Grandpa’s Girl Ch. 10


It was late on Friday night and as Sophie lay on her bed in the black silence of her bedroom, she just couldn’t get to sleep. Glancing over at her digital alarm clock it was almost midnight already and she had already been tossing and turning for a couple of hours without success. In the morning she would be loading up all her earthly possessions into the back of her mum’s car so they could make the long journey to University in York. It would be her first time living alone, in a strange place where she would meet new people and be opened up to a whole new world of experiences. You might assume that it would be nervous excitement and trepidation about her future that was keeping her awake, but it wasn’t, it was Wilf.

When she had gotten home from his place a couple of days earlier she had snuck into the house, unlocking the front door as quietly as possible and creeping upstairs to change out of her outfit from the night before. During her walk home she had managed to hold it together, but once she was in the safety of her room the waterworks had begun in earnest. She had changed into her pajamas and hung her dress back up in the closet to ensure her mum would have no idea that instead of spending the night with her friend, she had actually been having sex with a man in his early sixties.

Laying on her bed, she had sobbed into her pillow at the thought of being away from the man she had grown to love. The fact she had no-one she could talk to about it just made her feel even more wretched. She was trying to be quiet, but as her mother had passed her bedroom door on the way to the bathroom to carry out her morning ablutions, she had heard the sounds of distress coming from her first borns room and knocked on the door with a concerned look on her face. “Sophie, are you ok?” she asked softly and when no response came she slowly pushed the door open.

When Sophie was a little younger, she had been very protective of her personal space and had screamed at her mother multiple times for entering the room without knocking. All teenagers had a phase like this of course and Sandra was just grateful that it had only lasted for a year or so. Even though Sophie had mellowed in the years since, she always tried to respect her daughter’s privacy, but at times like this, it was more important to check that her eldest was okay.

Upon pushing the door open Sandra saw Sophie splayed across the bed, face buried in her pillow as soft sobs escaped from her mouth whenever she had to take a breath. She rushed to the bed, sitting next to her and rubbing her back soothingly. “Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked in a gentle, reassuring tone.

Sophie knew that she couldn’t tell her the truth, but she had to explain her sadness somehow. She pulled herself up from the bed into a sitting position, tears streaming down her face and Sandra pulled her into a tight cuddle, stroking her hair and kissing her on the head as she let her baby girl cry. After a couple of minutes Sophie had composed herself enough to be able to speak as her mum passed her a tissue from the box standing on her nightstand. “I guess I’m just overwhelmed about going to University,” she lied, “it’s kind of scary, you know?”

“Oh pumpkin, I understand,” Sandra replied as she pulled Sophie back to her breast, cradling her in her arms as she gently rocked to try and soothe her like she did when she was a toddler. “Sometimes it’s good to be scared, it means that it’s something exciting! I promise that you’ll be fine and even if you aren’t, you can always come back home okay baby?”

“Thanks mum,” Sophie replied as she wiped away the last few tears and gave her the biggest smile she could muster, “I feel a bit better now.” They continued to talk for a while about the plans for taking her to York before Sandra had to leave to get ready for work.

As Sophie lay in bed unable to sleep, reflecting on what had happened during the week, she felt incredibly guilty. Guilty for lying to her mother, who had been so kind and understanding when if she had known the truth, her reaction would have been very different. Even more so however, she felt guilty about withholding the truth from Wilf for so long. It hadn’t been fair of her and he had been so lovely and understanding. She shouldn’t be surprised, he had been amazing to her ever since they met, but now as she lay alone in the dark, she felt empty and incomplete. She needed to fix this. Now.

Mind made up, she climbed out of bed, pulling on her pajamas and a big loose fitting hoodie along with a pair of sandals. It was still warm out even at this late hour, so she wouldn’t be too cold despite her choice of attire. She couldn’t risk going out of the front door, it was right under her mum’s room and with it being the first night of the weekend she could still be awake watching TV in her room. There was only one thing for it. It would have to be the window. She had used it to sneak out many times when she was younger, using the tree that stood next to it as a makeshift ladder to ease her descent to the Sahabet ground. It had been months since she had resorted to using it and she hoped it would still be as reliable as it used to be.

Pushing open the window, she felt the breeze on her skin and the smell of chips and kebab meat wafting through the air from the takeaway on the corner. Was she really doing this on the night before she left for University? As she questioned her conviction the image of Wilfreds handsome, kind face came into her mind’s eye and gave her the answer she needed as her pussy instantly dampened. Grabbing the spare key to her elderly lover’s house from a locked drawer where she kept all her most precious and secret belongings, she took a deep breath and climbed onto the window frame.

The large branch that ran parallel to her window had taken some damage over the winter, but it still looked sturdy enough to take her weight and she gingerly stepped out onto it, testing its strength. Once she was satisfied that it would hold, she pushed herself off the window frame and grabbed hold of the tree’s thick trunk for support. There were two branches she had always used as handles and she smiled to herself as she felt for them, finding they were exactly where she remembered them being.

Leaning backwards, she pushed the window until it was almost closed, leaving enough space for her to slide a finger underneath for her return trip. Assuming she ever did come back. Blood rushed to her head, a combination of the perilous position she was in and the fact that she had just considered staying with Wilf for good. That wasn’t possible was it? Of course it wasn’t, she told herself as she descended down the trunk carefully, testing each foothold before committing to moving onwards and after a couple of minutes she was safely on the ground, looking up at her bedroom window. “Sorry Mum,” she whispered as she walked down the garden at the side of the house and to the front gate, gently pulling it open and shutting it behind her before walking off into the dark summer night.

As Sophie walked along the mostly deserted streets her excitement grew and grew as she did her best not to get too distracted so she could be aware of her surroundings. She knew the town she had grown up in like the back of her hand, but a young woman alone late at night still needed to be careful. Thankfully Wilfs house wasn’t too far away and after a few minutes of walking she was only a couple of streets away from her destination. As she walked she approached a small local pub with a few punters loitering around the entrance, some smoking as they all talked loudly, their voices carried by the breeze. As she got closer one of them made eye contact with her. “Hey there beautiful,” he slurred in a drunken drawl as he staggered in her direction, a lit cigarette hanging from his mouth as he left a trail of smoke in his wake. He looked like he was in his early twenties, brown hair tied up in a messy man bun, an ironically ‘funny’ t-shirt underneath a checked shirt, a pair of tight fitting chinos and a pair of nondescript slip on canvas shoes.

“Where you going?” he asked as he closed the gap between himself and the young woman, all his friends except one looking on with wry grins on their faces, waiting to see how this was going to play out. The oldest one of the group kept a watchful eye over what was happening, a fatherly instinct telling him he needed to look out for her. Sophie kept her head down as she walked, trying to ignore him, but he was persistent as he walked alongside her. “Why don’t you come inside and let me buy you a drink?” he offered as he reached out to grab her wrist to stop her from walking away. Sophie spun around, a furious look on her face as her eyes burned with anger, using her free hand to push him in the chest as hard as she could, mustering up every ounce of her strength. She was usually a very calm and measured person, certainly not violent in the slightest, but he had gone too far by laying his hands on her and her mum had always raised her to stick up for herself, no matter what.

The handsy drunkard toppled backwards onto his posterior with a huge crash as his lit cigarette went tumbling across the pavement sending bright orange embers flying through the air. The wind was knocked out of him and his friends rushed over to him as Sophie did her best to stand her ground, holding firm and staring him down defiantly. As a couple of the other pub patrons helped up their friend he lunged in Sophie’s direction, breathing heavily, enraged at being embarrassed by a girl half his size. The other men were quick to grab him, holding him back as Sophie recoiled in fear, her mind flashing to Wilfred, wishing he was there to protect her. Suddenly a loud voice rang out, “STOP IT STEVE, NOW!” It was the older man of the group and he stepped in front of Sophie’s assailant and firmly pressed his hand into his chest. He was probably in his late forties, some gray hair peeking through his brown locks, a neat cardigan and pair of gray slacks Sahabet Giriş giving off a comforting, approachable vibe that reminded Sophie of a kindly school teacher. “Stop it now, she’s just a young girl you wanker” he hissed sternly in his friend’s face and instantly the younger man calmed down, dropping his fists and ceasing the struggle to break free of the others grip.

Satisfied that the situation had been diffused, he turned to Sophie who was shaking ever so slightly as she tried to retain her thin veneer of confidence. “Sorry love, he can be a bit of a dick when he’s had a few,” the kind stranger explained, “you get on your way and don’t worry about him, I’ll sort him out.” He smiled reassuringly at her before turning back to the perpetrator and the rest of his friends. Sophie walked away as quickly as she could, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she realized how dangerous the situation could have been if it wasn’t for the others being there. As she rounded the corner of the street she could hear the voice of the man that had come to her rescue chastising his friend for acting so poorly, several angry expletives breaking the tranquil silence of the night as he expressed his extreme displeasure.

Now even more determined to see Wilfred than before she continued her journey at a brisk pace, walking past a couple of other pedestrians on her journey before turning the corner onto his street. Once she reached his front gate, she quietly opened and closed it behind her, making her way up the garden path and pulling out her key. All the lights in the house seemed to be out and Sophie imagined Wilfred sleeping soundly in his bed, unaware that she was downstairs with illicit thoughts in her mind. Sliding the key into the lock, she turned it and the front door swung open as she tiptoed inside. The house was completely dark and Sophie had to use her hands to feel her way along the corridor in the dark, doing her best not to bump into anything as she went. Due to her inability to see she stubbed her toe on the bottom stair and had to bite her lip to stop herself from yelping in pain as she doubled over. “Fuck…,” she whispered to herself as she regained her composure, removing her sandals before making her way up the stairs. She took one step at a time, using the railing to guide and being careful not to lose her balance as her heart pounded faster and faster with every inch closer she got to her destination.

Arriving at Wilfreds bedroom door she could hear him snoring gently on the other side and she smiled to herself, sighing contentedly. She was back where she belonged. Gently pushing open the door and stepping inside she placed her phone on the bedside table and pulled off her pajamas, discarding them onto the floor silently. Her eyes had managed to adjust to the light a little and she was able to make out the shape of Wilfs body under the covers, curled up comfortably as he slept, mouth hanging open slightly as he dozed. She wondered if he was dreaming about her? Her heart swelled and her pussy dampened at the sight of him and as she crept closer to the bed, she whispered softly to wake him up as she gently shook his arm. “Daddy… daddy, wake up.” Wilf turned in his sleep, eyes cracking open wearily in a haze of post sleep confusion.

“Melanie?” he asked in a groggy voice as he looked around the darkened room, trying to work out what was going on despite not being able to see anything around me.

“No daddy, it’s me, it’s Sophie,” she explained tenderly as she climbed onto the bed, pulling back the covers and placing her hands on his bare chest, rubbing softly as her hand made its way down to his crotch.

“I thought you were at University?” he asked, still unsure of whether this was really happening or not as he reached out to touch her, fingers finding her waist and realizing that she was naked in his bed causing his prick to immediately start to swell. As soon as he felt Sophie’s small fingers wrapping around his shaft his eyes rolled back and he moaned softly, becoming fully hard in a matter of seconds.

“I’m here with you,” Sophie explained, knowing that he wasn’t awake enough to fully comprehend what was happening, “now just lay back and let me take care of you,” she instructed as she stroked him slowly.

“Okay baby,” Wilf replied softly as he allowed his head to fall back against the pillow, body relaxing as he enjoyed the sensation of her warm hand rubbing him up and down, shivering with pleasure whenever she reached his tip.

The darkness meant that their other senses were enhanced and Sophie was keenly aware of the feeling of every throb in her hand, the masculine scent of her lover and every little moan and caught breath that escaped his lips. Pushing the duvet completely off the bed she took up position between Wilf’s thick, strong legs and spit into her hand so she could glide up and down his prick more easily, mouth finding his heavy balls and gently licking them as she stroked. Wilf was moaning with pleasure as she sucked one of Sahabet Güncel Giriş his balls into her mouth, the salty taste increasing her fervor as the sound of her sloppy stroking filled the air. They needed to talk, but that could wait until the morning. Right now, all she cared about was making him feel good.

“Oh Sophie…,” Wilf whispered huskily as his hips wiggled against the sheets, pleasure coursing through his body as he stared up at the ceiling, eyes rolling back into his head. He felt her lips kissing upwards from his sack and along his shaft, tongue swirling around the tip and finally sucking him into her hungry little mouth. She went to work quickly, pushing him into her throat and taking him as deep as she could. It had been too long since she had felt him in her mouth and as she started to slurp on his member her fingers slipped between her legs to give herself some relief. She was soaking wet, arousal staining the bedsheets as her digits danced between her swollen folds and rubbed her sensitive little clit. As her moans started to rumble up in her throat, they vibrated along Wilf’s cock, increasing the sensation even further as his hand moved to her head, gently stroking her hair as he felt his climax inching closer and closer.

It was crazy to think that just a few weeks earlier Sophie had never gone down on a man in her life and now here she was, taking a man three times her age down her throat, coating him in her frothy saliva and loving every second of it. They had come so far since they had first met and Sophie owed so much to him. Not just for teaching her about sex, but for helping her to accept herself, to realize that she was strong, sexy and confident. Before they had met, she wouldn’t have been able to stand up to that drunk the way that she had. Even when he wasn’t with her, he made her better and she would never be able to repay him for that, but she could certainly try. Sucking him dry seemed like a good place to start.

She could feel him tensing as she expertly sucked and licked him, spit pooling around the base of his cock every time she had to come up for air. She still gagged on him after a while but now she found that she loved the feeling, having him deep inside her, stretching her throat, being used for his pleasure. She couldn’t get enough of it. He was getting closer and closer by the second and Sophie knew exactly what would push him over the edge. Releasing his thick, veiny prick from her lips, she whispered softly to him, “please Daddy, give me all your yummy cum,” in a sweet, innocent voice that she knew would drive him crazy. Wilf growled with approval and as she took him back into her throat, she pushed herself as far down onto him as she could, nose pressing against his pelvis as she breathed through her nose.

Wilfs fingers gripped onto her hair as his hips pushed upwards, going even deeper inside her as his cock swelled and exploded as an enormous moan burst from his lips. Strands of sweet, salty, sticky cum painted Sophie’s insides as she felt his warmth sliding down her throat and into her stomach. Her eyelashes fluttered with satisfaction as she savored the feeling of him unloading inside her, finally releasing his cock when it got too much for her, a couple of dribbles of jism spilling from his tip which she was quick to scoop up with her hungry tongue. He tasted so fucking good and she had quickly become addicted to his seed. She would miss it while she was away, which was why it was even more important that she appreciated this moment even more than she usually would.

Wilf was breathing heavily as he basked in the aftershocks of his orgasm and he was on the verge of falling back asleep as Sophie climbed up the bed and cuddled up in his arms. “Did I do good, Daddy?” she asked, the taste of his cum still on her lips as she licked up the last remnants from the edges of her mouth. The best kind of midnight snack.

“Yes baby girl,” Wilf answered wearily as he struggled to keep his eyes open, “you did amazing.”

“Thank you,” Sophie whispered back to him, kissing him on the cheek as he pulled her small frame closer to him before passing out, snoring loudly as he dozed, completely spent. Sophie giggled softly to herself, absentmindedly rubbing her sex as she listened to him sleep, enjoying his scent and sounds he made, locking it away in her mind for a later time. Her mind was racing for a few minutes but after the excitement of the moment had died down, her own tiredness finally hit her and it didn’t take her long to fall asleep herself, head resting on Wilf’s chest, his strong arms wrapped around her. There was nowhere else she would rather be than here and she slept soundly with a contented smile on her face.

As Sophie awoke from her sleep she could feel the warmth of a body cuddled up behind her, strong hands on her breasts and a hard member throbbing as it pressed against her ass. She took a moment to remember where she was and despite Wilf still snoring soundly behind her, she was still immensely horny from the night before and couldn’t resist slowly grinding her hips against his cock. She could feel his foreskin pulling back as she rubbed against him, a soft moan in her ear as she felt him getting harder and harder with each movement of her peachy little ass.

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