The Bonds Are Drawn Tight


The Bonds Are Drawn Tight

It was all kept secret from those she knew on her course, even from her mother with whom it was often difficult to talk of personal matters, about the most intimate of subjects. She had been wounded by going through an acrimonious divorce and it had only been in recent years that Flynn Morgan had filled the space in her life that Bryn Kendrick had brought upon her by leaving them.

The people in the university’s medical centre were told, but she resolutely refused to consent to the matter being reported to the police. What good would that do when she had been ravished in her room and by someone that she knew? The need to end Gaven’s taking of her, so selfishly, had been sought on whatever terms she could achieve and with minimal physical harm. But erasing the memories of her ex-boyfriend’s actions would take her a little longer to achieve.

Yes, what would play out in her mind was quite another matter.

Her mother Catrin, and Flynn, who was like a stepfather to her in his encouraging and concerned ways, had not been told, and in the hope that she could deal with what had happened in her own time, and ways, and as best as she could. The first step had been taken in breaking up with Gaven.

The only too physical pain on the insides of her thighs and the bruises on her breasts, also to her body’s most sensitive place, had healed or were on the way to doing so. No, it was the mental scars, however, that remained as raw as ever, and most of all her submission to what had happened and the longer her ravishment had continued. The assault upon her had not been rape but had been rough and consensual sex, submitted to and to save her from harm at the hands of someone whom she thought cared for her. After all, she had become complicit and thus deepened her sense of shame for what had happened to her.

So, troubled by her experience, she went through with her studies at Cardiff University as if she lived in another body, but she needed someone to talk to and recover her sense of worth.

A few days, which would pass for a half-term in the summer semester, would be the time to get away and go home, and there to talk to her mother and Flynn.

She held her iPhone to her ear as the number rang.

“Hello Anwen, darling….it’s my girl,” her mother told Flynn. “How nice to hear from you! How is everything?”

Anwen paused for only a moment.

“It’s like this, mother. I had to call as I need to talk to you, or you both. Something’s happened that I cannot deal with on my own anymore…or I would do so. You know me well enough by now.”

“Whatever’s happened?” Catrin asked, doubt clear in her still heavily accented voice. Years of them all living in Bristol had not lessened that trait in her.

“I want to come home, over half-term, and talk to you,” she said, hesitantly, the rest of her confession on the tip of her tongue. “It’s serious and I want to tell you about it face to face, mother.”

“Tell me now, please! I have to go away for three days of business from the end of the weekend…the one when you’re here. So, I want to be prepared, to think what to say …so, tell me now.”

“I want to do it face to face,” she answered, her voice faltering. “And I can’t be free of seminars and lectures until Friday! Then I’ll catch a bus to you, it’s not so far.”

‘No, you won’t do that!” Flynn intervened, his face, which had a reassuring smile for her to see, framed in one corner of her iPhone’s screen. “I’ll come and collect you.”

“That would be so helpful,” she answered in a low voice, and on the verge of tears. “I cannot tell this in any other way. I was assaulted, sexually, and submitted…by my boyfriend, my loathsome ex. How I hate him, now!” she blurted out with a sob.

“When was that?” her mother asked directly.

“That was just over a week ago…”

And you tell us this now?”

“Yes, Mother! Everyone will say it was consensual, even if I didn’t like or encourage it, and I can’t handle the thought of what happened, the memories of it. So, I need to get away and I need to feel loved again.”

The day for her to take a break had finally dawned.

Flynn rang to say that he had arrived and was parked out in the street only a few car lengths away from her red-brick Victorian apartment house. The day was bright, but breezy, with the clouds scudding and billowing across the sky in unseasonal weather for the time of the year.

Now he stood on the step of the front door, common to all in the house, and she saw his outline through the frosted glass set within it. She tugged it open.

“At last!” she called out and fell into his arms unashamedly. Flynn eased her hold on him.

“Your carriage awaits,” he teased on taking in her appearance, Anwen’s undoubted loveliness that she had inherited from her mother. “And you look like a princess.”

He was being kind and understanding she thought, and blurted out the first thing she could say in reply to that. “Make me feel like one again, then.”

She Sahabet gave him a wobbly smile and reached out to take his hand. Flynn looked so darned cool in his tan suit and a navy-blue cotton shirt that was open at the neck. The man never let his standards slip, and she could understand what had drawn her mother to him some years ago. Their affair had endured. He still had his neatly trimmed stubble beard, only his wavy hair that was brushed back from his forehead had gone a little greyer than before.

There was nothing but concern for her to be seen in his eyes and the set of his lips. She’d made an effort to put on washed-out grey denim jeans that hugged her hips, the button fastening to be seen whenever she moved and her white tank top rode up, a grey summer cardi a finishing touch. She’d forsaken all jewellery save for a thin beaded band on one wrist and her hair was braided in a way that she knew that he liked to see.

“I’m glad that you’re here with me, really glad.” She kissed his cheek and clung to him for a moment, breathed in his familiar, musky, body scent that was so ragingly different from Gaven, the young guy whom she felt had defiled her and taken away what had been the order in her life. “I’m all packed with what I need, so we can go. I don’t want to be here a moment longer than I have to.”

“Come on then, the car’s only a house or two away. I was lucky to find a slot so close to your place. It’s all locked up is it?”

“Yes, it is. I seem to do nothing else but check that it is,” she sighed, her words soon resonating with him. She met his considerate look and tender smile and knew that he would help her get through to a better place again.

‘Leave it all behind you, for a while. I’ll help you with that.”

“I know you will, and don’t keep looking at that, please?” she asked in a trembling voice and clutched his arm in an attempt to pull him away as he looked up at her bedroom window.

“Sorry, but your mother will only ask me what I saw while I was here to collect you.”

“Let’s just go home, please?” she implored, her voice insistent as she tugged on his jacket’s sleeve.

She clung to his arm possessively, even for the few steps it took to reach his gleaming, yellow, Jaguar F-type. He was ragingly successful in the companies he ran and yet he had made the time to collect her. She wondered how it would look, a young woman getting into a handsome, and rich, man’s car as he was seen putting her bags in the trunk. She dismissed the thought, of a young woman off for a weekend with her older lover, but perhaps that was just what she needed, caring love and attention of a very different kind..

“Come on, let’s get home and have supper. We can talk as we go or do you want to wait until we get back?”

“We wait. I just want the time to talk to you about anything and everything.”

She knew that her voice held uncertainty, that her emotions were there for him to hear and see, but she just wanted to be with a man who showed her respect and concern, just as he had always done, along with the loving affection that he was unashamed to show her mother, even when she was present. She wanted some of that back; in fact, all that had been taken from her in that room he had been seen gazing at.

“I wonder how I’ll ever go back there,” she whispered as she took one last look as they passed the house.

“If you do, it will only be for a short while. I have a plan and your mother will have to agree to it.”

She touched his hand and then gripped it, unashamedly. Her mother’s man seemed to have time and concern for her too, and not just empty words.

“Thank you. That is what I wanted to hear.”

They all had tense moments as she recalled everything that had happened, down to the smallest details, her mother shuddering from the images of what Anwen’s words conjured up. Flynn was visibly angry and held out a hand to her that she gripped fiercely as they sat at the kitchen table and talked. Catrin was relieved that she had him by her side to help her through the ordeal of hearing her daughter speak of her sordid adventure. Even at such a moment, in the calm of their home, she could not believe what had happened.

And then, in the days that followed Flynn revealed that he was already intent on buying her a small apartment, with a secure entrance lobby and a secure, camera-monitored front door.

“I’ve already put a name down for a two-bedroom place…so that you could have a trusted friend to live with you. Some rent could be charged to them to help with running the place. When you’re through, and graduate, we sell up and we go from there.”

“You’ve done all that and for me?” Anwen cried out and embraced him unashamedly.

“Yes, you’re precious to your mother…and it’s for the best. Too many reminders will keep you from studying.”

“And I’m precious to you or you wouldn’t have done it!”

“Anwen, darling…really!” Catrin laughed in some dismay at her girl’s forthright ways of prompting Sahabet Giriş him to agree with what she had said.

“Yes. It goes something like that for me too,” Flynn smiled as he looked at each of them in turn. “Life can be too much of a roller coaster ride as it is, without having to cope with that too.”

And then after all the talk, they spent time together out of the house and did crazy and distracting things, especially the theme park visit and braving some of the breath-taking rides; the loops and swirls, the heart-stopping dives, and then the soar into the sky before another dizzying fall. Anwen knew then, when she was in a two-seater car rattling over the rails and she gripped his arm, that she was with him as never before. She had been sharing in the thrills that feeling him so close, and the mayhem of emotions that doing this with him, alone, soon aroused different and irrepressible feelings in her tummy. She wanted those feelings to be shared, the excitement brought on by anticipation, the sharing of a strange calm, before the giddying fall. She wanted him to make love to her and to erase from her mind the selfish ways that Gaven had sought from her.

“You two go…that’s too scary for me!” Catrin had laughed, not the slightest bit tempted to try any of the rides. “I’ll sit over there and watch you. It seems I’m not the only one who will sit them out.”

“Come on then, I’m game if you are!” Flynn had urged on a laugh and then tugged on her hand.

“Yes, I am!” she had whooped, her wish to be close to him once more made only too real. The crazy thrills of the rides that Catrin had dipped out of but not, bizarrely, the floorless and often inverted four-carriage ride, kept her state of arousal and bond with him at an unquenchable high.

She got to wondering, during the hours of the night, afterwards, and with the knowledge that Catrin had to leave for two days on a business trip that could not be deferred, how she could be in the house and alone in her bed when a man she had grown to love, more deeply, was not so far away; a man restrained in his actions but attentive in the concerned looks that she kept on meeting when they were together. The bond between them had changed and she sensed that it was that way for him too.

“Sorry,” she said, hesitating, as she came into the kitchen and saw Catrin standing close to him, Flynn with one arm around her waist and Catrin pushing back against him in response to what were his touches upon her.

“Come in, supper’s almost ready,” Catrin smiled on seeing her hesitate on whether to join them.

“Okay. Can we have some wine with the meal?”

“Of course,” Flynn assured her. “There’s some in the fridge’s wine cooler. I’ll get it…”

“It’s okay, I will.”

She smiled at him and knew again that they looked so good together. Catrin was wearing a billowy-sleeved blouse and baggy slacks, a colourful string of beads dangling down onto her cleavage, made visible by the purposeful unbuttoning of her blouse. Flynn was attractive Flynn, in faded jeans and a collarless white shirt, the sleeves taut on his toned arms.

They were into each other, but she also sensed that Flynn had become involved with her too; that what had befallen her had to be made good, somehow.

In the morning Catrin would be gone and she would have but one more day with him before she too had to return to university and a place that aroused memories that were never far beneath the surface of what had become happy and ordered days once more.

She would make the most of that time she now assured herself.

Flynn and Catrin were dressed for work, Catrin impeccably smart and her hair combed out and braided to perfection; Flynn in his smart dressed-down ways of it but not as casual as he had been seen in the past days.

“Be careful and look after yourself,” Catrin kissed and hugged her tight. Flynn will see you have settled in again later today, I understand.”

“That’s for me to say, Mother. I haven’t decided yet when to go.”

“Flynn has his work too, you know?”

“I’ll deal with it all, Catrin, darling…so stop worrying,” Flynn told her and decided to intervene. He didn’t want them to part with an argument. A decision on when to take Anwen back to Cardiff had still to be made with any certainty, and he would work around that decision of hers whenever it came.

They kissed and Flynn followed Catrin out to her car, more modest than the car he drove.

Anwen felt it again, only more intensely, the nagging cramps of longing for him and aroused by seeing how they were together. She longed for and needed some of that overtly passionate attention to be paid to her. The thought of them together in bed, in a room down the landing from her bedroom had made her feel restless during every night that she had been in the house.

There remained love and respect in the looks and touches that they shared, at times, even when she was around, and there was always a sense of longing, Sahabet Güncel Giriş of suppressed lust, as if they were still in the early days of a relationship, and that deeper emotions were at work in them. She did not think it was an act just to reassure her that she would find that for herself again, and soon.

Yes, it would have to be soon.

She coveted that man, lusted after him as she had done on those fairground rides, and felt the strength in his arms and hands whenever she clung to him out of both fear and pleasure. She needed him to restore her faith in what could happen between two people, feelings of love and not domination, submission, and control over you, but respect.

She wanted her body to be loved by a man. Her thoughts and feelings needed to be aroused again by a lover and she wanted that man to be Flynn, someone she knew and that she allowed herself to love, and yet knowing that she would be claiming the attention of her mother’s man, companion, and lover.

It was far from simple, but she wanted precious time with him and not to take Flynn away. She kept from speaking it out — i>’That’s all I want from him.’

Flynn called out to her as the front door closed behind him.

“I’m home Anwen, the work for the day’s been done. I’ve also made an appointment for us to go and see a place!” He was startled to see her as Anwen walked across the entrance hall to meet him, her bare feet making not a sound on the tiled floor with its scattering of rugs. “You’re still not dressed.”

He said it lamely, taken in by her appearance, a short-sleeved pyjama set, the hems scalloped, and with deep red hearts on a soft pink background so ragingly attractive on her slender legged figure. She looked wonderingly at him.

“No, I decided not to as I want to let go of my feelings.”

“And what are they?” he answered as if he didn’t know. There had been moments with her that had felt like he had been treading on eggshells. He shrugged off his suit jacket and hung it over a chair, sensing her closeness as he did so.

“These are my feelings, Flynn.”

She decided to throw caution to the wind. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Flynn froze for a moment and then responded to her kiss. It went from a firm press of their lips to an exploring of tongues in open mouths, the clamp of hands to each other’s bodies, Anwen shivering as his fingers brushed over her skin. The pyjama top had ridden up as she embraced him. Anwen kissed as if she had been starved of attention, and his kisses sent shivers of longing and release coursing through her body, the first flush of moisture felt in her pussy and a tightening in her breasts.

She shivered under his touches and felt Flynn shake as he caressed her in a slow seducing rhythm that progressed over her tummy before he held her hips under the scalloped edge of her pyjama top. She fumbled for the silk drawstring of her pyjama shorts but he stopped her from going further.

“Anwen, I don’t… I mean I’m not sure if this is such a good idea. I understand the reasons for you feeling the way that you do.” He cupped her face in his hands and looked into Anwen’s eyes, saw a longing for him that had not been there before.

“Make me feel that it means something…that I mean something, and to you and do it in a new way!” She clung to him, jumped into his arms, and was locked in a fearsome embrace as she wrapped her legs around his waist and they stood in the cool of the hall. She kissed his lips, softly, before whispering in his ear. “Please, I need to feel loved again and not just used.”

“Daring girl, this is just crazy what you’re asking of me.”

And yet he responded to her kisses, felt the blood swell his prick as she was held to him, his hands cupping her buttocks and she ground against his erection. They held each other tight and kept on kissing, exploring each other’s mouths.

“And…and I know that you want me. I…I can feel it!” she gasped, lifting her face to look at the ceiling as she felt him surrender to her wishes, his warm, slow, breaths on her throat before he pressed his lips to her breastbone, then held her so that his lips tugged on her nipples, so hard against the fabric of her top.

Anwen began to grind her pussy against his cock as he held her close. Even through the cloth of his suit trousers, she could feel his shaft pressing between her pussy lips. She ground on him as if she could be fucked through their clothes.

Through snorted kisses and questing caresses, he carried her up the stairs to her room, Anwen clinging to him and breathing deeply. What she dreamed of doing with him, as she touched herself sometimes when alone in her bed, would now be made real.

She watched him strip off his shirt and trousers and saw the domed head of his penis poke out over the waistband of his briefs, a well-known brand name printed on it. Flynn was still lean for a man of his age and she reached out adoringly and fell into his embrace once more, pursuing wild kisses as they took shuffling steps towards her bed.

They were naked in each other’s arms and she exulted, knowing that there was no longer any barrier between his wonderfully long and thick penis and her wet folds, her pussy soon to welcome his presence within her.

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