The Sophomore Ch. 01

White Panties

I had always wanted to be a doctor. Everyone in my family was involved in medicine in some capacity. Both parents were doctors, my two older sisters were in med school and PA school, and my favorite show growing up was Grey’s Anatomy. As I got older, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. When I got into college, I decided to work at a hospital to build up patient care hours that would be required before applying to medical school.

I applied to be a CNA in our local hospital’s pre-op department. Without much difficulty, I was hired and started the job in a matter of weeks. The job entailed checking in patients, prepping them for their procedures, and taking them to the OR.

One particular day, we had a meeting before that day’s surgeries were to start. Our supervisor and head nurse, Hannah, recognized that there were several of us new to the job that needed a little training in helping prep patients for surgery. The prep entailed, among other things, ensuring that the surgical site was free of hair so that the surgeon could then clean the site before making their first incision. To do that, we used small electric razors to shave the hair, then used tape to pick up the shaved hair and throw it away.

Hannah wanted to show us how wide of margins we needed to take when helping shave a patient while also showing us why and why not to shave in particular directions. When the meeting started, she came over to where I was sitting and sat in an empty seat nearby. She asked if she could use my leg as a demonstration. Being a horny college kid, I was more than happy to let her touch my legs. After all, she was beautiful, in shape, and kind of strict. After several sexcapades in college I discovered I could definitely be submissive, so letting this hot, bossy nurse grab me was a no brainer.

I told her she could. She started the meeting and told us she would be doing a demo for us. She grabbed my leg, rested it on her thigh, and pulled up my scrubs just above my right knee. As she did this I realized that scrubs were made of pretty thin material. If I got a boner, everyone, especially Hannah, would know almost instantly. It was all I could do to think of anything else as she taught us how to shave.

As I sat there forcing myself to think of old ladies and rotten fruit, she turned on the razor without me noticing. I was brought out of my transfixion when her razor touched below my knee and slid down my lower leg. I didn’t physically react, but I was taken aback by the fact that she actually had shaved me! A huge stripe, about an inch and a half wide, had been shaved all the way down to the top of my foot. I had assumed that she would simply show the motions we needed to do and to avoid, not actually trim my leg hair. Had I known she would do that, I would have denied her request outright.

The one stripe was all she did for her demonstration, the other motions she showed without touching me. When finished, she put her hands on my thigh, grabbed my pants leg, and pulled it back down. Soon enough görele escort we were done, our meeting over, and we could begin our work day. Several of my coworkers joked about how nice my leg had looked with no hair on one side. How ridiculous was this? I always wore shorts, and even though summer had long ended it was still plenty warm, so pants were out of the question. What kind of stares would I get wearing shorts with an unsightly limb like that?

By the time I got home later that day, I decided it was best to shave my leg than have to face whatever remarks would inevitably come about a single hairless stripe down its front side. That night, I took an electric razor to the lower half of my body and shaved off a good amount of hair. I stepped into the shower, lathered both legs with shaving cream, and took the straight razor to finish what I had missed.

When I went to bed that night, I was surprised at how incredible the blankets and sheets felt on my body as I slid into bed. Can you say smooth? Holy fuck. I couldn’t help but feel a bit feminine as I slid my legs up and down the cool material of my duvet. It was oddly erotic. Erotic enough that I decided I needed to take care of my sexual needs. I jerked off to a daydream about Hannah, cleaned myself up, and went to bed.

The next day, having come to terms with my situation, I was sitting in the university library finishing up a presentation when I felt a presence over my shoulder. I turned around and was met by the towering figure of my friend Alina. Alina was the daughter of a fairly wealthy Russian businessman and his Ukrainian wife. They had moved to the US when Alina was only two, so her English was native but she was still very much influenced by Eastern European upbringing. Despite her conservative, even autocratic, roots, she was very open-minded. She grew up dancing as her main hobby, but transitioned to soccer while in high school. Not good enough to make her local university’s D1 team, she opted to come to our college and play in a lower division. She stood at 5’11 and was in very good shape. She took after her mother; slender, long blonde hair, and enormous, blue eyes. I had turned around to see who was behind me and caught myself holding my breath as I looked up at her.

“Sup Adam?” she asked.

“Uh, just doing a presentation.” I answered quickly enough that she may not have noticed my staring.

“What class?”

“My paleontology elective. I have to present in front of the whole class for fifteen minutes and talk about theropods.” I said.

“No idea what that means. You gonna wear that dinosaur costume that you bought for Saturday?” she asked with a laugh.

I hesitated. Those blow-up dinosaur costumes were starting to get popular and I really wanted to wear one to a Halloween party a friend of hers was throwing this weekend.

“No,” I said with a chuckle, “I didn’t end up getting it. I should have bought one months ago. They’re out of stock everywhere I’ve looked göztepe escort and I’m not gonna spend hundreds to get one off Craigslist.”

“Well, we’ll have to think of something together then. Kelsey’s Grandma passed away so she’s going back to Texas tonight. We already bought our costumes but they work much better in a pair.”

“What were you guys going as again?” I asked.

“Elsa and Anna from Frozen. But not the kids’ version” she said with a smirk.

She pulled out the chair next to me to sit down. I was sitting in the middle of the table and scooted back and to the side to make room for her. As I did so, she glanced down.

“Did you shave your legs?” she asked.

“Ummm…” I stammered “It’s a long story, but yes. Honestly I kind of like it though.”

“Careful. Once you realize how nice it is it’s hard to not keep them shaved. How does it feel?”

“It was kind of weird at first, but they definitely feel good. Especially in bed.” I answered.

“Wait until you put leggings or tights on. You think sheets feel nice? Those are a whole ‘nother level of comfort.” she said. “I tried on my Elsa costume last night and it includes a garter and white stockings and let me tell ya, putting stockings on is sexy as hell.”

I scoffed. “Thank you for the suggestion but I’m not planning on wearing anything like a sexy Elsa costume anytime soon. I’ll leave that for you and Kelsey.”

“Well not anymore. She’s going to Texas, remember?”

“Oh shit yeah. What are you gonna wear to the party then?” I asked.

“I spent a decent amount of time and money on that costume, so I’m wearing that. Nobody is really gonna recognize it right away without Anna by my side, so it’ll be kind of lame but whatever. Unless…”

I didn’t like the look in her eyes as she trailed off. She looked at me from head to toe and I saw the beginnings of a smirk. Sensing where she might be going, I decided to get ahead of her.

“I’d offer to go in her stead but I don’t have the boobs she does” I said sarcastically.

“Boobs are easy to fake. Looking like a girl is easy. You already have the legs for it” she said, taking a fleeting look at my lower body.

“The legs, yes. But have you considered that I am also a man?” I said.

“That we can change extremely quickly.” She stared at me, waiting for a response.

It was funny at first, joking about me going with her. But it seemed like she was seriously suggesting it.

“I also would never be caught dead wearing women’s clothes in public.” I said with a laugh. I hoped this would indicate I was kidding and she would move on. She did not.

“Well nobody would know you were a man, I’ll make sure of that. And even if they did, so what? It’s Halloween! Guys dress up as girls all the time on Halloween!” she said eagerly.

She had a point. Wait. No, NO she did not. Why was I even entertaining the thought?

“Alina I can’t go with you as Anna! That’s ridiculous! I’ve güllük escort never worn a dress or heels or…” I trailed off. I didn’t have a good reason. Yeah she could do my makeup. Yes it wasn’t unheard of for a guy to dress as a girl on Halloween. I had no argument against it, except that I didn’t want to. But honestly? That wasn’t even true. Part of me was slightly enticed by the idea.

“Sounds like you don’t really have an excuse not to.” she said.

“Well..I…wanted to go as the dinosaur and…I…” I stammered.

She cut in. “You don’t have the costume and it’s only a few days away. It’s not a bad idea and I’ll help you get ready! You’ll look great and it’ll be hilarious when people think you’re a girl”.

“I…I…I…” I was wracking my brain for anything to get me out of it, but I was at a loss. What the fuck could I say that resembled anthing close to a real excuse not to? She had me stumped.

“You…you…you…are going with me!” She said mockingly. “I’m going to class, but Friday after practice you can come over to my parents’. I’ll have your costume and you can try it on before the party Saturday.”

She got up and left before I had the chance to say no. I didn’t even know if I would have said no. In any case, it seemed to be set in stone. When a girl like that makes up her mind, there’s no changing it.

The next day at work, I was floated down to the OR because they were short staffed. It meant I was cleaning rooms all day instead of talking to patients, so it left me a lot of time to think. All day I dwelled on the prospect of me dressing up as a girl and going to a party. Was I excited? Nervous? Uneasy? All of them at once? I was deep in thought when I got a text from Alina.

It read, “Light or dark brown wig? Fishnets or sheer stockings? What should we do for your boobs? Stuff a bra with socks or try something better? Nail polish or no?”

I didn’t answer. I didn’t know the answers. My head was spinning. I had never tried anything like this, so what was I supposed to suggest? Wasn’t the costume supposed to be figured out already?

A few minutes later I found myself cleaning another room. The patient’s surgery was canceled because she had apparently had something to eat three hours ago, something that, from an anesthesiologist’s perspective, could make the intubation and extubation processes very dangerous. The patient was supposed to have breast implants put in. Since the surgery was canceled at the last minute, every piece of equipment that was needed for the procedure had already been opened and set out. Now that it was opened and out of its sterile packing, it would all need to be thrown away. While putting all those opened supplies in the garbage, I noticed the silicone implants that were supposed to go in the patient. They were big. Probably a D cup. I didn’t know how much they cost, but they couldn’t be cheap. What a waste, all of these supplies in the garbage for nothing. As I reached for them to throw them away, it became obvious. They would be perfect. They’re literally the next best thing to real boobs. Without a second thought, I grabbed them off the table, quickly walked out of the OR with them behind my back, put them in my bag in the break room, and continued with my work. I texted Alina back.

“Don’t worry. We’ll figure it all out.”

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