Through The Lens Pt. 03


Through The Lens PT3

This is a repost from when i was on here under a different username

After demand from many readers, here is part three of the story.

The weekend had been busy for Sally and myself. On Saturday afternoon we did the family photo shoot for the woman Mum worked with, on Sunday I did a family shoot for a friend of a neighbour. Saturday was trying as we had six adults and four kids in one room, we managed it and they were pleased with the results. On Sunday when I was kneeling down after taking the picture, the little girl walked over and said thank you and kissed me on the cheek. Sally and her parents found that really amusing.

Sally had taken to helping me out like a natural. One evening I posed for her so she could get some camera practice. The shoot started out with me dressed, it didn’t end that way. Sally finished taking the pictures then she pushed me onto the sofa, within moments she was naked and trying to fuck me to death, at least that was how it felt.

We went to Mum’s for dinner on Sunday. The conversation over dinner was about anything, strangely photography wasn’t mentioned. I did notice the album we made for Mum was on her coffee table. When we left, Sally made Mum promise to come over for dinner, Mum promised she would call to arrange it.

I arrived home late from work on Monday night due to a late meeting. Sally was cooking dinner. We talked as I opened my mail.

“Oh bloody terrific!” I groaned and threw the letter on the table.

“What’s wrong?” Sally asked.

“This letter, that’s what. It appears our landlord has passed away. The letter is to tell me that his family are giving me three months to move out, they want to sell the place.”

“No chance we can afford to buy it?” Sally asked, the look on her face told me she already knew what my answer would be.

“We can afford a mortgage, we just don’t have the deposit they will need. Fuck, now we have to look for somewhere else to live.”

We had just finished clearing away when Mum called, I heard Sally tell her we would have to move.

“Mum is going to give our name and address to a couple of estate agents near her, it might increase our chances of finding somewhere else to live.” I nodded at Sally. She walked over and hugged me. “It will be okay, Rick. We’ll find somewhere.”

We registered with a few estate agents in town. I stated we wanted somewhere with three bedrooms, most of what they sent through were two bedroomed places or flats that were no good to us. I was starting to get pissed off with it all.

We were sitting looking through some stuff we had been sent when the doorbell rang, I answered it expecting it to be Mum. There was a short woman standing on the step.

“Are you Mr Lester?” She asked

“I am, and you are?” I was a bit short with her due to the stress.

“Linda Reynolds, my late father is or was your landlord. May I speak with you?” I gestured for Linda to come in, she sat in the chair opposite Sally.

“I’m sorry to call here unannounced. I felt I had to speak to you, to explain the situation. My husband is very ill, he is unable to help me manage my late Dad’s properties, that’s why we are selling them. I wanted to reassure you that your deposit will be returned. I know other people who have rental properties, would you mind if I pass on your details? Naturally I will give you a good reference.”

We agreed that Linda could pass on our details, the estate agents were not being much help.

“Now I understand there were some items of furniture here when you moved in?” Linda asked.

“Yes. two wardrobes and the dining table and chairs.” I replied.

“Okay, if you need them please feel free to take them.” Linda must have seen the surprised look on my face. “My late Dad had seven properties he rented out. With my husband being ill, it’s down to me and my teenage son to clear them before we sell them. You would be doing me a favour if you took the furniture, it saves me having to dispose of it.”

“Thank you. We are sorry for your loss. I met your Dad once, just after I moved in. He was a nice guy.” I replied, hoping it made Linda feel a little better. Linda stood up to leave, we shook hands and I showed her to the door.

The following evening we were looking through some properties that an agent near Mum had sent over to us, there was one we really liked the sound of. The problem was it sounded too good to be true, we made an appointment to view it, all the same.

The property was nice and spacious, it had three bedrooms. The loft space had been converted into a large room, the previous tenants used it as a playroom for their kids. Sally and I discussed it, we agreed it would make a good sized studio, still leaving us with three bedrooms. The reason it was cheap was down to the small back garden. It was okay for us, but useless for anyone with kids as it was too small to play in. We didn’t have kids, or plan on having kids in the future.

The following day we signed the paperwork yıldırım escort and paid the deposit. We let Linda know we had found somewhere and would be moving out in two weeks.

Getting ready to move was manic, we packed what we could into boxes. I found a man and van who would move us to the new house. Sally and myself both agreed which bedroom we would be using, for now everything else could be stored in the other rooms.

We moved and Mum told us to go to her place for dinner, she said we had enough to do with moving to be worrying about cooking. That night Sally made sure we christened our new bedroom, I was exhausted when we finished. Sally did most of the work that night, she knew I was tired from lifting boxes all day. I was woken on Sunday with a slow sloppy blowjob, I returned the favour and licked Sally to a massive orgasm. We had just got out of the shower when the doorbell rang, I dressed quickly and answered it.

Mum smiled as she walked in. “Not interrupting anything, am I?”

“No Mum, we had just got out of the shower.” I smiled back at Mum, she shook her head and laughed.

Between the three of us we got everything for the kitchen and lounge unpacked and in place, thank god Sally wasn’t one for rearranging furniture all the time. With the boxes out of the way Sally gave Mum a guided tour, she was impressed with the room I was having as a studio.

The following week we spent every spare minute sorting stuff out. Sally made up a bedroom as if it was hers, I did wonder if we needed to bother with that, she insisted it was in case any of her friends visited.

The room we chose as a studio had laminate flooring in place, as it was in good condition I didn’t see the need to change it. A coat of paint and a rug on the floor was all it needed. I put my desk up there with the printer and all my camera gear, finally I had it all in one room.

We invited Mum over for dinner on Sunday. Mum was impressed with my studio, even she smiled about Sally making a bedroom look as if it was hers.

Sally and I were sitting talking one Saturday evening, we had finished our first shoot in the new place. Sally got up to answer the door, it was Mum. When she stepped inside I could see she was upset. Mum looked smartly dressed, as if she was going out.

“What’s wrong Mum?”

“I had a date for tonight, the bastard stood me up at the last minute.” Sally hugged Mum. “Can I sit with you and be sad, rather than be on my own?” Sally took Mum’s coat and guided her to the sofa.

We sat and listened as Mum explained some guy at work had asked her out on a date, Mum had decided it was time to start dating again. He called her ten minutes before he was due to collect her and cancelled, Mum said he used a lame excuse.

“What if he apologises and asks again, Mum?” Sally asked.

“He can piss off. I’m not going to be mucked about.” Mum was holding back the tears. Eventually she burst into tears, I hugged her as Sally poured Mum a glass of wine. Mum calmed down and stopped crying, we spent the rest of the evening talking and joking. As Mum had a lot to drink she stayed in the spare room for the night.

Mum seemed a lot happier the following morning, she was laughing and joking as we ate breakfast. She asked if I had used my studio yet?

“Yeah, I did a family shoot yesterday afternoon. Mum, Dad and two kids, just a normal portrait photo.”

“We need to get you a good shoot Rick, something that will show how good the new studio is.” Sally piped up. “I know. Me and Mum can do it.”

“Do What?” Mum asked.

“A photo shoot, Mum. You and me, we can model for Rick. We could make it fun and do bikinis and lingerie, what do you reckon?”

Mum stared at Sally. “I reckon you’re mad, that’s what.”

“Oh come on Mum, it will be fun. Please, say you’ll do it.”

Mum stared at the table for a moment. “I don’t have a bikini.”

“You can get one, or borrow one of mine.” Sally replied.

“Somehow I can’t see myself fitting into a bikini you own.”

“Yeah, you will. I’ll sort one out for you, Mum.”

“So when do you plan to do this?” Mum asked.

“Next Saturday. We can do it in the afternoon, if that’s okay?”

Mum shook her head. “I have plans for next Saturday, I can do it in the evening.”

“Okay, the evening it is then.” Sally replied, looking happy.

Mum looked across at me for my input. “Don’t ask me, after all it’s only my studio and camera.” I burst out laughing when Mum and Sally glared at me. I agreed and we arranged it for next Saturday evening.

“What time can you get here, Mum?” Sally asked.

“Oh somewhere around six, if that’s okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll cook dinner for us and then we can do the shoot.” Sally replied as she showed Mum out.

I was starting to wonder about Sally, she seemed really keen to get Mum to do a shoot with her. I voiced my concern when she came back to the kitchen.

“Just one thing, Sal. If at any time next weekend Mum says no, or wants to stop, yıldızeli escort we stop. Please don’t pressure her into anything.”

“Understood, boss.” Sally giggled. “I promise, if Mum says no or stop, then we stop, okay?” I smiled and nodded my head.

Mum arrived on Saturday, as agreed we ate dinner first. Sally and I noticed that she drank two glasses of wine with dinner, clearly Mum was a little nervous.

As I was setting up my camera I could hear Mum and Sally giggling as they made their way upstairs, when Mum walked into the studio my chin nearly hit the floor. She was wearing a black bikini that Sally loaned her.

“Wow! Mum, you look amazing.”

“You think so, Rick? I thought it was a bit tight on me.” Mum replied as she walked past me.

When Sally walked past I mouthed the word “Fuck me”, she mouthed back “Later” and smiled.

Mum appeared to have relaxed a little as we started shooting, the first couple of shots were here and Sally standing together. Mum sat on a stool I had covered with a white cloth, Sally stood beside her. They changed places as I continued to take picture after picture.

The bikini bottoms were a bit snug on Mum, I couldn’t help but stare at her. When they stood facing away from me and looked over their shoulders, it was a beautiful sight. My cock was starting to get hard and we had only just started. Sally suggested they get changed into some lingerie. I took a break and drank some cold water while they changed outfits.

I had no idea what they were doing or changing into, all I could hear was a lot of laughing from downstairs. Mum and Sally returned, both wearing towelling robes.

“Fuck!” was all i managed to say as they took off the robes. Mum was wearing a white lace bra, matching panties and suspender belt with tan stockings. She had a pair of patent high heel shoes on her feet.

Sally was dressed in a similar way, except her lingerie was blue with white stockings. She was wearing similar heeled shoes. We ran through a set of poses that most people would expect. Mum standing with Sally, both of them sitting down or kneeling on the floor.

Sally said she had an idea and asked Mum to stand up. She moved to stand behind Mum, her arms wrapped around Mum with her head on her shoulder, it was a really cute picture.

After that I let them sort out the poses, I just took the pictures. Sally clearly didn’t need me to tell her or Mum where and how to stand. In one pose Mum stood in profile to me, Sally knelt behind her with her hands on Mum’s hips. Sally leaned in and kissed Mum’s lower back, just above the suspender belt.

She then moved around and knelt in front of Mum, again she wrapped her arms around Mum’s hips and placed her head on her tummy. Sally looked at me, a smile on her pretty face.

“Mum, look at Rick and smile.” She suggested. Mum did as Sally suggested, she has this lovely smile and a lustful look in her eyes. The next picture I shot will stay with me for life. Sally put her fingers in the waistband on Mum’s panties, she pulled them out from her tummy. The look of surprise on Mum’s face was genuine, Sally had a cheeky smile on her face.

“I wasn’t expecting that.” Mum muttered as she looked at me.

“Neither was I. It made for a good picture though.” Mum smiled as Sally led her away to get changed.

“Get the sofa ready, please Rick.” Sally called back to me. I pulled the sofa into the middle of the room. As they were getting changed I took the opportunity to change the camera battery. Mum and Sally came back upstairs.

“We borrowed a couple of your shirts.” Sally announced.

“So I see.” I replied as I looked at how they were dressed. Mum was wearing some cream coloured sheer panties, black hold up stockings and one of my white shirts. Sally had black hold ups, a white thong and another of my white shirts. They sat beside each other on the sofa, knees together with the shirts pulled together.

“Smile for the birdie.” I called out, they both laughed. Sally asked Mum to lounge back on the sofa, she sat back against Mum, both of them staring off into the distance.

“You’ll need to kneel down for this one, Rick.” Sally said as she and Mum got off the sofa. Kneel down, fucking easier said than done when your cock is rock hard.

They got on all fours, the shirts fell open. Both looked straight at me as I took the shot. Mum followed Sally as she removed my shirt and got into the same pose. I waited as they turned and faced each other, Sally put her hands on Mum’s shoulders, Mum did likewise.

“You know we both love you?” Sally whispered to Mum as they faced each other. Mum swallowed and nodded with a smile.

Sally slid her hands down onto Mum’s breasts. “Relax and let it happen, Mum. Sally stood up and helped Mum up, I started to wonder where this was going. Sally leant in and hugged Mum, I took a shot of them hugging, their breasts touching. I saw Mum tense up as Sally kissed her, it started out as a kiss on the lips. Mum relaxed yozgat escort as Sally kissed her deeply, moments later she wrapped her arms around Sally.

When they broke off the kiss Sally moved behind Mum, she cupped her breasts. Looking at me she mouthed for me to get undressed. I wasn’t sure but i did it anyway, my cock was glad of the freedom.

“You’re beautiful, Mum.” Sally placed her hands on Mum’s cheeks as she kissed her.

“So are you. Both of you are.” Mum managed to speak before Sally kissed her again.

“Come over here Rick, let me take a few pictures of you and Mum.” Sally stepped away from Mum.

I stepped over to where Mum was standing, she smiled as I stood behind her. Sally took several pics of me with my arms wrapped around Mum. I felt Mum lean back into me as my hands cupped her breasts. “Oh god” she let out a low moan.

We stood facing each other and kissed. Sally continued to take pictures as switched poses.

“Rick, the camera battery needs changing.”

“On the desk, Sal. It’s the one on the left.” I called back. Mum gestured for us to sit down

I sat with my back against the sofa, Mum sat beside me and lounged across my body.

“Back in a minute, guys. I need to pee.” Sally announced as she practically ran downstairs.

“Rick, I need you. I need you like last time.” Mum looked into my eyes. “I’m so horny, please.”

“What about Sally? Last time she said it was okay as it would be the only time.” I replied, holding Mum close to me.

“It’s what she wants, Rick. That’s why she suggested this, she wants to see us together. Let’s give her what she wants.” Mum pulled my head down and kissed me, her hand gently stroked my cock.

Mum slipped off her panties and lay back on the rug, I lay down beside her. My finger lightly stroked Mum’s pussy lips, she was wet, very wet. Mum kissed me hard as my finger slipped inside her, her hand reached out and caressed my balls. We were so engrossed in each other, neither of us heard Sally return. I only realised she was in the room when I saw the flash of the camera.

My hand left Mum’s pussy, I slid across her tummy and groped her breast. Mum was still slowly stroking my cock, her hand was covered in pre-cum. as we kissed I heard Mum whimper, her body moved. I looked down and saw Sally, she had two fingers inside Mum, her other hand was stroking her thigh.

Sally moved as I got between Mum’s legs, she took a picture of Mum’s face as my cock slid inside her. Sally knelt down beside us, she looked down at Mum.

“It’s okay. It’s okay, we both love you.” Sally leaned over and kissed Mum, her hand reached out and groped Mum’s breasts. I was so worked up I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer, I told Mum I was close.

Mum and Sally were still kissing, I felt Mum start to shake. When I came I slammed my cock deep into Mum, she squealed and wrapped her legs around my waist. Looking down at Mum she had her eyes closed, her mouth formed a small o as she steadied her breathing. Mum and I untangled ourselves, I helped her up to the sofa. Sally was sitting on the floor, her hand between her legs.

“Wow! That was hot.”

“Jesus Christ!” Mum gasped, as she sat down. “It’s never been like that, never.”

The three of us sat down, Mum put her arms out for a family hug. At that moment Sally pressed the button on the camera remote to get the last picture of the night.

Mum stood up. “I need a shower.”

“Good idea, Mum.” They walked out leaving me sitting on the sofa. I needed a shower as well, so I tidied up the room while I waited for Mum and Sally to finish.

“Showers free.” Sally called up to me.

“What about Mum? Has she had her shower?”

“Yes I have.” Mum called back to me. It was then that I realised they had showered together.

After my shower I joined Sally and Mum downstairs. They were drinking wine, so I grabbed a beer from the fridge. We spent some time looking at the pictures from the shoot, Mum and Sally both liked the one of me and Mum kissing.

“That’s my favourite.” I pointed to the pic where Sally tugged Mum’s panties and peered down inside them.

“Why, what’s so special about that picture?” Sally asked.

“It’s because of the cheeky look on your face, and the one of total surprise on Mum’s” I explained.

Mum started to look a bit flushed as we looked at the pictures of me and her. Sally had taken a lot more pictures than I realised, no wonder the battery was dying. It was getting late when Mum stood up to go home, she gave us both a hug.

“Don’t forget your bag, Mum.” Sally picked up and passed Mum her holdall. Both of us heard Mum sniffle, as Sally asked what was wrong, Mum burst into tears.

“Mum, do you want to stay the night?” Sally asked.

“Can I? I don’t feel like going back to an empty flat tonight.”

Sally spoke first. “Come and sit down Mum, I’ll get you a glass of wine.”

“Mum, you can stay here whenever you like.” I assured her.

“Thank you, thank you both.” Mum smiled as Sally handed her a glass of wine.

I sat drinking my beer, Mum and Sally sat together on the sofa doing their best to empty a bottle of wine. Sally looked over at me and winked, I smiled back at her, Mum was staring at a picture taken earlier, she had a slight smile on her face and a look in her eyes.

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