With a Little Help from Her Son



Under the sheets in their king-size bed, Diane Hartman lay in blissful contentment. For the past hour or so. she had been enjoying the loving attention of her husband Jason, who was now looking at his sexy wife with a proud, satisfied smirk. At thirty eight and 6’2″, the tall, fit, solidly built man was still very much in the prime of his life. He and his wife were of the same age, and the couple continued to enjoy a very robust sex life, just like they did throughout all seventeen years of their marriage.

“Ohh,” Diane moaned, savoring the pleasant tingles of orgasmic afterglow that still coursed through her body. “That was so good…”

“Glad to be of service,” Jason said with a confident chuckle, laying a kiss on her forehead and licking some of the salty perspiration. “Anything else I can do for my beautiful wife tonight?”

She giggled like schoolgirl. “Well, you know it,” she said seductively, her hand snaking under the sheets and down to his waist, grasping at Jason’s softening erection. “I’m always up for an encore…”

“You’ll have to work me up, babe,” Jason said, feeling her practiced hand upon his somewhat diminished hard-on. “Yeah, just like that…”

For a few minutes, the couple exchanged lustful glances. Diane was biting her lip as she swiveled her husband’s sizeable dick between her long, slender fingers…

Most people would say that Hartmans’ sex life was not only robust, but very much on the wild side.

Early on in their marriage, it had been even more intense: they were probably spending more time in the bedroom than outside of it! For their honeymoon the newlywed couple went to the Bahamas, and during the two weeks-long stay they had only left the hotel room once. Even so, they would always say it was money very well spent, and many of the vacations they had gone on in the following years ended up exactly the same.

“So… Have you given it some thought?” Diane finally asked, her husband’s manhood growing at a steady pace.

“A thought about wh– Oh, that,” Jason remembered, and some of the returning blood seemed to drain away from his cock again.

“You haven’t,” she said with a sigh, yet didn’t change the pace of her ministrations.

“It’s not something where I can just list the pros and cons, Dee.”

“No? Well, here’s one pro: I wouldn’t bother you so much.”

He chuckled. “Now that sounds like a con to me! Who said I didn’t like being bothered?”

Diane sighed again, and now she actually stopped playing with her husband’s dick.

“Okay, honey, let’s be real about this for a moment. You are still amazing as ever… no, really, you are… but I’m afraid you aren’t getting any younger. Meanwhile, I almost feel like I need it more with each passing day,” she said, adding another sigh. “Look, Jason, this isn’t about you not being manly enough, or anything even close to that. I feel very, *very* lucky that my virile hubby can still fuck me three times a day! Problem is…”

“You need more,” Jason said. “Yeah, I get it.”

Indeed, Jason was intimately familiar with his wife’s extraordinary needs. Though she never received any official diagnosis, it was clear as day that Diane’s libido was nowhere near what could be considered normal. The woman had a practically unstoppable sex drive, and there was never really a point at which she would feel truly done and sated.

Consequently, it took a lot of effort just to keep her libido in check, both from Jason and from Diane herself. In addition to the valiant efforts of her husband, she would use an impressive array of sex toys of all kinds which she kept in a dedicated cabinet in their shared bedroom. Combining those with an encyclopedia-worth of masturbation techniques, all of which she had practiced and memorized over the years, it had been just about enough to keep her urges at bay.

Unsurprisingly, Diane had been pretty wild in her early adult years. Ever since meeting Jason, however, she had remained steadfastly faithful only to him. On top of being a wonderful partner, husband, and eventually father, the man was also a match for her voracious appetite, capable of having sex with his nymphomaniac wife multiple times a day. What’s not to like?… For the longest time, Diane thought exactly that. In their long years of marriage, she never looked at any other guy the same way that she looked at Jason.

A few months ago, however, this has all suddenly changed.

“So why couldn’t this be the solution?” Diane asked, resuming work on Jason’s reluctantly hardening penis. “It seems almost natural, in a way…”

“Because it’s our son,” he said simply. “It would be incest.”


He furrowed his brow. He didn’t really want to have this conversation again. It couldn’t go anywhere productive, he thought, as Jason’s wife clearly had a different view on the issue.

“You may not think it’s wrong, Dee, but I do,” he said. It surprised him that even now, the determined woman was still stroking zara escort his half-hard dick. “Stop that, please.”

“I don’t understand you, Jason,” Diane ignored his plea. “Your wife is not doing anything behind your back. She is not asking you to let her fuck random strangers. It’s about someone that’s close to us, closer than anyone else in the entire world. If not Kevin, then who exactly would be better?… Tell me!”

Jason sighed heavily. He didn’t know how to impress upon Diane that it was precisely this closeness that made it a morally fishy endeavor. But the more he though about it — and the more blood drained away from his brain and moved to his cock — the less convincing Jason’s arguments felt, even to him. Not to mention that if he did, somehow, convince his wife to drop the topic today, the problem wasn’t going to magically disappear tomorrow.

Jason’s wife was passionate, hot, lively, wild, crazy, incredible woman — but the flip side of it was that she had an immense appetite for sex, one that he simply couldn’t fully satisfy anymore. But he still loved his wife, just as much now as he did when they walked down the aisle all these years ago. He didn’t want her to resort to toys and her own fingers as the primary means of satiating her unusually high appetite. The only real solution, he was starting to realize, would have to involve someone other than himself.

“He’s our son,” Jason repeated. “I know you don’t see the problem with that, but how can you be so sure that he wouldn’t either? Are you certain he’d even want to… uh, to have sex with his own mother?”

To his surprise, Diane burst in a gleeful laughter. “Honey, he is an eighteen year-old boy!”

“That doesn’t –” Jason began to protest, only to remember what a maelstrom of raging hormones he had been at this age. “Well, okay, you might be on to something…”

She chuckled. “He doesn’t know it, but I’ve caught him looking at my boobs and ass many, many times. Basically whenever he thinks he can get away with it! I can tell he really likes how the girls look in my workout clothes.”

Jason gasped; Diane’s admission didn’t provoke in him the reaction he had expected. Normally, as her husband, he wouldn’t be at all pleased if he caught another man leering at his beautiful wife. But in this case, it was his fatherly side that suddenly had more to say. And from that point of view, there was nothing for him to be pissed about. Quite to the contrary: as Kevin’s dad, he could only approve of his taste in women!

“Alright, so he’s a horny teenager with functioning eyes. It’s quite a leap, you know, from that to actually having sex with his mother.”

“Perhaps. But it’s a leap that I’d gladly help him take,” Diane purred, “just as long as you approve, of course…”

Jason’s cock stiffened further. “You’d… seduce him?”

“More like open his mind to the possibilities,” she said sultrily, “and pretty explicitly, too. You know Kevin… I couldn’t really be subtle about something like this, or he’d never catch on.”

“Wow… You really thought this through, didn’t you?”

Diane smiled at her husband, her dexterous fingers teasing his almost fully hard shaft. “Oh yes, I’ve done a lot of thinking,” she said huskily, “and if you want, I can tell you everything I would do to seduce our boy. But first…”

Before Jason knew it, Diane was already upon him, her sleek and tanned body now in its full naked glory. She straightened up on top of her husband, letting the bed sheet that covered them fall behind her and bunch up modestly at her fleshy backside.

She then straddled his lap, and guided his renewed erection to spear the glistening folds of her sopping pussy. She moaned as the thick rod parted her swollen lips, then exhaled contentedly when it sheathed itself fully within her steamy hot snatch.

And then, she started to ride it.


Yep, there was no doubt about it: his parents were going at it again. The breathy, passionate sounds coming from their bedroom have carried down the hall and reached Kevin’s straining ears once more. He was in his room, tossing and turning as he tried to fall asleep, his stubborn erection remaining as hard to ignore as ever.

“I should’ve jacked off one more time,” he muttered to himself, groaning in frustration.

Jason wasn’t wrong: his firstborn son, and the couple’s only child, has grown up to possess a very strong, very demanding sex drive. It exceeded even that of his father in his teenage years, evidently enhanced by some cross-over of genes from the maternal side of the family. It was customary for the boy to seek relief five, six, even seven times a day, with his unusually active testicles producing large quantities of semen that he’d release every time.

Kevin’s mother was well aware of her son’s frequent need to ejaculate. In fact, it was his prodigious libido that truly settled the deal, convincing Diane that her son was the perfect man to cover for zeytinburnu escort her husband’s slowly declining virility.

It didn’t hurt that Kevin had other relevant qualities, including handsome looks that he’d inherited from his father. The boy stood at over six feet tall, and his solid habits around diet and exercise, which he’d picked up from his parents, ensured that he stayed in a really good shape.

Given these obvious advantages, one would be astonished to learn that, at eighteen years old, Kevin Hartman was still very much a virgin.

“Ah, whatever,” he mumbled, reaching for a tub of lubricant that he always kept in the bottom drawer of his nightstand. “It’s Friday night, goddammit…”

His poor track record with the opposite sex could be blamed on the boy’s nearly total lack of social acumen. He was very shy, and quite awkward around almost everyone. In a typical, spiral-like fashion, he tended to avoid social situations if he could help it; which, in turn, made him even worse at handling them; which then resulted in him avoiding those situations even more; and so on.

His physical fitness, which should be an obvious asset, didn’t really seem to help either. For one, it didn’t at all translate to the level of coordination needed to excel at any of the popular team sports. But even though he wasn’t the star quarterback, many girls did take interest in the shy and brooding hunk, at which point his awkwardness guaranteed that none of this attention would actually get him anywhere. Eventually, the girls all stopped trying, and he was branded a weirdo that you were better to stay away from.

And Kevin seemed to live with it just fine.

“Shit, I have to get more,” he cursed, throttling the poor tub, until it let out its last gasp of the translucent, warm lube. “Hate going to that stupid shop…”

There were really only two places where he felt comfortable and at ease. First was his own room, equipped with a PC and gaming consoles, where he was spending the majority of his free time. Second was the basement gym, where he’d spend the rest.

Both his hobbies — gaming and weightlifting — had a surprising number of things in common. They were largely solitary, quite repetitive, and mostly revolved around getting some arbitrary numbers to go up. Whether it was his personal best on the bench press, or the average item level of his character’s equipment, Kevin could laser-focus his attention on the dull grind necessary to increase it. Since neither activity required more than perfunctory interactions with other people, he vastly preferred them to the confusing intricacies of the high school social scene.

“Ahh,” he moaned, applying measured strokes to his thick, swollen cock. “That’s better…”

Kevin’s third major pastime was the one he was engaging in right now. By necessity, because of his turbulent hormones, Kevin had to masturbate a lot; he would always jack off multiple times every day. Sometimes, it would be a quick one-and-done deal, but encores were common, and he liked to take his time either way. As for visual aids, Kevin never really needed any: his imagination was vivid enough, and there was one woman who’d always provide him with plenty of inspiration.

“Fuck, Mom,” he whispered, getting into his fantasy, “you’re looking so hot in this…”

Kevin never really felt guilty, masturbating to the naughty thoughts about his mother. His parents always had a vigorous sex life, so he learned early on not to pay attention to the strange noises coming from their bedroom every night. Now that he understood what those noises meant, it was almost natural for him to perceive Mom as a sexual being that she so _loudly_ and _clearly_ was. The fact that she was also smoking hot certainly didn’t help to see her purely as a parental figure.

“Fuuuuck!” he groaned, cum splattering over his naked torso and landing in the shallow creases of his burgeoning six-pack. Paper towels at the ready, he used several leaves to soak most of the semen off of his body, then crumpled them in a ball and lobbed it into the wastebasket. At last he sighed, feeling his lids get heavy, and soon he was drifting off to sleep.

It was right about when Kevin came, thinking about his sexy mother, that Diane finally convinced Jason to condone the seduction of their son.


In truth, Diane has been thinking about it for a long time. Several months ago, when Kevin turned eighteen and became an adult, she allowed herself to actually entertain the idea more seriously.

For the first time, Diane looked at her son and saw not just her beloved boy, but also a handsome, strapping young man that he’d become. Taking much from his father, Kevin was tall, fit, and broad-shouldered, with a swirl of short brown hair above his piercing, dark amber eyes. His cute boyish face has been slowly chiseled by puberty into a contoured, yet still very youthful visage. The rest of his body, ereğli escort as she could often spy when he walked between his room and the shower, was all nicely sculpted as well.

Diane had to admit: she definitely lusted after her son. How come a teenage heartthrob like this didn’t have a girlfriend or three, no matter how shy he was? She concluded that girls these days must be spoiled rotten and utterly entitled if they aren’t willing to put in a little work to crack open his shell. Hell, if he were her classmate, he wouldn’t even know what hit him — not until they were both a sweaty tangle of bodies in her bedroom, after she would’ve lured him there under the pretense of a study session…

Oh yeah, they’d be “studying” alright, Diane thought, while she worked a nine-inch dildo into her hot, dripping pussy. She was naked in her bedroom, laying spread-eagle on the large bed, enjoying what was already a third session of shameless self-pleasure that day.

“That’s right, sweetie… Fuck your mom’s pussy! Stick that huge dick inside my cunt, and give it to me, hard!”

Each time, she thought about her son. And each time, it brought her to dizzying heights of ecstasy.

Diane felt very fortunate, to always have plenty of time for such wanton indulgence. She was a stay-at-home mom, just like she had always been, thanks to her husband who ran a small but prosperous company that specialized in buying and selling gym equipment. Every day, she’d dutifully take care of all the things that were expected of her, as a housewife and as a mother.

But that wasn’t everything, because she always had two extra items on her agenda. In the grand scheme of things, those two were almost as important as cooking, cleaning, and checking on Kevin to see if he’s done his homework.

The first one was rather obvious: she had to masturbate. A lot. With Jason out and about, running the business that provided for his family, Diane had to rely on her own creativity, along with countless physical aids, to slake her nearly boundless thirst for orgasmic release. Her routine was almost methodical, spliced into a schedule of household chores, but not without lots of flair in how she approached the task of satisfying her demanding pussy.

“Fuck, I needed that,” she spoke to the fake plastic cock, now thoroughly soaked in her fluids. Without hesitation, she swept the smooth surface of the toy with her tongue, then put it in her mouth and happily licked off the rest of her copious juices. She loved tasting herself, almost as much as she loved swallowing her husband’s cum. It made her giggle to ponder if Kevin’s spunk would be just as good, sliding down her throat after he emptied his big, teenage balls…

She had a brief impulse to go for another round, and maybe even let her son catch her in this compromising position, but she quickly thought better of it. With a sigh she took a towel, wiped the dildo clean, and put it back together with the rest of her toys. It was time for her daily workout.

Taking good care of her body — a really, really good care of her body — was the other important item on Diane’s short list of personal priorities. Her family had a fully equipped gym in the basement, thanks to Jason’s connections that enabled him to get everything for a pittance, and Diane made it an ironclad point in her schedule to make use of it on a daily basis. This included not just the treadmill or the elliptical trainer, but also dumbbells, kettlebells, and all the other weights that some women considered “too manly” to even touch. But Diane knew better, and she wasn’t going for a fitness competitor look anyway.

What she *did* go for, however, and what she achieved beyond a shadow of a doubt, was to stay totally smoking hot for her beloved husband. And now she also had some extra motivation, for it wasn’t just Jason anymore whom she wanted to impress with her stunning physique.

“Mmm, not bad,” she said, admiring herself in the mirror before putting on her sports bra and leggings. “Bet I’m hotter than all those high school sluts anyway…”

And she would win that bet easily.

Standing at a statuesque 5’10”, Diane Hartman was truly a marvel to behold. Every inch of her body was toned to perfection, with just enough sleek muscle to give her a tight and fit look, but without going in any way overboard. Her incredible, perky ass stuck out inches behind her back, and the luscious cheeks were unbelievable in their firmness. Below, they gave way to her thick, flawless thighs, which then tapered off to the rest of her phenomenal legs. Above, a slight hint of abs could be seen on her flat midriff, and even higher?… Well, that’s where all eyes would be drawn to first.

Diane’s breasts, a generous D-cup, stood proudly, and with next to no sag. Round and soft, those fleshy globes were quite sensitive to the touch, even beyond just the areolas, where her long, constantly hard nipples would make her moan at the slightest brush. Diane adored the feeling of having her boobs squeezed, groped, caressed, and touched in every which way; it was a major turn-on, and a staple in her sexual play. Even stuffed in a bra, her tits looked absolutely amazing, and it was really no wonder that Kevin has been stealing glances at them whenever he thought his mom wasn’t looking.

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