure points in the side of her thigh. He walked in circles around her, creating needles out of thin air and throwing them with pinpoint accuracy. They were striking nerves and pressure points and sending currents of electricity through her body. It was a form of acupuncture, but with the maximum amount of pain being inflicted. He had paid extra attention to her erogenous zones, with her labia and breasts looking like the back of a porcupine and a single long needle going through her nipples.

“Amazing, isn’t it? Acupuncture has always fascinated me, especially its ability to alleviate suffering. Do you know how it works? The needles used are so narrow, that when they are inserted, you feel almost no pain, or even the needles at all. However, the damage they inflict to the body is just enough for the release of endorphins, especially when they are used on the right places.

Now watch this. Nothing up my sleeves…” He balled his hand into a fist and blew into one side, and from the other, a bundle of needles slid out. “Magic!”

Moving behind her, he smiled and threw the tiny pikes, using his powers to guide them and strike all of the nerve clusters in her spine. He snapped his fingers and a crippling bolt of electricity cracked through the needles, shocking her with the power of a cattle prod and making her scream until her voice was hoarse.

“Good, now lets see how well I can insert them under the skin…”

When lunch arrived, Sophie did her best to put on a brave face and hide her pain from her friends. She couldn’t let them find out about what Xavier had done to her or else he would kill them. It was difficult for her to sit down at the table with her friends, or anywhere for that matter, considering she still had the butt plug inside her. She set her tray down and tried to sit, making an unintended wince.

The flick caught Helena’s gaze. “Sophie, are you ok?”

She looked at her friend, wishing to scream what was happening and beg her for help, but she had to put on a smile and ignore her pain. “Yeah… I just… I just pulled something in gym class.”

The way she spoke and the way she smiled, both with despondent eyes, set of alarms in Helena’s mind.

Once lunch came to an end, all the students stacked up their trays on tables by the exits and swarmed out for their next classes. In the horde was Thane, his mind on other things. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. The priests had blessed Helena but nothing had happened because of it. The only thing they had succeeded in doing was finding out that whatever was haunting her was beyond their power to fight.

He came to a stop, frozen with a feeling of dread almost beyond his body’s ability to endure. Everyone around him was shoving to get out, but someone had just passed by him, and that presence was enough to leave his heart struggling to beat. It was just like before, when Helena had left the Disciplinary Committee’s office and he saw that shadow, and even earlier, back when he had that vision in the kitchen. His body was screaming at him to run, telling him that he was a hair’s breadth from doom, but he knew he could not let this opportunity escape. He had to find out the source of this evil.

Earning him the curses of his fellow students, he pushed everyone out of the way and charged into the crowd, following this feeling of dread. The students were pouring out into the grassy campus like a waterfall and spreading, but Thane could sense the presence of the dark figure. He was dead ahead, a man this time. Maneuvering through the spreading crowd, he ran across the quad, each person he passed narrowing the selection of perpetrators. His eyes locked on to a target, his soul telling him he had found the source of this evil. It was a student, tall like him and dressed in the black coat of a priest. He was far ahead of the other students and had just ducked into the science building. Thane sprinted after him, reaching the door the student had passed through and wrenching it open. Down at the end of a hall, he saw the student turn around the corner, just barely catching sight of the hems of his coat swishing behind him. How had he gotten down there so fast?

Thane pushed the thought out of his mind and continued running, his footsteps echoing through the hall. The shutting of a door drew him to a stairwell, telling him that the student was going to one of the upper levels. By the time he set his foot on the lowest stair, the student was stepping off the highest. The young exorcist sprinted up the stairs, feeling like his lungs were filled with smoke from the exertion. Reaching the top level, he looked down the hall, again spotting the figure turning a corner at the end of the corridor. For several minutes, the chase continued on like this. Every time Thane entered a staircase or hallway, the student left it, and after his target stepped out of the science building and into the nearby middle school, Thane could tell that the student knew he was being tailed. Regardless, he continued running, chasing this evil being all across the campus.

At last, he stormed back in to the cafeteria, where the student was waiting for him. The kitchen staff was gone, leaving the two of them alone. Xavier stared at him, an inhuman darkness in his eyes and an insidious grin on his face. Thane knew it was him, not because of everything that had happened until this moment, but just from looking at him. If he were to meet this man at any other time or place and see him like this, he would get the same feeling of terror.

“Well, that was certainly fun. I’m surprised you were able to keep up with me for so long. It’s good that you and I finally meet face to face.”

Xavier’s voice hit Thane like a punch to the face, using his paranormal sensitivity against him. During exorcisms and investigations, he had heard the voices of demons, but this was a whole new level of evil. Regardless, Thane charged towards him, reaching into his pocket and drawing his rosary. He wrapped it around his hand like brass knuckles and then lunged forward to punch Xavier. Calmly, Xavier grabbed his wrist and stopped him like a seatbelt. Thane screamed as the rosary melted on his hand, the plastic and metal turning into molten ooze and fusing to his fingers.

“Trying to punch me with your rosary, I’ll applaud you for your ingenuity and spirit. However, mere trinkets and physical attacks will never bring me down.”

He forced Thane back, the young exorcist gripping his burned hand, now stiff from the melted rosary hardening on his skin.

“What the Hell are you?”

“I am the nightmare that has invoked fear in men like you for eons. The darkness is coming, soon to eclipse this world and allow all mankind to achieve death.”

“Are… are you the Antichrist?”

“The very same, and let me tell you, hope has left you behind. There is nothing you can do to stop me. What can you, a mortal man, do against the son of the Devil?”

“I can bring about a power far greater than my own!” Thane pulled a small bible out of his pocket and crossed himself. “Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places!”

Xavier began to laugh. “You think your words can hurt me, boy?”

“Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His
likeness and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny
of the Devil! The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and
protector; to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into Heaven! Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our
feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church! Offer our prayers to the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit that he may no longer seduce the nations!”

A visible twitch crossed Xavier’s face, his grin disappearing.

“In the Name of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints! And powerful in the holy authority of our ministry, we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and deceits of the Devil! God arises; His enemies are scattered and those who hate Him flee before Him! As smoke is driven away, so are they driven; as wax melts before the fire, so the wicked perish at the presence of God!”

Xavier vomited on the floor with his body jerking violently. “Stop it! I order you to stop!”

“Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies! The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the offspring of David, hath conquered! May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us! As great as our hope in Thee! We drive you from us, whoever you may be, unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies, and sects!”

Black flames began to curl around Xavier and his skin was peeling. He again threw up, this time producing a vile puddle of blood and black venom.

“In the Name and by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb! Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the human race, persecute the Church, torment God’s elect and sift them as wheat! The Most High God commands you, He with whom, in your great insolence, you still claim to be equal! God who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth!”

Black wings stretched from Xavier’s back and claws grew from his fingertips. His cheeks and lips disappeared, revealing rows of needle teeth while his eyes became like coals. He lunged for Thane, screaming like a table saw.

“Christ, God’s Word made flesh, commands you; He who to save our race outdone through your envy, humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death; He who has built His Church on the firm rock and declared that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her, because He will dwell with Her all days even to the end of the world! The sacred Sign of the Cross commands you, as does also the power of the mysteries of the Christian Faith! The glorious Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you; she who by her humility and from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception crushed your proud head! The faith of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of the other Apostles commands you! The blood of the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints command you!”

His claws inches from Thane’s face, Xavier was brought to a stop as if caught in a spider’s web. The black fire surging from his flesh was now an inferno, eating away at him.

“Thus, cursed dragon, and you, diabolical legions, we adjure you by the living God, by the true God, by the holy God, by the God who so loved the world that He gave up His only Son, that every soul believing in Him might not perish but have life everlasting; stop deceiving human creatures and pouring out to them the poison of eternal damnation; stop harming the Church and hindering her liberty!

Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man’s salvation!” He slammed the bible shut and held it above his head. “AAAAAMMMMEEEEENNNN!”

Xavier was thrown back, consumed in a twisting maw of flames, howling in agony. Thane could no longer see him, but in seconds, the flames disappeared, and a charred body fell to the ground, unmoving. The young exorcist fell to his knees, gasping for air from the monumental effort he had put in. He had come close to passing out at the end, but it did not matter. He had defeated the Antichrist. He stood up, relieved that the battle was over. The school was finally safe. It was time to spread the news.

He turned around but came to a dead stop, his heart dropping into his stomach as a dark laugh echoed through the cafeteria. He looked back and his vision was blocked off, Xavier grabbing him by the face and then holding him off the ground. From that connection, a wave of indescribable agony swept through him, with every single nerve ending being stabbed with hot irons. He could feel his bones breaking, his flesh being peeled away, his muscles shredded, and his organs being torn from his body. At the same time, he felt evil contaminate his mind, with visions of suffering and horror spreading through his soul like ink through water. Every memory he had was being overwritten, scenes of torture and agony being stamped onto the mental photographs.

Xavier let him go, dropping him to the floor with a circle of sixes burned into his forehead, smoking but soon vanishing. He stood unscathed, laughing. “You humans entertain me to no end with your arrogance. You think that by shouting some words, you can wield the power of God? That you can rain His judgment down upon me? That you, mortal men, have the ability to defeat a demigod like me? Nothing you ever do will be able to stop me. I’m the son of the Devil and a living human; do you know what means? My demon half protects me from all things physical, while my human half protects me from the ethereal. Whether it is a nuclear missile or the light of Heaven, I am indestructible.

I will give you credit, though. It is the willpower of the exorcist that allows the exorcism to take place. Their faith is turned into a spiritual weapon against the dark spirit, a symbol for their will to be shaped into and used against the demon, but God or his angels have nothing to do with it. You should be proud of yourself; I haven’t seen a prodigy like you in centuries. You could have forced out five demons at once under normal circumstances. Too bad for you, I’m no ordinary demon.”

Thane didn’t respond. The torture Xavier had put him through had robbed him of the use of his body.

“Tell you what, you’re too interesting for me to simply dispose of. Let’s make things fun. I’ll give you the chance to find a way to defeat me. Who knows, maybe I’m wrong and there is something in this world that can bring me down once and for all. I’ll give you one shot to find that chink in my armor, but here’s the catch: you have to do it without telling anyone who I am until you actually make your move. You can’t mention me as the Antichrist or even by name and then collaborate with others on how to defeat me. Until we meet again for our final confrontation, you will be on your own.

Good luck.”

Continuing to laugh to himself, Xavier walked away, leaving Thane to kneel there with his mind racing.

“Did you do anything to Sophie?”

Xavier looked up from his small day planner at Helena, standing before him with her arms crossed in the empty hallway. “Excuse me?”

“Did you do anything to Sophie? She doesn’t look right, like she’s sick, which is the same thing everyone has been telling me since I met you. Did you rape her again? Did you restore her memories? You didn’t leave a task for me today.”

“No, I didn’t do anything to her. As for your tasks, I’ve actually ran out ideas, which is kind of embarrassing for me. Relax, I just found some new toys to play with.”

“You’re despicable,” she hissed.

“And yet you speak to me with much more ease than before. Your posture, your crossed arms, that annoyed scowl, and especially your tone tell me that you’ve become used to having me around. You accused me of raping your friend, but you spoke to me like I was just some troublemaker, or a friend you were worried about who is always late for class. Before long, you’ll be confiding in me, asking me for favors, and feel relieved and even happy when you see me.”

Helena’s body tensed up from his teasing. “In your dreams! You’re delusional!” She stormed off, but stopped after a few steps. She spoke with her back to him. “So you really didn’t touch her?”

Xavier sighed and continued writing in his planner. “No, I didn’t do anything. Relax, you can trust me. But hold on, I have a proposal for you.”

She turned back to him. “Let me guess, another race in the pool or something like that?”

“No, nothing to win or lose. Fight me.”


“I knew that you had a record of beating up punks and sinners, but I was amazed by how well you handled Daphne when she went berserk. I want to see what you can do. So how about we spar a little, just for fun? Think of it as a chance to punch me in the face like you’ve always wanted.”

For once, Helena actually smiled at Xavier’s words. “Where and when?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet. You still have that card, right? That will tell you.”

She shot him a smirk. “I’ll make you regret this.”

She walked away, and once she left, Xavier closed his book and tucked it away in his pocket. He strode down the hall and made a turn, smiling at the sight before him. Sophie was leaning in the nearby corner, panting and flushed in aguish. She hadn’t heard the conversation between him and Helena.

Seeing her rapist made her whimper with fearful tears rolling down her face, but she worked up the courage to speak. “Please, take it out, I’m begging you. I really have to use the bathroom.”

Xavier chuckled and walked by her. “Follow me.”

She stumbled after him, down another two corridors and into a janitor’s closet. Inside, he locked the door and turned on the light.

“You said you were begging, but that didn’t really seem like begging. Beg like a proper slave to her master.”

Sophie wiped away her tears and clutched herself, trying to ease the pain in her gut. “Why are you doing this?”

Xavier grabbed her face and laughed while licking the tears off her cheeks. “Because you’re my property and I can do whatever I want to you. Now, should I just take this opportunity to brutalize your slutty pussy and leave you to suffer an exploding gut, or are you going to act like a good slave and mind your manners?”

He let go of her and she slowly got down onto her knees. “Master, I’m begging you, please take it out of me.”

“I’ll do it if you suck my cock.” Sophie looked up at him with fresh tears but did not refuse. Xavier unfastened his pants and revealed his dick, the tool he had used to ruin her life. “Come on, put it in your mouth and suck on it like a big lollipop. Or should I just leave you here to die on the floor from an intestinal blockage?”

Crying, Sophie leaned forward and let his manhood slide into her mouth. Normally, it would have taken a lot of mental preparation to do something like this, but she could now remember all the times Xavier had skull-fucked her when she was tied to the bed. This was nothing new. Her head slowly bobbed back and forth as she used her tongue to massage the muscular rod dirtying her mouth.

“That’s a good slave. You’re learning your place. But you’re going much too slow.”

Xavier grabbed her head and began violently thrusting into her mouth, skull-fucking her yet again with the head of his cock knocking against the back of her throat. Dry heaving from her irritated gag reflex, she tried to pull away, but Xavier held her still as he used her head as a fleshlight. After a few minutes, he came, emptying all of his reserves into her throat and forcing her to swallow it all. He let go of her and she immediately threw up, her body at last able to obey its gag reflex.

“That will have to do, very well.” Xavier snapped his fingers and the butt plug in Sophie vanished, making her shudder in relief. She was about to rush out and find the nearest bathroom, but he stopped her. “Hold on, look at the mess you made. You spilled all of the seed your master poured into you. You’re not leaving here until you clean it up. Go ahead, lap it up like the bitch dog you are.”

Sophie cried for a few seconds, but knowing that begging wouldn’t accomplish anything, she reluctantly lowered her head to the floor.

It was Friday morning, and Xavier was standing with Lily outside of the math building. She looked anxious and was fiddling with her skirt.

“It doesn’t hurt, does it?”

“No, it just feels weird. And… kind of wrong.”

“Well I thought that today would be a good chance for you to get accustomed to it. I can’t wait to see you in it tomorrow, I’ve been looking forward to our date all week.”

Seeing his grin, Lily’s unease waned and she gave him a small smile. “Yeah… me too.”

Checking to make sure no one would see them, Xavier leaned down and gave her a long and tender kiss, practically making the small girl melt in his arms.

“Oh, and tomorrow, I’ll have another present for you. I’ll give you a hint, it comes in a small box, it’s shiny, and it’s the kind of thing a girl like you should be able to wear and show off.”

Her face lit up as fantasies of jewelry flashed through her soul. “I can’t wait! Ok, so I’ll meet you tomorrow morning at 10:00.”

Lily then gave him a kiss and walked away. She entered the building and Xavier watched her through the small windows in the front doors. The hallway was crowded, perfect for his sadistic hunger. He snapped his fingers and an invisible bind momentarily laced around her foot. She yelped, thinking she had tripped over her own feet. She fell awkwardly, with her butt in the air, and as “luck” would have it, her skirt flipped up and revealed her ass, covered only with a black G-string. Seeing the racy underwear, everyone in the hall spontaneously erupted into taunting laughter, with Lily immediately bursting into tears and trying to cover herself up.

Walking away, an idea popped into Xavier’s head. He closed his eyes for a few moments and then opened them. On the other side of campus, Helena’s collar activated. As calm as if she had just received a text from a friend, she reached into her bag and pulled out the card, finding a new message on it.



It took a little bit longer than usual for Sophie to fall asleep, but once Helena heard her snore, she quietly got out of bed and got dressed in her track suit. Sneaking out at night was becoming unnervingly easy for her. She left her dorm room and made her way to the gymnasium, climbing up to the second floor to the multipurpose rooms. The first two were being used to hold exercising equipment, while the next three were used for groups like the fencing club, the wrestling team, etc. Helena entered the third room and found Xavier there. He had changed out of his usual outfit and was wearing a pair of loose pants like her running uniform and a wife-beater, but no shoes. He was looking out the window, using the light of the night sky and Rome to dimly illuminate the room. Helena stopped, having forgotten how muscular he was.

Shaking aside those traitorous thoughts, she approached him and he smiled. “I bet you’ve been waiting for this since the day we met. I’m afraid I may have to break my promise about not hurting you, but don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

Helena laughed off the tease and pulled off her shoes, not wanting to ruin the padded floor. “I’ll have you running back to daddy before I even break a sweat.”

Taking a sharp breath, she hurled herself across the room and sent her fist rocketing towards Xavier’s face. Never losing his grin, he deflected her attack, grabbed her shoulder, and sent her tumbling to the floor. Not giving up, she lashed up and wrapped her legs around his neck. Xavier wrenched his head free and then tossed her back across the floor. She stood up, facing Xavier with resolute eyes.

“Good, very good. Not only are you a natural at this, you’ve clearly been well trained. Show me more.”

Answering his challenge, she charged forward as fast as she could and jumped into forward flip, bringing her foot careening towards his head like a sledgehammer. He blocked her kick and knocked her to the side, giving her the opportunity to spin around while still on her head and try for a kick to the side. Xavier dodged the attack and she used the rotational momentum to bring down her legs to try for a sweep at his feet. Again Xavier dodged, as well as the coming punch when Helena got back to her feet. From there, she began hurling punches and kicks as fast as her body would allow, but he always blocked or deflected her attacks and countered with a few blows of his own.

Helena staggered back, feeling the bruises from his strikes already forming. He was good, really good, possibly better than the martial arts teacher at the school. Her breathing heavy, she pulled off the light sweatshirt of her running uniform, revealing the black tank top underneath. She sighed in relief, feeling her sweat evaporating on contact with the cool night air. Xavier shot her a glance, telling her that he liked what he saw. Normally this would disgust her or make her feel embarrassed, but she was too high on adrenaline and endorphins to not give a smile of confidence. She could tell just from his movements and the strength of his hits that he wasn’t using any of his powers, meaning that he was fighting her only as a human, and if he was just a human, then there was always a chance for her to win.

Her eyes practically glowing with determination, she again pounced on Xavier. She unleashed another barrage of attacks, moving herself with all the strength and skill she had. Like before, she was unable to land any hits on him, but her eyes and reflexes had sharpened, allowing her to at least defend against his strikes. Their movements became perfectly fluid, every action being blocked as if choreographed for a play while their speed continued to increase. She could see it on his face, the effort he was putting into this fight. Even if he was a better fighter than her, he was putting everything he had into this, truly facing her on an even playing field.

Seeing an opening, she lunged out to punch him and he caught her fist, but when he tried to mirror it, she did the same to him. They stood as reflections, each pushing against each other. They were both giving savage grins, having the best fight of their lives.

“That’s it!” exclaimed Xavier. “That’s what I wanted to see! The fiery righteousness in your eyes! Fight harder! Show me your beautiful soul! Your powerful heart!”

Helena pulled away from him and tried to deliver a roundhouse kick, but he caught her foot and shoved her back. Regaining her balance, she charged towards him. Xavier held out his hands, and in his grip, two sabers materialized. He tossed one to Helena, who caught it as she pounced, spun around, and lashed out with the blade as if she had expected it from the very beginning. Sparks flew off the colliding edges as they stared each other down.

“You knew I was in the fencing club?”

“No, I just thought I should teach you while I was here. I want my queen to be an expert at sword fighting.”

“As if!”

Disengaging, Helena crouched down and tried to deliver a slash to Xavier’s leg, but he jumped back over the blade and then charged. They collided with several showers of sparks flying off in a fraction of a second before he passed by her. Helena fell to her knees, having received half a dozen shallow cuts across her body. Xavier was so fast; she had barely seen his strikes and didn’t even feel the cuts until he had already disengaged. But she was also proud, hearing the dripping blood from the long cut she had left on his chest. She got back to her feet and turned to him. They both faced each other, panting like dogs with bloody blades and bodies, but both smiling.

Gathering together their strength, they charged.

Helena collapsed, more exhausted than ever in her life and covered head to toe in bruises and cuts. The floor had been painted with blood splatters and littered with broken weapons, created by Xavier and used until snapping. He sat behind her, his back against hers. She knew she was supposed to hate him and knew she should have immediately moved away, but this time, that contact didn’t bother her. The fight had not just drained her of strength, it helped her relieve a lot of the stress she had been carrying and at last vent her hatred of Xavier, leaving her blissfully hollow. For now, she had lost all of her anger towards him, and felt no discomfort from his touch. He was definitely in better condition than she was, but as the fight had gone on, she had delivered plenty of strikes. They sat there for a few minutes, trying to catch their breath while their cuts slowly clotted.

“What time is it?” Helena asked.

Xavier glanced at the clock. “A little bit after 2:00.”

“Well it’s a good thing tomorrow is Saturday. I get to sleep in. I really need it.”

“Well if you ever want to fight again, just tell me and we can— Helena?” Xavier chuckled, realizing she had fallen asleep against him. He snapped his fingers, using his powers to return the room to pristine condition. He then scooped her up and carried her outside. “Come on, let’s get you to the showers and clean you off.”

The hissing of the shower was the only sound in the dark locker room. Kneeling on the floor, Xavier cradled Helena in the hot downpour. The two of them were naked, the blood from their fight being washed away. With a tender smile on his face, an expression worn genuinely only a handful of times in his life, Xavier used his hand as a washcloth to gently scrub away the blood and heal her wounds. He couldn’t remember the last time he had experienced something so blissful. He had spent his life drawing amusement from the suffering of others, but seeing the blissful look on Helena’s face, so innocent and pristine, and holding her form against his, not even in a sexual manner, but simply out of care for her, it made him happy in a way he never knew possible.

Helena was mostly asleep from exhaustion, but a part of her remained awake and aware. She experienced only the physical sensations, while her emotions and thoughts remained silent. She could feel what was going on around her and what was happening to her body, but her placid mind did not know who was with her and did not have the sense to implement any feelings like surprise or discomfort.

She had one spark in her mind that held sentience beyond simple physical sensation, but it thought only of the desire for this moment to never end. The feel of the hot water on her naked body, of being held in someone’s arms, of strong but gentle hands caressing her bare flesh; it was blissful beyond words. Occasionally, she would open her eyes just a sliver, see Xavier’s face, and fall back to sleep, so comfortable in his embrace that everything negative between them, for those beautiful moments, seemed to melt away.

Finally, having healed and cleaned them both, Xavier gave a flick of his wrist and the shower turned off. But he remained there, holding Helena, her naked body against his, the cooling water dripping from their skin. He brushed back a lock of her hair and smiled. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured.

Slowly, he brought his face close to hers, their lips approaching. But just before that bond could be made, he stopped. No, he didn’t want it to be like this. Instead, he moved up and kissed her on the forehead. Getting to his feet, he carried her over to one of the benches, where there were some stacked towels. It was time to dry her off and put her to bed.

Saturday had arrived, meaning that today would be the couple’s date. Lily was stirring uncomfortably in her chair at the outdoor café. When it had been discovered that she was wearing a thong, the nuns had brought down the wrath of God on her. She had been paddled hundreds of times and her rear end was blackened with bruises, she had been forced to kneel on frozen peas until her knees bled, and she would have to write scripture for thirty hours. She wasn’t even supposed to leave the school today; she had detention, but after everything that had happened, she needed this date with Xavier desperately.

“Hello, Lily.”

She heard his voice and felt his hand on her shoulder and began nuzzling it like a cat. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Of course I’m here.”

He sat down on the other side of the table and blood drained from Lily’s face as she saw the bruises on his. It looked like someone had been using him as a punching bag.

“Xavier, what happened?”

He gave a sad smile and pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it up to reveal a pair of earrings with small diamonds. “Unfortunately, this gift is a farewell present instead of a celebratory present. I’m sorry… but I can’t stay at Rosewood University anymore.”

“What are you talking about? What’s going on!?”

“It was really stupid of me, but I had to borrow some money from a loan shark for all the dates and presents. I wanted to show you how important you are to me. He found me this morning and beat me up because I couldn’t pay him back. I was supposed to have time to make the money, but he came early, and he wanted way more than I could possibly pay back. He said that he would kill me the next time he saw me. The only choice I have is to leave town so that he doesn’t find me. Maybe I can get a job in some other town until I can pay him back, but he’ll most likely kill me for running, even if I return.”

“You… you did all that for me?”

“Of course, because you’re the most important thing in the world to me and I wanted to make you smile. Unfortunately, it seems that’s not enough in this world.”

Lily nearly knocked the table over as she tackled him, sobbing into his shirt. Everyone around them watched in confusion.

“No! You can’t leave me! I’ll do anything!”

“I’m sorry, but there is nothing you can do. The money is way too much to pay back in so short of time, and the one alternative is…”

“What? What is the alternative?”

Xavier waited a moment for speaking. “Come on, let’s not talk here.”

He stood up and led Lily by the hand to the alley by the café. Now with privacy, he took a deep breath and looked into her fearful eyes. “He knows that I have a girlfriend and he says he’d forget about my debt if I were to let him have sex with you.” Lily’s face paled and she felt her stomach twist itself into a knot. “But this is something I cannot allow. I could never let any man touch you, no matter what. I’d rather die than let that happen. My only two options are to let him kill me or leave forever. I just wanted to spend this last day without before I said goodbye.”

Lily tackled him, holding him with all the strength she had. “I’ll do it, if that’s what it takes to keep you in my life, I’ll do it.”

“No, Lily, I can’t let you do that! I love you! I’d never let¬—”

“Please, let me do this for you. You were willing to sacrifice yourself for me, so let me sacrifice myself for you.”

Xavier held her tightly and began to tremble. Lily realized he was crying, feeling his tears dotting the top of his head.

“O-ok, I’ll tell him I’ll accept the deal. But please, don’t ever forget that I love you.”

They stayed like that for several minutes, Lily relishing the feeling of being in Xavier’s embrace and listening to his tearful sniffs and hiccups. But in reality, they were the escaping gasps of his laughter. He was wearing an insidious grin with his crocodile tears pouring endlessly. ‘I can’t believe a girl can be this pathetic! It’s so easy! It’s just so fucking easy!’

Lily tried to put on a brave face as she looked in the mirror of the hotel room. She slowly put in the earrings from Xavier, hoping that they would give her strength. Her naked body was trembling from head to toe. She stepped into the bedroom, where Xavier was sitting in a chair in the corner by the window.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“If it means you can stay, I’ll do it. But… can you really handle being here when it happens?”

“It’s the least I can do. Besides, I want to support you.”

A knock came at the door and Xavier slowly answered it while Lily worked to gather up all her willpower. A large man stepped inside with an unshaven face. He almost looked drunk.

“She does this and you forget about my debt, right?”

The man chuckled and spoke with a French accent. “As long as she’s a good fuck and doesn’t just lie there, yeah.” He then looked at her, tiny but supple, shivering as if brushed with a cold breeze. “Oh, you’ll be perfect.”

He walked over and grabbed her face, immediately jamming his tongue into her mouth. She tried to pull away, but he held her still, making her suffer the violation and his putrid breath. This man wasn’t a loan shark, just a common piece of trash that Xavier had recruited. All he had to do was play the role and he’d get a pretty young teen to abuse. Pretending to look like he was about to throw up from stress, Xavier took his seat and watched while the man licked every corner of Lily’s mouth.

He then forced her to her knees and unzipped his fly, letting his cock hang out. “All right, get to work, girlie.”

Lily looked back at Xavier, unsure of if she wanted confirmation, support, or approval. Xavier just looked at her, feinting emotional turmoil. Wiping away a tear, she turned back and grasped the man’s cock. It smelled terrible, when was the last time he showered? She stroked it a few times, swallowed her disgust, and then started blowing him. The man chuckled with his hand on her head as she put what Xavier had taught her to good use. After all the times she had sucked him, her small mouth was the perfect pleasure outlet. More than once, the man pulled his dick out and smeared it across her face, then put it in and held it against the back of her throat until her mouth was pouring saliva. She was used to it, even when he grabbed her head and skull-fucked her. Xavier had trained her perfectly.

The man stepped back, pulled off his clothes, and then grabbed Lily. He tossed her onto the bed and pulled her over so that she was on her back with her head hanging off the mattress. Before she could brace herself, she resumed thrusting into her mouth, this time with his balls slapping her in the face. She was crying in humiliation, wondering why the world had to be so cruel and why she had to suffer. Along with her tears, her face was grimy with a frothy mixture of semen, saliva, and even some vomit. Every time he pulled his dick out, a large glob would roll down her face and force her to keep her eyes shut.

After what felt like an eternity, he backed off, grabbed her, and turned her around. Wrenching apart her skinny legs, he pulled her over and began rubbing his slimy cock against her young flower. Lily again looked to Xavier, seeing the horror and dread in his eyes.

‘Please, don’t look at me.’

She cried out as the man entered her, not from physical pain, but from the revulsion she felt from her body being violated by someone other than Xavier. It was just like when Daphne raped her, but even worse. For a man his size, his thrusts were unusually quick, the speed almost reinforcing his cruelty and his indifference to her suffering. Her tiny breasts jiggled with each slam, and she whimpered when he slapped them for his own entertainment.

“Say you love it!” Lily didn’t reply, she could only sob. He smacked her across the face. “Say you love my cock!”

“I love it! I love your cock!”

After another few minutes, he changed position, forcing her onto her hands and knees. He got up on the bed with her and mounted her from behind, this time pulling her hair when he fucked her. Lily’s only comfort was looking to Xavier while the man brutalized her. The sound of his lap slapping against her rear end with each thrust sickened her, a continuous reminder of how she was being defiled. She felt like a disgusting whore, a piece of soulless meat being used and abused. After several minutes, she had to work not to scream when he suddenly stopped, telling her that he had just came, poisoning her womanhood with his revolting seed.

“Come on, girl. Put that mouth of yours back to work.”

Still holding her by her hair, he pulled her over and jammed his flaccid cock into her mouth. The taste of his semen made her want to throw up, but she did her job and sucked him off until he was again hard.

“Time for you to do some work. Get on and start riding.”

He lied on his back and pulled her onto his lap. Not wanting to look at the man’s face, she turned her back on him and looked at Xavier. The man pointed his cock straight upwards and she lowered herself onto it, whimpering as it penetrated her. Grabbing her by the hips, he began bucking his hips, making her bounce on his lap. She continued to whine as his cock slammed the entrance to her womb over and over, a combination of her dropping weight and his upward thrusts. Her tiny breasts refused to stop jiggling and her body was glistening with sweat. Then she could feel it.

‘Oh no. No! Anything but that!’

It was relentlessly building, her body refusing to obey her will. She looked at Xavier, hoping that seeing him would give her the control she needed. The haunted look on his face only made her feel worse.

“Xavier, don’t look at me!” Her whimpers turned into shrill whines as she felt herself approaching the threshold. “Please don’t look at me! Don’t look at me! I’m… I’m cumming!”

Her scream was easily recognized as a climax flushed through her system, sending a splash of liquid arousal out from between the lips of her pussy and across the bed sheets. The man laughed in accomplishment and came soon after, emptying the last of himself into her. He pushed the sobbing Lily off him and got up. After getting dressed, he turned to Xavier. “You and I are square.”

He then left, leaving Xavier and Lily, with the girl crying in the fetal position.

“Xavier, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

In his mind, Xavier was laughing at this new development. He looked at her with dead eyes and spoke with a very dry tone. “I think you should go clean yourself off.”

Hoping he wasn’t mad, she limped into the bathroom and thoroughly showered, scrubbing her skin bare and trying to cleanse every millimeter of her defiled womanhood. Once she had gotten herself as clean as possible and used up more than half a bar of soap, she stepped out of the shower and peaked around the bathroom door. Xavier had his face in his hands and was shaking.

She walked over to him and kneeled down, clutching his legs. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry!”

Xavier refused to even look at her. “Glad to see you were enjoying yourself.”

Fresh tears began to roll down her cheeks. “I swear, it didn’t mean anything! I didn’t want to do it, it just happened! Please, I’ll do anything if you forgive me! I only love you!”

Xavier just sighed and shook his head. Desperate, Lily bent herself over the bed and spread her ass cheeks. “Please, this hole is still good. Please put your love in me.”

Hiding his smile, Xavier stood up and revealed his erect manhood. “Ok, maybe in time I can learn to forgive you.”

‘Lord, what am I supposed to do now?’

Father Hauser pondered this question over and over again. He was sitting in his office, mulling over everything that had happened the other day with Helena. From what Thane had told him and Father Brian, not only had the blessing failed, the force haunting her was truly worse than anything else.

‘Maybe… maybe Helena knows what it is. But if I were to ask her, she would probably come up with an excuse to not to tell me, just like before. But what if she already told me? What if she’s been trying to tell me all along and I just haven’t been understanding? Think! What did she tell me? She said that there would be a war in a valley that would reveal the truth. No, wait, she said it would show the truth. “Show the truth”. That just doesn’t sound right. Even if she were scared, the words “reveal” and “truth” go together better than “show” and “truth”. But if there really was some kind of hidden message, maybe there is a reason why she used that word. Show… show… reveal… reveal…’

It hit him then, but the feeling it invoked was one of terror.

‘Revelations! Could it be that that was what she was trying to draw me to? The valley… Jezreel Valley! Megiddo! The war that she foretold of was the one between Christ and the Beast! But if everyone in the school is in danger, then that means… Oh God… He’s here.’

His heart beating faster than ever in his life, Father Hauser ran out of the office and down the halls, pushing his way past anyone in his way and ignoring them when they called out. He sprinted to the main office of the teacher’s building and nearly slammed himself against the receptionist’s desk.

“I need the keys to one of the cars! It’s an emergency!”

His tone and the look on his face left the young woman stunned and stammering. “Uh… I uh… Ok… I just need you to sign out and—“

“For the love of God, girl! I need that key now! We’re wasting too much time!”

He rushed past her to the row of hooks where the keys were kept and grabbed a set, then sprinting out of the building and into the nearby parking lot. Finding the university car with the same number as the key ring, he climbed inside and pulled out of the parking lot with the tires screaming. He felt like he was going to have a heart attach. He zoomed across Rome, waiting to see the roof of the Vatican towering over the city. The Holy Father had to be warned! He had to be told that the Antichrist or even the Devil himself had infiltrated the city!

Approaching a busy street, he slammed his foot on the brakes, again making the car squeal as he came to a stop. He waited for the light to change, with every tick of his watch sounding like a gunshot. The light changed and he pressed down on the gas, but the old car only lurched forward into the middle of the intersection, having chosen now of all times to drop the transmission. He slammed his head against the steering wheel and cursed over and over while the people behind him honked their horns. He didn’t hear the screaming outside. He didn’t see the truck rolling down the hill with the driver desperately stomping on the breaks. He didn’t smell the blood of the person who had already been run over. He didn’t sense the vibrations when it knocked against a car parked on the adjacent street and sent it flipping onto the sidewalk like a hockey puck while continuing on its way towards the intersection.

He only felt the crash.

Chapter 9

The junior and senior classes were in the university church, attending Sunday morning service. Normally, Helena would be too distracted to focus on the hymns she and everyone else was singing. After all, it was in this very church that Xavier had enslaved her, and nothing since then had worked against him. Hate him as she did, she had to admit that he was right about one thing: she was used to having him around. Unless they were sparring, he really had no intention of actually hurting her. He just seemed interested in practical jokes and mind games. The loss of that uncertainty meant the loss of a lot of her fear. Now, at last, she could take a deep breath and regain her composure. Enjoying the tranquility of the moment, she opened herself up to feel God’s love and let her anxiety melt away to the sound of her own voice.

Xavier wasn’t there, as he was spending time with Lily. Ever since he had tricked her into whoring herself out, she had become even more dependent on him, so he had to shape her neediness into an even stronger instinct to sacrifice herself and do whatever he asked her to. Attendance to the church service wasn’t mandatory, and students often skipped to spend time studying or working. Better he was gone; Helena could fully relax with the knowledge that he wasn’t watching her.

Towards the end of the service, the priest giving the sermon cleared his throat. “Children, there is an important matter I must discuss with you. There was a terrible accident yesterday and someone very dear to all of us is in critical condition and needs your prayers…”

The name and the details were given, and the moment the words struck Helena, her lungs ceased to function and her porcelain cheeks became wet with silent tears.

Xavier wandered the campus, alone and bored out of his mind. He had just had sex with Lily, so his lust was satiated. Should he kill some time torturing Sophie or some other girl? Nah, he wasn’t in the mood. He had already done all of his homework and he wasn’t the kind of student that needed to study. There was nothing to do but aimlessly float across the green sea of the university quad.

“You son of a bitch!”

He turned his gaze from the sun to Helena, sprinting towards him while sobbing in anger. Oh boy, had she found out that he had resumed abusing her roommate?

She threw herself at him, hurling punches and kicks that never landed. “I’ll kill you, you bastard! How could you?! Of all people, how could you do that to him?!”

Dodging her attacks, Xavier hummed in confusion. Was she talking about Thane? He hadn’t really done much to him, and he never bothered messing with guys. They weren’t nearly as fun to torment as women.

“What are you talking about?”

“Shut up! I’ll rip you apart if it’s the last thing I do! I’ll make you pay for what you did! Was it you or Daphne?! Either way, I’ll kill you both!”

She tried to throw a punch towards his face but he caught her wrist, staring at her with a stern look. “Helena, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Still crying, she tried to hit him with her other fist, but he caught her arm. She stood immobilized, feeling her strength vanishing, but not because of any power Xavier possessed. She leaned against his chest, wetting his shirt with her tears. “Why? Why did you have to do that to him? He was like a father to me!”

“Helena, I don’t waste my time hurting men. I’m guilty of a lot of things, but not what you’re accusing me of. Now take a deep breath and tell me what’s going on.”

He let go of her and she fell to her knees, kneeling at his feet with her slender shoulders shaking. Her face was in her hands, her tears dripping from between her fingers. “Father Hauser was in a car accident yesterday. He’s in a coma now and he’ll never wake up because of the brain damage he suffered. The last time anyone saw him, he was frantic, screaming about some kind of emergency. He was heading in the direction of the Vatican.”

“He was one of the priests that performed that blessing on you, wasn’t he? He must have figured something out and was trying to warn the Pope. I won’t lie and say that this isn’t convenient for me considering what he might have wanted to tell them, but I assure you that I didn’t orchestrate that crash.” Helena didn’t respond. “Have you gone to see him yet?”

Finally, she looked up at him. “What?”

“Have you gone to see him in the hospital yet?”

“N-no… I just heard about it. I was going to, but…”

“Well then, let’s go.”

Xavier grasped her shoulder and the two disappeared in a shroud of darkness. They reappeared in Father Hauser’s hospital room, Xavier having used his powers to check the room of inhabitants before teleporting. They were alone, save for the comatose priest. Helena looked around, shocked by the extent of his powers. Hauser was lying in bed, surrounded by machines monitoring his weak pulse and keeping him breathing, as well as several flower vases. He was hooked up to an EEG, showing the near-silent brain waves. Xavier helped Helena to her feet and turned her to the priest. With fresh tears streaming from her eyes, she took small steps towards him and collapsed at his side, clutching his hand and sobbing. For over a minute, Helena did not move, save for the trembles from her crying hiccups. Xavier simply stood there, watching her and using his powers to soundproof the room so that they wouldn’t be discovered. Finally he strode forward and pressed down on Father Hauser’s forehead for a few seconds.

Helena looked up, her face lit with rage. “Get away from him!”

Xavier pulled his hand away and the EEG seemed to double in the activity it was receiving. “There, he’ll wake up in a month.”

She stared at him, as if he had just spoken in gibberish. “What?”

“He’ll be fine. Other than some memory loss, he won’t have any problems. I reversed the brain damage, but to avoid suspicion, it would be best to let his body heal on it’s own. But, since I’m already here…” He poked Father Hauser in the stomach for a few seconds. “That tumor on his pancreas was just about to start causing trouble.”

“He’ll… he’ll really be ok?”

“He’ll need some physical therapy and may be on a cane for a while, but he’ll be back teaching before August.”

For the second time, Helena slumped to her knees, her body going limp and losing all sensation. Was it possible? Would Father Hauser really be ok? She had been telling the truth when she said he was like a parent to her. If she lost him, she didn’t know how she would be able to go on after everything that had happened with Xavier. But to think, of all people, it would be Xavier to save him and give her back her oldest friend. For a moment, she found herself unable to hate him, and she knew she had to say the words.

“Thank you.”

Xavier walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. “Was there anything you were going to do today?”

She looked up at him, confused. “Huh? What? Uh… no.”

“Have you ever seen Rome? Really seen her?”

This only confused her more. “I’ve been around the city. Why are you asking me this?”

He smiled. “Come on, let’s enjoy ourselves.”

Helena followed him out of the hospital, her limbs and back stiff with straitlaced tension. “You’re kidding, right? You can’t be serious.”

“Come on, you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. Let me show you a good time. See the sights.”

“I’ve been under a lot of stress because of you! And I’ve already seen the Colosseum and all the other places.”

Stepping out onto the sidewalk, he turned to her and grinned. “Not with me, you haven’t. Come on. Think of it as a chance to get to know your enemy.”

“But I hate you!”

“Well let’s change that. Tell you what, if I can’t make you smile ten times today, I’ll remove your collar and never put one on you again.”

Helena’s eyes became as wide as dinner plates. “You mean it?”

“I swear on the Seven Circles of Hell and dear old Dad on his black throne.”

Helena scowled. “And what if I lose? Are you going to make me do something awful?”

“If I can make you smile ten times today, you have to give me a kiss on the lips. Tongue or not is up to you.”

Helena’s body became rigid. Her first kiss… with him?! “And if I win, you’ll leave me alone?”

“Oh no, I’m not letting you go that easy, but no more collar. So do we have a deal?”

She sighed, knowing that she could not pass this chance up. “Fine, but no funny stuff.”

“Perfect, then follow me.”

He began walking down the street with Helena cautiously trailing behind him. What was he up to? What was this really about? After walking a hundred feet, Xavier turned back to her with a look of annoyance. “When I said “follow me”, I meant walk alongside me.”

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Helena approached him and stood at his side. As they continued walking, Xavier put his arm around her, making her stiffen up. She wanted to pull away, but she was afraid of what would happen if she angered him. Besides, she owed him for saving Father Hauser.

After a block, she worked up the nerve to speak. “So where are we going?”

“Right here.”

She looked around and her heart dropped into her stomach. The street was lined with red rental Vespas in front of a scooter shop.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no.”

“Come on, it’s just like the old saying. When in Rome, do as the Romans. This is tourist tradition. Don’t tell me you’re scared.”

“I prefer to be surrounded by steel and airbags.”

“Said the girl who wanted to become the Pope’s bodyguard…”

Xavier touched one of the scooters and it activated without needing a key.

“Oh God, you’re going to steal it?”

He gave her an annoyed look and sat down on the bike. “Helena, don’t you know who I am?” She covered her face with her hands, feeling this day spiraling out of control for the second time. “Ugh, fine, I’ll bring it back.”

She looked up, seeing the storeowner inside. He was getting to his feet, hearing the revving of the scooter and preparing to chase down the two teens.

“Well I’m not getting on that thing without a helmet.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake…”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the bike. Sitting sideways across his lap, she yelped as he pulled out into the street with the storeowner running out after him. Speeding down the road, she held onto him for dear life, screaming into his chest. She was silenced when he placed his hand on the back of her head.

“Relax, I’M your helmet.”

At that moment, her heart calmed and she momentarily forgot she was on a scooter. She felt only the kiss of the wind on her skin, the warmth of the Italian sun, the roughness of Xavier’s coat in her hands, and the softness of his shirt against her face. She actually felt… safe.

‘That’s right. With Xavier’s powers, it’s impossible for us to get in an accident. As long as I ride with him, I’ll be ok.’

Helena worked to suppress her grin of amazement as she gazed at the Colosseum, Rome’s pride and joy. She had seen it before, but it still left her awestruck. With Xavier around, she couldn’t allow herself to smile. The walls of concrete curled around each other like a stone rose.

“You should have seen her in her prime.”

She turned to him. “Excuse me?”

“This is nothing. When she was first built, she was a masterpiece.”

“You… you were there back then?”

“I was born at the same time as Christ and I’ve been traveling ever since. I spent a lot of time here in Rome back in the golden ages. Those were good times. Come on, let’s head inside.”

This time, Helena didn’t tense up when he put his arm around her. She simply let him lead her to the ticket gate. Since they were “both” underage citizens of the European Union, they didn’t have to pay to get in. The corridors were roped off in certain areas to keep tourists from wandering or doing something they shouldn’t have. Helena didn’t know why, but she suddenly felt the weight of awkwardness on her chest. The sounds of their footsteps in the dark halls seemed to reinforce the lack of conversation between them. Should she say something? No, why would she do that? Why would she need to? But this tension…

“So… what was Rome like back then?”

“Oh, it was wonderful. If you wanted to do something, you did it, and if you knew what you were doing, you could get whatever you want. It was like Sodom and Gomorrah but much classier. Getting drunk on rich wine and having orgies with the social elite. What a time to be alive.

And that’s one.”

Helena’s body turned to ice as she realized that her lips had curled into a small smile when he talked. The way he described it invoked a tiny giggle in her, but he caught it.

He laughed at her embarrassment. “Relax, just enjoy yourself. Who knows? By the time the day is over, you might just end up looking forward to that kiss.”

She scoffed and turned away. “Yeah right, you can’t fool me that easily.”

“If you say so…”

They stepped out into the sun and gazed out across the labyrinth remains of the Colosseum basement.

“Yeah, not like the movie, Gladiator, is it? Come on, let’s get a higher view.”

They moved over to a nearby staircase leading up alongside the ancient seats. As they climbed the stares, Xavier removed his arm from around her, but surprised her by grasping her hand instead.

He saw her blushing and cracked a grin. “Is this your first time holding hands with a guy?”

“No, I’ve held hands with boys before!”

“Anything before puberty and adults holding your hand don’t count.”

“Considering your age, I guess this doesn’t count either!”

Again surprising her, he began to laugh. “Ah, that’s what I wanted to hear, that spiteful tone, arrogant almost. You’re doing your best not to smile, but I can tell your ego is purring from that witty comeback. To be honest, that sounded less like you were talking to the man you hate and more like you were bickering with a childhood friend. You’re finally relaxing. Like I said, you’ve become used to having me around.”

Helena’s face became red with embarrassment and anger, but she decided to just let him have the last word. Finally, they came to one of the upper levels, giving them a greater view of the great arena.

“Can you smell it? The culture in the air? The history? Not to mention the long-gone sweat and blood…”

“I’m surprised to hear you say something like that. I thought your goal was to destroy the world.”

“No, just to rule it.”

“And let me guess, you’d restore this place and start executing Christians like back in the good old days?”

“Ok, THAT tone is far from your best quality. But speaking about the good old days, how about I show you what they were like?”

Xavier placed his hand on the back of her head and sent a bolt of electricity through her body. All her muscles locked up and she felt something rush over her eyes like a liquid curtain. The world before her became pitch-black, but the darkness soon receded, and something new came. A tidal wave of sound washed over her, like the world beneath her feet was exploding. It was more than a choir; it was a terrestrial conglomerate of voices, cheering and screaming, with a secondary layer of clapping, and even beyond that, the strikes of metal on metal. The decrepit arena was gone, replaced with an amphitheater fit for an emperor. The Colosseum had returned to its former glory, with level upon level of howling spectators. Above Helena’s head, a net of flags and sails hung across the vast manmade crater, protecting the viewers from the heat of the sun. Down below, the battlefield had been flooded and a naval battle was taking place, with full-scale ships being hit with arrows and boarded over and over by the opposing forces.

Helena was left breathless, gazing at this new world. Had… she just traveled back in time?! She turned back to Xavier, feeling him move his hand from her head to her shoulder.

“No, before you ask, we haven’t traveled back in time. This is a memory of mine. This was a real naval battle that I got to see.” The smile slipped free before she could stop it, but it was wide and beautiful. She was about to cover her mouth, but he stopped her. “Don’t. I’ve already seen it, that’s two. Tell you what, until the memory ends, the deal is suspended. Want to get a closer look?”

She turned to him, unable to reel in the smile and feeling embarrassed that she was showing him a look of anything other than disgust. There was no point in playing tough. She rushed down the stairs she had just climbed, the stone steps still pristine and sharp in this look back at history. She came to the edge of the arena, jumping up and down and laughing as she watched the warriors battle. A part of her was telling her that she was wrong to enjoy this, that she was actually watching people die in a place where, as she had said, Christians had been executed. But the rest of her knew that these guys had died almost two thousand years ago, and besides, with all the fights she had gotten into in her life, she would be a hypocrite to turn her nose up to this.

Xavier stood beside her, watching the combat unfold. “This is a reenactment of the battle between the Corcyrean Greeks and the Corinthians. Amazing, isn’t it?”

For over an hour, the battle waged, with swords and spears striking shields and armor. More and more gladiators were sent out onto the ships, as if the ships themselves represented every vessel from the actual event and the directors wanted to show just how many people fought in it. Blood and bodies spilled out into the flooded arena, turning it into a marsh of gore. Xavier eventually ended the memory, leaving Helena much less tense than she had been before. She almost had a heart attack when she realized she had to go back to hide her smile. Xavier had already caught her twice; she couldn’t let it happen any more times!

“Come on, there is still so much more to show you.”

The two students rode through Rome on back of the Vespa, continuing their date. After getting pulled on the first time, Helena made sure to stay out of Xavier’s reach and ride behind him. She tried to make as little contact as possible and lean away from him, but even while knowing that his powers would keep them safe, she immediately wrapped her arms around his waist and held on for dear life, especially on the turns. As well as the tourist attractions, he brought her to places that had nothing to do with Rome or her history, but were interesting nonetheless. They were little pockets of amazement that Helena had never known existed, but he showed her to and made her laugh and smile against her will. At many historical landmarks, he would show her more of his memories, letting her see Rome the way the city had been in its prime.

The longer the date progressed, the harder and harder it became to keep from smiling, laughing, and dare she say even enjoying herself. Every grin slipped free easier than the last, and was all the brighter.

The Roman Forum was bustling with life, with citizens in togas and tunics buying and selling merchandise from across the empire with coins bearing the face of Caesar. Helena moved through the mental projection, amazed by everything from the smell of fresh fruits to the calls of wild animals. The air itself was rich with culture, with Helena wishing she really could travel back in time and insert herself into this web of life. She jumped when she felt Xavier put his arm around her.

“Look at that handsome bastard go.”

He was pointing at someone through the crowd, and Helena’s eyes widened realized it was his past self. Dressed in the clothes of the citizens, the young Xavier was gambling in the street and winning gold from his opponents with every roll of the dice. He looked exactly as he did now, but he spoke in Latin when he bragged and told the losers to pay up.

Sitting on the back of the scooter, Helena was struggling to work up her courage. Goddammit, this was humiliating. She tugged on his sleeve. Xavier pulled over and turned to her. She shied away, unable to believe she was about to ask something from him. The look on her face was the one she had worn all day when he placed that vibrating hex on her panties.

“Can… can we go to St. Peter’s Basilica? It’s just over there.”

She expected him to laugh or ridicule her in some way, but instead he simply nodded. “Of course.”

They drove over to the Vatican, parking in the tourist garage, and made their way inside. The cavernous cathedral left her breathless, the beauty of the walls, floor, and ceiling filling her with warmth. She didn’t even bother to hide her smile, feeling like she was going to start crying in joy.

Xavier placed his hand on her shoulder. “Is this your first time coming here?”

“No, Rosewood University has yearly fieldtrips here for every class. This is just my favorite place in the world. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew that I would end up here as a member of the Swiss Guard. When I’m here, I truly feel…”

She trailed off.

“You were going to say “I truly feel God’s love” or something like that, weren’t you?”

She swatted his hand off his shoulder. “Someone like you doesn’t deserve to be here. You should have burst into flames the moment you stepped inside.”

Xavier looked around, watching the other tourists pass by. “You know, when I take over the world, I think I’ll make this place my office. I’ll set up a desk under the main altar and play World of Warcraft. You could be MY Swiss Guard.” Helena just sighed in annoyance and Xavier gave another look around. “Sometimes when I’m bored, I’ll send a threatening letter to the Pope. And I get bored A LOT.” Making sure no one could see, he drew forth a piece of paper from nonexistence. “This was my most recent. Take a look.”

Knowing that he would keep bothering her until she read it, she gave another sigh and started reading.

‘Dear Chief Replacement,

I wanted to send you this friendly little letter to remind you of your imminent demise. If you’re curious as to the frequency in which I’ve sent these letters, it is merely to instill as much fear as I can. As if basting a turkey. Which I will then proceed to have sex with.

That’s right.

I’m going to FUCK the fear turkey.

Follow me @themanofsin!’

Helena was not proud of how hard she laughed and the scene she caused.

“It’s this way, they sell some really cool stuff here.”

Xavier was leading Helena through the back roads, wanting to show her an obscure shop hidden amongst the buildings. Wandering the crooked streets, he stopped when her footfalls became silent. She was looking down a narrow alley at four men, ganging up on a woman. At least one of them had a knife and she was removing all of her jewelry. Helena was shivering in uncertainty, her hands balled tightly into fists. Wretched sinners, she wanted to bash their skulls in, but Xavier would probably stop her. Hell, he’d probably join the men and they’d gang rape her.

“Well? What are you waiting for?”

She turned to Xavier, jumping at the sound of his voice. “What?”

“Why haven’t you pounced on them? Isn’t this what you normally do in situations like this?”

“W-well I… I just thought that you…”

“Have you ever thought before doing this? You don’t need my permission to go wild.”

She had spent the day working with all of her will to resist smiling, but now, she flashed a savage grin. Her heart calm in the face of what was about to happen, she sprinted into the alley with her cobalt eyes spotting angles and openings. One of the men noticed her, his upward glance and mumbling confusion giving her away. Regardless, she jumped into the air, and as the man before her turned around, she connected her foot to his temple and sent him crashing into the wall. Cursing her in Italian, one of the men reached out to punch her, but she deflected his fist, caught his arm, and twisted it to send him to his knees. Before she could deliver an attack, the slash of a knife forced her retreat. She had a tiny scratch on her cheek, faint but trickling blood. The man with the knife lunged, making clumsy slashes to try and cut her throat.

Blocking one of his swings, she used her free hand to slam him under the arm, then spun around and punched him in the face. He staggered back and she finished with a kick to the chest, sending him flying through the air. The second and fourth charged towards her, leaving no room for her to maneuver in the cramped alley. Zooming past her, Xavier jumped into the air and planted both feet in the forth man’s face, breaking his nose and creating an opening. Wait, he was helping her?! She pushed that confusion aside and slipped through, avoiding the sweeping arms of the second man, and countered with a kick to the back of the knee. As he fell, she knocked him out with an elbow to the side of the head.

Behind her, Xavier and the third man had both gotten to their feet. The man drew a gun and pointed it at him, and for a moment, Helena’s heart stopped. With speed beyond her own, he grabbed the gun and pushed forward, removing the slide. He spun the piece of metal around in his hand and stabbed the man in the forehead, failing to kill him but fracturing his skull. As she turned to him, the first man she had attacked charged towards her. She sidestepped around his arm and grabbed it, using her leverage to snap it at the elbow. The man with the knife stood back up, and drunk with bloodlust, he threw the switchblade at her. His face calm but stern, Xavier wrapped his arm around Helena’s waist and intercepted. Using his other hand, he caught the flying blade with inhuman ease, spun around for momentum and with Helena in his embrace, and threw the blade back at the owner. It pierced his chest and he fell to the ground, his blood pouring out onto the cobblestone.

The men were all down for the count and the woman stared at the two teens in stunned amazement. Helena was panting, looking up and down and realizing that Xavier was holding her against him in a tango-like embrace. Had… had he just saved her life? She thought back to the man with a gun, how when he pointed it at Xavier, she felt like a giant rock had been dropped into her stomach. Had she actually… been afraid for him? Oh God, what was happening to her?!

He turned to her, having yet to let go of her slender figure. “How about we go get lunch?”

Having returned to the livelier part of Rome, Xavier was treating Helena to lunch at one of the best restaurants in the city. They ate outside in the shade, Xavier with a big plate of pasta and chicken Parmesan and Helena with a salad and bowl of soup. The meal was awkward, as once again, Helena was in Xavier’s debt. He had really saved her life, twice in one fight, and she still couldn’t get over her embarrassment for the fear she felt when a gun had been pointing at him. Not only that, but when he jumped into the fray, she had been relieved, happy even.

“You should really be eating more, you need calories and carbs.”
His words shook her from her thoughts and reminded her that she was still his hostage. Her posture was rigid and she refused to look at him as she ate. “I want to keep my figure and be in good shape.”

“For the Swiss Guard you mean?”

“That’s right.”

“Well how do you expect to get in if you’re too weak to pass the physical exam?” He cut up a piece of chicken and held it out to her on the end of his fork. She continued to ignore him, even as he brought it close to her face. “Helena, I am more than prepared to hold my arm out like this until the check comes. How long do you think you can ignore me?”

“As long as it takes.”

“Even if I do this?”

He started poking her in the lips with the piece of meat, reddening them with the sauce. People at other tables were watching them and snickering. It only took a few pokes for her to snap in embarrassment.

“Stop making fun of me!”

“Stop being rude and just eat the chicken.”

Helena sighed and pulled it off with her teeth, careful not to let her lips touch his fork. The moment she started chewing it, she realized how unsatisfying soup and salad were for lunch.

“It’s good, isn’t it?”

She looked away and blushed. “I guess.”

“Want the rest? You can have it if you like.”

She just wanted to scream, feeling herself being driven crazy by that smug tone of his. “…Yes please.”

After touring a few other locations, Xavier suggested a walk through the park for a change of pace. As long as it meant not getting on the scooter, Helena agreed. He took her to Villa Doria Pamphili, a villa-turned museum with the grounds serving as the largest park in Rome. They orbited the white building, sticking to the shade of the trees as they enjoyed the beauty of the day.

“You know, there is something that I never got an answer for…” Helena turned to him, afraid of what he would ask. “Why DO you try so hard to hide your accent? You’re a true daughter of the emerald isle, but I can tell with every word you speak that you try to hide it. It’s almost like a fake American accent, what you do.”

As she had again and again, she averted his gaze, unable to look him in the eyes. It was a question that she didn’t want to answer, but what perplexed her was his tone. It was not mocking, but pure curiosity. He wasn’t asking her as the Antichrist to his hostage… but as a man to a woman.

“I just… don’t like that I’m Irish.”

“No, it’s more than that. The only people who try to erase or fake an accent are hipsters, guys trying to get laid, and people who want to completely sever the past and either can’t or won’t go home. So what is it? Come on, tell me your story.”

Helena clutched herself, seething with anger. “You don’t get to ask me that.”

They stared at each other for several moments, the sun on their shoulders.

“Very well.”

They continued walking, but after twenty steps, they stopped. A married couple was walking down the same path with a golden doodle on a leash, panting with hair over his eyes.

Xavier approached them, speaking in Italian. “Excuse me, may I pet your dog?”

They smiled and nodded, and Helena watched in amazement as he got down on one knee and began rubbing the pooch’s fluffy body with a grin. The dog wagged his tail and chewed on his hands, with Xavier… laughing. She had only seen him like this three times: when they were in the pool together, when he was flirting with her… and in that photo album. He was actually finding joy in something other than torture. She didn’t know why, but it made her smile, the last smile needed for her to lose the bet.

Xavier thanked the couple returned to Helena. Once they left, she turned to him. “I’m surprised to see you like that. I never thought that you of all people would be a dog lover.”

“Hey, even I’m not THAT evil. Of course I love dogs.” This only heightened her confusion and amazement. “Well I am half-human after all. There is a touch of good in me.”

“But when you bring about the End of Days, won’t that cause a lot of dogs to die?”

“I don’t want to destroy the world, I simply want to rule it. World domination, just hearing it kind of makes your heart skip a beat.”

“Why do you want to rule the world?”

“Because I’m bored. I’ve seen the world and I want to finally settle down on a throne with the earth in the palm of my hand. I have the ability to conquer, and besides, wouldn’t a new world order be interesting? Don’t you think mankind needs a new shift?”

“Not like that!”

“Well what do you want?”

She stepped back. “Huh?”

“What did you think I meant when I asked you to be my queen? We’d take over the world together. If there is something you want or a change you’ve always wanted to make, go ahead. Want to break Ireland from the UK? You could do that in an afternoon. You want to end world hunger? There will be nothing stopping you.”

She grasped his hand and stopped him, a surprising act for her. He looked into her eyes, beautifully blue and trembling in uncertainty. “You have good in you, so why can’t you just be good? You haven’t done anything cruel or evil today. You even healed Father Hauser and saved my life. I’m willing to admit that even before today, you’ve been kind and charming, so please, tell me, why can’t you treat others the way you treat me?”

Xavier chuckled. “Now this is curious. Are you trying to save me? Trying to redeem me and turn me on to the path of good? Have you completely forgotten all the horrible things I’ve done to you and your friend?”

She pulled away and turned around, flushed with embarrassment.

He stood behind her and grasped her arms. He whispered in her ear, relishing the way it made her shiver. “The only reason why you would ask is because you either forgive me for everything I’ve done or you want to forgive me. You want to forget that I’ve hurt you, that I’ve hurt the people around you, because you have feelings for me but you need a way to justify them. If you can change me, then you can forgive me, and if you can forgive me, you won’t have to ignore your feelings out of guilt. Why is it so hard to for you to listen to your heart? To your body? You want to be my queen. You want to rule the world at my side. You want to share my bed and feel our bodies become joined throughout the night.”

She pulled herself free from his grip, her eyes wet with angry tears. “Take me home. I don’t care if I have to get back on that red deathtrap, take me home right now.”

The sun was setting as they rode back to the university. Helena was exhausted from the day, both physically and emotionally. She hated Xavier, but as he drove, she leaned against his back, wanting to simply fall asleep. She was strangely comfortable, feeling his coat to her cheek. She didn’t expect him to return to the scooter, but she honestly didn’t care. During the ride, she was able to calm down and let her anger settle. Arriving at the school, he walked her back to her dorm.

“If people see you with me, they may get the wrong idea.”

“Relax, I’m cloaking us so that we’re invisible.”

They went inside and he followed her up to her dorm room. They stopped at the door and she turned to him. “You aren’t coming inside.”

“I know. I just wanted to say goodnight.”

She placed her hand on the doorknob, but stopped. “Thank you… for everything today. You saved both Father Hauser and me. So thank you.”

“Well if you really want to thank me, do you know how many times you smiled today?”

Helena clutched herself and cast her gaze to the ground, unable to look at him. She had made a deal that she would kiss him if he got her to smile ten times, and she had. She had to follow through. But… it was her first kiss, and with HIM. But a deal was a deal. She looked up at him, hoping he wouldn’t see her terror and humiliation. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips, waiting to feel his. Instead, he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

She opened her eyes, utterly lost. “I thought I had to kiss you on the lips.”

“Don’t get me wrong, your first kiss will be with me. But like your virginity, I’ll claim it when you happily give it to me.” He then cupped her cheek, wiping away her tears. When did she start crying? “Body, mind, and soul; you will be mine and you will give yourself to me, and in turn, I will give you a future of happiness.”

He gave her another kiss, this time on the cheek. He walked away, leaving Helena standing alone in the hallway. As soon as he was gone, she fell to her knees, her body devoid of strength.

‘Oh God, what the Hell is he going to do to me?’

A month ago, had Helena woken up the way had she was now, she might scream, thrash, and likely have a panic attack. Now, she was just little scared but mostly annoyed. She was kneeling on the floor, tied up with binds stretching from her collar and securing her wrists and ankles behind her. She was wearing nothing except a strip of cloth over her eyes and some kind of gag. Instead of a ball, it used a metal ring that held her mouth open.

She was certain she was still in her dorm room from the feel of the carpet, and while she instinctively wanted to scream, she knew that of course, Xavier was using his powers to soundproof the room. Hell, she couldn’t even wake up Sophie if she wanted to. She didn’t know which was worse: the binds, her nudity, the mask, or the gag. With the binds, she couldn’t move or fight back; with her nudity, she felt nothing protecting her from Xavier’s eyes; with the mask, she couldn’t tell where he was or what he was doing; with the gag, she couldn’t stop herself from drooling with her tongue hanging out and there was no telling what he would put in her mouth. Plus the posture wasn’t very comfortable.

A shiver ran through her as he lifted her chin, feeling his breath on her face. “My, my, your heart is so calm. Your pulse is racing, but it’s not nearly as erratic as it would have been a while ago. You aren’t excited out of fear, but out of arousal.”

Helena angrily groaned, unable to form any kind of words. Without her gag, she would have let loose a stream of swears that would have even made the Devil blush.

“Relax, I’m not going to do anything terrible to you. Remember that conversation we had at lunch? You really should be eating more.”

He inserted his fingers into her mouth, playing with her tongue. She tried to pull away, both with her body and the wet tendril. With his other hand, Xavier held the leash to her collar, keeping her from leaning back. By holding his lower jaw, he was able to keep her from shaking her head. Against her pride, she gave in and let her body go limp. Her hatred for Xavier had reached new heights, the feeling of his fingers in her mouth made her want to throw up. At least he had done a thorough job in washing his hands. She didn’t taste any oils or sweat, and from the feel of it, he had manicured his nails.

He soon pulled his fingers from her mouth. “I’ve noticed that the school places a heavy workload of really complex stuff on us students. I’m surprised you kids aren’t pulling your hair out over your homework. If you want to keep up, you need to give your body what it requires. Your brain needs glucose in order to function.”

He reinserted fingers, but now there was something sticky on them. It tasted really sweet. Was it… honey? Her tongue moved against her will and lapped it away, while he stirred his fingers and smeared the thick dew around her mouth. It was strange to taste pure honey without anything to absorb the flavor. It was so concentrated and delicious. Once she finished licking his fingers clean, he lathered them in more honey. This time, she didn’t bother trying to resist him. She simply allowed him to play with her tongue while she basked in the sweet taste.

“I’ve also noticed that you’re under a lot of stress. I think that you should work a little harder to protect your mood. Did you know that chocolate cures depression?”

As per his words, when he put his fingers in her mouth, she could taste chocolate, like he had just dipped them in some hot fudge. Helena absolutely loved chocolate, and as it swirled in her mouth, she felt her hatred of the situation wane. It continued on like that for some unknown length of time, with Xavier painting his fingers with different foods and letting Helena slurp it up. She tasted all kinds of chocolate, jams and jellies of different berries, whipped cream and frosting, and even peanut butter. As if reading her mind, he would pour different beverages down her throat whenever she got thirsty, to help her wash down the dessert. She eventually got used to the situation, deciding she might as well try to look on the bright side and get some enjoyment out of it. Before long, her chin, chest, and stomach were sticky from the drool running from her mouth.

At last, Xavier picked her up and laid her on her bed. She struggled a little bit, hating the feeling of her naked body touching his. Lying on her back with her legs spread against her will, she wondered what he was going to do with her now. The answer came with the sensation of something cold on her lips, being moved back and forth. It was melting, the drops falling into her mouth. She tasted… blueberry? It was a blue Popsicle. A lot of the things Xavier had fed her were foods that she had never tasted before, and this was something to add to that list. He slid it up and down in her mouth, letting her bask in the delicious flavor. He would sometimes push it in poke the back of her throat, but normally just rolled it around the insides of her cheeks.

Chuckling, he pulled away, leaving Helena to wonder what was going on. A few seconds passed by in which she began to get scared. Bound, gagged, and blindfolded; she felt more vulnerable than ever in her life, and there was no telling what he was doing into the background. She then yelped as she felt him press the Popsicle down on her left areola, as if he was putting out a cigarette. It felt so cold and stung the sensitive nerve endings in her nipple. He dragged it across her chest, making her shiver before pressing it down on her right areola. He moved back and forth, teasing her with the frozen desert until her nipples stood like pencil erasers. Unable to see what was going on, the touch of the cold treat felt a thousand times more intense than it would before. Her mind was heightening the sensations, being used against her. So this was why he had blindfolded her…

He put it back in her mouth, letting her suck away the melting drops. After again having her deep-throat it, he pulled it out and dragged it down her chest, continuing on to leave a blue line down her belly. She writhed and struggled, knowing what he was going to do. Using his powers to keep her pinned, he at last brushed the Popsicle against her vagina, making her whole body tense up. To feel such cold temperatures at that spot made her want to cry out. The sensations she felt weren’t exactly painful, but they were strange.

He continued moving it back and forth against her labia, teasing her and sometimes prodding her clit. Then, he began to insert it. Helena screamed through the metal ring, unable to shape the words to beg him not to take her virginity like this. He stopped after only spreading her lips, simply wanting to expose her interior to the cold. She could feel the Popsicle melting, unable to withstand the heat of her pussy. Its cold, sticky drips were running down and dripped from her pussy as well as her unwanted arousal.

Xavier removed the treat and she could hear him slurping up the taste of her femininity from it, mixed in with the artificial blueberry taste. He continued toying with her in this manner, dragging it across her body and then taking turns with her to taste it. During her turns, she would have her deep-throat it as a substitute phallus, while he would stir his fingers around in her honeypot. Once it was nothing more than a cold stick, she knew something new was going to happen.

“Now, it’s time for MY treat.”

Instead of putting anything in her mouth, he drizzled something across her chest, and from the smell of it, Helena could tell it was chocolate syrup. He certainly wasn’t stingy around her breasts and pussy. She lay there, dressed in a sticky black web. Oh God, was he going to…?

Xavier leaned down and lapped up the chocolate syrup on her stomach, making her shudder from the touch of his tongue. He continued to licking her, savoring the taste of her body more than the chocolate. She tried to contain her disgust, the feeling of his molestation. In a way it was worse than when he had his fingers in her mouth.

“My, my, your skin is just so soft and delicious.”

He came up to her chest and she writhed as he felt him paint her breasts with his tongue. She could not deny the pleasure she was feeling. The way he was playing with her areolas, massaging them with his tongue, it felt even better than when she played with them herself. Then, when he closed his lips around her right nipple, an unintentional moan slipped out. Knowing he had struck a nerve, Xavier continued sucking on her breasts, pulling the whines of euphoria out of her. Soon enough though, he got bored and decided to continue on his way. He moved down, kissing her naked body as he did so. She knew where he was going, and if he continued the way he was, she didn’t know how long she would be able to retain what little dignity she had left.

Soon enough, he arrived at her pussy. He immediately went to work, licking up every small drop of chocolate syrup. Then, once she was mostly clean, he flitted his tongue between the lips, making her shudder. The feel of his sinful mouth tasting her innocence made her sick. Smiling to himself, he began to kiss it, her lips against his, while he worked his tongue inside her. His mouth roamed her womanhood, switching back and forth between her erect clit, to the entrance, to her depths. She was certain that his tongue was longer than it should have been. She could feel it slithering through her deepest recesses like some unholy serpent.

Everything she was feeling went beyond any other sensation in her life. This made masturbation feel like scratching a bug bite. It felt… it felt… so GOOD! She never wanted it to end! She prayed to God, begging him not to stop Xavier, but to forgive her for how much she was enjoying getting eaten out like this. It took only a few minutes for her to cum, easily causing her the greatest orgasm of her life. Even after she reached her climax, he didn’t stop.

She didn’t know how long it went on like that, how long he continued to work his tongue and lips against her gate of paradise. It felt like hours, and she had no doubt that it was close to that. She had no idea how many orgasms she had, but each one was better than the last. Xavier just kept going, never tiring. He simply drank in her arousal like wine out of a glass. Every time she came, she felt her mind growing weaker, her memories fading. After a while, it was a struggle for her to remember who she was.

Finally, Xavier sat up and cricked his neck. “Ah, delicious. Well, I think it’s time I let you get some rest. I’m going to go put my tongue on ice.”

He snapped his fingers and her restraints disappeared, along with her gag and blindfold. She was too tired to do anything, even open her eyes. Xavier leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. “Soon, you shall give yourself to me, and I won’t need to tie you up to feast on you. I can’t wait for that day to arrive.”

Chapter 10

“Oh God! Please! No more!”

Sister Olivia was sobbing on the floor, having woken up in the church for another night of torture. She still believed this to just be a recurring nightmare. Xavier strode towards her, a hungry gleam to his eyes. He gave her a hard kick, knocking her onto her back and then setting his foot on her throat.

“That’s right, keep begging. Beg for mercy.”

She tried to push him off her, struggling to breathe. “Please, I just want this to stop! I don’t want to suffer anymore!”

“The suffering will never stop, not as long as I can laugh at your screams and lick up your tears. Now, let’s see how long it will take for you to beg for death.”

He took a few steps back and snapped his fingers. Her nightgown and underwear was burned off her body, and from the ceiling and walls, hooked threads lunged for her like the tongues of frogs. The hooks all dug into her skin like sutures, each one an inch apart, making her cry out in full-body agony. The ones going through her nipples and labia hurt the most. Heightening the volume of her screams, the threads all became taut, and as one, lifted her into the air. She hung above the pews, blood streaming from her wounds. Every drop caught the light of the surrounding candles like a molten ruby, while the web of threads almost looked like the wings of a demented angel. Her eyes were rolled back into her head, her mind struggling to retain its sanity. Xavier stood under her, opening his mouth and catching the drops of her blood on his tongue like they were snowflakes.

Reaching into his coat pockets, he pulled out two metal dildos, connected by a wire. He inserted them into her ass and pussy, and by holding the wire, channeled a violent electric current into the sex toys. Sister Olivia screamed and thrashed as a near flesh-melting charge was driven into her rectum and her cervix. The shock to her genitals invoked something that could not be called an orgasm, but made her give a similar cry, regardless of how agonizing it was. Electrocution was one of Xavier’s favorite methods of torture, especially to the erogenous zones.

The charges dropped and jumped like a heartbeat, pulsing through her muscles and making her jerk. Every time she moved, she inadvertently pulled against the hooks in her skin, widening the injuries. It didn’t take long for her to rip free of one, and like an opening zipper, it caused a domino effect in which her weight overpowered the hooks’ hold on her. In a vast splatter of blood, over a hundred deep cuts were opened across her body from the hooks ripping free. She fell to the floor with the entire front of her body as a shredded mess. Only her face remained recognizable.

Xavier snapped his fingers and her body was fully healed, leaving her in utter shock from the indescribable pain she had just suffered. “Don’t tell me you’re tired already? You know we still have hours left before you need to wake up.”

The next night, Sister Olivia was on all fours, crawling with bibles from the pews stacked on her back. She was wearing horse blinders with a gag in her mouth, and weights were hanging from her pierced nipples and pussy lips. She was sobbing as the metal spheres pulled on her, struggling to maintain her balance. Every “step” she took was agony, but she couldn’t let her balance falter. She reached out with her hand, but went out too far. The swinging of the weights on her nipples made her flinch, causing one of the bibles to fall off.

‘Oh no! Oh God, no!’

It hit the ground, and with it, the end of Xavier’s cattle prod was pressed to her rear end. She collapsed as the shock ravaged her, screaming in agony. He ground it deep into her soft flesh like he was putting out a cigarette, laughing as he did so. “Bad girl, you let them fall. Your posture is a disgrace.”

He gave a twirl of his finger and she was pulled back up onto all fours and the bibles returned to her back. “Now, again.”

Trying not to shake her body, she gave a tearful nod and continued crawling. A new burn wound was forming on her ass, one of countless others from the hour spent in this horrible exercise.

The night after, Sister Olivia was hovering in the church, her limbs outstretched and unmoving. She was rotating as if in a gyroscope, while above her, a hundred candles burned. A glob of liquid wax fell from one of the candles and splattered on her hip, making her whine. It felt like a drop of burning gasoline. Another one fell, this one hitting her face. For every one that made its mark, dozens missed her by mere centimeters and fell down to the floor.

Xavier was below her, watching with a grin. “Tell me, which is worse? The pain?” A red blot splattered on her areola, just barely missing her nipple. She cried and tried to pull at her invisible bonds, feeling the wax searing the tender skin. “Or the anticipation? At any moment, one drop could fall and land right in your eye.”

She continued to turn, and above her, the top of one of the candles gave way like a mudslide, and a tablespoon of molten wax splashed across her ass.

“That’s how your students felt, wondering when you would snap and take out your irrational rage on them. You see, that’s the difference between us. Your sadism goes hand in hand with your temper and thin skin. Speaking of thin skin…” Olivia whimpered as several drops hit her face, peppering her like freckles. One had hit her eyelid and she was blinking to try and cool it. “Oh, yeah, the face hurts the most. The skin is really thin and filled with nerve endings. It’s why face tattoos are so rare, even amongst the most devoted ink enthusiasts.”

She screamed as drop hit her left labia lip, hurting her even more than the ones across her face.

“While me, I’m always in control. People aren’t my victims; they are my toys. But you…” He swirled his fingers, causing all of the candles to overturn. A sheet of melted wax poured on her, scalding the front of her body. Her breasts and pussy felt like they were being burned off and her clitoris felt like it was being jabbed with a car lighter. “You’re my punching bag.”

Blood was pouring onto the floor, with Olivia wondering how much she would have to lose before she died. She was hanging from the ceiling with shackles around her wrists. Xavier was using his powers to restore her blood reserves, keeping her alive and conscious. Dangling from his fingertips were wires, formed from his own body. He swung one hand and whiplashed her with the wires, controlling their movements and increasing their weight. She cried out as five cuts opened across her breasts, as if he had just slashed her with box cutters.

“A strange feeling, isn’t it? The feel of a blade cutting your flesh? It stings, like when you drag your fingernail across a sunburn.” He slashed her again, this time across the thighs. Her legs were completely painted with blood. “Can you feel the weight of your skin pulling at the cuts? Spreading them apart?”

He delivered several deep cuts on her wrists, severing every vein. Grinning, he used his powers to not only restore her blood as it was lost, but produce more and raise her blood pressure. The crimson fluid was spraying from her wrists, drenching her in a shower. She tried to see through it all, feeling it turning her hair into sticky rope. She could feel the pressure in her veins, in her brain. Her heart didn’t know what to do with all the blood, whether to slow down or speed up.

“Then there is the next layer of pain. It comes from your own body, the sting of the salt in your blood and sweat. Ironic, isn’t it?”

Letting himself become drenched, Xavier leaned in and began slurping up the blood off her tits like it was melted ice cream, indulging his demonic thirst. He then crouched down, letting the blood run down his throat as he licked her pussy. “Ah, delicious. The taste of a virgin woman.”

In his hand appeared a wineglass, which his used to collect the blood pouring from her wounds. He took a few steps away, drinking from the glass gluttonously and then pouring it on his face. “To people like you, blood is repulsive. That salty, iron taste. But to people like me… well, I don’t think “people” is the right word… blood is delicious. It’s sweet as sugar, like tea almost.”

Turning back around, he threw the glass at the statue of Jesus at the back of the church and struck it in the face. Once he had had his fill, he stood back up and swung both of his arms. Obeying his will, the wires wrapped around Sister Olivia’s body in the tortoiseshell formation.

“Watch out, folks! Rows 1 through 4 are a splash zone!”

He pulled on the wires in a sudden, violent jerk. The binds sheered through her skin and the walls of the church became splattered with gore.

Sister Olivia wandered back and forth in her bedroom, muttering prayers to herself to try and stay awake. It was three in the morning but she refused to let herself fall asleep. If she didn’t sleep, she couldn’t dream, and if she couldn’t dream, that man couldn’t get her. She didn’t care how long she had to stay awake; she couldn’t handle another night of torture. She rubbed her eyes, trying to ease the stinging dryness. She pulled her hands away and found herself no longer in her room. She had been transported into the church. She immediately screamed and fell to her knees, beating herself to try and wake up from this “dream”.

Xavier stood over, chuckling in amusement at her fear. “Oh, don’t tell me you still think this is a dream.” Her sobbing stopped and she looked up at him with wide eyes. “That’s right, you heard me. All this time, you thought that it was your conscience torturing you, projecting my image as the one who defied you and punished you in ways that you never thought possible. But I am real, this is all happening. It’s time for you to learn who your master is.”

Leaning down, he pressed his tongue to her neck, making her scream as she was branded. He pulled away, leaving her flesh smoldering. She covered the wound with her hand and gasped as she felt the three sixes. “No… it can’t be… the mark of the Beast… Then that means you are…”

“The one and only. The bible says that in Armageddon, I will be defeated and Christ shall bring about a thousand years of peace, but is that true? I stand unopposed, with no God above me, no nemesis before me, and all of mankind below me. It is time for humanity to learn its place. It is time for a new world order. Soon, you and every other human will bow before me and the earth will become mine.” He then reached into his pants and pulled out his cock. “But until then, I think I’ll settle with raping you until you bleed.”

Helena sat in Father Hauser’s hospital room, clutching his hand and listening to the sound of his heart monitor. She visited him every day, every time she had the chance. She needed him to wake up, but a part of her hoped he wouldn’t, because then it would mean Xavier had done something kind and had kept his word. But why did she feel that way? What was it that was twisting her emotions this way?

She opened her mouth, feeling the need to say something, but unsure of what. “Everyone misses you at the school. Especially me.” The comatose priest did not reply. A minute passed by. She did not know why she said it, but she uttered the words. “Xavier is the Antichrist and he’s holding me captive.”

For once, her collar didn’t act up and her throat didn’t close. It seemed that since she was confessing to someone who couldn’t actually hear her, it didn’t count as revealing his secret. Either way, she shuddered in relief, as if a neck massager was pressed right to a knot in her back. Words failed to describe how good it felt to at last say what the problem was, even if Father Hauser couldn’t help her.

“He’s a horrible, deceitful man. He says he wants to take over the world and make me his queen.” She let out a bitter laugh, feeling the fermented tension melting from her soul. “He thinks that he can win me over. Again and again, I’ve watched him rape my roommate while I was paralyzed in my bed. Once or twice, he even molested me. He would do this thing with his fingers and… ugh, you don’t want to hear about that.”

From there, it all erupted into a slurry of words, as everything Helena had bottled up came flooding out. Strange, though, that she was smiling while she spoke, even when she described some of the most terrible moments of her situation. There were times when she began to cry while telling the story, but still, she smiled and even laughed.

“Please, Father, I need your advice. I hate him. I hate him so much that I can’t even describe it. So why? Why is that the longer he’s around, the easier it is from him to make me smile and laugh? I’ll think back to all the times he raped Sophie and I’ll remember the sound of her screams of pain, I’ll remember all those humiliating trials he put me through, but then in my mind, I’ll see him with that dog in the park. I’ll remember when he protected me from Sister Olivia and helped me with those muggers. I imagine myself back in the pool.

He keeps saying that he’ll win my heart, but I don’t want him to. I don’t want to fall in love with him. I just want to hate him and feel nothing but that. Every day, my will weakens and it becomes harder and harder for me to fight back against him. If I at least knew what I was supposed to do, it would be different. I’m all alone and I have no clue how to beat him. Please, tell me how I can put a stop to this. How I can make everything go back to the way it was before?” At last the room was silent, and after some deep breaths, she smiled, gave a sad sigh, and stood up. “I didn’t think so, but thank you… for listening.”

Feeling like her soul was a fraction of its former weight, she left the hospital and began the walk back to her school. It was a beautiful day, and for that brief reprieve, it felt like nothing could go wrong and everything was as it should be. Then, of course…


Helena was knocked to the ground as she turned a corner and bumped into someone. Looking up, she muttered a very unchristian swear. Xavier was looking down at her, a quizzical expression on his face. “Huh. You may not believe me, but I actually had no plans to bother you today, so this is quite interesting.”

He offered to help her up but she smacked his hand aside and got to her feet. “Yeah, right. Why else would you bump into me like this?”

“I actually had business in town and was making my way back to the school. I’m guessing you’re doing the same. Let’s walk together.”

“You’re just going to follow me if I go an alternate route, aren’t you?”


Helena gave a loud groan and strode past him. “You’re not allowed to hold my hand or do anything like that.”

Xavier chuckled. “Yes dear.”

For the first few minutes, the walking was silent. Helena almost forgot that Xavier was there. Soon enough though, it broke.

“You were visiting Father Hauser, weren’t you?”

Helen straightened her posture and deepened her voice. “Yes, I was.”

“You said before that he was like an actual father to you, what did you mean?” Helena didn’t respond, not wanting him anywhere near her memories or personal secrets. “You know, I reversed his brain damage and I removed a really nasty tumor on his pancreas. You could at least talk to me.”

‘Goddammit, now he’s guilt-tripping me.’

She took a deep breath, working up the courage to speak. “When I came here, to Rosewood University… I hated men. I absolutely despised them and thought I could never trust them. Hell, it wasn’t even men, I was just afraid of everybody. I would attack anyone who came close to me. I was like a wild animal, nothing more than a feral creature in a schoolgirl outfit. Soon after I arrived, I found myself in the corner of the cafeteria. I had taken a knife from the kitchen and was swinging it at the teachers trying to approach. I was high on adrenaline and terror, and thought that they would do something terrible to me if they got me.”

She glanced up at Xavier and saw a peculiar look on his face. He was stoic… almost somber.

“Then Father Hauser came. He was smiling, but I didn’t trust him. A lot of men smiled before doing something cruel. He reached out to me and I stabbed at his hand. The blade went through his palm like the stigmata, but with little more than a wince of pain, he clutched my hand and said, “God will forgive you if you are sorry, but don’t do something that you can’t forgive”. I just fell apart and burst into tears and he held me with his hand still bleeding. From then on, he was like an actual father to me. He taught me to trust people, how to not live in fear and anger, and to accept the love of God. He’s been my oldest friend, as well as my dearest.”

She came to a stop, lost in thought, feeling like her emotions were going to pour out of her like tears. She then turned as Xavier gently interlaced his fingers with hers, raised her hand, and kissed the back of it. It took her a moment to react to the gentle action, but she quickly pulled her hand away with her face flushed. “W-what the hell was that?!”

He gave a small smile. “I just felt like giving you some affection. Tell you what, if you’d like, we can split up here. You can walk back to the school alone.”

She looked away from him, pouting. “We’re already so close to the campus, there is no point. But don’t touch me again.”

“Sorry, just one more time…”

She closed her eyes as his fingers approached her face. Oh God, was he going to stick them in her mouth like he had done the other night? No, he simply brushed back a lock of her hair and tucked it behind her ear, then cupped her cheek. At that moment, Helena had never felt so small. She felt like a tiny bird cradled in his palm, but his hand… it felt so… gentle. After a couple seconds, he released her and continued walking, leaving her with her heart racing.

She took a deep breath and then followed. “By the way, what were you doing here in town?”

He looked at her with an evil grin. “Are you sure you want to know?”

She shuddered. “No, scratch that.”

An hour earlier:

“Welcome to our new home.”

Lily gazed in amazement at the small flat, unable to believe what was going on. Out of nowhere, Xavier had just told her that he had gotten a part-time job and was using his money to get an apartment for them. Her mind had been spinning the whole time as he led her across Rome to this one bed/one bath.

“So we’re really going to be living here?”

He pulled her in close and kissed her on the top of the head. “Like husband and wife.”

“Oh, this is what I’ve always dreamed of having! But what about school?”

“Well I’ll need to keep attending so that I can graduate and get a better job for us. But you don’t need to worry about going back. You didn’t have friends and I doubt the teachers cared. No one there will miss you.”

Her slender shoulders slunk and she clutched his arm, needing him with her. ‘That’s right, nobody cares about me but Xavier. Without him, I’m all alone. I have to do whatever I can to keep our life like this.’

“But as you know, life isn’t fair. There is a catch to all of this. The job I have doesn’t pay enough for us to stay here. It only covered the security deposit. For this to be our home, you need to make money as well.”

“But… I’m too young. Nobody will hire me.”

“Well, I suppose you could always… use your body. You were able to clear my debt with that loan shark, so there’s nothing stopping you from doing it again to bring in some income.”

Lily’s heart stopped. Do that… again? That awful experience with that disgusting man? And others?!

Xavier looked at her and sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry, I can’t ask you to do that. I guess we’ll just have to enjoy this place while we have it. Maybe someday we have a home of our own, but not today.”

“No! No! I’ll do it! I’ll do whatever you need to do!”

He smiled and rubbed her head. “Good girl, I’m so proud of you. I already know a few people who will pay good money for you. I’ll call them and tell them to come over.”

Sophie was standing in her room in her underwear, looking in the mirror over her dresser. Helena had yet to return from dinner, so she had some time to reflect. She ran her hand around her throat, trying to feel for the collar. Every day, Xavier would attack her somewhere in the school, drag her to some corner or closet, and rape her. It could last either a few minutes or a few hours. Every time he violated her, he would pull on her leash and her collar would appear. He claimed he liked the face she made when she choked her with it. She knew that Xavier was no ordinary human, that he had powers like that of a demon. What in God’s name was he? With all the stress she was under, it was a miracle that her grades hadn’t plummeted. She had taken to obsessive studying to keep her thoughts occupied. How long was this going to last? How long was he going to torture her like this?

Down the hall, Helena was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. Staring into the mirror at her reflection, her arm slowed. She reached up and touched her throat. She could feel the collar, always there. That bind, that link between her and Xavier… How could she break it? How could she free herself? If she could keep her will strong and resist him, would he keep his word and leave her unharmed? Or would his patience run out and eventually he take her violently as he had seen him do with Sophie so many times?

But… what would happen if she did give in? Was this all just a big mind game? If she gave in to him, would he just laugh at her feelings, say it was a joke, and enslave her even worse than he had already? Or would he really make her his queen? If he did take over the world, where and what would she be? Would she be some piece of meat in a dungeon, a slave for him to torment and abuse when he got bored? Would she rule the world at his side and share his throne… and his bed? It used to be so easy and simple before. When this started, she saw him as pure evil, a heartless monster holding her captive, the subject of her most intense hatred. Now things were so complicated. She had seen a side of him that she didn’t want to see, a human side that extinguished her hatred.

Sister Olivia sat in her shower, trying to scrub herself clean of the filth that caked her soul. He would come for her as he had every night. He would come and make her life Hell. What would he do to her tonight? Would he torture her like a prisoner of war? Or would he rape every hole in her body until she was drenched in her blood and his seed? She felt like she was losing her mind. She could barely eat, teach, or even think. And sleep? She didn’t want to sleep; she’d rather die than sleep. She wanted to tell someone what was going on, but Xavier had forbidden her, and when she even thought of doing it, she could feel that cursed collar activate. Maybe it would be best for her to kill herself. God would understand, right?

Summer had arrived, and with it came summer vacation. For two weeks, students from abroad could go home and spend time with their families. For those with no home to go back to, all the schoolwork was optional for extra credit, but the school did everything possible to keep the students busy. Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop. Sophie was standing in the train station with several other students, all boarding trains for different points across Europe. With her was Helena, saying goodbye.

“Are you sure I can’t talk you into coming home with me? My parents would love to have you and my little sister really wants to see you again.”

Helena sighed with a sad smile and shook her head. “Thank you, but I can’t. Trust me, I’d give my right arm for a real vacation, but I need to do a lot extra credit work and get my grades up. But do give everyone my regards.”

The call was given that the train to Paris was boarding, meaning it was time for Sophie to go. Giving her friend a tight hug, she picked up her bag and made her way onto the train. She slumped into her seat, sighing in bliss. Finally, she was away from this school, away from him.

Marian jumped from the car and tackled her older sister, sending the two girls tumbling to the ground in the parking lot of the Paris train station. At fourteen years of age, Marian was the spitting image of her older sister, with the same blonde hair and blue eyes, though of course, she was shorter and her breasts weren’t as large. The two girls hugged each other while their parents laughed, glad that the whole family was back together.

Having returned home, Sophie’s pain vanished and she was happier than she had been in months. The drive to the countryside was beautiful, with Sophie and Marian chattering in French in the backseat. Once home, they had a delicious dinner and Sophie told her family about everything going on at Rosewood University, laughing as she talked about Helena and her fight with Sister Olivia. That night, she collapsed on her bed, smiling and exhausted. It felt so good to be in her own home, her own room, her own bed, and to be able to sleep without a roommate nearby. At last, she could relax.


The sound made her body tense up and her heart struggle to beat. Trembling from head to toe, she sat up and looked around. She saw him, Xavier, hovering outside her window, with his eyes glowing red and his sharp teeth gleaming.

Tears began to run from her eyes as she worked to pull in a single breath of air. “No! No! No, please! This can’t be happening! Not here!”

Without moving his body, Xavier floated forward. The bedroom window and the wall around it dissolved from his touch, the edges glowing with lit embers as he burned his way through.

He entered her bedroom, a deep laugh echoing from his throat. “Did you really think you could escape from me? Did you really think you could run away? That there was any place in this world that I wouldn’t follow? No, you are mine. You are my slave, my toy, my property. I will torment you until the day I grow bored and then I will eat you like a steak dinner. Your life belongs to me. Now get up and undress.”

Trying to hold in her tears, Sophie got to her feet and pulled off her nightgown, then did the same with her bra and panties. She got on all fours on the bed, her ass pointed to Xavier. She was used to this routine.

“Ok, I’m ready.”

“Oh, not yet. I didn’t come here so that I could have my way with just you.”

His words pierced her chest like bullets of ice.

“No… no, you can’t mean…”

Laughing, Xavier strode to her door. Screaming in fear, Sophie tried to stop him, but he snapped his fingers and activated her collar. She fell to her knees, the demonic restraint draining her strength and weighing down on her.

“Please, I’m begging you! Not my sister! Not Marian! I’ll do whatever you want! Just please don’t hurt her!”

“Oh, don’t worry, at least now you won’t have to go through this alone.”

He left her bedroom and made his way down the dark hall. He was using his powers to put Sophie’s parents in a deep coma, and without any neighbors nearby, no help would come. He arrived at Marian’s room and opened the door.

Having yet to fall asleep, she rolled over to see who it was. “Huh? Sophie?”

Her eyes fell on Xavier and her blood ran cold with terror. She sat up and scrambled against the wall, knowing that this man was evil. “Who are you?! What do you want?!”

“I’m your new master. As for what I want, I want you.”

He moved across the room, engulfed in a fog-like shadow. Marian screamed and tried to get away, but he grabbed her arm and used his other hand to rip off her nightgown and underwear. She writhed in his grip, completely naked and with tears running down her face.

“My, my, what a beautiful body you have. I’m going to enjoy sampling it.”

He then loosened his grip and allowed her to slip free. She rushed into the hall and began banging on her parents’ door, but nothing she could do would ever wake them. She then ran to Sophie’s room and saw her on the floor, naked like herself and with the collar glowing.

“Run, Marian!”

More terrified than ever in her life, she sprinted downstairs and outside, not even bothering to put her shoes on. Xavier stepped out the front door and watched her run, the moonlight shining on her pale skin. Gasping for air and struggling to fight the weight of the collar, Sophie collapsed beside him, having dragged herself from her room.

“Watch this.” Xavier held up his hand, and out in the fields surrounding Sophie’s home, Marian tripped as if caught in a trap. She screamed, feeling an invisible force dragging her back towards the house. “Now, go out there and bring her to me.”

Sophie looked at him, mortified by this command. “No! I won’t let you hurt her!”

“You know neither of you can escape. As you can see, I don’t even need you to bring her back. But if you don’t, I will punish the two of you. Everything you’ve suffered until now will be nothing. I will spend the entire night torturing you, taking turns so that both sisters can watch the other one be pushed to the brink of madness and death. I will make you endure more pain than you ever thought possible, and within minutes, you will beg me to brutalize her instead and let you rest. And then, I will kill you and your entire family.”

He then released Marian, letting her get back on her feet and continue running, as well as took the weight of Sophie’s collar and give her back her strength. “You can either chase her down and drag her back so that I can rape you both, or you can stand aside and seal your fates. Your choice.”

Crying, Sophie slowly stood up and staggered off the porch. She began to run, feeling the night air kissing her naked body and trying to ignore the pain in her feet from the uneven ground. She could see Marian, sprinting for dear life through the field. She wanted to run away with her with every fiber of her being, to escape from that house and Xavier, but she knew that she could not escape, neither of them could. Xavier would have his way with them, and all she could do was try to save Marian from the worst, even if it meant carrying her to him.

With her longer legs and desperation giving her speed, she at last tackled her younger sister, knocking the two of them to the ground. Their naked bodies entangled, Marian struggled to get out from under Sophie. “Sophie, what are you doing?!”

“I’m sorry, but we have to go back.”

“No! He’s evil! He’ll hurt us!”

“I know, but he’ll do worse if we don’t obey! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! We have to do what he says!”

She got to her feet, pulling Marian with her. Her younger sister struggled with everything she had, slapping and kicking Sophie, but she would not release her. She began dragging her back to the house, knowing exactly what Xavier was going to do. How had her life become so horrible? Here she was, betraying her sister, the person she loved more than anyone else in the world. Now she was forcefully dragging her to this monster so that he could violate them. The whole time, Marian struggled against her, even when she picked her up and carried her on her shoulder. By the time they had returned to Xavier, she had calmed down, petrified with fear and helplessness. The two sisters stood before him, able to see his maniacal grin even in the dark.

“Well aren’t you a cute little thing? This is going to be a fun night.” He turned to Sophie. “You two got dirty out there. Take her to the bathroom and clean yourselves up.” He then reached between Marian’s legs and felt her vagina. The young girl whimpered and clung to her sister. “Also, shave her. I like my girls to be smooth.”

Still crying, Sophie nodded and led Marian upstairs, where they locked themselves in the bathroom. Marian broke down in tears, while Sophie, trying to maintain some form of her composure, got a damp washcloth and began rubbing her down.

“Why? Why are you doing this? Why do we have to do this?”

“He’s forcing me to. Listen, I know what he’s going to do, and I would normally die rather than let him touch you. If we don’t do this, he’ll do so much worse. Please, just remember that I’m doing this so that we’ll stay alive. I need you to be strong.”

“Can’t Mom and Dad help us?”

“No, he won’t let them. It’s just you and me.”

Once they had prepared themselves, they stepped out of the bathroom and returned to Sophie’s room. Xavier was there, looking out at the countryside through the hole he had burned in the wall. He had already taken off his clothes.

He turned to them and smiled. “You both look terrified. Sophie, to help ease your little sister’s fear, how about we show her what I’m going to do with her. Let her warm up to it. Start by giving me some love with your mouth.” Reluctantly forsaking her sister’s side, Sophie took a step forward, but Xavier stopped her. “No, crawl like the bitch you are.”

Accustomed to his cruelty, she got down onto her hands and knees and crawled over to Xavier. She was trembling in embarrassment, feeling her little sister’s eyes on her naked body as she degraded herself for this monster.

“Good, now beg for it.”

She spoke in a whisper, not wanting Marian to hear her. “Please, Master, let me suck your cock.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you. Speak up.”

She looked up at him and took a trembling breath. “Please, Master! Let me suck your cock!”

“Good girl, go ahead.”

As she had been forced to time and time again, she began rolling his erect manhood around in her mouth, lathering it with her tongue and then sucking it clean of her saliva. Xavier put his hand on the top of her head, smirking as she labored to pleasure him. He looked at Marian, staring into her fearful eyes. Her whole body was trembling, feeling him size her up, anticipating when he would use her as his new toy.

He pointed to her. “You, get on the bed.”

She nervously obeyed, continuing to watch as her sister dirtied her mouth with this man’s penis. Xavier grabbed Sophie by the neck and threw her onto the bed. With her on her back, he forced her legs apart and made her cry out as he entered her. From there, a continuous whine escaped from Sophie’s as he thrust into her like a machine. She didn’t know what hurt more, the cruelty of his cock slamming the entrance to her womb or the gaze of her sister as she was raped. She was holding onto the bed tightly, wishing her breasts would stop bouncing with every thrust. Marian was staring at her, knowing that it had to be really painful by the sounds her sister was making.

“It feels good, doesn’t it? We’ve done this so many times, you must be used to it by now. The horror has dulled and now there is only the pleasure of the act. Come on, cum, you know you want to.”

As miserable as she was, Sophie could not deny his words. Her heart had hardened to the abuse, and with the psychological pain disappearing over time, she was left with pure physical sensation. She hated it, it made her want to die, she was in aguish beyond words, and yet… it still felt good. She turned to Marian, staring back at her, waiting for her older sister to do something courageous, something to show that she was fighting back or resisting in some way. Maybe she could still save her. But no, she was powerless, both against Xavier and her own body.

She could feel it, an orgasm welling. She would give anything for it not to happen, but it was boiling inside her. Sensing it, Xavier suddenly changed position, going from standing perpendicular over her body, to lying down and embracing her in the missionary position. She knew exactly what he was doing, what he was trying to make her do, but she couldn’t stop. With the waves of pleasure building in intensity, she was forced to hold onto him, less like her rapist and more like her lover. At last, she screamed, feeling euphoria flood her body in a sensual explosion.

Xavier stood up, leaving Sophie limp and panting. He turned to Marian. “Look at her, look at the pathetic animal your sister has become. She’s nothing but a piece of meat for me to wrap around my cock. I’ve completely broken her, and I’ll break you the same way.”

He looked down at Sophie and gave her a smack to wake her up. “Get on top of your sister the same way I was on top of you. I want her to see the look on your face when fuck you in the ass.”

Rubbing her cheek to ease the stinging from her smack, she crawled to her sister. “M-Marian, I-I need you to lie down.”

Her voice was so low that even Xavier struggled to hear her. Trembling, Marian lied down on her back and Sophie got on top of her. The two sisters were unable to look at each other and were shuddering from the feel of their naked bodies pressed together. They truly loved each other, but even sibling love could not fully compete with the incestuous awkwardness of full nipple-on-nipple contact. Sophie lifted herself up a little, just enough so that at least their stomachs weren’t touching, but that just reminded them out how their breasts were rubbing together.

Sophie winced as she felt Xavier squeeze her ass.

“Girl, I am going to use your ass until the day you die.”

Sophie looked down at Marian, pressing her forehead against her sister’s. “Please, remember that I love you.”


The moment was broken when Sophie cried out in pain from Xavier forcing himself into her asshole. He had been wet with the juice from her pussy, but it was not enough to ease the burning friction. Continuing to make her cry, he began thrusting into her at full strength and speed. Marian clung to her, wishing there was some way to help her sister and ease the pain, but as her voice began to change, she realized that she wasn’t moaning in agony. Almost immediately, “oh no” and “no, please” became “oh God!” and “oh yes!” with her eyes rolling back into her head and her tongue hanging out. She had never seen this look on Sophie’s face, her sister, who had planned to be a nun, now wearing the mask of pure depravity.

Xavier grabbed her wrists and pulled them back like reins, using that hold to slam her onto his cock. “Say it, say how much you love it.”

Sophie didn’t respond, wanting to retain one shred of dignity. Xavier answered her silence with a hard smack on her ass, making her whole lower body tremble.

“I love it! I love getting my ass raped!”

He let go of her wrists and she collapsed on top of Marian. She wasn’t bothering to hold herself up, and with each slam Xavier made against her, she was pushed forward, leaving Marian to be smothered by her sister’s breasts. It didn’t take long for her to cum, at which point he allowed himself to release himself inside her. Sophie collapsed on her side and Xavier moved over to Marian, hovering his cock over her face.

“Go on, suck it. It’s your turn.”

“No! Get away from me! I won’t do it!”

A twitch of anger crossed his face, and like a striking snaked, he reached out and grabbed Sophie’s right breast, squeezing brutally hard. Sophie gave a bloodcurdling scream of agony and tried to pull away, but Xavier’s hold on her was like iron. With tears in her eyes, Marian tried to free her sister but Xavier smacked her across the face.

“There is only one way to stop this. I suggest you make up your mind, because I may just rip her tit off and eat it in front of you.”

Crying, Marian opened her mouth and let Xavier insert himself into her. The taste of her sister’s asshole was bitter, and the moment his cock touched her tongue, his cum started leaking down her throat and made her gag. Sophie watched helplessly as her sister was violated, Marian’s mouth being used as a fleshlight after Xavier had fucked her asshole. Xavier soon increased his cruelty, forcing his cock all the way into her throat and holding it there. Marian struggled against him, choking on his manhood. She grabbed Sophie’s arm, nonverbally begging her sister to help her.

“Stop it, you’ll kill her!”

“Don’t worry, I know when to stop.”

He waited for a minute until finally pulling out, with Marian immediately vomiting onto the floor and desperately filling her lungs with air.

“Your sister did the same thing when I first enslaved her. Since I didn’t cum, I won’t make you lick it up. Now for the next part. Time for me to pop that cherry of yours.”

At his words, Sophie grabbed her sister and pulled her to the far corner of the bed, trying to shield her. “Please, I’m begging you! Let her go! Let her keep her innocence! I’ll do anything, whatever you want me to do, but please don’t take her virginity! Not like this!”

Xavier gave a booming laugh. “Well, well, what do you know? Your love for your little sister has touched my heart. I’ll be lenient and give you a choice. First, reach under the bed and grab the first thing you feel.”

Her hand shaking, Sophie reached under the bed and the blood drained from her face. She pulled out a double-ended dildo with a wearable harness.

“Here’s your choice: either I can take her virginity or you can.”

Her shoulders shaking, she began to cry while wringing the leather straps of the harness. Marian looked back and forth at Sophie and Xavier, unsure of which was worse.

“Ok… I’ll do it.”

Marian grasped her arm, terrified. “Please! Please don’t do this to me!”

“Damn it, would you rather he do it?!”

Marian shied away from her, feeling like she was all alone in this. She watched as Sophie inserted one end of the dildo in her pussy and secured herself in the harness.

Sophie stared at the strap-on, watched the way it bobbed when she moved. ‘Oh God, this is so wrong…’

Xavier turned to Marian with a grin. “Lie back, spread your legs, and get ready to feel your sister’s love DEEP inside you.”

Marian did as she was told and assumed the position, with Sophie leaning over her. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry for all of this. I never should have come home. Please, forgive me for this.”

“Oh, hold on. That dildo will have a hard time entering her when she’s dry. How about you put your mouth to work and get her nice and wet?”

She looked to Xavier, wanting to flash him a gaze of pure hatred, but her will was too broken. She quietly whispered an apology to her sister and moved down.

“No, wait… what are you doing?”

“I’m so sorry.”

Knowing she would be punished if she hesitated, she began licking her sister’s pussy as if she had done it a thousand times before.

“Don’t! That place is dirty!”

She tried to push Sophie back but she held on, working her tongue in Marian’s pussy. The ethical revulsion was almost too much for her to handle. She wanted to die, the taste of her sister’s pussy filling her mouth like poison. No one should ever do something so sinful. While she licked her sister out, Xavier put his cock back in her mouth. She gave in easier this time, and tried to put in more enthusiasm so that he wouldn’t choke her with it again. All three of them could hear the small squeaks and whines coming from Marian as the feel of Sophie’s tongue in her pussy became more and more intense. As horrible as the situation was, her body was reacting to it.

“Ok, that’ll do. Sophie, fuck her.”

Sitting up, Sophie wiped the pussy juice off her lips, needing a moment to regain her mental bearings. She then moved forward and leaned over, again whispering an apology to her sister. “Marian, I need you to be strong. Please bear with this.”

She inserted the dildo into Marian’s pussy, and immediately she began to writhe and cry from the size of it. Saying she was sorry over and over again, Sophie slowly pushed it in another inch while cupping her sister’s cheek to try and comfort her. She stopped at that point, not sure whether or not she had deflowered Marian yet, but not wanting to go any further.

She looked at Xavier. “Please, please don’t make me do this.”

“How about I help you work up the nerve?”

He climbed onto the bed and got behind her. Before she could ask what he was going to do, he inserted himself into her asshole. Sophie gagged, unable to describe the sensation of being double-teamed by Xavier and the dildo. She felt like she could barely breath, like there was a balloon of some sort expanding in her pelvis. Xavier pulled out just over halfway and then slammed himself back in, turning the three of them into a Newton’s Cradle and forcing Sophie deep into her sister.

Marian screamed at the top of her lungs as the blood of her hymen trickled out and stained the bed sheets. “Oh, it hurts! It hurts so much!”

Sophie embraced her, crying with her sister. “Marian, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

Xavier laughed. “Oh, don’t worry, it’ll feel better soon.”

He pulled out almost all the way and did the same with Sophie, revealing the bloody dildo. He then slammed back into Sophie, and by extension, slammed Sophie into her little sister. They continued on from there, following Xavier’s pace as he not only fucked Sophie in the ass, but used her as a prosthesis to fuck Marian in the pussy. He was essentially wearing Sophie as a condom to fuck her sister. She tried to keep up with him, often feeling like she was pulling out of Marian by pushing herself anadolu yakası otele gelen escort against Xavier’s cock and pulling herself off him by pushing into Marian. How did it all come to this, being forced to rape her sister while she herself was being sodomized?

But then something happened, something that chilled Sophie’s blood and made her want to throw up. Marian’s whimpers of pain and anguish were turning into moans of pleasure, and instead of crying, she had a drunken smile on her face.

“Oh yes, harder! Deeper!”

She even began slurring in French, begging her sister to work the dildo in her pussy.

“No! Marian! You don’t know what you’re saying!”

“Oh Sophie, look at how grown up she has become. To think it would be so easy to turn her. It seems that your sweet and innocent little sister has been hiding something from you. Do you like it, Marian? Do you like getting fucked?”

“Yes! I like getting fucked!”

Smirking, Xavier pulled his cock out of Sophie, then moved over to Marian and forced it into her mouth. “Do a good job cleaning it and I’ll fuck you as hard as you want.”

She did as she was told, eager to feel a real cock in her deflowered slit. She sucked on his manhood with more enthusiasm that her sister had ever shown with Sophie watching her with disappointment. ‘Marian, what has he done to you?’

He then shoved Sophie aside and took her place, forcing herself into Marian’s pussy. Grabbing her hips, it took him only a second to work up to a rapid pounding, making her moan in happiness as he violated her small body. Sophie watched them, having lost the strength to move. Over and over again, Marian would beg him to be even rougher, to fuck her harder. She had spent her whole life protecting her little sister, both her body and her innocence, and in a single night, Xavier had turned her into a hysterical slut.

“I love young girls, their voices are so pure when they scream. You can feel the actual crime of defiling them, turning their beautiful little bodies into cum dumpsters. Say it, say what you are.”

He didn’t have to do anything to force her to speak, she was already wrapped around his finger.

“I’m your cum dumpster!”

“Good girl, now let’s show your sister that beautiful look on your face.”

They changed places, getting into the doggy-style and both faced Marian. Reinserting himself into her, Xavier pulled back on her wrists like he had done with Sophie and increased the brutality of his thrusts, using his cock as a weapon to indulge her almost masochistic euphoria. Her body was not ready to be fucked this hard, but her mind had broken under the pressure and she could not tell the difference between pleasure and pain. Sophie watched them, petrified and ashamed. The look on Marian’s face, the way she grinned with her tongue hanging out and her eyes rolled back, it made her feel sick. Was that the look she had worn when Xavier was sodomizing her?

Xavier snapped his fingers and invisible hands grabbed Sophie, pulling away the strap-on and dragging her across the bed with her legs spread. Before Sophie could stop him, he grabbed the back of Marian’s head and pushed her face into her sister’s snatch. Acting on instinct, she began licking like her life depended on it, replicating was Sophie had done to her.

“No, Marian! Don’t! That’s sinful, that’s¬—”

Marian looked up at her, their eyes locking while she used her tongue to drink in her older sister’s essence. Sophie could see it, the loss of all sense of reason. Did Marian even recognize her? Her baby sister was gone, having been replaced with this mindless whore.

The thrusting stopped as Xavier came, filling Marian with his seed. “Now, let’s see if you’re as much of an anal whore as Sophie.”

He again switched positions, this time lying on his back with Marian on top of him, still facing Sophie with her feet on his knees. Regaining his erection, he jammed himself into her virgin asshole and began bucking his hips like a jackhammer, increasing the volume of her moans of ecstasy. This was her first time doing anal, but to her it was heaven.

“Sophie, look at her. Look at what your sister has become, what I turned her into. Aren’t you glad you led me here? Aren’t you glad that you chased her down and dragged her to me, no matter how much she fought and screamed and begged you to help her? Aren’t you glad you delivered her to me on a silver platter so that I could turn her into my new slave?” Sophie didn’t respond, having no idea what she was supposed to say. “Oh, look, my seed is dribbling out of her. Be a good slave and lick it up.”

Her will broken, Sophie leaned forward and began drinking Xavier’s cum out her little sister’s deflowered pussy, still able to taste the blood from her broken hymen. He soon had another orgasm, shooting his load deep into Marian’s anus. He turned her over and spread her ass cheeks, letting Sophie see the white slime slowly running out of her puckered asshole.

“And lick her clean here too.”

Clutching herself, Sophie worked up the courage to speak. “Why? Why are you doing this to us?”

His demeanor changing, Xavier threw Marian down onto the floor. He lunging for Sophie and he grabbed her by the throat with a strangling grip. As she gasped for breath, his stern expression turned back into a sadistic grin. He took a moment to lick the tears off her face and then answered her. “Ask Helena.”

Chapter 11

From the day Xavier got the apartment, Lily had been hard at work on her back, on her knees, and on all fours, letting endless strangers have their way with her. She had been nervous at first, but after the first few men, she no longer cared. She would simply let them empty themselves into her, maybe suck them off, take a shower, and then get ready for the next guy. Xavier would come back in the evening with food and gifts, claiming he had spent the day busy at work. Everything he bought for her was with the money she had made, if he even bought it at all. She never connected the dots and the gifts kept her happy and docile. They would eat, have sex, and then he would leave to go back to the school to “avoid suspicion”. Then more men would come and fuck her. She never had enough time to be bored or even leave the apartment. She was always in the bedroom, letting strangers brutalize her, always with thoughts of Xavier in her mind.

Lily’s body was completely drained of strength, yet her arms continued to pump as she jacked off the two men. A third had his cock in her mouth, a fourth was fucking her pussy, and a fifth was sodomizing her. The apartment was filled with men, all eagerly awaiting their turn with the young whore. She had been selling her body since Xavier got the apartment, but she had never gone this long and with this many men. She had tried resisting at first, but no longer bothered asking for mercy or to be gentle. They merely laughed at her and some other man would force himself into a bruised orifice.

Her only rest came when she passed out, and she would wake up the same way she fell asleep, with some stranger raping her. Her stomach was literally full of cum, the only thing she had “eaten” in however long had this had been going on. Quite often, some man would force her to deep-throat him and he would trigger her gag reflex, causing her to vomit out the slurry of semen and stomach acid and further dirty the sticky bed. Her pussy and anus were in same state, two waterfalls of semen from the dozens of men that had ejaculated into her, and she was pretty sure they were both bleeding. Her jaw was killing her, her whole mouth sore beyond description.

At this point, her mind was just a blur. She didn’t remember her name, her past, or anything outside of this room. She no longer knew that they were supposed to be paying her for this. She didn’t know how long they had been using her. She only remembered seeing the sun fall, rise, and fall again. Xavier had never come back in that time. Her whole body hurt, and every time a man thrust into her, it felt like she was being penetrated with broken glass. Regardless, she was too exhausted and her mind was too burned out for her to cry.

Some man would approach the semen-drenched bed, pull her over, and on instinct, she would spread her legs so that he could force himself inside her and start thrusting. When someone stuck his cock in her face, she would start sucking it with the skill of an Amsterdam hooker. Sometimes it would be easy and she would only have to contend with one or two men at a time. Most of the time, though, they all ganged up on her and she would have to entertain them in groups like right now. When she became too disgusting, some man would toss her into the shower and hose her off like an animal, then drag her back to the bedroom and rape her.

How long had this been going on? How long would it continue?

“Ugh, what a mess.”

Xavier had entered the apartment, now empty, with Lily passed out on the bed. He stood over her, her small body caked with dry semen, making her look like a snake shedding its skin. Sighing in disgust, he snapped his fingers and she was bathed in flames, cleansing her body while her internal injuries were healed. The flames vanished and he checked her pulse. He was surprised to find her still alive. He was sure they had raped her to death. He also healed her brain, erasing the normally irreversible mental trauma. With her body and mind rejuvenated, she slowly woke up.

“Xavier? Is that you?”

“Hey honey, looks like you’ve been busy.”

“Yeah. I made a lot of money for us.”

“Good girl. Now do what some love?”

She gave a tired nod and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs. Xavier got undressed and got on top of her, fucking her with the same roughness as the dozens of men who had stood in that apartment before him.

Vacation had come to an end, and for Helena, it wasn’t nearly as bad as she had feared. Xavier had given her space, but when he did slither into her life, he was kind. He had talked her into going onto another two dates with him, they sparred three more times, and the worst he did was sneak into her bed a few times and finger her. To think that she had become so accustomed to being molested by the Antichrist…

What had originally been a traumatizing horror was now a mere annoyance. Considering everything else he had done to her, she knew to just pick her battles, let him have his way, and try not to have an orgasm. For some reason, the fact that he was the Antichrist seemed to make her less mad than she would have normally been. Were he a normal man doing this, she would have exploded in rage and beaten him to death, but since he wasn’t something that she would fight back against, she almost felt no need to be angry. When he touched her, she reacted with the same level of distress as if she had to walk in the rain. It was just a part of her life and she should just be glad it wasn’t worse.

Helena was now lying in bed, bored out of her mind. She had done all the extra credit work she could and studied until her head hurt. There was nothing left to do but wait for Sophie to come home. She had no idea what time she was coming back. If she knew when her train was coming in, she could have met her at the station. The clicking of a key in the door lock made her sit up in excitement, glad her friend was back. The door opened and Helena lost her smile, seeing the look on Sophie’s face. She was practically shooting daggers from her eyes. Oh God, there was only one thing that could make her so enraged…

Sophie stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Not taking her eyes of Helena, she walked over and sat down on her bed. The two girls stared at each other, waiting for one of them to speak.

It was Sophie who broke the silence. “Why has Xavier been raping me?”

The way she spoke, it was more like an accusation than a question. Helena shuddered, knowing that this conversation was inevitable, but dreading it. She had hoped that it would never happen.

“Because of me.”

“I know that already! What the fuck did you do to make him do this to me?!”

The sound of her friend swearing left Helena momentarily stunned. “I was your roommate, that’s what I did. Sophie, do you know what he is?” She shook her head. “He’s the Antichrist. I don’t know what he’s doing here or what he’s trying to accomplish, but the day I met him… he said that he had developed a liking for me and wanted to make me his queen when he took over the world. I refused, and ever since then, he’s been tormenting me and playing mind games with me to try and win me over.”

Angry tears began to fall from Sophie’s eyes. “So that’s it? He’s been torturing me simply to get to you? I’ve been a slave because you didn’t want to be a queen?!”

Helena bolted to her feet, her eyes watery like Sophie’s. “Do you think he hasn’t tormented me as well?! Every time he raped you, he paralyzed and forced me to watch! Over and over again, he’s slipped into my bed and molested me! He’s made me humiliate and degrade myself! He gave you a collar, didn’t he? He put one on me first!”

Sophie stood up and two friends faced each other. “Do you have any idea what he’s put me through? What he and my sister have put me through?!”

Helena’s anger had the wind knocked out of it. “Wait, your sister?”

Sophie too calmed down a little and looked away, but her voice was still full of anger. “That’s right. This vacation was Hell itself.”

Helena grasped Sophie’s hands. “What happened? Tell me.”

Sophie sat down on her bed and Helena crouched down before her, clutching her hands and trying to comfort her friend.

“He followed me to my home. I thought he just wanted to continue fucking me, but he also wanted my sister. He attacked her, she escaped, and… he forced me to chase her down and drag her back so that he could violate her. He raped me first so that she could watch… then he made me wear some big rubber thing and take her virginity. I had to rape my little sister so that he wouldn’t. I thought watching Marian being fucked and sodomized was the most tragic thing possible… but it got worse.”

“How? What did he do?”

“It’s not what he did, it’s what happened to Marian. She snapped, turned into a completely different person. She became a ravenous harlot, always begging him to fuck her harder. She became addicted to his abuse. He would appear and disappear, and when he was gone, she would ask me again and again when he would come back and let her suck his thing. For the first few days, he would take turns using us. He would make me watch as Marian begged for him to cum in her ass. Marian would play with herself while she watched me get mounted from behind.

Then he got truly cruel. He began giving Marian assignments. He turned her against me…”

Sophie was in bed, napping. She had been up half the previous night, suffering from a chain of forcefully-induced orgasms.

“Sœur, Sophie…”

She slowly stirred, hearing her sister calling her. Second to Xavier, Marian was the last person she wanted to see. After what Marian had watched and what she had turned into, Sophie didn’t have the heart to look at her little sister. She kept her back turned, wishing to go back to sleep. At least then she wouldn’t feel sick with revulsion.

“What? What is it?”

She felt Marian climb into the bed with her.

“I’m horny.”

Marian then reached around and jammed her hand into her sister’s panties, working her fingers inside of her. Sophie tried to pull away but Marian held on, stirring her fingers in her pussy.

“No! Marian, stop! This isn’t right!”

“Xavier said this would be fun. Come on, take it.”

Sophie’s heart skipped a beat as she realized Marian was wearing the strap-on. She began to cry, refusing to believe what was happening. “Please, don’t do this. I love you.”

“I love you too, that’s why I’m going to make you feel good.”

Marian yanked down Sophie’s panties and then forced the dildo into her asshole. Sophie winced and continued to cry, wishing her sister would stop but not having the will to fight her off. The rubber toy was dry, and even after all the abuse her asshole had taken, the friction was agonizing, but Marian didn’t seem to care about her sister’s pain. Grabbing Sophie’s hair, she began ramming her backdoor with the sex toy, her thrusts increasing in strength and cruelty. Sophie cried out from both the pain of the sodomy and her sister’s betrayal. Marian climbed on top of her, slamming down onto her sister with her full weight and driving the dildo as deep into her asshole as possible.

“See sœur? Isn’t this fun?”

“Marian became just like him. She became my enemy. She would torment me with every chance she had. To her, it was like an innocent game. When our parents were around, she would conceal her actions and use her hands on me, forcing me to hide my reaction so that they wouldn’t notice. When they were gone, she would rape me with that rubber thing. Xavier would show up and she would beg him to compliment her for abusing me. Then they would gang up and double-team me for hours. I wanted to fight her off, to try and smack some sense into her… but I just couldn’t hurt her. No matter what she had become, she is my little sister. Besides, it was my fault she became so twisted. I brought Xavier to her and her to Xavier. I deserve her cruelty. I deserve to be punished by her.”

Both Helena and Sophie were in tears, overwhelmed with their suffering but grateful they could at last talk to each other share their feelings.

“Sophie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I never wanted you to be hurt.”

“How can we stop this? How can we escape from this?”

Helena got to her feet. “There is only one way I can think of.”

Helena knew where to find Xavier as if through some sixth sense. She could feel him, his presence in the school, and was zeroing in on his location. She at last met him on the quad, where he was dozing under a shady tree.

“All right, I give in.”

He opened one eye and looked at her. “Excuse me?”

Helena clutched herself, staring at the ground with her teeth clenched. “I’ll become your queen. I’ll do whatever you want. Just please, leave everyone else alone.”

“No deal.”

She looked up at him, feeling the ground falling away from under her feet. “What?”

Xavier stood up and strode over to her. “You heard me. I don’t accept your offer. I told you that I would win your heart. You think I’ll make you mine so that you can simply play the martyr?”

“But… wasn’t that the whole point of tormenting Sophie? Weren’t you trying to blackmail me by holding her hostage?”

“Of course not. That would be too easy. If you become my queen so that you can sacrifice yourself to protect your friends, then you haven’t really given in to me. You still consider me your enemy. We’ll be in bed, our bodies intertwined, and you’ll be thinking ‘better me than Sophie’.”

“But then… why? Why would you hurt her like this?! Why would you turn her and her sister against each other?”

“That was actually totally unexpected. I never would have guessed she would turn into such an obedient little sadist. But as for why, tell me something: Which was worse when Sophie confronted you? The pain you knew she had felt?” He stepped forward and lifted her chin, looking into her tearful eyes. “Or the fact that I lied to you? Helena, I’m the Antichrist. What could possibly make you think that you can believe me when I say “trust me”? I originally made Sophie my victim to weaken your resolve, expose you to depravity, and use her to make you go through those trials. I resumed tormenting her simply so that I could lie to you.”

Helena fell to her knees, robbed of her strength. “Why?”

“Instead of asking me why, ask yourself. Why did you trust me? Why did you believe me? Why did you believe me over your own instincts? It’s because you needed to find some good in me. You needed to find some redeemable aspect in me so that you could use it to justify your feelings. No matter how much you resist it, you have developed feelings for me. You hate me because you think you’re supposed to and your pride and beliefs are telling you that I am your enemy, but your heart cannot turn away. You know this, so you tried to justify that desire by saying “at least he’s a man of his word, I can appreciate that”. You could like one part of me and hate the rest, guilt-free.”

Helena covered her ears and shook her head. “No! No, that’s not true! I hate you with every fiber of my being! You’re evil! You’re a monster! You hurt the people I care about!”

Xavier grabbed her by her shoulders and dragged her to her feet as if her body was weightless. “Then why did you smile and laugh on our dates? Why was I able to make you happy? When you thought I had erased Sophie’s memories and stayed away from her, you struggled to find a rational reason to hate me. No matter what you had seen me do, the fact that I was able to clean it all up and not leave even a single scar behind slowly crept into your mind. You began to realize that it wasn’t nearly as big a deal as you thought.”

He dropped her back to the ground and snapped his fingers, with a small spark of darkness popping. “There, I just erased her memories of everything I or her sister did to her and replaced her with happy ones. She’ll look back on that vacation and smile at all the quality time she spent with her family. Shall we go back to your room so that you can see her humming and thanking God for this beautiful day?”

He snapped his fingers again. “And now she’s back to being traumatized. She’s probably sitting on her bed, contemplating suicide.” He snapped his fingers over and over again. “Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad. Happy. Sad. See how insignificant it all is? All the suffering she’s gone through can completely disappear and she can be even happier than before.”

“You can’t just deny everything you did to her! All of the pain you’ve inflicted!”

“What pain? She has no scars, her virginity has returned, and right now she’s thinking back to eating dinner with her family. She doesn’t even know I exist. Back home, her sister is the sweet and pure-hearted girl she was before she met me. Does it matter now what I might have done to her? Tell me, which would be more evil? Torturing her and making her miserable every day of her life, then on her deathbed, give her memories of the happiest and most fulfilling life she could have possibly lived, or to let her live that happy life, then on her deathbed, give her memories of absolute hell?

Half of reality is what happens, the other half is how we perceive it. Right now, what you think I did to her is nothing more than a fantasy, a delusion. According to her, she’s been happy all this time and nothing bad has happened. People don’t care about the real world. They simply care about their own happiness. They want the things that make them happy, even if they aren’t real. It’s why it’s so hard to convince someone that they’re wrong or break them free of their ideology. They don’t care about reality, as long as they can continue to live in the delusion that they are right. It’s the same thing when they say they want the truth. They don’t really want the truth. They just want what they want to hear to be the truth.”

Helena didn’t reply, having no idea what she was supposed to say. Xavier’s words had smothered the flames of her anger. Her heart still ached from the pain she knew Sophie had gone through, but if Xavier really had erased her memories… was that pain even real?

“Like I said, the real reason you’re angry isn’t because I hurt your friend. You’re angry because I lied to you. I will say, though, that that was the first lie I ever told you and I will work to abstain from lying to you again. I really don’t take any joy in lying to you.” A minute passed, in which Helena remained kneeling on the grass with Xavier standing behind her. “Let’s go get a coffee.”

Helena didn’t know how Xavier got her out to that café, but there they were, sitting in the shade of an umbrella, each with an espresso.

“Tell me something, have you honestly considered my offer? I would be disappointed if you said no to me in the church and never bothered to actually think afterwards.”

“I won’t do it.”

“Tell me why.”

“Because you’re evil, because you hurt people. How could I ever love someone as demented as you?”

“You love God, and he isn’t any better. In Africa, a thousand children will die today from war, from disease, from starvation. They’ll cling to the bibles that the missionaries gave them out of guilt for living their rich, white lives in leisure. They’ll be told that God loves them while they suffer. In some country in Eastern Europe, a single mother with three children will be raped by a police officer. She’ll clutch her crucifix and beg God to save her. No answer comes, even when she finds out she’s pregnant, when she’s denied an abortion, and when she dies from complications in the pregnancy and leaves her children to be snatched up and sold into slavery. In the hospital three miles away, your friend lies in what would have been an irreversible coma. He had suffered debilitating brain damage that would have left him as a vegetable until he died of old age or his pancreatic cancer got him. He was a man of the church, a priest who helped hundreds of children like you find a home in Rosewood University, yet God didn’t protect him, heal him, or save him. I did.”

He could see the effect of his words on her, the noticeable stress on Helena’s face.

“Your words won’t destroy my faith.”

Xavier reached into a small tin in the middle of the table and pulled out a sugar packet. He mixed it into his coffee. “Back during WWII, I spent some time in Germany. I watched as Nazis exterminated Jews, gypsies, the disabled, and other groups of people. The citizens of Germany watched it happen. They did nothing to stop it. Everyday people lived just down the road from concentration camps, knowing exactly what was going and not caring at all. In genocides, those people are called the bystanders. They watch as something terrible happens and do nothing to stop it. If a new genocide were to happen, would you be a bystander? Would you sit quietly by while people were murdered in front of you?”


“Then why does God?”

They stared at each other, Xavier waiting for Helena to respond.

“B-because he has a plan for everything. He works in ways that we cannot possibly understand.”

“What kind of plan could incorporate men being slaughtered, women being raped, and children being enslaved? If that is his plan, then doesn’t that mean he not only allows those crimes to transpire, but actually commits them? If I really am the enemy of God, why doesn’t he stop me? How many women do you think have begged God to save them from me? Over vacation, your best friend sobbed as she choked on my cock and her little sister raped her from behind. She prayed for God to stop me, but he did nothing.”

“No, you’re wrong!”

“Then help me. Tell me the truth. There are three possibilities: he doesn’t have the power to stop tragedies and is thereby incompetent and weak; he simply doesn’t care about suffering and is indifferent, looking down on mankind like you are ants or bacteria; or he actually enjoys watching people wallow in agony and gets his rocks off in creating humans simply to inflict pain on them, and is sadistic.”

“God isn’t like that!”

“How would you know? Have you ever spoken to God? Have you ever met God? You know nothing about him and you refuse to acknowledge anything that goes against your fantasy. It’s just like I told you before: people don’t care about reality, only about what makes them happy and lets them feel right. Admit it: I’m the only possible proof you have that God even exists. Without me, you’d have nothing to go on but what people have told you about him, and even then, you ignore all the bad stuff. You’re Catholic, you know the story of Job. My father was able to convince God to torture an innocent man just to prove a point. Does that sound like a loving creator?”

“You’re the Antichrist, everyone knows that you’ll speak out against Him. Why would I ever trust your words?”

At that, a flash of annoyance moved across his face, and when he spoke, it was with anger. “Don’t do that. Don’t hide behind your bible and shrug me off. Listen to me not as the Antichrist, but as a man. This is supposed to be a debate. You’re supposed to counter my claim with a logical argument of your own, not throw a temper tantrum. If you want to continue to refuse me, fine, but don’t do it by acting like a toddler. At least Thomas Aquinas put some rationality into his arguments. Don’t be some mindless drone. You’re better than that.”

Regardless of her hatred of him, the way he spoke to her made Helena embarrassed. It was the same way she felt when a teacher scolded her.

Xavier ordered another coffee and calmed down before he resumed speaking. “You didn’t answer my original question. Have you really considered my offer? Have you thought it through? Or have you just blocked it out of your mind and equated it to ceasing to exist?”

“I… I… I don’t know. I just… can’t seem to see it.”

“I’m curious, how well do you visualize yourself as becoming a member of the Swiss Guard? Have you truly planned it through? Did you constantly fantasize about it before you met me? Were you able to visualize everything that you would do and what your life would be? Or all this time, have you not been advancing towards your goal, but simply clinging to it? Are you actually looking towards the future, or is your claim of joining the Swiss Guard just a defense mechanism when someone asks you what your plans are and you realize you have no idea? What does the future mean for you?”

The fire in her eyes flared back up. “I’ve always been resolute in my goal, and your tricks won’t change that.”

Xavier stared her, his face unreadable. “I want to see if that’s true. Come on, let’s go somewhere more private.”

Having paid for their coffees, Xavier took her to a quiet area of the city and sat down with her on a bench.

“I want to see what your future looks like.”

She stared at him quizzically. “What are you talking about?”

“I want to see what your mind creates when you imagine your future.”

“Wait… you mean read my mind?! No way! Never!”

“Relax, I won’t dig into anything. Besides, I let you into my mind, remember? All of those memories I shared with you? Just think of it as putting on a presentation. You won’t show me anything you don’t want to.”

Even after everything that had happened between them, Helena struggled to find a reason to say no. She wanted to say it, she knew she should, but when she looked at him, she couldn’t remember why.

“Ok, but no weird stuff.”

Xavier gave a small smile and reached out towards her. She scrunched herself up, fearing his touch, but strangely became calm when Xavier placed his hands on her cheeks, so gently she almost didn’t feel him at first. His palms were warm. With the connection made, she felt a channel open up in her mind, like Xavier had just put a window in her forehead and all her thoughts could be seen. Not wanting to show him anything he could use against her, she focused only on her aspirations.

The image appeared before her mind’s eye, and she knew Xavier could see it. She was standing at the Pope’s side, carrying a ceremonial halberd and dressed in the uniform of the Swiss Guard with a look of stoic pride on her face. But… that was it. Try as she might, she couldn’t deepen the fantasy beyond that. For a moment, an image of her and her fellow guards fighting off assailants flashed in her mind, but was crushed by her rational mind questioning the likelihood of such an event actually happening. After all, when was the last time the Pope had been attacked?

“I thought as much. Joining the Swiss Guard isn’t your real goal. It’s just the best you can come up with. You’re afraid of leaving Rome but you have nothing to go on but your faith, so you want something that will let you put your violent zealotry to use. It’s not the future that you’re looking towards; you’re just desperate for a way to remain in the present.”

Helena didn’t respond, realizing now that there was undeniable truth to his words. Before, that image of her in that uniform had been all the motivation she needed, but now Xavier was showing her the hollowness she had always ignored.

“Now, how would like to see your future if you join me?”

Before she could answer, the world around them was blurred and distorted as if they were phasing out into a parallel universe. It was just like Xavier’s memories, but now when reality solidified, they had moved forward in time. Rome wasn’t very different from what it was in the present, but it did look more… militarized. The buildings had all been reinforced, as if expecting a mortar attack, and walking by the bench was a group of soldiers, all wearing suits of armor that incorporated Kevlar with the metal plating. On their chests were the three sixes of Xavier’s brand, and their weapons of choice were machine guns with scimitars attached, worn on the arm and resembling a lobster claw.

Xavier stood up and held out his hand to Helena. “This is five years in the future of the world we’ll rule together. Shall we take a look?”

Slowly, she took his hand.

Helena had to admit, Rome didn’t look bad at all. Xavier had told her that he wanted to rule the world instead of destroy it, and even then, she had expected Hell on Earth and the suffering and torture of every human on the planet by bloodthirsty demons. She didn’t see any of that. Life in the city looked no different from before. The people appeared kind of despondent, but that just came with the territory.

“Let me guess, you assumed black skies, lakes of fire, and the enslavement of all mankind?”

Helena turned to him, having been awestruck by the sight of the fully restored Colosseum. “Um… yeah.”

“Well, had I been alone in taking over the world, it would have been a little bit like that. There would be a lot of blood and a lot of suffering. But you were with me and took it upon yourself to right the wrongs of the world. Everyone on Earth now gets free housing and healthcare and nobody goes hungry. There are no wars because all the nations have been united under our rule. The “countries” still have elected officials, but since you and I control everything, they merely delegate our rules, taking all of the bluster out of politics and making it so much more civil and easy than before. Think about it, no deadlock, no parties, and no rhetoric. Officials are elected based on their competency rather than their fake promises. I’m the Antichrist and even I think that’s great.”

“But the people don’t look very happy.”

“Oh please, you act like everyone smiles all the time in the real world. The only reason the people in the future would be unhappy is because their ruler is the Antichrist. They cling to the old Judeo-Christian belief system and continue to think that they would somehow achieve a world better than the one you and I have given them. Their only problem is that the media is forbidden from use of rhetoric and can’t criticize the kingdom. As long as they say nothing bad about us and don’t try to invoke a rebellion, free speech is a given right. It’s the perfect partnership: I rule with an iron fist and you give everyone what they need.”

Try as she might, Helena couldn’t come up with an argument against him. The world was gloomier than she would have liked… but there was no reason for it to be. If she and Xavier really did all the things he said they did… was this really such a bad world?

“Come on, I want to show you the real reason why I brought you here.”

Taking her by the hand, he led her to the Vatican. St. Peter’s Square and the Basilica had been remodeled to look more like a castle, with all the statues of saints and angels removed. Soldiers patrolled the area like ants, not all of them human. Demons, clear as day, could be seen moving in and out of shadows, no different from the gargoyle statues on the roofs of cathedrals. This world was just an illusion, so nothing so much as glanced at them as they made their way to the entrance. About to step inside, the gonging of church bells echoed across the city. Helena looked up, hearing powerful wing flaps, and felt her jaw hang slack.

The sky was filled with demons, flying over Rome like migratory birds. Among them was a dragon, right out of a fantasy novel, as large as a 747 and with a body like sterling silver. Helena couldn’t quite see from this distance, but it looked like there was someone on its back. Was that… Xavier?

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

They made their way into the basilica, and as they crossed through the grand hall, Helena looked back as the silver dragon landed in St. Peter’s Square. She watched as the masked rider got off the dragon’s back and rubbed it under its chin. The grand cathedral was filled with people, either soldiers standing guard or bureaucrats handling the paperwork of the monarchy. Xavier came to a sudden stop and Helena bumped into him, nearly falling to the floor. She looked past him and her eyes widened. Underneath the main altar of the basilica were two thrones, and in one was Xavier. He had allowed himself to age, now looking like a man in his early twenties, but with an air of maturity that made him appear much older. Helena couldn’t deny that he was very handsome. He had a sly smirk on his face, looking straight through Helena and the real Xavier. But if he was there, then who was…

The sound of trumpets echoed through the basilica and one of the guards called out. “All hail Queen Helena!”

There, striding down the hallway towards them was her future self. Helena stared at the woman before her, unable to even recognize her. Having removed her helmet, the future Helena was even more beautiful than the original, with her crimson hair now hanging down the length of her back. But it was more than just her appearance that struck Helena. It was… the aura her future self seemed to have. The way she walked, that confident smirk on her face, that powerful gleam in her eye, the majestic shine to her hair; it gave her a commanding authority that a woman so young could never possess in the real world. Helena almost felt intimidated by this version, staring at her as if looking at a goddess in the flesh. It was almost as if she had fallen in love with herself.

As the queen walked, everyone got down on their knees, and for a second, Helena almost did as well. Could this be true? Was this really the woman she would become? The future Xavier stood up and greeted the future Helena, and the real Helena became flushed as she watched the two of them share a passionate kiss.

“How was Russia? I take it the rebellion was easy to crush.”

“Everything stopped as soon as I got there. I almost didn’t even have to get off Roroaka to scare everyone into submission. But it was nice to get out for a day, and best of all, no one had to die. Still, I wish I could have gotten at least a little action.”

She snapped her fingers and servants rushed over and helped remove her armor. She stood only in spandex shorts and a sports bra, and staring at her, the real Helena could almost feel herself becoming a lesbian for her future self. That mature body was magnificent to say the least. It practically steamed elegance and sexual confidence. And her tits! Helena thought hers were fine now, but damn!

“Well tonight, we’ll feast in celebration of your victory.”

The future Helena pressed herself against him and gave him a kiss. “Darling, we feast every night. How about just some Chinese and a movie on the couch?”

“Of course. I’ll find us something good to watch.”

“Right now, I think I’ll go see Adam. He must be hungry.”

The real Helena turned to Xavier. ‘Adam?’ she nonverbally asked.

He merely smiled.

She and Xavier followed her future self through the castle and saw her enter a guarded room. When they went in after her, Helena felt her heart skip a beat and she covered her mouth to suppress her gasp. Her future self was sitting in a rocking chair by a crib with an infant in her arms. Bathed in the light of the setting sun shining through the window behind her, she had a warm smile on her face as she nursed him. Looking at her with that child, Helena felt her whole world become turned upside down. At that moment, she seemingly forgot everything she knew and thought. Never in her life had she been so… entranced, so overwhelmed with emotions. A baby? She would really… have a baby? Not once in her life had she ever given any thought into having kids. She had always planned on giving her life to the church and being married only to her job, but seeing that child in the arms of her future self made her feel more desperate to have one than she thought possible.

She slowly moved forward, her legs feeling numb, reaching out to the swaddled infant. She knew that none of this was real, that this was just an illusion created by Xavier, a mere fantasy, but to her, that child was the realest thing in the world. If she could just feel him squeeze her finger with his tiny hand, hold him and smell the top of his head, she could…

She jumped in shock and pulled back, another hand reaching through her as if she was a hologram. The future Xavier had entered the room and was doing what she had tried to do. She watched as he rubbed the top of Adam’s head, the three of them as happy as could be.

She looked over to the real Xavier, standing in the doorway. There was a strange look on his face, sad almost. He was watching the three illusionary figures the same way she was. It was as if… this was his first time seeing them. It looked almost like this was all as new to him as it was to her, and it was having the same effect.

After watching the three of them have dinner, the real Xavier led the real Helena upstairs, simply mimicking their future selves. In the lavish bedroom, she watched as their illusionary counterparts began kissing and stripping off each other’s clothing. Her face was bright red from embarrassment. This was all just a fantasy of Xavier, but it was incredibly unnerving.

“Now we get to the real fun.”

“Oh God, you’re not going to make me watch this, are you?”

“Come on, you know you want to. Just enjoy the show.”

On the bed, the two adults were completely naked with their tongues dancing. Helena was on top, riding Xavier’s cock while he gripped her taut ass. She pulled her lips away from his, grinning as she thrust back against it.

“How does it feel to be back on your true throne, my queen?”

“It’s so comfy, I could sit here all day. Riding on Roroaka’s back is nothing compared to this, my king.”

Helena watched them with disgust. “Oh please, this is so corny.”

“Corny? Well then how about I dirty it up a bit?”

The future Xavier sat up and kissed the future Helena, then separated from her. “I have a present for you, a new girl.”

He stood up out of the bed and clapped his hands as if to turn on a light. From a side door in the bedroom, a young woman stepped out, dressed in a nightgown with nothing underneath. She was sixteen, short blonde hair and good-sized breasts, looking incredibly nervous and cute as a button.

“Don’t worry, she’s eager to please. She just needs to be broken in a little.”

Helena got up out of the bed and walked over to the girl, a smile on her face and a swagger to her walk, as if eager to let her see her naked body. She stood before her, the girl averting her gaze from Helena’s round breasts and lustful smirk.

“Oh, very cute. What’s your name?”

“M-Millie, your highness.”

“Well, Millie, you get to be our toy for a while. I know you’re scared, but that’s what makes it so much fun. Before long, you’ll be begging for more.”

She raised her hand and stroked Millie’s cheek, making her shiver, then held it there before the girl’s lips, inviting her. Unsure of what else she was supposed to do, Millie nervously flitted her tongue between her fingers.

“Good girl.”

Helena then pulled her in front of her and grabbed her from behind, one hand fondling Millie’s breasts and the other between her legs, just as she had learned from Xavier. The girl whimpered and blushed as Helena groped her, but did not fight back.

“My, my, what a beautiful body you have. You’re so sweet and tender, and these breasts of yours are to die for.”

The real Helena turned to Xavier. “Ugh, you’re despicable.”

“Hey, you complained about it being corny. In this scenario, some of my sadistic traits rub off on you and you develop a taste for girls. You love it when we take turns with them, both playing with them yourself and watching me have my way with them. Hey, this is just a fantasy. It’s not like we actually traveled forward in time. It’s all up to you if you end up like this. But let’s watch.”

The future Helena pulled Millie’s nightgown away, then crouched down and began hungrily sucking on her breasts. The girl panted from the sensation of Helena’s lips on her nipples, as well as the sweeping strokes of her tongue. She then brought her over to the bed and laid her down, with Xavier literally throbbing with anticipation. Helena climbed on top of her, hefting her breasts over Millie’s face.

“Go on, you know you want to.”

Slowly, Millie raised her head and began sucking on Helena’s breasts, just as she had done. The only difference was that Helena’s body was producing nourishment for her infant son, and that nourishment was now running down Millie’s throat.

“Good, isn’t it? Don’t be shy.”

The girl began switching back and forth between them, drinking from one and then the other. Helena gave a soft moan and craned her neck, feeling not just the lips of Millie on her nipples, but Xavier’s tongue as he went down on her from behind. He then switched down to Millie, spreading her legs and licking her virgin honeypot.

The real Helena tried to turn away, but Xavier had a firm hold on her shoulders.

On the bed, Xavier had just mounted Helena from behind, and was thrusting into her like an animal. The sound of her ass clapping against his thighs was like music, with Helena crying out in ecstasy as she was both hammered and had her tits sucked.

Standing by, Xavier whispered in Helena’s ear. “Look at yourself, look at how happy you are. This is the Helena that knows how to enjoy life, how to have fun, how to command everything around her and make it her own. In the future you so pitifully scrapped together, you were nothing but a pawn, wasting your life in the service of yet another fraud. You would spend the best years of your life doing nothing but standing in uniform and becoming dusty with boredom. In your future with me, you live your life to its fullest, basking in fulfillment with a smile on your face every day. You have a loving husband, a son that you cherish, a world that you lead into the golden age of mankind, and your nights filled with passion and sexual euphoria.

Is this really so bad a life? How long will it be before you realize that your puritanical narrow-mindedness is just getting in the way of your happiness? That you cling to an obsolete world in desperate need for a change? That you have the chance to do more good than you could ever have done in that ridiculous uniform?”

One the bed, the future Xavier grunted as he came, shooting jet after jet of semen into Helena’s womanhood. She purred in ecstasy and moved forward. She hovered her pussy over Millie’s face, the young girl wincing as drops of semen fell on her face.

“Come on, baby. You tasted your queen, now you get to taste your king.”

Behind her, Xavier kneeled between her legs and rubbed his cock against her virgin slit. “And now you get to become a woman,” he chuckled.

Giving in, Millie raised her head and began to drink the semen out of Helena’s cunt. At the same time, Xavier deflowered her, with her voice echoing through the bedroom.

Helena at last broke free of Xavier’s grip. “Enough, I want to go home.”

Xavier sighed and snapped his fingers. The illusion disappeared, returning them to that bench in the street.

Helena turned to him, a look of anger on her face that she had never worn before. “Why? Why do you keep coming after me? Of all the girls in the world, why are you so obsessed with me? There are plenty others who would jump at the chance to be your queen, go ask them. Hell, Daphne attacked me because she was jealous that you picked me over her! Go put a crown on her head! Or are you so pathetic that you can’t handle someone saying ‘no’?”

He stood up off the bench and walked towards her. This was the first time she had seen him angry, at least angry at her. “Do you know the difference between us? What really sets us apart? We’ve both spent our entire lives lying about who we are, but at least I’m honest about what my heart desires. How long are you going to keep lying to yourself? If after all this time, you can look me in the eyes and honestly say you feel nothing for me, fine, I can live with that. But what I can’t stand is you lying to me and hiding behind bullshit. For once in your life, tell the truth!”

As he had again and again, Xavier walked past her, this time bumping his shoulder against hers, leaving her alone with her mind racing.

Helena returned to her dorm room, finding Sophie there, smiling and full of life. She had no memory of the things Xavier had done to her, not even a single scar. So… had he really done them?

“Hey, you ok?” Sophie asked.

She perked up as her friend called out to her. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Where have you been all day?”

“Oh, nowhere. Just enjoying the last day of vacation. Come on, let’s go get dinner.”

Night had fallen, and Sister Olivia was lying in a bathtub in the staff bathroom. She had jammed a towel rack into the door so that no one could disturb her. The water was warm, just like the blood pouring from her slit wrists. She could no longer endure Xavier’s torture and had decided to end her life. As she waited for the darkness to consume her, a shadow shifted across her face.

She looked up into the cold eyes of Xavier. “Please, just let me die.”

He grabbed one of her bleeding wrists, healing the wound. “Not yet. Your body still belongs to me.”

“Xavier! You’re back!”

Marian jumped out of bed, running across her room and tackling him. Funny, she was almost like Lily, except she was less pitiful and more masochistic, not to mention sadistic.

“Yeah, I’m back.”

“So what do you want to do to me? Will you fuck me in my pussy or my ass? Can I swallow your cum?”

“I have a better idea. I’m taking you somewhere you can have a lot of fun.”

Daphne sat on her roommate’s bed, holding the girl like a straightjacket. She had tied her up and was torturing her with clothespins and cigarette burns. She bolted up when Xavier appeared at the foot of her bed. “Master, what are you doing here?”

“I need you for something.” He looked down at the sobbing girl, drooling on the ball gag in her mouth. “Also, bring her, I guess.”

Xavier grabbed Sophie by the throat, waking her up in her bed but keeping her silent with his strangling grip. Nearby, Helena slept soundly, while Xavier returned all of the memories of Sophie’s torture.

“You’re coming with me. Your sister will be there.”

Lily walked to the apartment entrance, yawning and rubbing her eyes. A loud knocking had woken her up in the middle of the night. What was going on? She opened the door, finding Xavier.

“Get yourself ready, there are men coming over.”

“Oh… uh… ok.”

“Also, there will be other girls with you.”

“Helena, wake up.” He shook her, trying to get her to stir. “Come on, wake up.”

“Unh… leave me alone.”

“Helena, now.”

She rolled over, turning her back on him. “As long as you let me sleep and put nothing inside me, do whatever you want. I’m too tired to care.”

Xavier grabbed her by the shoulders and sat her up, shaking her until she had to the tiredness exorcized from her body.

She rolled her head back and sighed. “You know, I preferred when you would just crawl into my bed and finger me. What is with you lately? You’re acting crazy.”

“Get dressed, there is something I need to show you.”

“Just go away.”

“Either get dressed or I can bring you there in your underwear.”

Xavier and Helena materialized in the hallway of a dingy apartment building. Before them was a door, and behind it were the clear sounds of crying, moaning, grunting, and the squeaking of mattress springs and other pieces of furniture.

“What’s going on?”

“I’m going to teach you the meaning of despair.”

He opened the door and brought her into the apartment. Inside were dozens of men, divided into groups and clustered around women. Sophie, Marian, Sister Olivia, Daphne, and other students she didn’t recognize. Everyone in the apartment was naked. It was a massive rape orgy. Marian was the only one not sobbing as she had all her holes filled. If anything, she was overjoyed, switching between the men trying to jam their cocks in her mouth.

On the bed was Lily, a dull look to her eyes as yet another man fucked her in the asshole. A lot of these men had fucked her before, but she had learned to block out their faces. In the kitchen, Sister Olivia was sobbing as her pussy was stretched near to tearing. She had two men fucking her at once. They didn’t seem to care that their dicks were rubbing against each other. Sophie was on her knees, crying from the stinging blindness as the men ejaculated onto her face over and over again. She was literally drenched in semen. There was also Daphne, pressed against the window as she was fucked from behind, her eyes darkened with the pain of Xavier’s betrayal. Her roommate was being crushed under some fat guy, and another girl was doing a handstand as she had both her pussy and asshole violated.

Helena stared in shock, feeling like she was going to throw up at the sight of so many people getting raped. She turned to Xavier, tears in her eyes. “Why? Why would you do this? Why would you torture these women like this?”

“To show you the truth of this world. Look at this, look at how easy it is to make people suffer. There is no such thing as freedom in this world, only chaos and the illusion of order. You think me evil because of the things I do, but that’s only because the world lets me. You think that because of who and what I am, I corrupt this world, but this world is already corrupt. I simply parody this twisted nightmare you call reality. I am the serpent, slithering through the crumbling foundations of the kingdom of man. I don’t need my powers to blend in. I’m already surrounded by horror.”

Helena tried to run back out into the hallway, but he grabbed her by the arms and forced her to watch, squeezing so tight that she cried out in pain. “Don’t you dare turn away from this! Don’t you dare shut it out! You think that this is anything unusual? You think that I am some exception to the peace of the world? No, horrors like these will continue on until mankind’s end, just as they have occurred since mankind’s beginning. Look at these women, their minds twisted and their hearts crying out for someone to help them. They pray to God, but he doesn’t answer. Where is your God? Why doesn’t he stop me? Why doesn’t he save them?

All over the world, people suffer just like these women. They are enslaved, raped, and murdered. It has been like that for eternity. Yet you sit in your lofty university, hidden within the extravagance of Rome, believing that this world is God’s paradise. You believe that life is fair, that God will provide for those who are loyal to him, but the bloodshed never ends!”

“Please! Just stop this!”

“You can stop this yourself! You have the chance to break the endless death march of time! Use me! Use my power to make this world into what you want it to be! I am offering you the kingdom! I’m offering you a chance to end the horror once and for all! Whether humanity thrives or suffers, I couldn’t care less, but can you really just ignore everything around you and remain stagnant like this? Maybe I should just destroy this world! Maybe I should create Hell on Earth! How can you claim you’ll stop me if you can’t even stop the evil already around you?!”

“I told you I’ll give in! Please, I’ll do whatever you want! Just let them go!”


Xavier tossed her aside and then clapped his hands together. All the men in the room burst into flames, their flesh peeling off their bones with streams of fire pumping from their veins. All of the woman lost consciousness and vanished, teleporting back to their homes. Only Lily remained, passed out on the bed.

He turned back to Helena. “Enough lying! Enough lying to me and lying to yourself! Why are you so scared of the future? Why are you so unwilling to accept your feelings? The Helena I know and love has eyes full of passion and a will to fight, but look at yourself now. I offer you a life beyond your wildest dreams, a chance at happiness and the ability to protect mankind, and you fall apart into a pathetic wreck! What are you so afraid of?! WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?!”

“I DON’T KNOW!” Helena screamed as she held herself, sobbing harder than ever in her life. “I don’t know anything anymore! I’m afraid! I don’t know why, but I’m afraid of every day! I’m afraid of the day after! I’m afraid of growing up and my life changing! You’re right, ok? You’re right. I’m terrified of the future. I don’t know why, but I just can’t move forward.”

Xavier stood over her and lifted her chin. She clutched his arm, crying into his hand.

“There is only one way to help you. You’re unable to face the future because you can’t get over your past. You’ll never be able to live until you stop ignoring your wounds and actually let them heal. Come on, I’m taking you home.”

Chapter 12

The suffocating shadow receded but Helena was still submersed in darkness. The floor of the apartment had been replaced with the feel of grass against her knees. In seconds she was drenched from the pouring rain, making her shiver.

“So this is where you came from.”

She looked around, feeling Xavier’s hand gripping her shoulder as he stood over her. At last, her head stopped spinning and she was able to look around. Her heart dropped into her stomach at the sight of the shabby house, two miles from Dublin. She was back in Ireland, staring at the crap-shack that had once been her home. Kneeling in the fields outside, she stared at the lights in the windows, and even over the rain, she could hear her mother’s voice. She had company over. When Helena had been a child, she remembered her mother always having company.

“Please, no, not here.”

“This is where it all started, isn’t it? This is your home. What happened here to make you so angry at the world?”

Helena got to her feet and turned to him, and even in the rain, he could see her tears. “Why are you doing this to me? Why must you be so cruel?”

“For once in my life, I’m not being cruel. I’m trying to help you. With or without me, you’ve been stagnant at that school, and your movement into the future will be long and agonizing unless you come to terms with your past. Tell me what happened here. Let it out. It’s time for you to tell me the truth, and tell yourself the truth.”

She grabbed him by the collar as if trying to lift him off his feet, but instead, simply leaned against him. “Please, just take me back to the school! I’m begging you! Just let the past stay in the past!”

“Not until you move forward! You claim you left your old life behind, but all you did was lock it up in a giant safe that you’ve carried on your back all these years. You shut out your past but you haven’t let it go. Face your fears and stop lying to yourself! The truth will set you free.”

She let go of him and turned around, taking a few steps to the house. It looked like it hadn’t seen any maintenance since she left. She had kept this a secret for so long, but why, of all people, would Xavier be the one to finally hear it? Perhaps he was right, though. This vile place has been holding her back even after she left. She was about to speak, but stopped, startled by Xavier putting his coat over her shoulders. Even when soaked, the fabric held his warmth. She hated that warmth, hated how good it felt.

“My mother… was an alcoholic whore. Just listening to her, I can tell that nothing has changed. She gave birth to me out of wedlock and resented me ever since. She was never there for me, never supported me, and never gave more than the smallest amount of effort to take care of me. There were more liquor bottles in that house than food. I remember pushing them aside in the kitchen, desperately looking for something to eat. I remember them smashing by my head when she threw them at me and I got showered in glass. I used to dream that someday I would meet my father and he would take me away to someplace wonderful, away from this dreary country.”

Xavier looked at her quizzically. “Did she never tell you about your father?”

“She didn’t even know who he was. Considering how busy she was, half the men in Dublin could have been my father.” She looked back at him and gave a bitter laugh, her face wet with both rain and tears. “How fitting would it be if you ended up as my father? What a cliché twist of fate. Seventeen years ago, a scumbag like you screwed my mother and I was born, the granddaughter of Satan.”


She looked back at the house, hearing a woman moaning inside. “When she wasn’t on her back for money, she was bringing home a new boyfriend every week. Each of them was worse than the last. They would yell at me, they would hit me, and they would throw things at me. Sometimes… they would climb into my bed at night and touch me, just like you. That was how I learned to fight, to keep back the pedophiles looking for a cute little girl to deflower. Why do you think I hated men so much? Every man I had ever met was either a loser or a monster.

Then, one day, I saw missionaries at the local church handing out pamphlets for Rosewood University. It was my chance to escape from Hell and I took it. Tuition is free if you tell them that you’re an orphan. Considering the clothes I was wearing, they didn’t even question me. They took me with them and I got to leave this wretched country behind and bask in the warmth of Rome. I never wanted to come back here. I burned every bridge and severed every link connecting me to this godforsaken house.

Then you came along and I got to experience Hell all over again.”

Xavier swallowed the lump in his throat. Right now, Helena was more vulnerable than ever in her life, but being with her, speaking to her with the air around them so thick with emotion, he felt his own strength fade. The layers of darkness around his black soul were being pealed away, as if he had ripped open his chest and exposed his beating heart to the frigid rain, daring fate to spear him through.

“That’s why you’re so afraid of the future. This place was the whole world to you when you were a child, so you associate the whole world with this place. Rome was your ticket to happiness, now you’re afraid to leave because you think some new horror will assail you if you try to leave. That was the real reason why you wanted to join the Swiss Guard. The church had saved you when you were a child, so you thought you would always be safe if you stayed at the Pope’s side. You didn’t want to protect the church; you wanted the church to protect you.”

Helena balled her hands into fists and her slender shoulders trembled as she cried. “All I ever wanted was to be strong. All I ever wanted was the assurance that I would never again be a victim. Maybe I should thank you for showing me how weak I really am, for showing me what a pathetic life I’ve lived! I thought I had grown up from being that scared little girl crying under her bed, but all these years, I’ve just been lying to myself.”

“No, you’re wrong. Helena, you are stronger than you could ever imagine. Do you think a weakling could have survived what you went through? Could have fended off all the horrors closing in around her and made her escape? Seizing her own life and living it? Do you think a weakling could fight criminals and even wound the Antichrist? Every time you cursed me or swore that you would never side with me, your strength was weakened by your contradicting emotions, but do you remember that night, the night we sparred? There was no fear in you; there was no hatred or even love. For that brief hour, you unleashed all the power pent up inside you and became a goddess, not because of what you felt for me, but because that was who you are.

You learned to fight because you were afraid of ever going back to that nightmare, because you feared change and the unknown future. But the future I showed you, that was not some wish I had. That was your true self. That was the confident and elegant queen who conquered the world instead of fearing it. It’s not weakness holding you back, but fear. If you never want to be a victim again, seize the world instead of hiding from it. I saw that strength the moment I met you, the strength to change the world. That’s why I wanted you to be my queen, because you are the first person I ever met who I knew could fit that role. You are beautiful, you are strong, and you are magnificent. I know it, even if you don’t.”

She stared up into the cloudy night sky, feeling the rain pelt her face. ‘Is that true? Am I really as strong as he says? All this time, have I been holding back simply because I’ve been afraid? Can I really change the world? Can I really… stop being afraid?’

“I’m sorry.”

She spun around, a wild look to her eye. Had he… just apologized? He had never apologized before, even after Daphne attacked her. The look on his face was of true regret, an expression she never thought she would see on him.

“If I had known what you’ve been through, I never would have tormented you like I have. My methods… would have been different. I wasn’t trying to truly hurt you or remind you of your past. It was just my way of getting you to open up. I’m sorry… for everything.”

She tackled him, unable to knock him off his feet but beating his chest wildly with her fists. “Shut up! Don’t you dare apologize! You think that saying you’re sorry will make it all ok?! You think a few pretty words can make up for everything you’ve done to me?! Don’t you do this to me! Don’t you dare do this to me!”

She leaned against him, sobbing uncontrollably.


“Don’t you dare apologize. Don’t try to be nice to me, I hate when you’re nice to me. Please, anything but that. Humiliate me, rape someone, kill people, anything! Be cruel! Be evil! Just please don’t be nice to me!” She looked up at him, pressed to his chest with her heart overflowing with emotions. “Please don’t make it so hard for me to hate you! I want to hate you so much, just like I used to, but every time you make me smile, every time you make me laugh, all the bad moments disappear. I don’t know what to do!”

Xavier embraced her, holding her tightly with their faces inches apart. “Helena, stop thinking about what you’re supposed to do, stop thinking about what you’re told to do, and stop thinking about what the world has taught you is right and moral. Join me or reject me, I don’t care anymore. I just want you to finally be free. Do what makes you happy and follow your heart and I will help you however I can, even if it means staying out of your life forever. I’ve spent my whole life lying, but these are the truest words I’ll ever say: Helena, I love you.”

They stared deep into each other’s eyes before Helena finally stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Xavier. With their bodies shivering in the rain, they stood like statues, holding each other while their joined lips moved like waves. After all the time Helena had spent seething with anger and drowning in desperation, she never felt like she was on a path so right as she was now. For so long, her hatred and love for Xavier had been entwined so tightly in her heart that she couldn’t tell them apart, but by casting everything else aside, she could at last feel her honest feelings overflowing from within her. For the first time, she was opening her heart and indulging her true desires, no longer caring about what she had been taught to believe. At last, she was free.

Xavier was in a similar state, experiencing something that never interested him, but now realizing it was the strongest need in his soul. All the women he had been with, all of the cruel and sinful things he had done to them, but it was this simple kiss that was shaking him down to his very core. This was not some conquest or achievement. This was fulfillment, something that almost made him forget his dark origins and made him feel like a simple human. Like her, he was finally ready to change. Like her, he was finally able to accept the future, as long as they were together.

The kiss at last ended and he wiped away her tears. “Come on, let’s get you home and out of the rain.”

Helena and Xavier materialized in her dorm room. Nearby, Sophie was sound asleep, completely untouched and with a pure mind. Clutching his arm, Helena appeared almost drugged, her mind fried from the maelstrom of emotions she had just experienced. As gentle as could be, Xavier undressed her and tossed aside her wet clothes. She didn’t move at all or react to his touch. Once she was down to just her bra and panties, he laid her out on the bed with her back to him and put the blanket over her. Leaning down, he kissed her shoulder and got up to leave.

“Wait.” He turned back as Helena sat up. She reached out to him and he gave her his hand, letting her hold it against the side of her face and kiss it. “I’ll do it. I’m done lying to myself and denying what I truly want. I’ll be your queen and your wife. I’m ready to move forward into the future with you. Xavier, I love you.”

He smiled and sat down on the bed, cupping her cheek with his other hand. The smile on his face was one he had never worn. It was like when she was on the diving board, but so much more powerful. It wasn’t just simple enjoyment or happiness he was feeling. It was as if she could see everything within him, the darkest confines of his unholy soul exposed to the light of her love. She could at last see everything, including how much he had changed since meeting her.

Slowly she came back to life and he could see happiness in her glowing eyes, the relief of finally being able to shed the weights she had carried. She had learned to fight to protect her body, became a zealot to protect her mind, and wrapped herself in lies to protect her heart, but at last, she was allowing herself to stand naked and exposed, feeling the air kiss her skin for the first time. She had forced herself to be strong her entire life, but it was allowing herself to be vulnerable here and now that would help her to grow, more than anything else.

“But we need to set some ground rules. First of all, this is a monogamous relationship. None of that “servant girl threesome” crap. Until I die, you have to be completely loyal.”

Xavier gave a soft chuckle. “Very well, but I’ll keep waiting for you to get a perverted hunger and want to try something new.”

“Second: no more tormenting people, especially me. You can’t do what you did to those girls back there in that apartment. So let everyone go. No more collars.”

“Of course.”

“Third: when we take over the world, you have to promise that you will improve it instead of rule it with an iron fist or destroy it.”

“I’m just going to leave all that stuff to you. Anything else?”

She held his hands with a sad smile on her face, but when she looked up at him, it was pure beauty. “You promise this is all real? That this isn’t some practical joke?”

“I promise.”

Blushing, she slowly pushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders. “Then take me, my king.”

They leaned forward and began to kiss, gently at first, Xavier letting Helena get accustomed to the act. After a minute, he reached behind her and released the clasp of her bra, letting it slip free. Having no need to feel embarrassed, she tossed it aside with a coy smile and resumed kissing him. He leaned forward, laying her out on her back while using his powers to make his clothes disappear. Lying next to her, he slid his hands under the sheets and into her panties. After all the times he had done it before, she at last looked forward to it. His fingers rolled over her labia like waves lapping at the shore, gently stimulating the entrance before finally slipping into her. Helena didn’t have to hide her aroused panting and her whimpers of pleasure. She could finally acknowledge everything without embarrassment.

As his fingers moved inside her, he had his thumb on her clitoris, playing it like a joystick and making her voice steadily rise in volume. Above, he was switching back and forth between kissing her on the lips and kissing her breasts. Helena reached under the covers and grasped his manhood, mentally preparing herself for penetration. It felt so hot, like metal from a forge, and she could feel Xavier’s pulse in the veins and muscles. So focused was she that she didn’t notice her building orgasm until it was past the point of no return. She began to moan, her voice matching the quickening movements of his fingers. She pulled her lips away from his, burying her face in the side of his neck and clutching him while she erupted. In the greatest climax of her life, a splash of arousal soaked Xavier’s hand while she cried out in ecstasy.

He pulled his hand away and began licking it clean. “I’d say you’re ready.”

She looked away from him, blushing in embarrassment.

“What?” he laughed.

“Could you… uh… could you just… just please…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

He then moved on top of her, holding himself up with the shaft of his manhood resting against her pussy. The way she was blushing, that cute panting, the fever-like dizziness in her eyes; they were driving him wild in lust. He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb across her soft lips. She opened her mouth and began to suck on it, then started kissing his palm.

“You’re just too cute. I’ve been waiting for this since the moment I first saw you. Ready?”

She gave a nervous nod, hiding her mouth behind her hands. He kissed her on the forehead and worked himself in. From the moment the head spread the lips of her pussy, Helena’s panting increased and her blushed brightened. Xavier pushed all the way in, rupturing her hymen and deflowering her. He stopped for a moment, letting her get used to the feeling. In her voice was a mix of pain and euphoria, but the longer he waited, the weaker the former became and the stronger the latter grew.

“How does it feel to lose your virginity to the Antichrist?”

She giggled. “It’s wonderful. But if you give me any STDs, I’ll kill you.”

Taking that as a sign that she was ready, he pulled out of her, letting her virgin blood drip off his phallus and stain the sheets. He pushed it back in, making her yelp and arch her back. From there, movement eased, and Xavier began gently thrusting into her while they resumed kissing. At first, Helena had her legs wrapped around his waist, but as his thrusts increased in speed and strength and her pleasure grew in depth, they spread apart and were in the air. Helena was whining in bliss, every impact of Xavier’s cock making her feel like a shell of concrete was breaking off her soul.

Neither one of them had ever felt anything like this, being so deeply connected to another person. Helena had always kept people at a distance and Xavier had always disregarded and looked down on mankind, but at last, they were on the same level and exposing their depths to each other. For the first time, they were allowing themselves to be vulnerable and relishing the feeling of everything between them melting away.

“Xavier, I’m…”

“I know, hold on.”

He further sped up his thrusts, now using his body weight to slam down into her. Helena’s whine was turning into a shrill moan and a euphoric smile was on her face. “Oh God! Oh God! OH GOD! I’M CUMMING!”

She again arched her back as her moan reached new volume. In the middle of her climax, Xavier suddenly grabbed her and held the two of them vertical. She grasped his shoulders, riding his cock and moaning like an opera singer. They continued in this position for several minutes, with Helena using her weight to drive Xavier’s cock deeper and deeper inside her and Xavier picking her up and dropping her onto his lap. While she rose and fell, their lips joined and parted like the clouds joining the horizon. This was the most amazing experience of her life, and easily the most pleasurable. Why hadn’t anyone told her sex was so much fun?!

They soon switched positions, still remaining vertical but now with her back to him. He supported her with his arms, letting her suck on his fingers and using his other hand to play with her clit. With his powers, he was channeling a tiny electric shock from his fingertips to the nub, just enough to stimulate the nerves but without inflicting pain. After less than a minute, she had a thunderous chain or orgasms, cumming again and again, not even feeling Xavier ejaculating inside her and filling her womb with his semen. Her body limp, he lowered her down and pulled out of her, his seed slowly starting to drip from her pussy. Xavier leaned down and kissed her, making her purr.

“I love you,” he murmured.

“I love you too.”

She rolled over, giving him a tired smile and holding his hands. “So this is real, isn’t it? Us? Our future?”

“Yeah, it’s real.”

Helena woke up and turned off her alarm, taking a moment to think before rising. Last night, she had accepted her feelings for Xavier and the two of them made love. Or had that all been a dream? The fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties told her it had really happened. She smiled and touched her slit, a little sore from being deflowered and sticky with Xavier’s cum. To think, she had fallen in love with the Antichrist. But for the first time, she could see the future clearly, as well as the world. Sophie was slow to stir, even to the beeping of the alarm clock, giving Helena time to put back on her underwear. She rubbed her neck, feeling her collar and being glad to wear it.

She and Sophie got dressed, both complaining about how much they missed sleeping in during vacation. About to leave the room with Sophie for breakfast, Helena stopped and looked to her bedside table. There, beside her clock, her trinity necklace lay. She picked it up and stared at it. While her future was crystal-clear, her faith had now blurred. Xavier was proof that God existed, but everything he had told her at that cafe also rang true. Was God indifferent? Incompetent? Sadistic? Either way, she was done waiting for him to show her the way. With Xavier at her side, she was going to carve out her own path, her own destiny.

Approaching the classroom, Helena was suddenly overcome with nervousness. Xavier would be there, and while it would finally be nice to feel happiness when seeing him… they just had sex. No matter what, it would be awkward. She at last entered the classroom and saw him. Their eyes met and they both smiled, hers bright and happy, and his… despondent, of all things. It was a sad smile, one that showed joy like hers, but telling her that there was something wrong. Oh well, he just probably wasn’t used to being in a consenting, monogamous relationship.

The day passed by in a haze, with Helena intoxicated on a cocktail of endorphins. All her stress had vanished in one night, both the tension between her and Xavier and the pain of her past that she had kept bottled up. Then there was also the beginning of this new relationship. For the first time in her life, she had a boyfriend, and she couldn’t be happier. Every minute was spent thinking of him, waiting for night to come so that they could be together. Not even Sister Olivia could dampen her mood, the nun having been stripped of her memories of Xavier’s torture. Unfortunately, that loss of fear had turned her back into a ball-busting cunt.

In the following days, Xavier and Helena worked out a routine. During class, they would go about their business without giving anyone a reason to suspect anything. If they happened to have free periods at the same time, they would sneak off to some quiet corner of the school and make love. During the night, after Sophie fell asleep, Helena would lie awake and eagerly wait to feel him slide under the sheets, his lips to the back of her neck and his hand between her legs. For her, life was perfect.

Helena was panting with her face flushed and a wide smile. She and Xavier were naked in her bedroom, having snuck off in the middle of lunch. She was sitting on his face and he was drinking her in, swirling his tongue around in her sweet honeypot and savoring the taste of her essence. Every flick of his tongue was ecstasy, making her toes stretch and curl. She looked down at his erection, sprawled out like a beached whale. Should she do something? She had given him a couple hand jobs since she first made love, but… should she do more? He was using his mouth on her, so it was only fair.

She slowly leaned down and brought her face close to his manhood. After all the porn she had watched, she certainly knew how it worked. She was nervous about doing such a thing, even though she had already had sex. Sure, she had sided with the Antichrist, but she still had some innocence. But on the other hand, she and Xavier were going to spend their lives together, so she was going to do it eventually. She might as well start now…

Pointing it straight up, she opened her mouth and slowly put her tongue out. If anything could be said about Xavier, he maintained very good hygiene and kept everything manicured down there, but there was still a very manly musk. The smell was overwhelming, striking deep down into the heart of her femininity. In a way, it was more stimulating than the movements of his tongue. Tentatively, she brought her tongue up the shaft and could feel his whole body react. It wasn’t a bad feeling, and she could taste the salt from his sweat. She licked him again and a third time, slowly figuring it out. Having worked up some confidence, she kissed the head, surprised by the incredibly heat her lips felt. She swirled her tongue around it, letting her saliva run down the length. At last, she was ready.

Opening her mouth, she took it in as far as she could. Because of the height difference, she could only get the first few inches, but she rolled his cock around in her mouth lovingly. Already, her nervousness was gone and she felt this become like second nature to her. She instinctively knew to keep her teeth away and to use the sides of her cheeks as much as possible. Shocking her, Xavier sat up, still holding onto her with his tongue never leaving her slit.

Curling his posture removed the height difference between them, sending his cock barreling into her throat. At first she struggled, feeling her gag reflex activating and her breathing being blocked. Xavier put his hand on her head, not to keep her down, but to calm her, and after a few seconds, she managed to relax her throat. Breathing between movements, she started bobbing her head, drowning his cock in saliva and then slurping it up.

She raised her head, gasping for air with her mind overwhelmed with lust. Hell, was she enjoying this more than he was? She began stroking him, using her spit as lubricant, then bent down and started licking it like a popsicle, before again letting it probe the depths of her throat. Xavier could feel it, her sexual pleasure increasing in intensity, signaled by the increasing wetness of her young pussy. She was close to cumming, and he as well. He started bucking his hips, skull-fucking her with Helena feeling nothing but kinky joy. She simply held her head stationary and allowed him to use her mouth as he pleased. They both came a minute later, Helena moaning in euphoria as Xavier filled her mouth with semen. It tasted awful and oozed down her throat, but she was too horny to care. She sucked on his cock like a vacuum, devouring every last glob like it was chocolate syrup. More, she needed more stimulation. She couldn’t let it end here.

She continued sucking him off, refusing to let him go flaccid. Once he had regained his erection, she sat up and moved onto his lap, letting him enter her. She gasped in happiness as his cock slid into her pussy and began rocking back and forth on it. Xavier lied back with a satisfied smirk, watching as her tight, teen ass bob across his lap like a rolling pin. The way she was moving left him breathing heavy, the sensation of his cock being stirred in her velvet sleeve making his body search for any unused ammunition to fire.

Helena leaned back and Xavier lifted her up by the backs of her knees and again started bucking his hips, driving straight up into her with almost inhuman force. Helena was moaning at the top of her lungs, struggling to keep her balance on his cock as he harpooned her womanhood with it. The look on her face was one of hedonistic madness, a complete surrender to sexual pleasure.

“You’re so loose! You must really be enjoying this!”

“Oh God! It feels so good!”

She turned around to face him and changed her position, crouching on the bed so that he could continue thrusting up into her. She looked so happy. It actually warmed Xavier’s black heart in ways he couldn’t describe. A coy grin on his face, he reached down and stuck his finger in her ass, making her holler in shock and joy. He moved his finger inside her anus, pumping her with it while his cock punished her cunt.

In only a minute, she gave that signature moan. “Oh God! I’m cumming!”

Droplets of her euphoria splashed across his lap and she collapsed on top of him, gasping for air. Once she had calmed, she kissed his chest a few times and then moved up to let her lips join his.

She looked into his eyes, a smile of warmth and love on her rose petal lips. “I should have given in to you the day I met you. This has all been wonderful beyond words. But I’m surprised; I spend a week with you and I’m already a depraved jezebel.”

Xavier put his arm around her and kissed her on the forehead. “Same. You’re the first person I’ve actually truly cared about.”

She bolted up. “Oh shit! We’re going to be late for our next class!”

Her face then became red with embarrassment and she covered her mouth. Swearing was still something new to her.

Xavier and Helena rushed into the classroom just as the bell rang. They weren’t out of breath, as Xavier had used his powers to teleport them to an empty part of the building and make their way from there. Sister “the Sphinx” Olivia turned back to them with an angry glare. “You’re late, both of you.”

Helena glared right back, having yet to go back on her word to stop fearing the nun. “We’re in the classroom before the bell, so technically we aren’t.”

“Well the class has started and you’re not in your seats. That’s detention.”

“According to the school handbook, the bell is to tell students to get to their seats, which we were in the process of doing. You can’t punish us for following the rules. You’re the one getting in our way.”

Sister Olivia began to tremble with rage at Helena’s lack of fear. ‘Impudent brat!’ “Well let’s see what the Disciplinary Committee has to say about this!”

“Go ahead! Waste their time like you’re wasting ours. Right now, you’re being an even bigger interruption than we are.”

Everyone in the class looked back and forth between Helena and Sister Olivia, feeling like they were about to witness a bloody coup.

“Take your seats.”

They did as they were told, glad the situation had defused itself. Sister Olivia cleared her throat and began to speak. “Now that you’re all here, I have good news. I’m sure you’re already well aware of it by now, but at the end of this week, the entire 11th and 12th grade classes will go on a fieldtrip. We’ll be going to Jerusalem for three days and leave on the fourth. You need to…”

Xavier was no longer listening to her. He was sitting his desk, his face downcast and his body trembling. Normal people wouldn’t be able to see it, but Helena’s eyes recognized it immediately. It was too soft for her to hear, but she knew he was chuckling.

“What’s going on? Why’d you bring me here?”

Lily and Xavier were standing at the entrance to the school, with Lily back in her uniform. Sighing, Xavier rubbed the top of her head. “You’re a good kid, better than someone like me deserves.”

Through that contact, he gave her a total mind-wipe, erasing himself from her memories, while at the same time, restoring her to her original virgin form, untouched by any man. Her eyes rolled back into her head from the hard reboot and she collapsed. Xavier caught her before she could hit the ground and sat her down on the steps of the school entrance.

Retaining contact, he used her decimated mental state to make some changes, when she would be susceptible to suggestion. “Stop doubting yourself and letting manipulative people walk all over you. Go out and find some friends, your teachers and classmates care about you. Once you graduate, find a nice guy who treats you like a princess, marry him, and have some kids. You deserve to be happy.”

He let go of her and walked away. He had already taken care of anyone who might ask questions as to where she had been, so there wouldn’t be any complications with her reintegration with school life. She’d be fine. She had just needed someone to give her a little push. In his mind, Xavier was thinking back to all the people he had messed with, both with and without collars. He had been teleporting back and forth across the globe, finding the people he had hurt and erasing himself from their memories. It was a long and tiring process, but Lily had been the last one and Daphne before her, the only one whose memories he hadn’t erased. Or was there one more? He had a feeling he was forgetting someone…

Thane sat in the school church, deep in thought and prayer. Ever since his fight with Xavier, he had been racking his mind nonstop in the search of a way to defeat him. He had read every book he could get his hands on, but had found nothing that would suggest a way to beat the Antichrist. If only he could get help from the church, but the brand Xavier left stopped him from any sort of contact. For all he knew, the secret could be buried somewhere in the Vatican Archives, but even if he wasn’t branded, he didn’t have the authority to look. Xavier had said that even he didn’t know if he was completely unstoppable, meaning that there had to be something in this world that could kill him. If Thane couldn’t find it, he would have to trust others to do it. He as one man couldn’t defeat the Antichrist, but he could do the next best thing.

Helena was sitting in Father Hauser’s hospital room. His condition hadn’t changed since the last time she visited him, but according to Xavier, his mind was fine and he would wake up once his body finished healing. He had left her alone, giving her privacy. This was the first time she had seen him since she and Xavier were first intimate. All the times before, she had used the priest as a wall to bounce her problems and fears off of, someone to listen to her vent about her horrible situation even if he couldn’t actually hear her. With all the time she had spent complaining about Xavier, it felt strange to speak about him now in happiness.

“Father Hauser, can you hear me? It’s me, Helena. To be honest, I hope you can’t, because you would probably be disappointed beyond words of me. The truth is… I’ve fallen in love with Xavier. I know he’s the Antichrist, and my worst nightmare is that this will all be some horrible trick he’s playing on me, but I’m done lying to myself about my true desires and I’m done letting other people tell me right from wrong. He’s the first person to ever really challenge me, to make me think, to make me feel, to make me strive… other than you of course. I’m ready to spend my life with him. I’m ready to change the world and use his powers to make it better.” She clutched his hand and dotted it with tears, tears of indescribable happiness. “I hope that when you wake up and Xavier and I get married, you’ll see it in your heart to give me away at our wedding.”

As expected, no reply came, and Helena gave a small laugh. “Just think about it.”

Helena and Xavier walked down the street back towards the school.

“So what exactly is the plan? How are we going to take control of the world?”

“You’ll see on the field trip.”

“You mean to Jerusalem? What are you going to do there?”

“The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: It was there that Christ was killed and then disappeared to return to Heaven. It was there that the power of God left this world. Christ died on the very precipice of a metamorphosis, when the powers of his miracles would evolve into true divinity and he would be able to rule the world. That metamorphosis was stopped when he died, but all I have to do is reach that spot and ultimate power will be mine. I’ll be able to start summoning my minions from Hell and raise an army to take over the world. No country will be able to withstand our forces, and once everyone surrenders, you and I will be the king and queen of the new world.”

“If that’s all it takes, why didn’t you do it earlier? Why not just go to the place where Christ died as soon as his body was removed?”

“I’ll admit, I could have done that, but that would be boring. I wanted to explore the world, see everything mankind had to offer. I wanted to watch history take place. I’ve lived for more than two thousand years. I’ve seen empires rise and fall, I’ve traveled the globe again and again, and I’ve done everything I wanted to. The world has stagnated and I’ve just about run out of places to go and things to witness. It’s time for me to settle down and realize my destiny. I came to this school simply because it would give me an excuse to go there.”

“Did you ever meet him? Jesus, I mean.”

“Yes, I met him. I was the one who met him in the desert, not my father.”

“What was he like?”

Xavier chuckled and looked up at the clear sky. “Let’s just say that even I admired him. He was a very wise and good man, an excellent nemesis for me. It actually saddened me when he was crucified, because I was denied my rivalry. “We are going to do a terrible thing to you–we are going to deprive you of an enemy.” Georgi Arbatov said that when he visited the United States in 1987. He really put it into words how I felt when Jesus died so pathetically. The Apocalypse would have been amazing, the war we could have fought. You could almost say it was his death that made me lose my interest in taking over the world. I didn’t see a point if I wouldn’t get to fight him for it.”

Helena walked over and kissed him on the cheek. “Come on, we’ll talk while we eat.”

They arrived back in the school just in time for lunch. They made their way to the cafeteria, packed with hungry students. As they got their food, Thane entered the building. He tried to put on a poker face, even though his heart felt like it would burst from his chest. He spotted Xavier across the room, feeling a cold sweat at the sight of him. With him was Helena. Wait, was she… smiling? Why would a hostage smile? Was this Stockholm Syndrome? Either way, it was time for him to act.

‘May God have mercy on my soul.’

Thane reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun, bought on the street. It was a cheap Chinese knockoff of an American model, but it would get the job done. He raised it above his head and emptied the magazine into the ceiling, filling the cafeteria with the echoing of gunshots. Screams came after as everyone ducked for cover. Students not seated merely fell to the floor like fainting goats.

Thane loaded a new mag and pulled back the slide. “XAVIER!”

Gun in hand, he moved towards Xavier and Helena, crouched down near the middle of the room.

‘Aw shit, I knew there was someone I had forgotten.’ “Helena, move back. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“Wait, maybe we can talk him out of this!”

“That won’t work and you know it. Just stay back.”

Xavier stood up and faced Thane, showing no fear to the gun pointed at him. He had to admit, he was disappointed. Did Thane really think he could kill him with that?

“Who are you and what do you want with me?”

He had to put up a front that he and Thane had never met. It would be best if he didn’t blow his cover.

“Don’t give me that! You challenged me and here I am. I’m finally making my move. Everyone, listen to me! This man is the Antichrist! I can prove it!”

Hushed muttering flooded through the cafeteria. Thane was a legend in this school, but with his abnormal behavior and getup, he didn’t exactly promote an image of unfaltering mental health. Had he snapped? Had he gone crazy? But on the other hand, he was a junior exorcist, a prodigy at that. If anyone in this school had what it took to find the Antichrist, it has him. For him to go to such measures, there had to be desperation driving him. What was it that would cause him to make such a bold accusation? Was it possible… that he was right?

“I’m not the Antichrist!”

“You may have everyone in this school deceived, but not me! Everyone! It was here, the first time I encountered him that I saw the inhuman evil in his black soul! I saw his thirst for blood and the destruction of the world as clearly as you see me now! And it was here that I faced him one on one! This burn on my hand came from him destroying my rosary! He cursed me to keep me from spreading his secret, but I won’t be silenced!”

“Listen, just put the gun down. You’re not well. You need help. Don’t do something that can be fixed. There is still a chance for you to do the right thing and save yourself.”

“I am doing the right thing. This gun isn’t for killing you. It’s for proving who you are. At this range, no human being can possibly dodge, and as you just saw, this gun functions just fine. If I pull this trigger, nothing but an act of God will keep the bullet from piercing your black heart. You’ll either survive the shot or use your powers to deflect the bullet. Either way, you’ll be revealed as the unholy monster that you are. If I can’t kill you, I can at least let the rest of the world know that you exist. I’m willing to risk life in prison or death if it means giving mankind a chance.”

Xavier worked to suppress a maniacal grin. ‘Clever bastard! A brilliant sacrificial move! It’s a shame you’re only human, you would have made a wonderful nemesis. Damn you, God! Damn you for not making him the second coming of Christ! The war we could have waged on each other would have been a dream come true! For once, I can curse my strength. If I were weaker, he could have posed a true challenge to me.’ “Damn it, I’m not the Antichrist! If you pull the trigger, you’ll murder me, an innocent human! Do you want that on your conscience? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in jail and then go to Hell for killing?! Don’t turn this into a witch hunt!”

“I’ve seen your evil with my own two eyes! There is no mistaking it! This burn on my hand is proof of everything! Now show us who you really are!”

He pulled the trigger and Xavier gave a flick of his finger. A dull clicking was heard and the blood drained from Thane’s face.

‘Unfortunately, I am too powerful to be forced into a corner by a mere human.’ “What did I tell you? You’re crazy. You were so excited about painting me as a monster that you forgot to chamber a round when you reloaded. Students at a Catholic boarding school never watch enough action movies to know how a gun works.”

Thane staggered back, looking at the gun. Was it possible? Had he used his powers to move the bullet out of the chamber? “You son of a bitch! I did chamber a round! I know I did!”

“This is your last chance! Just put the gun down before you hurt someone!”


He reached out to pull back the slide, but Xavier tackled him before he could grab it. The two men tumbled to the floor and Xavier delivered a skull-fracturing punch to the eye, knocking Thane out and letting him pry the gun out of his hand.

He stood up, pointing the weapon at him. “Nice try.”

All the students watched as the police took Thane away in handcuffs, with his gun in an evidence bag. He was locked in the back of a squad car with an ice pack over his eye. Teachers and students were talking to the police, giving their statements. From what Xavier could hear, no one had seen Thane chamber a round. It was an easy movement for them to miss in the loading process. Those situated around him would have been too focused on getting out of his way to watching him, and anyone who did see it would have been too hopped up on adrenaline to remember. Helena stood by his side, wanting to hold his hand. She was reminded of back when the two of them fought those muggers and one of them pulled a gun on him. She had no clue if a gun would even work on Xavier, but it terrified her nonetheless, and she was grateful that he was still with her.

“It’s a real shame,” Xavier said. She looked up at him. “He would have made an excellent nemesis.”

In the days that passed, rumors swirled around Xavier that he could not suppress. Forcing the bullet back into the clip had been his best choice, but Thane had thought this through. As rational an explanation as it was, for him to be so lucky that Thane “forgot” to chamber a round was nothing short of a miracle. Had it really been human error? Had God saved Xavier’s life? Or was that the work of the Antichrist?

Father Brian sat in an interrogation room with Thane. The student was handcuffed and let his head hang. It was the early morning, just before the fieldtrip. In Father Brian’s hands was a folder with Xavier’s name on it. “You should have spoken to me before doing something so reckless. Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?”

“I couldn’t tell you! I couldn’t tell anyone! That bastard put some kind of seal on me that stopped me from talking. Every time I tried, my throat would close up and I would nearly suffocate.”

“Alex, don’t you know how you sound right now? The Antichrist isn’t in the school and he certainly is a student. None of the signs of the Apocalypse have manifested. Besides…” He tossed the file onto the steel table and let the contents slide out. They were Xavier’s grades, medical history, and family background. “He’s squeaky clean. He was a hyperactive little kid, misbehaved once in while as he grew older, and straightened his act in the years before coming to the school. He’s had all of his vaccinations and I have a transcript of his grades from earlier years, some high and some low. I’ve even spoken with his parents over the phone. He’s completely normal.”

“A little too normal, maybe? How do we know he didn’t forge all of those documents? You said you spoke to his parents over the phone, but have you ever met anyone in person who could confirm his existence before coming to the school?” Father Brian stared at him, unsure of how to respond. “I faced him. He destroyed my rosary and burned my hand in the process. I will admit, my plan had room for error, but I assure you that I did chamber a round. His powers are beyond belief and the Vatican must be warned! They’re the only ones with even a chance of beating him!”

“I’m sorry, Alex. I’m sorry that you were put under such strenuous conditions all these years and weren’t properly looked out for. Maybe if you had gotten the help you need, you wouldn’t be in this mess. I will pray for you.”

Cleaning up the contents of the file, Father Brian knocked on the door and it was opened. He stepped outside and was met with the chief of police and a woman he didn’t recognize.

“You know the perpetrator, don’t you? Do you know what would make him snap like that?” the chief asked.

“Yes, I do. I helped him get his name out to the Vatican as a talented exorcist. For the past couple months, he’s been obsessed with finding some kind of evil presence in the school. He thought that there was a demon of some sort, but we never found any evidence to back it up. Why? What is this about?”

The chief motioned to the woman at his side. “This is Malinda Tameo, head of forensics. There is something she needs to show you.”

Father Brian, the police chief, and the scientist stood in the forensics lab of the station. There was a table in between them with light fixtures under a foggy screen. The pistol was set out.

“Now according to reports, Thane fired seven shots when he entered the building, using up all the bullets in his first magazine.”

The woman activated the table and red light shone on the gun, illuminating several fingerprints. The prints caught the light like fiber optics and displayed the depths of their detail.

She laid out a scan of the collected prints, digitally copied off the gun. “These are the fingerprints he would have left when he loaded the first magazine. As you can see, his hand makes the right shape to pull back the slide and chamber a round. The reason why they’re so clearly visible is because when he fired all his bullets up, he coated the gun in powder residue, a lot of it. That residue clung to the oils his hand left behind, just like the dusting powder we use to lift prints. Now, I assume he cleaned the gun before using it, probably to make sure it worked perfectly and wouldn’t cause problems. That would explain the lack of prints older than these. However…” She flipped a button on the table and a blue light shone up, this time revealing a different set of prints. “These prints came after. See, there is significantly less residue in these prints, as it was removed from the gun.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“The residue clung to the oils of the prints from the first time he loaded the weapon, but the second prints remove the residue, meaning that he put his hand on the gun again and pulled it away with residue on his fingers. The first prints came before the first firing, the second prints came after. He did pull back the slide after he reloaded.

Also, we tested the bullet and the gun. The firing mechanism and the magazine were working perfectly, and the bullet that should have been fired wasn’t a dud. We also examined the casing and found scratches that the others in the magazine didn’t have, scratches that come from entering the chamber.”

“You mean that…”

“There is no reason I can find that that bullet shouldn’t have been fired. The gun was working, the bullet was fine, and there is clear evidence that he chambered the round. There is no rational explanation for this event.”

Father Brian gripped his cross. “There is one.”

If was the morning of the field trip, early morning to be precise, and the 11th and 12th grade classes were boarding the 747 that would take them to Israel. The sun had just started to rise on the airport and everyone was as anxious as could be to be visiting the Holy Land. No longer caring what people thought, Helena picked her seat beside Xavier and even clutched his hand.

She was surprised, seeing a sad smile on his face. “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong. Everything is… as it should be.”

As he spoke, the sound of sirens broke the stillness of the early morning and police cars flooded the tarmac. Among them were SWAT vans and officers in full body armor with assault rifles. They formed a ring around the plane, terrifying the students. What was going on? Had some kind of bomb threat had been made?

With a hundred guns pointed at the plane, the chief of police pulled out a megaphone. “Xavier Michaels! Come out with your hands up!”

All eyes turned to Xavier, eyes full of terror. Their fear only grew as Xavier began to laugh. It was a deep, maniacal cackle, and when he spoke, it was a voice none of them recognized but all feared. “Thane, that glorious bastard. Seems his plan worked and he spilled my secret. I’ll have to commemorate him for that.”

He stood up and stepped into the aisle on his side of the plane. Everyone around him was screaming, knowing now that he was the Antichrist. Helena’s grip on his hand tightened, fearful of what was about to happen. “Xavier, please. Don’t let the other students get caught up in this.”

“As you wish. To all my fellow students, I thank you for the wonderful time I’ve spent at Rosewood University, and out of my appreciation, I give the following advice: duck and cover. It’s time for me to show the world what true power looks like.”
Outside, the police gasped in horror as a beam of darkness erupted from inside the plane, firing straight up. The blast was over ten feet wide and looked like a black laser. The metal of the plane immediately began to deteriorate as if splashed with acid, causing the ceiling to be burned away. Inside, all the students were cowering on the floor while their seats burned with black flames. From the inferno rose a figure, not seen by mortal eyes in centuries. Xavier stood, his true form revealed.
At twenty feet in height, his body was humanoid and incredibly muscular. His skin had been replaced with a red hide of scales, draconic almost. His shins, forearms, and chest were encased in a gleaming black armor, the plates seemingly part of his body, like the shell of a scorpion. Plates also hung around his waist, almost like a knight’s armored skirt. His human legs were now more like a predatory dinosaur’s, with his ankles resembling a second set of knees that would allow him to run on all fours. He had a long tail, lined with blades made of the same obsidian bone as his armor. Stretching from his back were two great wings, each stretching forty feet with a black membrane between the bones. His face was still humanlike, but his nose had flattened and his eyes were yellow with slits for pupils. He had a pair of horns protruding from his forehead, with a helmet framing the edges of his face like a beard while leaving his face exposed. The top of his head was a black bonfire, burning furiously.

All the humans stared at him with unsurpassable horror, unable to believe what they were looking at and standing in the presence off. Even Helena felt some fear, shocked that this was the side of Xavier that he had always kept hidden, but she had to admit, she kind of liked the look. Just by standing there, he looked powerful beyond words, an intimidating berserker that couldn’t be stopped.

Xavier examined his hands and laughed. “Ah, it’s been too long since I was last able to take this form. Sometimes I just get so cramped in that tiny human body. At last, I can stretch my wings for one last ride.”

Whenever Xavier honestly spoke, either when trying to frighten someone or just remove all doubt that he was the Antichrist, his voice would get so deep and insidious that it almost seemed inhuman, with an animalistic growl in his throat. Finally, Helena could see the body that that voice truly belonged to. They certainly matched.

“Everyone open fire!”

Following the chief’s command, all of the police officers raised their weapons and shot every bullet they had, emptying all their magazines in just a few seconds. Every bullet that hit Xavier bounced off his exterior like moths hitting a light bulb and rained down into the plane. Once they stopped to reload, he snapped his fingers and all of the weapons exploded like grenades, hurling the cops back and ripping through them with shrapnel.

“You aren’t nearly enough to keep me entertained. Spread the word to Israel and everyone in between and tell them that I’m coming. Maybe they can give me a challenge.” He then turned to Helena and crouched down, holding his giant hand out to her. “Your throne, my queen.”

Smiling, Helena climbed into his palm like it was a hammock and he held her against him.

“Now, to our new world order.”

He gave a mighty flap of his wings and launched himself into the sky, flying towards the place chosen by destiny.

In the hours that passed, Xavier and Helena left Italy, flew over the ocean, and were now passing over Greece. He had her in his arms, protecting her from the wind. He had to mind both his speed and altitude. At first, Helena had been amazed and terrified from the realization that she was flying. This was certainly different from riding a Vespa around Rome, but now she had gotten used to it and was enjoying the scenery, even though it was shooting past her. It felt so strange to be held in the arms of this frightening monster. To think that this had been hidden inside of Xavier all this time. She could sense the power in him, a roaring deluge just waiting to be unleashed.

“Once we get back over the ocean, I suspect we’ll find some company. That area of the Mediterranean will be a hotbed of military ships. Hopefully they can give me a challenge.”

“You sound excited.”

“Of course, I haven’t had a real fight in ages! I have to enjoy it while I can!”

Helena looked up at him. “While you can? I know I want to avoid bloodshed when we take over, but you’ll inevitably get the combat you desire after this.” He didn’t respond. “Xavier?”

“Once the fighting starts, I’ll make sure to teleport you to a safe location. Even with my powers, it would be a bad idea to have you with me with all the firepower they’ll be throwing.”

They returned to flying over the sea, and as soon as they left Greek airspace, two jets zoomed past them.

“Ah, those must be from Turkey. Now the fun begins. Sorry, dear, but you may get a little wet.”
She teleported out of his arms, reappearing on a shipping buoy down below. Dampened with the foamy droplets of the sea around her, she looked up to see the two jets closing in on Xavier. From under the noses of the aircrafts, twin machine guns began firing off rounds so fast that the individual gunshots were barely audible. Laughing, Xavier swooped down towards the sea, dodging the streams of bullets. Reaching the water, he opened his wings and shot off across the surface with rounds splattering in the ocean around him. He soon pulled up and reversed himself in the air, closing in on the two jets. His hand raised, he sliced off the wing of one of the jets with his claws, sending it spiraling out of control. He turned around chased after the other jet, now desperately trying to escape him. He grabbed the tail end of the jet and ripped the craft apart.

About to go and retrieve Helena, he was blinded by smoke as a missile impacted against his chest. Grinning, he looked ahead at the six oncoming jets, firing their payloads at him. Xavier dodged all but one of the missiles, the last one he grabbed and held onto. Chasing after one of the jets with the rocket in hand, he slammed it against the underside of the aircraft and sent it hurtling down to the sea in a ball of fire. The other five jets were now flying around him, trying to confuse him while the pilots came up with a plan. Continuing to laugh, he slashed at the air and launched five blades of shadow fire from his claws, shooting across the sky like comets. The burning apparitions struck another jet, killing the pilot before he could eject.

The sensation of bullets bouncing off his back drew his attention to the jet shooting towards him from behind. Opening his jaws, he unleashed a linear inferno from his mouth, washing over the jet as it passed by and setting it ablaze. The fourth jet fired two more missiles at him, both of which he dodged. Holding his arm back, he materialized a black javelin in his grip. Focusing with one eye shut, he hurled it at the fleeing jet and struck it in the back of the rear thruster. The lance drilled through the aircraft like it was nothing and pierced the pilot through the heart.

Xavier turned to the last two jets, now being ordered to fall back. Refusing to let his prey escape, Xavier fired two lasers from his eyes and cut them in half. Down below, Helena watched the battle progress in utter shock. The idea of those pilots being killed was abhorrent to her, but she could not ignore her amazement at the sight of such one-sided destruction. To say it was impressive would be an understatement. His power was equaled only by his agility in the air, zooming back in forth in all directions and in tight turns with nothing but flaps of his wings. More and more jets showed up to shoot him out of the sky, but all met the same fate.

The next challenge came after they passed by Cyprus. The United States Sixth Fleet had been gathered, including two destroyers and an aircraft carrier, as well as at least twenty other ships. It was as large a force as could be gathered in so short a time. The armada had formed a blockade floating between Xavier and Helena and Israel, and neither of them could help but wonder if those soldiers had actually been told what they were up against. Once again, Xavier dropped her off at a safe location, this time on a nearby sandbar. The sky above the fleet was filled with jets, launched from the aircraft carrier and buzzing in circles like wasps.

Spreading his wings to their maximum length, Xavier gave a thunderous roar, and from the black membranes, a volley of black spheres were launched, like rounds of buckshot from a rack of automatic shotguns. Made of pure dark energy, the barrage rained down on the swarm of jets, knocking them out of the sky like they were nothing. Everyone in the fleet watched in horror as the sky was seemingly set ablaze from every jet simultaneously exploding and raining down in a hellish mess of steel and fire.

Reaching USS Carney destroyer, Xavier swooped up and then dove straight down, crashing into the middle of the vessel. The ship was ripped in half with ease, the bow and stern sent skyward from the force of the impact. From the observation port of the nearby aircraft carrier, the admiral watched with a cold sweat as Xavier crawled up the side of the now vertical destroyer.

Ignoring the lives of all the soldiers still onboard, he gave the order. “Fire everything!”

Every cannon and gun in the fleet was loaded and fired, this time in the direction of the sinking destroyer. Xavier took to the sky, maneuvering past every bomb hurled in his direction. With every flap of his wings, an invisible pulse of energy would be released and set off any rounds in the air around him. Having the time of his life, he flew up high over the clouds and then closed in for another dive. He struck a dock landing ship, crumpling it like an empty beer can and sending up a plume of water. Leaping through the air, he lunged towards another ship, this time with a charging sphere of dark energy between his hands. Cackling, he slammed it down onto the vessel and caused it to erupt into an explosion of black flames.

He did this three more times, leap-frogging from vessel to vessel with every ship he touched being obliterated either with a shadowy explosion or from pure kinetic energy. After the fifth ship, Xavier dove into the water to dodge the continuing barrage. Seconds later, a nearby cruiser was lifted into the air, skewered from below by a black laser with a diameter of over twenty feet. Another cruiser soon met the same fate, pierced by a beam of condensed darkness and sent skyward before crashing into the ocean.

Below the sea, Xavier swam over to a submarine and got under it. He placed his hands on the craft’s hull and dug his claws into the metal. Both his wings folded up into open cones on his back, and from them, two focused storms of shadow fire were released, his wings now acting like rocket thrusters. Using that propulsion, he rose out of the water with the submarine in his grip, sending shivers of fear up the spines of everyone in the fleet. He flew over to a nearby ship and then slammed the submarine down into it like a giant baseball bat, pulverizing them both and causing them to erupt in fiery explosions. He dove down again to get another submarine, repeating this process over and over again and decimating the fleet. Soon enough, there were only two ships remaining.

Swimming underneath the second destroyer, Xavier dug his claws into the metal. Giving a roar of joy and exertion, he increased the output of the two thrusters to their maximum, pushing up on the underside of the destroyer. Everyone on the deck watched as the water around the ship began to churn and vaporize while looking like oil. A loud groan was then heard, and slowly, the craft began to rise.

He hovered above them, holding the ship over his head like it was weightless. “WITNESS THE TRUE POWER OF DARKNESS!”

Roaring, he flew over to the aircraft carrier and brought down the destroyer onto it like the sword of Damocles, ripping the carrier in half and turning the vertical destroyer in a pillar of fire. The sky now darkened by eternal smoke, Xavier hovered, breathing in the sweet aroma of chaos. It was a smell he would miss.

The final challenge came in the deserts outside of Jerusalem, where the entire Israeli army had been gathered. Every soldier, tank, and helicopter was gathered. The city itself had been evacuated.

Xavier stopped just out of their range of sight and dropped Helena off at a rocky crag to hide. “One last fight, then we shall arrive.”

She leaned against him, her heart aching. “Please, try and be quick. I don’t want to see any more bloodshed.”

“That’s up to them, not me.”

He then took flight and approached the desert army, his blood boiling with anticipation. For Helena’s sake, he decided to at least give them a chance.


He dropped down onto the dry ground and clapped his hands together. From between his hands, a massive claymore emerged. He then curled up his wings into cones like he had before and began firing jets of black fire from the folds. Propelled by these twin rocket boosters, he hurtled across the arid wasteland almost as if skating, but with the talons on his feet ripping the ground apart and a vast cloud of dust rising behind him. He could see the fear in the soldiers’ eyes before he even reached them, and that fear only grew once he began his rampage.

He pounced on the first tank, slicing it down the middle with his claymore. Nearby, soldiers opened fire with Uzis, but the small rounds merely bounced off his skin. Turning to them, he raised his hand and black light flashed from his palm, incinerating the soldiers in an instant. The ground around him became a tempest of smoke and dust, brought about by the missiles of a military helicopter. The craft’s entire payload was fired, but from the sandy cloud, black wires reached out like lunging snakes and grabbed the helicopter. Stepping out of the dust, Xavier swung his arm and sent it crashing down into a tank. With more tanks and helicopters approaching, he got down on all fours. Growing from either side of his spine, straight tusks of bone were formed and then launched, propelled by streams of fire as Xavier’s own missiles. The flying pikes shot the helicopters out of the sky and sent them crashing back to Earth in flaming heaps.

An insidious grin on his face, Xavier took off across the battlefield in a sprint. He turned into a running tornado, spinning over and over again to slaughter the sea of enemies around him. With his sword, he cut through tanks like they were made of cardboard; with his claws, he sliced open the chests of soldiers and sent their blood spraying in fountains; with his tail, he sheered down anything that got in his way like blades of grass against a lawnmower.

“More! More! GIVE ME MORE!”

He zoomed across the battlefield back and forth, carving lines of destruction through the Israeli army and leaving the ground behind him drenched in gore. Once he thinned out their numbers, he took to the sky and flew high over the battlefield. He raised his hands and a sphere of darkness began to form between his palms, growing in size and power with each second.


He hurled the sphere down into the center of the battlefield. Upon striking the ground, it expanded to a kilometer in diameter, shoving everything back with a powerful gust of wind, then receded back into a miniscule point and pulled everything back in with the resulting vacuum, and finally erupted into an explosion of shadow energy on par with the detonation of a hydrogen bomb. Black flames surged up into the heavens, blocking out the sun and filling the sky with storm clouds and dark lighting.

The battle over, Xavier returned to Helena. The look on her face was of inner conflict. She couldn’t condone what Xavier had done, and it reminded her of what a monster he was, but she had come too far and changed too much to shut it out.

Xavier crouched down and scooped her up. “Don’t worry, there won’t be any more violence. I promise.”

From the outside, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre didn’t look like much. Aside from its size and the dome on top, it looked just like any other old building in the city. If anything, it looked a little awkward. There were signs that it had been manned by guards in preparation of Xavier’s arrival, but it seemed his battle outside the city had scared off anyone who might try to stop them. Ever since arriving at Jerusalem, Helena had been overwhelmed with a crushing power, weighing the air down on her and making it hard to breath. It was the same level of power she felt in Xavier, but it was different. It was… warm, and comforting. Was this the power of Christ still permeating the city? Was it reacting to Xavier’s presence and creating this dense atmosphere?

They stepped into the rotunda beneath the domed ceiling, facing the small Aedicule chapel. The air was so thick with power, it made it difficult for Helena just to stand. As they each stepped forward, the ground began to shake, with dust falling from the ceiling above. Xavier grabbed Helena and shielded her as the chapel exploded, unable to contain the power building within. In its place, a beam of light shone down through the ceiling, blindingly bright. It was at this very spot that Jesus died and the earth was left behind.

“So this is it? Once you step into that light, the world will be ours, right?”

Xavier turned to her, a sad smile on his face. “I’m not going to do it. You are.” She stared at him in confusion, wondering what he meant. Xavier looked up into the light and sighed with that smile still on his face. “From the moment I met you, I knew I needed you in my life. At first I simply thought of you as a challenge, someone to break, but you became so much more than that. This whole time, all my acts of cruelty were done out of desperation, because being around you made it so hard for me to be the monster that I was. I was struggling to cling to what I used to be because being around you was changing me. Helena, since the day we met, I was the one wearing the collar, not you.”

“Xavier, what are you talking about?”

“I once dreamed of ruling the world, then I dreamed of ruling the world with you as king and queen, but now, when I try to visualize the future, there is only you, without me. My desire to see you lead this world has overcome my desire to rule it myself. Don’t you understand? I’ve lost the will to fight. I’m ready to give in and admit my defeat. I see it now, the ending that the bible prophesized. I never had any chance of winning, because you won my heart from the moment I saw you.”

“What are you talking about? Why are you saying all this?”

“You changed me. You broke me. You robbed me of the desire to harm others. The fighting you saw, that was all I had left. Now I’m completely hollow. There is nothing left in me but my love and subservience to you. Helena, you’ve beaten me. There is only person capable of that, and it took the form of this beautiful girl standing before me.

It’s a saying as old as love itself. Opposites attract. You are my opposite and I am yours, which means…”

Neither of them were able to finish the sentence, but Helena covered her mouth as if she had just been given heartbreaking news. “What? No! That’s crazy!”

“I realized it the moment you told me about your past, about your father.”

“I never even knew my father!”

“That’s because you didn’t have one.” His words hit her like a punch to the gut. “I began analyzing you as soon as you told me and I’ve found only your mother’s genes in you. The rest is something else, something that’s been hidden away for this very moment. Even I couldn’t find it unless I already knew to look. I wouldn’t say this to you lightly. I know it with all my heart and soul to be true. You are the Second Coming. God impregnated your mother to keep you hidden. No one would ever consider her being the host of the immaculate conception, meaning you would be safe from the world until you were ready, safe from me.”

“That’s impossible! I’m just a regular girl! I’ve never performed a miracle or anything like that!”

“No, Helena, you have performed a miracle. You made me fall in love with you. I always thought that Armageddon would be an epic battle between Christ and myself, and you and I did have our battle. It started the day we met, a battle of wills, each of us overcome with feelings we had never before felt. From the moment I revealed myself to you, we both thought that you were trying to beat me and retain your freedom, but the truth is that you had already beaten me. All your powers were locked away so that you would be hidden until the time was right.”

“No, wait… this doesn’t make any sense.”

“Helena, from the moment you entered Jerusalem, you felt the power in the air. That power isn’t because of me. It’s because of you. It is your own soul anticipating the regain of its former power.” Her eyes widened and she gasped. “You once told me that God had a plan for everything and I’m starting to wonder if maybe you were right. Our meeting wasn’t coincidence. It was the prophesized clash of good and evil. You and I were brought together to fight for mankind’s future, and you won. It was just a battle neither of us expected.

Now it’s time for the aftermath. You say you’ve never performed a miracle, but all you have to do is step into that light and you will reclaim the lineage left for you. You will awaken as the Second Coming of Christ and gain ultimate power to shape the future of mankind. I’ve lost the will to do it myself and am left with nothing but the desire to see you do it, because I love you and I know it is what’s best for you.”

She looked away from him, unable to process all this at once. “I can’t believe this. This is just too much.”

“Just step into that light and it will be confirmed.”

“But then… what does that mean for you and me?”

“You know how Revelations ends. The Antichrist is cast back into Hell and Christ creates peace on Earth.”

With tears in her eyes, Helena tackled him. She finally understood that sad smile she had always seen him wear since they first made love. He had known this was coming. He knew the day was fast approaching when he would have to leave her, and he had been trying to enjoy what little time they had left together.

“No! That’s not how it’s supposed to happen! You promised me we would be king and queen! We would rule this world together! If you take my place, we can make it all happen the way we want!”

“That future is impossible for me. I no longer have the will to step into that light. As much as I want to be with you, Armageddon has been won. There is only your future as the victor. Besides, the world will be better off with you at the helm rather than me. Ha! To think that the day would ever come when I would say such a thing. You really have changed me.”

Helena buried her face in his chest. “I don’t want you to go! After everything you’ve put me through, you can’t just make me love you and walk away! You can’t do that to me!”

“Then that will be my last evil deed, one last heart I leave broken. The future is calling, and it is a future that I can’t join you in. This is the way it’s supposed to be. This is what is supposed to happen. Helena, I lost, and I’m happy I lost, because now I love you so much that your future means more to me than anything, even being with you.”

“But I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to be alone.”

“And I don’t want to lose you either, but this is the fate that was decided for us. It’s time for me to return home and it’s time for you to deliver this world to salvation. You are Christ and I am the Antichrist. This is the destiny that always awaited us. Besides, it’s been so long since I last spoke to my dad. We probably have some catching up to do.”

Helena just continued to cry into his shirt. “Xavier, I love you.”

“I love you too, and that’s why I hereby set you free.”

He then leaned down and kissed her neck. The collar and the three sixes briefly appeared before seemingly materializing. Feeling the bond breaking between them struck Helena deep into her heart, deeper than she ever thought possible. Her memories would remain, but the connection between their souls was severed. She closed her eyes and collapsed in his arms, the shock having knocked her out.

Xavier sighed and brushed her hair out of her face. “You’re always so beautiful.”

He then picked her up and stepped into the light, holding her out. A gold aura enwrapped Helena’s body and she began to float, the power of God flooding every fiber of her being and recreating her into the new messiah. She hovered vertically with her arms held out to her sides, as if she were being crucified. The light of God was returning to Earth, and already, Xavier could feel it trying to push him out. The world was now hers, her power exceeding his. He snapped his fingers and a crimson portal appeared before him, leading back to Hell.

He shot one final glance to Helena and smiled. “Thank you, Helena. Thank you for everything.”

He stepped into the doorway and vanished. Twenty minutes later, Israeli soldiers swarmed in, ready for a last-ditch attempt to kill Xavier. They found Helena, glowing like a star and hovering in the crucifixion formation. They stared at her, completely lost for words. Slowly, she was lowered back down to the floor and they rushed over to her. Her eyes opened and she took a shuddering breath, feeling like she had been paralyzed her entire life and could at last feel her body.

“Miss, are you ok?”

She took the soldier’s hand and he helped her to her feet. It took a second for her mind to straighten out and sort through all of the energy and knowledge pulsing through her existence. It then came back to her, the realization that Xavier was gone. At that moment, she wanted to cry harder than ever in her life, but she put on a brave face.


“Yes, I’m fine.”

“What happened here? What happened to the monster?”

She smiled and wiped away a tear. “He is gone, he was defeated. And now, it is the start of a new age.”

Five years later:

Wearing a pair of large sunglasses and hiding her long ruby hair with a sun hat, Helena ducked out of the back door of her apartment building in Vatican City. It was hard for her to go out these days, as her followers seemed to always be camped out in front of her building. Hoping to go at least one day without being recognized, she strolled through the streets of Rome with a smile on her face, admiring the beauty of the world around her. Things had certainly changed since that fateful day in Jerusalem, when Armageddon was decided. Helena had been revealed as the Second Coming, something that surprised her to this day. She had been hard at work since then, trying to bring peace to the world as she was born to.

She at last arrived at her favorite café, the same place she and Xavier used to come for coffee back during their school days. She ordered a cappuccino and sat down at an empty table in the shade of a parasol. Waiting for her beverage to be delivered, she watched the citizens of Rome go about their day in the street before her. As they had time and time again, her thoughts drifted back to the world Xavier had shone her, his fantasy of the future in which they ruled side by side. That vision had taken place at this time period, but things were different from that reality.

She was embarrassed of how little she had accomplished in these five years, compared to “Queen Helena”. Every day was a struggle to prove herself as the messiah and secure the faith and respect of the world. Even with her powers and the ability to perform miracles, people of other religions refused to accept her or her teachings and a lot of Christians were against the idea of the Second Coming being in the form of a woman. There had also been mistakes in the beginning, brought on by her youthful naivety, but there was still progress being made. Even if she had yet to bring about world peace, the number of her followers was growing daily and she had become a political beacon on the international stage. Slowly but surely, the world was changing, and she would spend the rest of eternity making sure it was for the better.

Her coffee was brought to her and she took a gluttonous drink, savoring the taste and the memories it brought back, memories of Xavier. The two lovers hadn’t had a lot of time to be together, but his leaving wasn’t something she could simply move on from. He had returned to Hell, but would he stay there forever? Every day she thought about him and wished he would return. She was lonely without him, and his wisdom and knowledge would certainly help her on her path to establishing world peace.

Looking down the street, she smiled. Thane and Daphne were walking down the street, pushing a stroller. They were both happy, their faces as bright as the rings on their fingers. How strange, that of all the people in the world, those two would end up finding each other? And of all things, it was the intrusion of Xavier into Rosewood University that had brought them together. Daphne had straightened her act after Xavier betrayed her and decided to give faith a chance. That was when she met Thane, a saint ordained by Helena herself, and now a world-famous demonologist and exorcist. The two of them together were proof of how the impossible had become reality in this new world.

Having finished her coffee, she was about to pay and leave, but felt a hand grasp her shoulder. A lightning bolt shot up her spine. ‘No, it can’t be…’

She looked up, seeing a smile she thought he would never see again.

“Hello, Helena.”


She jumped from her chair and tackled him, sobbing into his collar and soaking his shirt with tears of joy. He looked older than she remembered, at least as old as she was, and holding him, he felt so much different than before. He felt… hollow.

“Where have you been? How did you come back?”

“I was in Hell, making myself ready for the day I could return to you, even if it meant giving up everything else.”

It then hit her, the realization of this sensation. He wasn’t hollow. He was human. There was no longer any power in him.

“You… what did you do?”

“Five years, it took five years to completely strip the darkness away from my soul. It was the only way I could return to this world now basking in your divine light. The last spark of energy I had, I used to come back. I’m ready to spend my life you, my mortal life, not as the Antichrist, but as a man, a man who loves you.”

She looked at him and smiled with tears still rolling down her beautiful face. “Welcome home. I love you, my king.”

He smiled as well and began to kiss her. “I love you too, my queen.”

The End

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