A Mother’s Love Waxes Eternal Pt. 02


Previously, after her son injures his arm, Lisa offers to help finish up Will’s wax, only to learn first-hand why his wax session had been interrupted before. Having felt an intense shame at helping her son cum all over her, she navigates complex mixed feelings.  Now, weeks later…


“Harder, harder, please, fuck me, c’mon baby, make Momma proud!”

“Oh yeah, take, uhm… take this big cock you… dirty little… uhm… ragamuffin you.”

Lisa groaned internally, but redoubled her efforts, grinding her hips down furiously on her husband Steve.  She was pleased that he seemed receptive to her efforts to spice up the bedroom and his eyes did light up at the sight of her wearing a corset and garters.  She could even give him points for at least trying to get into the dirty-talk with her.  But as she tried to ride a hole into the bed straddled atop him, she could admit some frustration as she gradually lost that sensation of fullness inside her. Dammit, she was so close!  

Steve rolled her off him unceremoniously, gave her a pat on the ass, and walked to the bathroom. She couldn’t blame him for her dissatisfaction, not entirely.  In truth, it had probably been closer to months  since they’d last made love, and recent… events… had ramped up her sex drive to unhealthy levels. She reached in her drawer, and grabbed woman’s best friend.  She slowly felt the disappointment fade away to the buzzing sound of  her vibrator, hips bucking and gyrating to the hum as her latest fantasy rooted itself in her mind.

“That’s it Will, give mommy all your cum.  Make her your dirty little cum-slut. Ram that thick cock in my whore mouth and give me all that seed.”

She was barely audible, as she whispered these things to herself, as her mind wove increasingly perverted scenarios, though every one involved her son in some way. Midway through a particularly deviant scenario, her husband interrupted her reverie.

“So, turns out I’m going to have to leave for Las Vegas this week, Chuck wants me there to help demo our new products at the expo.”

“Nnng… not now Steve… nng”

“I just thought I’d let you know so you could get started packing for me, I have to wrap up some last minute presentations or I’d do it myself.”

If the man wasn’t going to help her cum, couldn’t he at least take a hint and not actively prevent her from helping herself? At that moment, her vibrator finally gave up the ghost, its batteries now completely drained.  If she were a man, she’d be bemoaning being blue-balled twice in one night.  It wasn’t quite the same, but by god if she wouldn’t hump the first vaguely phallic object to present itself.  


In a huff, she threw on her robe, tying it loosely, and left their bedroom, still horny as hell.

Steve, meanwhile, had already opened up his laptop and begun working.

“Huh, wonder what her problem is…”


Will flushed the toilet, his erotic excretions slowly whirling away. Weeks ago, his mom had finally accepted his apology, and things had more or less gone back to normal. Not entirely though. For one thing, his parents had been going at it like rabbits lately.  They tried to be sneaky about it, but he didn’t think they were aware of just how much of their escapades carried through the ceiling. Whether he was gaming or writing, he’d hear his mom’s moans quite clearly and immediately feel compelled to wank off to the sounds of her passion.  It never seemed to last long enough, though he was able to finish himself off just remembering her in that tiny thong covered in cum.  His cum.  He felt himself beginning to harden, and quickly changed his thoughts.  Deviant he might be, but he still felt a degree of shame over that whole encounter.

He tucked his semi-hard member into his shorts awkwardly and prepared to walk to his room.  Halfway there, his mom, wearing only a precariously secured silk robe walked into him. She looked vaguely upset and highly distracted as he braced and caught her in his arms before she could bowl him over. She smelled strongly of sex and sweat, and he reluctantly let her go.

“I’m so sorry baby, your dad’s just got an unexpected trip and he expects me to help pack him up.  Last thing I want to do is knock you on your ass right as your healing up from your last fall.”

She was looking up at him apologetically, and he swore he saw a single tear forming in one eye. Unexpectedly she pulled him back in for a tight hug. He was rapidly leaving his state of semi-arousal behind as he felt the large globes of her chest press against his abs. If she noticed his cock harden and press against her, she didn’t hint at it at least. As he wrapped his arms around her back, he heard a small sob.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… I feel like I’m just a bad wife and a worse mother sometimes. I–“

Will cut in, “Absolutely not!  You’re perfect mom, you spoil both dad and me.  We’re lucky to have you!”

She pulled her head away from his chest, affirming that he really meant that. In truth, she tirebolu escort felt like that couldn’t be true as it’d taken every ounce of her will power to avoid dryhumping the hell out of that length of pipe he’d pressed into her.

“Thanks dear.  I’m lucky to have you too. I think about you a lot.”

She wasn’t sure why she added that last part.  Or rather, she knew, but cringed internally that she’d let it slip.

“Well, I’ve gotta go get your dad set up at any rate.”

Will leaned down to kiss his mother on the cheek, while she went to reciprocate. Somehow, their wires got crossed and Will felt his mothers lips press against his. It was the most chaste bit of contact, but Lisa felt her son’s cock twitch against her even as her own pussy seemed to be salivating at the prospect.  They briefly made eye contact, before the moment was ruined by her husband stomping up the stairs.  They both quickly pulled away from each other, each trying to hide their blushes and other signs of arousal from each other, from Steve, and even from themselves to a degree.

Will left his parents at the stairway as he went back to his room, resigned once more to beating his meat.  Though now he thought he just might have one more experience to reminisce on.


The rest of the week passed by without incident, and they had taken his dad to the airport for his conference.  On the drive back, his mom grabbed his hand and chatted up a storm as they made their way home. While his mom was cheerfully expounding on any number of topics, he barely followed, he had broken out into a nervous sweat.  He put on a good face, and tried to be responsive, but internally he was waging a war.

“It was a one-time thing! A complete accident in fact!  You’re breaking her trust and reducing her to just an object of sex.  She’s your mother for god’s sake!”

“Yes!  But, that sexy little swimsuit.  That thong.  That tongue licking its way along my shaft, down my balls, even inside my ass!”

If there were any other voices in his internal council, they all seemed unanimously behind this second opinion, as there was no further rejoinders.  He did eventually regain some measure of self-control by the time they pulled back into their garage. Only briefly though, as his mom walked away from the car, he became intensely aware of how short the skirt she was wearing really was.  Since when had she worn skirts out and about? His eyes traced the contours of her ankles up her milky calves, fixing themselves at the spot halfway up the back of her thigh where the skirt met skin. While he was suspiciously still, he heard the clink of keys and watched in disbelief as his mom bent over to pick them up, flashing a brief view of purple lacy panties. Having picked them up, Lisa turned around, bemused.

“What’s taking so long?  What’s got you so distracted?”

Caught in the act, Will panicked.

“Nothing!  Just was thinking you are in dire need of a tan!”

He chewed himself out internally.  Really smooth save.

Unexpectedly, however, his mother bit her lip and seemed to be considering that at face value.  

“I suppose it is warm enough to start using the pool.  If you’ve got nothing better to do, why don’t you spend the day sunning with your mom? I’ll even let you have a few of my wine coolers if you do.”

Will was too tongue-tied to respond immediately.  His mom just turned around, walking through the door.

“Or not.  Your choice after all!”


“You’ve been really distant lately, and I’ll be going off to college soon anyway. I like you a lot, but the timing just isn’t great for us.”

Will put down the phone.  He’d been expecting this text for awhile, he and Lucy had already been growing distant before he’d developed his current infatuation, but it still hurt. He morosely finished changing into his swimsuit, a pastel pair with a short inseam that Lucy had appreciated. He glanced out his bedroom window toward the pool looking for his mom, but didn’t see her in any of the chairs yet. Eventually his gaze landed on the outdoor shower with it’s bamboo-styled privacy door. Normally sufficient coverage for modesty purposes, but they clearly hadn’t accounted for someone peeking down from the bedroom window directly above. From this angle, it didn’t matter how high the walls were, he looked straight down at his mother and her ample assets being washed before her swim.

He’d never though to spy on his mom like this, and normally she’d have worn a bikini or a stylish one-piece to rinse off, but today he had several full minutes to appreciate her form unadorned. Just as he pulled out his now hard cock, she turned off the water and began to change into her bikini– the same one he’d seen her in a few weeks prior. He couldn’t say for sure, but it seemed her continued workouts had made progress.  His feelings were mixed, he’d really appreciated the way her curves seemed to overflow from the flimsy fabric, but on the other hand, his mom was looking very tokat escort trim with hints of abs beginning to show. Abruptly, she looked up at his window. If he hadn’t leaped back from the window in alarm, he might have noticed the beginning of an abashed grin on her face.


Still chagrined, Will sat alongside the pool idly kicking his feet. After the earlier excitement, he had begun to feel down again, remembering Lucy’s break-up text. Lisa had seemed to pick up on his mood, and was giving him space. Finally though, she sat beside him and handed him a beer.  They both cheered, and took a few sips before she finally broke the silence.

“Girl trouble, eh?”

“Yeah… Lucy broke up with me earlier, so I’m sorry if I’m being a bit of a downer.”

Lisa tsked, and pulled him to face her.

“I know it hurts right now baby, but you’ll find someone new soon.  I’ve seen the way girls look at you when we’re out and about. Pretty soon, I think one might just lock you up entirely.”

Will smiled as best he could at her encouragement.

“Thanks mom.  I know, and we weren’t even that close really.  She was just the first semi-serious relationship I’ve had, and it’s hard letting go of that.”

He turned back to face the pool, continuing to take swigs from his drink. For her own part, she’d already had several wine coolers, so she had begun pacing herself.

“Well, it gets easier.  It’s always hard breaking up with your first.”

“My first…?”

Lisa hadn’t expected the confused look in return and heat rose into her face at her miscalculated assumption.

“I mean, I assume you… I mean, you did right?  I assumed a guy like you and a girl like her were banging like rabbits…”

She hadn’t meant to be quite so crass, but her son just laughed.

“Oh, we did plenty of other stuff, but she said she was saving *that* for marriage.”

Lisa was beginning to lose her nerve a bit, so sought to change the course of the conversation.

“Well, I hope you’ve been taking good care of yourself at least.”

Misreading her intent, Will responded with a snort “Yeah, pretty much every night you and dad go at it.”

Lisa’s eyes widened.

“You can… hear us?”

Weeks worth of desperate moans, rattling bed noises, all came crashing down on her awareness.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think we were that loud.”

“It’s okay Mom, really.  I’m just happy someone’s getting some action.”

He turned to grin reassurance toward his mom, but she seemed troubled.

“Well, I wouldn’t say it’s all peaches for me. Nothing I do seems to really speak to your dad.  He’ll do his dues, but usually just to get his rocks off and I have to finish things off on my own.  So we’re really not in such different situations!”

Will seemed mildly taken aback at his mom’s candor, but he resolved that he’d always take care of any woman he was with, and told her as much.

“I should probably go back in though. I didn’t put on any suntan lotion, and the sun’s really starting to come down.”

Lisa was eager to extend their bonding time however.

“Nonsense, go lay down and I’ll rub some on you and give you a complimentary back rub while I’m at it.  No one can feel down after one of my world-famous pick-me-up massages!”

Will flashed her a toothy grin and obliged her.

While he was facedown, Lisa had plenty of time to ogle her son.  Where she could be said to be curvy and soft, with a hint of a solid core, her son was all angles and muscle. She admired the prominence of his calf muscles, as well as his choice of swimsuit that offered so much of his fine thighs for her appreciative eyes. She poured some lotion on his legs and began rubbing up and down his legs, from ankle all the way up to his shorts, even poking her fingers in just a few inches beneath the shorts to be thorough.  She’d have to ask him what his regimen was to get such prominent glutes.

Unbeknownst to her, Will was quite nervous as not long after her hands had retreated from his shorts, his cock had grown to almost extend straight out the bottom of his swimshorts.  Luckily, or unluckily– he hadn’t decided– she’d moved on to massaging lotion in to his back, breaching his shorts briefly to cover his waist. His breath caught as she wound her soft hands around his waist prodding at the sides of his abs. As she applied more lotion to his shoulders and began a massage in earnest, he had to admit she hadn’t been exaggerating about her skill. Eventually she gently woke him from his dreamlike repose and had him turn over. She now sat straddled over his lap as she worked lotion into his neck and chest, and even a tweak of his nose as she covered his face. He tried not to make it obvious, but he couldn’t help but look up at her and admire her body as it shaded him from the sun. A faint few curls escaped the top of her bottoms, hinting at a treasure he could only imagine. With every wide stroke of his torso, Lisa’s tits jiggled in transfixing fashion. She seemed to topkapı escort spend an inordinate amount of time, and lotion, massaging his abs.

After several minutes of this, she rotated on his lap, and leaned over to reach over and apply the lotion to his legs. In the process of adjusting herself, she’d found herself  straddled with a firm meaty rod between her lower set of lips. Both tried to withhold their sighs of excitement to varying degrees. Will strained to see from his position the way her bikini had begun bunching up in her voluptuous ass. Without warning, he felt his mother begin to slide forward along his cock and back as she would lean forward and massage the lotion onto the front of his shins and up to his feet. She’d intended to only do it once, refusing to acknowledge how she was teasing the poor boy. She hadn’t expected him to grab her by the hips.

“Sweetie… what are you doing?”

“Oh, um, just holding you in place so you don’t slip off.”

He was keenly aware of how paper-thin that excuse was but she seemed to accept it. Once again, she reached forward, pushing her hands down his legs and back up to his thighs all while sliding hot, almost dripping sex along his cock. Both were vaguely aware that sufficient lotion had applied, but Lisa added yet more dollops on her hands as she continued these repetitive motions. After perhaps a minute of this, Will was close to bursting, and he felt his mother’s legs squeeze as her trembling legs propelled her along his cock in a series of rapid-fire strokes. At last, she collapsed forward, her legs kicking back behind her a bit. Will was now intensely aware of how thong-like his mother’s bikini had become and he yearned to finish himself off now as her pussy was almost exposed less than a foot from his face. He reached his hands out and forcibly pulled her pussy toward his eager mouth.  Lisa suddenly became keenly aware of her surroundings and precisely what was happening. In a rare moment of lucidity, she tried to stand up, but her son pulled her back down on his face. She continued to squirm as she felt her son lapping up her dripping wet cunt. It wasn’t long before her squirms to get away became a committed effort to grinding her hips into her own son’s eager tongue.

By this point, her tits had freed themselves from their sartorial prisons and were bouncing with abandon. As her son redoubled his efforts, she could feel yet another orgasm coming. She lifted her hands to her mouth to try and muffle her erotic moans but Will pulled her arms down by her side. At last, arms fighting in his powerful grip, and pelvis grinding his face, she let out one last powerful scream as her son brought her to the peak of ecstasy. At this, her son had released his grip and his licking. As he started to say something to her, she noticed a hint of movement in her periphery. She saw a flash of raven hair as it turned, and the tell-tale movements of curtains rapidly drawn in the neighbors upstairs window. Alarmed, she cut off whatever her son had been meaning to say as she hurried back inside.


Sighing, Will adjusted his strained shorts as best he could as he began walking back inside. How many times was he going to have to chase this woman? He wasn’t sure if he’d scared her off, or what, but he was frustrated to the extreme that after having just witnessed her get off twice he was still stuck hard as a rock and desperately needing to cum. He went back inside to speak with his mom.

Curiously, she was at the window looking outside and at the neighbor’s place.  He didn’t know what that was about but she’d yet to pick her bikini out of her ass and was partly bent over. Normally he might have the willpower to resist, but he could truly only resist so long. Silently approaching her from behind, he pulled his cock out and slid it between her thighs. Lisa yelped in alarm, and instinctively squeezed her legs together. Covered in suntan oil as they were, this just made for a more enticing experience as she felt her son begin thrusting between her legs, right up against the fabric of her bikini, even pressing against her swollen, overly stimulated clit. She gathered what resistance she could muster.

“Stop it!  No, Will!  It was all fun and games teasing, but you’re getting carried away!”

She turned and faced her boy, clearly aroused and with a grimace on his face.

“Mom, please… I’m sorry, I’m just so goddamn horny lately, and you haven’t been helping. Now with Lucy gone, it’s just one endless tease without any release.”

Lisa’s face began to soften slightly as she realized what she was complicit in. She took her son by the hand and over to the couch. He sat down while she remained standing. She took Will’s face into both her hands and angled him to look up at her.

“I love you too son.  But there’s just… some lines that can’t be crossed between a mother and her boy, and what you’re considering is definitely one of them!”

“That’s not fair though!  Weren’t you just complaining about Dad doing the same thing to you? I’m going crazy here.”

Lisa let out an exaggerated sigh.

“Hmmm. I suppose it wouldn’t do for me to be a hypocrite. I can… help you out with your little problem, just this once. Just a little compromise to take care of you. But don’t get greedy and no touching.”

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