The Princess and Her Brother


Once upon a time, in a castle far away, a night of amorous congress led Her Majesty The Queen to find Herself in a family way. Throughout the kingdom preparations were made for a royal birth. Royals and villagers alike wondered whether The future Sovereign would be a boy or a girl. King or Queen.

After the requisite months, on July 5, The Queen bore a healthy daughter. The kingdom erupted in glee at the arrival of The King and Queen’s first Child, whom They named Reinette. The Queen adored the name, which She said meant “Little Queen.”

A great jubilee was held for The newborn Princess, as thousands of villagers from far and wide set aside their daily tasks to visit the royal castle and catch a glimpse of their future leader. The King ordered a military parade to march through the streets, and The Queen commissioned a great cake, larger than had ever been baked, in Princess Reinette’s honor.

By and by, The Princess was so loved that a Festival was held every year on July 5 to commemorate Her birthday. Every year the Festival was larger than the year before. The King ordered more and more troops and horses for the parade. The Queen ordered more and more batter and frosting for the cake.

It so happened that on Princess Reinette’s second birthday, The Queen again found Herself highly enlarged, a sibling for The Princess due at any time. Sure enough, the next day, July 6, a baby boy was born. The royal Family was rather tired from Princess Reinette’s Festival the day before, so They decided not to have another festival to celebrate Their son’s birth. It would have been impertinent to invite all those villagers to the castle again so soon, because, after all, they did have work to do.

Several days later, the lady’s maid with the most seniority on the household staff nervously approached The Queen as She sat with Princess Reinette on Her lap. “Your Majesty,” she said, “May I know what name You have given Your son?”

The Queen cocked Her head slightly. “Oh dear, that’s right, I suppose he could use a name.” She furrowed her brow. “The King and I haven’t discussed it, but I don’t suppose it matters much, since The Princess here is the first born.”

“But Your Majesty, we do need to call him something, don’t we?”

Without further deliberation, The Queen said, “Well, he is another child, so let’s call him ‘Another.’ “

The maid tried to disguise a scowl and managed to respond, “Yes, of course. We shall call him Prince Another.”

The Queen smiled distantly. “Why yes, I suppose he is a prince at that!” She caught the eyes of The two-year old Princess on Her lap and said, “How about that, Princess Reinette? Your brother is a prince!”

The household staff quickly learned that while Princess Reinette was identified by Her name and honorific, The Family was not keen to waste so many syllables every time They referred to Her brother. He was informally called Ano.

When The royal Children were a little older and preparations were being made for the annual Princess Reinette Festival on July 5, The Queen was asked whether there shouldn’t be a similar festival for Ano on July 6.

“Certainly not,” said The Queen. “There will be plenty of leftover cake, so Ano may have a piece on his birthday even though the party will be over.”


When Prince Ano’s 18th birthday arrived, he awoke to the remnants of the Princess Reinette Festival the day before. Throughout his life, he had grown accustomed to quietly celebrating his birthday on the day after the big event. Ano lay in bed and imagined his day would involve, as usual, leftover cake, and helping the servants put away folding chairs.

He was thus surprised when the door to his bedchamber quietly opened and in walked Princess Reinette, having just turned 20. He could not remember another time when The Princess entered his room without so much as a knock.

Ano started composing a rejoinder to the intrusion, but The Princess spoke first, whispering, “Happy Birthday, Ano! Let’s have an escapade today.”

“Good morning, Ren. What kind of escapade?”

“I want to go to Rodisia.”

“Rodisia? Why? Not the falls, I hope.”

“Yes, I want to go to the falls.”

Growing up, The Princess and Her brother had been warned that Rodisia Falls was not a place for children. “You may visit only when You intend to marry,” The Queen would say. But The young Royals had heard many stories about Rodisia Falls. Princess Reinette was known to tell Ano how eager She was to visit and find out if the stories were mere tall tales–or if they had a kernel of truth.

Ano sat up in bed. “You’re only supposed to go to Rodisia Falls with Your betrothed,” he said. “Last I checked, You don’t have one.”

“I can’t wait any longer, Ano. By the time I find a bachelor with a pedigree that pleases Our parents, I’ll be a spinster.”

“Ren, You will not be a spinster. Men are knocking down the castle walls to get to You.”

“Maybe I don’t want a betrothed who would knock down kurtköy escort a castle wall.”

Ano sighed. “So, what’s Your plan? How will You get in there by Yourself?”

“Oh, but I won’t be by Myself. We’ll be together, the two of Us.”

“What, so You’ll… We’ll…”

The Princess completed his thought. “You and I will pretend to be lovers, just so We can see what all the hubbub is about. I’ll change My hair and wear different clothes so no one will recognize Me. And no one knows you in Rodisia.”

“I don’t know, Ren, this sounds like a bad idea.”

“It’s a brilliant idea. Get dressed, have breakfast, then let’s go, forthwith.”

Ano shrugged off the covers and got out of bed, considering his options. He had to admit that he was curious about the falls, and the day around the castle didn’t seem promising. “Fine, I suppose I’ll go along.”

Upon hearing Her brother’s assent, Princess Reinette jumped in place and clapped silently, then did a little dance. She pointed at him and said, “We leave in thirty minutes. Not a second more.”


None of Princess Reinette’s clothes were ordinary enough to disguise Her as a villager. All Her dresses were ornate and virbrantly colored. In one of these dresses She would be recognized at once as a Royal. Instead, She quietly asked one of the household staff, who was about Her size, for a favor. She borrowed a dingy brown dress that was, at its essence, a glorified burlap sack. The dress almost completely hid The Princess’s curvaceous shape, though when She secured it around Her with an ordinary rope, at least Her waistline appeared. She even found a drab head scarf to cover Her long raven locks. Though the task was difficult, She did Her best to make Herself look like a lowly villager. The looking glass barely recognized Her as The Princess, and this made Her quite pleased with the results.

The outfitting had taken longer than expected, and the mantel clock said it was time to go. She descended the castle’s great staircase and found Ano waiting for Her at the foot. He wore his normal clothes, a white tunic and plain trousers, which were plenty ordinary to escape attention.

Princess Reinette was so used to riding in the royal carriage that She almost didn’t know how to get to Rodisia without it. Of course, the royal carriage would never do for today’s trip. But Princess Reinette was an adventurous spirit, and when She suggested to Ano that They take out on foot, he readily agreed.

The castle was in the northernmost reaches of the kingdom, and Rodisia was due south. Ano directed The Princess to a road leading south–a road straight and long. He knew it would take Them directly to Rodisia on nearly a straight line.

The walk was long, but about halfway to Rodisia, The Royals found Themselves in a tiny hamlet. A carved stone alongside the road identified the place as Lati, a place neither of Them had heard of. Humble straw huts lined both sides of the road. Lati villagers hastily went about their tasks, catching up from their dereliction of duty the day before due to the Festival. The Latis wore drab clothes just like The two Royals, so no one suspected the true identity of Princess Reinette and Ano.

As They passed a bench near the road, Ano said, “Ren, would You like to stop and rest?”

She said, “Yes, good idea. Let’s take a break.”

The bench had been cut from a massive log split in half lengthwise. Tree rings and wood grain formed the seating surface, which was smooth from many years of use. The Royals sat side by side and watched the Lati townspeople pass to and fro.

Ano asked, “Did You have a good time yesterday?”

“Yeah, I guess,” She said. “I wish Mom and Dad wouldn’t make such a big deal about My birthday, though. It was fun when I was six, but it feels like too much now.”

“Nothing is too much for The future Queen.”

“Ha ha. Watch Me get hit by a carriage today, then you’ll be next in line.”

Ano chuckled. “No thanks. If it’s all the same to You, feel free to steer clear of carriages. You are a much more worthy successor to the throne than lowly me.”

“Nonsense, Ano. You’re just as worthy. You just happened to come along two years too late, that’s all.”

He nodded, and They watched passersby again as the conversation fell silent.

After a moment Princess Reinette said, “Ano, when We get to Rodisia, don’t forget, We have to pretend to be lovers.”

Ano looked at the ground. “Yeah, ok. But won’t it be awkward?”

Princess Reinette turned and shot him a grin. She reached an arm around his back and said, “You’re right about that, Ano. Maybe We should practice. We have to be convincing.”

Ano returned the favor, putting his arm behind his Sister, but that would have to do. He would never bring himself to display any stronger affection. Masquerade or not, She was his Sister.

An elderly woman slowly hobbled past Them, her cane preventing her from maintaining the same brisk pace as her fellow travelers. aydıntepe escort She glanced toward the bench and smiled at The two Royals. “Splendid morning,” said the woman, who then sighed. “Young love,” she continued, “there’s nothing like it.”

“Good day, ma’am,” said Princess Reinette.

The old woman paused in front of Them and said, “You’re passing through, or visiting us in Lati?”

“Oh,” said The Princess. “We’re on Our way to Rodisia Falls.”

The woman’s face brightened, wrinkles twisting this way and that to form a gigantic smile. “Dear me,” she said. “I remember when I traveled south to the falls, many years ago. Such memories. You will have a very pleasant afternoon, I trust. Very pleasant.”

“I do hope so,” said The Princess. “But We will visit the falls yet before noon today.”

“Yes,” said the woman, “I suspect so.” She turned away from Them and resumed her slow walk, the smile still etched on her face.

Once she was out of earshot, Ano said, “I guess We’re convincing enough.”

Princess Reinette untwined Her arm and said, “Ano, let’s go. I can’t wait to get to Rodisia.”

With that, our Heroine and Hero took out again on Their great journey.


Some time later another carved stone alongside the road welcomed Them to Rodisia, and Princess Reinette squealed with glee at its sight. “We’re almost there now, Ano!” As in Lati, townspeople were busy going about their ways, but not a soul recognized Them as Royals.

After a few blocks, They looked down a side road and saw a mountain looming in the distance. “Ano, that must be it. This way!” As They approached, the mountain grew larger, and They could begin to hear, but could not yet see, the whoosh of water flowing over Rodisia Falls. Princess Reinette could barely contain Her excitement as They neared Their destination after the long journey.

When They reached the foot of the mountain, They came upon a woman sitting on a large rock blocking the trail uphill. She was wearing an ordinary gray overdress topped by a crisp twill vest and matching beret. “Good morning,” the woman greeted Them. “Welcome to Rodisia Falls.”

“Good morning,” said Princess Reinette. “We have come from the north, many miles, for Our visit. May We climb on further?”

The woman’s face took on a menacing quality. “Rodisia Falls is not for everyone,” she said. You must answer three questions before proceeding to the falls.”

“Yes, please,” said The Princess. “What are the questions?”

“First, the falls have a unique effect on visitors. You must vow acceptance of these risks in order to proceed.”

“Of course, I so vow,” blurted Princess Reinette.

The woman turned to Ano, who was more circumspect. “What kind of risks?” he asked.

“The effects are not always predictable,” she said.

“But there must be some way to describe what generally happens to most people, right?”

“The effects are not always predictable,” she said again.

Princess Reinette flashed Her brother an annoyed expression, and he finally relented. “Yeah, ok, I vow acceptance of the risks,” he said.

The Princess’s expression turned to a smile despite the lack of enthusiasm in Ano’s response.

“Very well,” said the woman. “Second, visitors to the falls must vow to stay in Rodisia at least one night. You must proceed directly to your quarters after visiting the falls.”

Ano said, “But why? Is this just a way to support the local hotel industry?”

“No,” said the woman. “The effects of the falls are not always predictable, and visitors need a place to recover right away.”

Ano was ready to argue the point, but Princess Reinette interrupted, “Yes, We’re staying in Rodisia. With My… Uncle. You probably know him. Uncle Alfonse.”

“I do not know anyone named Alfonse, but Rodisia is a big place. You will retire to Alfonse’s hospitality immediately after visiting the falls?”

“Yes, We will,” said The Princess.

Ano looked back and forth at The two of Them, reluctantly agreeing. “Yes, We will stay with Alfonse.”

In short order, The Princess said, “I beg you, what is the third question?”

“Yes, third,” the woman continued. “You must be in a loving and committed intimate relationship. You must be willing to deepen that relationship.”

Princess Reinette put Her arm around Ano and pulled him close to Her. “Oh, yes, ma’am, We love each other and want to be closer.”

This time Ano agreed more readily. “Yes, We love each other.”

The woman was not satisfied. “Loving one another alone is not sufficient. You must be in an intimate relationship.”

The Princess looked in Ano’s eyes, and with conviction and fortitude, lied. “Yes, We are intimate, ma’am.”

Ano was not as comfortable as his Sister with falsehood, and he could not bring himself to utter the word intimate. But he could not disappoint The Princess on Their birthday escapade and cause this woman to turn Them away after at last reaching Their destination. So tuzla içmeler escort he said, sheepishly, “Yes, We are.”

“Very well,” said the woman. “You may proceed to the falls.” She stepped aside the path and held out an inviting arm. “You must hold hands in the falling water.”

Princess Reinette needed no further invitation. She grabbed Ano’s hand and pulled him past the woman, along Their way. “Thank you!” She said, over Her shoulder.


From there, the path was tortuous and steep. The royal Siblings slowly ascended, at some points pulling Themselves hand over foot up the incline. As They struggled up the grade, Ano said, “Alfonse, eh? Who is Alfonse?”

She grimaced. “Oh, right, that. There is no Alfonse.”

“So We aren’t going to stay here overnight?”

“Of course not. Mom and Dad would be suspicious if We aren’t back at the castle tonight.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Plus, like you said, why should We prop up the local economy? We’re no suckers.”

“Not in the least. We don’t even like sucking on suckers.”

The Princess giggled, and They climbed on, the roar of the falls increasing in volume as the trail rounded to the opposite side of the mountain. Soon enough They caught Their first glimpse of the falling water. “There it is!” cried The Princess. “Isn’t it beautiful!”

Ano said, “Yes, it’s the most amazing sight I’ve ever seen.”

The path flattened as They continued, a damp mist hovering in the air and coating the rocks at the trailside. They began to discern that the path forged a route directly behind the falls, but the roar of the water was so loud it obscured any effort at speech. The fog of mist thickened so even seeing the path was a struggle.

When the path reached its closest point to the falling water, the two of Them stopped and studied the torrent. Princess Reinette caught Ano’s attention and They looked in each other’s eyes for a moment, savoring the near-climax of Their journey. Without breaking eye contact, The Princess curled Her fingers into Ano’s, and They lifted Their joined arms up and into the path of the falling water.

The force of the falls was tremendous and the water ice cold, even in July. In an instant Their arms were completely drenched, dripping with Rodisia Falls water. Splashes of overspray clung to Their peasant attire, and after less than a minute They were so damp that They might as well have been swimming.

Slowly They pulled Their arms out of the flow of water, content to watch the immense deluge amid the deafening roar, dripping together with no words.

By and by Ano tapped The Princess on Her shoulder and gestured back the way They had come. She sighed, smiling between droplets of water on Her face, and nodded. The newest visitors to Rodisia Falls made Their way back down the mountain, the summer sun slowly drying Their bodies and clothes as the sound of the water tapered away.

The Princess said, “Ano, I loved it! Wasn’t it spectacular?”

“It really was,” he agreed.

She put a finger to Her nose and sniffed. “Even the smell of the water is unique. Must be because of the minerals or something.”

As They rounded the corner They could see, in the distance, the woman sitting patiently at the rock, waiting for some other couple to arrive so she could ask the same three questions of them. Ano said, “Why all the rules? I don’t feel any different than before. I don’t feel any unpredictable effects. I don’t feel like I need to stay overnight here.”

The Princess said, “I don’t know. Different people have different ways.”


After descending the mountain, The royal Siblings bought some fresh bread and figs from a roadside stand before leaving Rodisia, enough lunch to slake Their hunger on the long walk northward. They both knew that at home was plenty of leftover birthday cake.

The return trip was unremarkable; the walk was pleasant and the weather not too hot. Their clothes, at last, were completely dry.

Once They left the hustle of Rodisia, the road was nearly empty of other travelers. They walked toward Lati, both of Them anticipating a rest on the same bench They had visited that morning.

Well before They encountered the carved stone announcing the Lati limits, Ano had a curious feeling, one he had never experienced before. He was overwhelmed by the desire to hold hands with his Sister while They walked. They had not once held hands that day, except under the falls. He couldn’t remember ever feeling such an urge to hold Her hand, and he was shocked at the sensation.

As Princess Reinette’s arm swung fore and aft with every stride, Ano placed his hand in its path, grabbing Her hand when it made contact. She looked down at Her hand for only a second, then barely looked at him out of the corner of Her eye. Ano was curiously pleased to be in contact with his Sister’s skin. They continued to walk in silence with fingers interlaced.

Soon enough They spied the carved stone ahead. “Lati at last,” said Ano. “Our journey home is halfway complete.”

The Princess slowed Her gait slightly and turned toward him, stretching up to reach Her lips toward his ear. With more breath than speech, She whispered a single word: “Yes.”

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