The View From the 23rd Floor Pt. 05


(fetish, FLR, cross-dressing, feminization, chastity, reluctant, lesbian, DS)

By ChangeYourPassword

Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Read the previous chapters, first.

Synopsis: Daniel’s cross-dressing fetish is discovered. Audrie takes Danni farther and farther.

The two of them had settled into a comfortable routine. Audrie started bringing over a small suitcase with her clothing for the next work day, so she could spend the night and not have to run home early in the morning. And some of her things stayed, and she took over a bit of closet space.

They began sharing the bathroom in the mornings, and evenings, and showering together in the master bath were fun times.

But Audrie was always careful in demanding that Danni never appear as Daniel, whenever she was around. She always left for work before Daniel showed his face.

Audrie, searching for something new and fun to do with her girlfriend, suggested a weekend vacation trip down the coast, spending a couple of nights in a comfortable resort hotel.

“I have a nice place in mind. I’ll make all the arrangements.” She had said.

Danni liked the idea, it sounded like fun, but as always, she was a bit nervous about any new adventure. She’d be out in a strange place, in public as a woman. And she still wasn’t completely used to that.

But Audrie made all the arrangements, so they’d be going whether Danni liked it or not.

That weekend, instead of their normal Friday, date night they stayed home and finished packing Danni’s things. They intended to get an early start for the drive down to the resort.

“I’ll drive,” Audrie volunteered.

“Why? I always drive.” Danni said, confused, and curious.

“I hate driving in the city, but it should be an easy and fun drive down the coast, so we’ll take my car.”


So, the next morning, after breakfast, Audrie left early to grab her suitcase and return with her car to head down to the resort hotel, a couple of hours away.

Danni was ready and standing on the sidewalk out front, when Audrie pulled up in an unbelievable Mercedes AMG GT roadster.

Holy shit, Danni mumbled to herself. She was still standing, staring, dumbfounded when Audrie rolled down the passenger-side window and yelled at her. “Hey you, throw your bag in the back and get in!”

Danni snapped out of it and then climbed into the seat.

“Oh my God! This thing is gorgeous!” she gushed as she buckled herself in.

“Thanks.” Audrie replied, casually, and then she hit the gas and the car took off through an opening in the traffic like a rocket.

Danni laughed delightedly as she held on. Looking at Audrie who was concentrating on her driving Danni started questioning her.

“Where did this come from?”

“I bought it, silly.”

“But it must have cost a fortune.”

“Well, it did cost a lot, but when I drive, I want to have fun doing it. And this thing is fun,” she said as she cut in between a car and a truck and then got on the freeway ramp. She laughed as they were both thrown back into their leather seats, the car hitting 70 in no time at all.

“Damn!” Danni muttered, as she waited for a life-ending crash. But nothing of the sort happened.

Audrie, was an excellent driver, and the car handled like an F1 racer.

It took Danni several minutes to conclude that she didn’t know Audrie anywhere near as well a she thought she had.

“Okay, you’ve been holding out on me.”

“How so?”

“Well, you’re a fantastic driver. A maniacal driver, and you must be rich.”

Audrie laughed. “Well, those aspects of my character never came up.”

“So, are you rich?” Danni said suspiciously. She’d never really thought about it. Audrie hadn’t seemed to be poor, nor had she appeared to be wealthy. But if she had the kind of money to buy a car like this one, she was certainly better off than she was; than Daniel was.

“Well, I’m doing pretty well.” She answered, not giving much away.

“You know, I don’t even know what you do for a living. You know all about me. What Daniel does.”


“Well?” Danni asked, getting irritated.

“Someday, I’ll explain. Not now, though. I’m kind of busy, and there’s no need. Now hush and enjoy the ride.”

Danni, frustrated, backed off and stared out at the scenery. Now that they were out of the city the countryside was pretty, and the car was cruising along comfortably. It helped her relax and accept that Audrie would remain a mystery. But now an even more intriguing one.

They arrived at the resort and the place confirmed Danni’s understanding that Audrie had money. The hotel and the grounds were beautiful, it was located right on the Ocean and clearly up-scale and expensive.

A doorman met them under the portico, a porter grabbed their bags and a valet took off hakkari escort with the car. The front desk efficiently checked Audrie in. “How many keys Ms. Carlisle?”

“One will be enough.”

Danni realized that she’d just learned something else. Up until that point she hadn’t even known Audrie’s last name! She made a mental note to lookup ‘Audrie Carlisle’ when she got a chance. With any luck she’d be able to learn just who her girlfriend actually was.

The porter then led them off, into the elevator and up to the top floor where he opened the door to their suite with a flourish and waved them inside.

Again, Danni was amazed by what she saw. The suite, not just a room, was huge and had a large array of windows that overlooked the lush grounds in the foreground and the ocean to the horizon. in the background.

“Wow,” she uttered as she stepped up to one of the windows and looked out.

“A fine view, isn’t it miss?” the friendly porter asked, as he walked past her, to deposit their bags in the bedroom.

“Yes, it is.” Both Danni and Audrie said in unison. They both laughed at their timing.

The porter returned and accepted a gratuity from Audrie, with a ‘thank you mam’ before leaving quietly.

“Audrie, this place is beautiful.”

“Wait until you see the grounds. And the restaurant and bar are wonderful, too.”

“You’ve been here before?”

“Several times, it’s my favorite, ‘get away from it all’, place.”

“I can understand. It’s my new favorite.” Danni said chuckling.

They relaxed for a bit, examining the room and the view from the balcony, before heading down for lunch. The restaurant was indeed top notch. The service was friendly and professional and the food excellent. After they finished eating, they sat for another hour drinking and admiring the view out the windows.

“When I get tired of the rat race, I come out here and just enjoy life.” Audrie said wistfully.

“I can understand. Is your job that stressful?”

Audrie gave her a look. Then she took a deep breath before she spoke. “Danni, stop prying. And yes, I have a stressful job. And I make a lot of money. And I live well. And you and our games also help me cope. You and the things we do make me happy. That’s why I’m sharing my secret get-away with you.”

She reached over and rested her hand on hers, before continuing, almost in a whisper, “I’ve never brought anyone else here, before.”

Danni was stunned, and touched. So much so that she stood up and leaned over the table and kissed Audrie lovingly and at length. And Audrie kissed her back.

But when they finished and Danni went to sit back down, Audrie was giggling, and looking beyond her into the restaurant.

Confused, Danni turned to see several tables of diners, staring at the two of them. Some appeared scandalized while others seemed pleasantly entertained.

She was blushing as she turned back to Audrie. “Too much PDA?” she mumbled, thinking that two women kissing in public was the issue.

Audrie laughed. “Well, that, and I think your short skirt also gave them all a nice view of your stocking tops and ass.”

Danni mumbled, “oh my God,” and her face turned an even deeper shade of red.

“Yes, my dear, you’re such a slut!” Audrie said, before laughing uproariously.

Danni just sat flabbergasted, covering her face with her hands.

It took her several minutes to compose herself and sit up. But even then, she focused on her food, and not on the other diners.

“Relax lover, they all had their thrill and have moved on. You do still have a lot to learn about being a woman. We do have to be careful.”

Danni just shook her head, and blushed anew.

“Never mind, I’m sure they appreciated the show. And I adore you being so sexy.”

“It wasn’t my intent. To turn on all of the people around me.” Danni mumbled.

“I know, but Like I said, I enjoyed it. I’d be happy if you keep it up.”

“What? Flashing the crowds? I don’t think so.” Danni replied, but she smiled, ruefully.

Audrie just laughed. She was really enjoying herself, and Danni’s feminine struggles. And she was also delighted by her lover’s secret. She wondered how many of the lusty admirers would still be turned on if they knew that sexy Danni had a cock.

The rest of the day and evening went happily and without incident.

The two of them enjoyed a nice walk around the grounds, and Audrie went down for a massage in the spa. Danni declined to accompany her, unable to see any way she could also enjoy a massage without revealing her true self.

Audrie returned over an hour later, feeling perfectly refreshed. “Too bad you didn’t come along, my dear, it would have made a new woman out of you.”

“Yah, right.”

Audrie giggled. “Well, right now I’m ready for you to make love to me.”

So that’s what they did, or what Danni did. Audrie didn’t unlock her cock, so Danni only got the enjoyment of providing her lover with a couple of delightful orgasms.

They napped after their session in bed, and then dressed for one of the best dinners Danni had ever experienced. halkalı escort A girl could get used to this, she thought after consuming the excellent food and the fine wine with her lover. She also enjoyed the attentive service and even the occasional licentious glances of the other diners. She was careful this time, not to show them her underwear.

After the day they’d had, and a meal like that it was clear to Danni that Audrie loved her, as much as she loved Audrie.

That night, though, Danni still remained caged, and she again made Audrie happy. She was disappointed, but still enjoying the more than pleasant surroundings.

After breakfast, the next morning, and another thoroughly enjoyable stroll along the Ocean-front boardwalk they regretfully checked out and headed back to the city.

In no hurry to face normalcy, they stopped along the way at a couple of small towns, for a little shopping, just to enjoy the day and the drive. At the last place they grabbed dinner at a quaint little restaurant, and arrived tired and happy, back at Danni’s condo well after dark.

That night, Audrie did finally unlock Danni’s cock and they made love, with as much energy as they could muster, but the passion was there and it was a perfect conclusion to their wonderful mini-vacation.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms, after Audrie had once again locked away her girlfriend’s cock.

The two of them awoke early, disappointed that it was again a Monday, and the start of another workweek.

As they were finishing breakfast, Danni stood up in her pretty negligee, “I’m sorry, but I have to get in early for an overseas call. I’m afraid I have to go put on my manly clothes.

“All right, I’ll get dressed, right now and head out, just give me a couple minutes.”

“Sure, but hurry, please.”

Audrie was dressed and out of the bedroom in just minutes, looking good, in a casual outfit, and light makeup.

“That was fast, and you look great. How do you do that?” Danni asked, impressed.

“Practice. Years of practice. You’ll figure it out.”

“With years of practice?” Danni chuckled, but the thought was a bit disconcerting.

“Yes,” Audrie said as she stepped up, hugged her and they kissed. When the kiss ended, Audrie didn’t let go. “Danni, my love,” she said. “I’d like you to wear a pair of your panties under Daniel’s suit.”

“Why?” Danni responded, nervously.

“I like the idea. it turns me on. And it will help you be more of a woman.”

“Oh, Audrie, please. What if somebody sees?”

“Who would see? Do you expose yourself while you’re in the office?” She giggled at the idea.

“No, but I wear women’s clothes all of the time when I’m not at work. Isn’t that enough?”

Audrie looked at her crossly. “No. It isn’t. So just go do it.”

Danni thought for a few moments. The idea had been part of Daniel’s fantasies. Wearing women’s things under his work clothes. The dream had always turned him on, and he’d actually done it on occasion.

She looked at Audrie who was standing patiently, waiting for her reply.

Finally, she sighed, resigned, “alright.” and then turned, heading for the bedroom.

“Wait.” Audrie said, stopping her in the doorway.

She jumped up and grabbed a trash bag from a nearby drawer. “Here, get rid of all your Daniel underwear, and only wear Danni’s panties, from now on.”

When Danni tried again to argue, convinced that her request was going just too far, Audrie cut her off. “Just do it! And hurry or you’ll be late for your call.”

Danni, paused for only a second before turning sulkily and heading out of the room.

As she walked away Audrie called out after her. “No one will know, except me. And the knowledge of what you’re wearing will keep me aroused, all day.”

“Me too.” Danni responded, just loud enough for her to hear.

Audrie chuckled as she walked out of the front door.

In the bedroom, Danni hurried, she was already behind schedule and didn’t want to be late. Mechanically, she dug in the appropriate drawer and pulled out an armful of men’s shorts, dumping them in the bag. Then she dug through Daniel’s laundry bin and pulled them out of there, too. She didn’t want to get caught leaving them around. She tied off the bag and dumped it by the front door. Daniel could drop it off on his way out, in his panties.

While Danni showered, she thought about Audrie’s latest requirement. It really wasn’t that big a deal. She was right; no one would see, unless Daniel had an accident and had to visit the emergency room or see a doctor. Damn! That would be humiliating. But she remembered all of the times Daniel had whacked off, as he imagined life wearing panties, she knew that it would be fun, and erotic.

Next to the elevator, on his way to the garage and his car, Daniel dumped the bag of manly underwear down the trash chute. One more step…

As soon as he, wearing a pair of sexy women’s panties under his suit, finished with his early call, he opened up a browser and began searching the Internet for information on one, ‘Audrie haramidere escort Carlisle’.

Google provided information on several women of that name, who resided in the state. A search for photos helped him identify the specific woman he was looking for, and after that he was able to focus on his Audrie.

And it was astounding! She really was rich. He had to laugh when he realized that the on-line store, where they ordered Danni’s new sexy shoes actually belonged to Audrie. She hadn’t mentioned it, so he hadn’t known.

She also owned several brick-and-mortar, women’s shoe stores in and around the metro area. And they were all highly rated and up-scale in their products and prices.

He finally found a biographic article about her in a local city-focused magazine. It was one of those ‘local entrepreneur makes good’, pieces that described her as ‘pretty, smart and in charge’. From his experience, he agreed wholeheartedly with their description.

He also learned that she had grown up elsewhere, earned a degree in marketing, and an MBA from USC before settling down, here, and starting her company. And making several million dollars, at it.

The article didn’t provide an address, so he still didn’t know which condo she lived in, over in the other building.

The other information he found just confirmed what he’d already read. There were no negatives, only positives. Well, if nothing else, I confirmed what I already suspected. He concluded.

Daniel wore Danni’s panties that day, and every day thereafter. And, of course, Audrie was correct. No one ever knew, except her. And Daniel did come to appreciate how, by wearing panties under his clothes, both he and Audrie were even hornier, each night.

How much farther can this go? Daniel wondered as he was driving home from work, wearing his lacy black bikini panties under his suit, a few days later.

He found out the next week, after they had spent yet another happy workweek and weekend together, as two loving girlfriends.

On Thursday, Daniel had returned home from a normal day at the office to find another box delivered from a women’s store. After changing, Danni opened the carton to discover a collection of control-top panty hose. They were pretty, but she never wore anything like that. Audrie had only purchased sexy sheer stockings for her, and that’s what Danni wore every evening and weekend.

When Audrie came in the door that evening, Danni showed her the box and its contents.

“I didn’t order these,” she said, while they stood in her living room.

“I did. For you.” Audrie answered, with an enthusiastic smile.

“Why?” Danni asked, confused. “I always wear stockings.”

“Actually, they’re not really for you, they’re for Daniel.”

“What?” Danni responded, now worried.

“Well, now that you’re wearing those sexy and flimsy panties, I’ve realized that you have an unsightly bulge at your crotch. Your chastity cage is showing just a bit. But too much for my liking. So, I thought it would be a good idea if you wore these every day, under your man clothes to smooth your front.”

“Oh Audrie. Really?” Danni whined.

“Yes, really. I know how much you like the feel of nylon on your pretty, hairless legs. I’m sure they’ll make you nice and horny. And, I might add, as with the panties, the thought of my Daniel wearing these under his clothes will also make me hornier.”

“But someone might see.”

Audrie shook her head, exasperated. “We’ve been through that before. You know no one will see. Your socks will cover them well up under your pants leg, and it’s not like they will leave some profile under your pants. Actually, just the opposite.”

Danni knew that arguing was futile. Daniel had no choice but to obey her girlfriend. But she didn’t have to like it. “Alright, but I’m horny all of the time anyway, and I doubt if you’ll unlock me more often, just because I’m wearing pantyhose under my suits.”

“You never know.” Audrie said with a giggle.,

The next morning, Daniel dressed in his panties and with a pair of pantihose under his suit and headed into work. He was uncomfortable, but not because of any true concern for being caught out. He found that the tightness of the control top pushed his cage even tighter into his crotch. Just like his girdle did when he was dressed as Danni. Before, without the things, he had been able to enjoy that little bit of freedom. No longer.

He did enjoy the feel of the silky nylon on his hairless legs, just as Audrie had predicted.

At the office, it was clear that no one either saw anything or suspected anything, so he settled at his desk and went to work.

In between calls and meetings, his mind wandered off topic as he continued to wonder why Audrie wanted this much more. She already had his cock locked up, all of the time. And she had him to the point where he actually enjoyed being Danni most of the time. Why the panties and nylons?

Slowly he came to realize that it was indeed making him even more horny. He had always known that walking around in public, with his cage hidden under his pants, had been a turn-on. It was a secret bondage that only he knew about. And the tiny threat of discovery had added to the thrill. And now he was getting that same kind of excitement and arousal, wearing the girly underwear under his suit. The potential for discovery and humiliation was a thrill that stroked his sex drive. Damn!

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