O’Farrell Theater Foreplay

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Chapter I

Sandy had jumped at the chance to attend the conference when her boss at the big box hardware store she worked at had asked if she wanted to go. “It’s an annual meeting in San Francisco for inventory control specialists and I think we could benefit from you going down there and learning the latest systems”, he had said a few weeks earlier. The company was covering her expenses and had reserved a room for her in a cute little boutique hotel right in the city. She asked her husband Tom to go as well since the hotel was already paid for and she had a company credit card for meals. Sandy had hinted that she was looking forward to experiencing everything the city had to offer. He was convinced when she related a story that their friend Carol had told her about a vacation to san Francisco the year before.

“She said she and Bob had never had sex so many times in so few days. And you know how those guys are. She said the area we’re staying in has all the great restaurants and clubs and there’s even one called the O’Farrell Theater where women have sex live on stage. But that wouldn’t interest you would it honey?”, Sandy had purred in Tom’s ear as she attempted to get him to say yes to going along.

Now, as Sandy stepped off the plane in San Francisco she was filled with a mixture of excitement and concern. Her excitement came from fact that this was her first visit to the city famous for good food and scenic views. Unfortunately, her plans for a bit of naughty fun were unlikely to come true since Tom was home sick in bed with the flu.

She had considered canceling the trip, but both her boss and Tom had given Sandy several reasons for going that she couldn’t argue with. Her boss’s reasons were the usual concerns about losing the cost of the airfare, etc. etc. But Tom had been the one to convince her to still go when he said she should go check out the club Carol had mentioned and come back with some sexy stories of her own.

“Just remember, look but don’t touch”, he said with a weary chuckle. “Besides, you’ve already bought all the clothes and shoes you’ll need down there, so don’t waste them by staying here just to take care of me. If it makes you feel better, maybe you could borrow your folk’s video camera and come back and show me everything I missed.”

Now two days into the meeting Sandy really was wishing she had cancelled and stayed home. It seemed like everyone else at the conference was 10 years older and boring. At 25, Sandy was just starting to enjoy life after years of ultra-conservative living. A little over a year ago, she and Tom had left the church that had run their lives since they were kids. They had taken advantage of opportunities to do things together and even with others that had been forbidden previously. It wasn’t as if Sandy had lost her morals as much as she had found herself. She and Tom had agreed that they would only fool around when they were together, which had prompted them to promise to only “look and not touch” when they were as apart.

At the end of the morning training session, Sandy was getting a cup of coffee during the break when she noticed an old co-worker from her store across the room. The well-built guy in his early 30’s had transferred to another store down here in California a year or so ago and she couldn’t recall his name. One thing that she did remember was how his dark curly hair and fit body had given her tingles when she worked with him. He had been the source of more than a few bathtub masturbation fantasies for her back then. He looked every bit as good now and Sandy headed for a chair next to his for the next session.

She caught his eye as she approached, and his smile broadened with recognition as she sat down. “Hi, don’t I know you?”, he asked with a sexy grin that led Sandy to believe she must have had some impact on him back then too.

“I’m Sandy, didn’t we work together up at the Kent store for a while?”

“Yeah, that’s it, I’m Garth”, he said holding out his hand. Sandy shook it noticing how warm his touch was and her insides tingled just like she remembered. The chemistry between them was apparent from the start and they agreed to meet for lunch after the session ended.

“I’m staying here in the hotel”, Sandy mentioned, “how about you?”

“I live about an hour away, but I spend a lot of time in San Francisco”, Garth said. “Have you had a chance to see much since you’ve been here?”

“I’ve barely been out of the hotel unfortunately. I have friends who suggested some fun places and good restaurants, but I’m not excited about going alone. Any chance you want to blow the afternoon off and act like a tour guide for the day?”

“I’d love to” Garth said glancing over his shoulder. “In fact, let’s get out here now so we can get a jump on that lunch.”

They grabbed a cab and Garth gave the driver the name kadıköy escort of a restaurant in the North Beach neighborhood. It turned out to be a busy little Italian place with great food and they ate and drank for several hours catching up on company news and reliving old stories. “I have to admit that I had a bit of a crush on you back then”, Garth said with a blush. “You’re just as cute now as you were then, but there’s something different about you. I would never have guessed that you were this much fun.”

“Well, I have an admission to make too, Sandy said, “I wasn’t this much fun a year ago. In fact, I’m different in lots of ways, but I think it’s all for the better.”

“Hmm, so what does the new Sandy feel like doing with the rest of the evening”, Garth asked checking his watch. “We’ve been at lunch so long it’s going to be dinner soon.” The look on Garth’s face when Sandy mentioned an interest in seeing the O’Farrell Theater made her think she might have scared him. His raised eyebrows and confused expression were quickly followed by him asking how she had heard about that place?

“Oh, I have good friends that have been there, and they recommended it.

“Wow, said Garth, they must be really good friends.”

“Oh, they are Sandy, said slyly, very good.”

They agreed to meet in the hotel lobby two hours later. Sandy had wanted to get cleaned up and change into more comfortable clothes and she soaked in the tub long enough to get herself worked up thinking about Garth. She had touched her slippery pussy, but not given in to the orgasm that had built between her legs. She hoped there might be a better time and place to release her inner tension.

In the cab with Garth, Sandy’s heart was racing as she recalled Carol’s description of what she had seen there during a vacation with her husband Bob. “Believe me, it’s guaranteed to get your motor running. There’s a lot going on, but it’s not at all intimidating. I was really surprised at how comfortable the place felt. The girls are all drop-dead gorgeous and watching them on stage was fun. I wanted to get up there myself and give everyone a show. Of course, I would have been scared out of my mind if I hadn’t had Bob there with me. And I would have been frustrated as heck without being able to take him back to the hotel and screw him all night too.”

Carol’s frank words would have made Sandy blush red just a few months earlier, but since she and Tom had gotten to know Carol and Bob very intimately in their hot tub and basement playroom her blush had been one of arousal, not embarrassment.

Sandy had dressed casually, but nicely with a light silk shirt and slacks all in black. She had chosen a matching lace bra and panty that weren’t too revealing but made her feel sexy knowing she had them on. Garth had on khakis and a button-down shirt that was untucked at the waist. He smelled clean and Sandy recognized the scent of the hotel soap as she sat next to him in the back of the cab. He really was a good looking guy and she wondered what he looked like naked. She glanced at his crotch, but the tail of his shirt hid anything that might be bulging beneath it.

The cab pulled up in front an older two-story building that was impossible to miss with its brightly painted red and green exterior and the huge multi-colored marquee that hung over the front door. Garth opened the shiny brass door for Sandy, and she stepped into a dark entryway that served as the ticket counter and coat check for the theater. Garth insisted on paying for them to get in and Sandy saw him hand the girl behind the counter a hundred dollar bill for which he received two yellow plastic bracelets like you might get a the fair. “Here you go, one ticket to paradise, as they say”, he said handing over the bracelet. This will get you into all the theme rooms and the main theater. It also serves as your drink ticket at the bar.”

“Theme rooms huh? Sandy asked. That sounds interesting.”

“Let’s get a drink and you can take a look at the list and see where you want to start” Garth offered.

They ordered drinks and Garth handed Sandy a printed brochure that opened to reveal a map of the building and descriptions and pictures of the various rooms they could choose from.


The Green Door Show, is the most explicit in the club. Several times daily a round stage draped with beautiful girls rises from the floor to about eye level giving you a close up view of the orgy style show, just inches from your face. If this leaves you begging for more, after the stage frenzy each pair of girls is available for a private show that you direct. You can see anything you wish for, from hot, sensual pussy eating to both girls getting it at once with a double-headed maltepe escort dildo. Overwhelmed? Ask for suggestions, all of these girls are really kinky and highly creative.


Welcome to our newest and most erotic `one on one’ attractions, “The Private Cabanas.” Slip behind the curtain with your dream girl and prepare for your wildest fantasies to unleash. Lean back against the plush walls and drift away with one of the world’s most beautiful exotic dancers. You control the action as the two of you heat up your own private paradise. There’s no place like it on earth. One taste and you’ll be back for more and more and more…


The Ultra Room is our fast action, peep-show style. Close the door of your own private booth behind you and see it all through the curtain. Two girls perform a domination scene up and down the room, the mirrored walls of the playroom giving you a complete view of the dominatrix pursuing and winning the submission of her love slave. If the act isn’t enough to heat you up, wait until your favorite comes to your booth to play. What you do on your side of the curtain is your little secret.


The Kopenhagen is the most mysterious room in the club. Enter this room ready for anything. It is dark, lit only by the flashlight you hold. Two girls perform their theme show, leaving them both hot and naked. Then even the flashlights go out. Patiently waiting for your turn you get more and more excited. Which girl is that over there? And what is she doing? When your turn comes all your questions are quickly put to rest. Relax and plan to stay for a while. With four to six performers in this room daily, you will get your chance more than once.

Sandy’s pussy felt wet and slippery as she read the brief descriptions. Her earlier session in the tub had left her sensitive and she could feel the soft fabric of her panties rubbing against her smooth skin.

She was tempted to say she wanted to see all the rooms, but she knew there wasn’t time in one evening to take them all in. Glancing at Garth she crooked her finger in a “follow me” gesture and lead him down a dark hall toward the Kopenhagen Room, which Sandy thought sounded like a great place to start.

Chapter II

Tom settled on to the couch and flipped the TV and VCR on. He had anticipated this moment all week and now he was finally going to get a chance to see the video that Sandy had made for him while she was away on her trip to San Francisco. He’d already heard about Sandy’s time there and how much she had enjoyed herself, but she had been home a week already and had made him wait for the story he really wanted to hear. The one about her visit to the sex club. “Oh, I’ll tell you don’t worry,” she had said when he asked her on the way home from the airport, “but I think you should see the video first.”

“The video!?” Tom said with surprise. “You have video of the sex club?”

“Well no, Sandy said, not the club itself, but I do have one of what I did after I got back from the club. Maybe I’ll let you watch it soon.” Tom’s gaping mouth and growing bulge were exactly the reaction Sandy was hoping for.

Tom had found the video tape in his lunchbox a week later and knew what it was instantly. He laughed at the way Sandy was making him wait a little longer, knowing that he wouldn’t have any way to watch it until he got home. Sandy was getting her hair cut that evening and she would be a little late getting home. Tom wondered if she had planned it that way on purpose to give him a chance to watch the movie alone.

As the tape started, the first image Tom saw was of an empty hotel room. A queen-sized bed with a large mirror over the headboard filled most of it. Tom could see Sandy’s reflection from the shoulders up in the mirror.

She was holding the camera up to her eye so she could see through the viewfinder. The camera began to pan around showing what looked like a nice, but typical mid-priced hotel room. The image was a little shaky as Sandy held the camera and described the room and what she would like to do in it. “I’ve got a big bed, but it’s been lonely in there all week. I love all the extra pillows though. I think it would be fun to lie on them and spread my legs so you could lick me. I bet you would love to lick me right now wouldn’t you,” she asked out loud as if he was there with her.

Sandy walked over by the large, floor to ceiling window and pointed the camera escort bayan out to show the view of the building directly across from the hotel. Her narration continued in a casual, almost conversational way describing how she had left the blinds open the previous night. “I turned out all the lights except one and pushed a big chair up by the window and sat in it with nothing on. I spread my legs and used my little pink toy on my clit”. The camera zoomed in on an unsuspecting office worker across the street. “I was thinking about someone in the office over there watching as I made myself come. In my mind I was up on the stage at the theater doing it for everyone there.” “Would you like to see me touch myself”, she said from behind the camera as she moved toward the bed. “Maybe I should show you what I would have done if it had been me up on stage tonight. Would you like that? You need to promise you’ll behave yourself though and stay right where I put you.” Sandy turned the camera around so that her face filled the frame. “If I can only look and not touch then that goes for you too”, she said with a wink. “I think the big chair is a good spot for you. I’ll just set the camera down on it so you can see me on the bed.”

Sandy turned from the window and the bed came back into view. The camera wiggled for several seconds as Sandy adjusted it so that it was focused on the large pile of pillows in the center of the bed. She kept it pointed there as she put it down on what Tom assumed was the arm of the chair.

The autofocus setting adjusted itself as she climbed on to the bed and into the camera frame. “Too bad she doesn’t have a remote for zooming too” Tom thought as Sandy lay down on the pillows and spread her legs. She was wearing a knee-length, white terrycloth hotel robe and her bare legs showed beneath the hem. Tom wondered what else she was wearing and if she had changed after her visit to the club.

Sandy looked directly into the video camera and flipped the robe open to reveal the silk teddy she had bought especially for the trip. “Sorry you can’t feel how soft this is” she said as she ran her fingers over the light blue material now stretching under points of her upturned breast and hard nipples. She cupped her tits in both hands and pressed them together so the fabric formed a “V” in her cleavage. “Wouldn’t you just love to slide your hard cock between my tits until you shoot your cum on them?”, she moaned. “I bet you have a big load ready to shoot right now don’t you?”, she said toward the camera.

Sandy’s hands roamed over her body and Tom noticed how turned on she was already. Of course, he figured he would have been ready to explode too after everything he assumed she saw at the sex club. She pulled at the satin ties that held the front of the teddy closed and revealed more cleavage with each one she loosened. When they were all undone, she slid her hands up under the fabric and pinched her nipples lightly. As she tugged them up and out the teddy fell open exposing her full breasts to the camera. Tom loved to watch Sandy play with her tits and this time was no exception. She lovingly cupped and squeezed them as she ground her ass into the pillows below her. She pushed her hips up off the pillows giving Tom and the camera an unobstructed view of her crotch and the thin silk that was covering it. He could clearly make out the shape of her pussy lips through the narrow band of material. Sandy slipped her hands down from her breasts and lightly rubber herself through the fabric.

Sandy lifted her head to look into the camera again and a groan escaped her mouth. “I’d like you to meet my new friend honey. His name is Garth. He’s right here with me and I want you to see how big and sexy he is and what I can do with him while you watch.” Tom’s heart jumped at this and he wondered who the hell Garth was.

Smiling slyly, Sandy reached under a pillow and pulled out a large, life-like dildo that was noticeably larger than Tom’s own cock. “This is Garth”, she said holding it up in front of her. “Isn’t he big? He’s already hard too and I think he knows just what he wants.” Sandy reached down and popped the snaps on the crotch of her teddy slowly, one at a time. Tom was relieved to see the rubber cock. He could also see how the silky material hard darkened as Sandy’s arousal increased and her moist pussy soaked the fabric. “Mmm, I’m wet. Do you like how I look Garth?” she asked after exposing her pussy fully to the camera. “I shaved this morning just for you. Would you like to feel my smooth pussy?” Tom’s eyes followed as she slowly slid Garth down her belly to her waiting pussy. She positioned the big toy so that its head rested on her clit and she slowly moved it straight down so that it pushed her outer lips apart as it slipped toward her wet hole. “Oh god, my clit is so sensitive”, Sandy moaned as the molded veins bumped along over it. Sandy pumped Garth up and down along the length of her opening, teasing herself. “Please let me feel you inside” she said as though she was talking to a real person. “I want to feel you deep inside me while I come. Don’t you come though, not yet. I want to watch you shoot all over yourself.”

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