

Subject: If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes Disclaimer: Yup, you guessed it, this entire thing is true, Lance is gay and he got married to a wonderful man and they are very happy together with 6 kids and a ranch full of horses, all named Toby… LoL Yea, don’t we all wish. This is a total work of my IMAGINATION. Any resemblance to real people/events is cause I made it that way 🙂 This is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of NSYNC. I don’t own Lance Bass or any other member of *NSYNC for that matter… If you are offended by homosexual themes or references to GOD please do not read on… ENJOY!! Authors Note: Hey. This isn’t my first attempt at fanfic, but it is the first thing I ever thought was good enough to post anywhere. If you’re looking for sex, you won’t find it here. 🙂 I am a girl so I’m not absolutely comfortable with writing stuff like that yet. Please tell me what you think when you’re done reading. My email’s aol Dedication: For Shane, You Can Always Make Me Smile! 🙂 “If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes” Not a word was spoken as all eyes fell upon five young men who shuffled to the front of the church and took their place in front of the alter. A shallow breath was drawn and their voices filled the room. The song chosen had an emotional attachment to all the boys, but especially a certain blond haired green eyed bass. The lyrics were so eerily fitting for the situation and it seemed almost surreal. The voices rang strong and true, for this tribute to their friend was for more than just a remembrance. It was a thank you. I Never Thought You Were A Fair-Weather Friend You Never Let Me Down You’re True To The End For In The Darkest Hour When All Was Lost Somehow You Left The Light On You Faced The Wrong And Showed The World A Thing Or Two Stood Up For Me For You And You Should Know Some Say It Wasn’t Worth The Things We Went Through I Say It Ain’t Worth Loosing You I Hope You Know How Much You’ve Changed All Our Lives Someday You’ll See If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes If Only Through Heaven’s I Still Remember The Things That You’ve Said I Keep Your Words Alive I Could Never Forget Cause In The Final Hour You Made Me Proud So Proud That I Could Know You You Told The World It’s Time That They Believed In You You Stood For Right And Truth And You Should Know The young blonde’s voice cracked as he fought to push the notes past the large lump in his throat. The bass line faltered momentarily but kızılay escort soon found it’s place and rung out with such emotion even he was shocked. Some Say It Wasn’t Worth The Things We Went Through I Say It Ain’t Worth Loosing You I Hope You Know How Much You’ve Changed All Our Lives Someday You’ll See If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes And So We Can’t Forget We’ve Got To Keep Remembering That Most Hearts Who Took The Fall They Did It For Us All And We Should Learn From It Stand Up If You Believe In It You’ve Got To Face The World Be Strong Some Say It Wasn’t Worth The Things We Went Through I Say It Ain’t Worth Loosing You I Hope You Know How Much You’ve Changed All Our Lives Someday You’ll See If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes Some Say It Wasn’t Worth The Things We Went Through I Say It Ain’t Worth Loosing You I Hope You Know How Much You’ve Changed All Our Lives Someday You’ll See If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes The voices slowly began to fade and when the song was finished there was not a single dry eye in the pews. Sobbing harder than the rest a young blond man ran to the casket in the center isle and threw his arms across it, shouting all the while. “SHANE!!! OH GOD SHANE, WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!?!” James Lance Bass openly cried over the loss of his young friend. Oh but he was so much more than just a friend. Best friend, boyfriend, lover, fiance, husband, soulmate. The man lying in the closed casket was all these and so much more to the young man weeping on top of it. A pair of strong arms encircled Lance’s waist as he was dragged down the isle and out of the church. “Jace, why?” he cried into the older mans shoulder. “Why did he leave me? I loved him, didn’t he know that?” “James, he knew, God did he know, but you have to be strong. Shane wouldn’t want you to cry.” JC whispered comforting words into his best friends ear, but it was no use. He too was crying violently and the two just hugged and sobbed as people filtered out of the small church. “Josh, it should have been me. I should be lying there, in that coffin, with him out here still alive. That bullet was meant for me Josh… ME!!! Why did he have to go and jump in front of it? Why did God have to take him from me?” The blond boy began to shake. “Because I loved him so much, he had to die. It’s not fair Josh. I want him back, just to hold him keçiören escort in my arms forever and ever.” “Shhhh James, he loved you, that was all that mattered to him. He died for you… for your love James.” “I don’t want to live without him. If he’s gone I have nothing left to live for. He was my life, my all, my soul. I can’t survive without him here.” The brunette just held his friend, slowly rubbing his back in circles and pacifying his sobs. He pulled his friend to his feet and took him into the limo waiting to take him to the cemetery. Once inside the limo Lance’s mind took him to 3 days before. *FLASHBACK* “James?” A meek voice called out from a bed in the center of the silent room. “Shane Baby, I’m here, and I’m never going to leave you, I promise.” Lance threw his arms around his husband lying in the hospital bed. “James sweetheart, hush, I need you to listen to me. I don’t have much time left. I know it’s time for me to go home to the Lord… he’s calling me. But I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world, and all I want is for you to be happy and healthy. I love you more than I have ever loved anything in my life James, and I need you live on for me ok? I’ll see you again soon love, I promise. When the time comes we will be together in the kingdom of God.” “Shane no, you don’t have to go, you can stay here with me… you can’t leave me alone like this. I can’t live without you and I don’t want to even try. I love you so much baby… Why did you do it? Why did you take it for me? He meant to hit me. You shouldn’t have jumped in front of me. It was stupid baby, so stupid. I love you so much. I love you to much for you to die…” Lance’s tears dropped onto the face of his lover. He leaned down for a soft kiss. The kiss was filled with more passion than either man had ever known. “I’m sorry James… I couldn’t see you hurt… It’s better this way. You have to live. You make so many people happy… I couldn’t let him take you away from the world. When I’m gone I want you to move on… don’t forget me, but find someone who can make you happier than you ever were with me.” “Don’t say that Shane… don’t say it. No one could ever make me feel the way you do. I won’t do it. I can’t… You’re not leaving me… you’re not…” “Sing for me James, please? You have a beautiful voice baby. One last time please?” Lance nodded and he began to express his love and sorrow escort ankara the only way he knew how. I Never Thought You Were A Fair-Weather Friend You Never Let Me Down You’re True To The End For In The Darkest Hour When All Was Lost Somehow You Left The Light On You Faced The Wrong And Showed The World A Thing Or Two Stood Up For Me And You And You Should Know Some Say It Wasn’t Worth The Things We Went Through I Say It Ain’t Worth Loosing You I Hope You Know How Much You’ve Changed Our Lives Someday You’ll See If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes I Still Remember The Things That You’ve Said I Keep Your Words Alive I Could Never Forget Cause In The Final Hour You Made Me Proud So Proud That I Could Know You You Told The World It’s Time That They Believed In You You Stood For Right And Truth Lance was interrupted by the staggered breathing of his husband. “Good-bye James, I will always love you and protect you. I’m sorry it had to end this way. I love you forever and a day… forever and the extra day my baby… Never forget me…” The man in the bed fell silent and the flatline of the monitors brought nurses and doctors running. Lance watched in horror as they tried to revive his beloved husband. He silently began to weep as he sang to his love for the last time. Some Say It Wasn’t Worth The Things We Went Through I Say It Ain’t Worth Loosing You I Hope You Know How Much You’ve Changed All Our Lives Someday You’ll See If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes The doctors and nurses stepped back from the bed and somberly left the room. Two doctors and one nurse remained. Lance heard a faint voice speak. “Time of death, 5:04 AM.” He ran to the side of the bed and threw his arms around his lifeless husband. “I love you Shane Michael Harris-Bass, forever and a day. I will never forget you…” *END FLASHBACK* Lance looked up and saw the profiles of his four band mates standing near a tree. The service had long ago ended and somehow he had ended up in front of the closed grave alone. His tears fell to the ground and wet the fresh earth. “I love you Shane… We’ll meet again someday, I promise.” He dropped to his knees and hugged the stone with the endearing inscription. Shane Michael Harris-Bass June 8th 1977 – March 15th 2004 An angel sent from God, recalled to heaven to serve the Lord. You will always be remembered, loved, and missed. Lance sobs quieted and he softly whispered to the sky. “Some Say It Wasn’t Worth The Things We Went Through, I Say It Ain’t Worth Loosing You. I Hope You Know How Much You’ve Changed My Life. Someday You’ll See, If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes…” *~* “If Only Through Heaven’s Eyes” Is Property Of *NSYNC, WEG, And BMG Entertainment. In No Way Is It Mine*~*

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