amazing mom

amazing mom
at the age of eighteen, I was sick and tired of the way my stepdad was treating my mom, he was a beer drinking, cigarette chain smoking fucking waster, he hadn’t worked in three years, while my mom was out working two jobs to help keep a roof over our heads, I finally snapped when he was sitting on the couch, after eating a meal my mom had prepared for him, after coming in from work, “get me a beer from the fridge ” I heard him say to my mother, that did it for me, Why don’t you get up and get it yourself you fat lazy bastard I told him, he looked at me with hate in his eyes, and was just about to get up to challenge me, until I told him, “come near me you useless cunt, and Ill put you back on your arse quicker than your getting up, he decided to stay on the couch, I’m not a bully by any means, but I had seen the abuse he had been giving my mom for years, and just couldn’t take any more of it, but I suppose I was remembering all the times he had been a bully to me too, smacking me around for no other reason other than he had too much drink taken, my mom noticed the tension between us and told both of us to calm down before it got out of hand, it just came out as I said, Fuck him, I’m going for a walk, he said, why don’t you just fuck off altogether, I had to get back at him, so I said, and leave my mom’s house, the one she’s paying for, that you haven’t paid a penny towards in the last three years, only spent your money on cigarettes and drink, its my money and ill do what I want with it he said, its fucking dole money I replied, that’s supposed to go into the upkeep of this house, I was an apprentice car mechanic, not earning a big wage, but was helping mom out with as much as I could, I didn’t smoke or drink, and very seldom went out, when I put my coat on to leave, my mom snapped at him and said, now see what you’ve done you lazy bastard, it just washed off him like water off a duck, he got up and went and got his own beer, saying, fuck him, if he wants to go, let him, I started to walk out and my mom called me, hold on a minute son she said, ill come for a walk with you, no need mom I said, I just need some fresh air, so do I she replied as she started putting her coat on, when she was ready, we both walked out the door, we decided to go to our local park for a walk around, on the way, I told her I was sorry for causing trouble in the house, and she said, its ok love, it was brewing anyway, I’m fucking sick of him too, lets not talk about it I told her, I want to forget about it, she said ok, so we started chatting about a wedding that was coming up, my mom was excited about it, because it was her niece that was getting married, and fat lazy cunt wasn’t going to it, we chatted about who was going, and agreed it was going to be a fantastic day, as we went full circle around the park, I noticed a boy and girl sneaking into the bushes back behind us, knowing full well they weren’t going in there to pick flowers, I was thinking, we better not come around by that area again, god only knows what my mom might hear, when we went around, and came back close to where the boy and girl went in, I tried to go a different way, on a different path, but my mom said, lets do one more lap of this outer circle, not wanting to say what I thought, I just kept on walking, as we neared the opening where they went in, my worst fears came to haunt me, I easily heard the girl saying, “fuck me harder” I could hear the boys reply, “take it all well up you, you horny cunt”, as I heard it, I noticed my mom wasn’t saying a word, I was really embarrassed, but mostly for my mom, that she should hear that, but was more amazed by what she said when we had passed the opening, after the “oh yes’s, and the fucking yes’s had faded, she turned to me and said, “at least someone is enjoying themselves”, I was stunned, I didn’t know what to say, I looked at her, and she must have seen the look on my face, ” don’t be such a prude she said, youth must have its fling, for the first time I heard my mom swear without being angry, did it not upset you I asked, fuck no she said, I remember being like that once, I gave a little nervous laugh and said, really, fuck yes she said, it was fantastic, we walked in silence for a few minutes, then she said, don’t tell me you haven’t felt like doing it, not in the park with people walking by I said, that adds to the excitement she said, maybe they wanted us to hear them, if I was dumbfounded before, what she said next nearly knocked me off my feet, she looked at me and said, kinky sex is the best kind of sex, I looked at her and said, don’t tell me you have kinky sex with that fat lazy bastard at home, fuck no she replied, he hasn’t fucked me in about two years, and I don’t want him to fuck me, she made a joke of it by showing me her two big middle fingers, can you not see how worn these fingers are she said, I knew what she was implying, but was too shocked to answer her, she wasn’t letting it go, don’t tell me you don’t wank she said, because I’ve seen evidence of it on your sheets, when I didn’t answer, she asked straight out, do you like wanking, I could only reply yes, me too she said, I play with my cl[t a lot, by this time, my cock was rock solid, even though it was my mom I was talking to, still not letting up she said, have you ever tried kinky sex, like what I asked her, oh I don’t know she replied, maybe something adventurous, like fucking in the park I asked, fucking anywhere really she replied, maybe with an older woman she added, now we were getting into it I thought, what would you consider old I asked her, maybe someone my age she said, but your not old I told her, I’m twice your age, plus three she replied, that’s only 39 I said, that’s still young, thank you she said, but I’m talking about kinky sex, how kinky are we talking I asked, having absolutely no control over my cock, it had a mind of its own, she stopped and looked at me and said, maybe kinky enough for a mom and son to have fun, there was only one cell working in my brain at that very moment, and that was cock to brain, brain to cock, you mean you and me fucking I asked, another word she hardly ever used, yes she said, you have a nice cock, and I have a wet cunt for it to go into, are you serious I asked her, I was never more serious she answered, I even got wet earlier when I heard you sticking up for me against your stepdad, she saw me hesitating and said, you don’t want to fuck me, am I too old for you, your not old I said, then tell me you want to fuck me, ok I said, I do want to fuck you, and give me your spunk, like you give to my panties she said with a smile, fuck I thought, she knows I spunk her panties, she must have seen the worried look on my face, because she said, its ok baby, I love you spunking them, this couldn’t be real I thought, my own mom wanting me to fuck her, can we fuck tonight she asked bluntly, where I asked, when lazy cunt is asleep she said, I can come to your room, but what if he wakes up I said, that cunt never wakes up she said, especially after a few cans of beer, I’ve had clit wanks beside him, and really good gushes, and he didn’t even know I was beside him in the bed, we stopped walking, and she didn’t hesitate, she put her hand down and felt my cock through my pants, oh fuck yes she said, I want him baby, she must have read my mind, because I felt exactly like what she was telling me, don’t cum now baby, save it for later, and you can shoot it up mommy’s cunt, I wanted to cum, and asked her if I could just cum in her panties, please save it for later baby she said, I want to feel it going up my cunt, we continued walking, with the front of my pants sticking out, when we got on the bend, where there were trees on one side of the footpath and bushes on the other side, she stopped again, she stood in front of me with her legs open and said, put your hand down the top of my skirt baby, inside my panties, feel how wet my cunt is for you, I did as I was told, and felt a cunt that was so juicy, that my finger slid up and down between the lips so easily, she was saturated, she’s ready to take you baby, all the way into her she said, now bring up your fingers and suck them, tell me if you like the taste, there was no way I could describe it, fucking beautiful wouldn’t be good enough, as if she had just come up with a brainwave she said, lets get home, ill get him beer from the fridge, as many as he wants, I want him drunk going to bed tonight, I fucking need you in me, we started walking towards home and she told me, Do you know I often wore the spunked panties to work, thinking about your lovely cock cuming in them, I admitted that I had often wore her panties to work too, explaining how nice it felt to feel the crotch up against my balls, thinking about them being up against my cunt I suppose she said, yes I replied, well tonight you are going to feel my cunt up against your balls without the panties she told me, as we passed our local supermarket, I asked my mom if I should go in and buy some condoms, fuck no she said, I want to feel your bare cock going into me, and I want to be able to feel you spunking up me, are you on a pill I asked, why would I need the pill she said, he wasn’t fucking me, but what about an accident I asked, she looked at me and said, baby, accidents don’t happen, they’re caused, I didn’t know what she really meant until later that night, we got home, and even though I didn’t talk to the fat cunt, I sat there watching my mom going to the fridge as often as she could, he had a smirk on his face, the kind of smirk that said, “see, she’ll still do it for me, no matter what you say ” if he only knew, that some time later, I would be putting my cock into a lovely warm fuckhole, that he would never again go into, and not only never go into, but he wouldn’t even get a look at it again ever, Every word of this is true, and I will continue with the rest of it tomorrow, it is almost time for me to go up and fuck my mom, I let her have a few hours sleep when she gets home from work, it refreshes her, and she is full of energy, bye for now.

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