A Witch From Another World


(Or: That Time I Got Reincarnated As A College Girl)

By MisterWildCard

Author’s notes:

If this was a Japanese “light novel” like some of the stories that partially inspired this, the title would be “ISEKAI KARA KITA MAJO: TENSEI SHITARA JOSHI DAISEI DATTA KEN”. I leave it to my readers to come to a consensus on what the abbreviated nickname should be. 🙂

All characters here engaged in any sort of sexual activity are at least eighteen years old. All characters here are my own creation, and not intended to reference any real persons, intentionally or otherwise.

Some background characters in this tale, along with the fictional “Ellwood College” setting first appeared in my previous story “Roger, Over and Out”, but it’s not necessary to have read that in order to enjoy this one.

I know I haven’t published much this last year, and I do apologize for that. I’m hoping to increase my output going forward, but there was no way I was going to miss Geek Pride, so I’m glad to have this ready in time for you all to read and hopefully enjoy.

Big thanks to Blind_Justice for beta-reading this and making some very helpful suggestions. Check his stories out, they’re very good!

If you enjoyed this story, I hope you’ll check out the others I have posted here, and I’d love to hear any and all feedback, even on the parts you think maybe didn’t work as well.

Without any further ado, let us begin our tale, which begins (but does not end) in a distant world so very different from our own, a world of magic and mystery, a world called All Stone:


The land was on fire.

Natashka Veltris lay on her back, staring up at the smoke-choked sky. Her right arm lay limp at her side, flesh shredded and burned down to the bone, while her good left hand spasmed weakly over her opened belly, unable to stem the tide of blood. “Tell me, Kai. Did we win?”

A ghostly face appeared in her field of vision, crafted in the image of a handsome youngster of indeterminate gender and species. Her bond-spirit. They had a sad smile, their voice echoing through her mind and soul. “You did, Great Mistress. The Abomination of Flame is no more, and I have heard reports on the wind of his armies scattering, now that they lack his power to unite and empower them. The war is over. You won.”

“We won, Kai. You and I, and ‘I’m-Just-A-Sergeant-Damnit’ Borkin, and Polly, and Malice, and all the others. The world won. The world will live. That’s all that matters.” She coughed, and felt hot coppery blood splatter across her mouth and chin.

“I am very sorry that you will not, Great Mistress. Your magics, while considerable, are not sufficient to heal your wounds.”

“Stop calling me that, Kai. I’m no one’s mistress — I’m just an old woman.”

Kai cocked their face to one side, still holding that same sad smile. “Would you prefer I call you the ‘Dread-Witch’, as so many have done?”

“You’ve been my bond-spirit for many years, Kai. I’d like to think you’re more than just my familiar, confidante, and assistant. I’d like to think that a spirit and a witch could be friends, at least here at the end, eh?” She glanced over at her destroyed arm. “It’s one thing to cure maladies, and quite another to rebuild so much lost flesh — and even if I had that latter skill, my reserves of power are quite spent. I’m all too aware that no one will reach us in time. My only regret is that you will perish with me, bonded as we are.”

Now Kai looked skeptical. “Your only regret? Let us be honest with each other at our mutual end, Great… I mean, Natashka. Surely, you must have others.”

“Such comfort you are, Kai! Such bedside manner, it’s a wonder you weren’t bonded to a healer-mage. I wish I could at least numb the pain a bit, but even that kind of healing magic’s never been my forte.” She laughed for a moment, but it hurt too much to draw breath, and she continued the conversation only in her mind, where only her bond-spirit could hear. “I don’t want to die here, Kai. No one does, of course — but I’m only sixty! I had many decades of vitality ahead of me, if I cared for myself well. It would be a great thing, if only I could have another life to live, to give more of what I had to offer to the world and to those I cherished, to experience all that life has to offer in return. Wouldn’t… wouldn’t that be nice? I’d like that very much, I would.” A sharp agony speared through her chest, and her left arm went numb. The edges of her vision grew dark.


Gasping one last breath of pained air, Natashka Veltris spoke her last words. “The Lord of All Stone! What do you…?” But in that moment, her heart beat başakşehir escort its last, and her words froze in her still throat. As the flames of the burning world around her slowly settled into smoldering embers, and the shining blue-white sun broke through the parting clouds, Natashka Veltris, the Dread-Witch of the Emerald Forest, greatest hero of her age… died alone in a ditch by the side of a distant road. Her world would mourn her.


“Wait! The machine beeped! For the love of God! Wait!”

Natashka heard the words, but didn’t recognize the man’s voice. She was still lying down… but now she felt a softness beneath her. A bed, a luxurious one from the feel of it. Pillows below her head. Her belly felt intact. She could feel her arms, and felt no pain there at all — but there was something in her throat, a source of great discomfort. She opened her eyes. Immediately there were screams, followed by a loud thump as a man who’d been standing over her fainted and collapsed.

“We’ve got brain activity! Her eyes are open! Doctor… dios mio, come see!”

Her bed was surrounded by strangers. She could hear their words, and understood their meaning — but they weren’t words she actually knew. They were not speaking River-talk, or Migoro, or any of the other languages she’d ever heard of in her sixty years. It was something altogether different — but somehow she understood. Where was she? What was going on? She tried to speak, but whatever was in her throat made it impossible. It took a few moments for the people around her in white uniforms to pull some strange tube from deep within her throat. That was a new round of agony, but it passed quickly. She was able to breathe normally afterwards, which seemed to mystify everyone present. The man who’d fainted had been gently carried into a nearby chair, and was slowly coming around.

Natashka looked left and right — definitely no one here she recognized. All humans like herself, none of the other sentient species present at all. How strange. “How…” her throat was raspy, and it hurt to speak, but she tried her best. “How did I survive? I should be dead!”

Everyone stopped and stared at her. “Oh god, she’s speaking gibberish,” one of them said. “There’s still neurological damage.”

A woman stepped up to her and took hold of her face, shining a small light into her eyes. “Victoria! My name is Doctor Kanagawa! Can you understand what I’m saying? Nod your head up and down if you can understand my words!”

Squinting from the bright light, Natashka nodded.

“Oh thank god. Do you know where you are? Nod your head for yes, shake it side to side for no.”

Natashka shook her head. She couldn’t even figure out what these walls were made of, never mind where this strange place was.

“Do you know who these people here are?”

She shook her head again, which drew sobs from many present.

“Oh gods! Vickie, it’s me! Your mother! I should have never let you leave the house that day, I knew something bad was going to happen! Don’t you remember me?”

The next few hours were utter chaos. Natashka was prodded and probed in every possible way, and was shocked to discover during that exam that she had the body of a much younger woman. What was going on? Before she could process this, she was wheeled to another room with a strange tube-like machine, which she was fed into head first with firm instructions not to move. The machine was painfully loud, but Natashka endured it. She’d dealt with worse in her long life.

Once she was back in the room where she’d first opened her eyes, the doctor was now speaking to the people who seemed to be her family. “I’ll be honest, I have no idea what’s going on. This morning, your daughter was… well, brain-dead. You were about to disconnect life support. Now she’s not only awake, but she seems — fine. Physically.”

“But she was talking gibberish! She doesn’t know us!”

“Victoria received massive cerebral trauma when she was run over, Mister Blackstone. It’s a miracle she’s alive at all, and although her brain tissues don’t show evidence of any trauma now — which makes no sense whatsoever — it’s not at all shocking that she’s experiencing neurological issues, such as this apparent aphasia and memory loss. Don’t worry, our neurologists and rehab therapists will work with her to get her functional again, as best we can.”

After a flurry of tearful farewells, the family eventually filed out, leaving only the uniformed staff such as Doctor Kanagawa. They tested her physical abilities, showing she was able to stand and walk, which further mystified them. A discomforting tube they called a “catheter” was removed from between her legs, and she was shown where she could relieve herself in a small side room. Natashka sat and did so, her mind awhirl in confusion. She looked down at her youthful breasts, much larger than her previous life’s endowment, and laughed a raspy laugh, completely at a loss of any other way to react to everything. But even as she laughed, batıkent escort she winced in pain – her throat was still sore from the breathing tube they’d removed earlier.

After firm instructions from the doctor not to remove any of the sensors they taped to her chest, nor the odd needle in her arm, she was finally given solitude, and the bright lights on the ceiling were extinguished. After hours of chaos, finally the world was still, with no more distractions.

Not wanting to stress her throat further, The Dread-Witch’s thoughts echoed inside her own mind. “Kai? Are you there?”

After a long moment, the bond-spirit’s face appeared before her, and Natashka breathed a sigh of relief. “I am, Great Mistress. But something happened. I’ve been disoriented, overwhelmed with strange sounds and images. I tried to speak to you, but your thoughts were too unfocused, as were mine. But I’m feeling better now.”

Natashka reached up to touch her face and her hair, which was now only stubble. They’d removed a band of “brain sensors” from around her skull — perhaps her hair had been shaved off to avoid interfering with them. This face felt completely unlike the one she remembered from her long sixty years. Her nose was the wrong shape. Her skin had an olive tone to it rather than the pale Northerner hue. There was a gap in her lower left teeth that hadn’t been there before. Taking a deep breath, Natashka reached out with her other senses — and could feel her reservoir of mystic power inside, mostly depleted but steadily replenishing. In fact, it was doing so much faster than she would have expected. This place was rich in arcane energy, but it seemed that absolutely no one nearby was drawing upon it except for her. Very odd. “Kai, what can you discern about where we are?”

“A moment, Great Mistress. I am investigating something.”

“Young Mistress now, it seems. Only All Stone knows why, I’d imagine, but I seem to have someone else’s body now. I won’t claim my old form was an especially lovely body, but it was mine, damnit. So what is it you’re investigating, anyway?”

Kai’s eyes were glazed over. “I… oh my. This place does not have the network of mystic sending we were accustomed to. It has something very different, but I can access it and read its contents. We are no longer on the soil of All Stone, Natashka. We are at some other place entirely. And according to the ocean of information I now have access to, the people of this locale call their world ‘Earth’.”

“A new life, it seems.”

“Indeed. And I have been able to find out more about the body you inhabit. You are a human named Victoria Natasha Blackstone, age eighteen. Six months ago, you participated in a political demonstration, whereupon you were struck by a large moving vehicle called a ‘police truck’. You were gravely injured, and your body was about to be allowed to die after months of failed treatment. It seems that Victoria’s soul has long since departed this body — and yours was placed inside to fill the opening that was left.”

Natashka pondered this. “We’re in a house of healing, yes?”

“Indeed. The word in the local language ‘English’ is ‘Hospital’.”

Natasha looked over at a sign attached to the wall, which bore the words ‘No Smoking’. “Which I can somehow understand and even read, but not speak. Kai, if we’re supposed to make something of ourselves with this new life, I think it’s best we start slowly. I can feel my access to arcane energies, but the last thing I want to do is risk injuring others being healed nearby while experimenting with spellcasting in this new body.”

Kai nodded agreement. “I should also note that in my brief research, it seems that resonance-magics and other similar skills are considered fictional here. I would exercise great caution.”

“All the more reason to test that later, once I’ve been released from here and have some true privacy. For now, let’s concentrate on letting this body — my body — heal, and learn how to speak this English. I’ve learned eleven other languages, one more shouldn’t be too hard.” She settled back against the wonderful mattress and pillows. “In the meantime, I want you to start gathering information on what Victoria was like. I can feign ignorance for a time because of her head injury, but I think it would be better to act as if I am indeed these people’s daughter returned from certain death, at least for now.” She reached down and cupped her breasts in her hands, carefully examining them again in amused interest, fascinated by their mass. “No wonder Malice was always complaining about her back, she also had a bosom of this size. Mine were a third this weight, if that. This is going to take some getting used to.”


The next few weeks went by in a crawl. Her days were spent with an endless array of doctors and rehabilitation therapists, making sure she could walk and do other everyday tasks without any great trouble, while also helping her to “relearn” how to speak English.

“Kai, why is it that I can understand batman escort spoken and written English, but not this ‘Espanol’ that some of the nurses speak?”

“I suspect that you have some distant echoes of Victoria’s memory and skills in your body. Perhaps she only spoke the one language. Since she did not understand Espanol, neither do you.”

“One more to learn, then! Be so kind as to access an Espanol-teaching spider-web for me.”

“The term is ‘web-site’, Mistress Veltris. We shall start with counting to ten. Uno, dos…”

There were many visits from her family — her parents Magnus and Caroline, her elder siblings Bradley and Maxine. Then there was a late arrival, another sibling named Victor, who seemed relieved that Victoria didn’t object to his presence. The rest of the family eagerly welcomed him back, as if he’d been absent for some time. Kai had been doing more ‘internet’ research on Natashka’s new identity, and provided her with some small details that she could reference to the Blackstone family, under the pretense of ‘slowly returning memories’. This led to them being greatly relieved, and they would then help fill in the personal details that online searches could not provide — a winning situation for all.

The doctors considered Victoria to be a huge puzzle to be solved. It was unclear how her brain tissue had regenerated from such horriffic damage, how her body was able to function so well despite being bed-ridden and comatose for months, and how quickly Victoria was able to “regain” all her mental faculties. Natashka suspected that they would have liked to keep Victoria at the hospital until they solved this mystery, but eventually they were forced to acknowledge that she was fully recovered, and fit to return home.


It had taken weeks of careful work, but finally Victoria held two prized documents in her hands. “Behold! A high school diploma, and my letter of reaffirmed acceptance to Ellwood College!”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Vickie. And I’m still against this. You shouldn’t be going to college so soon. You’re still recovering.”

“Mom, we’ve been over this.” Natashka grit her teeth, looking sidelong to her father. “I’m fully recovered. I’m eighteen. I passed all my exams.” The math and English courses had been easy enough, and what she hadn’t learned yet on her own for the science and history exams, Kai had been able to pull from the internet during the test to supply her with everything she needed for top scores, being careful to make a couple of minor deliberate mistakes to avoid suspicion. “I’ve earned my diploma fair and square,” Kai coughed politely in her ear, but she ignored that. “…and Ellwood College confirmed that my acceptance from before the attack still stood, on condition of my getting my high school diploma.”

The police had tried to claim Victoria getting run over was an “accident”, but there were too many videos online showing that the police truck had deliberately swerved to hit her, and picking up audio of the cop and his radio dispatcher saying those fateful words, “Mow the hippie bitch down” and “With pleasure, sir.” The trial and subsequent lawsuit – both conducted while Victoria was still in her coma – made national headlines. The two implicated officers were now in jail, and the city was forced by Federal judges to pay out many millions of dollars to Victoria in punitive damages.

“I just worry you’re rushing too fast, Vickie–“

“Victoria, not ‘Vickie’ Or you know what? I’d like to start using Natasha. I always liked my middle name better. I’m not your little girl anymore, I’m eighteen, I’m healthy, and I’m going to college. Strictly speaking, you have no say in this.”

“I’m your mother, and I’m paying for your college, so I most certainly do! You’re my baby girl and I just want to make sure you’re safe!”

Victoria ticked off her fingers. “In that order: Yes you are, and I love you. No you aren’t, because now that I’m eighteen, the lawsuit trust belongs to me now, and that will cover my college expenses just fine. And for that last one.” Natashka took a deep breath. “Mom, It’s not your fault I got hurt, and you need to stop treating me like I’m made of wind crystal.”

That brought her mother up short. “Wind crystal? What on earth are you talking about?”

Kai made a another polite cough in the Dread-Witch’s ear. “Wind Crystal doesn’t exist here, Young Mistress. Your analogy is lost on them.”

Natashka rolled her eyes. She was getting better at adapting to her new home, but old habits of thought and speech were hard to break sometimes. “Never mind, it’s something from a fantasy novel I once read. My point is that my mind’s made up. I’m going to Ellwood in the fall, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop that. I don’t need your permission.” Her mother opened her mouth, her face contorted in frustrated anger, but Natashka cut her off. “I know you get anxious when you feel you aren’t in control of things, but I’m not going to let you take that out on me.” Anymore, she added silently. The previous owner of this body had kept a diary on her computer for many years, and reading through that while experiencing the Blackstone family first-hand these last few weeks had been illuminating. “This conversation’s done, mom. I’m moving out at the end of the summer.”

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