It Runs in the Family


It was the third morning Sara felt something was happening to her at night. Once every month, she wakes up more exhausted than she went to bed. The first time this year, it wasn’t that bad – she felt tired, her knees hurt and she had a few bruises on her body.

“What the fuck am I doing during the night?” she asked herself in the bathroom mirror, while examining the scratches on her chest and the bruises on her hip. “Huh, seems like I am sleepwalking lately.”

She shakes it off and is about to start her day, not noticing the fresh dirt in her bed, where her feet usually rest.

“Ouch” she groans, as she’s walking down the stairs. “Feels like after leg day. What did I do last night, heavens!”

Tired and a bit under the weather, Sara has a light breakfast. It tastes dull. Everything is tasting dull. Her oats, the orange juice. She has this weird taste in her mouth and even brushing her teeth twice doesn’t seem to help.

“Uhh, I can’t wait being home again from university.” she mumbles to herself. “This is gonna be one hell of a day.”

She puts on a light jacket and shoulders her backpack. Off she is, on her way to the bus stop. Little does she know, her mother is eagerly scrubbing her sheets, the spot where her feet rested, while Sara is on her way.

“She must not know.” her father says, standing in the doorway. “Not yet.”

Her mother looks up in tears and desperation. “Why? Why? Why my little Sara?!” she cries. “It’s all your fault! You and your… weird wicked family!”

She throws the dirty brush in the bucket and breaks down.

“Shhh, my dear.” Saras Dad says in a comforting voice to his wife. “Maybe it doesn’t take hold like it did with her brother. Maybe there’s still hope.”

And as Saras parents are hugging each other, her mother in tears and despair, her father concerned and trying to comfort his wife, the little young girl sits on the bus and watches the world passing by the window. Even with her earbuds inside, she can hear the pre teen boys on the rear of the bus whispering and laughing about her.

“Hehe, yeah. Seems like she forgot her tits at home, tehehe!”

“Yeah dude, flat as a wooden board, and look at her hair, as if she fell out of her bed! Heeehee!”

“Those little fuckers.” Sara says to herself. She gets up from her seat, walks through the bus to the rear, stands before the two 12 year Olds. “What did you just say you little shit?!”

The boys are exchanging confused and caught looks. Even Sara is surprised about her aggressive tone.

“W…What? How could you…?! Nothing! We, uhm, meant another girl! The one two seats before you!” one of the boys stutters.

The eyes of 18 year old, blonde Sara sparkle and are fierce. Her little hands claw into the headrest of a seat. So hard, her knuckles turn white. Luckily for the boys, the bus stops and they hurry to get up and out. Sara’s still standing there, in a confronting stance, looking after them, as they pass her.

“Did you see her face dude?!” “Yeah, like an animal, those eyes man! Creepy!” she hears them say in hushed voices, as they get off the bus.

An industrial area, not even their stop as it seems. As Sara is letting go off the headrest, she notices her fingers ripped holes in the fabric.

“This is gonna be an unusual day.” she thinks to herself, as she’s taking her seat again.

The breakfast isn’t the only dull thing today. The whole day in university is. Her mind feels numb, her joints sore and there is something even more unusual. She always was a girl who gets wet and aroused very easily. But today, she’s soaking. Really soaking. Luckily she wears dark cloth pants, or else everyone in class would see the big, wet spot between her thighs.

She raises her hand, the professor nods.

“I need to go to the restroom.” Sara announces.

With quick steps she leaves the room and heads to the ladies restrooms. Her green, forest themed panties are completely soaked. A thick rope of wetness between her labia and her panties is visible, as she pulls them down.

“Damn, what’s up today…” she mumbles, as she starts to wipe herself. “That’s like, a lot.” she recognizes while inspecting her vagina.

The tissue on her slit feels good, as she rubs a bit to hard. She might as well…

That is the last thing she remembers. All she knows is, that she suddenly wakes up on the university’s restroom, with her pants down to her ankles, sitting on the toilet, her top pulled up and her bare breasts out. Her pussy sore and aching, still wet. Her fingers smelling musky, her head dizzy.

How late is it? She can see through the restroom windows that it’s already getting dark outside. Her professor and the whole class probably thought she just went home. She’s in for trouble, that’s for sure. Sara puts on her clothes hastily and realizes, someone probably gave her backpack to the secretariat, thinking she won’t come back today.

“Aw shit, I’m so fucked.” she thinks and starts browsing for the bus schedules on her ümraniye escort phone.

Secretariat is closed already, so Sara makes herself on the way to the bus station. She took off her crusted panties and thinks of a story she will tell, when she’s coming home late and without her backpack.

“I went to an organic coffee shop with a few friends from uni, must have left my backpack in the lecturing room. Had a snack and we completely forgot the time!”

Yes. That’ll work. Totally believable. She repeats her reason for coming home late on her walk from the bus stop to her parent’s farm, to hit the most reasonable tone.

The tone she heard, as she walked by the stables, wasn’t so reasonable. At all. A whimpering, too deep to be from a dog. Too animalistic to be from a person. She stopped in her track. She’s almost at home, but this noise… It sounds like it’s coming from inside the stables.

Weird, she doesn’t hear her father’s pigs. They’re always grunting and making noise at this time of the day. But it’s all silent. The door to the stables isn’t closed and there is this strange noise again. Like someone groaning in agony, but, like a dog. Like a human imitating a hurt dog, that’s it.

When there is one thing, that is bigger than Sara’s fear of the unknown, it’s her curiosity.

“H…Hello?” A little blond head peeks inside the dark stables. All lights are out. “Is somebody in there? Are you okay?” she asks the darkness with a hushed voice.

Silence. Every now and then a soft grunt from the pigs and their feet scratching on the floor.

“Okay good, at least the pigs are alri-” she wants to say relieved.

“COME INSIDE. CLOSE… THE DOOR.” a deep, strangely familiar voice commands her.

She is like paralyzed, but she knows this voice, despite being distorted and so deep.

“I BEG YOU, COME INSIDE, PLEASE…” the voice pleads, much more friendly and desperate than the first time.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but not Sara. She takes a deep breath, smells pig excrements and hay, and steps inside. Closes the door.

As she is about to reach for the light switch, the voice speaks again, seemingly coming from the wooden beams at the roof of the stables. “PLEASE, NO LIGHT. IT HURTS MY EYES.”

“Who are you? Where are you?” Sara asks nervous and with a scared voice. “I can’t see y-“

Now she can, at least a silhouette. Squatting on the highest horizontal wooden beam, a figure. Hunk, with long extremities, and… fur? Breathing and snarling quietly. She can feel it’s eyes watching her.

“What… what are you? You seem like an animal, yet speak like a person.” Sara asks curious.

The creature makes a strange sound, which Sara thinks is a laugh. “CURIOUS SARA, ALWAYS SO BRISKLY, EVEN IN SUCH A SITUATION.”

She sees it moving slowly, suddenly it leaps towards her and lands a few feet away from her in the shadows on the ground level. A whiff of dirty fur and… dog? is following the creature. A sound like paws moving on a wooden floor as it moves in the shadows.

Sara moves a few short steps back, instinctively. Her back bumps against the stable’s door. Now she is fucking afraid. What was she thinking? That’s how the girls in the horror movies always ending up getting killed.


The moon is shining through the scarce windows and dips everything in a pale, ghostly light. The pigs are getting restless, a few start squealing, as the hunk and furry creature comes closer to Sara.

The way the moonlight is shining on its dark, black fur is mesmerizing and beautiful. It moves like a predator, upright but hunched. A massive, lean creature covered in bristle, dark fur. Sara knows exactly what this is. She’s a little geeky nerd after all. This is a werewolf. A fucking real werewolf, here in the stables.

It towers her by far and walks upright, and it’s arms are massive and muscular. The back is hunched, his stance suggests that it can drop on all fours at any time, to stalk his prey.

“Just like in the movies” is only one of the many strange things that go through Sara’s mind the moment it starts sniffing at her from head to toe.

Its cold snout touches her face, sniffs her mouth and moves down to her chest. She feels the curious, warm breath on her breasts as it examines her nipples through her top. Further down, it’s ears turn up – it found what it was looking for. Excited, like a giant dog, it sniffs intensively on the spot, where her vagina is.

Sara is pressing her little body against the door, as the hunk creature is sniffing at her. Her light autumn jacket open, two wet spots from its wet snout on her top, where her big nipples are. A furry, black wolfhead with pointy ears burying between her legs. She can feel the cold and wet snout through her thin pants and it’s warm, excited breath on her slit.

She’s still, or again, wet down there. Since she removed ünye escort her panties, her thin cloth pants absorbed most of her juices. The werewolfe’s hard snout stubs her pussy, again and again. The thin pants she’s wearing getting stuck between her pussylips, as the creature sniffs and is breathing hot on the teenager’s aroused clit.

Her blue eyes start to flicker and roll up. Her blonde hair is messy and hanging in her pretty face. Her 18 year old pussy aching and throbbing from this feral creature sniffing and stubbing her crotch.

As if conditioned, her tiny manicured hand moves under her top, starts fondling her huge, perky nipples. The other, tiny manicured hand touches the werewolfe’s furry head, buries its fingers in the bristle hair. Scratches the creature gently behind its furry, pointy ear. It is startled a bit, then calms. When she stops, the huge furry tail wags softly.

“He such a good boy.” Sara thinks and her breath gets faster, as she presses the werewolfe’s head harder in her crotch.

“Please, don’t hurt him! You hear?!” Mom is begging while she runs down the stairs after Dad, who is loading his old hunting rifle.

He heard the ruckus in the stables and decided to act. His youngest daughter was still not home and it was already after dark. Faint howling on his farm, the pigs startled in the barn – he knew what was going on.

“Of course I won’t hurt him, he’s my only son after all.” He says calmly, as he is shouldering the rifle.

Mom is panicking and in tears, grabs her husband by his arm. “Promise you’ll find a way! Promise that they won’t get harmed! They’re our children!”

Dad is about to leave the house and head to the stables, armed with a flashlight and his old hunting rifle. “I know what I am doing, trust me.” He kisses his wife on the forehead, takes a deep breath and leaves.

The short distance to the stables seems so long. It’s late already and the full moon is shining bright. He prepares his rifle and holds the flashlight ready in his other hand.

“I should get a pistol. Holding a flashlight and a rifle is a bit impractical.” goes through his head.

Dad thoughts. He’s prepared to face the worst. Prepared to find his daughter dead and mutilated in the stables. Prepared to, despite what he promised to his wife, end a life or two tonight – if it should come this way.

Inside the stables, his blonde teenage daughter is pressed with her back against the door. A giant wolf-like creature, a werewolf, has its furry head buried in her crotch. Her top is pulled up, and one hand is pinching her nipples. Her breasts are tiny and her nipples huge, dark and perky. Sara has a small frame and her body is desperately trying to keep up, as it just left its pre teen phase.

Her thin cloth pants are pulled down a bit, from the huge, curious wolf snout sniffing eagerly at her crotch. She got used to the cold, wet snout pretty quick – after all her slit is warm and wet, a perfect contrast. She feels the werewolfe’s hot breath on her pussylips and its warm tongue licking carefully over her hairless venus hill. She pushes her tiny body harder against the creature and moans, as it gets more greedy with its tongue. The bristle, black fur is tickling, as the wolf’s tongue is cleaving her pussylips and runs through her wet slit.

Suddenly, it let’s go off her. A thin thread of saliva and her juice is dangling between the werewolfe’s snout and her vagina. A satisfied, faint growl, as the creature licks its mouth and looks up to Sara.


Sara looks down, to see the werewolfe’s eyes. Bestial eyes, yet human. Strange, yet familiar. This musky smell surrounding it… She has a notion. Can it be? She knows these eyes, the voice, the smell.


Of course. It makes absolutely sense. Those black outs, the exhausted feeling in the mornings, the pain, this extreme arousal… She’s turning into a werewolf slowly.

“Holy fuck. Is that really you?!” she bursts out. “…How?! Why?!”

Outside, a big, sturdy fist is hammering against the door on which Sara is leaning. “Sara! Are you in there?! It’s me Papa! Go away from the door darling! I’m coming inside!”

Even as Dad was 20 meters away from the door, his scent was already catched. The werewolfe’s ears turned in his direction and the creature backed off, in the shadows.

Sara, aroused and confused, is leaning against the door. Her light jacket open, her top slowly sliding down by itself, because her small breasts aren’t enough to hold it. The thin, dark cloth pants she’s wearing are pulled down just enough, so that her pussy is looking out, her small shaved slit is wet and shining in the moonlight. She hears footsteps near the door outside urfa escort and suddenly her Dad yelling her name and banging against the door.

Her werewolf brother backed off in the shadows with an elegant motion, startled by her Dad at the door. He growls aggressively and shows his sharp, pointy teeth.

“You stay where you are, I’ll talk to him. You hear?” Sara says in a comforting voice.

She turns around to let her Dad inside, pulls her pants up hastily and opens the door. He almost fell as he barges inside, as soon as he notices the door isn’t blocked anymore.

His daughter steps back and let’s him stumble inside. His bright flashlight blinds Sara and she’s squinting her blue eyes. He points the lightcone in the dark corners and doesn’t see the hunched and furry creature immediately, which is hiding in the shadows. As the light is reflected in the werewolfe’s eyes, he notices it, and is mortified.

“Come over here Sara, to me!” her Dad commands Sara while raising his rifle in the werewolfe’s direction.

He’s fumbling as he tries to hold his rifle and the flashlight at the same time.

“He should get a pistol, that seems impractical” Sara thinks to herself. Sara thoughts.

“Stay where you are Son! Did he hurt you Sara?!” her Dad asks nervously.

“No, it’s alright Dad, he didn’t harm me. He’s a good boy!” Sara insists.

Her Dad looks confused and tilts his head.

“LISTEN TO HER, FATHER. I DO NOT MEAN TO HARM HER. SHE IS ONE OF MY KIND, OUR KIND, SOON.” the wolf-creature growls menacingly.

“Not if you listen to me, my son. There is a way to stop this curse!” Dad assures. The three of us, we can end it!”

Sara and her werewolf brother listen to her father, as he explains it to them.

“It runs in the family.” he says, as he takes down his rifle.

His werewolf spawn calms, but stays vigilant and suspicious.

“All men in my bloodline share this fate. When the moon is full, we turn into insatiable creatures, lusting for young flesh. Losing the control of ourselves and the line between lust and violence blurs.” Dad explains.

Sara is listening attentive. “But why am I turning into one too then? You said all men in you family. And you’re no wolf, too!”

Her father ponders. “I always assumed it may have spread to the female progeny over the years, but your sister seems unaffected. My latest theory is, that you came in contact with his seed. Can you think of such a situation Sara?”

Sara blushes, her eyes light up. Fuck, yes. She indeed can think of a situation where she may came into contact with her brothers sperm. A few weeks ago, when she caught him masturbating, she had one of those blackouts. All she remembers is that she was standing in his doorway, being fascinated by him stroking his cock, when she suddenly felt dizzy and her vision blurred. Next thing is she woke up in her bed, with her pussy aching and more wet than usual.

“Oh fuck. My own werewolf-brother creampied me and now I’m turning into one, too.” Sara thinks to herself – and immediately after, she has to giggle.

Unusual day, indeed.

“There… may have been an incident. We, uh… used the same bathwater and he probably masturbated in there before I went in. I read that sperm survives very long under such circumstances.” Sara admits, honest as she is.

Her wolf-sibling looks at her, tilts his head in confusion and scoffs “IT DOESN’T MATTER, SOON SHE’S A WOLF, LIKE ME. TELL ME FATHER, HOW COME YOU ARE NOT LIKE ME? I ALWAYS WONDERED.

“I found a way to suppress these urges. They’re still inside me, but laying dormant.” the creature’s father says.


“Yes Dad, tell us. What do we have to do?” Sara chimes in excited and curious.

Dad takes a deep breath and leans against the wall, puts away his rifle…

“It is quite simple to be honest. I drink my own cum. Every day.” he shruggs. “I found out by accident and have no idea why it works, but it does.”

Sara and her furry brother exchange confused looks, he lets out a confused whimper. “Your own cum? That’s it? Well Okay! If that’s all!” Sara says relieved.

“The problem is” her Dad answers “he’s already transformed this very moment and you, you are a girl. Cum isn’t the same as that, what you are producing down there.”

“SO WHAT NOW, FATHER. MY LUST IS GETTING STRONGER…” the werewolf spawn growls impatiently.

“I have my tomorrow dose here, in this vial.” his Dad pulls a small glass flask, filled with a thick, cream white liquid out of his jackets pocket. “I can heal one of you with this. You have to drink it. The thing is…”

“…that the other one will have to get another dose directly from the source.” Sara recognizes. “So we must decide who drinks a shot of our father’s cum, and who blows him and gets it fresh from your cock.” she adds, clever as she is.


Sara is thinking, rubbing her chin. “Would it help you if you’d eat it out of me?” she offers.

“Sara!” her father yells concerned.

“It’s alright Dad. So, would it help?” Sara asks the confused werewolf.

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