

Subject: Blizzard by Riki Jacobsen Please e-mail and let me know what you think of the story. I looked out the window into the street at the driving snow. It was falling steadily as it had since I last looked about 4 AM. It was now 6:10 AM and there had been no call cancelling school and there was nothing on the morning TV news. Just, “Be safe out there and take extra time to get to work!” Shit! I just hate driving in the snow. There will be all the assholes trying out their 4-wheel drives, sliding all over the road. Fuck, I was sure school would be called off. I was tempted to call in sick, but I got ready to go. My wonderful neighbor had already cleared my driveway and sidewalks so there was no good excuse to stay home. I fed the cat, slipped on my boots, put on a warm coat…mother had taught me well…and headed for the car. After warming up the car, I backed out of the garage and into the street. My headlights made it clear that the snow had not let up and no snow plow had been through the street. I thought, “Well, here goes,” tucked my cell phone into my pocket so it would be within reach in case of……….well just in case. The roads were slick, the assholes were everywhere, but I managed to make it to school in fairly good time. The parking lot was deserted. Usually by this time the school was already awake with practice and rehearsals for all sorts of activities. Not this morning. Everyone was probably still at home hoping the day would be cancelled. I seemed to be one of the few idiots who was out in the storm. It was at least getting light by the time I was walking towards the front door. Damn, I had hoped for a snow day. I love them more than the holiday vacations. I told people they were, “A gift from the gods!” Unexpected, and rare! You were snowed in and just had to stay home and do nothing. Make soup, watch a movie, chat with friends on the Net, a little cybersex…anything I wanted. Instead, here I was at school with the snow still piling up outside. Shit! As I stomped into the building, shaking snow from me like a wet puppy, I was greeted by, Kim, the Assistant Principal, “Hey there Riki, glad you made it.!” Laughing she continued, “Looks like it might be just you and me!” Now that had possibilities. This woman was so damn sexy that she made me melt every time she got close to me. The delightful part was that she had no idea. I had fantasized about making love to her in just about every room in this building. She came up to me and actually brushed snow from the from of my coat, right off my tits. I could feel my nipples harden and I looked into her face to see it it was deliberate. It wasn’t. “So, what in the hell are we doing here?” “Don’t ask me. It isn’t my call. The big guys are getting pressure from the Board not to miss so many days.” “Yeah, well, they’ll love the pressure from the parents about dragging their kids out in this weather.” By now, a few other teachers were gathering and bitching. Some kids had been dropped off my parents who had to get to work. Then the all-call came. “We have just received word that school had been called off for today. Staff is free to go home. Students should come to the office to make arrangements to get home.” “I looked at Kim, who said, “Don’t say it Riki. I know what you are thinking!” Actually she didn’t, since I was thinking about her nipples hard and erect, poking through her sweater and how much I wanted them in my mouth. I was thinking that today we could be all alone in her office and I could back her up against her desk, scattering her pens, papers and file folders as I laid her down ripping open her blouse, burying my face in her tits, biting them though her thin little see through bra, sucking on each nipple leaving a big wet spot. Then my hands were sliding up those muscular thighs, pushing her short tight skirt up around her waist. Damn if she didn’t have on lace panties. With a quick motion, I grabbed them and pulled them down over her hips and off. Kneeling down at the edge of the desk, I pulled her pussy to me, throwing her legs over my shoulders. I lifted her ass in the air and with one quick thrust, stuck my hard wet tongue deep into her now wet pussy. God, she moaned like a bitch and this just made me go crazy, sucking hard on her pussy. Licking and probing her with my tongue, I wanted to make her cum hard and fast in my face. With just the tip, I tongued her asshole. She was definitely losing control, so I slid two fingers into her slippery pussy, finding her hole, I went deep into her. She gasped and I immediately started fucking her slow and hard. My lips encircled her clitoris, pulling it into my mouth, while my tongue played with just the tip. I could feel her spasms start on my fingers and tongue. She was nearly ready to explode. I curved my fingers so they could caress the very top of her vagina as I fucked her faster. Oh yeah, that was the spot. She bucked under me, and begged me to fuck her harder. With her swollen clit in my mouth, sucking and tugging it, she exploded with an orgasm that rocked her entire body, coursing over her in wave after wave. I just stayed inside of her, wanting to be sucked in deeper, wanting to be a part of her. Loving the feeling of control I was experiencing. I just shrugged and said, “I’m going home.” I had been gone from home for just over an hour, and already the snow had drifted the school driveway nearly shut. It was broken by several sets of tracks that seemed to be drifting in as fast as they were made. I turned on the radio to get a road report and headed for kocaeli escort bayan home. Making it through town was easy, but I had six miles of open highway to go back into the city and this stretch of road had many hills and and open stretches where the wind made visibility nearly zero. I crept along, not caring if the 4-wheelers sped by me. I was going to set my own pace. I managed the hills without too much trouble and was thinking I had driven the worst of it when I hit a slick spot that sent me sliding out of control. Shit! I tried to remember the old driver’s training lesson, was it steer in the direction of the skid or the opposite direction? Before I could answer the question, my car slid off the road into the center median. I was lucky. It was a flat area, and I just plowed to a soft stop, but I was stuck. Damn! I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and tried to decide who to call. AAA would take forever to come pull me out, if they got there at all. I had a couple friends with those 4-wheelers I had been cursing earlier. Maybe they would come rescue me. Then I noticed a red Pathfinder stopping behind me. This must be my lucky day! A good samaritan! The door to the Pathfinder opened and a person in a bright red, hooded parka, with a scarf covering hers or his face, got out and started towards me. I rolled my window down and and started to ask if this person could maybe pull my car out of the ditch. At that time, a gloved hand pulled the scarf away from her face and she said, “Ms. J? Is that really you?” It was a former student from my high school who I had been friendly with last year. “Crystal! Its wonderful to see you, especially here and now. Can you pull me out of here with your truck?” “No, I don’t think I can, Ms. J. I don’t have a chain and its too slippery. I can give you a ride into town though. We can stop at the station and make arrangements to have your car towed and then I’ll take you home.” “That would be great of you. God I’m glad you came along.” With that we collected my things from my car, locked it, and headed into town. Crystal had no problems on the snow covered roads and I developed a new appreciation for those 4-wheelers. After the station manager assured me that my car would be towed there yet this afternoon, we headed for home. “Ms. J do you need to stop anywhere else, like the grocery store maybe?” I realized that there was very little to eat at my house and told her yes if it wasn’t too much trouble. Nearly everyone in the area had the same idea, but soon we had a shopping cart and were negotiating our way through the crowded aisles. It was warm inside the store, and we both took off our coats and I got a look at just how sexy Crystal was. A great body, I remember thinking that more than one time when she was in high school. She had curves in exactly the right places. My eyes lingered on her breasts, outlined nicely by her tight fitting sweater. She caught my eyes looking at her nipples. “So, Ms. J, what do you need?” she said in a soft low voice. Clearing my throat, and blushing red hot, “Not much really. I don’t really cook much. Maybe some fruit, eggs, milk, tuna fish.” “Sounds pretty boring Ms. J. I love to cook!” “So what would you fix for dinner if you were cooking?” “Probably lasagne or stuffed shells. Ya know, pasta shells with ricotta cheese? Some salad, Italian bread………..something like that.” “UMMMM sounds wonderful! I’ll buy if you’d maybe like to cook at my place?” I looked at her with sort of a half smile on my face, and watched with delight as her face lit up in nothing less than an evil grin as she said simply, “Love to!” That wonderful warm wet feeling was invading my pussy surprising the hell out of me. I decided to be more daring and said, “Then maybe in the morning, you can take me to get my car.” That sexy grin never left her face, as she said, “Oh, we may be snowed in all weekend.” I whispered, “Then let’s finish shopping and get to my place. Just pick out whatever you think we need.” I placed my hand on her arm and squeezed. She covered it with her own. Not another word was spoken as she maneuvered the cart through the crowded aisles, grabbing packages of this, and cans of that to fill the cart. I never asked her about anything…….not even the whipped creme in a can! Finally, we were in the car and headed for my place. Before Crystal backed out of the parking stall, she placed her hand on my thigh, reached over and pulled me to her by the scarf around my neck. She kissed me full and wet on my lips, forcing them open with her tongue. She let her tongue play in my mouth, completely taking my breath away. After sucking on my bottom lip and biting it gently, she looked directly into my eyes and said, “I have wanted to do that since I first met you two years ago. Damn, woman, you have the sexiest lips.” The four miles to my house were traveled in silence and she never removed her hand from my thigh though the streets were difficult to maneuver. Finally we were pulling into my garage. As the door closed, we turned and greedily sought each other’s lips. Our lips and tongues met in a rough passionate kiss, licking, sucking , biting as our breathing became more and more ragged. We had too many clothes on to touch each other anywhere we wanted, so I finally pulled away and led her into the house. As the door closed behind us, we once again fell into each other’s arms. My hands reached for her zipper and clumsily, I managed to get it open. My hands immediately found her breasts, heaving under that sweater. She leaned back against the wall kocaeli escort and let me squeeze and rub her as I kissed her roughly. Passion had taken over any feelings of romance, and all I wanted was to get my mouth on her tits. I grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled it up revealing her breasts, held captive by a plain while bra. I slid my hands up under it releasing her tits with one motion. I took a quick look at her face. Her head was leaning against the wall and her eyes were closed. I took one of her huge breasts into my hands, and took as much of it, nipple first, into my mouth as I could. I sucked so loud, so hard, trying to devour it all. Her hands were suddenly on my face, holding me by the cheeks as I devoured her nipple…biting, sucking, pulling. Gasping for air, I pulled away and rested my head on her chest. She stroked my hair, sending shivers all over my body. My scalp tingled. Without a word, I took her by the hand and led her from the entryway, through the kitchen, down a hallway, and into my bedroom. I silently began to undress her. First her coat, scarf, tossing them aside. I pulled her sweater up and over her head and dropped it. Stepping behind her, I unhooked her bra, and slipped it off her shoulders. I pushed her long dark hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck, while my hands slid around to the front of her body and covered her breasts, feeling her nipples harden as I kissed and nuzzled her neck. My kisses turned to nibbles as my fingers captured her nipples and pinched them gently. The moan that escaped from her lips told me that I was getting it right, so I picked up the tempo. I turned her around, took her in my arms, and kissed her hard on the lips, sliding my tongue deep into her throat, letting my hands slide down her sexy back, scratching her lightly with my fingernails. Crystal regained her balance after my initial onslaught and stripped me of my clothing without a word. Because of the weather, I had worn jeans that day, and without breaking eye contact, she slowly, seductively, unbuckled my belt, unsnapped and unzipped my jeans and dropped to her knees pulling my Levis down around my knees immobilizing me. With one last sexy look at me and an evil grin playing across her face, she pressed her face into my pussy inhaling deeply. I could feel her tongue lapping at my pussy lips, tickling me with her light touch. I felt my knees buckle and nearly fell, but she grabbed me and lowered me to the floor. Kneeling over me, she pulled my boots and socks off, and tossed them out of the way. Then she grabbed the bottoms of my jeans and lifting me off the floor, pulled them off of me. Kneeling there, she unfastened her own jeans, stood, kicked off her boots, and slowly stripped off her jeans, panties, and socks all in one movement. For just a moment she stood over me, leaving me gasping, desperate for her body on mine. She didn’t leave me in agony for long. She lowered herself to me, laying her body on mine, breast to breast, nipple to nipple, wet pussy to wet pussy, and hot lips to hot lips. I started to wrap my arms around her, but she grabbed my wrists in her hands and pinned them back over my head. She lowered her face close to mine and licked me. Slowly, with her tongue wide and flat she licked my cheeks, my nose, my forehead, my chin, my neck on both sides. She teased my lips with just the tip of her tongue. My mouth opened wide, hoping to take her in, but she just traced my lips ever so lightly tickling me with the very tip of her wet tongue. The pressure points where her body rested on mine intensified. Her hard nipples seemed to burn into my soft flesh. The mound of her pussy was melting into mine. She lay very still for what seemed like hours, but was really less than a minute, just breathing against my neck. Then her lips softly touched my skin, and nibbled at my ear. I moaned and whimpered, “Oh please, Crystal, please…” “Ms. J, I imagined this moment a thousand times while sitting in your class. I undressed you nearly very day and made love to you in your room. None of my fantasies, no matter how real they were, can live up to what I am experiencing right now with you naked and begging underneath me.” Without saying another word, Crystal kissed my mouth, and then started to move down my body. She sucked my neck, nibbled at my ears, bit my nipples, licked my belly, and finally breathed on my pussy, my wet, dripping, aching, throbbing pussy. I watched her tongue come out of her mouth, wide and flat. I saw it move closer to me as she stretched it out of her mouth and touched my slit and dragged it so damn slowly from the bottom to the top of my pussy’s slit. I moaned and squirmed and cried out from the thrill of her touch. Then she did it again pressing harder and moving just a little bit faster. I was moving my hips, trying to grind my pussy into her face. She slid her hands under my ass and pulled me even tighter to her mouth and pushed her tongue deep into my wet pussy. I was moaning like a bitch, begging for her touch, needing her to fuck me, to suck me, to do everything to me. “Ms. J you have me so turned on just like in high school when I wanted you to fuck me. I wanted to be your little bitch. Well, its my turn to drive you crazy!” I felt the tip of her tongue playing with my pussy hole, licking all around it driving me wild. Grabbing both of my ass cheeks, she drove her hard tongue deep into my vagina up against the far wall. Wiggling around inside of me, she caressed and stroked my muscle walls. I felt her slowly izmit eve gelen escort start to fuck me with her tongue, hard and deep, but delightfully slow. “Come on Ms. J., fuck me back! Pump those hips and force that pussy of yours into my face and onto my tongue. Fuck me Ms. J.! Fuck your little bitch! Fuck Crystal! Fuck me hard!” I wanted her in deeper, deeper, I wanted her to crawl inside of me. I was slamming my pussy into her, and she responded by thrusting her tongue in hard and faster. All I could do was moan and whimper. “It is so good, so damn good. Oh shit, Crystal I am so close to cumming!” “I want you to cum Ms, J. I want you to cum for your little bitch. I want to suck the cum from you pussy like a little slut.” I felt that wonderful slow burn start in my clit that told me I was close to cumming. It spread throughout my entire pussy, down my legs to my toes. “Oh god Crystal, don’t stop, fuck me please, I am going to cum!” I inhaled sharply and my breathing stopped for just a second or two, and then it hit me like an explosion, rocking my pussy, and sending shockwaves coursing throughout my entire body. Crystal never let go of me. Her hands were holding me tightly by the ass, and her tongue was still deep inside of me. My thighs had her head pinned, not wanting her to escape. Slowly, my breathing returned to normal and my muscles relaxed allowing Crystal to come up for air. Laughing she said, “God Ms. J., that was so worth the wait!” “Oh Crystal, come here baby, let me hold you.” We lay in each other’s arms for such a long time. I was experiencing feelings I hadn’t felt in years, not since Kate. Feeling I didn’t ever expect to feel again. I stroked Crystal’s hair and kissed her head. My hand slid down her arm enjoying the sensation of her soft skin on my palm. I kissed her neck, and lifted her fingers to my lips so I could kiss them. Her soft moan told me that she enjoyed my touch and that sent a wonderful shock wave from my head to my feet. I rolled her over onto her back and kissed her wonderful, sensuous, mouth softly at first, sucking at her lips. Crystal’s lips parted and she sucked my tongue into her mouth. My hand found her breast and held it, squeezing, caressing, rubbing, loving it. As I pinched her nipple, Crystal bit my bottom lip and the sensation drove me wild and I nibbled back on her lips. “Please Ms. J., please touch my pussy. Rub my pussy, please!” Without a word, I quickly slid in between her legs. I pushed her legs open wide and pressed my face into her, french kissing her wet, swollen pussy lips. She gasped as my tongue made contact. I let my tongue explore the soft fold of skin, licking and sucking as she squirmed under me. “Lick me, oh please, lick me. My pussy needs to be licked by you!” Letting my tongue play in her pussy hole for just a few seconds, I licked her entire pussy, splitting the labia and ending up lingering on her clit. The sounds of her whimpering drove me crazy and I kicked her harder and faster, finishing each stroke lapping at her clit. “Oh Ms. J., I have been a naughty girl, seducing my teacher like this. I really need to be punished. Spank me, Ms. J., spank your little bitch.” A cocky, laugh escaped me and I told her to turn over now and get her ass in the air. “Don’t waste anytime, I don’t have all day!” I let my hands caress that beautiful ass, teasing her wet pussy with my fingers. “So you wanted to fuck your teacher, Crystal. Well let me show you what such a naughty little girl gets for doing that.” I spanked her ass hard with my right hand, feeling it sting on my palm and watching her ass turn red where I struck it. Crystal jumped, gasped, and moaned as I made contact. I quickly spanked her again, and again, and again…five more times in all before I took a break. She was whimpering and writhing under me. I spanked her two more times and she asked me to stop. I didn’t, I could see how wet her pussy was becoming, so I knew she was really turned on, instead I spanked her, three more times, pausing in between each blow. She was begging me to stop, and I finally did, lowering my head to her red ass and kissing her softly. I placed little baby kisses all over her red, hot ass. Licking the marks left my my fingers. “Crystal, get up on your hands and knees…on all fours darling, I want to eat you from the rear.” Holding her by the hips, I probed her pussy with my tongue. She pushed back against me, letting me know she really wanted to be fucked. Holding her tightly, I drove my hard tongue deep into her pussy hole and started fucking her slowly, letting the sensation in her pussy build. “Oh god, Ms J., I want to cum for you. I want to be your little whore!” God hearing her talk like that drove me wild, I soon had her bucking hard against me as I drove my tongue in and out of her, fucking her wildly. “You taste so good, Crystal, you are such a tasty little slut. Cum for my baby, cum for me.” We were both covered with sweat, working hard to push Crystal right over the edge. My fingers reached up into her pussy, finding her clit, and rubbing it as I pumped in and out of her pussy. She let out a sharp gasp as I pulled on it , and moaned loudly. I felt her muscles start to spasm and knew she was close to cumming. In and out, harder and faster, rubbing her clit, until I felt her tense up and stop moving. She screamed just before the big release hit her body, sending her thrashing as the orgasmic wave engulfed her. Her arms and legs would not hold her up, and we both collapsed onto the floor. Both of us gasping for air. I crawled up into her arms and lay there completely exhausted, but happy. I kissed her softly, she held me tightly. After several minutes, Crystal noticed the smile on my face and asked me what I was thinking. I kissed her lips, smiled widely, and said, “God I love snow days!”

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