My Dad My Love


The weather was hot, high twenties, which for England, is hot. I was bored and just stared at the grass as I lay on the towel. Mum was out at work; dad was working in his office upstairs and I had done all the work I needed. Working from home was better than the office. I seemed to be able to get everything done in two hours, work that I would struggle to finish in a whole day at the office due to interruptions, distractions, phone calls, pleas for help; no, working from home was so much better.

I had started work early, and after I had finished, I had gone to the bathroom and stood and lathered myself in sun lotion, I didn’t mind not getting a tan, what I didn’t want was skin cancer. I am quite pale skinned and burn quite easily, perhaps because of the red in my hair, I didn’t know. I covered everywhere, standing naked on a towel in the bathroom, I ran my hands over every inch of my body, even bits that would be covered because dad was home, and then ran my hands everywhere again.

I put on my white string thong bikini, it was the smallest thing I could wear and cover up the things dads should not see. The top barely covered my nipples, but did, just, and the bottoms were mostly string with a small flap of material to cover my fanny. As I pulled the knots tight, I decided I would have to shave again soon, I could begin to feel the little tell-tale stubble, ah, oh well. Tomorrow perhaps.

I grabbed my phone, some buds and a towel and headed out to the garden grabbing a bottle of OJ on the way. I spread the towel on the lawn and lay down on my stomach, plugged in my buds and zoned out. The sun felt hot on my legs and back, hotter than I had expected. I put my hands behind me and undid the strap to my top and pulled it up over my head and off. I was now as near naked as I could be whilst wearing some form of clothing.

I think I went to sleep, or certainly dozed, my mind full of jumble and irrelevance, nothing important, just noise. I vaguely heard my name being called, “Julie, Julie.”

“Hmm, yes” I pulled a bud out.

“Julie love, you have been out here unmoving for over an hour,” dad said, “Your back will be brown and your front white, perhaps you ought to turn?”

“Yes dad, you’re right thanks.”

I rolled over and lay on my back, feeling how hot it was where it pressed against the towel.

“I think I better leave you to it love,” Dad said and as I put my earbud back in, I realised that I didn’t have a top on. Oops.

Nothing I could do about it now, oh well, at least my fanny had been covered, and I just put my hand down to make sure all was covered to find bare skin, no bottoms. I sat up with a start, my top was to my left and my bottoms, which should have protected my fanny from unwanted eyes were to my right. The string must have come undone, and it had fallen off when I turned over.

Right then. Dad had just seen my naked body. He would know that I shaved. Luckily my legs had probably been together as I turned, so, apart from the outside crease, he shouldn’t have seen much. Well, not much more than my inner lips and clitoris that stood proud of my valley, greyish against the white of the rest of me.

Too late now, I just stayed as I was. If dad wanted to watch me from his office window, then let him. It was a good way away, and from that distance, I would just look like a naked person on his lawn. I wondered if seeing me naked aroused him? I pretty much believed that men got aroused whenever they saw a naked or near naked woman, regardless of who she was. Would he play with himself I wondered as I dozed off again, this times to mental images of my dad with his hand inside his trousers.

I awoke again as I felt a towel being laid on me. “Your mum will be home soon Julie, probably best if she didn’t see you naked, I doubt she would understand.”

“Er okay dad,” I answered groggily.

“Not sure I understand myself,” I heard dad say as he wandered off. I sat up and picked up my Bikini and after I stood up, I wrapped the towel horizontally around me. ‘Thank goodness for boobs to hold my towel up,’ I thought as I wandered back into the house. Dad was in the kitchen basting some chops that we were having for tea.

“Crumbs dad, I really fell asleep out there, I probably won’t sleep tonight.”

“No baby, you probably won’t. You seemed well out of it every time I checked on you.”

“Oh dad, did you check on me often?” I think I added coquettish to my voice.

“Hush now Julie,” dad smiled and turned back to the chops.

“Perhaps I should have got you to baste me dad, rather than the chops.”

“Oh baby, you are so much more than a piece of meat.”

“Aw, dad, that is a nice thing to say,” and I went and gave him a big hug.

“Now, go up and get some clothes on, your mother would not understand you being naked in the kitchen,” dad said.

“But üzümlü escort dad, I’m not naked.” I stopped when I realised my towel had fallen and I was standing and then hugging my dad utterly starkers.

“Oops dad,” I grabbed the towel off the floor and hurried upstairs. I went to the bathroom and showered, and then patted myself dry with the towel I had been laying on in the garden, before dropping it in the laundry hamper.

“Tea in ten love,” mum called from downstairs, she was obviously home and hungry.

“Okay Mum, just finished showering, I’ll throw some clothes on and come down.

Micro white panties, really just a gusset, and a pale blue sundress. I didn’t bother with a bra, I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, and even if I did, my boobs weren’t big enough to require the extra support.

After dinner mum and I spent a few minutes tidying the kitchen, loading the dishwasher, and then went to the lounge, dad was in the armchair as usual, and I sat next to mum on the sofa opposite. When we wanted to watch TV, we usually all squeezed on the sofa, but no one seemed to want TV just yet, so we all sat comfortably.

Mum was talking about going to the fabric mill in Dewsbury, apparently they had some new African cottons in stock that she wanted to look at, I thought I could make a nice sundress out of one, if I could get the right pattern, so said I would go with her. Dad was thinking of getting some fruit trees for the garden, I wasn’t so keen on that idea, fruit encourages wasps, nasty stinging things. “They do eat the aphids though Julie, everything has its place.”

“Yes dad, but aphids don’t sting.”

We bantered on for an hour or so and then mum said she was tired, was going to take a tablet and go to bed. I kissed her goodnight and dad said, “I’ll be up in a bit love, I’m not ready to sleep yet, I’d just toss and turn and disturb you.” And mum was gone.

“You were quite a sight today baby girl,” Dad said.

“Yes, I suppose, sorry dad.”

“No need to apologise, I hadn’t really thought how much of a young woman you have become. Today I didn’t need to think it, there you were in all your glory.”

I sat back in the sofa, and as I did I think my knees opened a little further, my panties would have been quite visible.

“Yes love, in all your glory. No imagination needed today.”

“Oh? Dad are you saying that you had used your imagination before today?”

Dad smiled and looked directly up my dress. “Before today Julie, imagination was all I had to go on.”

“And dad, did you like what you saw whilst I lay naked in the garden?”

“Nothing to not like my love, nothing to not like.”

“Okay, but for me, dad, I only have my imagination to go on.” I said, not entirely sure where this was going.

“Sometimes a fertile imagination is enough Julie.”

“Was it enough for you dad, or is the real thing better?”

“Oh, believe me, no imagination could have prepared me for the real thing, such an absolute beauty.”

“Oh. For me, I only have my imagination to go on, I have never even had a glimpse to work with.”

“Ah well, life is like that Julie, and then sometimes, opportunities come right out of the blue. Now then, your mother is probably asleep by now, I am going to grab a shower and then I will be back down in a while.”

“Okay dad.” When dad got up there was a bulge in his trousers, probably been there before, but I hadn’t really noticed it. I heard dad go upstairs to the bathroom and then the shower started. Was this the opportunity that dad talked about?

I stood and crept up the stairs, the bathroom door was half open and I could hear dad washing in the shower. I could hear mum snoring; she had really got off quite quickly. Emboldened, I went all the way up and looked through the bathroom door.

Dad was standing sideways in the shower, a flannel in his hand, washing, soap suds being rinsed away by the water, but what really caught my attention was dad’s cock. Hard, sticking out, and as he was sideways onto me, I could see it was a good length and thickness. Dad put his hand down and started wanking his cock, it was mesmerising, his cock end appearing and disappearing as he moved his skin. I wondered if he would go all the way, but he didn’t, he stopped and squirted gel on it and washed it.

As I moved quietly away I had an idea. I put my hand up my sundress and pulled my panties off and threw them through my bedroom door onto my bed. Wearing only my sundress I went back down and sat back on the sofa, my fanny now visible, should anyone care to look.

My blood raced and I felt wicked, I was sure that dad had engineered this moment. Had given me a way to see him naked without being obvious. I was pretty sure that my folks usually shut the bathroom door when they were uzunköprü escort in there. This time dad had left it open after talking of opportunities. Could I make the next move? I already had; my fanny was out.

I sat back and closed my eyes, my memory of dad’s naked cock playing, his foreskin moving along his cock, its end hiding and reappearing. The end was a mix of red and purple, his cock skin a paler colour, perhaps a little darker than the rest of his skin, I wondered how his balls looked, I hadn’t really seen them from my vantage point.

“Penny for them” dad’s voice startled me, I had really been lost in that memory. I opened my eyes and dad was stood in front of me wearing his dressing gown.

“Oh nothing dad, just thinking of what you said, you know, taking opportunities.”

“And did you, you know, take an opportunity?”

“Perhaps dad, perhaps.”

Oh, I see. Well, they may not come along too often.”

“Oh no dad, that would be such a shame, some opportunities are beautiful and deserve to be repeated.”

“True, but the right conditions are not always there. Take today, your mum is absolutely out of it, she was already tired and has taken a sleeping tablet. A bomb could go off and she wouldn’t notice.”

I sat back in the sofa, my dress rucking a little, if dad looked, he would see. Dad looked.

“I think an opportunity was indeed taken,” he said, and as he spoke, he undid the belt of his robe which gaped a little. I looked.

His cock was just there, a few feet from me. It was sticking forward, almost poking through the gap in his robe. His skin was all puckered at the end, a small opening where his hardness pushed forwards. The light wasn’t good and so I could not see his balls, they were there, but hidden in the dark shadows.

“I’m feeling hot dad,” I said and pulled my sundress up and off. I was naked in front of my dad for the second time today. I had made my move. It was up to dad now.

Dad looked into my eyes then cast his down, I could see him examine my breasts and then look down to my sex. He would see my inner lips where they peeked out between my outer lips, he would see my clitty, peaking up, protected by its hood. All my femininity, his daughter’s femininity, was on display. It was up to him now.

Dad pushed his robe off his shoulders and allowed it to fall. For the first time I could see my dad properly naked. I could not only see his hard cock, but I could also see his balls hanging below. I was captivated, it looked so commanding. I leant forward and lightly touched it. As my fingers made contact his cock jerked away and then settled back down. I pushed at his skin, it was soft, the inside hard, rolling pin hard, his skin moved easily over his cock, pulling back from his cock head which peeked out from the folds of skin.

I moved forward and knelt on the floor in front of dad, my eyes at cock level. I wrapped my hand around his cock and started a slow wank, each time moving his foreskin a little further back, each time revealing a little more of the end of his cock. Red and purple it revealed itself, a little drop of white appeared at the little hole in the end. I touched it and smeared it over the end of his cock, dad murmured.

I pushed the skin back as far as I could, watching it unfurl itself over the rim of his cock and then stick underneath, his cock now looking a very different thing to before. Before it was just a cock, now it looked ready for business. I leant a little forward and dabbed the end of his cock with my tongue.

“Oh fuck, Julie,” dad gasped. I guessed he liked that. I moved forward and wrapped my lips around his cock, slowly engulfing him, taking him into my mouth. Dad started to slowly move back and forward; he was fucking my mouth. I held still, let dad make the movements, each time he pushed a little further into my mouth, each time he pulled a little further back. I could hardly believe how much he was getting inside me, how hot it felt, my tongue catching the rim of his cock as he moved. I began to suck as he moved, gaining confidence, increasing my suction.

I felt dad’s foreskin slip back over his rim, and I used my lips to push it further back as he pushed into my mouth. Dad started going faster, his balls started to catch my chin as they swung under his cock. “Fuck Julie, I am going to cum,” dad gasped, and he did. I felt him spurt, felt it go down my throat, twice and then a third time before dad slowed and stopped, his cock in my mouth, me sucking and licking to get the last of his salty residue.

Dad stood back and looked down at me, a smile in his eyes. He took my face in his hands and pulled me to my feet. He dibbed forward and kissed me, his lips crushing mine, his tongue pressing at mine.

We pulled apart and I sat on the sofa, dad stood van escort before me, his cock softer, dangling in front of his balls.

“Well now Julie,” dad said, “an opportunity taken.”

“I love your cock.” I wanted him inside me, I wanted him to possess me, I wanted him to love me.

“It is a nice cock, it has to be said,” and dad knelt before me, pushing my knees apart, opening my sex to his gaze. “And before me I see a beautiful fanny.”

“Ready for the kissing,” I answered, “oh, so ready.”

Dad leant forward and teased my labia fully apart, my valley exposed, my opening and my clitoris wet, hot, and wanting. I felt his breath as he hovered just above me, and then a small jolt, no more than a tickle, as he blew on my clitoris, and then a searing heat as his tongue licked my valley and then probed my opening, pushing in, circling inside my entrance. I felt my fanny spasm in anticipation.

I leant back, my legs as wide apart as I could manage, my eyes closed, just feeling, enjoying, experiencing my dad as he mouthed my fanny. A finger joined his tongue and pressed inside me, deeper, further than his tongue, and then a second. His tongue moved up to my clitoris and dabbed gently at it as his fingers seemed to press up and seek it from inside. The jolts, the tickles, became stronger.

Dad’s fingers started to move in and out, opening wide as they went in, closing as they pulled outwards. Faster he went and harder, his hand pressing on my valley and squashing my labia apart as he pushed in, his teeth nibbling gently at my clitoris. My breath held in my throat, my body was tense, I had never known this level of pleasure, I was with someone who knew what he was doing.

I heard myself gasping as he pushed in, panting as he dabbed his tongue on my clitoris, wanting more, needing more and as I was about to demand more my body exploded, my back stiffened, electricity shot from my groin to every finger and toe, my nipples hardened, and my fanny clamped down hard on his fingers. I gurgled and gasped and stared at the ceiling, no orgasm had ever been so powerful, oh Jesus. I slumped back in the sofa; I think I was sweating from head to toe.

Dad looked up and smiled, his face was wet and shiny form my juices, and I pulled him up to me and kissed him, I kissed his lips, his nose, his eyes, I kissed his cheeks, and finally I pressed my lips hard against his and held him tight to me.

“Oh dad,” I whispered, “Oh dad.”

Dad stood up and pulled me to my feet and embraced me. I could feel his cock, hard again, as it pressed against my stomach, his hands held my breasts, fingers tweaking my nipples, my body was in sensory overload. Dad turned me round, “lean forward baby,” and I did, bent at the waist, my sex pointing backwards.

I felt his cock nudge at my entrance, and I felt it as it started to push in, to enter me, to penetrate me. Dad kept going slowly, but unceasingly, I thought he must be up to my ribs, how could I have room for so much cock. Eventually he stopped, he was fully inside me, his balls resting on my thighs, I felt complete.

Dad started to withdraw, to slowly leave me, to leave the previously unknown void inside me, it made me feel vacant. He seemed to stop, just at my entrance, almost out, not quite in, and then he pushed. I felt him as he moved along me, I felt his foreskin as it pushed back, I felt his cock rim as it passed my inner wrinkles, I felt him press at my end.

“Oh dad,” I whispered, “you fit me perfectly, my depth is your length, your width is mine too.” I didn’t think any cock could fit more perfectly, no cock owner could love me more totally and unreservedly.

Dad pulled back and then pushed and started to fuck me properly, filling and voiding, pressing, and releasing, harder he went, his stomach slapping against my buttocks an erotic yet obscene sound, coupled with my grunting, there was no doubt what was happening.

I could feel every thrust as he bottomed out inside me, bruising me for sure inside, stretching me more than I have ever been stretched, filling me, taking every available space inside my body. My fanny was taken to my limit, and I knew that when he finished I would have the soreness for days to remind me.

“Oh fuck,” dad gurgled and he thrust inside me harder than before and held himself hard against me, and he spurted, I felt his spurts, so deep, so powerful, filling my womb, finishing.

Dad moved back and I felt his softening cock slide out of me and I felt empty, so empty, a great void where his cock had been. I bent my head down and looked back and saw a dollop of dad’s cream drip from my fanny onto the edge of the sofa, and behind that I could just see dad’s soft cock, white and wet with his sperms.

I slumped forward and turned to sit, facing dad. Dad was standing, breathing fast, his soft cock seeming so much smaller now, his balls wrinkled and empty, refilling, refuelling. I had no words. I was fucked.

“Jesus Julie,” dad said between deep breaths.

“Yes dad, but that was so fucking good.”

“I doubt your mother would agree.”

“Let’s not tell her then.”

“No, best not.”

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