Black Widow…

Black Widow…

Black Widow
This story starts about 3 years ago. I was one of those typical self
made men in America. Very popular and athletic, I had lettered in every sport
that I tried. This success followed me through college, and was a major help
upon graduation from college. I had alumni going out of their way to help me
out, and I decided to go into the commercial real estate business.

Business was far better than I even thought it would be. Within a year,
I was grossing a mid six figure income. I learned all of the tricks of the
trade, and leveraged a lot of my money into actually owning commercial
property. The savings and loan debacle just fed into my hands. I was able to
purchase lots of commercial property from the Resolution Trust Corporation,
for pennies on the dollar. By the time I was 30, I had a personal net worth
of over $25 million dollars, and was making close to $1 million a year.

Although I was a very eligible bachelor, the new modern woman pissed me
off. I was sick to death of the uppity libber woman that I saw all over the
business world. Sex at home included this concept of mutual pleasure. The
broads orgasm was suddenly critical. Well, I had passed through high school
and college surrounded by broads who wanted to please me, and these new babes
did nothing for me.

I became a great fan of dominance over women, and dabbled in basic B&D
with different dates. Rarely did I get repeat performances from my dates.
Most of these babes thought that B&D would be kinky, but when actually tied up
and abused, most didn’t like the pleasure I took in dominating them.

Needless to say, I was excited to hear of the new club in town, the Black
Widow. A rather exclusive club, they catered to those who were into serious
bondage. Well, having been to a couple of these clubs, I was kind of
skeptical. Most were not into real pain. None the less, I decided to check
them out.

I went down to the club, and met the manager. The manager was a rather
good looking woman, decked out in a rather sedate business suit. She
interviewed me at great length about my desires, my preferences, etc. With
that done, we went on a tour of the club. The club was a series of discipline
rooms, each equipped with different types of bondage equipment and furniture.
Each room had a cabinet stocked with a dazzling array of bondage toys, and she
promised that if there were specific items I wanted that I didn’t see, they
would provide them. We went to one room that looked like an old blacksmith
shop. I asked what this was for, and she told me some men were into branding,
and they were allowed to do that here.

The last room we went into looked like a doctors office. I asked her
what this room was used for. She told me that this room was used for surgical
alterations to the women. I prodded for more details, but she carefully
avoided more details.

As we returned to the office, I inquired about the costs of sessions.
She explained that the girls here would submit to whatever the men wanted.
Because of this the prices were a little high, but surely the facilities would
meet the needs of the special men who could afford it. To use the facilities
cost $1000 an hour, or $10000 for up to 24 hours. I signed up on the spot.

Over the next six weeks, I spent $60,000 on six full day sessions. The
babes were beautiful, fully submissive, and imminently pleasing. The
facilities and toys were beyond compare.

I had never seen branding before, but in my fourth session, thought why
not. I took my slave for the day down to the blacksmith shop. The shop
manager helped me through the procedure. She recommended a cock and ball gag
to cut down on the screaming, and helped me tie my slave down with her ass in
the air. I looked through the brand collection, and settled on two, one for
each cheek. Heated up until they were white hot, I was handed the first one.
Cautioned not to push the brand into her flesh too hard, I stamped her left
cheek with the brand. She writhered and shook convulsively, and when I
stopped to look, saw CUNT bright and clear on her left cheek. Pleased with
the results, I repeated the effort on the right side, and standing back could
clearly read CUNT WHORE when looking at her ass. This was lots of fun.

My experiences with totally submissive women was having an affect at
work. Realizing that some women were completely submissive made me far bolder
in my relationships with women at work. I started to really treat my female
employees like shit, fully enjoying it. I’d call in female workers and offer
them raises in return for sex. I would threaten them with being fired if they
wore bras to work. Surprisingly, they all did what I directed. I thought to
my self that maybe I was stupid all these years for not making them do this
stuff before.

The one aspect of the Black Widow that had me intrigued was the doctors
office. I had asked about this many times, and every time the subject was
subtlety changed. One day I got a call at work from the manager of the Black
Widow. She told me that she had a special treat arranged for me, and that if
I would come in, she would tell me about it. I was pretty sure this included
something to do with the doctors office, so I took off after lunch, and went
down to the Widow.

I got there, and in fact was led straight to the doctors office. She
showed me some of the equipment here. They had equipment to create really
large breasts on girls (to please the tit fetishists she said), teeth pulling
equipment (to cure those who bit during blow jobs), and a full range of other
things. She asked me if I had some time and wanted to watch a procedure. I
was very excited and agreed. I watched them wheel a girl in. The girl was
laid out on a surgical table, and was put to sleep. I observed them proceed
to cut on her feet. I asked the manager what they were doing. She told me
that they had one customer who wanted a girl with very tiny feet, so they were
cutting off her toes, and reshaping her feet. At the same time, they were
putting her foot in a permanent arch, so severe that she would appear to be
standing on her toes. I was fascinated. My fascination revolved around the
total submission that they seemed to get out of these women. I had no problem
with permanently hobbled women, but never thought that they could find babes
to go through all of this. Good looking babes at that!

As we left the doctors office, she told me that she still had my treat
for me. Understand that I had a fetish for fucking a girl up the ass. I have
a rather substantial cock, and can really inflict pain when grinding my cock
in a girls ass. My other major fetish was tits. I loved big tits, and really
enjoyed mauling them, twisting nipples, and could use all sorts of nipple
clamps with a relish.

We got to one of the rooms, and she led me in. And what a sight was
waiting for me. There was a big titted broad hanging from the ceiling. The
manager told me that she took the liberty of preparing my slave for me. This
slave was hanging from the ceiling by her hands and legs. Her legs were
attached to a spreader bar which was behind her head, lifting and thrusting
her ass out for me. A large dildo protruded from her pussy, and judging by
the lubrication all around her ass hole, the dildo was arousing her. Her tits
were a real treat. Very large, I could feel that they were all natural. The
manager told me that she would be willing to assist me if I wanted her to. I
gladly said yes.

I got out a large cock gag, and strapped it in place. With my slave
silenced, I proceeded to attached weighted nipple clamps to my slaves rather
large, dark nipples. I added more and more weights, until her tits were
stretched, and pointed downwards. I could sense her spasms, and could hear
small moans and grunts through the gag. With one deep thrust, I slammed my
cock up her ass. Oh god I was enjoying myself. I guessed that the manager had
lubed my slaves ass with some sort of special cream, due to the tingling I
felt. At first I was pissed, figuring that the slave wouldn’t feel as much
pain, but on second thought didn’t say anything, because it felt good.

I continued to pound away at her ass for about ten minutes, alternating
tugs on her weighted nipple clamps. The manager prompted me to tighten the
nipple clamps. I did so, and at the same time felt a pain in my chest. Oh no
I thought, a heart attack. The manager must have seen something, because she
asked me how I felt. All I heard was some grunting noises when I tried to
speak. My tongue seemed to be a solid mass.

I must of passed out, because the next thing I could remember was coming
to when the manager was putting smelling salts under my nose. How are you
feeling she asked. I could feel dull pains in my shoulders and hips, as well
as a sharp pain in my chest. I looked around, and noticed with a shock that I
was suspended from the ceiling, and that my arms and legs were holding me up.
A spreader bar was between my ankles. I heard a male voice laughing, and
watched as a man walked over towards me. He looked like a twin of me. He
told the manager that he would handle this from here.

He told me to look down, and when I did, I got the shock of my life. I
had tits and a pussy! He went on to explain that the Black Widow was opened
to eliminate from the world all of the pig headed men who loved to abuse
women. The founder was a female geneticist who discovered a formula for
transferring the physical characteristics from one organism to another. The
tingling that I had felt in my cock was the formula working. He went on to
explain that all of the slaves working at the Widow were former men, who were
now sentenced to being on the receiving end of the abuse. With that said, he
slapped me on the ass and told me that he hoped I liked it. The manager told
the man that she would take it from here. I saw that she had strapped on a
large dildo. She told me that she would be the first to take my virginity. I
passed out again.

I regained consciousness again, and could feel that I was laying down on
a table. The sharp pain in my hips reminded me that I had not been dreaming.
Although I had been taken down from hanging from the ceiling, my legs were
tied over my head, and my arms were also tied down. I tried to look around,
but all I could see was the walls of one of the submission rooms.

My attempts to look down were hampered by the large breasts on my chest.
Although my chest still hurt, I could see that the clamps had been removed
from my nipples. They sure did feel heavy laying there. I could see (and
feel) that my crotch was thrust up in the air, and I was scared to see that my
balls were missing.

Although I was somewhat shocked and scared, I was still thinking at this
point that this was some kind of joke. I was certain that my predicament
would soon end. What a surprise I was in for.

I heard a door open and close, and watched the Black Widow’s manager
(Susan) walk over to me. She asked me how I felt. I was shocked to hear a
feminine voice answer her using all kinds of profanity, demanding to be
released. I realized that the feminine voice was mine. Susan swiftly slapped
my ass, and told me to pay attention. She told me that she would relate to me
the facts of life as they currently existed for me.

First she said, “This procedure is medically reversible. If I was a good
girl, I could buy my old body back.” I argued with her at this point. I
pointed out that I was worth millions, and would gladly pay whatever it took
to get out of my predicament. “Oh no, Susan replied, you used to be worth
millions. Now you are just a dumb broad with no assets other than her body.”
“By the way, she offered, your name is now Ashley.” Susan continued to lay
out the rules. The “girls” made 1% of whatever was paid for them. If a man
rented one of us for the day, we were paid $100. Any time a man complained
about one of us, we had to pay a penalty of $1000. Submitting to any of the
special procedures earned us a bonus of $1000. I asked how much it took to
buy my body back, and she shocked me when she told me $100,000. Quick
computations in my head told me that if I worked every day, it would take me
almost three years to pay the price. I would have to be a broad for three

She pointed out that the penalties could quickly add up, and that I had
best learn to be a good submissive babe early on. Penalties other than men’s
complaints included attempts to run away ($5000), trying to tell customers
about the risk to men by coming to the Black Widow ($10,000) and a myriad of

Susan told me that I would be given a room to live in here at the Black
Widow, living in dormitory style rooms. The transformed girls (like me) were
strictly separated from the real girls who only had to work one time, in order
to transform the men. The woman who had my body would live as me, the whole
time I worked at the Widow. Susan laughed, and pointed out that many of the
“men” come back to the Widow to humiliate the new women.
I was very scared and nervous at this point, believing in the back of my
mind that this was a bad dream, and at the same time knowing that I was in
trouble. Susan started to rub her finger nail over one of my nipples. It
immediately started to get hard, and I could feel a tingling throughout my
body. Once the nipple was hard, she put her mouth to it, and lightly nipped
at it with her teeth. Electricity shot through my body. It actually felt

Susan started to play with my crotch. “What do you have here Ashley, she
asked?” She repeated this over and over, until I would tell her that I had a
pussy. She continued to manipulate my pussy, until it started to feel real
good. I could feel myself thrusting my pussy up to her fingers, as she pulled
away. She continued to play with my breasts and my pussy, alternating
pressure to various spots, and I could feel mounting what I was sure was a
female orgasm. I heard myself involuntarily moaning like a whore. My moaning
was turning me on!

Suddenly, Susan stopped. I was in shock. I begged her to start again.
“Don’t stop I pleaded. It feels so good.” Susan laughed. “You just learned
your first lesson Ashley. No matter how good it feels, your personal pleasure
is not important. You are a pleasure unit for anyone who has the money to pay
for using you.”

I could feel the spasms start to die down, but still felt pissed off. I
would show her when I got the chance. Susan pinched my nipple hard, and told
me that she had to leave now. She told me that my scheduler would be in in a
little while, and she would take care of me from then on.

A little while later, another woman walked in. I did not recognize her
at all. A rather mousy looking broad, she was wearing a doctors white coat
over a severely tailored pants suit. She introduced herself as Miss Paula.
She told me that she was my scheduler. She was responsible for insuring that
I was available for all assignments that might come my way. She would keep my
log book with credits and debits based upon work performed, and penalties
incurred. Further, she was responsible for my training, appearance, and
personal hygiene.

Miss Paula unlocked the restraints holding my arms and legs in position,
and a slowly lowered my legs. They sure were stiff. She told me to sit up,
and get dressed for my transfer to the dormitory. As I sat up, I felt my
heavy breasts shift and bounce into position. They sure did feel funny. All
I was wearing at this point was the same garter belt and stockings that I had
seen on Ashley when this all started, and a pair of heels. Miss Paula told me
that I would always have to have on some covering when walking the halls from
one room to another. She handed me a little piece of shiny black cloth, and
told me to put it on. I laughed, and asked her what this little piece of
cloth was. She slapped me across the face very hard, and told me never to
question her again. If I could not see that those were panties, then I must
be some kind of idiot. I looked harder, and realized that they were tiny
thong panties. I hurriedly pulled them on, only after almost falling down
when I tried to stand on the high heels. She laughed at me, and told me that I
better get used to the heels very quickly.
I almost fainted from embarrassment when I saw the wet sticky spot on the
table, and realized that my pussy had leaked all over. MY PUSSY! Oh my god.
Miss Paula handed me a bra, and told me to put it on. She did give me a
little instruction on the bra, and by turning it around to hook it, actually
found it to be quite simple. I later found out that I wore a 36DD bra. My
breasts actually felt pretty good in the bra. With this done, Miss Paula told
me to come with her.

Walking down the hall was quite an experience. I recognized all of the
rooms, but was quickly coming to the realization that I would only see the
insides of the rooms as a victim, not a customer, at least for a very long
time. I saw Susan escorting a man around, showing him the facilities. I
guess I stared at the man, because Miss Paula slapped my face, and reminded me
that slaves never look directly at men unless they are ordered to do so.

We got to the dormitory, and as we got into the hallway, I was
immediately overwhelmed by the sweet scent of women’s perfume, and the musky
odor of lots of pussies. I shuddered as I thought that those were my smells
for the immediate future. Miss Paula opened the door to my room. It was a
very feminine room, with a light pink wall paper. It was pretty small,
probably measuring about 10 X 10. We spent the next 4 hours practicing makeup
techniques. Miss Paula taught me that there were a number of set looks,
ranging from the whore look, to the sweet demure virgin look. We practiced all
of them.

An examination of my wardrobe revealed the same kind of looks. I liked
all of the clothes, until it dawned on my that I would be the one wearing
them. The last look that we had put on my face was the hooker look. Miss
Paula told me that each of the schedulers had different methods to teach the
new girls how to be good submissive slaves for the Black Widow. Most of the
training sessions lasted around 2 months. Miss Paula had developed a technique
that turned the new girls into grateful submissive slaves in less than one
month. I resigned myself to hear what her technique was. She told me that
she would loan me out to a pimp friend of hers for up to one month. Miss
Paula related that most of the new girls were fully submissive in less than
the four weeks, but that none had ever gone over four weeks. I was going to
be a whore! She handed me an outfit, and told me to put it one. The gold
color spandex mini skirt barely covered the curve of my ass. She took my bra,
and had me stuff my boobs into a tight tube top. She told me to wait in my
room, until my pimp came in.

About ten minutes later, a sterotypically dressed (for what I thought a
pimp looked like) big black man walked into my room. He told me that his name
was Leroy, and that I was his. I guess I was still in shock, because I didn’t
move quick enough. He screamed at me, “move your ass bitch,” and roughly
twisted one of my boobs. Nice tits he commented, as I rubbed my sore breast.
Miss Paula was standing at the door to say goodbye to me. “See you Ashley –
as soon as you learn your new place in life.”

I could feel my boobs bouncing as I walked, and knew that my ass was
wiggling under the tight skirt. We went out the back door of the Black Widow,
and came up to a convertible cadillac. Get in the car bitch Leroy directed,
and I realized that I had no idea how to get in a car dressed in a skirt. As
I opened the door, I noticed that as a woman, I didn’t have the strength that
I had grown accustomed to as a man. I pondered how to get into the car, but
knew I didn’t want to piss Leroy off again. I stepped into the car, and could
see and feel my skirt move up my thighs. Leroy laughed, and told me that I
should never show my pussy for free. I could feel my face turn red, as I
hastily pulled my skirt down.

We drove to an apartment that I later learned was Leroys. I asked him if
this is where I would live, and he laughed. “You are a street whore, he
commented. You will live anywhere you get the chance to.” He handed me a
small pink plastic box, and told me to make sure I took my pill every day.
“Don’t want no pregnant whores,” he laughed. This was yet another shock for
me, as I realized that not only could I get pregnant, but I would have
periods. ME with PMS!

Leroy watched me take my pill, and told me that we would head down to the
area where I would be working. Before we went though, Leroy wanted to “test
the new merchandise.” I realized that this meant screwing me. He unzipped
his pants and pulled out his cock. I realized that I had never seen a black
cock before. He ordered me to “make him hard”. I hesitated a moment too
long, because he grabbed my hair, and pushed me to my knees. He started to
slap my face with his cock (which sure felt weird), and finally pushed it in
my mouth. I had a black cock in my mouth. He grabbed my ears, and started to
push and pull my head, actually fucking my face. I realized that I better at
least try to do a good job, if I ever wanted to become a man again.

Very quickly he got hard. I couldn’t believe how big this guys cock was.
It was even bigger than mine had been. Right after he got hard, he pulled his
cock out of my mouth, flipped me over on my belly, and shoved his cock in my
pussy. It felt really weird to have a cock inside me. I knew he was trying
to fuck me hard, feeling his hands on my hips, and ramming as hard as he
could. This felt very different than when Susan was rubbing me.

Leroy continued to pump me hard, when he suddenly stopped. He picked me
up again, and pushed my face on his cock. After just a couple of strokes, he
pulled out and gave me the shock of my life (even after this interesting day)
– he squirted his cum all over my face! He order me to wipe it up with his
fingers, and then lick up each drop of cum. The cum tasted salty, and I felt
totally humiliated.

He had me clean him up with my tongue, and then told me to get ready to
go. I felt like scum, and knew that this was just the start of a long, painful

We went down to the car, and I had a little better time getting into the
car this time, experimenting with sliding my butt in first. I knew that I had
better come to grips with my situation quickly, or this would be worse than it
is. Leroy drove me downtown, and told me that he was going to have me work
the garment district for a while. Evidently a lot of truckers with 18 wheelers
delivered goods all night, and the hookers had a lucrative trade down here.
He told me that blow jobs cost around $25, regular screwing around $50, butt
fucking around $75, and a suck and a fuck was around $60. Of course any more
I could get was good. He told me that my commission was the same 1% as at the
Black Widow. I was amazed. I would get 25 cents for sucking a guy off! He
told me that he expected me to have at least $500 by morning, and that he
would pick me up again at 3 AM.

End, Chapter 2. Next: Ashley’s experience as a street hooker.

I watched Leroy drive his Cadillac away, and attempted to come to grips
with what had happened to me. Here I was on a dark street corner, dressed
like a cheap street whore. For that matter, my body looked like that of a
sexy whore. I looked down at myself. Big boobs, with very visible nipples
showing through a tight tube top. My tight gold mini skirt allowed for my
garters and stockings to be very visible. High heels capped off the outfit.
I knew that if I had seen something like me, I would have wanted to fuck it.
But now it was me.

Here it was, late at night, and this black guy, MY PIMP, had dropped me
off, telling me that he expected me to make at least $500 tonight. Well, fuck
him I thought. I needed to figure out how to get out of this situation. But
first, I had to piss. I knew that this would be a strange situation, and
looked for someplace to go to the bathroom. I saw the sign for a restaurant,
and decided I would try to use their bathroom.

I started to walk over to the restaurant, and immediately stopped. My
boobs were out of control. They bounced and shaked, completely unrestrained.
I wanted to hold them as I walked, but knew that would look stupid. I set out
again, walking very slowly, trying to minimize bounce. Walking in these heels
sure did suck. How did broads do this every day? I got to the restaurant,
and walked in, looking for the ladies room. A man walked up to me, and told
me he was the manager. He informed me that women like me were not welcome in
his restaurant. I started to argue with him, but he grabbed my hair with one
hand, and my ass with the other, and pushed me through the door. I was
pissed, and screamed at him. Early this morning I could have bought his
restaurant, and now I was being treated like a common whore.

I really had to piss, and walked down the street to a bar. Inside the
bar, I was again accosted by the manager. He quite matter of factly informed
me that I could not turn tricks in his bar. I told him that I only wanted to
use the bathroom. He smiled and told me that if I would make it worth his
while, he would let me use the bathroom. I could feel the pressure build up
inside me, and wasn’t sure if I could control this female bladder. I hastily
agreed, and headed for the bathroom.

I entered the womans bathroom, and recognized that things were different
now – no place to stand up! I went into a stall, and pulled up my skirt.
Pulling my panties down was an experience, with that little tiny piece of
cloth down around my ankles. I sat down, and proceeded to pee. It sure was
weird. Sitting there, I realized that this was the first chance of privacy I
had had since the change. I decided to check out my body.

I pulled down my tube top, and examined my boobs. They looked exactly
like any other boobs I had seen. I fondled them lightly, and although they
felt like boobs, I was not getting the same thrill from touching them that I
normally would. Looking between my legs, I tried to examine my crotch. My
bush was very different from my normal pubic hair. My vagina looked just like
all the other pussies I had seen, with pink pussy lips, and a small whole. I
shuddered as I thought about what the hole was for.

My legs were quite shapely, and were smoothly shaven. As I stood up and
repositioned all of my clothes, I noticed that I was a whole lot smaller than
I was as a man. Although I was pretty good looking for a broad, I knew that I
had to get out of this body as soon as I could.

I left the bathroom, and started for the door. The manager caught me
sneaking out, and asked where I was going. “Didn’t you forget something,” he
asked? I told him to fuck himself, and tried to leave. He grabbed my arm,
and as I struggled (to no avail), realized that I was only a weak female now,
and couldn’t count on my old strength. He roughly directed me to his office.
Once there, he told me that he wanted a fuck for using his bathroom. It
scared me to realize that the only commodity I had to sell was my pussy. He
pushed me down over his desk, and lifted up my mini skirt. He slapped my ass,
and asked me if I was clean. He pulled my panties down, and to my shock,
instead of fucking my pussy, rammed his cock up my ass. I involuntarily
screamed from the pain and shock, and he slapped my ass again, and laughed.

I was in tears from the pain, and begged him to stop. He just pounded
harder. I begged him again to be more gentle. “Shut the fuck up bitch,” he
commented. I knew in my brain that women were made to be fucked, and who
really cared what they felt, but the person being fucked was me. After what
seemed like hours, I felt him tense up, grab my hips, and shoot his cum in my
ass. He pulled his cock out of my ass, slapped me once again, and told me to
hit the streets.

God, my ass hurt. I dressed as quick as I could, and left his office,
heading out for the streets again. I was awfully hungry, but knew that I had
no money in my purse. I was walking along the sidewalk, when a car pulled up.
The man rolled his window down, and asked if I wanted a ride. Eager to get
off of these heels, I wiggled my way into his car. “How much” he asked. My
relief to sit down for a while was immediately gone, with the realization of
what I was – a cheap whore. I explained the pricing to him. He told me he
wanted a blow job. He pulled his car over in a dark spot, and unzipped his

I wanted this over as quick as possible, and attempted to give what I
thought was a good blow job. I thought back to what I had enjoyed, and did it
for the man. He got hard almost immediately, and started to push my head up
and down on his crotch. I licked and fondled his balls, and every other
techniques that had ever worked for me. All of a sudden he held my head down
hard, and I realized too late that he was going to cum in my mouth. He
squirted this salty stuff in my mouth. Too late I realized that he wanted me
to swallow it, and I ended up swallowing most of it. When he realized that I
had swallowed it, he let my head up. He ordered me to clean him up. I licked
his cock clean, and watched him zip back up. I asked for my money. He pinched
my left breast, and laughed. He told me to hit the road. “Call a cop” he

God I was pissed. Here I had been fucked up the ass, and had to swallow
a guys cum, and I still had nothing to show for it. I realized that I had
better get my money up front from now on.

The night wore on into the morning. I had been fucked two more times,
and could feel the cum leaking out of my pussy and ass. My feet were sore
from the heels, and I wanted to go home and get something to eat. Leroy came
by at 3 as promised, and told me to get in the car. I slid into the car, and
tried to relax. “How much do you have for me” Leroy asked. I told him that I
had $100. “Say what bitch” he screamed. He slapped me hard across the face.
“I guess I will have to teach you about making money as a whore”.

Leroy made a couple of calls on his car phone as we drove home, both of
them telling who ever he was talking to, to come over to his crib. We finally
got home, and he let me in. I took off my heels, and sat down. Within
minutes the doorbell was ringing, and Leroy let his friends in. There I was
sitting in the living room, looking like a sexy babe, and surrounding me were
6 big guys. Leroy came over to me, and ordered me to stand up. I stood up,
and Leroy proceeded to slap my face and tits. I was crying (ME crying), and
asking him what the problem was. He told me that he would teach me to be a
whore, not just some girl on the streets. He ripped my skirt and top off, and
threw me on the floor. I proceeded to be fucked by all the guys for the rest
of the morning. Cocks in my pussy and ass (often at the same time), cocks in
my mouth, cum shot all over my body. I again had the conflicting thoughts
that this was ok treatment for a broad, but not for me.

Finally they all quit, and left me alone. I fell asleep where I was
laying. I awoke a few hours later, and crawled to the shower to get cleaned
up. My face was black and blue from the blows, my tits were purple, my
nipples hurt from the twisting, and both my holes hurt from the pounding. To
top it all off, I knew that I would have to go out on the streets soon.

After my shower I fixed my hair and makeup, hoping to look good so Leroy
wouldn’t hit me again. I wasn’t sure what I would wear tonight, seeing as
Leroy had torn my clothes off of me. Leroy didn’t let me down, bringing me an
outfit for the night. It sure looked small. I tried to figure it out, and
finally did. It was supposed to be a set of coverall shorts, all of red wet
look spandex. The bottoms were quite short, and thin, splitting my ass, and
revealing much of my pussy hair. I asked where the top was, and he laughingly
told me to place the straps over my nipples. He ordered me to trim my pussy
so I wouldn’t be so unsightly. God this was embarrassing. I did not want to
piss Leroy off again, still suffering from last nights blows.

We went out to the car, and Leroy dropped me off on a different street
from last night. I was determined to really work hard tonight, mostly cause I
did not want to repeat the beating from last night. I shuddered as I thought
about what I was doing. Here I was, a sexy whore, trying hard to please her
pimp. ME. Two days ago I would hire pimps like Leroy. Now I was trying to
please him.

Well, I worked hard, and was only able to make $450. I was scared when
Leroy came, and rightly so. He beat the shit out of me. With my weakened
female body, I couldn’t even put up much of a fight. I wasn’t sure I even
wanted to. He would probably hit me harder.

The third night I finally made the $500. I actually took pride in the
fact that I pleased my pimp. What was happening to me. The fourth, fifth,
and sixth night went the same way, with me making my quota. I was using every
trick that I could remember from when I had screwed broads, moaning as the
right times, acting like he was really getting me off, etc. It seemed to
speed things up, and allowed me more time on the streets.

The seventh night started out the same as all the others. I was finally
getting used to doing this, not seeing cocks with the initial repulsiveness
that was the case in the beginning. I guess I was getting comfortable in the
role now too, actually going up to prospective customers. I got too
comfortable, cause this night turned out a little different.

This guy looked pretty well dressed as he drove up in his car. He
invited me in for a ride, and I jumped in. He asked me how much. I explained
the pricing to him, and told him that all services were cash up front. He
reached into his pocket, and pulled out a wallet. He flashed his badge, and
told me I was under arrest for solicitation. He picked up a radio, and called
for the “whore wagon” to take me downtown. I was being arrested for being a
whore. Oh my god. ME, arrested for being a whore.

Black Widow – Chapter 4

Our story so far.

Our hero, a self made millionaire was a real macho guy. He strongly
believed in the domination of women by men. Unfortunately there weren’t a lot
of outlets for his beliefs. He found a new SM club in town, the Black Widow.
The Black Widow specialized in really beautiful women, where no holds were
barred. Guys could get away with anything at the Widow. To our heros dismay,
he eventually discovered that the Widow was run by a group of women who wanted
to punish the macho pig men of the world, and with the help of a female
doctor, had developed a chemical formula that allowed people to transfer
bodies. Once the bodies were transferred, the former macho men ended up
working at the Widow. Those submissive babes he had had his way with were all
former men! Out hero is now a heroine – Ashley! In Chapter 3, Ashley learns
the role of womanhood, and through the efforts of a strong pimp, comes to the
realization that she had better be pleasing to men. Unfortunately, Ashley
comes on to a Cop, and gets arrested for prostitution.

The cop tells me to lean up against his car, and spread my legs (I’ve
done plenty of leg spreading in the past week). He tells me that he is going
to frisk me for weapons, but his lingering kneading of my breasts and ass let
me know that he is enjoying this. I yell at him to stop feeling me up, but he
only laughs and tells me to shut up.

After a short time, a big van drives up. He informs me that this is the
whore wagon, and that I am going downtown. The driver of the van, a uniformed
cop, comes around to the back, and opens the door. I am immediately assaulted
by the aroma of cheap perfume. I step up into the van, and the cop squeezes
my ass. I try to turn around to yell at him, but he just pushes me into the
back of the van. The other girls laugh and tell me to get a seat.

There are 11 other girls in the van, black, white, and oriental. They
are all dressed like me. Many of them seem to know each other. I ask one of
them what will happen to use. She laughs, and asks me if this is my first
arrest. I tell her yes. She asks me if I have any money on me. I tell that
I have a little bit (it was still early in the evening). Well she said, the
van will drive around most of the night, waiting to pick up other girls. The
cops would insure that we would not be processed until early the following
morning, to make sure we did not end up on the streets tonight. She told me
not to use my real name, and to tell them that I had no permanent address.
This would be easy, because I did not even know my last name, and the only
address I knew was the Widow. She told me that if this was my first time,
they would attempt to scare me, to include much humiliation, and maybe even a
full body cavity search. I was mortified.

Well, she was right. We ended up driving around all night. It was a
very uncomfortable ride, with rough wooden seats that even my new cushioned
ass didn’t make feel any better. There was not much air circulation in the
back of the van, and my nose was flooded with the mixed smells of cheap
perfume, sweat, pussy juice, and drying cum. I felt like scum. Just a mere
week ago, I was the king of the city. Now just a cheap whore in the back of a
police van.

We finally got to the police station. We were escorted in, and
processed. I was the only girl to claim that this was my first time arrested,
and when they found no name match, they separated me from the other girls. I
was taken to a room that looked like a doctors office. They told me to strip
down completely, down on the table, and put my feet in the stirrups. I had
seen the stirrups on doctors tables before, but had never paid them much mind
– after all, they were for broads.

I laid down and put my feet up. The male attendant told me to scoot my
butt down. I moved down, and realized that my pussy and asshole were fully
exposed to anyone who wanted to look. The attendant put restraints on my
arms, upper body, and feet. This I was told was for my protection. Putting
surgical gloves on, the attendant told me that now they were going to see what
I had concealed in me. He plunged some fingers (I couldn’t see how many) into
my pussy in a rough manner. He chuckled, and asked me if it felt good. I was
in pain and this guy was laughing at me. He brushed my clit with his thumb,
and asked me if I was getting off. I guess his other hand needed something to
do, because all of a sudden he thrust a finger up my ass. One of the cops
witnessing this asked the attendant if he needed help examining my breasts.
The attendant told him to help himself. Here I was, strapped to a table,
being physically assaulted by a bunch of guys. This woman shit sure sucked.
I again went through some mental thoughts. I mean, I always thought that this
is what women were for – to allow men to enjoy themselves. But this was me.
Me with a pussy and tits. And this was not a whole lot of fun.

For god knows how long, a bunch of the cops played with my body. As one
cop would get bored, others would come in. I don’t know how long it lasted,
but my body was real sore. A lot of the cops got off on nipple twisting and
pinching, and after a while, my nipples were very painful. The constant
manipulation of my pussy and asshole eventually turned into a dull throbbing
pain. Finally they were done.

They released my restraints, and told me to get dressed. I slowly
slipped my hookers outfit back on (shiny black thong panties, and a yellow
spandex mini dress that left little to the imagination). They escorted me
down the hall, and dropped me off in a holding cell full of the other whores I
had met last night. I was in pain, and physically exhausted. The one girl I
had talked to last night came over to me, and asked me how I was. I told her
what had happened, and she told me that it could have been worse. She said
that if I was in jail for a long time, they would administer blood tests to
check for diseases, and that if I was clean, they would use me as the jail
whore. I shuddered. I asked her what was going to happen next. She told me
that we would be taken to court sometime this afternoon. She recommended that
I plead guilty (seeing as this was my first offense). She told me that the
fine for first offenses was $100, and that if I had the money, they would
allow me to pay the fine and be released. I thought about her advice, and
decided that I would do anything to get out of this jail. I would follow her

Around 2 PM, all of us hookers were escorted to the whore wagon once
again. If it was possible, it actually looked worse in daylight. We drove for
a little while, and stopped at what I later found out was the court house. We
were escorted to the courtroom, and one by one, our cases were called. I had
never been in a courtroom before, and certainly never expected to be in one
being charged with prostitution.

The court ran pretty smooth, with the vast majority of the girls pleading
guilty and being fined. One of the girls must have had a long record of
arrests, because the judge sentenced her to three years in prison. It was bad
enough having a broads body – I knew then that I would never want to spend my
life in a womans prison. I knew that when I saw Leroy again, I would plead to
be sent back to the Widow. Nothing that could happen to me there could be as
bad as prison. Plus, the sooner I got back, the sooner I could start making
money to buy my maleness back.

My case was called. The charges were read, and the judge asked me how I
pleaded. I told him guilty. He found me guilty as charged, and fined me the
$100 that all the other first timers were charged. I paid the money out of my
purse, and was released.

To my surprise/relief, Leroy was waiting outside the courthouse to give
me a ride. “You dumb cunt – how did you get arrested”, asked Leroy. I told
Leroy how sorry I was, and broke into tears (again – ME crying – I still
didn’t understand this woman shit). He slapped me hard across the face, and
asked me how I was going to make up the money that I had lost, both from not
working, and from paying the court fine.

I told him that I would do anything. We drove home. When we got home,
Leroy asked me if I had ever been in a movie. Of course I told him that I
never had. “Well, if you really want to make the money back that you owe me, I
have an acting job for you”. My mind had really changed alot at this point.
I didn’t want Leroy to beat me up, so I was willing to do just about anything
to please him. I agreed to the movie.

We drove to an old warehouse. I asked Leroy what kind of movie this was.
I fuck flick he laughingly told me. I had seen lots of scuzzy films in my
time, and had often wondered where they got the babes to be in them. Now I
was one of them.

Well, for the next six hours, I was the female star of a b********y film.
I sucked and fucked all kinds of dogs (their cocks are very different from
men). I felt really cheap, and was starting to regret ever having gone to the
Widow. I hoped that by pleasing Leroy, he would allow me to go back the
Widow, and hopefully Miss Paula would treat me better. The conclusion of the
film was supposed to be a horse scene. I had never seen a horse cock before,
and was therefore shocked to see how large it was. Leroy told me that he
didn’t want my pussy stretched out by the horse, so all they wanted was for me
to suck the horse off, and have him cum on my face. I proceeded to do the
best I could. The cock was so big, I could not get much more than the very
tip in my mouth. I licked and kissed it, all the time massaging it with my
hands. All of a sudden, the horse tensed up, and the next thing I knew, this
monster cock was squirting horse cum all over my face. Leroy and the other
guys were laughing their asses off. Leroy told me to scoop up the cum, and
lick it up. I shuddered, and proceeded to lick up horse cum. Finally we were

Leroy told me to clean myself up as much as I could, and then get
dressed. We were going home. I did the best I could, and then we left. I was
in a daze from the fucking and sucking, as well as the realization of what I
had done. It really hit me hard to realize that as long as I had this body,
this is what I was good for – sucking and fucking. God this sucks.

To my surprise, we drove past the Widow, turned, and stopped at the back
entrance. Leroy beeped the horn, and Miss Paula came to the car. Leroy told
her that he thought that I had passed the training course. He told her that I
had seemingly come to grips with my new role in life. He thought that I would
be a perfect submissive.

Miss Paula smiled and told me to come with her. She escorted me into the
dormitory (god it seemed like it was a long time since I had last been there –
even thought it was only 9 days ago that I came to the Widow as a paying
customer). She told me to get cleaned up (to include a douche), put on a
nightie, and that she would see me in the morning. She warned me not to
wander about, as I would be severely punished. With that, she left. I had no
desire to be punished, so I knew I would follow her instructions. I stripped
off my cum encrusted clothes, and went to the bathroom. To my surprise, a
bath had been drawn for me, topped with perfumed bubbles. I laid in the bath
for a long time (I hadn’t taken a bath in years), and thought that maybe women
had the right idea taking bubble baths. I finally got out, dried myself off,
and thought about the douche. Only women douche, not me. I had second
thoughts (didn’t want to be punished), and examined the bottle. Following the
instructions, I screwed the cock looking thing onto the top. I inserted the
top into my pussy, and squeezed the bottle. OOOh, it was cold! It felt like
a guy cuming in me, only a far greater quantity. I emptied the bottle into my
pussy, and waited as per the instructions, and then let it out. It was kind
of like pissing, but not really. How weird.

I cleaned up with some kleenex, and went to my bedroom. Laid out on the
bed was a pink set of baby doll pajamas. Reluctantly I put them on. Looking
at myself in the mirror, I saw a very attractive sexy broad. I hoped that I
could make the money back quickly in order to buy my body back from Widow.

Black Widow – Chapter 6
Our story so far.
Our hero, a self made millionaire was a real macho guy. He strongly
believed in the domination of women by men. Unfortunately there weren’t
a lot of outlets for his beliefs. He found a new SM club in town, the
Black Widow. The Black Widow specialized in really beautiful women,
where no holds were barred. Guys could get away with anything at the
Widow. To our heros dismay, he eventually discovered that the Widow was
run by a group of women who wanted to punish the macho pig men of the
world, and with the help of a female doctor, had developed a chemical
formula that allowed people to transfer bodies. Once the bodies were
transferred, the former macho men ended up working at the Widow. Those
submissive babes he had had his way with were all former men! Out hero
is now a heroine -Ashley! In Chapter 5, Ashley has her first period,
and received training for her new life at the Widow.
– – – – -I woke up in the morning,
and after my dash to the bathroom, came back to my bedroom. A typed
memo from Miss Paula was taped to my mirror. Miss Paula directed that I
very thoroughly douche my pussy and my ass, and apply my “virgin” look
makeup. After I completed that, I was instructed to put on a white
underwire demi bra, white lacy bikini panties, and white seamed
stockings with the white garter belt. I was expected to complete the
outfit with white high heels.
I completely understood the pussy douche (even though it was mine, I
still could not stand the smell of a “funky” pussy), but didn’t
understand the asshole cleansing. Nonetheless, I followed instructions
exactly. I came back to my bedroom to get dressed. I still thought it
felt weird to wear these skimpy panties. I had gotten used to wearing a
bra, and after hours of “bouncing around”, I actually looked forward to
putting one on. They really helped control the bounce. As big as they
were, I was happy to know that I would not have this body forever.
These boobs will really sag once this body gets older. As pretty as
this body was, this is one broad who will end up with saggy baggies I
I finished dressing, and sat down, waiting for Miss Paula. I did not
have long to wait. Miss Paula told me to come with her, and away we
went. Instead of the cafeteria, we went down the hall to one of the
rooms that I had used before as a man. Well, here I go I thought. Miss
Paula reminded me that this was my first step to earning money to get my
old body back. She very strictly reminded me that any complaints at all
would cause me to be financially punished, delaying my return to
malehood. I promised myself that no matter what happened, I would be a
willing and able slave/slut.
Miss Paula escorted me to the middle of the room, and attached wrist
cuffs to each of my wrists. Going to a control panel, she activated the
electric motors which pulled my arms up over my head. She came back,
and attached a spreader bar to my ankles. I noticed the spreader bar
had hooks on it, so that my legs could be pulled up also. With the
spreader bar attached, she pulled my arms up tight, effectively removing
my ability to move. She came over to me, and pinched my left nipple
lightly. Enjoy yourself she told me, and left.
I didn’t have to wait long for the man who rented me to come in. To
my surprise, I recognized him. It was Bill, one of my old vice
presidents. I was sure that he didn’t recognize me (fat chance of
that), and I thought reluctantly, that I was the one who had introduced
him to the Widow. This was great punishment -being abused by one of my
former subordinates.
“How are you Ashley” Bill asked? Fine Master, I replied. “Have you
been here for a long time? Maybe you have had the chance to serve my
good friend Jeff.” Sure I had served Jeff. Jeff was me! No Master I
replied. “Well Slut Ashley, let’s get started.”
Bill pulled the back of my panties up tight between my ass. He
proceeded to lower the cups of my demi bra. My nipples betrayed me,
getting rock hard with a mere brush of his hands. Bill attached the
screw type clamps to my nipples. I shuddered with the pain. I knew the
pain would get worse when he tightened them up later. He attached a
medium heavy weight to the clamps. I knew this would get worse.
Bill went over to the control panel, and tightened up the chains to
my wrists. I was now barely supporting myself on my toes. Suddenly,
Bill tightened up the chains to the spreader bar. Instead of lifting me
up with my back towards the ground, I was facing the ground. The pain
in my shoulders was offset by the full effect of the weights on my
nipples, which now swung freely over the ground.

Bill left me like this, and opened up a file folder. I knew from
experience that this was a biography of the slut slave. It outlined
those things that a slave really got off on, really hated, etc. I
wondered what it said about me. “Well, I see that you are a screamer”
Bill commented. “We’ll have to do something about that.” Bill had me
open my mouth, and he inserted a cock gag into my mouth. I couldn’t
believe how full my mouth felt. My jaw was sore already, and I had a
feeling it would get worse.
“I see you get off on frustrated orgasms, and hate being fucked in
the ass. We’ll have to do something about that.” Bill ripped my
panties off, and inserted a large dildo in my pussy, but did it very
slowly. Being used to being taken very quickly, I found the slow
insertion to be almost pleasurable. That soon changed. Bill got out
another large dildo. “This ones for your ass Cunt.” Unlike the slow
pleasurable insertion, he rammed the dildo up my ass. Bill got out a
strap like contraption, and effectively sealed both dildos inside me.
With this done, he sat down, and picked up what looked like a TV remote
control. To my displeasure, it was a remote. A remote that controlled
the actions of the two dildos. Bill spent the next I don’t know how
long manipulating the two dildos. They would alternate from a
comfortable buzz, to a pounding ram, to a twisting movement, back to a
buzz, and everything in between. Sometimes they both did the same thing,
sometimes different.
Bill seemed to get down to a routine. Bill would manipulate the one
in my pussy until I started to shake and thrust, and then he would stop
and simultaneously ram my ass.
The shakes and convulsions where tearing out my crotch, and the
stress and strain on my wrists and ankles wasn’t any better. If I could
have yelled at him to stop, I would have, but the cock gag effectively
prevented that.
I could feel the beginnings of what must be a female orgasm, but as
it started to build, Bill would sense it also, and stop the buildup.
This was pure torture for me. Yet, I knew that I had done the same
thing to broads before. I thought that maybe tonight I would experiment
with female masturbation!
Finally, the dildos stopped. Bill removed the strap, and pulled out
both dildos. He went over to the control panel, lowered my legs, and
then my arms. Fortunately he didn’t lower my arms completely, because I
would have collapsed. Bill ripped the nipple clamps off my nipples, and
I felt a rush of pain and excitement at the same time. My wrist and
ankle cuffs were removed. The cock gag was left in place.
“Let’s go slut,” Bill ordered. I followed him out of the room, and
we went down the hall. I knew that the rules required me to be covered,
but here I was walking down the hallway in garter belt, stockings, and a
bra with my tits exposed. I didn’t think I should question my master.
We came up to the door of the room that I knew of as the operating
room. We entered, and Bill told me that he thought that I was missing
something. I got scared. He told me that he thought I needed pierced
nipples. With that said, he proceeded to pierce my nipples, and insert
a gold post with a dangling small gold chain. Before I knew it, a long
leash like chain was attached to the chain hanging from my nipples.
Let’s go back Bill ordered, prodding me with a pull on the leash. The
leash pull sent electricity shooting through my body. I was determined
not to fall too far behind.
We went down the hall, back to the room we started in. Bill had me
lean over towards the table, and rest my hands on the table. I could
hear him lowering his pants, and the next thing you know, he had his
cock at my ass hole. I knew this would hurt. His cock entered my ass.
I could feel the head of the cock make it past the entrance of my ass,
and then he stopped. I hoped he stopped because of consideration for
me, but knew that couldn’t be the case. All of a sudden, I felt a shock
of pain throughout my body. Bill had grabbed the chains attached to my
tits very hard, at the same time he rammed his cock up my ass. I could
feel tears running down my face from the pain. “Does that hurt cunt,”
Bill asked? Bill continued to ram his cock painfully in my ass,
alternately slapping my ass cheeks, and pulling on my tit chains.
Although it seemed to last forever, I finally felt him shoot his cum in
my ass, and he then pulled out.
Bill grabbed me by the hip, and threw me to the floor. I looked up
at him, and was disgusted to watch him pee all over me. “What a way to
clean out my cock,” hey cunt? Bill finished pissing, and came over to
remove the cock gag from my mouth. He then ordered me to lick up the
urine, and when I was done, he told me to clean up his cock. I had to
fight the temptation to puke as I licked up the urine. I finally
finished to his satisfaction, and went over to lick his cock clean. I
was glad that I had douched my ass right now. I finished, and Bill told
me thanks. He gave me one last tug on the chain on my tits, and he left.
I felt totally humiliated and cheap. All I was was a toy for men to
play with. And I didn’t even get off! Miss Paula came in a few minutes
later, and told me to come with her and get cleaned up. Miss Paula led
me back to my room, using the leash. I guess I was a little exhausted,
because when a fell a little behind, she prompted me to speed up, with a
tug on my leash.
We got back to the room, and Miss Paula told me to hurry up. “You
have another job in less than one hour.” I couldn’t believe that I had
to go through all of this again. But then I was also surprised to see
that woman could get wore out. I always thought that being on the
receiving end of sex was easy.
I took a quick shower, and as I was drying myself, I walked back to
my bedroom. Miss Paula had selected an outfit for me to wear. “You and
another girl are going to a party. You two will be there for the
visible pleasure of the men, as well as the entertainment later in the
evening,” Miss Paula told me. “While at the party, you will be wearing
this bikini.” I looked at what she called a bikini. The small pieces of
wet look yellow cloth would surely show off everything I had. I pulled
the bikini on. The bottom barely covered my pussy, and had a thong
back, fully revealing my ass. The top was two thin strips of cloth,
that barely covered my nipples. The lack of support was obvious, as even
small movements caused my boobs to jiggle all over. Miss Paula handed
me a light coat, and told me to put it on and let’s go.
We got in a car, and Miss Paula drove me to the party. To my
surprise, we drove down to the local university. We went to fraternity
row, and I was chagrined to see that we stopped at one of the frat
houses. I knew this would be no fun. Miss Paula took my coat, and told
me to walk up to the house, and ring the bell. She told me that she
would be back in a few hours.
Well, I bounced and jiggled up to the door, and rang the bell. I was
admitted to the house, to the accompaniment of jeers, cat calls, and
whistles. The man who greeted me, told me to make myself comfortable. I
could see the other girl over in the corner surrounded by a bunch of
guys. She wasn’t dressed too much different than I was, although I
noticed (with a touch of pride???) that her tits were smaller than mine.
She was a pretty young brunette, she was wearing a tiny red bikini.
Well, I spent the next few hours being stared at, being fondled, etc.
Surprisingly, other than the lewd jokes and stories, so far I hadn’t had
to perform sexually for any of the men. One of the men suddenly
announced that now it was time for the entertainment. He told the group
that Ashley and Cindy were going to wrestle, with the loser being the
recipient of a gang bang after the match. You could have knocked me over
with a feather. I wasn’t sure how this would work out. I knew I had far
less strength than I had had as a woman. But then I realized that she
would be weaker too.
We went to the center of the room, and shook hands. I thought that
this would be a real wrestling match, but Cindy had other ideas. Cindy
started to slap and kick me. I thought that if this is what she wanted,
then I could do this to. I slapped Cindy, and started pulling on her
hair. I pushed her to the ground, and grabbed her bra top, ripping it
I grabbed her boobs, and pulled her up. I started to punch her in
the stomach. I knocked her down to the ground again. I reached down to
pull off her bikini bottoms, when all of a sudden, she punched me hard
in my pussy. I fell to the ground in shock. I knew that getting hit in
the balls hurt, but this sure hurt too. Taking advantage of my sudden
pain, Cindy jumped and landed with her knees on my boobs. I screamed
from the new pain.
Cindy started to slap and punch my boobs, causing me to cringe in
pain. Again, taking advantage of my pain, Cindy ripped my bikini
panties off, insuring that they painfully cut up against my pussy.
Cindy sat down on my boobs, and grabbed both of my ankles, spreading my
legs wide open. She laughed and invited all of the guys over for a
close up look at my pussy. She began to scratch my pussylips, and pinch
my clit. I was crying like a little baby from the pain and humiliation.
Finally, Cindy got up, and presented me, the loser to the frat house.
To the cheering and laughing of all the guys, I was taken to one of the
bedrooms for the losers gang bang. I proceeded to service all of the
guys (as many as five at a time), and finally passed out from
exhaustion. I woke up (who knows how much later) with really painful
boobs, and a dull throbing pain in my pussy. Attempts to sit up only
accentuated the pain in my pussy. I looked down for the source of the
pain. To my shock, I realized that someone had stuck a huge zuchini up
my pussy, probably as some form of joke. I painfully pulled it out.
Cindy walked in a few moments later, and threw my old bikini at me.
Get dressed cunt, she ordered. How can you do this to me, I asked
Cindy. How come us “girls” don’t stick together? Cindy laughed. “Look
cunt, I may have this body right now, but I still get off on putting
women in their place”, Cindy explained. Rather perversely, I understood
exactly what she meant.
I got up, and got dressed so that we could return to the Black Widow.
It was painful to walk straight, and I noticed (embarassed) that the
least painful way to walk was with a hookers bow leg. I had always
laughed at those babes who had gotten fucked so much they had to walk
bow legged. Now I knew why they did it.
Miss Paula came a few moments later, and we walked out to the car.
The trip back to the Black Widow was very quiet.

Black Widow – Chapter 7 Our story so far.
Our hero, a self made millionaire was a real macho guy. He strongly
believed in the domination of women by men. Unfortunately there weren’t a lot
of outlets for his beliefs. He found a new SM club in town, the Black Widow.
The Black Widow specialized in really beautiful women, where no holds were
barred. Guys could get away with anything at the Widow. To our heros dismay,
he eventually discovered that the Widow was run by a group of women who wanted
to punish the macho pig men of the world, and with the help of a female
doctor, had developed a chemical formula that allowed people to transfer
bodies. Once the bodies were transferred, the former macho men ended up
working at the Widow. Those submissive babes he had had his way with were all
former men! Out hero is now a heroine – Ashley!

The next six months went pretty much the same way. To my chagrin, the vast
majority of the men who came in, obviously did not have the disposable money
that I had had. Most of the guys were perfectly happy to rent me for a couple
hours at a time. Although this was great from a standpoint of pain, it didn’t
allow me to make a lot of money. A check of my account revealed that I had
only “earned” a shade less than $9000. At this rate, I would be a broad for
over 5 years! I did not look forward to that. Even worse, John, my former
best friend, and senior vice president of my company had somehow taken an
interest in me, and spent lots of money dominating and hurting me. I am not
sure what was worse. Having to sexually pleasure my “friend”, or the
realization that I had brought him to the Widow the first time.
One morning, Miss Paula came in to see me. She was with the manager of the
Black Widow. I stood up when they entered (as I was trained to do), but they
immediately told me to sit down. Miss Paula told me that they had some bad
news for me. I wasn’t sure what they could possibly come up with that would
be worse than what I was currently experiencing. After all, I was a red
blooded male, who loved dominating good looking babes. Yet, I was sitting
here with a very full push up bra full of tits, and a tight pair of thong
bikini panties that split my ass.
“Well Ashley, Miss Paula started, this has never happened before. We are
not sure what to do.” What, what happened I asked. “Jeff, your male body,
was killed last night in an auto accident.” Miss Paula told me. I was
stunned. I could think of nothing to say. Miss Paula told me that they would
obviously release me from my obligation to the Widow. As a form of severance
pay for my “discomfort”, the Widow manager told me that they would pay me in
cash all of the money that I had earned.
I must have been in real shock, because I started to scream and holler at
both of them. $9000 is supposed to make up for a lifetime of being a broad, I
asked? I must have really freaked out, because all of a sudden I saw a needle
flash, and felt a slight prick. “The sedative will take effect in a moment”
Miss Paula told the manager.
I don’t know how long I was knocked out, but when I came too, Miss Paula
was sitting in my room. Miss Paula seemed actually upset. “You know Ashley,
when we started the Widow, we did so because we really thought we were doing a
service for woman. You know what a dominating man you were. Don’t you have a
greater appreciation for women now?” I told her that I did not. Maybe I
understood what it was like to be a woman, but I certainly had no greater
respect or appreciation for woman. I asked her why I could not be switched
into a different mans body, now that Jeff was dead. Miss Paula told me that
they had tried that before. Somehow, the chemical transfer only worked
between the same two people.
So what am I going to do, I asked Miss Paula. I surely don’t want to be a
broad for the rest of my life. I want to fuck babes, not be fucked. Miss
Paula told me that I could continue to work here if I wanted to. I started to
laugh, then cry. Miss Paula told me not to worry, they would work something
out. In the meantime, I should just relax, and feel free to wander around the
Well, after dinner, I returned to my room. I tried to think of the various
options facing me. I knew that I couldn’t stay at the Black Widow. The
thought of being trapped in this body for the rest of my life was scary. The
realization that all my money was gone really pissed me off too. I thought
about all of my accumulated wealth as a guy. I had no family to speak of, so I
had had no one to leave my money to. I had thought of lots of options, but my
last will had given all of my assets to my best friend, John. John, my
“buddy”, the guy who had used me the past few months now had all my money. I
fell asleep thinking about all of this.
The following morning, I awoke to see Miss Paula sitting in my room.
“Well, how are you feeling,” Miss Paula asked. “Have you made any decisions?”
I told her that I had no desire to work here at the Black Widow for the rest
of my life. I would have to move out, and try to make a living. “Well
Ashley, that probably is a good decision. Let me know how I can help your
transition to “regular life”.
I thought about what I would have to do. Finding a place to live was
first, but getting a job was close behind. I still had my old brain, so I
thought about doing my old job again. After all, it was my abilities that
allowed me to be successful, not my sex. I was charged up, now that I had a
I got dressed in my most conservative looking clothes (even then, I thought
that it was quite provocative for the business place — new outfits would have
to be high on my list too). I knew I would have to get a bank account first,
then look for an apartment. I called a cab, and went to the bank that I had
used as a male. Setting up a checking account was fairly simple, and they
took my $9000 quite happily. Armed with a check book, I headed for
apartments. I knew I could not initially live the lifestyle I had had before,
so I looked for a reasonably priced place to live. I was aware that I had a
woman’s body now, so I had to live in a better neighborhood than I might have
lived in as a guy. I did not want to be ****d. I found the perfect place, a
furnished one bedroom, but after the huge deposits, and first months rent, I
realized that I would have to make some money pretty soon, before it ran out.
My next mission was to get some conservative looking clothes. I had never
shopped for womens clothes before, so this would be a new experience. I took
a bus downtown, and went to Belk, a store that I had been familiar with.
Walking into the store, I was inundated with the smell of perfumes and makeup.
Usually I walked right on by, but this time I was curious, and looked at some
of the many options available. I had become quite competent with makeup
application, and knew that I looked much better with makeup, than without.
I went to the womans department, and asked the clerk for some help with
business type outfits. She took me right to the correct section, and
presented some of the outfits for me to look at. She asked me if I wanted to
try some of them on. I took three of the outfits to the dressing room. I was
rather surprised to see the dressing room. I had been familiar with the mens
dressing rooms, which were rather nice, and rather private. The mens had a
country club type atmosphere. The womans was rather public, and utilitarian.
Not much privacy.
I had a difficult time with all of the outfits. Although all of the size
8s fit well on my shoulders, waist and hips, none of them would fit over my
boobs. The clerk saw my difficulties, and suggested a minimizer bra, or two
piece outfits in lieu of dresses. I went with the two pieces. I had seen
minimizer bras before, and thought them to be ugly.
I ended up buying five outfits, and told the clerk that I would wear one of
them right now. The clerk suggested that I switch to regular
stockings/pantyhose, in lieu of the seamed stockings that I was wearing. I
readily agreed.
My next stop was the shoe department, where I bought five pairs of shoes to
go with the outfits, all of them with short heels. My last stop was the purse
department. I wasn’t really used to carrying a purse, but knew that I would
look funny without one.
Finally, finished, I knew that I would have to go find a job. I had the
store deliver all of my outfits to my apartment so I would not have to carry
them around all day. I was within a few blocks of my old business, and
thought that I would walk over there. The few block walk was a nightmare.
Comments of “nice ass”, “great tits”, and wolf whistles accompanied my walk
all the way over there.
I got over to the office building, and took the elevator up to my old
office (accompanied by some guy fondling my ass in the elevator). Getting off
at the 14th floor, I walked into the office. It was strange walking into MY
office suite. Walking up to the receptionist, I had fond thoughts of here. A
natural red head, I remembered fondly screwing her. I noticed that she was
not wearing the provocative clothing that I had directed when I was in charge.
I guess the female Jeff had changed all of that.
I told her that I was interested in applying for a job. She told me that
the only thing that was currently available was the position of secretary. At
this point, I merely wanted to get a job here. I was confident that I could
“work” my way up, and was looking to using the office as a place to do
research in order to expand my horizons. I told her that I would love to
apply for the position.
I filled out the application, and was told that they would let me know. I
told her that I would check back in a couple of days. With that, I left, and
headed for my apartment. I got home, and kicked off my heels. Walking in
heels all day really sucked, even with the lower heels that I had purchased.
A check of the kitchen reminded me that I had not bought any food to eat. I
guess I would have to go out to eat. Going out to eat presented me with a
dilemma. I did not want to get dressed up again, yet the only casual clothes
I had were some spandex exercise clothes that I had worn at the Widow. I
didn’t think my feet would handle the heels again so soon, so I opted for the
spandex with tennis shoes.
What a mistake. If I had thought the comments were bad this morning, I was
amazed yet again. My walk down the street to the corner deli was accompanied
by all sorts of nasty comments, and whistles. I was personally embarrassed,
but knew that I would probably have done the same thing if I was looking at
someone who looked like me. The trip back to my apartment was pretty much the
same as my trip to the deli.
I few days later, I checked with my old business. I was told to come in
for an interview. I was really excited. I got dressed, and did a super job
on my makeup, trying my best to look attractive, but not slutty. I took the
bus downtown, and went up to my old office. The pretty receptionist welcomed
me, and told me to wait a minute for my interview. She told me that I would
be interviewed by Mr. Thompson. Bill Thompson was my old director of
personnel. He had always had explicit instructions from me to only hire good
looking babes. He always had, but I never was too sure of his interview
techniques. Now I would find out.
The receptionist motioned to me to go to room B, which was Mr. Thompson’s
office. I walked down the hall, and entered room B. Bill Thompson looked at
me like a new car. His eyes randomly moved from my face to my boobs, to my
legs, and back up. He welcomed me to the company. He asked me to take a seat.
I noticed that the chair he had me sit in, offered him a direct view up my
skirt. I wished that I had worn a longer skirt. Here I was with a guy that I
had hired, and he was spending his time trying to see what color panties I was
wearing. He tried to make general conversation with me, but it seemed to me
that every question so how got around to male and female relationships, and me
in specific. Questions included things like how I felt about not wearing a
bra, or being required to wear short skirts, etc. I knew what was going on,
and what he really wanted, but none the less if was a little strange. I knew
what was coming next, when he came up behind me, and started softly massaging
my shoulders. I expected a fondling of my boobs, and was not surprised. I
was embarrassed to feel my nipples harden up under his touch. To make a long
story short, he told me that he was interviewing lots of girls (I didn’t think
I was a girl — maybe a woman, but not a girl), and that if I wanted the job,
I would be expected to give him a blowjob. I was good at that, and wanting
the job, complied.
Well, I got the job, and came to work. The next few months were terrible.
First, the money sucked. I had known how much the secretaries were getting
paid, but had never had to live on this pittance. I was a little worried
about running into John, but he did not come down to the secretarial pool very
often, I didn’t think that he would recognize me fully dressed. The work
was quite difficult. I returned home every night tired. I wasn’t making much
progress in the company, and wasn’t sure what sort of progression I would make
in this company.
After 4 months of this, I was quite perplexed about what to do next. An
examination of my checkbook revealed that I would be out of money in less than
one month. I wasn’t making enough to live off of my secretarial pay, and I
did not want to move to a new neighborhood. I had to do something. What
pissed me off the most was the knowledge that my old friend John had all of my
money. Many millions, that were in fact earned by ME. I thought long and
hard about what to do. Finally, I decided that I would have to work on
getting access to MY money.
I called John’s old number, but the number had been disconnected. On a
whim, I tried my old penthouse number, and John answered. So he had taken my
money and my house! I introduced myself. After a long silence, John told me
that he remembered me, and had missed me back at the Black Widow. I told him
that I was living by myself now, and wanted to meet him, and talk over old
times. He agreed, and invited me over.
I dressed up in one of my old sexy outfits from the Widow. I intended to
tell John about the fact that I was Jeff, and wanted him fully distracted by
my female body. I got to John’s house (MY penthouse), and the guard let me
in. He completely “checked me out,” and reminded me that the “ladies” usually
came in the back way. Obviously he thought I was a whore!
John let me in, and the old leech held me close and kissed me hard. His
hands were all over my ass, pulling up my dress to fully massage my ass
through my panties. Knowing what I was going to tell him, I felt kind of
weird. We went into the living room, and he offered drinks. I told him that
he had better have a strong drink, in order to handle what I was going to tell
him. I asked for a glass of wine myself. I loved scotch, but found out that
I had almost no tolerance for liquor in this body.
After some small talk about what had happened to both of us in the past six
months (he was quite happy about inheriting 35 million from a friend). I told
him that that was what I wanted to talk about. After a pause, I told him
about the Black Widow (the inside story). He sat there is stunned silence for
a long time. Finally, he called me a liar. He asked me what kind of fool did
I think he was? “You’re a pretty dumb blonde to try and pull a stunt like
this.” I told him that I was not a dumb blonde. I was Jeff. He laughed.
“I’ve fucked you, and pierced your tits. Jeff was a guy. Jeff did not have a
pussy and tits. Look at this he said as he grabbed my left breast. Jeff had
nothing that felt this good.” I said, OK. Lets go over some things that only
Jeff and John would know. He agreed, and finally I convinced him that I was
Jeff. “Wow, you are really in a spot” John told me. I know, I replied. I
need some help in getting a real estate job so I can make some real money
again. Jeff thought about this for a while, and promised some help. I hugged
him, and thanked him profusely. He told me to see him tomorrow at the office.
The next day, I came in to work. I went straight to John’s office, only to
be stopped by Natalie, my old secretary. I noticed she looked as good as
ever. Looking at her made me miss my cock more than ever. I remembered
screwing her in the ass. I had known that she hated it, but that had made it
even better. I told her that I had an appointment with John. She told me to
go right in.
I walked into my old office, and greeted John. John seemed to forget that
I was Jeff, because he really checked out my body. It was bad enough being
scoped out by regular guys, but being checked out by an old friend, and a
friend that knew I was a guy was embarrassing. After sitting down, John told
me that he had some bad news for me. I sat glued to my seat. What now, I
wondered. “There is no way for you to get a brokers license to sell real
estate” John told me. Why not I asked. Well, it seems that with a morals
conviction, you cannot get a license. “You are a convicted whore” John told
me (with a grin on his face).
Oh no, not that. I thought back to that occasion. Me peddling pussy. Me,
a convicted whore. It was weird, but I started to cry. John came over to me,
and put his arm around me. “Oh Ashley, don’t cry. I’ve got an idea for you
to make some better money.” Why don’t you just give me my money, I asked
John. “If I gave all my money to a big titted blonde, they would throw me in
the nut house. However, I need a big titted blonde bimbo looking woman as a
maid/hostess. I’d be glad to give you the job.” I was stunned. What he was
asking sounded like a high priced hookers job — all with my money.
But John, this is my money we are talking about. I don’t want to have to
lay on my back to get my money back, is what I told John. “Look Ashley. I
realize that you used to be Jeff. However, I don’t think you could ever
convince anyone else of that fact. Look at you. You have big tits and a
tight pussy. Besides, you used to be a whore. I never liked Jeff all that
much to begin with. I always thought you were too pushy and aggressive. The
best thing you ever did was die and leave your money to me. If you want to
earn some of your money back, you can live with me. But you will only get
paid if you provide good service,” John explained.
A t this point I did not think I had too many options. I was almost out of
money. I was a convicted whore. I decided to make the best of things. At
least I would get some of my money back. I agreed to John’s offer. “Move in
today,” John ordered. “By the way Ashley, I don’t ever want to see you in
these conservative clothes again. Go to the shop listed on this card, and get
some outfits. I will call them, and tell them what I want you to get,” John
told me. I looked at the card — it was a calling card for a store called
“Second Skin”. I guessed that they specialized in tight clothes.
I got up to leave, but John grabbed my arm. “Might as well start earning
your pay now Ashley,” John said. With that, he pushed me down over the top of
his/my desk, and pulled up my skirt. He slapped my ass, and ripped my panties
off (I was wearing a garter belt and stockings, so no pantyhose was in the
way). Before I knew it, his cock was in my pussy. I thought that I had
reached the bottom of my existence. Here I was with my boobs mashed into my
desk, getting fucked by my old friend. How could life get any worse. Well
they could. I saw John push the buzzer for Natalie. I heard the door open
and close, and the rustle of stockings as Natalie walked in. John slapped my
ass once again. “Well Natalie, John asked, what do you think of old Jeff
now?” WHAT, he had told her? I heard Natalie laugh. “It’s hard to believe
John, that this broad is our old friend Jeff,” Natalie said. “Make Jeff suck
you off. I want to play with his pussy for a while,” Natalie told him. John
pulled out of my pussy, and they turned me over on my back. John grabbed my
ankles, and pressed them down towards the desk, above my head, fully exposing
my pussy. John fed me his cock, and Natalie went to work on my pussy. I
guess a woman would really know how to please a woman, because it wasn’t too
much later that my crotch was experiencing spasms that I had never felt
before. Unlike the male orgasm, this one seemed to spread all over my body.
I was moaning, screaming, mewing, etc., in pleasure. “It is really good to
hear you moan Jeff,” Natalie commented. John came in my mouth a few moments
later, and Natalie found some pleasure button, because my ass was shaking all
over. They both stopped playing with me, and Natalie slapped my ass cheek.
“How do you like being a broad, Jeff” Natalie asked.
I passed out in the horror of what had happened to me, as well as the
pleasure I had gained from it.

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