Twisted Tree 03


Twisted Tree 03

[Beep, honk, beep, honk]

“Oh, are you Q Tip then?”

“I mean, yes, I’m Q Tip, so are you Psychic Paranormal Pam then? Lead investigator of Mrs. Bentley’s outdoor séance and spiritual cleansing down here at Twisted Tree?”

“I am all that, but let’s give that little Twinkie candy bar Mattie, his props. He started it and convinced Mrs. Bentley to hire me and my producer/camerawoman, Staci to run this con, I mean investigation. Anyways, is this the travel camper that I requested for my comfort during my nighttime investigation at Twisted Tree then? And who is the driver?”

“It is for your comfort in between your nighttime investigations, Psychic Paranormal Pam and this is my friend, Kerri, she has followed you for a long time, so.”

“(Tell her, Q Tip, tell her.)”

“I mean, Kerri also follows your producer/camerawoman, Staci too, so.”

“Hey there hey, queen of the unknown, Psychic Paranormal Pam and her ooh la, la very lovely and alluring producer/camerawoman, Staci, so.”

“Hmm, Kerri, well, you and my producer/camerawoman, Staci can talk later, but listen Kerri, is Q Tip wearing gold undies tonight under his warm up suit then?”

“Yes, whisperer of the night, just as the winds dictated, but it’s really just a woman’s swim suit with a tube top, but it’s all we could find on such short notice. Well, it’s a young miss swim suit given Q Tip’s size and all, but it’s gold just as commanded, so. But listen, Psychic Paranormal Pam, I’ll stay topless all night in the camper, but I don’t mess around with ghosts, so I’m staying put inside of the camper. I’ll also give your producer/camerawoman, Staci an amazing massage during any and all breaks of your fact finding and spiritual release walk arounds since you work her to the bone and I’ll put my lips on her butt if that’s where the night leads us, so?”

“Alright then, LOL, for my producer/camerawoman, Staci anyways, LOL. Oh, oh, I mean, which starts right now, I guess, which means, Q Tip, you and I should get on with our business then, so get with the mingling and don’t be afraid to show your gold, if asked, of course, so?”

I mean, what the hell kind of instructions are “get with it” anyways? Get with what? Get with it like Kerri and producer/camerawoman, Staci were getting with it? LOL, which was like, I wish!

Well, hi, I’m known as Q Tip due to a bad hair decision when I first stepped out as a dresser and you know how that goes, right? I mean, no matter how many times you ask someone to call you Quinn, nope, it’s Q Tip forever more.

Now, it’s all on Kerri as to why we (she) snagged her family’s travel camper to hand out at the very last moment blow out, must be seen at, gig that was sponsored by Mrs. Bentley in conjunction with the Middleton Historical Society, but I went along because it just felt right. Also, Kerri basically kidnapped me after she wiggled me into my new shiny, very shiny, gold two-piece swimsuit, which is just as much ooh la, la as Staci the producer/camerawoman is, so.

Also, Mrs. Bentley is Kerri’s Aunt, not to mention she is the “who is who” of fund raising in Middleton.

“Oh, wait, Q Tip, try to avoid my auntie, if possible or least hopa escort don’t let her know that I’ve found my own Paranormal Researcher Girlfriend for the weekend, so, OK, bye now, y’all.”

Huh? Well, that was quick and I made a mental note to, you know, never ever ask Kerri about that “put my lips on her butt” statement. I mean, if she brings it up later, fine, right?

Anyways, even though I had little to no idea why we were hanging out at Twisted Tree in the travel camper that we snagged from Kerri’s parents, I mean, we were there and it felt right, so off with the mingling I went, LOL, while wildly smiling about Psychic Paranormal Pam’s idea for me to wear shiny gold under my warm up suit, which I really liked, so all hail the queen of the unknown, right?

And you know, mingling amongst the ghosts usually leads to speaking with the living, right?

“Well, damn, David, I mean, I was just trying to mingle, so.”

“Oh, um, Q Tip, oh, I mean, I was just walking around too, so.”

“I mean, when do we start throwing the insults back and forth then, David? I mean, it’s been 8 whole seconds, so?”

“I mean, it’s pretty dark out and all, but I think that’s a nice and subtle shade of lip gloss you’re wearing tonight, Q Tip, so?”

“Oh, I mean, is that a trick, David or did you want to wander over the old dried-up water well and talk about things then, huh?”

“Well, the people say that the brick retaining wall is a place where people kiss and make-up, so?”

“I mean, you have to hold me so I don’t flip up and over the wall and down into the darkness of the water pit, David, so?”

“Oh, I thought I would lock you up with two arms and two lips then, Q Tip, so?”

“Well, I mean, I would chip in and lock you back with my legs and lips too, David, so?”

I mean, first of all folks, that was my first time at Twisted Tree, so why I knew so much about the old dried-up water well with the dangerous brick retaining wall was beyond me. And secondly, wow, what a place to kiss and make up!

“Q Tip, I think something else is going to happen between us tonight, so?”

“David, I think it’s already started, but listen, my outfit and my swim suit undies, they can’t handle dirt or grass, so? Which is my bad, but this is what I wore, so?”

“Well, there are at least two hundred tents pitched around here, so?”

“LOL, David, did you ever think the day would come when either of us was happy that you’ve pitched a tent, LOL?”

“Oh, we’re doing it tonight then, Q Tip. Just wait here while I figure something out!”

Well, I wasn’t just going to wait right there, I mean, the old dried-up water well is for lover’s, not a single dresser. Besides, it’s just the power of Twisted Tree. David would be back to calling me names by the next day, just the same as I would be back to calling him out for fagging on dresser’s like me, so.

“Oh, hi, I’m Q Tip and my Hater Boyfriend is wandering around looking for a place for us where we won’t fight, so?”

“I mean, hi, I’m Mattie and Psychic Paranormal Pam has stationed me here at the old dried-up water well for the night where my Ghoulish Boyfriend is forever locked horasan escort down in the pit, so.”

“Oh, so do you see your ghostly boyfriend when you lean over the brick retaining wall like that then, Mattie?”

“Oh, no, but I thought he was poking around a few moments ago and I tried to slip a gel filled cock ring on him, but it fell to the bottom of the pit, so I was trying to see it, so.”

“I mean, we’re both about the same size, so I think we could team up and make for an amazing double date situation then, so?”

“I mean, like a movie theater double date situation then, Q Tip?”

“Well, don’t forget the car ride to the movie theater too, Mattie. Anyways, that chain around your ankle isn’t even locked if you wanted to mingle around with me. It works in all of the memes and I’m wearing shiny gold swim suit undies, so?”

“Well, I’m wearing shiny black satin undies at the request of my transparent boyfriend, but I do know a couple of idiots who pitched their tent on top of the family burial area, so?”

And then, LOL, Mattie or little twinkie candy bar Mattie as Psychic Paranormal Pam referred to him as, shocked me! Sort of, LOL. I mean, LOL, he casually unsnapped the chain from the old dried-up water well roof post and threw it over his shoulder as if the chain was an accent to his outfit! But the rattling sounds it made as we walked sounded spooky and cool.

“Whoa, whoa, hold up, you two, where are going then?”

“To the large gray and blue tent that you said was pitched on top of the 200 years old family burial area, Psychic Paranormal Pam, so?”

“Hmm, well, don’t work too fast then. I’m having a hard time getting my producer/camerawoman, Staci unlocked from the lips of Q Tip’s friend, Kerri, so? But get with it and the two of you look amazing side by side, like prime double date material, by the way.”

“Well, I just texted Kerri and said that since this place is a free for all anyways, that they could continue to “talk” while Mattie and I get with it, but we need your spiritual guidance, so.”

I mean, just looking around clearly identified Twisted Tree as a free for all, so.

“Guys, we’re on film, so behave, go Mattie, go Q Tip, action. Oh, also, sorry for just busting into your tent with these two twinkies and well, with these two, well, just because a woman gets with another woman, it’s not automatically a lesbian situation, so? Oops, hi, I’m Psychic Paranormal Pam, by the way and the jumbled mess behind is my producer/camerawoman, Staci, so. Action.”

“Hi, I’m Q Tip and this is Mattie and we both know from the knower of all to know that you two shaggy guys have pitched your tent on top of sacred ground, so.”

“And hi, I’m Mattie and I kissed Q Tip just moments ago and according to the seer of all to see that you two shaggy guys are going to have a restless night because you’ve pitched your tent on the sacred burial area of the original family that owned Twisted Tree 200 years ago, so.”

“Alright, um, Twinkies, what’s the solution then? I’m Frank and this is Dale and right up front, um, I don’t think either of us has walked on that side of the street before, so? But side by içerenköy escort escort side, the two of you look amazing.”

“And we both know that you’ll each be looking to wreck a warm pussy at the witching midnight hour, but we also figure that with one hour to go and all, so?”

“What Q Tip is alluding to, shaggy Frank and shaggy Dale, is that we have been drawn by the spirits to side by side suck you guys off, right here, right now, in the large gray and blue tent that you’ve pitched on top of those who are trying to rest peacefully forever more, so?”

“Oh, I mean, like a sex double date then, um, ladies? Like all of a sudden, hot side by side, ladies.”

“And in our undies while on our knees, which is something I’m sensing from Great, Great Granddaddy Gerald, so.”

“(Ahem, I think that’s from Great, Great Grandma Geraldine, but go with the flow, side by side, ladies. Also, hey, producer/camerawoman, Staci, side by side twinkie ladies will be a new spin off segment going forward! Also, does that tickle when Kerri, um, kisses your butt then?) Action.”

I mean, we were in a spooky tent, which had a nylon floor, so my fancy and shiny gold swim suit undies would be safe, so.

“Switch off, action!”

LOL, like shaggy Frank and shaggy Dale cared, right?

“Side switch, action!”

LOL, like we were acrobats, right? I mean, Mattie and I figured it out, so.

“OMG, producer/camerawoman, Staci, go low, someone is stroking our side by side Twinkie ladies off, go low with the camera angle!”

Well, Psychic Paranormal Pam wasn’t wrong, but I thought Mattie reached over, LOL and Mattie thought that I had reached over!

“OMG, guys, shaggy guys, blow or throw our sexy side by side twinkie ladies down on their hands and knees and do them deep from behind! Action!”

A question/statement that didn’t need to asked twice, right? LOL, shaggy guys, right?

“OMG, producer/camerawoman, Staci, pan out, they’re taking it from the rear and still sucking on a couple of ghoulishly fat cocks! Get their mouth movements! Action!”

Again, huh, Psychic Paranormal Pam wasn’t wrong.

“Cut! OMG, OMG, that was amazing! Whoa, whoa, side by side ladies, don’t swallow! We need some samples of their ghost juice first.”

I mean, there was nothing to swallow, even though it felt like there was, but there wasn’t, even though that didn’t stop Psychic Paranormal Pam from looking and scooping. LOL, including taking swabs from our wet spotted undies.

“Well shaggy guys? How as that then, hmm?”

“Oh, that was the best blind side by side sex date ever! And we’ll get together again someday, but I mean, the witching hour, right?”

Well, sexy side by side Twinkie blow jobbing ladies or not, shaggy guys still want the wet stuff, right? Which is just Parr for the course, I guess.

“Wow, what a segment. Um, sexy side by side blow jobbing ladies, carefully lay the full condoms on the ground behind this tent for Great, Great Grandma Geraldine and then, wow, take a break, I guess.”

“Will do, Psychic Paranormal Pam. Come Mattie, we’re bound and linked together forever now as side by side identically sized double dates, who, LOL, have to fill Great, Great Grandma Geraldine’s belly with our double date’s shaggy guy juice of the living, LOL.”

I mean, at least I met a new friend while visiting Twisted Tree, LOL, even though it seemed that Mattie and I would be forever linked as the side-by-side double dates.

End Twisted Tree 03

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