Board Games


Board Games

Early October

Shelly was blessed with a pair of perfect children: the twins, eighteen year old Kimmy, and her younger brother by bare minutes, Timmy. The three of them were extraordinarily close as they idolized their mother as much as she adored them.

Shelly, in her later thirties, was easy to idolize as she was practically a raven haired goddess with her flowing jet black hair falling down past her shoulders, framing a pleasantly mature face.

Her face, still pretty by all practical standards, featured a pair of piercing green eyes which somehow managed to be both mirthful and seductive all at once.

But what turned many a head of any room Shelly ventured into was her body as it seemed to have been sculpted by the Gods when they were in a very good mood.

Shelly was fairly tall, five eight, and weighed a perfectly fit one hundred and forty pounds. She possessed a majestic curvaceous figure, featuring a pair of large well rounded tits. Wearing a size triple D bra her breasts were simply a most wonderful sight to behold—if you were a male, or a female even, that enjoyed a well-endowed woman.

Kimmy, fortuitously, had inherited her mom’s two finest features: her thick raven hair, along with a full set of nicely sized tits. These two admirable traits, when combined with her wholesome “girl next door” pretty face turned the young Kimmy into a blossoming beauty that garnered her a fair amount of attention—even from her twin brother.

Saturday night was scary movie night and as usual the three of them settled down in the dark living room in the hopes of watching a horror movie that wasn’t too cheesy while providing plenty of jump scares.

All three of them were dressed casually for the movie with the siblings wearing jeans and loose fitting tee shirts and Shelly, already dressed for bed, wearing a robe over her bra and panties.

Halfway through the movie, Shelly glanced over at her beloved twins. They were cuddled tightly together under a single blanket, this having become a custom of theirs as of late and one Shelly thought to be adorably cute.

But what was not cute was how they started to quietly bicker back and forth shortly after looking so content together. Finally, their arguing reached the point of annoyance for Shelly as she hit the pause button on the remote.

“Now what are you two kids bickering about?” she irritably snapped at them.

“Mom he touched my boob,” Kimmy quickly responded.

“I did not,” Timmy shot back indignantly.

“You did and you know you did,” Kimmy fired back.

Knowing her two stubborn kids could carry on like this all night, Shelly snapped, “Enough.”

“Now you go first Kimmy and tell me what happened exactly.”

“Well he had his arm around my waist, holding me tight–“

“Like you asked me to,” Timmy interjected. “She always wants me to hold her during the scary parts.”

“Shh, Timmy, you will get your turn. Let your sister speak.”

“Fine,” Timmy mumbled.

“Anyways as I was saying, before he rudely interrupted me. He was holding me tight and yeah I asked him to, but that doesn’t mean he can touch my boob, Mom.”

“Of course it doesn’t but Kimmy honey, did you brother just start like, touching your boob all of a sudden during the movie. Is that what you are telling me happened?”

“Yes, all of a sudden like, I could feel his hand brushing up against my breast.”

“Can I speak now?’ Timmy asked eager to defend his honor.

“Sure go ahead,” Shelly told him.

“Mom, I . . . I might have touched it . . . you know by accident.”

“By accident . . . really Timmy . . . and I suppose it was by accident too the other day when I caught you watching me get undressed in my bedroom,” Kimmy retorted.

“Mom . . .” Timmy fairly whined, “She had the stupid door half open and I just happened to glance in to her room as I walked by.”

Shelly repressed a smile, knowing her daughter, much like her mother, was, in fact, a bit of a tease and probably left the door partially open on purpose while she was getting undressed.

“OK, let’s concentrate on one thing at time. Back to the movie boobie touching incident. Now, Timmy, honey, how might have you touched your sister’s breast . . . by accident?”

“Well it was during that scene where the killer jumped out and stabbed that stupid girl and she jumped and sort of slid down against me. My hand was around her waist, you know a bit below her chest, and when she slid down I sort of jumped myself and my hand kind of went upwards and I, yeah, might have . . . accidently . . . brushed my hand against her boob.”

“See I told you he touched it,” Kimmy said triumphantly.

“Yes, well, it did sound like an accident hon . . . sort of.”

“I don’t think it was an accident, Mom,” Kimmy said shooting her younger brother a look of disdain.

It was at this point that Shelly made her fatal mistake. Trying to make light of the situation, she smiled and said, “Well, honey, it’s not like Timmy here hasn’t ever touched his mom’s boob, sefaköy escort by accident, as they were cuddled on the sofa watching a scary movie and they both jumped.”

Smiling at her son sweetly, she added, “I mean accidents do happen . . . even if they are on purpose sometimes.”

Ripping the blanket off, Timmy jumped up from the sofa then and went storming out of the living room.

“Hey where are you going,” Shelly called out as Kimmy laughed.

“See he is guilty and that’s why he’s leaving,” Kimmy yelled after him.

“I am going for a walk to get some fresh air as I don’t wanna hear you two making fun of me anymore and trying to turn me into some kind of pervert.”

In less than twenty minutes, on this warm autumn evening he would be dead.

Timmy was just heading up their driveway after having circled the block at a brisk pace, trying to walk his anger off in their quiet, upscale neighborhood, when all of a sudden, he saw a car come barreling across the road at him.

Turning, he tried to leap out of the way of the oncoming car but was too late. The car smacked into him, knocking him into his front yard before continuing on and hitting one of the large trees lining either side of their long driveway.

Shelly and Kimmy came rushing out of the house after hearing the loud crash of the car hitting the tree. They were too late. Timmy was already dying from massive internal injuries.

As it turned out the car hitting him was a total accident as they later learned the driver of the car, an elderly neighbor who lived down the block, was just on his way home when he suffered a massive heart attack, causing him to lose control of the car.

Three Weeks Later

Kimmy and Shelly were both nearly inconsolable after the accident as they knew it was their teasing that prompted Timmy to get up from the sofa and take his ill-fated walk.

Kimmy, in particular, was devastated since it was her stupid complaining about him touching her breast which indirectly or directly, she could not make up her mind which, led to his death.

In an attempt to assuage her grief she, along with her best friend Toni, decided to use an Ouija board to try and contact the spirit of her deceased brother.

They choose Halloween night to try this desperate ploy out as Kimmy had read how, the veil or the natural layer of separation between The Physical World and The Spiritual World is closer during the time leading up to Halloween or any other collection of Spirit related festivities, primarily due to collective attraction, given the number of holidays celebrating The Spirit World around this time – over 13 worldwide! Though there are other times and periods when the veil can be thin, Halloween, in particular, is when we, as practitioners, notice lots of doors opening between the two worlds. In the United States in particular, around this time, virtually no discrimination is given as to what type of Spirit from The Spirit World it is we are calling forward.

Shelly was working late that evening as Toni and Kimmy settled themselves down in Kimmy room among some flickering candles in her otherwise dark bedroom.

The Ouija board belonged to Toni, who presented herself as an expert at using the thing but, in reality, this would be her first time using it. After Toni began asking the standard questions: Timmy are you here, can you please talk to us, do you miss your sister, etc. Toni felt what she claimed was an unseen hand brushing along the bare skin of her left forearm before there was an indistinct whispering in her ear.

Freaking out, she jumped up and turned on the lights before saying, “I want to go home.”

“You really felt something touch your arm, Toni and then that whisper. I mean you aren’t just playing?”

“Yes, I did and I ain’t playing. I bet it was your brother as it sounded like his voice whispering in my ear.”

“Well if you gotta go fine, but can you let me borrow your board because if it was really him I wanna try contacting him myself.”

“Everyone says you should never use the board alone, Kimmy,” her friend warned her.

“OK, fine. I will wait until my mom gets home. She is kind of into the occult so I bet she will wanna try herself.”

“Fine, I will leave the board but just be careful and sometimes, I mean, I have heard, you can like summon someone, like a demon, instead of the person you are trying to contact and you especially need to be careful because remember its Halloween so . . .”

“Sure, sure, I will keep that in mind. Thanks,” Kimmy replied as Toni handed the board over to her.

An hour and half later, it was nearly ten pm by then, Kimmy was in her mom’s candle lit bedroom. As she suspected it hadn’t taken much for Kimmy to talk her still grief stricken and desperate mother into trying to use the board to contact Timmy.

Both of them were dressed conservatively with Shelly wearing a plain, loose fitting night gown while Kimmy was dressed in an oversized nightshirt as they settled şehzadeler escort down on the bed with the board between them.

“Ready to begin,” Shelly quietly asked her daughter.


“Are you sure you want to do this, hon?”

“I do. I . . . I want to apologize to him for . . . you know.”

“I know . . . me too.”

After they both placed a pair of fingers lightly on the wooden planchette, Shelly took a deep breath before asking the first question. “Is anyone there?”

There was a brief pause before they both felt the planchette moving under their fingers, seemingly of its own accord to the YES.

“Is it you, Timmy, please tell me it’s you, baby?” Shelly said in a pleadingly voice.

The planchette moved to the letter T.

“T for Timmy. See I told you,” Kimmy said excitedly to her mom just as the planchette moved again to the YES.

Shelly thought for a brief moment before asking the next question in a calm, gentle voice. “Do you miss us honey because we miss you terribly.”

The planchette moved back again to the YES.

Taking a deep breath Shelly said, “So you are here and . . . and what do you want?”

The words were barely out of her mouth when the planchette moved to the letter S then to the letter T and then A, before finally settling on the letter Y.

“Stay,” Kimmy said almost inaudibly as a cold chill crawled up her spine. Suddenly, she wanted to do anything but stay and communicate with the spirit of her dead younger brother.

Shelly started to speak out loud, “OK we will stay–“.

But before she could finish her sentence Kimmy was interrupting her in a panic.

“Mom . . . Stop. Don’t tell him we will stay.”

After pulling her hand away from the planchette, she leaned close to her mom, whispering, “I don’t think this is such a good idea, Mom.”

“Honey why,” Shelly whispered back.

“I don’t know, I’m scared though suddenly. Just move the planchette to the good bye at the bottom of the board and let’s put this thing away.”

“Honey I think you–“

Again, Kimmy interjected before her mom could finish what she was saying. “Please, Mom . . . do it now.”

Shelly could tell by the way her daughter’s voice was almost trembling she needed to listen to her, but as she started to move the planchette down to the GOODBYE engraved toward the bottom of the board, it suddenly jerked and flipped over.

What happened next was a blur as suddenly all six of the pillar candles, there was three on either of the two nightstands flanking Shelly’s king sized bed, simultaneously blew out, plunging the bedroom into darkness.

“Mom, quick turn on the lamp,” Kimmy nearly shouted.

Shelly leaned over to the turn on the lamp nearest her on the nightstand, there was small lamps on both of them, when suddenly she felt a strong breeze of sorts rushing past her outstretched arm.

With an extremely loud bang inside the quiet bedroom, the lamp crashed onto the wood paneled floor, causing both of them to let out a loud scream. A bare second or two later, the lamp on the opposite nightstand also was sent hurtling to the floor, where it too crashed with an equally loud bang.

“Mom, do something,” Kimmy yelled.

“OK, OK,” Shelly said while trying her level best to remain calm. Grabbing her daughter’s hand, she said, “Let’s just get out of here for now, Kimmy. C’mon.”

They both hopped off the bed and began fumbling their way across the pitch black bedroom toward the door. Shelly noted, with no small amount of alarm, how her bedroom somehow seemed darker than normal when the lights were out, but had precious little time to ponder this further as after only a couple steps they heard a loud scrapping noise off to their left– as if something was being dragged across the wood paneled floor.

“Mom, what is that?” Kimmy whispered.

“I don’t know,” Shelly hissed back.

They soon found out as upon reaching the door it was blocked by Shelly’s extremely heavy five drawer dresser with mirror. The dresser, nearly seventy inches in height and eighty five inches wide and weighing nearly two hundred and seventy five pounds, was basically unmovable by them, especially in the dark.

Mom do something,” Kimmy again cried to her mother. “I hate the dark.”

“I know you do honey so here . . . take my hand.”

Kimmy allowed her mother to steer her back over to the bed before whispering to her, “Here . . . sit down and wait for me. I will be right back.”

“W-where are you going,” Kimmy asked as she latched onto her mother’s arm with one panicked hand.

“I have some candles and matches in the bathroom, hon. I will be right back. Stay here.”

“OK . . . but can’t I go with you,” Kimmy whispered.

“Just stay here, hon. I will be much faster on my own. I will be right over there by the bathroom . . . not far. Now don’t argue with me.”

“Fine,” Kimmy replied quietly as he mother left her sitting there on the bed.

Shelly, fighting gamely not to panic, floundered selçuklu escort her way across the bedroom once more in the inky blackness of her bedroom. Shelly’s night vision should have been, by now, kicking in but for some reason, the sheer blackness of the bedroom still seemed utterly unfathomable.

Finally, just as she reached the wall next to her bathroom door and was feeling her way to the doorway, she heard a quiet whooshing noise prior to hearing the door being softly shut.

After finding the knob in the dark, no matter how she wrenched on it, the knob simply would not turn.

Sighing, she stumbled back across the bedroom to her daughter. “Honey, I have bad news. The bathroom door is like locked and I can’t get in.”

“Mom how is that possible? I mean it locks from the inside.”

Settling down next to her on the edge of the bed, Shelly reached out, grasping her daughter’s hand tightly in her own. Leaning toward her she whispered, “Honey I think we need to accept the fact your brother is doing this.”

“You mean trapping us here in the dark . . . but why?”

“I think it’s because you wanted to say goodbye and I agreed. I think we hurt his feelings . . . again. Remember he just wanted us to stay. Yeah, he was probably still upset from earlier when you and Toni left him so quickly also.”

“So what do we do?”

“Tell him we don’t want to leave anymore, tell him we will stay here in the bedroom with him . . . like he wants.”

“Can’t you?”

“I don’t have time to explain, but I just think it will mean more coming from you, Kimmy, so go ahead and please tell him that very calmly though.”

Kimmy took a deep breath before saying out loud, “Timmy we don’t want to leave anymore. We are both going to stay . . . here . . . with you. OK?”

When Kimmy’s plea was met with dead silence, Shelly brought her mouth to her daughter’s ear before whispering, “Tell him again, but tell him this time we will stay with him all night long . . . if he wants, that is the both of us, and this time, say it like you really mean it, honey.”

“Fine,” Kimmy muttered under her breath before raising her voice again. “Timmy, mom and me both really, really want to stay here with you, all night long I mean . . . if that’s what you want. Please . . . pretty please, tell us that’s what you want.”

After a few seconds of silence, Shelly spoke up, “Yeah, come on Timmy, sweetheart, both your sister and your mommy really want to stay with you . . . badly. I promise we will have fun, honey so maybe you could like, for starters, let mommy go into the bathroom and get some candles. I mean you know how both of us are afraid of the dark so . . . please honey can you do that for us. We promise not to try and leave anymore . . . right Kimmy?”

“Yes, promise, please Timmy let mommy get some candles.”

After a few long drawn out seconds of silence finally both Shelly and Kimmy let out a small sigh of relief as they heard the bathroom door creak open.

“I will be right back,” Shelly whispered to her daughter as she hopped up from the bed. While crossing the room toward the bathroom, Shelly noted how the previous inky blackness of the bedroom was actually starting to lighten up a bit, giving her hope things were improving after their rough start.

Just as a test, when Shelly went inside the bathroom to get the candles, she tried clicking on the bathroom light; it wouldn’t turn on. Sighing, she grabbed the matches and hurried back out to the bedroom.

A minute or two later, the two girls were, once more, sitting comfortably on the bed, crosswise from each other with the Ouija board between them. The bedroom was relatively well lit now as, in addition to the relighting the trio of pillar candles on both of the nightstands, Shelly was able, or maybe allowed might be a better way of putting it, to scatter, and then light, a good dozen or so of small tea light candles on both of the nightstands, and on the dresser still blocking the bedroom door.

Leaning forward, Kimmy whispered to her mom, “Ask him what he wants now that we have agreed to stay here with him.”

After they both placed their fingers in the prescribed manner on the planchette, Shelly quietly asked, “So Timmy we are both wondering . . . now that me and your twin sister have agreed to stay . . . what do you want?”

The board spelled out its ominous response.


“Drink what, Timmy?” Shelly softly asked while having a pretty fair idea of what the board’s answer would be.


“I thought as much,” Shelly murmured as she quickly bounced off the bed, making her way across the room to the small mini bar in the corner of her bedroom.

After bringing back a bottle of Patron Silver and a pair of shot glasses, Shelly filled both of them up.

“He wants to get us drunk, Mom. Don’t you think that might be dangerous?” Kimmy protested as her mom tried to hand her the full shot of tequila.

“It also might be fun but regardless we should go along with . . . you know . . . whatever he wants us to do. I . . . I think we owe him that honey. Don’t you?”

“Yes, I suppose we do,” Kimmy replied as she fought the tears threatening to come spilling out, once again. She had cried plenty since her twin brother’s death while blaming herself for making such a big deal about him accidently touching her boob.

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