Reluctant Daddy Ch. 06



This work of fiction is part of a series. If you did not already read the preceding episodes, please do that before starting this one. All of the chapters in this story have been submitted to Literotica. Generally, they release one each day.

There is NO incest in this story. However, a daughter sees her father naked and – for multiple brief moments – watches him having sex with her friends. If this is going to create problems for you, please try one of my other stories.

Random movie quote: “To infinity … and beyond!”


~~~ Tuesday (Week 2 – T-38) ~~~

I somehow instituted a new custom in our hybrid-home. I was being somewhat silly (and maybe a little romantic) and – after hugging and kissing my girls – including the one who shared my last name – I dropped to one knee, lifted Lauren’s shirt and kissed her belly – wishing my little one a good day. Meghan, of course, was next in line as quick as lightning. The two of them informed me, as I slipped out of the door, that this would be happening every day from now on until my children arrived. Sara decided that we needed pictures – presumably so that the girls could watch their tummies grow over time as they looked back over the photos.

By the time I got home from work, my two little mommas pulled me into the office to show me the websites that April had shown them how to set up to track everything about their pregnancies. She and my first child were standing in the doorway, arm-in-arm, smiling from ear to ear as my little lovers went on and on about everything they’d discovered and all the details they’d added to their sites.

I had worried that the girls were simply looking for things to lure Lauren’s mother in – but it seemed like they were well and truly meshing – and that had been Sara’s goal – well – at least the first step in her devious scheme.

April, of course, stayed for dinner – which they had ready to go but which had gotten put on “the back burner” as the girls gushed (on and on) about their websites. The sites were very limited on what the viewer could see without the password. Sara assured me that all of the lifeguards in the DILF club had already signed into the websites to catch up on the latest updates for my growing family.

Carla had started a contest for the other girls to guess the names that Meghan and Lauren had picked. Obviously, at this point, neither of them were telling what they had decided. Some of the guesses were legit – but some were just off the wall. As we ate together, we had a good time laughing at the names and the reasons given for why the girls thought that was “the one”. As they chattered, I realized that Sara was being extra quiet. That made me assume that she was either already in on the secrets – or had a really good idea.

After the meal, we moved to the front room to visit and I pulled my little girl into the recliner with me.

“What?” Sara asked, giggling.

I looked around the room at the others’ faces. They were grinning broadly.

“Am I no longer allowed to have cuddles? Are you mad at me because you won’t be my only little girl anymore?”

I pulled her against my cheek and neck and tickled her until she cried out for me to stop. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pressed my forehead against her temple. We held each other tightly. It wasn’t long before our proximity made the two of us start thinking about how Sara would be pinned between her mother and me like this when she was younger. The waterworks started without warning. Neither of us were looking at each other’s faces – but we both knew the other was crying.

I saw April look at me and start to stand to leave to give us some privacy.

“Just give us a second, please,” I said. “We get like this once in a while. We just need a little reset.”

When I looked again, Lauren was curled into her mother’s side and the two of them were crying as well. I heard a sniffle from her right, and looked over to see Meghan curled against her other side. She was crying as well.

After several minutes, Sara got to her feet, dried her tears and looked at me.

“I’m not mad at you because I won’t have you all to myself anymore,” she said.

“Babygirl …” I groaned.

“I know you didn’t think this was a good idea and I realize – now – that I might not have thought things through quite as well as I thought I had,” she said, “but I love you – and I love Meghan and Lauren – and I want all three of you to know that there’s no way I could possibly be happier about this. I will soon hold two precious babies in my arms and be able to call them my siblings.”

“… and that’s how I ended up pregnant, mom,” Lauren said, smirking.

April’s tears – brought on by thinking about how she’d been raising her daughter without a man in the house for the last few years – turned into tears of laughter because of the foolishness of it all. She pulled Lauren in and kissed her forehead and then turned and did the same with Meghan.

“Thanks for pinch-hitting for my mom,” the Sahabet blonde told her, before her face screwed up and the tears threatened to start again.

“Hush,” April said. “Listen to me.”

Meghan sniffled, got the cascading tears to slow, and looked up at Lauren’s mom.

“Your mom is dealing with some things,” she said. “In the meantime, I got you. Got it?”

“Yes … mom,” she replied, far more seriously than she usually acted.

“Now … who wants to play Naked Twister?” April asked.

All four of us gasped, “What?!” at the same time.

April cackled with laughter and – after a few moments – the room filled with laughs, giggles, and grins. April cleared her throat and looked at me.

“All kidding aside, if one of you has a swimsuit that will fit me, I’d like to challenge Mr. Moore to a chicken fight in the pool,” she said.

“It’s on!” I crowed, jumping to my feet.

“Give me a second,” Sara said, hurrying off.

I knew where she was headed. She had a closet where she kept a few of her mother’s things – with the hope that she’d someday be able to wear them. As I watched my little girl go, I realized that day was coming faster and faster.

She returned with a suit that I recognized. It had always looked amazing on her mother and I was suddenly really looking forward to seeing how it looked on Lauren’s mom.

My face must have given me away because her daughter (the little minx) cupped my growing hard-on in her palm, bit my jaw, and turned me towards my bedroom – before swatting me on the ass to send me on my way.

The rest of us – even Sara – were in the pool by the time April arrived. She was, basically, a more mature version of her daughter – with the breasts of a mother – instead of a … well … beginning mother.

“Stop drooling over my mom,” Lauren stage-whispered, as her mom descended the stairs to join us.

April’s eyes shot up to mine and I quickly looked away – which made me seem even guiltier. Lauren giggled and wrapped herself around me.

“Teams?” Sara asked.

“I’ll take Meghan,” I said, “versus Lauren and her mom.”

“I’m not sure you and Meghan should be on the same team,” Sara said, laughing.

“Why’s that?” Lauren asked.

She blushed at me and said, “You might as well show them – it’ll be easier than trying to explain it.”

I ducked between Meghan’s thighs and came up with her sitting on my shoulders – with my face buried in her crotch – like when my daughter had yelled at us a couple weeks before.

“Because,” Sara said, laughing raucously, “the two of them get it backwards every time.”

I made “nom, nom, nom” sounds as Meghan squealed and held onto my head. I ducked back into the water, dropped out from under her and scooped her up from the back, standing back to my feet once more.

“Did I get it right this time?” I asked, grinning broadly.

Sara and Lauren cheered; her mom just shook her head at us and giggled.

First match was me and Meghan vs. Lauren and her mom. After that, April and I traded partners back and forth – letting each of the girls have a turn battling. Soon, however, I called a halt – complaining that my back and neck were going to be causing me problems the next day.

We lounged around beside the pool for a while after that, having a nice drink and enjoying the sunset.

When April got ready to leave, we all gave her kisses and hugs – although my kisses were still kept to her cheek or temple.

At bedtime, my little mommas informed Sara that their baby-daddy needed cuddles more than he needed sex. They sent us off to my room – and we walked there hand-in-hand.

“How are you, baby?” I asked her, as we lay looking into one another’s faces.

“Good,” she said. “I love you, daddy.”

“I love you, too, pumpkin,” I replied, reaching out to pinch her chin.

She didn’t seem to need to talk – so I pulled her into my arms and snuggled my head against her neck. She held me tightly and I was asleep in no time.

~~~ Wednesday – Friday ~~~

Wednesday night, we finished fixing the last meal that April and I had picked out together. By the time the meal was over, she and the girls were already planning a shopping trip to plan out the dinners for the rest of the week. They laughed as I went to the bedroom, retrieved my debit card, and brought it out to Sara. After I handed it over, I went to my office to request a second one from the bank – this one with her name on it.

Each night, April joined us and we played games, went for a walk, frolicked in the pool – or just sat and visited. By the time we were at the door, Friday night, wishing Lauren’s mom goodnight, I was starting to wonder how much longer it was going to be before my devious little girl put the next phase of her plan into motion. As it turned out, she must have been thinking the same thing.

“You know it would be easier if you just slept here,” Sara suggested.

I figured April would just brush it off – but she actually looked at the girls’ faces. Sahabet Giriş When she looked at me, however, I blushed and turned away – like an idiot – again.

“Not tonight,” she said, finally.

“It’ll be Meghan’s turn tomorrow night,” Lauren said. “You can share the spare bedroom with me.”

“But … I thought tonight …” Meghan began to stutter – before her eyes widened and she said, “Oh … yeah …”

April laughed, shook her head at their semi-failed maneuvering and said, “Fine!”

The three girls squealed and all tried to hug her neck at the same time.

She looked at me and asked, “Is that okay, Mr. Moore?”

I laughed and said, “You’ve been hanging out here long enough to know I don’t make the decisions around this place.”

She didn’t react – just kept looking at me as the girls hugged and kissed her.

“I think it’s a tremendous idea,” I said, finally. “As you can see, they’re all excited and there’s nothing I like better than to see them smiling.”

“Nothing?” she asked, smirking.

“Almost nothing,” I said, blushing a little.

Once she went home, I took Meghan to my room and 69’d with her until we both came. After we cuddled for a bit, she headed to Sara’s room and Lauren joined me – so that we could make good on the lie they’d fabricated for her mother – by switching their nights around.

Before Lauren and I went to sleep, I made sure that April’s little girl stayed good and pregnant.

~~~ Saturday ~~~

April returned the next morning as I was giving kisses to my little buns. She entered her code and walked into the front room to find me kneeling before my little mommas, kissing their bellies, and talking to my growing children.

When I headed for the door, she was between me and it – so I hugged her and gave her a quick peck on the lips before heading on my way. She hesitated for a moment but then gave me a little squeeze and told me to have a good day.

“I should be back by lunch,” I called out.

“We’ll be ready,” Sara said. “Just so you know, we’re taking Lauren’s mom out to see how badly you suck at miniature golf and then we’re going out for dinner.”

I grimaced at her and she gave me a sly smile.

“Love you all,” I called over my shoulder to them, before closing the door behind me.

I finished my work (several minutes later than I had expected), returned home, showered, and ate with my family. We spent half of the afternoon in the pool and then got cleaned up and dressed for our outing.

We took Sara’s car. April and I sat up front and the girls squeezed into the back. At putt-putt, I had one hole-in-one – and pretty much scratched on all of the rest of the holes. Everybody else, obviously, did much better than me. I must have been sulking a little more than I realized because Meghan caught me away from the others and promised that she’d make me forget all about it later.

The girls had been dying to try sushi and April said she knew a place that had lots of varieties with an all-you-can-eat option. We ordered some gyoza for all of us to share and then everyone ordered their first three picks for what they wanted to try.

When our food came, we begged and borrowed from each other – and offered tastes to those we thought would like what we’d selected. The meal was a little pricey – but a lot of fun – and I told the girls that I thought we should bring the rest of the gang here whenever they were all back in town again.

We took the long way home and – by the time we arrived – it was nearly bedtime. The others settled in the front room for a bit but Meghan and I begged off and headed for my room.

As we lay in bed, naked, kissing and cuddling, Meghan asked what she could do to make me forget about my golf score. I laughed and told her that I’d forgotten about it until she’d brought it up again. She suggested that she could deep throat me and then have me glaze her. I told her that I’d love to suck her tits and nipples as she rode me.

As she climbed on top of me, I took hold of her oversized udders and began to lavish my affection on them. She wasn’t huge but – for such a young woman – they were definitely above average. She dangled them in front of me and then giggled as I took full advantage of her generosity.

When the busty little blonde was breathing heavily and obviously getting close to an orgasm, I sucked her nipple hard and reached down to hug her distended clitoris between my ring-finger and middle-finger, sliding them back and forth, causing a tremendous amount of friction.

“Fuck, Mr. Moore! Oh, fuck!”

She squealed as she tried to keep herself from cumming but by then I was rubbing the palm of my hand back and forth across her sensitive nubbin’ and she was beyond redemption.

Her thighs squeezed together and her pussy clenched – up and down my length. I grabbed her plump ass in my hands and pulled her down onto me – knowing I would explode within seconds. As I felt her body trembling, her breath catching, and her sexy Sahabet Yeni Giriş moan, I gave in and let my balls dump their load.

I curled my legs around my young lover and pulled her in even tighter. I moved my mouth from her chest to her neck and nipped all across the front of her throat as I pumped my load into her.

“Oh, fuck! Sweet, fucking hell!” she growled when her climax finally crested and she could speak again.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed the life out of me. When she finally relented, we lay cuddling and kissing as our bodies recovered.

“I think your nickname should be Trigger – since you’re a hair-trigger when you get your clit rubbed,” I told her.

“Trigger is a horse’s name,” she snarled.

“I guess you’re stuck with Mrs. Wigglesworth, then,” I said, snickering.

“Ugh!” she moaned.

“You’re kind of a tricksy little hobbit,” I told her. “What about Trixie? T-R-I-X-I-E?”

“Kinda sounds like a hooker name,” she snickered.

“I’ll think of something then,” I told her.

She kissed me hard and said, “I can be your little hooker, Mr. Moore. All of my holes belong to you.”

I moaned and darted in for a kiss.

“If my jizz wasn’t already leaking out of you, my little hooker, I’d fuck you full of my cream.”

“Mmm,” she moaned. She kissed me again and pressed her forehead to mine. “Lauren’s Sugarbutt,” she said. “I want a pet-name – not a nickname.”

“Sugartits?” I offered.

“Mmm,” she moaned again, stealing another kiss. “I do kind of like that one. You suck my nipples like they’re lollipops.”

For the next several minutes, I nibbled Meghan’s neck and let my fingers play across her areolas and nipples, tweaking and teasing them to make my young lover moan and writhe.

I gave her a soft kiss and laid my head against her chest. I breathed in her scent and relaxed – and was soon asleep.

~~~ Sunday ~~~

We spent most of the day in the pool – or beside it. I got to enjoy a little more of seeing April in my wife’s old bathing suit. It suited her.

As I stood at the grill, getting things prepped to start lunch, Lauren came out, set down the packages of items to be cooked, and shoved her hand down the front of my swim trunks, taking my half-rigid prick into her hand – and causing it to come a little more to attention.

“Aha!” she said. “You’re lusting for my mother again.”

“Actually, I was thinking about bending her daughter over the side of the pool and fucking her while her mother watched.”

She snickered and kissed me, while still squeezing my cock.

“I’m not sure she’s quite ready for that yet,” my brown-headed lover snickered. “She doesn’t realize, yet, how badly she wants your cock.”

“I really don’t think this is a good idea,” I told the little lifeguard.

“Yeah, well,” she snickered. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we don’t really listen to you.”

She leaned up, kissed my lips again, and slid her hand back out of my shorts.

“Please wash that before you touch my food,” I told her.

She grinned wickedly at me and licked her palm – from her wrist to her fingertips.

“All clean,” she giggled.

Lauren hadn’t been gone for two seconds before her mother stepped up to take her place – albeit without shoving her hand down my pants.

“Can I talk to you?” she asked.

“Certainly,” I replied.

“You DO realize that you’re basically going to be raising twins in a household full of young women very soon?” she asked.

“I would love your help,” I said. “Thank you for offering. We can head to your place this afternoon and probably have most of your stuff moved by tonight.”

“What?!” she gasped. “That’s not what I was suggesting!”

“Why?” I asked.

“What?” she asked, in reply.

“What were you going to suggest?” I asked.

“I … well … I don’t know … I just don’t think you understand …”

“The girls look up to you,” I said. “I would love to have another adult around here.”

“… to watch the infants so you can breed your cattle some more?” she snarled.

“So you believe that I’m taking advantage of these girls?” I asked.

She glared at me.

“How are you not?” she asked, a minute later.

“Meghan never consulted with me before she fucked me,” I replied.

“You said yourself that you could have gotten out of those ropes,” she shot back.

“I fully believe that Meghan would have found a way to get pregnant somehow – no matter what. I’m not saying she’s devious – she’s just goal-oriented and not easily deterred. When she sets her mind on getting something, she’s going to make it happen – and she had decided that she wanted to be pregnant with my child. I’m not trying to shirk my responsibility; I’m just saying that I shouldn’t be branded as some kind of pedophile because I didn’t call 9-1-1 and get the cops over here to stop her from riding my cock until she convinced my balls to give her what she wanted.”

“I never called you a ‘pedophile’,” she spat.

“Your daughter and I actually talked about what she wanted from me before I agreed to have sex with her. Are you saying that your daughter is naïve?”

“Well …” she growled.

“Would you like me to call her over here, to join this conversation?” I asked.

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