Cuckquean Conundrum Ch. 01

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Big Balls

Hello all! Guess what? Today marks my three year anniversary as a writer – and appropriately I’m celebrating with a new cuck story! haha. Unlike all my other cuck stories, this is a Cuckquean story – a woman is getting cucked instead of a man. Gonna be quite long this one, and let me just warn y’all in advance: this is gonna be brutal. Not like Rightful Revenge, either. This one is emotionally brutal. So uh, yeah.

Contains: futa on female, hyper cock and cum ridiculousness/inflation, cuckquean/ntr, threesome, impregnation, emotional devastation, humiliation, small vagina humiliation

Tags are for the story as a whole!

Comments and feedback are appreciated 🙂


“Are you doing okay, baby?”

This question was asked with concern from across the span of a king-sized bed.

The bedroom was dark, only lit by several candles placed strategically on nightstands and shelves, the cloud-hidden Moon offering no further illumination. It was furnished like any normal bedroom would be, a white-wooden dresser sitting against a wall, a desk filled with pictures and knick-knacks that held treasured memories next to it. Other framed photographs lined the walls, ones that depicted scenes of matrimony – images taken from a wedding, dates, and numerous captured moments of happiness protected behind glass barriers. A large bed sat in the middle of the room, the owners of the house splayed out on top of its ruffled sheets, nude and sweaty.

On one end of the bed kneeled a woman who wasn’t quite an actual woman. She looked like one, sure, her figure and features feminine in nature – at least mostly. A swathe of straight, ginger hair draped across her face and ended at her lightly-bronzed shoulders, curtaining her countenance. Wide green eyes narrowed in concentration, scarlet-painted thin lips pursed above a rounded chin, a wide-set nose flared between equally rounded cheeks. Modest breasts crowned by light brown nipples jiggled on a strong chest with every deep breath she took, bouncing over a flat, firm stomach that led to a hairy set of pubes that were the same fiery red as the locks on her head.

It was what was connected to her crotch that led to doubts about the person’s sex.

Instead of a puffy, delicate vagina – although she had that too – or even a lengthy strap-on, there was a cock growing in the space. Because the woman was a futanari! And, as was normal for her dual-sexed nature, her masculine endowment was massive. The most eye-catching aspect of it was its girth: it looked as thick as one of the futa’s own fat-filled thighs, though its width wasn’t uniform across the entirety of its incredible expanse; about halfway down the shaft it staggered slightly in circumference before regaining the same girth as the base when it neared the glans, which flared out even wider than the rest of the appendage, giving it a somewhat crooked appearance.

As mentioned before, the futa’s cock was enormous in length too – hence her distance from the other person occupying the bed. Longer than its owner’s legs, it stretched across the bed, weighing heavily against the sheets which creased and ruffled under it. Numerous corded veins laced its giganticness, the shaft – which was lighter in shade until it reached the halfway point where it took on a pinker-hue – appeared ribbed with the blood-filled tubes, each one the size of a middle finger at minimum. The purple-and-blue arteries throbbed as they kept the futa’s member at its full, steely hardness, fulfilling their singular purpose in life.

Splitting them down the center, her massive cock rested atop her scrotum and testicles that matched the rest of her endowment in sheer enormity. Covering her thighs and the space on the bed directly in front of her, the futa’s wrinkled, darker-than-her-member sack rolled over the bed, forced onto it by the ridiculous heft of her balls; much bigger than you’d find on the average male or even futanari, they were comparable to honeydew melons, corpulent and rounded, more than anyone could hope to cradle with both hands. They shook against each under their own prowess, literally vibrating as they churned up what could only be countless quantities of sperm.

“I-I’m okay, Nia, you can keep going.”

The woman – and an actual woman, at that – being impaled on said endowment, stuttered from the other end of the bed. Unlike her wife, she was laid out on her back, her head supported by a large pillow, her glossy, platinum hair spread across it. Her features were much more elegant and near model-esque, sharp and undeniably feminine. Small pointed nose, sparkling blue eyes, plump pink lips – she was gorgeous by anyone’s standards, high cheekbones and a pointed chin completing her attractive visage. It was the rest of her, however, that really elevated her from beautiful Buca travesti to head-turning!

To call her figure obscene would be an understatement. Squishing into her chin was a pair of absolutely enormous tits that, despite her laying down on her back, didn’t flatten into a pancake-like shape at all; they managed to stick out high on her chest, nearly blocking her view of her partner, Nia. Alluringly pearlescent in tone, the huge mounds bordered on being translucent, the dark-colored veins weaving under her skin readily visible, creating a kind of map across her breasts. Befitting their massiveness, her areolas were just as large, the light-pink saucers taking up more than half of her breast-flesh, the matching nipples protruding from the top of them thumb-sized and very suckable.

What little of her waist that could be seen and wasn’t taken up by her fatty hills was conversely very thin, her jewelry-encrusted stomach practically miniscule in comparison to her bust – though this slimness wasn’t present when her torso gave way to her hips. The definition of child-bearing, they flared out farther than her the span of her svelte shoulders, thick in all the right ways and connected to equally-as-wide thighs. Though it should have been hidden, the blonde’s rotund backside still made an appearance, the giant globes elevating the rest of her figure and jutting out from the sides of her legs like she was sitting atop a pair of jiggling cushions.

“Alright Kristin, just let me know if it’s too much.” Nia replied, grabbing the base of her cock, a wedding band adorning one of her long fingers, “We can stop if you need a break.”

Nia was referring to the sex the married couple were currently partaking in – or were at least attempting to partake in. Between Kristin’s jiggly thighs her perfectly pink and tiny slit was being split by Nia’s colossal cock, her puffy labia stretched taut around her wife’s monster. A slimy, off-white mixture of feminine nectar and precum coated the meeting of their sexes, and Kristin’s clit stuck out small and erect from above her gaped lower-lips. Nia’s engorged shaft pulsated viciously as it waited to continue its deep dive into her wife’s cunt, the majority of her awesome appendage remaining outside of it.

Only a little more than Nia’s ridged cockhead and an inch or two of shaft were embedded into Kristin’s depths, and they both knew not much else of its incredible length would fit. Though they had been married for several years – and had dated for several years before Nia proposed – sex was always the one hurdle they couldn’t overcome. The single sore spot in their relationship. A glaring flaw in their otherwise harmonious matrimony. It had been an issue since the beginning, and it seemed as though no matter what or how much they tried, they could never make it work.

It wasn’t that penetration was impossible by any means, it was going past the first few minutes of coitus that the couple couldn’t seem to accomplish, the reason being that Kristin was just too damn tight! That fact had been understandable in the beginning of their relationship considering how just insanely hung Nia was, but it didn’t change despite their concerted efforts to successfully make love over the years. Toys, muscle relaxants, alcohol – none of it ever made sex go any smoother or less painful for Kristin, and they were quickly running out of ideas. And both of them were getting frustrated.

Though for mostly different reasons.

For Nia, she was mainly saddened by the fact that not only could she not please her wife – at least with her cock, her fingers and tongue having grown skilled at bringing Kristin many orgasms – but also that she was actively hurting her. It made Nia so fucking regretful that she Kristin had to go through this just so they could be together the way couples were supposed to be! Sure, there was a little bit of frustration that she couldn’t get off through sex, but most of her negative emotions were centered around how she made her loving partner feel. If she wasn’t so stupidly massive between the legs their relationship would be the best it could be!

On Kristin’s end she was primarily disappointed in herself. Why couldn’t she take her wife’s cock? She thought it was so sexy and amazing in every way a dick could be, but when it came time for sex she was always immediately wracked by torturous agony, the sensation that coursed through her body akin to someone trying to rip her in half! Kristin wanted nothing more than to take everything Nia had to offer – which was a fucking lot – but the suffering she experienced during their love-making she just couldn’t bare. And no matter what she did and no matter how many times they attempted to fuck, it never got any easier.

That was where they were on this night, like Buca travestileri so many others before it. They’d had dinner together, drank a few glasses of wine, engaged in plenty of foreplay, but the results were the same. Nia was patient as she always was, something her wife loved about her, going as slowly as Kristin needed, pausing and waiting with every new inch she managed to fit inside of her. Kristin was actively trying not to burst into tears, her long purple-painted nails raking at the bed sheets, her pearly-whites grit, her face scrunched up in what she hoped was a confident facade. Both of them prayed that this was the night that they found success.

But that probably wouldn’t happen.

“I’m gonna go a little deeper, okay baby?” Nia pushed her hips out as shallowly as possible, sinking another turgid inch of cock into her wife, “I love you.”

“I l-love you too!” Kristin cried out, spreading her legs into a near split like it might help in the matter at hand, “Fuck, you’re so fucking big!”

“I know love, and you’re doing so well. I’m so proud of you.”

Taking a deep breath, Nia pushed a little more of her colossus into Kristin’s pussy, trying not to give into her primal urges to ravish her wife right then and there – that was another thing she struggled with. Nia didn’t know if it was because she was a futanari or not, but her body always screamed at her to take just Kristin how she wanted, to use her body until she reached orgasm; it was more likely, she thought, that it was just a part of being so sexually pent-up. Not being able to cum with the person she loved the most took its toll on her, even if Kristin did her best to get her off using her other assets.

While Nia was nudging small sections of her cock into her, Kristin could feel her limit being reached; there was a mental and physical threshold that, when struck, usually spelled the end of their coitus. Her eyes watered as she felt her wife’s enormous cockhead bump into her cervix, a pain grunt escaping her pillowy lips, her whole body burning in a bad way. She began to shake uncontrollably when the barrier to her womb was prodded, and her head whipped back and forth violently, her blonde hair flying across her features. With a last curse-filled howl, Kristin suddenly jerked backward until she was pressed against the headboard, Nia’s member yanking out of her sex with a sickening slurp.

Tonight was not the night.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry!” Kristin repeated between ragged sobs as she curled up into a ball, her face buried in her knees, “I’m sorry baby I just can’t do it. Not tonight. I’m sorry.”

Nia immediately leapt into action. Hopping off the bed, she sprinted around the bed, her massive, still-hard, partially sexual-juices sheened cock bucking in front of her, her titanic testicles slapping against her knees. Without a word she crawled onto the bed next to her wife, and, after angling the obstruction that was her genitalia out of the way, pulled her into a close hug, cradling Kristin’s head in her hands and brushing her fingers through the blonde’s hair; she tried not to audibly sigh at the fact that they failed again, putting all of her focus on her partner’s pain instead. She rocked Kristin back and forth gently, whispering reassurances as she did. Like she always did.

“It’s okay Kristin, you did so well. I know it’s hard, but we’ll get there one day – I don’t care how long it takes!”

“Well I do!” Kristin yelled angrily, her fists balled and quivering, “After all this time sex should be something we can do! I hate that I can’t handle you!”

“Baby don’t worry about it,” Nia kissed Kristin’s forehead again and again, “no one can be expected to, erm, take what I have. It’s amazing and great that you can even fit as much as you do!”

“I don’t care, I want to take all of you! Make you orgasm! Like a good wife should do. But I can’t! I’m such a failure!”

Kristin sniveled and wiped at a tear forming under her eye.

“Besides, if we can’t have sex, I can never- we can never be…”

“Kristin, it’s okay.” Nia told her for the umpteenth time that night, “There are other ways. We can always look into, um, alternate solutions. There are options out there for us. It’s going to be okay.”

“I’m sorry, I just get so frustrated! I wish I was better.”

“You are the best wife I could ever ask for Kristin, and our… issues in the bedroom don’t change that. There isn’t anything we can’t overcome together, including this!”


“I swear, baby.”

Nia took Kristin’s lips in her own for a long moment before pulling back with a smile.

“Now, did you want to make you feel better? The night is still young!”

Kristin smiled back at her, but her smile quickly turned to a frown.

“No honey, I’m Travesti buca sorry. I don’t think I’m in the mood anymore. I can still get you off though if you want!”

“No Kris, it’s fine. Let’s just cuddle and get some sleep. We can talk about everything tomorrow.”

“Okay Nia, I love you.”

“I love you too, Kristin.”

Trying to maintain an expression that hid her disappointment, Nia quickly kissed her wife again, mentally willing her cock to soften at the same time, her bestial endowment still jutting into the air, unsatisfied; Kristin happily snuggled up into Nia’s arms and tried to put the night behind her – like she always did. The couple slid under the covers and spooned as they prepared themselves for sleep, Nia’s arms wrapped around her partner’s thin stomach, her finally flaccid fuckstick nuzzled between Kristin’s fat cheeks like it was reminding the blonde of her one failing in their relationship. They drifted off, happy as they could be…

Well, mostly happy!

“I don’t know, I can’t find anything concrete about it.”

Kristin and Nia were sitting at their dining room table across from each other, having just finished up a delicious dinner. Nia was typing rapidly on her laptop, a pair of wire-framed, black glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, her eyes scanning over the pages she tabbed through; Kristin, always the dutiful wife, had just finished clearing the table of their dishes and had poured her partner another glass of wine, before taking her usual spot at the opposite end of the table. She sipped from her own drink, clicking her tongue as she thought to herself, her massive, braless breasts bulging the front of her red blouse until it was nearly sheer, her heavy-set pair resting atop the wooden surface in front of her.

“There isn’t like… a speciality site or anything you could check?”

Nia took a gulp from her own glass of wine and pushed her glasses higher on her face as she shook her head in response. Pushing her laptop away from her, she stretched her arms, the sleeves of her plain, green t-shirt bunching at her arms, the bottom hem lifting at her stomach above her shorts; when not in public Nia wore bottoms that were as loose as possible in order to give her package room to breathe. Her cock managed to tent the front of her shorts even in its flaccid state, the pink head nearly poking out from one of the legs, her bulbous balls creating a similar outline. It wasn’t easy being so well-endowed!

“It doesn’t look like it.” She sighed, leaning forward on her elbows and turning her emerald eyes to her wife, “Science just hasn’t caught up yet – at least not where futanari are concerned. The only mentions are donor sites explicitly stating they don’t cater to futa and don’t accept donations from them either.”

“That’s gotta be considered prejudice or something!” Kristin exclaimed in obvious rage, crossing her lithe arms over her humongous chest, “They shouldn’t be allowed to turn you away just for that!”

“It is what it is, unfortunately, and there doesn’t seem to be any clinics that are made for futanari either.”

“No In-Vitro or surrogates or anything?”

“None. I’ve tried every related term I can think of and I’m on like, the tenth page of this search engine.”

“Fuck! But baby I want to…”

Kristin looked away.

“…I want to be a mommy.”

“I know, love, I do too. But it doesn’t look like we have any other options unless we use someone else’s sperm to get you pregnant.”

“No, I couldn’t do that to you.” The blonde sniffled, her hands folded in her lap, “It wouldn’t be fair when I’m the problem here. Besides, I don’t want anyone else getting me pregnant but you!”

“That’s sweet, but you’re not the problem, love.”

“If you say so…”

“I do,” Nia responded confidently, “so then we’ll just have to keep trying naturally.”

“Is it gonna be enough, though?” The buxom blonde glanced up at her partner, “I mean… we can barely have sex as it is and you told me that your sperm isn’t exactly compatible with normal women’s eggs. So even if we manage to have sex properly, you might never get me pregnant, and I feel like I’m running out of time!”

Tears began to well in Kristin’s eyes.

Scooting her chair back, Nia got to her feet and moved towards her wife, her barely-contained junk flopping up and down against her thighs. Moving behind Kristin, she hugged her and kissed her head, pressing her face into the blonde’s sweet-smelling locks; in turn Kristin grabbed Nia’s arms and held them tightly, using partner’s comforting presence to calm herself. They stayed like this for several minutes, silently embracing, until Kristin craned her neck backwards to look at Nia, her deep blue eyes staring into the futa’s shiny green pair.

“We’ll make it work, won’t we?”

“Of course we will, love.” Nia gave Kristin’s forehead a peck and grinned, “We always do!”

“We do. Um, do you want to watch a movie or something? I can make popcorn.”

“Sure Kris, but I’m gonna go shower first. Long day at the office.”

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